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1 3 August 2009 Monday 9:50PM

God ordains Female Circumcision

God requires females to be circumcised in the same manner as males; for the same reasons.

The Manner of Circumcision

God clearly requires all of HIS chosen males to be circumcised. In the bible, only the foreskin of the males is removed. For females, this is ONLY the tiny piece of skin that surrounds the clitoris.

Female Circumcision is NOT female mutilation

The butchery that is known as female mutilation or labella removal is not to be tolerated. Female Circumcision exposes the same organ in females that male circumcision exposes in males. Removing the Labella would be the same as removing the penis! This ought to be obvious, but human beings love to be ignorant. God started with Males because God uses males in leadership roles. Females have not been a focal point up until this time; because the males have not been accepting God's teaching preventing them from being spiritually fit to resolve this issue.

Female Orgasms inhibited by clitoris foreskin

God instituted foreskins in both males and females to lessen sexual arousal and climax, especially for females. God intended females to experience

orgasms and female ejaculation during every

encounter, but inhibited the fulfillment until humanity accepted HIS guidance on the subject. God created all of our sexual organs with specific functionality to be fully used. Not knowing how to make use of what God has blessed everyone with has caused innumerable relationship conflict. Satan distorts this subject just as he does God's Cannabis. Praise God, Satan will soon be in the bottomless pit and prevented from distorting God's teachings during the 1000 year Millennium.

God's End - Time Watchman

Kenyon Donald Williams

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