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Weekly Goal Sheet

Name: Michelle Butterfield 1. Reflection -What did I accomplish this week in the field?
Engagernent with Students
OutcrirE, irBsuclron, assesolrEnt3" comre*sdirng, inlsrvi{rA.3, BtG}

Week of: Jan. 22nd

Other lnvofuement

{Ob6rvatis}, dannirE, pbnnirB l,asks, tesrn lrE{irqs, Papemo& communication wilh Paronts, etc)

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The days I was there (sure love being sick) I was able to teach everything but Math. I implemented a job chart. So far so good.

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lobserved Mrs. Hinckley teach math. I was able to plan on Friday for the
upcoming week. I also talked with many of the second teachers about how they use lmagine

Reflect personally on your exprience in one of theee areas' I have been tying to think of ways to help our kids do better on their reading tests. Every test includes
the vocabulary words so I thought I would stiart there. Last semester I used Emily Swan's text talk format to teach vocabulary and it worked really well. I realized that I hadn't used it since then so I decided to use it. I made a PowerPoint with pictures for each rrord, gcenarios, and questions. The kids really liked it. I made one for next week but I added a few things I thought would make it more effective. The day after I made it I found out that the district has a similar PowerPoint resource. I want to use both of them this next week. I am anxious to see how effective they are.

3. Looking ahead

tYhat do you want to locus on next week? tffhat goals can I set?
Focus for Observation or Other lnvolvement

Focus for My Wortr with Children Teach everything but the last45 minutes of the day. Reinforce good behaviorwith table points and the clip chart. Reinforce responsible behavior with the job chart.

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Observe Mrs. Hinckley teach math. I would like to learn more about gradebook (l didn't have a chance because I missed two days of school@).

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4. STE's Comments/ObservationslRefl ections/Concerns/Thoughts

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