DC Machines

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Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Graphics for

EE 315: Basic Electrical Engineering III

Prepared by Brian Manhire, Ph.D. Professor of Electrical Engineering

Stocker Center, home of Ohio Universitys Russ College of Engineering & Technology

Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Graphics

Copyright 1998 Brian Manhire

For Part 3 of

Introduction to Electrical Engineering, 2/e

by C.R. Paul, S.A. Nasar and L.E. Unnewehr

McGraw-Hill, Inc.

12:21 PM Ohio Ohio Universitys Universitys Russ Russ College College of of Engineering Engineering & & Technology Technology

Chapter 13: DC Machines

Introduction 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 13.10 13.11 The Faraday Disk and Faradays Law The Heteropolar, or Conventional, DC Machine Constructional Details Classification According to Forms of Excitation Performance Equations Effects of SaturationBuidup of Voltage in a Shunt Generator Generator Characteristics Motor Characteristics Starting of DC Motors Speed Control of DC Motors Losses and Efficiency

Ohio Ohio Universitys Universitys Russ Russ College College of of Engineering Engineering & & Technology Technology

Electromechanical Energy Conversion
Electrical energy = vi t Motor Generator Mechanical energy = Temt

+ v

Ideal (lossless) Electric Machine

Pelec. = vi = Tem = Pmech.


The machines magnetic field is the medium of (energy) conversion

12:21 PM Ohio Ohio Universitys Universitys Russ Russ College College of of Engineering Engineering & & Technology Technology

Section 13.1: The Faraday Disk and Faradays Law

Flux-cutting Rule: Voltage e = Blu is induced in the moving conductor ascending the stationary rails
B (flux density) is in T., the moving conductors length and speed (l and u) are in m. and m./sec. respectively
12:21 PM Ohio Ohio Universitys Universitys Russ Russ College College of of Engineering Engineering & & Technology Technology

Section 13.1: The Faraday Disk and Faradays Law cont.

From Example 13.1 (pp. 494-495): v = 0.5 B r12 = 6.28 V. for B = 0.4 T., = 1200 RPM and r 1 = 0.5 m.which for the machines physical size and speed, isnt very much. Moral: The homopolar scheme isnt practical

12:21 PM Ohio Ohio Universitys Universitys Russ Russ College College of of Engineering Engineering & & Technology Technology

Section 13.2 The Heteropolar, or Conventional, DC Machine

AC Generator

v(t) = Emsin(t), where: Em = 2BNlr

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Section 13.2 The Heteropolar, or Conventional, DC Machine cont.

DC Generator
Commutator-brush assembly mechanically rectifies the coils AC voltage so that DC voltage appears across the brushes
12:21 PM Ohio Ohio Universitys Universitys Russ Russ College College of of Engineering Engineering & & Technology Technology

Section 13.2 The Heteropolar, or Conventional, DC Machine cont.

Conductor a under N pole

DC Motor
Conductor a under S pole

A unidirectional (CCW) torque acts on the coil per text Fig. 13.7, p. 499 (left-hand rule for forces acting on the coils conductors) 12:21 PM Ohio Ohio Universitys Universitys Russ Russ College College of of Engineering Engineering & & Technology Technology

Section 13.3 Construction Details

DC Machine Parts

Armature Lamination

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Section 13.3 Construction Details cont.

Commutator Assembly Details

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Section 13.3 Construction Details cont.

Lap Winding

Wave Winding
Odd- and even-numbered conductors are at the top and bottom of the slots respectively

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Section 13.3 Construction Details cont.

Lap winding
(single bar) Multi-turn wave winding

Slot details (layered coils)

Coil in slot
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Section 13.4 Classification According to Forms of Excitation

Separately excited (armature & field separated)

Shunt excited (armaSeries excited (armature & field in parallel ) ture & field in series ) 12:21 PM Ohio Ohio Universitys Universitys Russ Russ College College of of Engineering Engineering & & Technology Technology


Section 13.4 Classification According to Forms of Excitation cont.

Cumulative compound (field windings aid oneanother)

Differential compound (field windings oppose one-another)

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Section 13.4 Classification According to Forms of Excitation cont.

