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Name of the student: Sambhrant Kishore. Mobile No: +91-9324277579.

Enrollment No: 06BS3048. E-mail Id:

Management Research Project

Initial Information Report (IIR)

I. Project Details: Title of the project: Analysis of organized retailing in India. Area of the Project: Retail industry. Description of the project in brief: The project would be aimed at understanding the process and importance of organized retailing in India. It will include a comparative study of major players in organized retailing arena so as to understand the difference of process clearly in various companies. II. Project Implementation and schedule: Schedule: 7th December to 10th February. Methodology: The study would be based on the data collected from various secondary sources including reference from internet material and bibliographic reference. III. I will submit the following reports as per the schedule given below: Evaluation component Project Proposal Interim Report Final Report Faculty Guide Name: Prof. Prema Ramchandran. Date planned December15, 2007 January 07, 2008 February 10, 2008

Date: December 7, 2007

Sambhrant Kishore (Signature of the student)

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