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Chapter One

Cord Canyon leaned his head back against the leathered seat and drew his hat lower over his eyes, only half listening to the sports radio announcer's monotone voice. As the sheriff in the small town of Lander, Wyoming, he'd given his men the night off to spend with their wives & lovers to celebrate Valentine's Day, & he'd taken the shift solo. It wasn't like he had anyone to spend the holiday with. No one to give flowers or even a corny red card to. Not that he couldn't have found a willing partner to spend the lovers' holiday with, but the idea held no appeal for Cord. He'd had enough lately of that kind of relationship. Most of the women he'd dated hadn't made any kind of impression on him beyond what they could provide for the nightmeaningless sex to temporarily fill a void. Nothing more, nothing less. He'd decided long ago that was the only way he wanted it. He'd given the whole "happily-ever-after" thing a try once, and once had been more than enough to let him know that it definitely wasn't his thing. His glance moved to the sealed manila-colored envelope on his passenger seat. He didn't have to open it to know what it was, or who it was from. Which was the reason this Valentine's day, like all the rest over the past eight years, may as well have been any other day of the week for him. He damn sure wasn't going to make it any worse by opening up the package. He shrugged off the dark thoughts and leaned his head against the seat again, thankful for the solace the quiet night afforded him. The radio announcers began talking about auto racing, and he lifted his head away from the seat, his interest piqued. They were announcing the winner of the first race of the season. "Stock car racing season started today in Daytona, and this year promises to be the most exciting yet with Brook Jasper beating his competitors like they stole something as he annihilated the track!" "Yeah, they don't call him Brook the Beast for nothing," the second announcer piped in, barking out a laugh. "Got that right! And with the addition of Brick McNeil standing in as crew chief" Hearing the name, Cord jerked, turning up the volume of the radio, his heartbeat kicking harshly against his chest.

"Yeah, that was a smart choice for the Beast. McNeil comes from good bloodlines, her daddy being the one and only, legendary, four-time champion Mac Axelrod. With a team like that, Brook stands a good chance of going all the way in the cup!" "That is if she can stay out of trouble long enough to hang on to this gig," the announcer said and both men laughed. Cord frowned, sitting up straighter, intently listening to the announcers. "Did you hear about her latest antics?" "Oh, yeah. Seems she's aspiring to be more than pit crew chief if the number of speeding tickets she's got under her belt are any indication!" Again both men laughed. At that moment the Doppler mounted on Cord's dash started flashing like crazy. With a curse, Cord glanced over at the monitor. Seconds later a low-slung souped-up hot rod raced by, kicking up a cloud of dust as it blew past. Hell, even without the monitor he knew the driver had to be going at least 30 miles over the speed limit. He cursed, threw on his sirens and skidded out of his cover to go after the car, forcing everything else out of his mind but the chase.

Chapter Two
Cord should have known that his peaceful Valentine's was too good to be true, that it had been wishful thinking to believe most folks around town would be too busy making love at this time of nightthe nookie night, as one of his deputies put itto be out causing problems. He should be so damn lucky. Instead he was chasing down a speeder who thought he was on a racetrack instead of a sleepy country road. But, hell, it wasn't like he had anything better to do, he thought, turning into the deserted two-lane highway. He bit back a foul curse as a debilitated truck pulled in front of him, slowing down his pursuit. When the driver of the truck refused to move over, Cord glanced at his side mirror and smoothly maneuvered into the opposite lane. Once he'd passed the elderly truck driver, he slammed his foot on the accelerator, sirens blaring, hoping like hell this wouldn't turn into a drawn-out chase, and the young fool driving the hot rod would pull over. Cord breathed a sigh of relief when after about a quarter of a mile, he got the driver's attention and the hot rod pulled to the side of the road. Beyond pissed off, Cord didn't even bother to run the plates. As soon as he shifted his car into gear, he grabbed his ticket board and slammed out of the car. Impatiently he waited for the driver to roll down the window. Pulling his hat low, he ordered, "License and registration, please."

The driver was turned away, already in the process of hunting for the documents in the glove compartment, and Cord hid his surprise when he saw the driver's long ponytail escaping from beneath the hat tugged down on her head. His speeder was a woman. He ran his eyes over the car. Souped, choppedpimped-outjust a few adjectives that came to mind. The classic Shelby Mustang was painted metallic gray, with two wide scarlet-red bands adorning the top, sides and hood, set on custom twenty-four-inch chrome-plated wheels. From the type of car she was driving and the expert way she'd been handling it, he'd assumed the driver was a man. He of all people should know better than to assume something like that. Switching his attention back to the woman, Cord's frown increased as he watched her frantically search for the missing documents inside her glove compartment. He crossed his arms over his chest, ticket board in hand. "Listen, Miss" She turned around to face him then, the ends of her bow-shaped mouth curled upward, and Cord felt like a semitruck had slammed straight into his gut. His gaze trailed over her heart-shaped face; her satin-smooth, rich honey-colored skin; her large bow-shaped mouth and dark brown doe-shaped eyes before settling back on her mouth. Lush, one corner was curled up, lending her an innocent yet somehow slightly wicked look. It was the same mouth, the same look that had invaded his dreams for over eight years. They belonged to the woman who, no matter how hard he tried, no matter how far he'd run, he'd never been able to get out of his mind. Brick McNeil. His wife.