Long-shunt compound (armature in series with series field winding)

Short-shunt compound (armature in parallel with shunt field winding)

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Section 13.5: Performance Equations

emf equation E = nZ(p/a)/60 torque equation Te = Z(p/a)I a/(2)

Where: = Flux per pole (Wb.) = Armature speed in RPM = Number of active armature conductors = Number of field poles = a for lap winding = Number of parallel paths in the armature winding = 2 for wave winding Ia = Armature current in Amperes 12:21 PM Ohio Ohio Universitys Universitys Russ Russ College College of of Engineering Engineering & & Technology Technology n Z p a


Section 13.5: Performance Equations cont. Example 13.2

Determine the voltage induced in the armature of a DC machine running at 1750 RPM and having four poles. The flux per pole is 25 mWb. and the armature is lap-wound with 728 conductors Since the armature is lap-wound, p = a. So the emf equation yields:

E = nZ(p/a)/60 = 2510-3Wb. 1750 RPM 728 (p/a = 1)/60 = 530.8 V.

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Section 13.5: Performance Equations cont. Example 13.3

A lap-wound armature has 576 conductors and carries a current of 123.5 A. If the flux per pole is 20 mWb., calculate the electromagnetic torque developed by the armature. The armature is lap-wound so p = a. Then the torque equation yields:

Te = Z(p/a)Ia/(2) = 2010-3Wb. 576(p/a = 1)123.5A./(2) = 226.4 N.m

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Section 13.5: Performance Equations cont. Example 13.4

If the armature of Example 13.3 rotates at 123.5 radians per second, what is the induced emf in the armature? Assuming the armature has no resistance (so its lossless), then its electrical power equals its mechanical power, ergo:

EIa = Te 123.5 . = 226.4 N.m 123.5 rad./sec. which has solution E = 226.4 V.

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Section 13.5: Performance Equations cont.






+ Back emf voltage E Armature

n Rf Field

If + Vf

Separately Excited Motor

E = V t - RaIa (KVL) and E = k 1n so that n = (V t - RaIa )/(k1 ) which is the so-called speed equation If the field isnt saturated, then = k fIf so that n = (V t - RaIa )/(kIf ) where k = k1kf
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Section 13.5: Performance Equations cont.

+ RaIa + Vt = 250 V. Rf = 125 E If +
Ra = 0.25



Shunt Excited Motor

Example 13.5
A 250 V. shunt motor has an armature resistance of 0.25 and a field resistance of 125 . At no load (1200 RPM), the motor draws a current of 5 A. At full load, the motor draws 52 A. Whats the motors full-load speed (in RPM)?
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Section 13.5: Performance Equations cont.

+ RaIa + Vt = 250 V. Rf = 125 E If +
Ra = 0.25



Shunt Excited Motor

Example 13.5 cont.

The field current is If = Vt/Rf = 250V./125 = 2A. so (by KCL), the armature current at no-load is: Ia = I - If = 5A.- 2A. = 3A. By KVL, ENL = Vt - RaIa = 250V. - 0.253. = 249.25V. and the corresponding (no-load) speed is nNL = 1200 RPM
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Section 13.5: Performance Equations cont.

+ RaIa + Vt = 250 V. Rf = 125 E If +
Ra = 0.25



Shunt Excited Motor

Example 13.5 cont.

The field current is If = Vt/Rf = 250V./125 = 2A. so (by KCL), the armature current at full load is: Ia = I - If = 52A. - 2A. = 50A. By KVL, EFL = Vt - RaIa = 250V. - 0.2550. = 237.5V. and the corresponding (full-load) speed nFL is unknown.
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Section 13.5: Performance Equations cont.

+ RaIa + Vt = 250 V. Rf = 125 E If +
Ra = 0.25



Shunt Excited Motor

Example 13.5 cont.

Then ENL = k1nNL and EFL = k1 nFL with constant so that nFL = (E FL/ENL) nNL = (237.5V./249.25V.)1200 RPM, nFL 1143 RPM

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Section 13.6: Effects of SaturationBuildup of Voltage in a Shunt Generator

RaIa = 0V.

+ + E

Ra = 0 Rf


I = 0 A. + Vt


Unloaded Shunt Excited Generator Given that the machine isnt loaded and that Ra is negligible, Ia = If and E(If) = RfIf where E(If) is a non-linear function of the field current I f. The implications of this are shown in the next slide.

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Section 13.6: Effects of SaturationBuildup of Voltage in a Shunt Generator cont.

E(If), RfIf RfIf E(If) E(If) = RfI f Ia If I = 0 A.

Slope = Rf


Residual magnetism

Rf If

Unloaded Shunt Excited Generator


Voltage buildup depends on residual magnetism and Rfs value

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Section 13.7: Generator Characteristics

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Section 13.7: Generator Characteristics cont.

