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1 4 October 2007 The Last Great Day Thursday 10:47AM Polar map of the earth The "beast" revealed!

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

If you will look at a Polar map of Earth, you will clearly see the beast. The Polar region of the Earth forms the mouth, the head is Asia and Europe, the neck is Africa, and the lower jaw is South America. God showed this to me in March or April of 2007. He had already revealed to me that the United States pictured the "Lamb of God", when He was causing me to write the "North American Continent Wide Earthquakes" document in 2006. The "food" for the "Beast" is the United States, which you will clearly see. The continental united states As "the lamb of god" If you will look at a Map of the Continental United States, you will clearly see that it pictures a Lamb. The Front quarter is the East Coast, with the neck being New England, the Chest area is the Mid Atlantic Region, and the front leg is Florida. Oklahoma and Texas are the vital organs, including the Heart. The Upper Midwest, extending West and East are the Backbone. The West Coast is the Hind Quarter, with San Francisco being the tail, and the rear leg extending down into Mexico. Oregon is the Strongest Area, manifested as the muscles in the rear legs. The Mountains of the West appear as the wool, with a little imagination. The British Isles are God's lamb Chop Now, what about Britain! Look at the British Isles! I challenge you to deny that they look like a lamb chop. Is OUR God amazing, or what? Just a little FOOD for thought, as the table for the Marriage supper of the Lamb is SET. 1

Marriage Supper of the Lamb (created 4 October 2007)

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