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What does he say abbut TomMY Jotrn-


How manvconies of this?-Seeihe Rare Records ..andthe section. auctions !

The truth about CharleyPatton's MURDER!


Front cover photo by Fred Ramsey, fr.: (Alabama-66 mlles out of Blrmlngham, on Route 5 t to llontgomery)




you to partitipate Weinvite of in this 2)!vearcelibraticin publishinq non-rtop'd"lu*e reprinto[" with our meaW lssues no. 1 5nd'no.2

Copyright @\967,1992, 78 Quarterly, Inc.

r,.ry s

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LETTERS totheeditor
A RT E R Ly d i s c ontinuz s publ ic ati onQLt [.. Cunn, Lod_i, N.].blatk phtti, gennefi., superror and paramormtAs the wife of an auid iazz record collector. I unuld like"to expriss my sympa.thiest6 other uiues of auid record colLictors. Ladies and niueS: much of your bu.deetallotmnce is beins used to buy'stratclry-s"oundine rusic on suc\, bizane labeLs'as Black?atti, Gennett. Suoerior, and Paramount. I haue been manied' onb six months and, for the eood of my marriarte, I made a significant dEcisioi: durins my"hus barul' s re c"ent'sale s trip t o Chicaeo" for his manufacturing firm" I renn:ued the soltrc'e of di{ficiltv..,l iwde seueral triDs to our clnr'cbal c6okow behind the hnise..,meltine them dann into a uiscuous liouid. After ond 'uns hnur's-time. I fomd tlnt the-nateridl {irm yet sticky', By euenins, it Ltadreuerted 'to alnrd, bri{tle SubsnncT t}nt uns dark in color and of ponderous mass-slnoed in the form of an iniperfect elobe. The s.lobe's 'atn oiter dia'rneiers ircasure siiand eieht feet, respectiuelv: the total ueieht is ah bsti'mated 950 o6inds. Mv husba"ndis due to retttrn from Ais'soles' c6nference in htn days, itnd I unuld Riue a fortme to see the exbression on his face. Houeuer. I ltaue scheduled passaed on the Bremeihauen to oisit relatiues iiEurope-Mrs. T. Croz. WiId/ flou.ter, Kansas a wealth of naterial iecently camz into an inheritance of uell ouer $3,00O,M0 ilzroueh the death 6f an aurt. Naatrally, I amlookine for inierestins u,ays to inuesi a portion of ihis stun, As pait of rw ,inuestinent profrarn, I am e,xplor,-. , ms nrctnod,s ol Durclasrng rare record,s. wluch I fuerstand, hirue .shani-a high net/ gioss. ratLo rrse-htsher tlan etther stnntDs or colns. Of course, I ieed reassurance tlni the oberall nwdian uill continue its Dresent uv,urd spiml, an^dtlnl the cuneht prices aie not the resuh o{ nanioulation by ato or th.ree indiuidwlsind tfuit rnlues /eflect sowtd, erowth, ratler than acquisitiubness. For co:nnlex reasons. uhichl atn tnt at libeny b ditnlse, I haie been urnble n deiosit tlp drisiwl smt directly into tle bcink for conueision to negotiables, Houteuer, I am lpldins the anount ilr its orisitnl form (i.e.,50's,"IN's ard up). I uill'prouide certain serial numbers of snnller'dercminatiotts upon request. IncTudes unter-mark, red-threh.d. rae-oulp stnck: 3 colors: 2 sreens & black. dndlthe-Iinc steel ensrauinsfrom 28 oer c ent culnera re duc tion -T1 F oliiri sunrth III.' N orth slpre. L.1.. N. Y.the bie brbak 1'd like io know ulnt kindaf bhresiazz maeazine is it. that doesn't eben 'eiue a tihisper to Charlie MingtLs or Omette C olennn ? The aLl-too-curren['white folks' blues fetish is apparewly once again'blind to tte'subtleties'6f tle expression of outraee l>y cooled-offAnrcricdns. Inste6.d. vou Io-ok through a nidcroscope ard, see yoir'outn personal dessage in rural Southem'blues, It is rwt your cdtitre or era. You uere blind n the coitntry blues for 100 years. Notu.30 vears qfter it all ended.'you a.fter ended,'you are'rn are'na loneer lonser Slind! blind: WilI it be arntlei 30 years beforE you sive ' WnS"t gnd Coleman ilnt Bifu Br6ak'in 78

tlle cfeatest Euer since the demise of TheRecord Chaneer, circa /958, all y:ou s.uys lnue been bringine out one naxiitus ia2z publication aftEr u:rnther. They Last a fei issues thzn'fold. I mean. uh6.t's tlie puroose of allihis eeotistic nonsense? Wln't hhppens'if I take o"ut a year's subscription? Inciilently, this mitkes the fifth so-ialled trwsazine'[ subscribe to, iu.3i to make stse I don't miss any auctiois. When is i-t^going -to endl When.aie you going to end?1 do"n't mind spendine money on rare records. I do mind ipendinls it on- mnsazines tlutt are fuin. Neu Ydrk, 'should N.y.hcrt rank Mrxic mliki children, be heard and rnt seen, Krist, you hothottse flouers brins oa another FRONT LINE issue..,Con,1 vou iust listen to the music? You ruin it by'uriiins about it. tohrmy Dodds uns itnrticulate. Dois this mean anyihins to you? If it doesn't, then I can't erplnii it, Music is'meant to bi played or heard, not read, or read about.S:year subscription Late in'57, I took out a tlvee-year subscription to Th.e Record Clnnier. Howeuer, I fuiue heord rwthinp since thdn. I urote at the time. askine ifiw subscription lnd exoired and reieiited rc ansubr. It lp,s belen about ten years, and I iust thoueld I unuld uoice nrt'opinoin aboin it and about the sad, sarc 6f iazz in eencral-L.V. Sozires. Paxtoh.'Maine. -"vordMul / can oilv soeak for rivself ofLourse. Houeuer, it ieeitts ob"uioui to inc'there is sornethins teniblv urone with the cunent folk-blu.essceneT My o[mrel is rnt so mich utith the cunent R'&' B or country blues reissues (sod knDws. l'nr rnt on6 to krnck Clnrlie 'Patton). Mi comolnint is with the listeners the lnirswe, wunshed and, imiat6rs...iith bodies of today's YOUTH (uho, I suspect, are in s6me uAy reacting aeainst todny's TV deodorent |ommercidlsl My disttite for the s e s eI f-satis fi ed, fetis Eqnrs hippine 'slobs utho sb obuiiuslv kntnn uhere tTrev are gbing (nowhere), ii unlimited. By iifolk:bluZs rybbis.h in your magazine, you pll yo.ursell Ln lhetr. comPany-you tnue. done Iazz a great dtsertlce. lranslonrung saea of the 1920's ihto a the n;snlsii oonderous"bore inll take some doinA, and 7'm confident 78 OUARTERLY uil(brins it off-T. C,oz. Wildilower, Kcnsas literarf Qnlitv Wouldn't it be better to confinevour eirleauors to a literarv folio-clearlv dbsiewted os such? Whv iutddy up the bluei-iazz fiel.d uith thb sort of excrement one fiitds oh tle intellectw.I pdsture? I atn an a?mirer of the Hemineuny'direct action approach to'Iiterary tsiiine. And, as such, I'iiLI ree direct mlethods fo see tlnt 78

Orrc-sixthpagi (2% bv 5% inches) -$6,N; Onc-third' wee (2Y,bv 10% irCh.e.slgl1.00; Une-lall paze (8t/zbvStAinelrcs) -$20.00: Tuothirds wee (5 by 10% iicEes)-$30: Full paee (8% bv 10Yz indhes)-$ 0. Mechanical Infmmal,ion:lf possible,
Dlease subm,t ads in tle form of cam. era+edd,y paite-ups. AII olntbi or coi tirutotts-tone art must be pre-screetzd. for offsei priains. Otle'naise| lnUt6re nesatiue stri>ins ntile bv tle brirxer uill be'cln$ed at cost.

ADVERTISING RATES (black & whi0eonlv):

EDITORIAL STAFF: EditorRrblisher-Pele WhelnnMutqnine Edi0or-Nanc-v VlelanAsscr;'rate Editors ard con-hibutnrs-Fran/r Driges: La,orence Coffi: BiIl Ciuens: I ohn'Godrich:Dotie " tydstruo: Beirnrd Klatzkai Ioln MacKen'zie: Nick Perls: tacques Rocle: Duhcan Schiedt:JacobS, Sclp..zeid,er: Robert Tmuis; Hew,r Vestinc: Gayle Wardla r. Overseas Remesentative ad Marager: Sinon Naoier. BLUES UNLIT4. ITED. 3Ba Sackville Road. Bexhill-oiAea. Susser, England. 78 QIJARTERLY is oublislrcd bv 78 Publishinl Coimpany, '' 39 RemseiStrebt. Brooklyn. N.Y. 11201,'u.S.A.

prini ed'nnt erin l"(rn t soeci fi cc -comrielued 'c omri slued elsanhere'in elsanhere'in this this nke aziiw I is covrrishted by 78 to protect eact iub\tor, anl, i, cannot be reproduced eitlrcr in ulnle or put iritlww the author's consent.

Cotiwni. All risilts reserued.

Cosponsaed by ORIGIN {.AZ-LIBBA-R!, Box 863, Berkeley, Califdnia.

set the MILESTONE label "o{f to an enuiable start. Mb Rainey is featured on MILESTONE 2001 and Iohnny Dodds on 2002, All titles'are d:raan frorn Iohn Steiner's historic PAMTh9 Rai4cy LIOUNT taslog. titles are all ndt to Ip and the Dodds ue urabtairnbte in tfu U.S. l.fia md Jalautyare serued too. uell in uotleiuw For tle first tirne 4xcellent lnue erins ad. duhbirlz' fih cut thc-ineuit&Le FAMMOUNT suface rnise uell belaa the sietnl. Conerat' ulatbtts to lllessers StEiner, Keepruuts, atd, Haggerty tor a Paratowtt lvst-conF 'parat ioe f i d.elitv'! R ec lnnrc I' ing for siereo, 7 olm ?

Tun exrellentreissues

;;; ; t iln;:;;'

hooes of boostins.salei, Tfrat pdlicv uns"carried to ridicilous'lerwhs bv Rioer-F6 side, and.noull Colnbia
it would be nice to haoe all

can be heard on VANGUARD "Skip 9219/ 79219, I ames/ Todav." Tuo oiarn tracks add io euitrr d.ccornpanied blues tlo nake this bne of the best--and. for me. the beit blues rec6rd.

