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Case Study On Infosys Technologies The Best Among Indian Corporations

Infosys What it is
Infosys Technologies Ltd. provides consulting and IT services to clients worldwide. It was Founded in 1981, the corporate headquarters are based in Bangalore, India. N.R.Narayan murthy and his six colleagues has started the company with capital of 10000 only Today it is working at a world level

Infosys Technologies employs nearly 17,000 people worldwide, almost 10,000 of whom are software professionals. In the last financial year Infosys has made a Profit of 8470cr.

Infosys' Vision: "To be a globally respected corporation that provides best-of-breed business solutions, leveraging technology, delivered by best-in-class people." Infosys' Mission "To achieve our objectives in an environment of fairness, honesty, and courtesy towards our clients, employees, vendors and society

Humble Beginning & Spectacular Growth

- Found in 1981, - By N.R. Narayana Murthy & his six colleagues - Global Presence with 32 sales offices in 17 countries & 33 global development centre

Creator of Infosys

Infosyss Vision & Message

To be a globally respected corporation that provides best-ofbreed business solutions, leveraging technology, delivered by best-in-class people.

To achieve our objectives in an environment of fairness, honesty & courtesy towards our clients, employees, vendors & society at large.

Infosyss Most Telling Message: Powered by Intellect and Driven by Values

1) Powered by Intellect 2) Driven by Values

C-LIFE Principle
Customer Delight Leadership by Example Integrity and Transparency Fairness Pursuit of Excellence

Indias Most Admired Company

2000 2001 & 2004 1996 to 2001 2000 2000 2004

National Award for Excellence Rank 1 in Most Respected Companies (World-IMRB) Indias Best Managed Company Asias leading corporation (Far Eastern Economic Review) Indias Most Admired Company (The Economic Times) Global Most-Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE)

A People-Centric Company
- Focus on people & their skills - 35000 employees from 5000

Business Description
Business consulting Custom software development Maintenance & Re-engineering services System integration IT infra management Business process outsourcing

Financials of Infosys
Quarter 2 highlights of current Financial year:- Revenue growth of 5% - 45 new clients added, including 19 in Investment Verticals (Life sciences, Healthcare, Energy & Utilities) - 15000 employees (gross) added - 6.3% growth in America: Europe grew 2.1% - Balanced growth seen in all 4 verticals - Balanced growth in client portfolio - Slight decline in employee turnover

Infosys Business Strategy

- Pride = Process Repository at Infosys for Driving Excellence - Kshop = Knowledge Shop

Rapid Wealth & Value Creating through Diversified Business

Ability to add new business offering & mould it Diversify risk Explore customers from emerging markets Global Delivery Model (GDM)

Infosys Key to Success

World-class environment High quality of life to employees & wealth creation opportunities Technical knowledge & skills to employees Emphasizing constantly on quality against the best in world Diversify income source Accounting standards of advanced countries

Business Ethics at Infosys

Making the decision to commit to ethics Recognizing that they are the role model by definition, by action & by values Assuming responsibility for instilling ethical behavior Articulating the values Train the staff Encouraging open communication Being consistent in their approach

Corporate Governance at Infosys

International benchmarked standards Commended as Ideal report by Security and Exchange Commission of the United States of America Value-based management methodology Follow recommendations of CII Demarcation of responsibilities and authorities Assess the efficacy of the board Best global practices

Corporate Social Responsibility

Commitment to help people & community 1% of PAT donated to Infosys foundation Computers at classrooms program Training to teachers in rural areas

Infosys foundation It is better to light a candle than remain in darkness

-Healthcare -Social Rehabilitation & Rural upliftment -Learning & Education -Promotion of Indian arts & culture

Innovation & excellence in industry Harness technology Increasing reliance on e-commerce & technology Create success & build prosperity

Dharma is above everything.

Q-1 : What are the factors that have contributed to Infosys remaining Indias most admired company?
It is one of the most admired company of the India because. They have strong management system Diversified their business in many fields
Business process consulting Software process consulting Application development and support etc.

World class working environment Quality service Rapid innovation

People centric approach which motivates a lot to the employees Mainly the values of the organization like.
Ethical organization Fairness, honest, transparency Very much ahead in corporate social responsibility. Fulfilling all the requirements of corporate governance

Q-2: One of the factors that have helped Infosys achieve an unparalleled success in its business is that it has focused on a people centric business enterprise. Do you agree? substantiate your answer.

People Centric approach :

Infosys is following people centric approach from many years Employees are increasing rapidly They believes in skilled personnel They are giving training to employees to make them experts

The quality of their employee is the one which is giving edge over its competitor.

Benefits from people centric approach:
It motivates employees Increases job satisfaction of the employees Quality service Expertise in their work

We as a group believe that, people centric approach of Infosys is one of the factors which helps them in achieving success but up to some extent only because other factors are also having impact on their achievements.
Working at global level Providing world class environment to employees Quality service Rapid innovation Constant improvement in technology Diversifying income sources to minimize risk Global delivery model

Q-3: To what extent do you think the success of Infosys can be attributed to the unwavavering commitment to the ethical trilogy of business ethics, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility?

What is ethics?
Ethics is a system of morale principles and attitude that guides our actions to be morally correct and fair.

Ethics at Infosys:
Whistle blower policy to encourage and protect employees willing to share information Honesty and integrity in their code of conduct(One will be punished if they are not following the rules of the company Ex. The CEO of Infosys was fined because he has disclose the information of change in his ownership shares) Commitment to best global practices

What are they doing to apply ethics in their organization..?
Ethics are followed by all the employees from top level to bottom level Training to their staff Encouraging open communication Consistent in their performance

What is corporate governance ? Corporate governance is a set of mechanism used to manage the relationship among stakeholders, and to determine and control the strategic direction and performance of organization.

Corporate governance at Infosys:
Following all the standard governance at global level Disclosing all the material facts of corporate

It will help the firm in.

Ensuring independent and proactive board Independent committees to decide remuneration An independent audit system

What is Corporate social responsibility? CSR is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development by improving the quality of life of the workforce and their family as well as local communities.

Corporate social responsibility(CSR) at Infosys:
It has established trust called Infosys foundation It works to improve the community 1% of net profit is given to this trust every year for purpose of doing welfare activity Trust is working for.
To help disadvantaged people of society To enhance living condition of rural people Building hospitals and donating equipments Building schools for educating people Working for promoting art and culture of India

From the following information we can say that Infosys is the value driven company. And their code of conduct is fully ethical and they believe that never think twice when they have to make a tough decision involving ethics They are famous world wide for their corporate governance And they contributed a lot to society under the CSR

Thus from the above point we can say that Infosys is famous world wide for their code of conduct and their value system And these factors has contributed a lot in success of Infosys But once again we want to say that these are not the only factors which are contributing to success of the Infosys

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