Insufficient Credit ????: Maxis, Celcom) Same As The Prepaid Topup Shop at Outside

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Insufficient credit ????

For u u all all convenient, convenient, we we are are now now selling selling prepaid prepaid topup topup (Digi, (Digi, For Maxis, Celcom) Celcom) same same as as the the prepaid prepaid topup topup shop shop at at outside. outside. Maxis, You are are no no longer longer need need to to go go out out and and look look for for prepaid prepaid topup topup You shop to to reload reloadfor for your your hand hand phone. phone. If If your yourhandphone handphonerun runout out shop of credit, credit, you you can can call call me me anytime. anytime. Please Please kindly kindly contact contact 012012of 5450268 Mr. Jay Jay You can can topup topup minimum minimum from from RM RM 5, 5, 5450268 ,, Mr. .. You RM10, RM30 RM30 and so so on on (( dont have have any any extra extra charge). charge). RM10, ,, and dont We also also looking looking for for prepaid prepaid topup topup agent agent (Digi, (Digi, Maxis, Maxis, We Celcom). Interested? Interested? Please Pleasecall call012-5450268, 012-5450268, Mr.Jay. Mr.Jay. Celcom).

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