REN,LY "eccentric" piano


Reallv exceptional

i-i i ton ",

land Tlunwers four Di^xie "Ramwn iosether. Titles : StTeetBluzs. Don't Slwlce It No more Too &teet For Words.Ja|kass BIrEs, Frog, Toneie SnmD(Lwie Auston), C.C PiII Blies (Etird Blake); Orientol Man (Dixielard Thwt' oers)-Steal Auav (Paratrotnt Ptc6brs). Oh Dddv (Dodds& Pailad. Lonesonb Blues, Lorw Distance Bhns (Ifu Cox7.Messin' Arourd No. 2 (I iihy B lythe' s Ragatnulfins )." Robert Slwt, a primitioe Texas blues piaip ilayer, Ieads off Maih McConiick's natL b6bl, ALMANAC (nnber 10). Slura is nwinstrq.m tunelhouse. He is tliir-Iost'plavins. sttruiuorof a clutch ol sich" blues olniers tlut uirhed mainli thiowh south central Texai in the"20s and 30s, Robert CooPer and AIex. Moorecorneio rnind as rel' are knoun ated olavers u.tho Shou does,rwt to rebords,.but themuery cLoselY. resemble To me,Slwp soundsnore Chicaeo. but not copied Chicaftd. I hcar strbne elence merus-of Cripple CLar:e /"The frla"). Mortarut " ("Whores is Funlq Tavlor ), Al Annois WitI E)eIl and. ("Here I corie lith My Dirty Dirtv Duckins On) and.more. Lil?e the others, Slnw' s stvle is highlv rhvtlunic, uioredictable'and.euen enatic. F6rtunatelv for us, h'edoes not seemto fuiu'eplayedmuch du.rinethe lnti 3As and 4Os ond,t"ohaue picked up the newer styles. Neubrthelesi,his.uigurbtts plavins.indicates that he is hot'far"out of his Primeand sotisAII in aII. a mouiie. thc {vine arti'st that Pr:oiects 'deli"ghts of the l'ow'life. Rec' ordiingis blwlly sati3t'actory. As g4pegted, Mack McCor' mick liachs ub the recorduith treatise on an illumirntins. on Slnut. the xSanta Fe" piarn in Texas and, eroup, Veniial "ooint One iileiestins "fast nnde is tlnt the 't*estern" stvle tlut lns-been utritten aboit repeatedlYin East is wknani to theplayers on the sPot.

recordins and someuha more IiuZ ly performan c es s,iue the VANGUARD the Iead ouer MELODIAN 7321 "Slcip Ianes, Greotest of the Deba Blles Sinaers", an outstandinl reeoid in its oum right. It is trveic ilwt the driue hos sote-out of tle country ' bluel boom iuit uhen an artist uith ilrc. sensitiuity and talew of tames lws shown tlnt le'still nasters his old naerial ard' nore important, is soins on tpith nanihing,s, TlEre ieems to be w olaVe for him nout and the [o'ss is bnrs as uell as his. The ntnes on both records dte nostly familiar to larnes "H(ti Lone" and'All fans, VANNisht Lonz" oitlp GtiARD arZ excitine oiarn performanc es ( Hout-abow a Sklo tanes oiano lp? ,,Black ) The loutelv bluei mclody, Gal" used succesifullv bv Lerov Can and Claienie Williomi ard then forsotten reappears here bs'' trIY Gal," and bn the Robert Sfuhp "Black GaL" record as ippi J ohn Nole."'Mississ ". VANGU A RD I i utt / T odav 9220 / 70210 ins is sued utith the J atnes a fittittg tnorutrnent to tllot great stnger uln died in lore n66,

Jabbo uns selected by Brunsuick Records in' 1929 to froil a band tlwt the comrniry hornd unuld compete uith 'Loiis Armstrone and his Okeh Re cords. Siderien inc luded Laurence Buford, Cassirc Simpson, Ikey Robinson ond 6mer Simeon (fresh from a stint uith lellv Ro'II). A7I 19 sides issi.ed. in 1929 are included here. At the tine the records sold hardly u all and consequcntly are sb. that the iaz2 fans lnpe lnd little oopeirtniiv to hear thern h is biasv to ipeculate tlnt tllev uere- nore' s ophi s tic ate I dnn the nwrke t coluld bear in the 20s.

Louis aftlertlprouehlv assiinilatins ilb style. His i,irtuoso perfonnncds cw Red. Allen brd, often forsMout mony other trw4ie teri, 'prtic ulaily Roy Eldidse-' Jabbo's mmd.s on the record,sran*e widely from s6lo on thc hot. sta"bbine " I az z Battle ". ihe complex " Scuffli u,orkon' Bost6n "Tatuiiav to tle lvricolt'$lasfy Tirnc Blues" ard Blues." uns DickSrcttswd nrobabtvdi sconcerteduhen 'l abbo tbld him (t abbo liues in Milunrhee) tlnt lE did not play on the Lloyd Smith and'Ali:x Hill sidei plarmed for inclusion in the lps. Dick utiselv went ahiad and out them ii anntnv because ja4z of ihey gre pertincnt't-o the'placi, tinrc otd s-tyle.

Certainlv. Jq,bb went bevond


records arE unll known and need ra critiouc from me. Clnnces are if ybu don'l hmr about tliein vou will like tlen>and this Ip is a big breah if you d'o..'Her nwutlt$, gwty moanlng atn u.\at bltchtng come ttvougn uith dictioi tlat is coiparr s tand'able.' at iu elv wtl.e"Jealous Hear' Titlei arc: ted, Blues. Cell Bowd Blues. Aimv Camp HarmonY Blues'. Exolain' The Bluei, Nieht'Tinie Blues, Memphis Bolsd Bfucs. Slave To'The Blues. Bessbmer Bound Blues, Slotu Driuins, Moan, Gone Blue-s".

al,t The'firyeDodds sides

cleaned uD and ressued nere uere all inde ruith uqrious s In>das h. swinging South Sif,e aroups circa [925-'27. in g T he ie s ult i na f r ee<phe.e.l blues style Efited,Dodds , rnYlnmtc nluch better than,tne confines of the Hot F iie arul SeJen, Soine of,his most , exoressiue uoik is included Ite're. bitins trumpet bv 1'ommY La.dnier arid, oddlv, two sides with Ioe Sriith aLI the uny from Neu' York.

too is fine Irrcluded

$ point of discographic DY the Lne rs rarced raise[ by deUcacv .i'" i"tiiiiy

Ip tlnt'should ,be rui,ntioned, ind dismissed, Dodds' pre' questionnble oit is ques sence Ls sence the {irst t1vee Louie Austin three ihe the first three first asked, Mr. When h sidds. Ll sides. " Euertbody K cennat* said said EuervbodY ki"one-" Keepneus are thbv arb in the unrld'thinhs thby n Villiams. Vi l4Llltam lI iar D odt]s exceqt iltartln artin ex c e ot,ll Dodds Uodd,s thiv arc timmY He He says savs t, O'Briaw."'lvie too, bw dec' QlBr-lant. unY One unY ide {t'r ide {t'r vourself. vourself. One o, the the 6thcr rithcr thby thbv are are quiie ouiie or exciting recordS.

E::nnx'so*ii:frztrirAC uill srow or ilie. I, lor one, lwpZtor fuwe.issues as satlstYlng as trtusottc. 13383,Housnn 19, T'exas.

l-unuld-sqgest fo1, ltry4 rtgld mltuts

tlose of us wfin it unuld be nice uhen wssible to keep orig.inal rbcor' dlng dates iogether, ratlryr tlnn scatterlng them Ln rne


retssue set to appear Ln seueral vearc ii ihe nn" record sbt. l abbo Smith" on MELODIAN 7326/7327. Most of tluse lnoe neoer been reissued in any fom onl, d,ocwnent a uery' he gle c ted. trump et giant.-

The most important

All tracks are excellentlv dubbed {rom uirttnLly rciie free _78i, a decided plus tlwt we do not get uery oJten. I thirh that euerv traditiornl iazz fan, ufrether his taste'end, N 1929 or start al 1930 trrill be glod lw lro.s these.

Fgf Lf,-

*ooo'o*. GAYL' s bv

udlow Copyight, 1967,GaYIeDeqnW All Rights Reserued.

Louisiana l{orttrern with country a Mrren is ahtnan few inhabitants, soil, clay red of dance of miles and miles and timhr commercial the from out hrlging between lie wttich valleys populated sparsely subsist that towns sawmill pulPwood the on industries.
30 miies Sible!, Louisiana,-some and five miles f r o mS h r l v e P o r t , 6 e L o * M i n a d n ,i q . a t o w n o I s o m e 500 resideats. Two railroads cross iust outsidethe citY limits--the l - o u i " ; u n u a n d A r k a n s a sa n d t h e Illinois Central. A n o l d 1 r | 0 liln h i s l a t e s c v e n t i e s s a t o n t h e p o r c ho f a n o l d , u n P a i n t e d lrom which was.reeltng b r o w ns h a c l < t h e e r o s i o n so l t l m e a n d l r o m l a c K of upkeep. I .. W i t h' a n ? i f o f e x p e c t a n c Y a s k e d . . . e v e r h e a r o f a y o u n g- b t u e s Hill? ;i;n; named King Solomirn i t " ' u . t " d t o l i v e a i o u n dt h i s a r e q a n d a sons about the Gone Dead ir;.;;* "and abo"ut Tell Me BabY' Tirin. lli;i i;iiVou Find In Uc?' The old ffill searchedhis mcmory ;' u t w i t h a u i t h a s c n i l e e x p r c s s i o nb f r i en d I v s m i l e, r e P l i c d , D on ' t Hill, but I had r e m e m b ' en ro S o l o m o n a c o u s i n n a m e dl o e l { o l m e s w h o u s e d to sing all themtongs you mentioned.' Thirty minules latcr I bcgan nry w i t h H o l m e s ' s " wfie , -a conversation s e n t l e w o m a nw h o f o r 3 l y e a r s h a d lived with one of the mosi incredible mvsteries in the historv of the countrv in five bfues. A three-day-seirch differcnttowns belan to pay off.

alias KingSolomon Joe Holmesr

H i l l ( t h e n a m e w a s p r o b a b J yg l v n t o him bv Paramount's recordlng dlrector. Arthur l,aibley)' was a natlve south Vlississippi. l{e was born near McComb in 1897'

an CharlieHolme-s, Following by ten years'Joecame olderbrothei 15' where, in 19 Louisianh to northem

three years later, he married Roberta Allumi. Their onlv child, Essie ( w h o n o w l i v e s i n C h i c a g o ) ,w a s b o r n i n t h e w i n t e ro f 1 9 1 8 . J o e s o o n f l G l I r e s t l e s si n L o u i s i a n a and in 1920 Gturned to McCombwith ,h -e [ i s * i f e a n d c h i l d . I n B u r g a r l a n dt he colored section o[ north MCComb' m e t i t s m o s t f a m o u sb l u e s s i n g e r , SamCollins. On one of the few occasions RobertaHolmes went out with her husband,an unflaggingpartySam soer, she saw him accomP-anY C o l l i n s a t a i u k e i o i n t . S h ec a n s t i l I r e c o s n i i e t h , 5l i k e n e s s o f Collins *lich appearedwith an ad for one of his Black Patti recordings'

cotntesy of tohn Steiner

F. r

llhile travelins bv rrain to Texas in 1928, th--e fegendary Blind Lemon lefferson made a bririf stop at Mind6n. Shortly thereafter, ]o6 and a efose friend who lived ndar Minden, George YounE, Feft on aIllinois Cent[l passdnsentrain for Wichita Falls, a'favorit! hangoutof Lemon's in Texas. Lemon Jefferson, fat, and a slovenly dresser, always cariied a pearl-handleil' .45 pistol, iu6t as he latef did in the MisCissippf Delta where he used Ishman Bracey as a guide and travelling companron. l.efferson parted gompgny. After making tne rounds oI varrous lexas towns and road stops. Ioe and his friend Georse returned"to Siblev to plav in the blrrelhouses and iuk'es oI N6rthem Louisiana. An affemath of Lemon's trip throush Mindenmay have been-the 1928Paramount session which markedthe debut of Willard (Ramblin') Thomasi a blues singer who probablv hailed from West Texas or Ari2ona. It seems possible that Paramountcontactdd Thomas on J effersonrs recoqrfiendation.