Example 13.6
A 50 KW, 250 V., short-shunt compound generator has the following date: Ra = 0.06 , Rser. = 0.04 and Rf = 125 . Calculate the induced armature emf at rated load and terminal voltage. Take 2 V. as the total brush-contact voltage drop. +
Ia Ra = 0.06 Rser. = 0.04


Rf = 125 If V t = 250 V. 50 KW

+ E

I = 50KW/250 V. = 200A.

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Section 13.7: Generator Characteristics cont.

Example 13.6 cont.


Ia Ra = 0.06

Rser. = 0.04 + Rser.I

V t = 250 V. 50 KW

+ E


Rf = 125 If

I = 200A.

KVL: V f = Vt + R ser.I = 250V. + .04200A. = 258 V. If = Vf/Rf = 258V./125 = 2.064 A. and by KCL: Ia = I + If = 200 A. + 2.064 A. = 202.064 A. KVL: E = Vf + R aI a = 258 V. + .06202.064A. = 270.12 V. KVL: E = E + V brush = 270.12V. + 2V. = 272.12 V. Note that Vbrush isnt shown on the schematic
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Section 13.8: Motor Characteristics

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Section 13.9: Starting of DC Motors



Ra = 0.05

Vt = 230 V.


+ RaIa + E

50 hp Shunt Excited Motor On starting, E = k1 n = 0 V. (since n = 0 RPM) By KVL: Ia = (V t - E)/Ra = 230 V./.05 = 4.6 KA. and Pa = (Ia)2 Ra = 1.058 MW = 1.42 Khp >> 50 hp = rated hp Where is this power going? In practice, high starting currents are limited by way of a starting mechanism which places resistance in series with the armature during startup 12:21 PM Ohio Ohio Universitys Universitys Russ Russ College College of of Engineering Engineering & & Technology Technology


Section 13.9: Starting of DC Motors cont.

+ + RaIa + Vt = 230 V. E Rf = 75 If +
Ra = 0.05



Shunt Excited Motor

Example 13.7
The shunt motor draws 7 A. when running at 1120 RPM and 46 A. at a greater load. Whats the motors speed at this greater load, and, what is its speed if the field resistance is increased to 100 at this (46 A.) load?

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Section 13.9: Starting of DC Motors cont.

+ + RaIa + Vt = 230 V. E Rf = 75 If +
Ra = 0.05



Shunt Excited Motor

Example 13.7 cont.

At the 7 A. load, n 7A. = 1120 RPM, If = 230 V. / 75 = 3.07 A. and Ia = I - I f = 7A. - 3.07A. = 3.93 A. so the speed equation is: n 7A. = 1120 RPM = (230V. - 0.053.93A.)/(3.07A. k) = (Vt - RaIa)/kIf = E/kIf Which yields k = 0.0668 (what are ks units?). So at the 46A. load (with R f = 75 ) I a = I - I f = 46A. - 3.07A. = 42.93 A. and the speed equation yields: n = (230V. - 0.0542.93A.)/(3.07A.0.0668) = 1111 RPM
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Section 13.9: Starting of DC Motors cont.

+ + RaIa + Vt = 230 V. E Rf = 75 If +
Ra = 0.05



Shunt Excited Motor

Example 13.7 cont.

If the field resistance is increased to 100 , I f = 230 V. / 100 = 2.3 A. and I a = I - If = 46A. - 2.3A. = 43.7 A. so the speed equation is: n = (230V. - 0.0543.7A.)/(2.3A. 0.0668) = 1483 RPM

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Section 13.9: Starting of DC Motors cont.

+ + RaIa + Vt = 230 V. E Rf = 75 If 0.1
Ra = 0.05

I = 46A. +



Example 13.8
Whats the motors speed if its running as shown above (with a 0.1 resistor placed in the armature circuit)? From Example 13.7, I f = 3.07A., Ia = 42.93A. and k = 0.0668 so the speed equation gives n = (230V. - 0.15 42.93A.)/(3.07A. 0.0668) = 1090 RPM (Note: P0.1 = (42.93A.)2 0.1 = 184.3 W.)
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Section 13.10: Speed Control of DC Motors




+ Vt (constant) Switch up:

Motor E

Vm = Vt , Switch down: Vm = 0 V.

The average voltage (Vm) across the motor (and hence its speed) is controlled (see Figure 13.23 on text p. 516) by the electronically controlled switch (Thyristor) Three temporal switching schemes are shown on the next slide
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Section 13.10: Speed Control of DC Motors cont.

Pulse-width modulation (PWM)

Vave. = V
Where: = Duty cycle = t on/T

Frequency modulation (FM)

FM-PWM hybrid

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Section 13.10: Speed Control of DC Motors cont.

