Baby Hat With Leaf Edging

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Baby Hat with Leaf Edging

Abbreviations: inc - knit into front and back of next stitch. Pattern: Provisionally cast on 8 sts. Commence leaf edging Row 1 (RS): k5, yo, k1, yo, k2. Row 2: p6, inc, k3. Row 3: k4, p1, k2, yo, k1, yo, k3. Row 4: p8, inc, k4. Row 5: k4, p2, k3, yo, k1, yo, k4. Row 6: P10, inc, k5. Row 7: k4, p3, k4, yo, k1, yo, k5. Row 8: p12, inc, k6. Row 9: k4, p4, ssk, k7, k2tog, k1. Row 10: p10, inc, k7. Row 11: k4, p5, ssk, k5, k2tog, k1. Row 12: p8, inc, k2, p1, k5. Row 13: k4, p1, k1, p4, ssk, k3, k2tog, k1. Row 14: p6, inc, k3, p1, k5. Row 15: k4, p1, k1, p5, ssk, k1, k2tog, k1. Row 16: p4, inc, k4, p1, k5. Row 17: k4, p1, k1, p6, sl1-k2tog-psso, k1. Row 18: p2tog, bind off next 5 sts using p2tog st to bind off first st, p3, k4. Repeat 6 more times (7 in total) Put sts on holder of some kind, DO NOT BREAK YARN! With WS of edging facing you, pick up 96 sts along straight side of edging (this is about 3 sts for every 2 garter ridges, with a little fudge at the end).

Join into round if desired - I don't usually, because I find it faster to work back and forth than with dpns. Work in reverse st st for 8 rows. Change to st st and work until knitting measures about 2.5" from the border (NOT including the border). Commence decreases for crown: Row 1: *k14, k2tog, repeat from * around. Row 2: p one row, or k it if working in the round. Row 3: * k13, k2tog, repeat from * around. Row 4: p one row, or k it if working in the round. Row 5: * k12, k2tog, repeat from * around. Row 6: p one row, or k it if working in the round. Continue as established until 48sts remain. Then decrease EVERY round as follows: Row 1: * k6, k2tog, repeat from * around. Row 2: * k5, k2tog, repeat from * around. Continue as established until 6 sts remain. Draw yarn through rem stitches. If worked back and forth, use the yarn end to sew up the back of the hat. Note: The RS of the knitting is the inside of the hat, so sew up your hat with the purl side inside). With wrong side of edging facing, bind off edging stitches together using three-needle bindoff (works better than grafting, which disrupts the "stem" of the leaf too much).

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