Twomnlhs latel, Holmes and

Holnres'(Hill's) wife. Roberta. recomizdd this'drawins of Collis (ftom a Black Fatti ad)

The family remained tosetfier in McCombfor [2 months. Then Roberta and Essie went back to their home in Siblev. Ioe staved an extra six months, just flay'ing m.usicand doing as little worK as possrDle. ln latef yeals, Holmes was known for a song that besan, ' Going to Shrevepoit, tell thE chief police.' This niav have been his vbrsion of Collins'' Iailhouse Blues on Gennett6167.

Joe Holnes (Kinq SolomonHiil) often travelled io Sh"reveport to oliv with Thomas, who later rirovediirst' north of that town, and who waj to travel through many parts of Texas and Louisiana. Toberta iemembers that ' foe had ratler play with Thomas than with any other sins6r.' Next to Georse Young, Thomas wals Holmes' best friend. t[e[ Thomas came to Siblev. he and Ioe went down in the cfav hill vallev irea that was mentioned 6n WHOOPEE BLUES: ' I got to so ro that valley, there ain't i hous6 for 25 miles arorind.' They olayed in the small sawmill settlbmeni of Roytown. performing at a iukehouse that iryasciosed by the lafr in thL late 1930's after two piople were killed there in a single nlght.

In eerly l9ililr a scout lor Paramount R e c o r d sf o u n d l o e s i n g i n g i n u p t o w n him if he wanted to Mindenand ask"ed r " c o r d . I o e w e n t h o m ea n d a s k e d R o b e r t a *hat she"thought about the opportunity. ' S h e f o l d h i m , C o w h e r ey o u w a n n a e xactly that, although d i d H o l m e s so.' that he was not too Roberta remembers ;;"it"a about the then forthcomingtrip to Wisconsin. T h g s c o u t i n c u e s t i o n ,P r o b a b l Y A r t L a i b l e v ( s o o r it o b e t h e s u b j e c t - o f wh.o a seDaratearticle by this auth-or, * * ' " U 1 " i o l o c a t e l i i m s e v e r a lm o n t h s "go), u""ornpanied Joe to.Birmingh3m' wlrerethe two were lotned -by tten L urry' f ge's, *as C u r r y , a n o l d f r i e n d ' o .J ,

;ti;i";iiy liot nt"uaiulLoui'siana,,X!31: jd;;.

i':fi?t'til-lii#.'lio; ;"f i; ii';' r'i

llas Done Got Panmount l3t been found. w a s t h e l a s t t o r e c o r d :s i x HOlmeS said hc had s o n s s .a l l o f w h i c h R o b e r t a b e f o r eh i s t r i P t o bceilperformins G r a f t o n . O n e ,i h e G O N E D E A D T R A I \ ' was one of the best train blues o[ the . s 'e oo r m e .. 1930's. Usin "g rt ch ac sP on , u d o n y q r , - fs llill,' KingSolomon unJetermined and soboing h e t o l d o [ h i s e x p c r i e n c eh r n r a i l r o a d[ u h i c h hustlincon tlrc Southe r u n s f r d m N c w O r l e a n st o N e w Y o r k a,n d o n t h e I l l i n o i s via Birminsham) ( ' e n t r a l( " 6 i c h r u n s t h r o u g h Siblcy). 1 ) n( i O N L D L , A Dl ' R A l N , I l i l l a l s o a l l u d e d t o t h c t o $ n o f F r y b u r g ,w h i c h c o n s i s t . s s o f h u t a s t o r ca n da p o s t o l l t c e t c n m t l e s o u t ho [ S i b l e Y . T h e l l i p s i r l c o I t h a t r e c o r d ,r e l e a s e d 1 3 1 2 9 ,w a s a v e r s r o no l on I'aramount \ l r r r n i ca n d l o e M c C o y thc old \4cmnhis l.T YOt FND lN \lE. d u e t ,W l l A ' [ ' l " A t His lyrics for his othcr two recordcd D n,.,mbcrs l owN oN \{Y IIENDEDK\t'-l't 3116)' *a WHOOpEB E L U E S ( P a r a m o u n1 the attitudcof the macho, exDress -a stince not unlike that takenby Robert J o h n s o na n d I s a i a h N e t t l e s .

\larshall Uwens thc Alabama blue-i-man

g]"ngtitl\ Thesetwo singcrs.

l'"a tn""f ^*ous BluesJay.Singers

o I B i r m i n g h a n lt,h e n t r a v e l l e d t o " Gralton studios' i';;;;i;tft' The ouartel opencd the recording s c s s i o n w i t h t w o s i d e s , f o l l o w e db y . C u r r v ' s [ i v e , o n e o f w h i c h [ e a t u r e db o t h . p l a Y i n ga - nd Owcns' l;;;3 ;*; harmonica i u i t a r . O n a l l o f h i s o w n s r d e s 'L u r r y he i i s e d h i s m a n d o l i n ,t h e i n s t r u m e n t pi"y"a with the greatest proficiency' Owens, then a man in his late fifties four-sides,. v sixties, recorded o r e a r l'*tti"tt hau" neu"t been located i*" .f --. .L n - u - t " " o t ac o l l e c t o r . H i s T E X A - S

TIME bi; fnY Ne oNEMoRE Rl.uES. a 13117),.is [i"t"i."a on Paramount

classic example of an early style ol blues that evblved into the southern Although Owens'. , nf uU"tt" Stres style-.. music has many qualrtres tn common w.ltn

stYleis highlY T;;;. 6i;.;; hiis'si4ging r"*lnl"i""nt of Ed Bell's.

ever; few people aroundSibley even knew that'Joe made records, because they were ieleased under an assumed name. Joe conlinued to travel in the 1930's to nearby Shreveport and well as bn to ea6tem Texas. He also qpenttime in small towns like Choudrant. Ringold, and Ionesboro. Roberta remembersthdt ' He we_nt up in Arkansas to play.and people -wouldcdme from Eri Eiis and Ualhoun Ualhoun and other other towns towns to ge! oef .hiq him to play after they heard tell abou"thim.' A satmill U0tket at Heflin. a small town south of Siblev. saw Holmes set off a train from Lonsview one nishf after he had been playing out in Texas. I Funniest sight I ever see'd: that guy didn't stay in town 30 minutes before he got in an argument with this other guy in this ioin1. That other suy iust pulled out his pistol and sho[ at him three times. He didn't stop running until he was clear out of town. ftist left h'is bassase and guitar layin' down there on thElll5or.' His belongingswere eventuallv retrieved by Inother friend. - By the lalg 1940's, Holmes was drinking more and more. but was still playing mlrsic. He never attended church; hrs wife recounts that ' Ioe iust kept right on, just like he was g6ing" stfaight to the"devil.' .[n l!49, Holmes took sick. Roberta splg, :tl.e never went to no doctor. Take ---sick; laid around about threl davs-. then he died. Been drinkins before he died and he starte d bleedin"ginsidl- Had a hemmorage.t

The ftUOsongs which completed that session have never been located by a collector. One of them MY BUDDY BLIND PAPA LEMON. was written as a tribute to Lemon. with whomHolmes played on at least three occasions.du.ring J efferson's stopovers ln Mrnden. The othel missins sons. TIMES HAS DONE C,OTOIj'T OF*HAND. WAS a.typical 'hard times' depression prece. 0n all of his extant pieces. Hill used a cow bone for chrirdine.'in the mode of SamCollins' blues." JOg brought cbpies of all three records bac[ to Sfblev with him. but all have leen_destroyed.' Holmes retumed wrth Een Llurry, and both men. alons with the unrecbrded Georse Younc. made a trip to Texas to p"ublicize"iheir recent recordings. Few copies of anv single Holmes 6ffort were sold, how-'

He stood only lrve feet and threeinches. He weighed about 130 pounds, and was brown-skinned in complexion.He smoked constandv. HObeila rememberstwo other facts, o.nepgrtaining to his musical development. the other to.the tragedy that led to his death. She said, ' He learned himself how to play, before he ever came to Sibley.' The other: ' He drank all the time. He'was drinking when we married.'

( "" 1d1'" %TJ,f".,| F"tlsfi uls;l: :hltr,: and Skip.J"t-n""),Hglmes was very short.

as a sportswritgr fo-ya Jacks6n newsDaDer. ana as a record collector, he has anisied -

OJLI2 & 13. ln thecourse oTnis-ir"riti

'rU!"*rt!"okgf ,i":["[iWlisi f fr'tif the {wosanctifiea inli", Q4l2r5,9,.qid

GayleWardloryts tirelessand resourceful researchin the blues field ias-ilre'aiJ'' uncouered the Vic tor-P aramauntartisi IshmanQlacgy, the Paramount talent scout an_d_ troubleshooter H.C. Spiers,as well as Elder.Cunyand Reu. O.C. Eii:a *;";i;i" ol,rese&rch on sanctifiedmusic--and othei oruesarttsts-ol rural renown. He also did ney_oehmd-the-scenes researchwhich led to the re-discoueriesof Skip jaroi,-Sii-

cunently writing.