Switch representing commutation circuitry (needed to shut off Thyristor)






Freewheeling diode (provides path for motors current during Thyristor shut-off)

+ Ldi/dt


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Section 13.10: Speed Control of DC Motors cont.


1st State: Thyristor conducting

Thyristor = SC

Vm = Vt




Reverse-biased freewheeling diode = OC

+ Ldi/dt


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Section 13.10: Speed Control of DC Motors cont.


2nd State: Thyristor shut off

Thyristor = OC
0 A. Ia decreasing (no supply)

Vm = 0 V.


Vm = 0 V.


Forward-biased freewheeling diode = SC

+ Ldi/dt < 0 V. Motor E

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Section 13.10: Speed Control of DC Motors cont.

Example 13.9
For a DC series motor, the following data are given: supply voltage = 440 V., duty cycle = 30%, motor circuit inductance = 0.04 H., maximum allowable change in armature current = 8 A. Determine the chopper frequency. The average voltage across the motor is Vave. = V t = 0.3 440V. = 132 V. The voltage across the motor circuit inductance is V t - V ave. = 440V. - 132V. = 308 V. = 0.04H.8A./ton = Li/t (mimicking Ldi/dt) which yields ton = 1.04 ms But = t on /T T = t on / = 1.04 ms/0.3 = 3.46 ms so that the frequency is f = 1/T = 1/(3.46ms) = 289 pulses per second

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Section 13.10: Speed Control of DC Motors cont.

These change AC input voltage to a controllable DC voltage which governs the motors speed. They take advantage of natural (line) commutation (by way of sinusoidal zeros) so no complex commutation circuitry is needed. See text pp. 519-522 for details including performance figures of merit (i.e., input power, displacement and harmonic factors)

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Section 13.10: Speed Control of DC Motors cont.

Example 13.10
A 1hp, 240 V. DC motor is designed to run at 500 RPM when supplied from a DC source. The motors armature resistance is 7.56 . Its torque and backemf constants are 4.23 Nm/A and 4.23 V/(rad.sec.) respectively. The motor is driven by a half-wave converter at 200 V., 50 Hz. AC and draws a 2 A. average current at a certain load. While the SCR conducts, the average motor voltage Vm is 120 V. Determine the torque developed by the motor, the motors speed and the supply power factor. The torque is

= kI a = 4.23 Nm/A 2A. = 8.46 Nm and the back emf is

E = V m - R aIa = 120V. - 7.562A. = 104.88 V. = 4.23 V/(rad.sec.) m = k m Which yields m = 24.79 rad./sec. (which is about 237 RPM) The voltageamperage of the motor is |S|= 200V. 2A. = 400 VA and the average power drawn by the motor is VmI a = 120V. 2A. = 240 W so the power factor is P/|S| = 0.6 lagging.
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Section 13.10: Speed Control of DC Motors cont.

Ward-Leonard system
This speed-control approach employs a DC generator supplying a DC motor with a variable DC supply voltage (see Example 13.11 on text p. 523). Speed control is obtained by varying the field current of the generator and/or motor. The Ward-Leonard speed-control methodology is being supplanted by the aforementioned power-electronics schemes.

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Section 13.11: Losses and Efficiency



Parm.loss = RaI a2 Parm. = EIa

Input VfI f + Tshaftmech. Pmagn.loss

Output VtIa

Power distribution: separately excited generator

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Section 13.11: Losses and Efficiency cont.

Parm.loss = RaI a2 Parm. = EIa



Input VtIa + VfIf

Output Tshaftmech. Pmagn.loss

Power distribution: separately excited motor

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Section 13.11: Losses and Efficiency cont.

Example 13.12
A 230 V., 10 hp shunt motor draws a full-load line current of 40 A. The armature and field resistances are 0.25 and 230 respectively. The total brush-contact drop is 2 V. and the core and friction losses are 380 W. (total). Calculate the efficiency of the motor assuming the stray-load losses are 1% of the motors rated output. The input power is Pin = V tIline = 230V. 40A. = 9.2 KW The (shunt) field circuit losses are Vt 2/Rf = (230V.) 2/230 = 230 W. The armature losses are P arm.loss = (I line - If) 2Ra = (40A. - 230V./230)2 0.25 = 380.25 W. The core + friction losses are 380 W. and the stray losses are 0.1 hp (1% of 10 hp) which is 74.6 W. The brush-contact losses are Vb-c Ia = 2V. 39A. = 78 W. The total losses are 1142.85 W. So the output power is P in - total losses = 8.05715 W. and the efficiency is (Pout/Pin) 100% 87.58%
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