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English Language PROJECT WORK Discipline in School & at Home

Discipline is one of the basic requirement of a civilized life. And in student life, it plays a great role. If everything goes on in a definite routine and the discipline is maintained then there would not be any chaos anywhere. Discipline is the backbone of the national unity. Citizens of disciplined nations can work more smoothly and are filled with the spirit of unity, brotherhood and co-operation. Anywhere we go discipline is necessary in any institution whether it is an educational institution, or even in the political field, in social or religious matters, even on street and even while you are sitting in your own house. My project discusses all about discipline; in school, at home, in public etc in the later paragraphs. Discipline is an important component of student life. Discipline should be inculcated from a very young age. Talent and genius alone are not enough to achieve success. Discipline has an equally important role to play. Talents blossom in a disciplined person. Discipline has got immense usefulness for us. Like- Discipline leads to success. If we read in a disciplined way, we can master the subject. If we labour in a disciplined way, we can make better production. A disciplined army has immense advantage over an undisciplined army. A small number of disciplined soldiers can defeat a large number of undisciplined soldiers. A disciplined life gives us healthy and happiness. A disciplined man is a virtuous man. Because discipline never admits any vice. Vice never gets a chance to creep into a disciplined man. School is the main tutor of discipline for students. The foremost duty of the school is to teach discipline to their students. As said discipline is the key point of all success. The students should conduct in a disciplined manner. They should obey the rules and regulation of the school. They

should obey the direction of their teachers. They should make a regular habit in their day-today work as regularity is also a condition for discipline. They should keep their books, tools and belongings in the most disciplined order. Discipline is very important in a student's life. He must obey his teachers. He must abide by the rules in school. If he violates them, he suffers a great deal in his future. A disciplined student can achieve success. Similarly, a teacher without discipline in his life cannot be an ideal teacher. The importance of discipline in educational institutions is well recognized. There should be a proper balance between discipline and the freedom of the students. The educational institutions should have a peaceful and calm atmosphere to enable the students to acquire knowledge. There is growing discontentment among the students. Because of this discontentment, we notice that discipline in our schools and colleges has considerably declined. Students are disrespectful to their teachers. They misbehave in the classrooms. They organize strikes and take the law into their hands. The government as well as the educational authorities should undertake necessary steps to improve the atmosphere in the educational institutions. Discipline in schools may reduce the violence and vandalism and help the students to focus better on their studies and career.

Although students are taught the main aspects of discipline from school, the parents are responsible for the basic disciplines to be taught to their children. If children are grown up in an atmosphere of love and brotherhood, they tend to be good citizens. It is the duty of parents to raise their children in an atmosphere conducive for everybody. The children from divorced parents and from broken homes are generally indiscipline. Therefore, parents should bring up their children in a disciplined manner.

A disciplined student does not only have to be disciplined within school, but also at home. Children are learning how to behave and need parents and caregivers to help them during that process. Because they are always learning, they will misbehave. Psychological studies show that behaviors are more effectively shaped by rewarding positive

behaviors than by punishing negative ones. Spanking may have the short-term effect of stopping an undesired behavior, but it may have long-term consequences. Spanking by parents or others may cause harm by teaching children to use violence and by showing them that those who should love and protect them have the right to physically hurt them. Discipline does not mean only training of mind and character for self-control, "habit of obedience and observance of rules and laws. The aim of discipline has always been accommodation, integration and complete identification with the existing social relationship not alienation from the organization called society. Students who are disciplined should know how to behave in society. That shows how well they are brought up and gives more praises from people. Without discipline, it is very difficult to lead a happy life in society. There will be indiscipline and chaos if we try to live in our own way. Both, individual and society will be in jeopardy.

Without discipline there can be no scientific advances, no industrial or technological achievement, no settled system of law, no exploration and no development. Discipline is essential for personal growth and national prosperity. Absence of it can lead to failure, defeat and backwardness. Respect of parents, teachers and elders should be given importance. Honesty and integrity and doing a duty with devotion and dedication should be stressed. There should be a spirit of harmony, co-operation and mutual respect co-existent among fellow human beings. All should follow the rules and regulations laid by law. Discipline means full realization of the sense of responsibility. This will bring progress and prosperity in the society and the nation. A proper and reasonable balance has to be stuck between liberty and discipline. The restraints or discipline must course be designed for the social good and it is obvious that excessive restraints will inevitably lead to the erosion of human liberties. Temptations are always there. Only the forms of temptations change. But those of us who learn the subtle art of self-discipline and self-constraint, nothing can prevent us from attaining our goals in life. Let us all aim to be a little more self disciplined from henceforth.

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