?f T'ilr!,!trtiag!"flrHoif !,':"f*Fny:,r,r

,::,:!y!!f _.?!*ytign gyr ;i.ltry 4isl?ri

Ilf,unrrEllwhitewash? or-fiOGIttASII?


right mitral valve


(Sfure its irreeptim, snatina doubts lnae plaercd 78's editoial"s taf f rdsard ins tlv s uppres s ion bf d conplete Patton deatli repdrt. Td combai'a risins iolumc 6f wly uhispers concbrning Pa.!.ton's untimely ' erd, atd'to-rdstore ihaken public donfidence in the blucs citic,78 decided to'appoint ai I l-nnn fact-t'inding cotronissioi to search out, ant destrov the souices bf tla said uhispers. Houteuer, we u)ere wiabLe n find 11' distineuiihed fact-finders in the blues field! Then, by a sererdipinus'stroEe of luck,79's oun lacques Rochc' ' Deha in pursuit'of the stilloffered'to d.efoliate''the 'l' ' hiild.entah. ll nnke em talk !' Roche is' reported to lnue said, Naturally,TS uxzs hesitant to tnleash its big punch be{ore lblilins, an irtensiue reuiew of the deteltoratins" sihtatian at lknd.. Editor Whelan. ankious to see the woiect teminated bu crinsine from an easr solwion to ilrc' oroblem- des cr ibed his"ool ition as the' lonlie s t one'in the inrld.' Meanuhile, an easer Roche added fuel to the flamzs as he clncteristicatly besan (to raue'): 'lt could iust be tlwt Pattan's KLLERnnd I use tlnt u.,ordad.uiiedlv ! Yes, LET u.s think about the ,nthinkable !-is hauind a glass of some Argentiniari diue at thi{ uery irnnwni, Il so, I'd like to join-irim.'

the'ubiquitous presence o[ death' within a putative''rednecliungle', or is a formof livine death itself. Giveir tliese altematives. the singer's art is basically his resisnation to an irnposedspiritual death. Thus, tft essenceof the blues is to be found in lines like 'There's a hehhowd on my trail', which is seen as Negro dialect for: 'l give the blues to Mister Charlev. ' but; I 'm moredulturallydeprived than Mister' linrnv (Baldwin). so I havd to be nroreooetic in so'doing.' Ori6 who trades on the ahivementioned premises, such as lames Baldwin himself or Paul Oliver. may eien arrive at the conclusion that, since the 6lues singerlived an ugly life, poetic conclusion requirds hi s beautifu-ldeath. (Boodleit) Wiggens, Thus, tie 'lynching' of Jarnes for example,is rep-ortedly Oliver not as a sensatioiralist episode createdbv a (Big Bill Broonzy),but as stark rumour-rnonger




> x

he die? After 33 years -the alf its shockineCLINICAL DETAILof the most peculiar aspects of blues rch is the fri4uent encounters_ with conflicting and eveil preposterous death stories conceminga well-knowriblues sincer. For reasonsto be explained later, such-anaura of mysterytends to'surroundthe deaths or disappi:arances of certain singers that the featrirbs of their actual lives becomeeclipsed in the minds of both the public_atlarge and singers' own contemDoraries. In somecases. pardcularly that of ElessieSmith(who died. accordingto her last manager, not dranatically on the ddbrstepof a segreg:ated hospital, but durine a car collisi6n). the mytfi is bound up in cullural iconology; in moreirbscure ones, lfte that of Charley P"atton.the intrisue rnrshroomsonlv ai one approachesdrect sources of biographical iirlonrntion. Tlw gesence of the Bessie Szzth style of rumur. and its easv public no myslery. The 'eifulcation' of fhe blui:s public l1as Cg"ndl qtly to create the false impres3ion that blues singing represents a stance against
Copyriefu 1967 bv Gayle Waillout and.'IaZques Roche.All rigfus reserued.

CI{ARLEY PATTON how?where? when did


oa a

One of the last SmitFtaften shr deathin lfil?...

Bess ie e her

Regardingthe mysteriousdeath of Charlev htton, less hysterical blues researchcan 6re hysterical rumbursin terms of their broad cultural function. The Patton researcher instead confronts a credibility saD from the outset which works two ways: rumouisbf both violent and natural death are equally suspecr. This is due to the fact that legendsof Parton's violent death did not spreadfar fyond the confines of rural Nesro sbciety. Whaieverfunction such stories did serve must be limited to that culture which was developed by and once daily suDported the cotton economv o[ t]re flat Mississipfi Delta. As of this writing, no one has cone forth from the Delta with a BroonzyJike claim of 'tellins it the way it was' in resardsto Patton. This f#t has only mitigated De-ltacirculation of the deathby-violen@ nnnours. As S[<iplanres. who in Mississippi 30 years agofrequeitfy encountered


ruTxturs conceming the vrolent deaths of both htton and himselll put it: ' A lot of reoDle nay say a lot of thines'dbut Ch.ulev's'death. mda lol of 'emunrenat withhimwhenle died, either: that narchyou con fut on." In May of 1963. Iim Eilwards. when interviewed in his nltive Clevdland(a snnli town sorne3) miles south of Clarksdale, Miss.), stated that Patton died fromheart trouble i; 1934iir the town of Longswitch, near Leland. Tfun monthslater, clrte of Patton's manv wives, Minnie Franidin Washington, teraiked that although she had heard thal Patton died in 1934of natural causes followins a prolonsed iln""q, she strangly - - suspected-thathe hid drank himself to death. Both &lwards and Mrs. Washingtonwere coffect iq one statement,tlrat being that htton died in 1934. ln July,196& BemardKlatzko and Gayle Wardlowwere told in tiny Holly Ridee that Rtton died there and not in Loirgswitch, which, thoush a rneremile away, no lonier even existed on airy Mississippimap.'lt was ihen 'established' thad htton dirii in i house across from Tom Robinson's store(the qrly one in Hollv Ridse) immediatelv after retuming from a recoiding iri6 to New Yorl -probably inlate February orllarch of 1934. A'srave iite. which thev were not allowed to inJpect, addedcredenc6to these statements. 'An elderly Nesro woman.who zuardedCharley's 'bones' as tholsh tJreywere Sh*akespeare's, was less interested in theintennent of hbr misleading testimony.' Later, Mr. Wardlowwas told independentlythat Patton died from a slit throat, haviig bled tir death in the aftermathof the butcher-knife-attack inflicted by a wornanwith whomhe was then living. The storv of a cuttine. which did actuallv take olace (in Cleveland arorind1930. shortly after httonts arrival there from Will Dockery's plantation nearby), was widely repeatedthroughoit thb Delta, and ultimatelv reaihed Chicago. TEere, in a snlall story to Mr. Klatzko club. Howlin' Wolf. recounte<fthe in tfe presenceof other formeracquailitencesof the late slnger. This story was. in effect. repeatedbv Booker Washineton'Whi te' on an albumiecorded'for Takoma White. in his twical breezy manner,implied wherein" that htton had been luiifed and killed bv a 'sandfoot' (or'no-good', barrelhousing woman). Sirce Patton unre an ugly, wicked scar across the side of his throat. it is easy to guess where this rurmur originated. Yet, ictual members of Patton's familv. by verifyine a knifins episode. have implicitefy discredited' the ideithit it proved to G fatal. Another Delta runnur. hriwever,held that Patton was of Patton's knifed twice. Thus the Dresence woundwas explained in-a way that did not besmirchits allegedly fatal effects. The processof zeroing in on Patton's few intimaies has otherwisdserved only to brine old lesends to lisht. One friend, a steidy conrpdi'rion of Pat"tonand Willie Brown foi tlree years, heardthat Patton was struck and instantly killed by a lightening bolt. This mmourmay

have been a proiection of the wishes or propheciesof zealous churbh-koers who literally believed that Cod would Strike down those'who followed the devil in singing'his' blues. TlnWh rnt an atheisl, Patton, who was sometirnes castigated by his father for his blues-singing,t;nded to dramatizehis failure to find meanindin relisious sestures. On Screunin' And Holleriil' The Blues,\e borroweda Biblical description of piaying for this purpose:
| | | | | If I uoke w in the momin'. | Iinx all arbwtd your bed | Tumed nw face'to the unll ond I. | Didn't fuiub a u.,ordto say,

From all appearences, Patton used Elder Green as a vehicle for attributins to the clersy-with some iustice-all of the vices wlich madeth'6blues Sinser unaeceotable to the latter. Yes. throus{-l his"own pench'ant for preachingwithoui crede"ntials, htton crilled flagrant-attentionto himself as a tnsew of the Eld'erGeen ilk and thus madethe ''lishtnins bolt' rumourpossible. Suchfancied ret"ributioir was scrupul6dslvavoideil bi Pattrin's cohort, Brown, uho in fear bf divinely-i"uidedbolts wouldhot even performa spiritual.

THE CHARLET PATTON DEATII CERIIFICATE -found by @yle lVardlowin 1966... The explanatory telegan Son House (who often perfonnedwith htton durins his last five years of life) received from htton's averred ri,idowstated that Patton died from the mumps: the living author of the death messageasserted that he succombedto a heart attack.Finallv, as this accompanyins death certificate derironstrates. the tiue facls can be reconstructed-assuming that the state of Mississlppr was ever rn possessionof thernas imparted by bn-thescene aid presumablyreliable doirors. Accuding to his attendirryplrysician, vvhose handwriting is difficult to transcribe, htton died a mitral valvi case. Both Mr. Klatzko and Mr. Wardlow were told as much, alme with the (now substantiated) fact that Patton had visited a doctor as late as the week before his death.

and recapitulatedin full. on h decoded died in SuqflowerCountyon the 28th of April, andnot in Februaryas had been supposed. tinreof his death,'hewas living at'350 Heathman a town sorne in the Neerosector of Indianola-, le-sfrom.tfolly Ridge;rnd some 30 fryt t{rp . of the Mississippi. This structute,in which dii:il, no longer stands. undoubtedly

Other facts, such as the listine of his birthplace (Hinds County) and that of his pirents' names (Bill and Amv). souarewith the alreadv-collected data. The centralfvJocatedcountv of Hinds. with its seaiat lacksorl. was Patton'ihonre untii around 1900. Thus",an original master of the Delta sound probablydid not reach that area until at least a of a Delta blues style had already bemblarice been created. The certificate indicates that the registrar cornpleted the listing of Patton's addr6ss (which was-probablyfumishledbv Willie Calvin) ahd resp6lledhi3 nameas 'Charlie'. This r6visionis fqvbqed today by his blgin Jozz Libuy reissuers, who have dropGd the 'Charley' used on his Paramount recordings,w}lile mainuining-both the ARGVocalion and C'eniett ledger versions."Patton himself. who could neither rea{ nor"write, spelled his first name orallv as 'Charlie'. T e undertaker's nanp is listed as the Central Burial Association, which was a local colored funeral horne. The rnere fact that Patton received a formal burial virtually squelchesthe possibility that he met a violent'dedth. unless orie can sorirehow develop a'total conspiracy' theory which would involve his undertakeirs as either iarticipants or idiotic pawns in a larger scheme. Itloredefutableaspcts concemingPatton's death arise from the certificate's most importantentries. The first lies in the relationship beiweenthe cause of deatlr and the duration'of Patton's illness. Although the doctor wrote that he attended Patton from Afril l7-nth, he gave an oddly precise fisure92 day-s-to representthe duration of ihe fatal illnesi.s. This'figure seemsto have been written over an earlier nlotationof 13 days. Any explanationof the discrepancybetweenthe two well as the raisori d'etre ftorthe final date itself, must be puely coniectural. One possibility is that th6 entry of rl3' days. which soes babk to the day bef6re htton oiisinallv visitedthe doctor. was siveri bv Charlev him-selfand refened to his self-dete6tion of acute synptoms. A'92' fizure. rryhich would closelv coni:siond to the date 6n which Patton's final iecordini session was completed,misfit have been written in after Calvin?) susgestedthat Patton sorneone-(Willie had been feelins sick 'sincetr! cameback frqn New York.r A similu misleading impressionof exactness is created by the alleged cause of death, for mitral valve-troubleiionlv a secondarycause of general heart failure and uoula normallv be Iisted as such on a death certilicate. hi itself a sequela, a mitral valve disorder does not lend itself to a 'duration of illness' entry at all. Althoueh a mitral disorder would have been discemab-le to a doctor of Patton's generation by neans of a stethoscooeexamination.its abtual role in the death bould not be stated, with finalitv, without an autopsy reDort. By the presericeof other factors iir Htton's hppearence hnd medical history, however,his doctbi misht have accuratelv nrled on the seriousnessof"his condition and its abilitv to cause htton's death. (The severity of a mitril case cannot be determined via stethos6pe.) 13

