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ERP Enterprise

Infor10 ERP Enterprise 10.2.0 - Important Notice!

Thank you for downloading ERP Enterprise 10.2.0. It is our mission to support you with the best possible software and services to enable you to be efficient and successful in your operations. As part of our mission we continuously improve our software. We would like to make you aware of the planned update for ERP Enterprise, version 10.2.1 in November 2012. The update in November will contain enhancements and improvements based on customer experiences, as well as further enhancements for the Automotive, Service Management and Aerospace & Defense industries. The 10.2.1 delivery is targeted for availability on the download center in Q4 2012. For more information regarding the content of this delivery, please refer to the ERP Enterprise roadmap. This release will include minor table changes that leverage value-add opportunities within the core application as well as with our ION, Motion and Cloud Suites. It is always advantageous to stay current to leverage those capabilities, so we have significantly improved your ability to adopt this release. These improvements not only provide you the ability to leverage enhanced capabilities, it also provides you the ability to stay current with maintenance as per outlined in the Infor standard support policy.

More details about what has been delivered in ERP Enterprise 10.2.0 is available on the Documentation dvd or via (Documentation in top menu / Product: LN ERP). Other documentation of Infor10 ERP Enterprise for your review includes: Version Definition for 10.2.0 (D4104), detailing the requirements that have been addressed by this new release Difference Study 10.0-10.2 (P3659), detailing the new capabilities compared to LN FP7 Functions and Features (P3496), describing the functionality in Infor10 ERP Enterprise in total, up till the 10.2.0 release Infor10 Workspace-ERP Enterprise Plug-in User Guide (U9647) For additional information on Infor10 ERP Enterprise please contact Infor Xtreme Support. Sincerely, ERP Enterprise Product Management

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