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GCPS Persuasive Writing Rubric 4th Grade Beginning of the Year Expectations Name: _______________________________ Date: _______________ Title

of the Piece: ___________________________

Ideas The degree to which the writer establishes a focus and develops the main points with examples, facts, anecdotes, and details.

Does Not Meet Expectations

-little or no evidence of focus on the topic -limited and/or unrelated examples and details -the writer may attempt to develop the idea, but it is vague, general, or not understood -lacks position -lacks support or support may be unrelated -response is insufficient to determine competence

Meets Expectations
-generally consistent focus on the topic -some relevant examples and details - some parts are more developed than others -has a position but may be weak - some support may be irrelevant or unrelated -response contains sufficient writing to address the topic

Exceeds Expectations
-consistent focus on topic; some evidence of purpose and point of view -most examples and details are relevant -complete information and most ideas are developed -states a clear position -most support is relevant and related -response contains adequate writing to address the topic

Ideas ( x 2 )
Organization The degree to which the ideas are arranged in a clear order with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

-some evidence of organization ( introduction, body, and conclusion) present, but not all effective -some ideas presented sequentially, but may not be logical -some use of transitions; may be repetitive or formulaic -multiple paragraphs

Style The degree to which the writer controls language to capture the readers interest.

-little or no evidence of organization - may be missing introduction, body, or conclusion -ideas are not grouped in a meaningful or sequential order, order may be confusing -little or no evidence of transitions -single paragraph -response is insufficient to determine competence

-introduction, body and conclusion present,, parts may be effective -many ideas are logically presented in sequential order -varied transitions are used -appropriate multiple paragraphs

-most language is simple; some is descriptive ( sensory details, strong verbs) -limited awareness of audience -attempts to express point of view or perspective -voice is weak but apparent in some parts of the paper - lacks originality -some variation in sentence length and structure

Conventions The degree to which the writer demonstrates control of sentence formation, usage, and mechanics.

-language is simple or repetitive and does not engage the reader -little or no awareness of audience -does not express point of view or perspective -voice is flat/ bland, unidentifiable, or unoriginal -little or no variation in sentence length or structure -response is insufficient to determine competence -frequent and severe spelling errors that interfere with meaning -frequent and severe punctuation errors -many capitalization errors -numerous verb tense errors -more unclear sentences than clear and correct; may omit words -response is insufficient to determine competence

-balanced use of simple and descriptive language ( sensory details, strong verbs) -attention to audience throughout - expresses individual point of view or perspective -writers voice is apparent in many parts of the paper; sometimes strong -variety of sentence length and structure

-spelling errors present, and may interfere with meaning -some punctuation errors -some capitalization errors -some verb tense errors -many sentences are clear and correct

- spelling errors present, but do not interfere with meaning -few punctuation errors -few capitalization errors -few verb tense errors -most sentences are clear and correct


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