The rne new oate date probablv came ltom cIme from ratton Patton DroDaDlv himself. nself. Since Since t6e name of the infornrant. infonnant. Wil Willie Calvin, Glvin, was entered handwritingol handwritin enteredin ln tne the nanownung oi tne the (one Dollie Trotter) Trotter) on recistrar (_one on the tle day c after. legstrpr htton's death, the witness in questiori would seem to have collaborated on early-aiquired information. Lltho-ggh an-informantfor a ileatli certificate is .usuallfa relative, spouse,or close friend 'Willie of the deceased, the'name''Willie deceased.the-name Glvin' Glvin'had never beeo encounteredin the course of extensive researchon Patton. Since the informant no longer lives in the vicinitv of Indianola. and left no rdatives behind. th6 oossibilitv stitl or forwardinsaddreiss renrainsthat"the birthdate foi htton is erroieous, for it cannot be proved tlrat he himself supplied the datl. On the other hutd, for Patton to inpart a genosis of any sort to Willie Calvin would nnil< a de-parture from his seneral mle: while reportedly makins a practice 5f publicizins the intimate c6nfidencies of bthers. he ri,as frnickf about disclosins the most ordinarv of his own pixsonal particulari. Son House could never get httbn to rev6al his birthdate, which by Houses'Jown guess would lag sorneten years behind Mississippi's figure.

IIow is Pattm's iirst rame sPelled?

Narp of father and rmther ad tlPir birthplaces...

IJnIessit were congenitol, htton's mitral valve causedby either an outbreak d"f";a;;"td have bee."n of rheumaticfever before pube-rty'or by contractron n-y"uti befoie the ippearence of ;i ;;;,hiiif."t" l\egro' In heart'symptoms. the cqse ol a-Southem to one are 99.9-. l', accordtng the chancbs ii""*i"an""ri" to"tot, that rheumati6fever would""'" tt"urt condiiionof htton's type' htton's mitral defect could have fallen.into "n" oi t*o ""t"go.i". which would in tum have hissymptoms' As a a"6iti""a the Severity-of suller lrom a (who would case stenosis mitral "ontiu"t"a valve), htton's ensYingsymPtoms wouldhavebeenmanilestover the Iast Irve.yars case (wrth a of his life. As a mitral insufliency. have alpeared, uould .utptot" A;; i;; i;G". in an acute [orm, during the last three rnontnsoI i;"ltrn;. tit". Although the severity.of the symptoms ol ,tne case' would vary accordingto the drspo.sltlon him both as hdndicapped have ;il;;;Ja;;;;i[;iB"a a niusician and as a laborer, and would have Decome it *""-"i-"Llv *oi""".d in the absenceo[ medrcal ant aversion, Given the then-prevel h-"-o9t""nt. rt rs extremelyr to doctorsamongrural Negroes., unlikely that htton, up to th.elasj. t\+'oweeKs.oI hil-tifi "".i ""* "'a.i"tor. (SonHouse's studied seen' ln.tne ooinion was that Patton would h-ave

ConfrontedW strch on'unfauorableprognosis, the doctor in question mieht have seen hosprtalization as useless. (At the sametime, he would have seen enougtrevidenceof a rampantheart t" tt""'" accurately certifie:dP.atton's death') *rati.t paid af least two visits to the Th;-f""tiit;a htt; j;6;;"Jd indicat6 that he was instead being ta.g (aisitdis) to nnke his enlalged ;;ta;th heart work faster. would have.been Fatton's earlier heart symptoms *" tot that he was bo$ a heavy drinker *u"lJ-lv -J " "ttJi":"*tt "t whosephysical conditirin-could il;" Gen wrongly attributed,.by both himself and to tus hvrng-hablts. Lontrary , his contemporaries, 's to the belief of Minnie Franklin Washington'tatton drinkine could not in itself have aIl'ectedhrs heart conditi6n. Despite a report that hbtton rgnoreda (Just as doctor's advic6 to curtiil his {runkeness Willie Brown, who collapsed alter a mght-Iong.. drinkingbout, was later to havedone)' alconollsm was riqlltly omitted as a contnbutrnglactor to his deith in its official ceftilicatron. On the other hutd, the fact that htton slept or restedlittle duringthe last weekol hts trle i" death,.aswellas his . . ;;iJh;;F;tiniaf increasing propensityfor brawling whrch madehrm his latter-day acquatntences' notorious*ainong If htton's mitral condition had been of a stenosis character,his careeras a blues iinger would have been already impqdedby tlle sesslonm.lune ol tim6 of his first Paramount

i{*v') iiliiilit'iiti,"i", * Gaun' ov.heJb Coctor, Indianola,the

the pres?nce of blmd in hts phlegm' coud,eElslr)i tne have indicated that Patton's case had reacneo terminal stage.

hidun *u" trEatedin -.iii"l;;;t bili;" Lm; of ;rditi;"-such as-shortness "',". and., disorders, stomach ;.*ia, b;;;-ii'. ;;;J

courtesy of Nick Perls

the possibility thereforeexists that presentty evauuaung ,rs afe presently lqy io{ec9o1s'are evaluating a (Simificantlv or not, Patton sasps for I at oie point nlgn warcr E Eudryiahereai one 6nHiShWater uerywhereDornton l.) The bbservation-of SonHousd. that htron's is sreatly surDassed his live performances. ' csuldconceivably cdceiviblv be eplained bv bvlris lris medical condition.(I )* Over th'ecoursebf such performances, nfrichaccording to Housemisht extend foi three honrsor more,htton was kndwnto favor a'lazy' vocalstyle (such as can be heardon GreenRiier Bfuesl irvdtb rely on clownins techniquesas much as actualblues-playineto assiragehis audience. Hrttonas a stenbsiSclse could have done so to Aaina respite fromthe exertionshe would have fackedthd staminato maintain. htton's inordinate everyday slothfulness (on which a stenosis cqxfition could have considerablebearing) woulo not only haveprecludeda suspicious disilav of recuirentfaiisue, but would in all evedtshave cqrspiredto ma[e a lanzuishedhtton Derformance lmk-perfectlvnatural. ai indeed such a one mavirctuallv'havebeen. Tlut Patton may hnte fuen a lone-stmdine nitral is sussestedby the fact thatl althousfi'a gluttonous diter, his weistrt (in contrast tdhis lather's and brother's) w.asalways somewhat (SonHou'se substandard. estimat6dit at 130 pounds, urhich vrouldill-cover his 5'8 " frame.)He wbs. not knownas sicklv. somewhat'ofa 90-pound though weak-ling: in recounted fiefits with an admittedfy heftier frfe, he lacked the punch, though not th'e will, to put her away for ke-eps.Furthermore. htron. of draftalle age during WorldWaql, was apparently reiectedas un"fitfor aimy duty. SonHous6bnce reirorted that htton himself dxplained this re,jection on the groundsof his'bad heart. On the other hand, House saw no telline evidence of heart disease durine his acqu"aintenance with htton. Sorne symptoms,wf,ich mus'thave developed unbeknoumsi to House. were communieatedio others who knew Patton. These. imparted to BemardKlatz,kobv Bertha Lee (who acconpanied him on his last ri:cordins trip).' cqrsisted of the exhaustionhtton wdirld'f6el after a night's performance and the Dresence of oain whenlever he tried to sleep on his back. Thb latter phenomenon is the iesult of pmr blood circulation and is a classic svmDtdm of heart disease. (From his less intiniate view. House was able to discern that htton never slept'on his back, but would pemetuallv writhe aird bellow in his sleep.) Neith'erHoubenor Bertha Lee knew httoir before 1929,and the latter's testimonywas elicited only in connectionwith htton's final-stage of life. It i3 thus unlikely that any conclusive inlormation in regardstohis specific type of mitral disorder will dver be uncov6:red.
Patton as an 'iinmortal' blues

Parannmt spelled Pattsr's first nal|p as 'Clnrley' at o_nce clarifies ahd obfuscides ili;iy hd;;; gedical-history, but his personal tisiow "" *"it. None ot fhtton's known udves bear initials which r,natch arg or even similiar to the desirrrition oi .iy.X.' 'D..K.') (rr, pos_sibly, as his widow. tle ibsente of uertha Lee -Pate's nameas wife or even as informant on the certilicate tends to bear out OJpeiii"i"nr report that htton, during the course of hii-,*aoi"g""' was zmy-thrng but monogarnous. In all probability, her pglllstyleq status as fbtton's widow and witness to particularlv since htton !1q death ts. ungrounded, djd not ge_fu llo_ltyRidge wheresh6 had ;;;i;Jv lived_with hiryr.On this"subiect, Mi"" t""'could.lT broactedr_onlywiden the crbdibilitv eap hei int-erview with L!|r.. Kl-atiko originally createdl H;', ;;;r "it-}la$ey's lamouslast words-'Honey. from now on you'rg going to have it tough'-endowshim with an 9npflhy. as lover or bread-frnner uilrich was conspic* rously absent from not only theirs but from all of lbtton's marital relationships. the identity of ^ Anypurrent spe.cul.alion.regarding iatton s notanzed wldow rs necessarily open-ended: 'K' a reasonablehypothesis is that was a'fernale rglaq!-oq of Wilfib Calvin, if not Willie 'herself '. Since Q.'!V.-K.' entry was recirrdedby the nurssof Patton;s physician,and that of 'Willie Cllvin'entered bv the lggtstrar the next day, !l original phonetic tranScrip tron o[ the narneby the forme-r could exolain the discrepancywhich exists betweenthern'. Tlnt Patton's last ad*ess was aDparentlvnven to the_regi-sqrar by a Willie Calvin whb lived'ofi the same block lurther suggests that htton had been boardingwith the latteirryhenhe expired. By vinue of the fact that Patton had few lonslstandini male companions(most qf..whoqw_er.e ln"own to Sdh House, to u,lrom tle narne'Willie Calvin' meantnothing), $e sex of the infurnant would also aDpearto hive been fernale. If such were not the case. one would ' be at a loss to explain r,rrhv the informairtdid not in deferenci to i$rtta I-"6, ni;ti;;'il;-il;;;'" widow or even give a Holly Ridge addressfor the srnger. It might be noted that a suddendisappearence from Holly Ridse (where he had liv-edin 1933) followid bv?edth shortlv afterwards in Indianola might accoulit for the earbfed reDorts ' conceminghtton's fate which redilred the formerard, as well as the persistant suspicion that a womanmurdered him.' For examole-'some

Theexiste.yeof Nlississippi's deathcertificate

(!l* No.rre of th9 fgrygq!1g is to.suggest ilnt Potton's re'cord,eilSOUNIJ uns tn any u)ay d,iminished by a prestanably clvonic heai cond.ition. In fait,. the opposife ntay lnue been the case. Pation's unprbilictable o'ocal timine. so crucial to his appial as an'inspired' bluZs sineer. could actually bb seen in terms'of his irubilitv" to regulate his breathins and thi to produce 6 fixe[ syncopation in thd manner of other Delta sLngers.

