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Basics of Google Docs Outline

I. Welcome and self-introduction A. Self-introduction 1. Name, WSU Intern in final stages of completing a dual degree in Library Media/Tech.Ed. and a certificate in Instructional Design for Online Learning 2. Brief mention of my comfort level with technology to show I can relate B. Welcome and thank them for attending 1. Read Welcome Letter II. Brief comparison between Google Docs and Microsoft Word A. Google Docs and Microsoft Word have many similar features, features are laid out differently B. Explain how Google is free and regularly updating features C. Google docs lets automatically saves and be accessed from anywhere on pretty much any device D. Documents can be opened in most formats with ease, and can be saved in many formats II. Steps to log-In to school Google Docs account A. Walk through the steps to get access to Docs from school and at home B. Get everyone log-in to their accounts IV. Steps to access Google Doc application A. Explain access screen and show them where to find the apps B. Briefly mention the various apps C. Have them go into the Docs V. Walk through of features of Docs application A. Start on the left side of the tool bar and briefly show them the features VI. Demonstrate how to access the following features: A. Page Settings B. Font options VII. Question and Answer Session VIII. Hands-on Session X. Brief Post-Survey A. Share contact information and materials through Google.

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