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Are we too much Addicted to FaceBook? OR FaceBook Addiction.

Gender: -Male -Female Age Group: -18-20 -20-23 -23-25 -above 25

1. Do you have an internet connection? -YES -NO 2. How many hours per week do you use your computer for work? - Less than 5 - 5-8 -8-10 -More than 10

3. Do you use social websites? -YES -NO 4. (If Yes) Since when do you have a Facebook account? - Less than 6 months - 1 year - 3 years - More than 3 years

5. When do you log on to Facebook? - When have to check messages and notifications - When I am bored - When I am free - When I have to communicate with friends

6. How often do you find yourself staying on Facebook instead of doing things that you should be doing? - Always - Mostly - Rarely - Never

7. Facebook has affected your normal daily life negatively. - Strongly Agreed - Agreed - Disagree - Strongly Disagree

8. Facebook has affected your normal daily life positively - Strongly Agreed - Agreed - Disagree - Strongly Disagree

9. Have you ever gone without facebook for a day? -Yes -NO, Dont remember -Never

10. Do you use facebook on a mobile device? -Yes -No

11. Would you consider yourself a facebook addict? -Yes -NO

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