Ridgersmight have heardof an Indianola miunage just before htton's death-and thus con[racted found a tellins cornection between the two coincidental ivents. Others might have wondered why no local resident, besidesi Bertha L,eewhose quanels with httsr had alreadv becomepublic knowledse.would or could claiin to have seen him shortly Ebforehis unwitnessedbut presurnably local ileath. Yet the inticacies of Patton's ronmtic aegwtdizenents cannot fullv explain the stilllinserins Delta rumoursthat'he ilas somehow of an muiderd. Had htton collapsed in the arms 'Things are hvsterieal wife urhowas he'ardto shout: ' in full -view 6ins to be tour*r from now on for me! 6f teirv onlook6rs. such stories would be every bit as brevelant todav. For the underlvingbasis of the rumoursis to be lound in the natuie oThis seneralromanticinvolvernentsand in their status, which is noted ielationshio to his employment at hand. on the Misiissippi do6unient 'farmer' who The fact that htton is listed as a (a used as the situation in 1934 unemployed went motif of 34 Blues) and not as a musician indicates both the lack of sbcial status accordedto a blues musicianof htton's era and the personal reluctance of slch artists to publicize their brofession. (I )* Suchreluctance.hbwever,would irot indicate an inner conviction of the singer's that his music was a'personal Dastime'; the latter-day guitarist uilro seifts to crdate that impressiononlyaoes so after orisinallv creatins the impressionthat he is a mu5iciari. (With rEspecttb his musical pnowess' Pattonwas'descrikid' the most self-conceited personI ever rnet' by Son House.)

Rnther, Patton's mdesty, if it could be termedas such. was Drobablvdue to the blues sinAers fact that manvleadin! count"ry derived theif source6f inconienot so much from sincine as from hustlins: a point which made thole [rofessions. synoiom6usin the minds of therr cqltemporanes. 'hated wo* like Pattqr. who was said to have God hates sin', shareda tendencywith his fellow travellers to marry, wheneverposbible, a cook whoseeamins poiential, desirbbility to other men, and 'food supifv' was alwavs Ereatbrthan that of 'Such singers as htton other fernale'riageeamers. would then becoire social tarsets noithrough their 'catch' but throue+t their habit of ienting enviable man'. their cacheto the nearest'convenient'rnonkey The monkeyman, so dubbedfor his apish stripidity, would, in tle belief that he was a singular-'love any womanwho so obiect'. bestow his nnney on 'He's always grateful to flajtteredhim. (Skip lameis: touch the hemdf a vibman'sgarment.')'lnium, these to the blues singer' honest wases woirld dribble b-aek ni" -ct8t exposedthe singer to doublej".pgtdy(therealter once either the' euchuredmonkey-man called a'fatmouth') or the womirndiscoveredthe true natuii of her relatirinship to the blues-sirtger. At could inloke the iuch; point. the betravid.woman irate bui ever-zullible irpnley man, who would see ;hi"- *ot"n n6t as a hustlel herself (as would the blues singer), but as the victim of the blues singer. That the blues singer u)asseen as a srcinl-, by Big Bill rrenaceto other Negr;es is demonstrated autobiography'stgwho, in his published Ehoonzy 'sweetpaPa'-.(shoftlor nificanilv rails againstthe G*i"t E'ot -a*r"papa' or'sweet-bbcker'). Today's blues sinser, whife irivately winking at his own fancied oi actual hu-stl-ing, -insteadsees hrs..counterfor their suspecttbrlrty to parts to slaughter oxes as 'a Broonzvishbdcklabh. Even thouehno blues sinser is actually of a mafe or known to haVedied at the h"ands fernaleavenser,none of therndoubtedthat such victims could and did exist armng their colleagues. (Certain sinsers. in fact. actualli quit hustlinf or iurtailed thefr oberationsin the belief that they would see the meri.) This belief, which were marli.ed 'hustling u,oman' dansersof deathit the handsof a of social as f ereaterthreat than a more abstract fea=r is reflected in a great numberof blues oppre"ssion. lviics. htton's own tendenci was alwaysto of existence and to drarnatizeits publicize hjs m.ode oafiSers: aocompanyrng
like a rattlesna'ke Baby I stny, euery minu'te .in a cu'rl !ust -l ain't eonna laue rn iob nkma, rb\in' ilzrough this uorldWlen I \eaue lere mafia I'm eoins, fwther dolt,n the road So i.f i rneet himuo tlere I'm"soi;:s.back to the GuIf of Mexico. tgla.dlnnds'nuia louin' I say lord-of yow I'm'soruw shake ' Fixi"n' to eat my ;upper in, Shelby and Glendor'.-

x(l ) Skip ! ame-s,wh,en queried. on the occuption . stance he misht lnue assmcd Ln fqfton's 'Fo.goq -sltuatzo.n, would hnue inquirer snted tlnt inedical -a he tn andjlnt blues him as lowttt reoson' to 'rw good reason';inger, turnunuld Lnue Jor describing htm' self as one.

RattlesnakeBlues The lirst verse of the above-quoted tios off a secret sourceof incorirewith its @nttary pr'emises that htton can be botl a hoarderof monby (a "rattlesnake in a curl') and a rounderwho eschewswork. The secondand third verses show htton altemately dodsins and expressinghis gratitude towards his woman's thus exists that Htton is othe"r'6bv'. Cl6ar impficatio-n makins rionev from tliis fisure's involvernentwith his own towns may wife. That Fbtton would elatin two diflerent 'married' t6 be an indication that he is simultaneously two different cooks.

Paffm Ustd hi:s ocqnatim a^s'fampr' tatlpr tlrur bhrcs sfuger.

An' I heep on tellin' ny rider.'Keep ow shinanies doun! Lord ilut'ielly you're fixin' to strui uill ntake a, nor*ey nin ledue this'toun.

In view of htton's imnrortalizedblabbermouthins. anynumber of his eontanproraries,whethqr pelso.nal achraintances or not, cou)d have guessedoi insisted that httm died at the handsof a iealous woman. (Some of thernmay have wished this had been the case.) Grtain ruinours conceming tlre fate of other singerslike Hind Lenron leffersoln (actuallv a heart attrtk victim), who also f,requently describeil himself as a sweetmgnr might owe their elfluence to widespread accepterce of the blues singer's projected image. The foct tlwt tlp adept'rowtder' was probablynxrre 'precautious'-alert to dangerand able tci assuaie a against him-was entirely overlookedbv the srevience frrllible public. htton. accordins [o SonHouse. [<new ilhen anil how to mn frilm an antigonist. (If the'occasion he could also 'roar lik6 a lion'to try to demanded, disguise.the -fact-tlrat he was threatleqs.) H.C.' Spiers, on ihe other hand. noticed that htton had a hitherto lllsusg:cted tp"hilqqp of ingratiating himself with people. Wlrilehtton did not live wiih foresiiht. he was not a recklessRobert lohnson, who virtuallv pleadedfor his owndeathby refrrsins to heed repeateawamines that mashing taciics would prove to li fatal. Other singers adopted even rmre stringerit security reasons:Blind l,ernonJefferson, on peri6iving the entry of any unidentified person into-his living quarters, would habitually draw a pjstol and wam the visi'tor to identifv himdelf. In fa'ct. the very premisethat a 'sweetpaba' or socially undesirablb?notoreityNegro' had a lfrs{rer fatality raie than those who acteil or fried to act against himprobablv reflects only wishful thinking.




(Early prototype of oGernett-,, , , and'urDelea Dressed, Henlin.)

popular tenor ofthe Krsmer. who. alone with music George'H. Hbidemdnn, a ofthe hinterlands of St Louis auditor. and Louis preAmerica. during the $a.yer, q local attorney, posroepress.r0n years. an0 The Artophone formeil lnere was a certarn Corporation. pioneerins instinct that Ed Schiele had been ledlWitness thefact brevai owner and president of his that Gennett was the first own Schielb Distillind Co. torecord thetrulv ueal 'iazz in St. Louis for a nuiber of produced beins bl Such years, and Jesse Krsmer ; been mvintent. and Bix, men ZS_ King 0liv-er, had worhed for him in one tochronicle the' t h e N . 0 . R . K e t . a , l . capacity or another for over 10 s ofthe masnetic ten years prior to the formation It is important tonote that label and it-s stable of of Artophone. Young.erbrother, they were also first to ed labels durins their Herberi, had begun-by workin! recbrd countrv music and I recordins Deri-od for his brother qt the distillery couhtrv blues the nesro from 1925-to 1939). while still a lad. lt's interesting sinser5. Thoueh'thev Fortune is kind, to note that Edwin Schiele me this reao-ed the cerfainlv neveT maintained his interest in the willbe onthe market windfal[s that silvirliquor business euen after the lts r tw.o.years'.time. plated pocket The Artophone Corporation was of the books will'contain, among in full swing. ln 1929, he was, Victor they and'Columbia,. rings: thecomplete treasurer of the famous Falstaff nevertheless can claim a Brewing Company of St. Louis. credit for of the share sood oflices Themain for introducing, viathe medium i|-il-mb;ic;is'bTtn-e Artoohone were established at phonbgraph record, of the rxlmatelv labels imately 70 /u laDels 1109Oliue Street, with a the trub folk artof rural " record departrnbnttt located oranother, time atone America. product of the borne have three blochi away at 12L3 because then. recorili Here ngstudios Pine Street. Gennett's is betold, Richilond, I feel it should York, inNew Under the aeeis of Ed ofthe ofone storv Bifmingham, Biimiiiiiiiin,'iic. etc.; the Schiele, Presiddnt aitd majority Chicaso, ehil'io; ; Gennett's stochholder, the firm prospered, carried labels that ofalffirms the hi5torv adding lines of musical iistruments withGennett heritage. doinq business and acquiring the area distribelectrical lS-vear the durini Anv corrections. deletutorship for Okeh and Odeon I of al soan:-ohotosrdphs ions. oradditions would 'ldbel's'and Records.' Bv the early oqrt of l-abel variants certainly welcome. bemost 1925 they hid become distribreproductions of I involved; Please'address anv correspon- utors for Paramauntandhad added documents. imoortant dence to:John lllacKeniie. still more lines to their alreadv K.MacKen2ie, adverttsements, music business ; spbplemgnts, Portland, eVpanding S.E.l(qapp St., t024 Vocalstyle piano rolls, portable 0T a 0lscusslon etc.: Oreson 97202.'' phonographs,radio sets and mermethods, recording radio supplies were annng the The stoty ol the Herwin A&R chandising techniques, additionql lines. A branc| office record and its The ' Darent firm ano busrness Dolrfles, was opened in Kansas City Artophone Corloratioh of St.. bvthe bttitudes oracticed (203 Ransas Citv Life Buildind. lvlissouri,beginswith parent firft;and a cross-index Louis, Business was sit Eobd that inthe vear 1918. 1925 the initial capitalization and ofallartists the In that year, an unincorporwas increased by nearly 507o. pseudonymns ated entitv known as The used to cover At this point, ndw men were Artoohond Comnany was beeun by their iddntities. brought into the business through by tito brotheri, Hbrbert 5." why asked I'vebeen a melger, and the Herwin label" Schiele and Edwin Schiele. toGennett They ioined nany little companies u)as born. But to fully undermyself I've limited stand these new d,euelopments. period. who, after World War I had ended durins itselectrical it is necessary to go, plead nation had entered on a certaih overwhel- and theperiod I musl for a moment, to the year 1923. prosperity, a long of fa'scination with the mins began to manufacture phono0n-August fr,L923,two Eledtrobeam label asthe maior graphs. Their line, called, other St. Louis brothers.Ravfactor. However, aesthetics quite naturally, Artophone, mondC. Layer, registrarof St. caused me are not allthat consisted of seuen models. Lor4is'City Collegeof Law my study. tosolimit Though it was difficult seeking and Finanie, andAhience W. enough agents and dealers Layer, an auditor for a local It has alwavs seemed 'mill' to cany their line, they accounting, firm, ioinedwith tome that the Gennett manag^d to buildip a-sizeable NIr.A.NI.Conroyio form tlrc St. grind grain managed to the business and by 1920 utere Louis llusic Comoany. They closeit to thl sround. ready to incorpbrate. set uD their officbs 't'le 6n the That souEht out obscure third'floor of old tvlid-Citv 0n Junel;0lh'ofthat Buildine qt 322 N. Grandinartists i,vhose slvles were year, the Schiele brothers St. Louls. A year later thev had perhaps closestlo the were joined by Jesse G. rver thepast ten brief intioduction Tothose rdant. are unfamiliar research. it mav serve ofthe mt the scope gpiece on'the illusive
maued to neuiqunrtersat 2 0 8N . 1 7 t h .

