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Al AA-94-2980

Laser Ignition in Liquid Rocket Engines

Larry C. Liou
NASA Lewis Research Center
C eveland, OH
Downloaded by HeeJeong Koh on February 19, 2013 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1994-2980

Joint Propulsion Conference
June 27-29, 1994 / Indianapolis, IN
For permission to copy or republish, contact the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
370 L'EnfantPromenade, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20024
. a -* -’ --.-A, L


Larry C. Liou
National. Aeronautics and Space Administration
Lewis Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio 44135

Abstract across the injector face at engine start, because failure to

ignite uniformly in all the compartments may cause a
The objective of this study was to evaluate the localized pressure surge which can damage the baffles and
feasibility of using laser ignition in liquid rocket engines. thc chamber wail. In the past, F-1 and H-1 engines (both
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Three mechanisms of laser ignition were evaluated. One burning L O m - I ) used hypergolic ignition, but the
method, Laser Induced Spark (LIS) ignition, was tested hypergolic materials used are difficult to handle. Spark
and the results are presented. torch ignition, which has been used in many engines,
including the Space Shuttle Main Engine, can become
For the LIS ignition tests, a Nd:YAG laser, at a overly complex if used to ignite multiple chamber
wavelength of 1064 nm and repetition rates up to 20 Hz, compartments simultaneously.
was employed as the ignition source. The laser beam was
expanded and thcn focused through an optical window In order to find a simpler, yet reliable, ignition
into the propellant flow to initiate ignition. Four propel- system for future booster engine application, other
lant combinations were used in a subscale test engine at ignition systems have been studied3. In that study, various
thrust lcvcls of 133 to 445 N (30 to 100 Ibf). The propel- systems were evaluated using criteria such as compatibil-
Iant combinations were: GOWGHz, GOX/C& (gaseous), ity with LOX-hydrocarbon propellant combinations,
GOX/RP-l, and GOWCO (gaseous). Several parameters compatibility with baffled injectors, reliability, ease of
were varied in the tcsts: propellant mixture ratio, chamber use, and complexity. Among the systems studied, laser
pressure, Iascr energy, and laser repetition rate. ignition received a high overall rating. But the high rating
was based on many speculations because the ignition
Results presented include ignition outcomes and concept had never been applied in a liquid rocket engine.
ignilion delays. The results for GOWGHz, GOXCK&, and Therefore, a Laser Induced Spark (LIS) ignition program
GOWCO were found to conform to historical results was organized to experimentally evaluate the ignition
previously generated using an electric spark ignition concept in a small scale rocket engine with three propeI-
source. But OCWRP-1 differed from the previous results lant combinations: GOWGH2, GOXICa, and GOXIRP-
because of the fundamental differences in the ignition 1. Also, in order to assess the potential impact in a flight
mechanism between LIS and electric sparks. Also environment, the ElectroMagnetic Interference (EMT)
presented is measurement of the electromagnetic waves caused by the LIS’Swas evaluated. In addition to the
emitted by the LIS’Sat thc radio/rv frequencies. The above three propeIlant combinations, GOWCO was
emission level rncasured was negligiblc. briefly tested. This somewhat novel propellant combina-
tion has been envisioned for use as an in-situ manufac-
I. IntroductioB tured propellant on Mars. A previous investigation tested
the propellant combination for its ignition characteristics
High pressure booster engines burning liquid oxygen/ using ad electic spark ignitor.4 It was found that ignition
liquid methane (LOWCh),or liquid oxygenkerosene of the propeIlants was not possible without the addition of
(LOXIRP-l), have been shown in studies12 to be hydrogen. The difficulty was due to the high activation
potential candidates for future heavy lift launch vehicIes. energy needed for the GOWCO reaction, In this case, the
If these future engines are designed to have large combus- added hydrogen served as a catalyst to initiate the
tion chambers, then they require baffles to be installed on ignition. Based on speculation that the higher power
the injector face in order to suppress combustion instabil- contained in a LIS may fair better in this situation,
ity. The baffled compartments would require an ignition ignition tests were conducted.
system capable of uniformly igniting the propellants
Copyright 0 1993 by the Amcrican lnsutute ofAcmnauticc
and Asuonautics. Inc. No copyright is as& in thc
Unitcd Sratcs undcr ‘IItlc 17. U.S. Code. Ttz US. Govcmwnt
has a mynlty-frcc ticensc ~ooxerciseall rights ondcr
the copyright claimcd hmein for Govcrnmcnt purposes.
All othcr rights are rescrvcd by thc copyright owllcr.
IT. Laser Ignition Mechanisms shock wave is responsible for ignition. To produce sparks
for ignition, laser beams are typically pulsed at a Q-switch
