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Presentation Summary

Different types of dc motors

Separately excited dc motor steady state equations

Speed control methodology by armature voltage control

Speed control methodology by flux control

Steady-state operating regions of a drive Numerical example on steady-state operating region Dynamic model of separately excited dc motor with constant flux Numerical example on transfer function of the dynamic model

Block diagram for dc motor speed control

DC motor speed control

Two types of dc machines are commonly used for speed control: 1) Separately excited dc machine .

2) Series excited dc machine .

For this course we will discuss only about the separately excited dc motor.

Separately excited dc machine

Under steady state, V = + : Armature equation (i) = : Back EMF equation( = constant = ) (ii) = : Torque equation (iii) = =

+ (Using (ii) and (iii) in (i))

Here = armature voltage in V, = armature current in A, , = back emf in V, = motor torque in N m, = speed in
flux pole rad s

, = machine constant (unitless), =

in Wb., = armature resistance in . These are steady-state values.

Armature voltage control

F (Km) is constant


Va =Va1 Va =Va2 Va =Va3


Speed below base (rated) speed is controlled by controlling Va. . Speed can be varied by varying Va , keeping flux rated value.

Flux control
Km1 Km2 Km3 Tm Km1<Km2<Km3
Va is at rated value

Speed above base (rated) speed is controlled by changing flux (or Km) and keeping armature voltage constant at rated value.

Steady-state operating regions of a drive

Torque limit Power limit
Armature Voltage Control Flux Control

Base Speed

By controlling Va smoothly one can obtain speed control for any torque. This is

the preferred method of speed control below base speed (i.e.) constant torque, variable power region. Above base speed the speed control is achieved by reducing flux of the machine (flux weakening) at rated armature voltage. This means reducing (or Km ) (constant power, variable torque region). Time constant of the armature circuit is much smaller compared to the armature in a separately excited dc motor . Hence Va control is faster than F(Km ) control.

Example on operating regions

In a separately excited dc motor, the speed is varied from 0-1500 rpm (base speed) by varying the terminal voltage from 0-500V, and keeping the machine flux constant. The rated torque is 300 N-m. (a) Find the output power at (i) 750 rpm and (ii) 1500 rpm if the torque is held constant at 300 N-m up to base speed. (b) Above base speed, the armature voltage is kept constant at 500V and the flux is weakened to achieve speed control. Find the motor torque at 3000 rpm.

Solution of example
(a) Torque at 750 rpm = torque 1500 rpm = 300 N-m. 750 rpm = 2.
750 60

= 78.54 rad/s.

1500 rad 1500 rpm = 2. = 157.08 . 60 s Power at 750 rpm = 78.54 300 = 23.56 kW. Power at 1500 rpm = 157.08 300 = 47.124 kW (b) This constant power region. output power = rated power= 47.124 kW. Hence torque =
47124 2 .
3000 60

= 150 N-m.

Separately excited D.C. motor dynamic model

Rf Lf Ra La


eb if




Field equation: = +

(1) (2) (3) (4)

= [Assuming linear magnetic characteristics] Armature equation: = +

= where is the speed in rad/s and is the machine constant. Torque equation: = Equation of motion: = + +

(5) (6)

Dynamic model with constant flux

Our objective is to develop a dynamic model for the separately excited motor assuming constant flux operation. Therefore equation (1) modifies to = Applying Laplace transformation to equations (3) to (6) (7) () = () + 0 + () () = () = (); = = = () = () + () + (0) (8) (9) (10)

Dynamic model block diagram

TL(s) Va(s) 1

+ Ra + s.La





(s) Kef=Km

1 B + s.J

Output of the motor

Equations (7) to (10) can be represented using the following block diagram. It is assumed that the motor initial current and speed is zero.

Transfer function
Following the previous block diagram the speed to input voltage transfer function Can be derived as follows:



Example on current and speed response computation from block diagram

Let = 0.5 , 0, 0, = 1.05 V.
s rad

, = 2.5 kg. m2 , = 0, =

220 , step input applied through a switch. Find , and their final values.

Solution: From the previous slide:

() () ( + )( + ) = = = 2 2 1 + () + + + () 1+ ( + )( + )
( ) ( )

2 +

1.05 0.52.5+(1.05)2

0.84 +0.882

Example (2)

0.84 +0.882

. =

0.84 220 +0.882

184.8 s(s+0.882)

= 209.52

1 s

1 s+0.882

= 209.52(1 0.882 ) rad/s. Final value of speed = = 209.52 rad/s= 2000 rpm. Using (7), (8) and the initial condition on current 0 = 0A. = ()
1 ( +

= )



s(s+0.882) .0.5 = ( +0.882)



= 440 0.882 . (Note the high value of initial current which is undesirable) Final value of speed = = 0A.

Control block diagram

TL(s) Ia(s) Va(s)



Ra + s.La

ref (s)


Iref (s)





1 B + s.J

Output of the motor

Note : If position control is required then another loop has to be added at the starting. Position reference will be the input. Speed reference will come from the output of the position (PI) controller.

Thus for controlling motor up to base speed For changing armature voltage we need a converter. To minimize or limit the current flowing in the armature circuit during transients, we need a current sensing loop and a current controller with limit. We need a speed controller which will provide the current reference needed for the current controller.

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