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Dang Van Quan Intern_FET


H v tn: ng Vn Qun Account: QuanDV3 Lp: Intern_FET

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Em chn m hnh EGILE vi mt s l do sau 1. Thi gian pht trin phn mm l ngn vi cht lng tt nht 2. Nhn lc t ch gm 4 ngi, trong PM v Tester u giu kinh nghim, c th h tr Dev, iu ny rt ph hp vi phng php EGILE. 3. Gi thnh r, p ng yu cu ngi dng. 4. t li xy ra do c s lp li, mi ln lp u y cc pha. 5. Thch ng c vi s thay i nhanh ca cng ngh.

Please select a suitable software development model and tell at least 3 reasons why you select it based on the information below

1.1. Panorama introduction

Panorama Tool Documentation

1.1.1. Definition and History Panorama is a wide, all-encompassing view or representation of a physical space, whether in painting, drawing, photography, movie/films or a three-dimensional model. The name panorama comes from Greek, pan means (all) and horama means (view). Panorama was coined by the Irish painter Robert Barker. In 19th century, the panorama became very popular and it was used in some events such as: historical events, exhibition and landscape representation Nowadays, panorama has continued growing and became popular. 1.1.2.Some type of panoramic images Planar or Flat This type is very popular and simple to make. The viewers can see any parts of picture without any perspective correction.

Cylinder A cylindrical panorama is intended to be viewed as if curved around the inside of a cylinder. If you view the image flat, you will see curves in the horizontal axis.

Panorama Tool Documentation

Sphere Spherical images are typically image represented files, which in equirectangular format

represent exactly 360 degrees on the horizontal axis and 180 degrees on the vertical. These images are intended to be viewed as if projected using a special slide projector onto the inside of a sphere. Cube Cubic images contain 6 separate cube faces, which are in themselves planar images, which look normal to the human eye (no horizontal curves or perspective distortion).

1.1.3.How to create panorama A panorama is a picture that is made by combining a series of photos into one large picture. By combining a series of photos, it is possible to provide a complete view of an area or location that cannot fit in a single shot.

1.2. Initial Idea

Panorama Tool Documentation

Along with the development of image processing and panorama, many people want to create a lot of panorama and edit it to make it more beautiful. These panoramic images can be used in a lot of big events or also one of the ways to advertise about tourist. Some panoramic images can be used for printing panel with big size and attract a lot of attentions. For instances, in the 1000 year anniversary of Thang Long Ha Noi, the panoramic image about Ha Noi with 6 gigapixels makes peoples pay a lot of attention and it is really the beautiful pictures with the high resolution. Another example is the highest resolution panorama of the world, the 71 billion pixels image; the group of Hungarian photographers captured a lot of images about Budapest and combined them to become the biggest one. Our idea is software that allows users create a panoramic image from set of relevant images automatically. This tool is able to create only the planar or flat panorama. Moreover, like some big projects that cannot finish at one times or short time. The users can save all the work and work again in other days. One of the features is the users can adjust brightness/contrast/colors before or after creating panorama. They also make a lot of change on the images to make it more beautiful.

1.3. Requirements
1.3.1.Functional requirements Our software will support a lot of feature that existing software does not have Automatic create the panorama image. Save time and avoid some errors or mistakes if make manually. Support to save all the work into file with new extension. This feature can help people can continue working at any time they want. Moreover, the work can be shared between many users and others can continue work.

Panorama Tool Documentation

Interface will be very user-friendly and not make any troubles and specific requirement like Photoshop.

The combination of creating panorama and image processing will help users save time if they use 2 separated tools.

The cost for this software is very cheap, not expensive like some existing software.

1.3.2.Non-functional requirements Provide a good tool that can help people save time and money. Moreover, this tool can be upgraded in future to be better. Customer willingly communicate online and/or offline with project team. Project develovelopment duration: max = 6 months Team size: 1 PMs, 2 Developers, 1 Tester Team experiences + PM: 3 years as PM role and 3 years as Developer role + Developers: 1 Fresher + 1 Developer just 1 experience + Tester: 2 years

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