There are three mechanisms for laser ignition: pulse duration of nanoseconds, and focused to provide the
photochemical, thermal, and Laser Induced Spark (LIS) high power density required. Infrared (10.6 p)and near
ignition. In photochemical ignition, Iaser photons dissoci- infrared (1.06 p)are only two of the many wavelengths
ate the target molecules into highly reactive radical that have been used to ignite 0 2 / H 2 and hydrocarbon
species. These radicals then initiate a rapid chemical chain mixtures. LIS ignition is less selective in its laser wave-
reaction, or combustion. Photochemical ignition requires length than the other two mechanisms. In fact, as long as
a close march between the laser excitation wavelength and the laser power density, or irradiance, at the focus is
the target molecule’s absorption wavelength in order for sufficiently high to generate heat for ignition, it does not
dissociation to occur. Only at these matching (resonant) matter what laser wavelength i s used. This could bc a
wavelengths laser radiation can bring about dissociation major convenience when applying this ignition concept in
and start the combustion. For example, to dissociate flight applications, since powerful pocket-sized infrared
oxygen molecules, wavelength of 157 nm (F laser line) diode lasers, weighing just a few pounds, are now widely
and 193 nm (ArF laser line) have typically been used. avaiIable. LIS ignition has primarily been applied to
Unfortunately, the required wavelengths for photochemi- igniting gaseous mixtures, although in one instance it was
cal ignition are usually shorter than 700 nm, where used successfully to ignite liquid fuel.10 All three methods
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compact and lightweight lasers for flight applications may of applying laser for ignition have been investigated in the
no( be available. However, photachernical ignition past, and each ofthem has shown its own set of merits.
requires only a small amount of laser energy, typically Ultimately, the decision o f which mechanism to employ
less than a millijoule for O D 2 and some 0 2 and hydro- depends strongly upon the type of application. For the
carbon mi~tures.56~7 In comparison with other ignition present investigation, LIS ignition was chosen for testing
mechanisms,photochemical ignition can be used to ignite because it could be achieved with a wide range of
mixtures at lower pressure and closer to the flammability wavelengths using common optics and offering a better
limits, so long as a sufficient amount of reactive radicals prospect for an available flight-qualified laser in actual
can be generated from the target molecules. application. Also, it had shown reliability and an accept-
able ignition delay in the previous experiments.
The second mechanism, thermal ignition,a uses a
laser beam to increase the kinetic energy, in either In. Test D,escription
transIationa1, rotational, or vibrational form, of the target
molecules. As a result, the molecular bonds eventually are Objectives and Parameters
broken and chemical reactions take place. The ignition
delay time is typically longer than for the other two laser The objective of the tests was to gain insight into the
ignition mechanisms, and close matching between the feasibility and characteristics of LIS ignition in liquid
laser wavelength and the target molecule’s absorption rocket engines. The test program sought specific informa-
wavelength is also needed. Heating of the material is tion on ignition regimes and ignition delays in terms of
mostly done with infrared lasers, but not all of these lasers the engine pre-ignition chamber pressure, propellant
are available for flight applications. This mechanism is mixture ratio, and laser energy. Also of interest was the
uniquc in that it can easily be used to ignite combustibles level of electromagnetic waves at radio/TV frequencies
in combination of solid, liquid, and gas phases. In many emitted by the LIS’S.
applications, thermal ignition is employed for igniting
solids because of the absorption ability of the solids at Laser Ignition Svstem
infrared wavelengths. This ignition method has been used
in solid propellant rockets where the laser is used to first The ignition system used in the experiment consisted
ignite pyrotechnics, which then serve as an ignition of a laser and the beam-steering optics. They are shown in
source for the rocket propellants. Figs. 1 and 2. The laser was Nd:YAG with a wavelength
of 1.06 pin, a beam diameter of 9.5 m m and a Q-switch
In LIS ignition, a laser beam is focused to create a pulse duration of 9 nsec minimum. The puIse duration
plasma kernel, or spark, via either multiphoton absorp- actually used during the tests was approximately 100
tion, or the inverse bremsstrahlung process.9 This spark nsec, and this value is used to calculate the laser power in
emits light, heat, and a shock wave to the surrounding the following sections. The laser could be operated to
medium,supplying energy to initiate combustion. LIS yield either a single pulse or multiple pulses at a repetition
ignition is mainly a thermochemical process in which the rate up to 20 Hz. Pulse energy was adjustable from a few
heat generated in both the laser spark and the emanating millijoule to 1 J. The beam-steering optics, in the order


