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Read the following text once, and then look carefully at each of the words printed in bold type. Remember when looking at each word that you should decide: a) what kind of word it is. b) what information is given in the sentence or the whole passage which can help you to work out the meaning. We got in a little blue car heavily decorated with shining brass and upholstered in deep red plush: we were the only ones in a car made to take six. As we waited to start, I tried to make myself cornfortable on the seats, but they were so high and vast that I could only sit on the edge with my legs dangling and my hands tightly clutching the brass safety rail in front: I felt like a pea in a pod. The operator pulled a greasy lever and the little car, after a sudden jerk, slowly began to climb the noisy ratchet railway to the top. We passed huge, wobbling wheels, and lots of other very oily machinery. The machinery was making a dreadful din. I peeped over the side of the car--all South Shields seemed to be gathered round the Would-have Memorial, watching our ascent. As we crawled higher and higher my spirits sank Iower and lower. Below us, some seagulls were flying about among the struts: after, that, I did not dare look over the edge of the car again.

From The OnIy Child by James Kirkup.

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