Chapter Three
Brick composed her face into what she hoped was a contrite look and pasted on a smilean innocent smile, a butter-wouldn't-melt-in-her-mouth type of smile, as she turned to the officer, hoping he wouldn't take out his handcuffs and demand she get out of the car and spread 'em. Although She studied him covertly from beneath lowered lids, reconsidering. She might be willing to allow Mr. Tall, Dark and Fine to do exactly that, she thought, running a glance over him as he stared down at her, his eyes hidden by the aviator glasses, his face shadowed by his wide-brimmed hat. She could only see his mouthwide, unsmiling,

the lower rim just a fraction fuller than the top. Testosterone practically oozed from this guy's pores. She mentally shook her head. If she was going to make it to California in time the cop was an indulgence she couldn't afford. Not that she would. She hadn't indulged in that kind of activity in nearly eight years. Her gaze slid back to his eyes. Although obscured by the dark shades, she felt his unflinching stare trained on her. She checked her rearview mirror, then the side mirror. There was no one around but the two of them, it seemed. She felt a chill run over her arms. Reminding herself that he was a cop and there was nothing to be nervous about, she quelled the nervous pit in her stomach and upped the wattage on her smile. "I, uh I can't seem to find my registration," Brick said. She paused before going on. "Or, uhmy license," she finished, biting the corner of her mouth, her voice low. Her eyes fell to the star above his badge and she stifled a groan. Oh hell, just her luck to get the sheriff to bust her. She cast her eyes down toward the narrow space between her car seat and the console. She hoped he didn't search her car because he'd find both her registration and her driver's license. All it would take would be a quick search of her record and her plans to make it to California in time would come to a screeching halt. Luckily the plates weren't registered to her. She mentally slapped herself, wishing she had taken care of the ticket she'd gotten back in Daytona when she'd had the chance. Then she wouldn't have to worry about Mr. Tall, Dark and Fine Sheriff running her in.

Please just give me a warningplease give me a warning, please give me a warning She fervently recited the litany over and over, as though some magical being would intercede and grant her wish. Don't look inside my car, don't look in my car She
sent the second litany up, with just as much desperation, if not more. "Step out of the vehicle, miss."

So much for magical beings, she thought, blowing out a breath of air as she opened the car door and got out. "I'm afraid you're going to have to come with me, Ms. McNeil," he said, his voice deep. "You're under arrest." Her mouth widened in an O of surprise when the officer spun her around and pressed her against the car. Seconds later she felt cold steel clamp around her wrists.

Chapter Four
"Arrested! For what?"

Angrily, Brick tried to glance over her shoulder and up into the face of the officer, jerking away from him even as he led her to his car, but he forced her to keep moving. "Hey! You can't do thiswhat am I being arrested for?" She cried out as he placed his hand on top of her head and assisted her into the backseat of the patrol car. Without a word he slammed the door and strode over to the driver's side before hopping in. "I have a right to know," she said sullenly, her face flushing as she caught his gaze on her in the rearview mirror. "I think you know why," was all he said. Again his voice was a low growl, muffled. Brick frowned, staring at the back of his head. There was something familiar about his voice, despite the muffled tone. When he said nothing more, she turned and looked out the window, gnawing on the bottom rim of her lip. Her car wasn't registered in her name and he didn't have her license. How did he know about the tickets or Her eyes widened and her head whipped around to stare at him again. He'd called her by her name. She closed her eyes, briefly, her heartbeat ricocheting a staccato beat against her chest. His eyes met hers in the rearview mirror. She'd been so caught up in the potential trouble she'd be in if the cop ran her license, the little fact that he'd called her "Ms. McNeil" had flown under her radar. There was no way he could have known her name. Slowly he tossed his hat away, throwing it on the seat next to him, revealing closecropped blond hair. Then he drew his glasses from his face. He gazed at her with light blue eyes surrounded by a dark fringe of lashes that if she hadn't known better, she'd have thought were fake. But she did know better. Her heartbeat thudded hard and fast, each beat pounding erratically against her chest so loud and strong Brick felt as though she could count each one. Unreasonable, crazy tears burned the back of her eyes as she stared at the one man, the only man, she'd ever loved. The same man she had once pledged to spend her life with, for better or for worse. It was her husband, Cord. She met his hard, cold gaze in the rearview mirror. He looked at her as though he hated her.

Brick swallowed down the instant swamp of emotions, her eyes locked with Cord's. For long moments they simply stared at one another, the years spent apart falling away as though they'd never happened. His face softened as his eyes ran over her. "It's been a long time, Brick," he said, his voice a low grumble. Brick sat forward, raising her joined hands as if to touch him. At the same time Cord leaned toward her. "Cord" Her voice trailed away. "Don't do this." His face hardened, losing its momentary softness. "You should have thought of that before you broke the law, Brick." "I was going to pay the ticket! I just didn't get around to it, and" Real panic set in when he put the key in the ignition and started the engine. He flipped a U-turn, heading back in the direction she'd come, back into the small town of Lander.

Chapter Five
Brick slumped back against the seat and closed her eyes, quelling the ridiculous tears that threatened to fall. She knew the fact that she was sitting in a police car, headed for jail, had nothing to do with her speeding tickets. Her day of reckoning had finally arrived.

"Baby, everything is going to be fine. We'll still go ahead with everything we planned" Brick was already shaking her head before he could finish speaking. "It's not that, Cord. It's" She stopped when she felt his hands on her shoulders, turning her around so that she faced him. He stroked a finger beneath her chin, forcing her eyes upward. "Baby, we'll get through this together. I know it's hardit's hard for me, too. I" He stopped as his voice broke. After a few moments, he continued, "Everything will be okay, just trust me. We're in this together." He brought her close, pressing his lips to her hair. Brick heard his deep inhalation, the feel of his mouth on her head. Leaning into his embrace, she wrapped her arms around him. She allowed him to hold her for a while before she broke away. "We wanted to get married anyway," he said. "This only pushed the timetable up a little, that's all." He thumbed away the tears from her cheeks, but she saw the uncertainty in his eyes before he forced a smile. She felt as though her entire world was falling apart around her. Brick smiled shakily past the tears, and nodded her head, more to stop him from making any more empty promises than because she agreed.