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Downloaded by HeeJeong Koh on February 19, 2013 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1994-2980

h v c n c d by the beam, included R pellick beam splittler, a SirnulatedBin Cornbu$,nLh&xL!WLJ

periscopc, a 45" mirror+a 3x beam cxpanrlet, and a
focusing Icns. The pcllicIe beam splitter cxmcted n The simulated MCC used in rbe experiment is a
fraction of the beam for cnegy measurement. Tliz subscale rockct engine of which the wii~bustionchcmbw
pcfiscope clcvatcb the heam, and the expander (Galilrm accommodatesup tcr four optical wjnctows made of
type) crthge4 the heat1 SO that it could he more tightly sapphire, It is shown in figs. 3 and 4.Ttzc optical win-
fwused by the focwing lens. '!'tie focd Ien~qhused was dows d b w d (I) focusing of the laser bcarn into lhe
15 Clf'l. chamber to initiate ignition, (2) visually aligning the
. .

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. .
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Figure 5.--lnjectow shared by all gas~ouspropellants; one, thrm, and five elements COnCenPYlC

Figure 6.--tnjmws far GOWRP-'I; gas-on liquid impinging pentad and Mplat elmvmts.

injcctors shxcd by all thc gaseous propellant combina-

tions consistcd of conceiitric-tube injjecrion elements.
Onc. thrw, and five element injectors wcw used. For tho was used to scyucrice aII of
gaslliquid propllmt combination, atre injectors had gas- laser firing. To fire the
on-Iiquid impingiug triplet iXtd pcntad elcmeits. a pmonaI computer

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E.= Energy in a laser pulse, J
t = Pulse duration, s
A = Area of the laser focus, cm2
d = Diameter of the laser focal plane, crn
A = Laser wavelength, cm
f = Focal length, cm
di = Diameter of the laser beam entering focusing lens,

The ignition results obtained from the tests are

plotted in Fig. 8 along with the “approximate ignition
limits” taken from Refs. 11 to 14.It should be noted that
the ignition results given by the referenccd works werc
collected using a variety of experimental setups all I I I I I I
somewhat different to the present work. Most of the 0 20 40 80 80 loo 120 140 160
Downloaded by HeeJeong Koh on February 19, 2013 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1994-2980

referenced setups premixed the gases and ignited them at mkburr ratio,
a relatively nonflawing state. However, regardless of the Figure 9.--GOWGH2 ignltlon delay.
difference in the test setups, the result of the present
experiment conforms closely to these “approximate
ignition limits” as indicated by the figure. In other words, was 2.2X1011 W/cm2. When ignition attempts failed,
higher laser energy up to 122 mT near the limits of the
the flow speed of the combustible mixture seemed to have
a negligible effect on ignitian. This is attributed to the optics was used, but it was found that when the mixtures
rapid chain reaction found in an oxygedhydrogen system were not ignitable at lower laser energy they were also not
caused by the low activation threshold and fast kinetics. ignitable at a higher energy. This implies that the ignition
failed because of inadequacy of either the mixture ratio or
When the mixture ratio was low, at pressures from 50 to
350 kPa, the ignition firnits spanned from olf = 1.1 to 1.4. the pressure but not the ignition energy. The laser was
pulsed at 20 Hz in several runs where ignition had failed
-- The highest mixture ratio ignitable was o/f = 130.
using a single pulse, but still did not produce ignition.
The laser energy value used in the tests was approxi-
The ignition deIay times are plotted in Fig. 9. The
mately 80 mJ. This energy level produced consistent
pre-ignition pressure of the plotted points ranged from
sparks in the GOWGH2. The power density at the focus
103 to 317 kPa (15 to 46 psia). In the figure, a curve (the
dotted line) has been fitted to the data. As can be seen
from the curve, ignition delay timing was indeed a
function of the mixture ratio. At around the stoichiometric
value, ignition delay takes on the minimum. As the
mixture ratio deviates from the stoichiometric value,
ignition delay increases. The pressure variation was too
small to be a factor.

