(Untitled) : by Kaitlen Hier

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By Kaitlen Hier

Before you read this, I want to say its a lot different from what I would usually write. It has its twists and it will make you jump up and down for joy, ball your eyes out and laugh until your head drops off. So enjoy. Kaitlen Hier


I couldnt help it. Sitting in the park letting the ice cool raindrops hit my pale shredded arms was helping me get over the troubles in life. It was like the pain became the addiction and the cold was the solution, along with my IPod blasting my favourite playlist of Mozart and Beethoven. Its like heaven I guess, but the thoughts come back to my mind. I had a lot going on in the last half year, losing a family in a car collision with a deer on route 50, I was the only one that survived, moved schools and has no friends. Those thoughts, just took me over and ate away at my soul. At times I blame myself about my family. I shouldnt have fought with my brother that day in the car and distracted my father while he was driving. Then I wouldnt have lost my family, moved away from my friends to a new school. I hate it here in small town, with my rich million dollar uncle. Richest man in Small Town spoils me to bits but I prefer he didnt. Everyone at Small Town High hates me because of it, they expect me to be stuck up like him but I keep my head down away from the crowds. Oi, Rockie! I faintly hear someone calling my name. All of a sudden Im dragged of the swing seat, now Im laying awkwardly laying on the bark facing the school bully Declan Grey who secretly has a crush on me and is kind of a friend.

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