Brick had known from the first time she'd laid eyes on Cord that he was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. But she wondered if he'd only asked her to marry him because she was pregnant. And now that she no longer was, did he still want to go through with it? Did he still want her?
Brick slumped against the seat, exhaling a long shaky breath, fighting back the emotions the memories brought along with them.

Chapter Six
Cord unlocked the front door to the deserted police station, flipping on the lights as he ushered Brick inside. The short drive to the station had been done in a tense silence, both lost in their own thoughts. Cord cursed himself, wondering what the hell had gotten into him to bring her back here, to let her turn his world completely upside down. But the moment he'd realized who she was, there'd been no way in hell he was going to let her go. He wasn't going to let her walk out of his life. Not again. At least not without an explanation this time. He shot an angry glance toward her. She stood nearby, her back to him, her body stiff. "Have a seat at my desk, we can go from there." She turned to face him then. "Okay, so what now? I mean, why have you brought me here? Obviously you know about the tickets, and yeah, I should have paid them. I plan to as soon as I get back home. But what's the real reason I'm here, Cord?" she asked before lifting her joined hands. "And reallyis this necessary?" She jerked her head toward her bound wrists. "Yeah, it's necessary. Given yourpropensityfor fleeing sticky situations, I'd say they're definitely necessary. Take a seat, Brick." Cord tossed his hat onto his desk and removed his jacket, taking his time, desperately trying to get it together and not follow her every move. Old habit. To say he'd been aware of what Brick was doing at every moment was putting it mildly. There had been a time in their lives when they were inseparable. They'd met when she was seventeen to his eighteen. He'd been looking for work and scored a job working the pit crew for several drivers on the stock car racing circuit. He'd met Brick on the track and their relationship had quickly progressed, though Cord had waitedbarely until she reached eighteen before consummating their relationship. And from there, it had gone nuclear. The chemistry between them had always been combustible. Whenever they were in the same room with each other, everything and

everyone faded away and it was as though it was only the two of them, alone. Didn't matter where they were; their chemistry was off-the-charts hot, a burning intensity the likes of which Cord had never experienced before or after Brick. And long after it was over, he still felt the lingering embers of that flame. The day they'd gotten married had been the happiest in his life. And the following day, the worst. He'd woken up alone, a note left on the pillow where she should have been telling him it had all been a mistake and that she'd file the papers for their divorce as soon as she returned from Daytona with her father. Just like that it was over. It had taken the better part of a year for Cord to stop trying to contact her, finally getting it through his thick head that she no longer wanted him. And it had taken years after that for him to finally stop waking up and reaching for her. Her voice drew Cord out of his thoughts. "Is this the only way you can get a woman to stayby keeping her against her will?"

Chapter Seven
"Is this the only way you can get a woman to stayby keeping her against her will?"
The minute the words flew out of her mouth, Brick wanted to bite her own tongue out. But she couldn'twouldn'tbe able to hold it together for long if she stayed in the same room with Cord. To be this close to him was too painful, brought back too many memories. Memories she'd spent the past eight years trying to forget. Anger tightened his jaw and the ends of his fine nostrils flared. The telling tic at the corner of his sensual mouth indicated she'd hit a nerve; she'd gone too far. Swallowing, she backed away from him until her butt hit the corner of the desk. He advanced on her, not stopping until he stood so close she could smell him, the unique scent that seemed to belong to him and him alone. She closed her eyes, taking an involuntary deep breath. Like a tsunami, the familiar scent blew across her senses, awakening memoriesmemories she'd carefully kept hidden, shoved awayand sparking the familiar desire that, like the tsunami, could completely sweep her away. And devastate her. Cord's gaze dipped to Brick's mouthfull, perfect bow shape, her lips bringing to mind all types of carnal thoughts on what she couldwhat she haddone with those perfect lips of hers. His cock hardened at the memory. His eyes trailed lower, down the line of her throatexposed by the simple V-neck black tee beneath her jacketand further to the shadowy outline of her generous breasts.

Beneath his scrutiny, her nipples poked insistently against the thin material. Her breasts rose and fell heavily the longer he stared. His dick hardened as though on cue, pushing against his zipper. He dragged his gaze upward to meet her eyes. She brought up her bound hands between them and he considered the steel handcuffs. "Cord?" she asked, his name a breathy entreaty. "Are you going to let me go?" she asked, a hint of hope in her eyes. At that moment, freeing her was the furthest thing from his mind. Hell, no. What he wanted to do instead was to lift her, flip her around, straddle her legs around his waist and go balls deep. So deep neither of them would know where one left off and the other began. So deep he'd be able to forget the taunting memories that had plagued him for the past eight years and scour her image, which seemed to be in his mind no matter what he was doingor who he was doing it with. "Let you go?" he asked, laughing harshly. "No." If she thought he was going to let her go just like that, after all these years, she was in for a long wait. At his answer, a flush ran along her dark honey-colored skin. "You owe me, Brick." Cord brought his hand up to her face, trailing his fingers along the flush that stained her cheek. She jerked her head away angrily and her chin hitched up, but he saw the flare of emotion in her eyes before she turned away from him. He forced her head back around, unwilling to give her the easy out. "And I intend to collect on the note."

