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Asking Questions

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Children need to be encouraged to ask questions. Talking to them and involving them in what you do is vital. If you ask them questions, make sure that you make them as open as possible as you want them to say more than yes or no. e.g. A closed question might be Did you like the ice cream? Answer yes or no. An open question would be Why do you like ice cream?
Ask your child questions about themselves e.g. where is your nose, where are your feet? Then get them to ask you some questions. Remember young children can often understand more than they can say. Encourage your child to play with their favourite toys. Often you will hear them asking their teddy bear or dolls questions. e.g. How are you feeling? Do you want to go for a walk? Provide your child with some additional items that they can use with their teddy or doll. These could include a dish or a mirror. This will help extend their vocabulary and encourage more interaction. Go for a walk and ask your child some questions on the way. Encourage them to ask you some questions as well. Play some talking games. Tell your child that they must not say yes or no to the questions you are going to ask. See how long they can do this. Set up a role play situation in a car or bus, get your child to imagine that they are a passenger. What kind of questions might they ask e.g. Can I have a drink please? How long before we get there? Look at the sheets supplied on the following pages.

Please remember to recycle this activity

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Bus Journey
Colour this in. What kind of questions might you ask if you were on this journey?

Whats happening in the park?

How many children are riding bikes?

What is the dog doing behind the tree?

How many yellow flowers are there?

What is the weather like?

Where is the lizard?

Whats happening in the park?

Draw what else you think could be behind the tree

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