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BiologyNotes- ALeve l

Control of the Heartbeat

The hearlhas a massof between2509and 4D0gandwillbeatin excessol 2 billiontimesInan
average lifetime.The heartconsistsmainlyof CAHDIACi'IUSCLE, a Vpe ol muscleuniqueto
the heart- it does not {aiigue.The heartbeatis initiatedfromwithinthe head itself,it d,:es not
relyuponneruousstimulation. lt is saidto he l.{YOGENIC.

The initialstirnulusfrr a headbealoriginatesin a groul:ul cells knoi,vnas the 5lH0-ATRIAL

N0DE (SA node).located in the rightatriumwall nearthe enlrancer:fthe vena Eavae.The 3A
node'c functionis ts maintaina constanlheafi rateof ahr:ut7|1beats per minute.and is kno,uvn
as the PACEI'IAKER. Howevel the ratecan he alteredby the autonomicneruoussystem,

How does stimulationfrom the SA node travel through the heart?

The SA node's stimulation throughthe cnrdiacmuscleat a speed

spreadsfl lvave uf excitetian
ol 1 metre per second and Esusesbsth atriato cnntraEtsimultaneously. The atriarnus'lle
fibresare physicallyseparaledfromlhe ventriclesapart{roma reginnin the rightatriumcalled
the ATFIO-VEHTRICUIAF lloDE {A-V nocle).The A,-V node is attachedto a bundle
specialisedfibrescalledthe EUHDLEoF Hl5 (ntndified cardiacmusclelibres)whichgive rise
to finerbranchescalled PUFKIHJEFlBHES.lrnl:ulsesfrnrnthe cnntractedatriatrnvelto theA-"/
node and thenalongthe 'Bundleof His'.whichlee.dstn the apex (krnttomJ of the heartltrrpulses
are conductedvery quickly{abnut5 metres per secondJ and causethe cardiacrnusclenl
to contract{romthe apex upv,tards
the',rentricles forcingthe l:luod uprir,arr-1s
and autuf the heart
via the atteries.The ventriclescontractsimultaneously.

The HeartlshowingcontrolnetvesJ


Gompiled by KMR - Senior Biology Teacher ESS


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