A Day in The Life Parent Letter

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April 8, 2013 Hello Families, This week we embark on a new adventure in Social Studies!

A project called A Day in the Life. We have recently learned about what Concord was like in the past and compared it to the present by completing a time line. We will be applying this knowledge even deeper by continuing our study for three eras. We begin with the early 1800s, move into the early 1900s and finally will end in the early 2000s. Each student will be asked to choose a project that will demonstrate their knowledge of one of these eras. This project will be completed at home in tandem with our study in class. Students will choose one project to complete by the first week in May. Students need only choose 1 project for 1 of the eras (either early 1800s, early 1900s or early 2000s). Not one for each era. Students will choose the era they wish to demonstrate their knowledge and the project they wish to complete. There are three choices for the projects. They are; character in a can, PowerPoint, or a diary entry with student dressing as the person from the era. Here are the steps to the project:

Step 1: Look over the rubrics describing each project choice. Step 2: Log onto Google docs to complete a form indicating your choice
for the project

This step is due Monday April 15. If you are unable to access the internet please write or call me and I will print out a form for you-prior to the 15th.

Step 3: Access Edmodo www.edmodo.com group code: ka9fas


my website: http://mrsarbuckle.weebly.com/ then go to more to find A Day in the Life. Here you will see the rubrics for each project, the Google form and the PowerPoint presentations we went over in class. Step 4: Work on your project at home. Step 5: Bring in completed project by Friday May 4th.

Thank you in advance for your support in this project. I look forward to seeing how each student chooses to demonstrate their understanding. Please call or email me if you have questions or concerns.

Sincerely, Amanda Arbuckle


517.524.6650 x 1316

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