The ignition results are presented in Fig. 10. As for

GOWGH2, the approximate ignition limits are also drawn
based on the same references, The ignition limits based on
the present test results are also shown (in solid lines), and
they are: On the fuel. rich side, the limits of mixture ratio
were 1.8 to 2.2 and on the oxidizer rich side, 20, as
pressure ranged from 100 to 300 kPa (15 to 44 psia). The
ignition limits of the present tests, when compared to
those based on the references, appeared to have shifted
right on the fuel rich side and shifted left on the oxidizer
rich side. This “narrowing” of the ignition regime, not

Ignition delays are show in Fig. 11. In the figure, a
fitted curve (the dotted line) is also shown. As can be
seen, the ignition delay timing is again a function of
mixture ratio. As the mixture ratio neared the stoichiomet- 1
ric value, ignition delay decreased to a minimum.

The results of the abbreviated tests using the GOW
CO propellant combination are shown in Table I. The
propellant mixture ratio used was 0.55, near the stoichio-
metric value of 0.57. Chamber pressure prior to ignition
was 117 M a (17 psia). As indicated by the table, no
ignition was attained as the laser energy was increased
and repetitive pulsing was used until water was injected
into the chamber.
l 10
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mMUm ratlo, on'

The results obtained by Linne et al.4 showed no
Flgure lO.--GOWCH, ignltlon regime using LIS.
ignition at this mixture ratio as well. However, when
seen in the GOWGH:! case, is attributed to the fact that in hydrogen in the amount of 0.05 percent, by weight, o f CO
was added to the flow, ignition was successful. Compared
this experiment GOWCH4 was flowing at a high speed
to the present experiment, the flow rates used by Linne et
under turbulent conditions where heat loss by the ignition
kernels (laser sparks in this case) became significant
al. were only one-third as much, but the pre-ignition
enough to affect the ignition outcome. That the GOWCH4 chamber pressure was slightly higher. The spark source of
ignition was affected by the flow speed where GOXIGH2 that experiment was an ordinary electrical spark plug with
power at least one order of magnitude less than the laser
was not can be explained by the difference in their
activation thresholds and kinetics. sparks (electrical spark power of approximately 30 d/10
p versus the laser spark power of 70 m J / l O O nsec).
The laser energy used was 64 d or more. The power
As indicated, when a small amount of water was
density at the focus was 1.X x 1011 W/cm2 or more. All
injected into the chamber by means of a syringe, ignition
energy values produced consistent sparking in GOWCH4
was attained. It is suspected that the water, as in the case
in all tests. Higher energies up to 247 mJ were used in the
mixtures that were not ignitable at lower laser energy, but of hydrogen addition, also served as a catalytic agent to
also failed to cause ignition. bring about the ignition. Near the plasma kernels, or
sparks, some hydrogen species could have separated from
water molecules and acted as a catalyst. Also, the minute
bnMn amounts of H+, OH-, and other ionic species commonly
no Ignition found in water could also have reacted with charged
particles in the sparks and initiated ignition. Unfortu-
nately, not enough measurements have been taken to
confirm these speculations.


The outcome ofthe GOX/RP-l tests are shown in

Fig. 12. All tests were conducted at atmospheric pressure
while the laser energy and propellant mixture ratio were
varied. The laser energy values reported here do not
account for the loss due to laser beam scattering and
absorption by the propellant spray in the chambcr. The
actual amount of laser energy delivered to the focal point
0 1 1 , I , , I I , I I was expected to be significantly less than the values i

0 2 4 6 0 10 12 14 18 18 20 reported here.
mbrtura rstlon. otf
Flgure 11.+OWCH4 ignltlon delay.

I I 1 I
Reading Laser pulse PuIsc energy, Power density, Outcome Comments
number repetition rate dlpulse W/crn2 (Ignition?)

