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Name: Jillian Schoer Type of Setting: Urban Middle School

Grade:6th Math Date: February 20, 2013

1. Purpose- For students to generate and identify equivalent fractions a. Essential questions: i. What are like terms? ii. What is the distributive property? iii. How do we simplify expressions? iv. How do we find GCF (greatest common factor)? v. What is an equivalent expression? vi. How do we find an equivalent expression? 2. Vocabulary/ Key Terms a. Like terms- terms with the exact same variables or variables raised to the same power. b. Distributive property- Multiply an addend by the sum of two numbers c. Simplify- Making the expanded form into a simple expressions d. Equivalent expressions- expressions that equal one another e. Greatest common factor (GCF)- a value that is a factor between two numbers. 3. Skills a. Identify like terms b. Solve distributive property c. Engage in lesson d. Effectively listen to lesson e. Find the GCF (greatest common factor) 4. Objectives a. Students will be able to identify and combine like terms in an expression. b. Students will be able to apply their prior knowledge of distributive property to write an equivalent expression. c. Students will be able to compare expressions to see if they are equivalent. 5. New York State Standards a. 6.EE.4 Identify when two expression are equivalent b. 6.EE.5 Understand solving equation or inequality as a process of answering a question c. 6.EE.6 Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a real-world or mathematical problem d. 6.NS.3 Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation. e. 6.NS.4 Find the greatest common factor of two whole numbers less than or equal to 100 and the least common multiple of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12. 6. Pre Assessment

a. Students have been previously assessed through the use of homework assignments and class work. Students have mastered order of operations and identifying properties. 7. Lesson Presentation a. Set Induction i. Students will enter classroom and begin their morning routine (take homework out to be checked by teacher). ii. Teacher will engage students by saying, Up to this point we have learned about order of operations, properties and like terms. Can someone tell me what a like term is? Student will give a response. Teacher will then say, Today we are going to learn how to identify equivalent expressions. iii. To start a review of what we have learned please complete the do now independently at your seats. Students will have about 5-7 minutes to complete the do now. iv. Duration: 10 minutes b. Procedure i. After students have completed the do now teacher will go over the solutions. Students will give responses and teacher will assess their knowledge by asking how they solved the problems ii. Teacher will then upload the next slide on the SMART Board. The slide will have the aim and purpose of todays lesson. iii. Teacher will upload a slide that will review like terms with an activity of identifying like terms iv. Teacher will upload next slide that will show equivalence between expressions in expanded form and distributive property form. Teacher will model the first problem and allow for students for work independently at their seats for complete the other problems. v. Teacher will upload the next slide which are the steps to use the distributive property to simplify like terms. Students will write the steps in their notebooks as a source of reference to solve expressions. vi. The next slide will show students how to use the commutative property and distributive property to simplify an equation. Students will copy the problem in their notebook as an example. vii. Teacher will then upload the next slide. Teacher will use I Do strategy and model how to simplify expression viii. Teacher will upload next slide that has four problems. Teacher will use We Do strategy to work with the students to solve problems. ix. Duration: 25 27 Minutes c. Closure

i. Teacher will upload next slide that students will use You Do strategy. ii. Teacher will hand out Exit Slip to students iii. Students will work independently at their seats to identify equivalence of expressions. iv. Students will have 5 7 minutes to complete Exit Slip v. Teacher will collect Exit Slip and hand out homework to students 8. Materials and Resources a. SMART Board b. SMART Board markers i. Red ii. Blue iii. Green iv. Black c. Math marble notebook d. No. 2 pencil e. Exit Slip 9. Follow Up Activity a. Exit Slip b. Homework handout 10. Evaluation/ Assessment a. Students will be evaluated through the use of a rubric 4 3 2 1 Exemplary Accomplished Satisfactory Needs Improvement Identify and Students Student can Student Student can combine like identify and identify and understands not differ terms in an combine like combine like the definition between terms expression terms with terms that are of like terms in an explanation. same but has expression operation. difficulty identifying in an expression. Apply their Student uses Student Student has Student can prior distributive understands some not apply prior knowledge of property to the differences understanding knowledge of distributive solve between of distributive property to equivalent commutative, commutative property or write an expressions. associative, and other equivalent and associative properties to expression distributive properties. expressions properties. Compare Student can Student shows Student shows Student can expressions to compare difficulty difficulty not compare

see if they are equivalent

expressions and explain if they are equivalent.

comparing expressions, but can solve expressions by using properties.

comparing expressions


11. Differentiated a. Multiple Intelligences i. Logical- Mathematical 1. Student will be able apply knowledge of order of operations 2. Students will be able to mathematically solve expressions ii. Linguistic 1. Student will be able explain their reasoning for solving expressions. 2. Students will be able to define like terms with examples iii. Bodily- Kinesthetic 1. Students will have the opportunity to walk to the SMART Board to solve an expression iv. Interpersonal 1. Students will be able to work with class b. Struggling Students i. Student will be able to work on successfully understanding the distributive property ii. Student will be able to have more guided practice iii. Student will have less independent problems to ensure comprehension iv. Student will have more time to complete independent work c. Accelerated Students i. Student will use fractions in expressions ii. Student will use decimals in expressions iii. Students will have reduced time on independent work 12. Resources Kaplan, J. (2013). Mastering The Standards Mathematics 6 . (1 ed.). Triumph Learning. Foresman, S.(2002). Middle School Math Course 1. Prentice Hall. Howard Gardner, Multiple Intelligence Theory Smart exchange. (n.d.). Retrieved from terms&subject=Mathematics&grade=Grade 6&grade=Grade 7&region=en_US



Lesson 22: Generating and Identifying Equivalent Expressions

Aim: How do we identify equivalent expressions using the distributive property? Solve expressions to evaluate if expressions are equivalent
1. 7(x + 2y) and 14x + 14y 2. y + y + 5w and 2(y + 3w)

3. 6(4 + x) and 24 + 6x

4. 5(6a + 4b) and 20b + 30a

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