Chapter Eight
Cord's gaze followed the movement of Brick's tongue as it snaked out to moisten her lips. The air around them grew hot, sticky. His cock grew rock hard, and his heartbeat slammed against his rib cage. "Wha What is it that you think I owe you?" she asked, her voice little more than a breath.

Cord inhaled deeply, and immediately was hit by her unique scent. As though against his will, he drew closer to her and lowered his head, running his nose up the length of her neck, breathing her in. That was another thing, among many, that he'd never been able to forget about Brick. Just one more thing he hadn't been able to get out of his head. The way she smelled. Cord moved his hands around and cupped the back of her head, deftly pulling the elastic band out of her hair. He sifted his hands through the loosened strands and tugged her head closer still. His face inches from hers, he ran his gaze over her. He reveled in the slightly unfocused look in her dark brown eyes as she stared at him, her hair tumbling to her shoulders. It had been so long since he'd tasted her. So long since he'd felt the perfection of her mouth against his. It was a temptation he couldn't resist. He kissed her. The minute his mouth made contact with hers, Brick released a low moan, her body reacting as though of its own will. She moved against his hard body, her bound wrists coming to rest on his wide chest. He didn't just kiss her, he consumed her. His tongue stroked across the seam of her lips, demanding an entry she didn't have the will to refuse. Without releasing her mouth, he grasped her butt and lifted her up, placing her on the desk, before bumping her thighs apart and settling within the V of her legs. When the velvet smoothness of his tongue stroked inside her mouth, she opened her mouth wider, meeting his tongue with her own in a hot, desperate dueling match. "Cord" she whispered against his mouth when he broke the kiss, running his tongue over the outline of her lips. She moaned as his hand tunneled beneath her shirt and cupped her breasts. His thumb stroked over the silk of her bra to pinch and squeeze her nipple. Feverish, she brought her bound hands between their bodies and cradled his growing erection, her eyes fluttering closed when she tested the weight of his sac, her fingers running beneath the undersides of his thick outline to touch and caress. One part of her mind separated, called herself all kinds of fool for allowing this to happen. To willingly allow him to take her to that place that he and he alone had been able to take her. She shoved that part away and gave in.

Chapter Nine
Brick surrendered to the demands of her heart, ignoring those of her mind. She couldn't get close enough to Cord, couldn't feel enough of his big body close to hers, couldn't get enough of his mouth making love to her, his talented hands, tongue and fingers playing hell with her determination to keep her cool. God, it had been so long. So long since she'd made love to him, so long since she'd felt with anyone even a fraction of the way she felt now. Her heart was beating so fast she knew he had to hear its heavy strum, and when he pushed her down on the desk, she willingly gave in to his silent demand. She wrapped her legs around his lean waist, her body on fire for his touch, as he laid siege to her. He attacked her mouth with carnal ferocity, his tongue pushing past her lips to breach the cavern of her mouth. She released a ragged moan, one that came from deep within her body, her soul She had missed him so much, his touch, his kisses invading her thoughts with a regularity that had at times made her feel as though she was losing her very mind, the images so vivid they brought moisture to pool in her panties. She'd think about the ramifications of making love to him later. She arched her body into his. His breath coming out in harsh gusts, Cord broke away from Brick and saw the pulse banging at the side of her throat. Helpless, seemingly against his own will, he stroked his tongue over it. She cried out, arching sharply against him again. It had been so long since he'd been this close to her, so long since he'd felt her sweet, perfect curves mold to his body as though she'd been made just for him. He ran his tongue down the hollow of her throat, his hand moving up to her breastswhen his fingers brushed over a ring on a chain between her breasts. He ran his fingers over the small ring before it hit him what it was. Her wedding band. She still wore his ring. With a low growl, he pushed away from the temptation of her body, even as the scent of her enveloped him, clouding his senses, slamming him with a need he'd thought he'd conquered long ago. With a humorless, self-directed laugh he turned his back to her, striding a short distance away, enough space to get his randy cock in check and to clear his foggy mind. She still had the power to make him crazy. Just as she had when they were younger. Whenever they touched, it went nuclear.

"Cord?" He kept his back to her until he was sure he wouldn't go caveman on her again and rip her clothes from her body. As much as he wanted to do just that, the only reason he'd brought her here was to finally get answers. Maybe now he had leverage. He faced her. "Why do you still wear my ring, Brick?"

Chapter Ten
"Why do you still wear my ring, Brick?"
His question was like ice water on the fire of passion that had threatened to consume her. She eased her body up from the desk, heat covering her entire face as she met his cold, mocking stare. She bit at the corner of her mouth, her eyes searching his. Unable to hold his gaze, she looked away. Why did she still wear his ring? The question was one she herself didn't know the answer to. What she did know was that she had to get away from Cord Canyonand the memories that came along with himany way she could. Now. Before things got any more complicated between them. The need to escape made her heart pound even harder against her chest. She mentally shook her head. As if she could. The ease in which she'd succumbed to him, with just one touch, brought a deeper flush to her already red-hot cheeks. He was so different than how she remembered him, she thought, running a glance over him as he stood with his stiff back to her. Not just in appearancehe wore his hair much shorter now than he had when he was youngerthere were other, more subtle differences. There had been a time when she'd seen love and lust warring for dominance in his light blue eyes, making everything feminine in her gosoft. What she saw in his eyes now brought a pang to her heart. He still wanted her, yes, but that desire was tempered with a red-hot anger that reached out and nearly strangled her in its intensity. Anger for leaving him, for refusing to see him, for rejecting his calls week after week. Anger for abandoning him without a word the day after they'd gotten married and following her father. Anger for not telling him why she'd left him. But the reasons were ones she hadn't been able to voice then, and she couldn't wouldn'tbring them back up now. What good would it do anyway, she thought with a