Single pulse 68 1.9 x 1011 No

Single pulse 137 3.8X1011 NO
20 Hz 146 4.1 X 1011 No
4 20 H2 136 3.8X 1011 Yes Water in chambet
I I I ,

According to a set of data previously collected at

Lewis Research Center, GOX/RP-1 was ignitable at a
mixture satio of 0.6 at atmospheric pressure. The data was
gcneratcd using an electric spark plug of 30 mJ per spark,
300 sparks per second, in an ignitor equipped with a
plarelct injector to enhance mixjng. In Fig. 12, a dashed

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vertical line is drawn at o/f = 0.6 and is termed “approxi-

mate ignition Ximits.” Whereas a solid line is drawn to 4-
separatc the ignition from nonignition regions of the
present cxperirnent. This solid line begins at roughly o/f =
3.0with laser pulse energy E = 325 ml and ends at olf =
4.5 with E = 190 d, crossing over thc stoichiometric
mixture ratio of 3.4. By comparing the positions of the
two lines, it i s apparent that laser ignition has produccd a
shift of the ignition limit towards the higher mixture

ratios. This can be explained by the fact that as the spray 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

became thinner at the higher rnixturc ratios, optical mtxture ratio,off
breakdowns-the ignition mechanism relied upon in LIS Flgure 13.--GO%/RP-l ignition delay.
u ignition-became more intense due to less interference of
beam propagation by the fuel droplets. The more intense
example, at o/f = 3.5 to 6.0, increasing the laser energy
optical breakdown, or laser spark, then yielded ignition.
did produce successfa1ignition. This observation was
Furthermore, in the GOXliRP-1 tests, the fact that
contrary to the gaseous propeliants cases in which
increasing laser energy often brought on ignition hinted
increasing laser energy did not improve ignition.
that the optical energy loss was an important factor. For
Ignition delay data are presented in Fig. 13. The
relationship between the delay and propellant mixture
A ratio seems obscured. This is understandable because, in

I A addition to the dependence on the mixture ratio, ignition
_-. rpproxlmrte delay also is a strong function of the fuel spray character-
1 A *: 0 IgnHbn Ilmits
istics. The irregularities in a fuel spray can produce
inconsistent ignition timing. For example, if a large fucl

I droplet passes through the ignition region, it can delay the
ignition process by requiring extra time and energy for
A 0.
vaporization prior to ignition. In one reported expri-
A ment,lo fuel droplets could not even be ignited unless a
secund laser pulse was used 50 p after the first one.
t A
150 A
1 A
The electromagnetic emission of laser sparks was
I# 1 I I measured at a laser energy of 225 d and pulse duration
1 10 100 of 25 nsec full-width-half-maximum.Results are pre-
rnMur4 ratio. off sented in Fig. 14. The permissible emission level far
Flgure 1 2 . 4 O W R P - 1 ignltlon outcome.




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Rgure 14.-Electromagnetic waves emlssion from lsser Induced sparks.

space flight, specified by NASA MSFCSPEC-S21B, is in several runs where a single pulse had failed to ignite
also shown in the figure for reference. It is evident that the mixture, but the multiple pulses also failed to bring on -

LIS'S do not emit electromagnetic waves that would cause ignition.

EM1 on board a spacecraft. On the contrary, as shown in
Fig. 15, a conventional electric spark plug generates quite For GOWCa, ignition limits were 1.8 to 2.2 on the
a high level of noise exceeding what i s permitted for fuel-rich side and 20 on the oxidizer rich side at pressures
space flights. Note that the energy of 400 mJ, higher than of 100 to 300 Wa (15 to 44 psia). The ignition regime was
the 225 mJ in the laser sparks, was not the main reason narrower than the previous experiments. Ignition delays
for the high emission level. Instead, the rapid changes, were under 4 ms for mixture ratios from 2 to 18, and
during discharge, of the amount of electrical current tended to decrease to a minimum near the stoichiometrjc
across the spark gap, which served as a good-sized mixture ratio. Neither higher laser energies nor multiple
emission antenna, was the reason for the high emission. laser pulses improved ignition.

