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llUeekly Goal Sheet

Name: Michelle Butterfield {. Reflection - What did I accomplish this week in the field?
Engagement with Students
(Tutoring, instrudion, assessmenls, @nversations, inlrviews, etc)

Week of: Jan.

Other lnvolvement


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(Obs6rvation, planning, phnning tasks. t6am meotings, paperwork, communication with parents, otc.)

This week I taught the reading block and social studies. I was able to get to know a lot of my students a liftle betterthis week because we had indoor recess every day. lt was a lot of fun talking to them about what they like to do; as well as listen to their stories.

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I observed Mrs. Hinckley teach A.D.D., spelling, and math. lmplemented a clip chart (which is working wonderfully) I was able to plan on Friday for the upcoming week. I also went to PEC on Friday.

2. Reflect perconally on your experience in one of these area$.

Like I previously mentioned lwas able !o teach the reading block this week. On Thucday the students and lwere up at the carpet reading the daily news when my pilncipal walked in. At first I thotght she was dropping something off, but then she sat down with a clipboard in her hands. I had no clue she was coming in to observe; talk about nerves shooting through the roof. After nry nerves setld down I was grateful that she came in because she was abb to see my teaching. lt was probably better that I didn't know she was coming in prior to teaching the lesson because I would harc been even more nervous. After watching my lesson she geve me a lot of positive feedback. la the tuture I pBn to iocus on my students' thinking rather than wfEt the peson observing me is thinking. I know that is easier said than done; afthough it just mfuht calm my newes with all of the observations coming up in the next few months.

3. Looking ahead - What do you want to focus on nxt week? What goale can I sst?
Focus for My Work with Children This week I plan to teach A.D.D., spelling, reading, and socialstudies (Africa unit). Last week I had a couple kids struggle with good behavior. Surprisingly tley are students that I previously haven't had issues with. I would like to help them gain motivation to behave properly. I plan to talk with them and explain the benefits of good behavior (clip chart & class dojo reward system). Focus for Observation or Other lnvolvement Observe Mrs. Hinckley's teaching whenever l'm not teaching. I would like to leam more about gradebook. I plan to go to taculty meeting on Tuesday. lwould also like to eat lunch with the kids once this week.

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4. STE's CommenEl0bservations/ReflectionslConcernslThoughts

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