mental sigh. It was best to leave the past the past. No matter how tempting it was to revisit. No matter the regrets. She closed her eyes as though that would make the images go away, memories she'd scrupulously shoved to the back of her mind, the pain too much to bear. But she'd come so close to giving in to him again. Embarrassed at what she'd allowed him to do, she tried to straighten her clothes, biting down hard on her lower lip to prevent tears from falling. Even when she felt his hands at her wrists and the sound of a key turning in the lock, she didn't look up, she simply massaged her wrists and jumped up from the desk, her back to him as she rehooked her bra and tugged her jacket tighter against her body. "How do you think I felt when I woke up that morning and realized that you'd left me with nothing but a note, Brick?" He demanded quietly, his voice carefully neutral, forcing her to turn and answer him.

Chapter Eleven
"How do you think I felt when I woke up that morning and realized that you'd left me?"
"II didn't know how to tell you. What to say. I" "How about the truth? The truth that one night as my wife was enough for you to realize that it wasn't what you wanted. That I wasn't enough," he said, his words like a whip, slicing into her. A dark, heavy cloud of silence hung thick in the room for long minutes before Brick spoke. "It wasn't like that, Cord. You have to know that," she said, taking a step toward him before stopping, her shoulders slumping. "No matter what, II loved you." He spun around so fast that his big body brushed against hers, making her lose her balance. "Loved me? You loved me?" He laughed without humor. "Could have fooled me," he said, anger tightening his features. "That kind of love I can do without." He ran a hand through his hair, spiking the short strands. Unable to stand the disgust in his eyes, Brick turned. Her voice low, she said, "I was confused, Cord. When you asked me to marry you, I wanted to be your wife, I wanted it badly. I wanted to travel the circuit with you, just like we'd been doing. But when you started talking about settling down, leaving the circuit" She stopped, taking a deep breath. "II wasn't ready for that."

Brick stopped, her throat clogged with emotion, blinking rapidly in an attempt to keep the tears burning the back of her eyes at bay. Afraid if she let them fall, she'd never be able to stop crying. She fought to keep it together, forcing herself to go on. She owed him that much, at least. "I wanted everything that you didin their own time. But right then I wasn't ready to settle down in one place. II just wasn't strong enough to tell you that. I loved you so much, and your dreams for us were so beautiful, but I got scared. And so I ran. I'm sorry," she said again, her voice thready. Cord clenched his hands into fists, his short nails scoring his palms, her words slamming into him with the strength of a Mack truck. His gaze traveled over her as she stood with her back slightly turned away from him. "You were so youngwe both were" She stopped again, and he saw her draw in a long, ragged breath. He felt the sting of unexpected tears in his own eyes as he listened, knowing that what she was sharing with him came at a great emotional cost to her. And, after all these years, he realized the strength it had taken for her to do what she had done. "It seemed better for both of us in the end if I just let you go. I knew you were ready to settle down, but I also knew you would continue on the circuit for me, just because I wanted to. I was selfish, a brat, so used to getting my way with my father. I didn't want to be selfish with you." She turned to face him then, and he saw that her face was stained with tears.

Chapter Twelve
"I'm sorry, CordI owed you more than a note. I just didn't know what to do," she said, offering a helpless shrug of her shoulders. "It was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life." She paused and drew in a breath. "And probably the biggest mistake I've ever made. I didn't want to hurt you, Cord. Never that" She paused before continuing. "I loveloved you too much to hurt you. And I would have if I'd stayed. We wanted different things in the end. I'm so sorry." Her last words were merely a whisper. The raw emotion on her beautiful face was too much for Cord, and he strode over to her, dragging her into his arms, holding her close. "Shh, baby, it's okay. God, Brick, didn't you know how much I loved you?" he asked, pulling away from her and staring down into her face. "That if you had just told me how you felt, I would have understood. I would have done anything to make you happy, baby. You were my world, Brick," he said, brushing his thumbs over her tear-stained cheeks, cupping her face with his palms. "I loved you. I wanted to marry you, wanted to build a life with you. When you left, my entire world went right along with you. All those dreams I had, they were dreams of us,

places I wanted to gowith you." He ran his glance over her face. "I wanted to be with you, baby. It didn't matter where we lived, or what we did for a living, I just wanted us to be together. Didn't you know that?" Brick looked at Cord and saw tenderness and hurt mingled in his eyes. She also saw lingering anger, an anger she deserved. "Come home with me," he continued. "Spend the rest of the weekend with me, Brick. After the weekend is over I'll give you the divorce and you'll never hear from me again. If that's what you want. What do you say?" With her nerves twisting her stomach, Brick waited as Cord called a service truck to have her car delivered not to the station, but to his house instead. He then placed a call to one of his deputies, informing him that he needed someone to cover him for the rest of the night. After that, she followed him in silence to his own vehicle, frowning as she saw the black pickup truck. A bittersweet, small smile lifted the corners of her lips. It was the same truck he'd had when they were young. He'd bought the beat-up truck for next to nothing, and the two of them had worked together to bring it to its former glory. She caught his look and blushed, remembering the many times they'd "christened" it after they'd finished the work. They climbed into the truck and he drove away from the station. The entire ride to his home was filled with a nervous yet giddy excitement for Brick. She didn't know what to expect when they got there, her mind performing mental gymnastics, puzzling out where to go from here. But a part of her already knew. When they'd first been married, she'd been confused about what she wanted. But she wasn't now.