V. Conclusions For GOX/CO, the mixture ratio tested was 0.55 at a

chamber pressure of I17 kPa (17 psia), No ignition was
For GOX/GH2, the ignition limits of the present attained until a small amount of water was injected into
experiment conform to the previous studies. When the the chamber prior to startup. The maximum laser energy
mixture ratio was low, at pressures from 50 to 350 kPa, used was 146 mJ.
the ignition Iimits spanned from o/f= 1.1 to 1.4. The
highest mixture ratio ignitable was o/f = 130. Ignition For G O W - 1 , the resultant ignition regime
delay was under 1.0 rns for mixture ratios from o/f = 1.8 bordered on a line passing through off zz 3.0 with laser
to 120 at pre-ignition pressures of 103 to 317 kPa (15 to pulse energy E = 325 mJ and o/f = 4.5 with E = 190 mJ.
46 psia). Ignition delay increased as the mixture ratio Increasing Iaser energy brought improvement in ignition.
deviated from the stoichiometric value. when mixtures Ignition delay was under 5.2 ms from olf = 3 to 16.2 with
were not ignitable at lower laser energy they were also not the minimum of 1.6 ms occuning at o/f = 3.
ignitable at higher energies. The laser was pulsed at 20 Hz

NASA L e R C E M 1 TEST FACILITY 12 . O c t 1993 I O : 06: 33
MSPC 5218 - RE02 SLOW N666B


dOO m J , 0 . 5 CM G A P (IMFO)


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014 .l 1 10 100 1000

Flgure 15.--Etectromagnetlc waves emisslon from sparks of an electricat spark plug.

The clectromagnetic emission of laser sparks was 3. B.S. Armstrong, “Ignition Systems for Liquid
found to be below the permissible level for space flight, Oxygen (LOX)/Hydrocarbon Booster Engines,”
a<specified by NASA MSFC-SPEC-521B. It is evident NASATM-102033,1989.
that LIS’Semit a negligible amount of electromagnetic
waves and are not likely to cause EM1 on board a space- 4.D.L. Linne, J. Roncace, and M.F. Groth,
craft. “Mars In Situ Propellants:Carbon Monoxide and
Oxygen Ignition Experiments,” NASA TM-103202,
LIS ignition is highly feasible for GOWGH2, GOW 1990.
C&, and moderately compatible with GOWCO and 5 . A.W. Miziolek and R.C. Sausa, “Photochemi-
GOX/RP-1. Laser sparks ignited the first two propellant cal Ignition Studies: I. Laser Ignition of Flowing
combinations with ease, but required an additive in case Premixed Gases,” U.S. Army Ballistic Research
of carbon monoxide and encountered the problem of Laboratory TR BRL-TR-2644, Feb. 1985.
beam energy loss in RP-1. Finally, it has been found that
laser induced sparks are not likely to cause EM1 an board 6. B.E. Forch and A.W. Miziolek, “Photocherni-
a spacecraft. cal Ignition Studies: II. Oxygen-Atom Two-Photon
Resonance Effects,” U.S. Army Ballistic Research
References Laboratory TR B&TR-2740, June 1986.

1. W.P. Luscher and J.A. Mellish, “Advanced 7. B.E. Forch and A.W. Miziolek, “Photocherni-
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Application,” NASA CR-135141, 1977. Resonant Multiphoton Photochemical Formation of
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2. V.A. Caluori, R.T. Conrad, and J.C. Jenkins, Laboratory TR BRLTR-2809, June 1987.
“Technology Requirements for Future Earth-to-
Geosynchronous Orbit Transportation Systems,” 8. R.A. Hill, “Ignition-Delay Times in Laser
NASA CR-3265, 1980. Initiated Combustion,” Applied Optics, Vol. 20, pp.
2239-2242,198 1.

9. Y.P.Raizer, Laser-Induced Discharge Phe-
noniena, Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York,
10. E.K.Dabora, “Laser Ignition of Liquid Fuel
Drops,” presented at the 7th ICICOGER, Gijttingen,
Federal Republic of Germany, Aug. 20-24, 1979,
Copyright to AIAA, 1980.
11. H.F. Coward and G.W. Jones, “Limits of
Flammability of Gases and Vapors,” United States
Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Bulletin

12. B. Lewis and G. Von Elbe, “Combustion

Flames and Explosions in Gases,” Academic Press,
New York, pp. 323-339,1961.
Downloaded by HeeJeong Koh on February 19, 2013 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1994-2980

13. D.R. Ballal and AH.Lefebvre, ”Flame

Qucrnching in Turbulent Flowing Gaseous Mixtures,”
presented at the 16th Symposium on Combustion,

14. J.S. Chin, “The Analysis of the Effect of

Oxygen Addition on Minimum Ignition Energy,”
AIAA Paper 82-1 160, June 1982.


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