Ilp Henry March 2013

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Cornish College

Name Henry Reed

Early Years Team

Year Level 2

Individual Learning Plan

Date March 2013

Individual Learning Plan

Review of Progress Class Teacher Henry has settled into year 2 but needs constant teacher supervision to make sure tasks are completed correctly and on time. Henry needs to be encouraged to listen with his eyes and ears. Henry finds it difficult to stay focussed in discussions. He rarely volunteers information. Best sitting in front of class when on floor. Reading skills are around Reading Recovery Level 7. His spelling skills are also weak. He looks for constant assurance from the teacher. Henry is stronger at maths when counting and numbers are used. He finds written instructions, problems and vocabulary difficult due do his reading level. He does not have the language/word knowledge to express himself or his ideas. Handwriting is becoming clearly but with some reversals of letters and numbers. Correct formation of letters still needs to be stressed. Henry joins in with the other students at times. He is a creative student who enjoys drawing and making things. He also enjoys using the iPad and computers. Has some avoidance strategies going to toilet, taking too long, Parent Individual Needs/Additional Assistance 1-1 sessions with Mrs Syme Close monitoring of all classroom tasks to maintain Henrys understanding of the tasks Henry accesses 2 support sessions with Mrs Syme focusing on his reading, writing and spelling. Currently, Henry is reading Level 7. He is coping with this higher level, however, Henry needs to develop more confidence whilst reading and appeal less. If he is unsure he stops and looks for prompts/cues to assist him with problem solving. He needs to combine reading strategies and actively use these strategies to decode words. Henry is being encouraged to read in a more fluent and phrased manner, and with more expression. He can write a simple sentence after some discussion about composition, he needs encouragement to get on with the task at hand otherwise Henry will sit and ponder for too long. Henry is to be recommended for his reading practice at home as this makes a difference to how he sounds whist reading familiar books. This home practice will also will also assist with Henrys fluency and phrasing. Learning Goals Develop memory strategies to aid recall of instructions, vocabulary and spelling Correct formation of letters with correct starting points Use appropriate vocabulary and expressions to aid clarity and confidence when speaking To expand reading and writing of high frequency words To improve fluency and phrasing whilst reading To improve expression whilst reading Classroom activities Home activities Memory building Target Spelling, Kims Maintain daily reading practice Game, memory games Daily reading of Mrs Symes take home books Regular formal handwriting sessions using Encourage the breaking up of words into phonemes dotted thirds paper (separate sound) Encouraging speaking with confidence when Learn specific words if sent home in reader pouch talking to teachers iPad apps to help at home THRASS approach to breaking up words*Sight words by photo touch listening to the phonemes *Spellosaur *Phonics Vowels *Apps involving reading Individual Needs activities Concerns / Comments 1-1 sessions with Mrs Syme focusing on reading, spelling and writing strategies regular reading of correctly pitched books sentence writing, targeting composition and high frequency words Date of next meeting: Term 2 2013 Teachers involved: Mrs Mary Parker, Mrs Melissa Gibson (Class Teachers) Mrs Maris Syme (Special Needs)

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