Chapter Thirteen
Cord stood to the side, allowing Brick to go inside the house ahead of him. "Cord!" she said, her voice lifting in surprise when he scooped her into his arms before she'd gone more than a few steps inside. He carried her through the small but comfortable house, kicking the door to his bedroom open and laying her on the bed. He placed her in the middle of the bed, his body following her down. Before his mouth connected he whispered at the corner of her mouth. "Later, we'll talk later. Now I've got to have you," he said and covered her body with his. Brick expected nerves to set in, but instead at the first touch of his mouth against hers she was grabbing for him, her hands as busy as his as they sought to rid each other of their clothing.

Once she was fully naked, he laid her out in front of him, his hot gaze running over her. "So beautiful," he said, his fingers trailing down her body. Although they'd made love on thousands of occasions, it was as though this was their first time, and the nervousness she'd expected to feel suddenly set in. She placed her hands over her breasts. "Don't," he said, moving her hands away. "Don't hide yourself from me." She licked lips gone completely dry, her body flushing from head to toe at the carnal look in his bright blue gaze. Cord felt his cock thump in eager anticipation as he stared down at the vision of Brick splayed out in front of him. He ran a finger down the line of her throat, down the midline of her body before stopping at the juncture of her thighs. Locking his eyes on hers, he stroked a finger deep inside her, her walls clamping tight against his invasion. With a groan he withdrew, his finger covered with her dew. In his dreams he remembered how good it had been between them. She was still just as responsive to him. He closed his eyes, briefly, his cock growing thicker. "God I missed this," he said with a groan, fighting the urge to spread her legs and imbed himself deep inside her willing warmth. But he took his time. Separating her lips, he watched in heated fascination as she lost control. With every drag and pull of his finger, her walls clenched and released in rhythmic pulses, her cream easing down and covering his hand. "I've got to taste you," he said, bumping her legs farther apart. The first stroke of his tongue against her had Brick rearing her body up and off the mattress, a cry tumbling from her lips. She moaned softly, her hands coming out to brace herself on the mattress as he flicked his tongue over and around her clit, toying with her before engulfing her nub completely within the warm cavern of his mouth. On and on it went, alternating between stabbing flecks of his tongue and long sweeping kisses, swirling around her nub before he completely engulfed it. When he drew his tongue completely out and suckled her, she felt the orgasm sweep over her. His fingers slid into her, going deep, and stars flashed behind her tightly closed lids as she came, crying out as the tremors rocked over her entire body.

Chapter Fourteen
Completely wrung out, her body slumped to the mattress, her muscles useless. Then she felt the hot, hard presence of his shaft at her opening and Brick's eyes flew open, her mouth forming an O.

"I'm not done with you yet," he promised, his voice dark, as he began to sink into her. But before pressing inside her fully, he paused, his breath coming out harshly. "Tell me you love me, Brick. That you've never stopped." He braced his arms on either side of her body and they trembled from the tension he was forcing on both of them. He wanted her. Wanted her so badly his body shook, but he had to hear it, had to know he wasn't alone in this crazy yearning he had for her, a yearning that had never gone away. She moaned, grinding her body against his, her face turned away. But he forced her to look at him. "Tell me." He bit out the demand. "II want you, Cord!" she cried when he inched farther inside her. "No. I want to hear it, Brick." Sweat beaded on his forehead but he wouldn't go any further. No matter how much he wantedneeded her, he couldn't continue. Not unless she said the words. He pressed his hand between them, finding her clit and working it as he delivered small, shallow thrusts. "I love you!" she cried. At her admission he slid all the way in. Grasping her hips, he lifted her until he felt the tip of his cock bump the back of her womb he was so deep, and began to thrust. No words were spoken after that. His fingers dug into her hips as he held on to her, alternating his thrusts between long and deep and shallow and quick, angling her body along his for their mutual pleasure. Cord couldn't get enough of her. The feel of her walls on his shaft nearly made him lose his mind. She wrapped her legs around his waist, digging her heels into his back. She ground against him and he growled, low. If she didn't stop he'd hurt her, so bad was his need for her. "Harder," she panted, her nails scoring deep into his skin, her head thrown back, eyes shut. That was all he needed to hear. He grabbed her legs, pushing them farther apart. Soon their mutual groans echoed in the room, bouncing off the walls as his strokes became harsher, more demanding. Sweat poured off his body, yet he held back until he felt her soft hands surround his sac and he gave in, pounding into her, his hips jackhammering in time with his heartbeat. She screamed and as one they gave in to the mind-numbing orgasm.

Chapter Fifteen
"We need to talk." At his words, Brick opened her eyes and released a sigh, the afterglow of perfect lovemaking slowly easing away and reality rearing its unforgiving head. Brick bit the corner of her mouth, unsure of what to say, how to begin. She felt his hand feather across her breasts and she frowned. "Cord?" she said, hissing slightly when his thumb ran over her overly sensitive nipple. "I thought you wanted to talk." He laughed, a thoroughly masculine sound. "I do," he said, before lifting the necklace from around her neck and running the ring between his fingers. "Why wear this, Brick, yet ask me for a divorce?" She sighed. She'd wondered when he would bring that up. When she'd first left, she'd had every intention of filing for divorce. But the thought of severing her one connection with him had been something she couldn't do. After eight years, she realized it was unfair to him and had filed the papers. But she'd kept the ring as a symbol of that connection that was still very much a part of her. "I don't know." She shrugged. "II just couldn't do it. Couldn't cut the last connection I had with you." Even as she said it, she recognized that the words were inadequate. But his response eased some of her tension. "Neither could I. It seemed that was all I had left of you. My only link with you. I couldn't even open the envelope." She felt tears sting the back of her eyes. "Dad gave me your forwarding address and II sent you my address when the season was over. I thought it would be easy for you to sign the papers." "Why would it have been any easier for me, Brick?" He turned her around to face him, his fingers tight on her shoulders. "I wasn't the one who wanted the divorce. You did, I" "Cord, the only reason you asked me to marry you was because you thought I was pregnant. I knew that, you knew"