Their principle lines of merchandise were musical instruments and musical a,cces' sories. These were handled tlaous.hmail'order. BY the end of 1924, however, the emPhasis ind strtitea b records and the St. Loulis lilusic Company had built ouite a sizeable business in moil-order records, catering to the hillbilly und race marhets. Al lte lime of ilrcir incorporation, in 1923, their nwior bssels included an extensiue mailinp list, ualued at $10,000, and alew thousand dollars worth of muiical instruments and ac' s. T heir total ossers ces sorie were ualued at onlv $20,000, initjal comnared to Artophone's ' iai[tali"atton of $100,a00. BY 1925. the ualue of the St, Louis lvlusic Companv's sssets had risen to oubr a40,000 and those of The Artophone CorPoration to around $150,000.It was at this noint, sho tlv before the sutntneroi lgZS, tltflt the two comnanie'sdecided thut it woulQ be to their mutual a'dua'ntage to Jotn lorces. Artophonets primary in the rnerler was the extenstue c ord busines s that mail-order-re the St. Louis ilflusic ComPanY had built up. The LaYer brothers, on the othdr hand, wanted the security that a large corqor--ation like the Schiele's could off-er.A,l so, the Schielb' s wanted i6'captrre'the rural white and neerd and the urban negro mu:rfuts for the sale- of their . phonographs, 'and .reProducerheads, adce'ssoried, in addition to the reCord,s. On June 29, 1925, the was effected, and the rnerg,er St. Louis lvlusic Company, still retaining its identity, became s subsidiarv of Artophone. The Laver brrithirs weie paid a little Arropnone in'Artophone each ln $12,A00eACn ou6r $IZ.UUU ouer stock foi th.eir interests. Raymond Lav er' was made V ice-President of-Artophone and his brother Clarenie was made Treasurer.

on a full was launched Comoanv scate. iolid attack for the of tlrc musically acoui'sition inclined Public's extra dollars. ' Their nerger with Artophoneleft the parentfirm to concentrate on the mnnifacture and wholesale distribirtionof phonographs, radios, and a line of accessory supplies. radio and phonograph the were Layers Not only qnd Schielesin nerchandising, thev also tried their handat nuiic publishing.Acttnlly, the first attenpt was bY Artoqhone in 1925whenthey published " Charlie Creath's tune, lt4arket big bwst of The Blues". Street camein 1927. soeed.howeuer. h tndi vear sotne50 blues and iazz tui.eswritten by St. Louis 'ne gro comqosers,lYric ists, and/or uocalists were rnusicians, oubtisted'bvtlre St. Louis l,llusic Publishine Company,a couer nane for lhe Schie[e'gand LaYers' publiihine endeauors. Such and artists outstandiipcomDosers Lizzie Washas Victorid SpivbY, ineton and Kittherine Baker were aions, thosewho turnedthiir of to ArtoPhone'lvlanY iii"{ore, thesessmetunes, iniidentlY, w-ere in 1927. bY'Gennett onesrecorded

Thus.Sl. LouisMusic

of srch bachground against.a. competttrcn. I ne prtnaily_real for ihe Layers' aid the Schi decision tb introdtrce the He label was that they wanted to mahe their own selection of artists and tunes that tlwy hand.le.This was denied then Oheh. Vocalion and Columbia. and,Ray Laye Layer rt Schiele and Herbi:rt Herbi: were in charge of making srch selections. Also, tlnir contact with many St. Louis negro arti was of udlue to Gennetl and-P mount in arranging for recording sessions and tunes to record.

" " a composite-of course,Hgrwin,

Schiele's first nameanQthe las threeletters of Edwin Schiele's first name.

Thenew rccotd was, of

ii"' iiii'i i i,7i' I" uiii 5iiii'ia",t

In lhe coulscof thenext Mlusic few"also vears.the St.-Louis

booked tqlent and hqndled Co. artists, mainly in tlrc negro music uein. The choice of race and hillbillv music was a logical oneElectiie to sell through mailorder preclude.l th,at the uas,t rnai'

will o,rityit! potential buYers comelrom rural areas.

These sarne rural areas contained large numbers of both colored and white families whose Dredominantmusical tastes'would tend to folh music. Artoohone concenlrated on the lvlidiest and the Southern Central theY . ., IJnited States. By 1930," were claiming to-be the world's distrlbutor of race records lars,.est bv-nwil". No srch claims were riade for their hillbillv records, thoueh, as the mnssiue Sears, Roe\ubk & Comparty could. %lsilY The Herwin trade mark was haue won in tha't cdtegorY! The reqistered with the U.S. Patent orice ol the maior label race an'd Office, not for records, but for hiUbilly record.s ordered through uheleles, banjo ukes, mandolins, the subsidiarv St. Louis lvlusic and guitars. Artophone claimed Company wai a straight 7|Q/each thatThey had used this mwk us with'no discounts for uolume. early as January5, 1926.Ar This plice may haue been also registeredother tro.demr sutisfactorv for the earlY'20's for theTamedate: Ptritan (for but by 1926,-tlrc influx of cheaPer tenor baniod; QueenBrand, Artoru records and the mass merchandising and Royal (for mstrument stringd; techniques for records cut deePlY (for main springs and Reliance into thb profits of those who reproducers, tone arms, and attempted tb sell nothing but 75Q the mail-order Certainly, recor;ls. business was not one thnt could expect to maintain high profits

to assume that Herwin reasonable records were introduced in lste 1925,iust prior to the date claimed by Artophone for the Herwin trademarh. Three record companies pressed,Iqbelled, qnd shipped Herwindto St. L6uis for Artthe Starr Piono Company oDhone: (Gennett RecordsD iu i s ion),' theNew York Recording Laboratories (Paramounil,and another. as yel undetermined,f irm.

the first Herwin records dlhen Wryarg4.Variousdates haue. Euen by researchers. offered bbbn Schielehimself is W. Herbert r'r.tsureas to the exact date. it toouldbe fairly Howeuer,

exactly i ft is [ot known

neuer promoted in major rnarhet areas. lt is more lihelv that they were offered solely to the rural mnrhets. The method of aduertising used by Artophone for its-major labels (Oheh, Columbia, and Pararnount,and, Iater, Vocaliod was to run ads in th.ecity newspapers. An ad which appeared in the April 9. 1927, edition of the fambd nekro weehly, THE CHICAGO DEF: ENDER, is probably typical. The race items frofi thb cqtaloes of Oheh, Columbiq, and Paramounl were offered for sale through the St. Louis trLusic Cornpqny usinp,a box number in St. Louis. A free, 56-pase catalog was itlso'offered listine those records then in stockTo the best of my hnowledge, no such catalogs haue euer come to light, so it is impossible to

Henrinsvela probably

say whether or not Herwin records were also listed therein. the method of ., aduertising Herwins was quite frugal. Persons who had Soupht r.ecords,phonographs, musicdl tnstrume nts, musical supplies. etc. from Artophone or tlb St.' Louis Music Companywere sent monthly flyers, piint\d bv the MISSOURIRURALIST, listing the new Herwin releases. lt ntay haue been that this was lhe ONLY way Artophone obtained c_ustomers for their Herwins, thoush Robert Schiele claims thil Ads were run in regional farm iournals gf the pelod urelre peoplit to 0ecomeHerwin deuotees. Howeuer. re-searcherslike John Randolph of Fulton, lUlissouri,haue spent mnny nours pourmg ouer lhe Dages of d.ozens of different farm jourials -wtthout success-

Close examinalion of the

Herwin labels clearly shows tlnt there were actually three different labels, each differing from the other in small detqils, Also, the methodof pressing differs between the three Herwin records, thus proving lhat Artophonehad separate dealings with all three companies. Apnarently. this had a lot to do w'iih the riix-ups that occur within the Herwin numerical series. Thus, we find q doubling of release numbers. Gennett would press a record and affix the Herwin label with its assigned seriul number, while, at the same time, Paramount would be pressing and labetrlinganolher Herwin coupling with the same serial nurnber! The materials, (ratio of shellac to filleil used for Herwin were quite poor, in order to saue costs in pressing. The quolity of material was roughly similar to that of Challenge, thus it is extremely difficult to find a Herwin that plays as good as it loohs. Also, this accounts for the fact that few Herwins are to be found today. They were worn out so quichly that most were discarded before they were tired of.

cou.rtesyof Nick perls

in the Chicalr oy u|e owneNl



annual sales during ils peak periods in the '20s were between 'six and seuen hundred thousand dollars, only a small portion was from the sale of records, and an extremely small proportion of the record sales were deriued from Herwins. By the end of 1928 the mnil-order record business was beginning to grind to a halt. Only a few companies were to suruiue the depression, the natable ones 6eing Sedrs and Ward. By the late l,llontqomery 1920ts. eubn the snall rural mqrhet's hod their own record shoDesand dime-store record counters. One would assume tha't custornerswould naturally prefer to s.o lo these firms where theY coild listen before buYinghad declined by 1929 and Edwin Schiele assumed presidency of the St. Louis lvludic Cornpany.On June 22, 1929, however, MIr.Schiele decided'to dissolue their subsid' iary, and back out_of the mai_l'order The dntirbly. The had left left t6e t6e field field entirelv. had tn Iatest mnsterused usedon on a Herwir latest'mnster

gross Arlophonets Though

Both of the Laver brothers lnue pasied away. Ed Schiele died in tlrc 1940's, and rnost of the other early officiuls of the St. Louis I'tlusic Company and The Artonhone CorPoration have either dritpped out bf sight or have pasded away. Only Jesse Kramer, retired former secretarY of Artophone, and Herbert Schiele, iis cunent pregident, remain to recqll with mixed pleasure and frustration the days that were.

also Silo 5018.& BP {i014; (B) on GE 6034 CH 1519, Sib 5021,& MOTE: Some'issues tay BP 8016. read: REV. I.M. GATESAND HIS CONGREGATION.