"Don't tell me why I asked you to marry me, Brick. Don't do that to me. Like I said, you were the one who left." At that she jerked away from him and began to rise from the bed. "You can spin this any way you want, Cord. Yeah, I left. But by then everything had changed. We were only married because" Her words were cut off when he surprised her by covering her mouth with his. She struggled briefly before succumbing to his touch. Slowly he drew away from her. "I married you because I loved you, damn it," he said, running an angry gaze over her upturned face. "Not for any other convoluted reasoning you come up with. I loved you then, and I still love you. I always will." He placed his hands on either side of her face. "The question is, do you still love me?"

Chapter Sixteen
Brick sighed heavily as she walked around Cord's home, her thoughts chaotic. When she'd awakened an hour ago, she'd reached out, expecting to feel Cord's warm body next to hers, but instead she'd found herself alone. As she'd risen, she'd caught sight of a folded note he'd left on the pillow telling her there had been an emergency at the station and that he'd be home later. After reading it, she'd plopped back against the pillows with a groan, every inch of her body aching. She hadn't answered his question about how she felt, putting all of her emotions into making love to him again. The weekend with Cord had been the stuff of fantasies. Beyond the physical, which alone was amazing, he'd made her feel. Feel emotions she'd once had, some she didn't want to remember. But forcing her to remember them had helped her conquer old ghosts that had set the pace for how her life had become after they'd split. But, how did she feel now? His question had echoed in her mind as he'd made love to her, calling out her name, declaring his love for her. Had she only responded because of how she'd felt for him in the past? With a sigh, Brick walked over to his dresser and dragged her hair through the tangled ends, deep in thought. Was it just memories that lay between themmemories of a love they once sharedor was it something more?

She had never been able to get him out of her mind, had never been able to be with another man in the entire time they'd been apart. When she'd finally gotten the nerve to file for the divorce, she'd had the documents sent to Cord's P.O. Box that her father's lawyer had tracked down for her. She'd known it was in Lander, known that was the reason she'd driven through the sleepy town as she headed for California. Slowly she made her way to the bathroom and turned on the showerhead. A long shower was just what the doctor ordered. Maybe it would help clear her head. With a heavy sigh she grimaced at her image in the large bathroom mirror. She opened cabinets, looking for a brush to try and untangle her rat's nest of hair, moving aside an assortment of odds and ends, in search of a brush. What she found instead made her draw in a long breath of air. Slowly she lifted it, tears running down her face. It was a picture of the two of them. She turned the picture over and the tears ran freely as she fingered the gold ring taped to the back that matched the one she wore. He, too, had kept his wedding band, all these years.

Chapter Seventeen
As Cord cleared the accident, his mind was split between taking care of the accident victimsthankfully, besides a possible case of whiplash and a broken wrist, no one had been seriously injuredand what would happen next between him and Brick. It was clear in his own mind what he wanted, what he'd always wanted. He wanted his wife back. The only woman he'd ever loved. The question was did she want him with the same wild desperation he felt for her. She had to be the one to make the decision. Every moment of their lovemaking over the past two days was forever imprinted into his memory. He only hoped it wouldn't have to carry him through a lifetime without her. Just the thought of her curvy little body wrapped around his as she met his driving thrusts made his cock go rock hard and thump against his zipper. The sex had always been off-the-charts hot between them. Sex with Brickscratch that, he thought, what they experienced went beyond the mere sharing of bodiestheir type of lovemaking had been unique and explosive, an experience he'd never had with another woman before or after Brick. No other woman could compare to her.

No other woman had ever responded to him the way she had, with an unparalleled combination of sweet yet decadently carnal. He loved the uninhibited way she threw herself into everything in life, as well as into her lovemaking. Which was why Cord wondered if he was deluding himself into thinking it was more than just sex for her. More than memories of what they'd once had between them that had kept her with him the entire weekend. Could she still feel what he felt, what he'd always felt for her? he wondered, his heart heavy. That bone-deep, crazy love, a one-of-a-kind love, the type that no matter how long they'd been apart, no matter the insecurities or the anger, never lessened. She'd told him how hard it had been after her father retired from the circuit, how much she'd wantedneeded to prove that she had what it took, without her father's help, to make it in racing. There had been a time when it would have been impossible for her to admit that to herself, much less say it out loud. But he could see that she'd changed in the years that they'd been apartshe'd grown into a woman who he wanted to get to know all over again. It hurt, damn it hurt, to admit it, but he realized that she had been right to go on without him all those years ago. She'd needed the time to experience life and to do it on her own. Yet now that she had, the question on his mind and in his heart was if she was ready to be with him. If she was willing to give them a chance. If she would come to believe what he did, that what they had was real, strong, enduring. Cord knew that it was. He felt it in every fiber of his being.

Chapter Eighteen
Cord loved Brick. He always would. And he was sure that she loved him, too. But even as he thought it, doubts assailed him. No matter what he believed, he knew ultimately it was Brick who would have to come to him. He'd told her how he felt, made no secret of the fact that he still loved her. It was up to Brick to believe that what they once had could be stronger, more mature this time around, but no less intense. Again his cock stirred as he remembered the way she'd responded to him, how she'd wrapped her body around his as he made love to her, the mewling cries he'd wrung

from her, the look in her eyes as he'd gazed down at her as he stroked deep inside her body. Definitely no less intense. In fact, their lovemaking had been wilder than ever before. As he drove down the deserted streets and neared his home, he thought of how fate had brought her back into his life. He sent a silent prayer heavenward that she would want to forever be caught by him as surely as she'd captured his heart long ago. As Cord raced to his house, he thought of their short time together over the weekend, the wild lovemaking, the way they finished each other's sentences, the intimate conversations It had been as though they'd never been apart, and he knew he wouldn't, couldn't allow her to leave him again, that he'd do anything in his power to keep her with him this time. He knew she felt the same. This need, this love, it couldn't be one-sided. She had to. The possibility that she didn't wasn't one he was willing to entertain. Or was he just delusional, Cord thought, seeing what he wanted to see in her dark brown eyes as she made love to him? He thought back over what she'd said about not being ready to commit to a lifetime of mediocrity. Had she experienced enough now, learned enough from life to feel ready to settle down, he wondered, or would their differences remain? Would she always long for a life on the road? As he pulled into the driveway, he glanced around, frowning. Immediately a sense of dread formed a tight knot in his gut, and his fingers tightened against the wheel. "Damn," he bit out the curse, his heartbeat slamming against his rib cage. It wasn't the lack of lights that made fear whiten his knuckles as they held their deathlike grip on the wheel. He'd left her less than a few hours ago, and it was still before dawn. But it was light enough to see that her car was no longer parked in the driveway. She'd left him. Again.

Chapter Nineteen

Anger and sorrow were a heavy weight, blanketing Cord's shoulders as he walked inside his home. He tossed his keys on the kitchen counter and immediately went to the fridge to grab a beer. "It's five o'clock somewhere," he mumbled before popping the cap. "Back together for less than forty-eight hours and I'm already driving you to drink?" At the sound of her voice, Cord spun around to see Brick across the room, leaning against the door frame. With a thud he dropped the bottle on the counter and strode to her side. He grabbed her, hauled her close and covered her mouth with his, running his hands over her body. With a soft sigh and a light laugh she broke away from him, a frown creasing her forehead. "Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?" she asked, giving him that half smile of hers that always did it for him. He shook his head, running his hands over her. "When I didn't see your car in the driveway I thought" he stopped, shaking his head, closing his eyes briefly. "Thought what?" she asked. Then dawning realization lit her eyes. "I just, uh, moved it," she said, looking away briefly, and it was Cord's turn to frown. "Moved it where?" She licked her lip, making him more curious as he saw the blush stain her cheeks. She took his hand in hers and walked with him through the house, toward the door leading to the garage. Opening the door, she waved a hand. "I hope it's okay to leave it here. I, uh, didn't know if you used the garage, but I figured if I'm going to be staying you wouldn't mind if I used it." His heartbeat harsh in his chest, he looked down at her. "Does this mean what I think it means, Brick?" he asked, his eyes searching hers. He saw regret cloud her eyes before she turned away. Cord felt everything in his body go still as he gazed down at her, reading the gamut of emotions in her eyes, some too quick for him to catalog, others shining so brightly there was no mistaking their meaning. He tightened his jaw and spun away from her, the sting of disappointment sharp, piercing his heart like a well-shot arrow. "If I can't have all of you, Brick, I don't want any part of you."

He heard her indrawn breath of surprise, and he hardened his heart. He couldn'twouldn'tsettle for less than her all this time around. When she'd left him eight years ago, he'd thought his heart would never recover. If she ever left him again, he knew, without doubt, it never would.

Chapter Twenty
With a cry tumbling from her mouth, Brick placed a hand on Cord's back, feeling his muscles bunch against her fingertips. "Cord, pleaseyou can trust me this time" She broke off, swallowing, forcing herself to continue, to say to him what was not only true now, but what had been in her heart from the moment she first met him, long ago. "Please trust that I'll never doubt your love for mefor us. Trust me that I'll never leave you again. I had a race in California. I called them to say I wasn't coming. I resigned. I" She stopped, at a loss for words. "I love you. I always have. I always will." Any other words were forgotten when he turned around and brought their mouths together. She laughed around his kisses as he kicked the door to the garage closed, bundled her in his arms and with long strides ran to the bedroom. He allowed her body to slide down his, and only then did he break the connection of their mouths. "You can trust me, too, Brick. I'll never hurt you, baby. I never have and I never will," he said. Then with a groan he dragged her back into his arms. "It was never your fault, it was me, I was the one who left. I promise you I'll never leave you again. All those dreams you had of a home, a familythat's what I want now, too. You're what I want." But when she reached for him, he held her at arm's length. "If you say yes right now, you're saying yes to the whole package." She quirked a brow. "The whole package?" "Yeahthe whole package. Including the requisite 2.5 babies." She grinned slowly. "I can do that." "No running this time."

Behind the smile she saw the wealth of emotion swirling in his bright blue eyes as she carefully considered his words. She thought back to what her life had been like without Cord. All the achievements she'd made in her career meant nothing compared to the love she had for him, a love that had never died. One that she knew never would for either of them. The old doubts and insecurities fell off like the useless baggage they were as she saw his eyes shining brightly with a love that she knew would span a lifetime. "No running," she agreed, around a mist of tears, happy tears. When he pulled her close she went into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his neck, holding on to him as tightly as she would forever hold on to their love. A love worth being caught for.

The End

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