92W5(A) r (GEX 363)-

(B) Waitine HIS CONGREGATION: CONGT, At The Beawi{ul Garc (GEX 366)= SAME.Label TypeA: (A) sid,eals,

BP 8016(B) side also r cE 6042. cH ls2ss- &\ni &silu nfu. 5019.rtorE-S'i* TnliIst. issues miy read: MV. l.M. GATES AND HIS CONGREGATION. 92n6 U) I'm Gorun Die With A Snff In Mv Hand. rcEX 367)-REV. t.M. GATES (B) You belone A HIS CONGREGATION; To Tlat Funeral Train (GEX 368)-SAME. Label TypeA:(A) side also onGE ffi19, CH 1s295. SiIu 5020, & BP ffi14 (B) also on CE 6042.&'SiIu 5018. 92W7( ) Lord, I'm Troubled(2260-I)HERWINFAMAUSIUBILEE S/NGERS. ( ) This Train is Bound For Glory (2269-2) -:SAME.Label Type B: Both si[es also on Para 12315aibvVOODS FAMOUS and on Bury BLIND I UBILEE STiVCERS, BLIND SINGERS.' 5024as by TACOB'S 92008/ ) Oh Lord.Vhnt A Mornins. HOME] UBI LEE S/NGERS; 2099.2)_DOV/N ( ) Hand Me Doun The Siluer Trwwet e100-2)-SAME.Label TypeB: Both iides oTsoon Para 12285'asbv SUNSET ]UBILEE QUARTETTE. 92OW( ) Lord I Can't Stay Aunv 6057) -SOUTHLANDI UBILEE SINGERS :() Get On Board,Little Children,Get On B OArd 205 1.2)-SOUTHLAND TUBI LEE OUARTETTE.Label TypeB; (A) side ilso on Para 12076anf,brobablv also on SEXTETTE Rainbanas bv WISEMAN also on Para with Orchcstfa: (B) si.d,e 12268as by NORFOLKIUBILEE QUAR' TETTE. Birth(505- :570192010/ ) The Neut ( )Well of REV R.C. W@DSVORTH; Label'Tvpe Saluation/510-: 571)--SAlvlE. as 6i B: Both sidesalso on Para 12476 Both sides probabli C.H. GATEWOOD: H.C.' also on Merritt2204as bv REV. (D.D.l.M.R.A. ) ass is ted bv GATEWOOD On thc FaithfulWorshiopers' " the Meniit issuethe'(A) side ii titled' Reaener(B) side is titled-' The ation" and tlhe WelI Ol Saluatibn", NOTE: Moster nuw bers oh thc Menitt are507 and 509, is the only AwaI euidence resoectiuelv. meitnsof piouing tlnt aII issues are thi sarrc. gz0llA) There'sRoomEnoushln Heauei for Us All GE-12617{)-PACE (B) Steol Aunv ond IUBILEE S/NGERS: Label T'vpeA; Prav (GE-12618A)-SAME. Boih sidesalso 6nGe 6072. ORS7017,& as BP B0Il: Both sides also oiCh 15249 w DrxlE I UBILEE S/NGERS. mOlZ(A) GooferDust Blues(9099'1,2) -TRI LBY HARCENS : (B ) Stompin' A rowtd (10000-1|-SAME. Label Twe B: Both sides 'also on Para 12250as bv THELMA LAVIZZO acc. bv NeutOrleans Crboles, anl, on Silu 3547 tis bv MABEL NANCE. NOTE: On Para' the tuhe titles mnmt and Siluertone issues ",Na;u Orleans Goofer are " The Stprnps"and Dust B lues", fespectiuely, 92013 (A ) East Coast B lues (GE-I 27I 34)(B) WorkineMan UZnE WASHINGTON: A; Label T-vpe Blues(CE-12715|-SAME. (B) (A) side also on Ge 6134,& Ch 15303; side also on Ge 6181,

lu 5020, &

HERTIIN ]IUilIERICAL ncereofids 9flIlll series:

Blues 92OOl (A) Lucltv Ntunber rcEX 3:23.1-ALSERTA ]ONES ACC. (B) BY THE ELLINGTON TW/NS; I'm Gonrn Put You Rieht In IaiI (GEX A; Tvpe Ldbel 324A1-SAME. 'Eo-th'{idis'"lso on Ge 34o4,'Ch15180, & Silu 5025.

Raymond Layer'shealth

th"y ;;{ i";';; ;;; "i;it; : i;; i s\d,

was cut in April, 1929, bY the Biddleville Quintette /or N. Y. R. L. and issued as bv the MississiPPi Quintette on Heiwin 92034. Qhis indicates thqt Herwins mny haue continued to be released until the summerof 1929, but certainlY no later. ln 1930. the remainder stock of Herwin records along with thb mailing list of Herwin customers was sold to the New Yorh Rec ording L aboratorie s. Just how manYrecords u)e-re . 'i included in that stock and tuhal Aeco*e of them after theY wer-e .t hauled oit of St. Louis is still i > a mystery.

(GEX 362F 92n3U) Anazins,Grace REV. ].M. GATES"&HIS CONGREGATION:(B) Pll Be SatisfiedWhen Mv Soul Ii Restine In The'Presence Of ThCLOrd(GEX 369NAME, LAbCI Tipe A: BotEsides also on Ge 6013, Para D7n. Buy 5090,& 8P8015;(A) & Sib 5021; side also on CE 15199 (B) side also on Ch 15210&SiIu 5019. 'NOTE: (B) side is uariously titled os' ' PII Be Satisfiet'/' (Il Be In Satisfied (WhenMi Soul Is Restins, OfThe Lordf'. NOTE: The Presbnce Some issues rnai read: REV' I'M. GATES AND HR CONGREGATION orREV. I.M. GATESAND CONGREGATION. NOTE: Onthe Paronount and Broadanv issues, confiol ruunbers unre odded 6y Paradoutt as follouts:

(8J12s2. (A)12s1,

c e llane ous e IeVtr ic al appl iances to their line of merchqndise. In 1965. thev were still going stroie. as-wholesale dis tr ibutors for AlmstronE Floor Couerings, town k itchens, T aPPan Young,s pas ranles, G.E. wqter coolers, "and yes, Artophone PhonograPhs!

92Cf4 U) f mSo GIad TroubleDon't Last Alunys (GEX 364)-REV. I.M. (B) GATES &HIS CONGREGATION; Pm Goine To HeauenIf It Takes My Life (GEA 365I-SAME. Lobel TypE Ai(A) side also onCe 6019.Ch-15135.

Ir'![; I]];Je'f fi1 [" y!u!;:' rIF

,hfil:,J.t,"d " Homeunrd Bound

"iltT " o r"i i"r f{i " ;:lr" i/" !,rlTX I'aromount. ,\OTE: Un Para 12279

T:'r? ^iftrF'ti E fi f: i il f,tr,! t l! [:t"?'t l;:]!;, !; : i 0", :;J'r1' also on I'ara ]2275as by IONFS,


ona on Juperror ( / ) 3Sl as by ???

3 :'ii'ti ti f6 tr i h', { Ifi3', t"'" ^

lril n,



!I!s!:!:!^{:{ :,,, "N? ifr ; 8i R i itA,nt" ifti$[ni fl F. ffJ'i'r|' 'fr'fi:i^l",tiii,l',i,t+;,#{ti;

9 2 0 1 5 t A ) ( . n n e l l r a k , l ) l u r ' s r t t ) . t t - t) _ . U , 4 . l l lB l.l,i(lABi li \; (Bt Bir,l-\",r 6tues (,?03U- l,csl-\ llll;. l.ube! I yp.e It:.l rrst ..rJr , 't t l ' , t n t l ) . 3 e 1 , a.|'by.lkltl l I llR lt;C;.i"",,,,,1 .si,lc t,^q.p.,l r I ! I 1,v I ts .4 RttI' l. l, [. " S H f ' I . l!' . r!,!f, ";itt t ( ; ( ; . \ ' ( l T t . - .i t , l i a r u nount,l).3,lH t u n e t . st i t l , . t l " ( . u n c h r e n l ,
D t, c.s

o : ",,'' if,it,' fr ,i f."u'' i1;ii,1' iii:l ll/,',i,t-Lr' 7!t? )i'm I;nr v -s -

92027-fNKNOWN 92028-tNKNOWN 9?@9_UNKNOWN lesusLay Your Heod W,fA$,.(A) ln

o, {,i E l,'," #,';' EZ' it' h't',X' hX, W (23,06-2)-SAM\.. ruor.( Label

:rt', i:: t,f ;i /t'# iidZ: i 2;

E i,ff ut!, [!{t' i'fi"'j?|;'t'"1,'o2n "lr;,


)_ 4/.J..t ?.lt B L . 4\ ( : l l l - J ( U| \ S t t N: I I l ) ( , ur r c s t o n ti I ues ( Il 2 8-l :n23 t-.5 A ltlF.- l.ahe! T1pc u: I ruc artist irlentitl .still open to speculation. I'ut it ct;uld tu"ll h,' le.anette J a m e s a ee. h 1 . l l , t r 1L n u


-2:r,t!2 Iut, r t t 27

()e t,,'urul a-ls^u,on

92Q77 r/ ) l l s l l u n l . p l t . t l t ' l t l u e s -1 o''6'; n o' ;?' f, !.'!i![',1!,,",1,H ?ri f, f,1" iiii, !f f(,'!' 7,", t',li! i"',
on Ch tJ3O2

!', fut' o2' ],,', J'"',', /).',';','i' r! n'o'

( s
tr 0

'fr"E"vf tD' vB i:i f bI frt? i?of i.o' b

i {

';',f i ft"w 8 x1 ?,u, I ", o, 8ri['4 "p"; 5as bv

r.ypg It: l, Lrst side also on Para

ffii,A fr"n F' n'fr [{';difr}
uLSo on Uonq

d'l ? 3 62," f* iFZ it ftf "fi: "" :::',6#I t548^,lnd

r.yv.-!, I n /-stue

tt i'o'fl #','d1 i : i" ;o?, X Eu;,t !#{,,! nerun tssue

ts Baptize Me',.

',3 \ffif{Igi{ft wxxx{EA"' ft t;/ou f'Zi:t "nX nfj j E !'ii:l :*'

'^y'-9, utul rLLu rJ.[/, atut atso on Uom JUJU and ( )r 7lQ n. h PFV < ttn u I I

Fan I8Bl, and atso onDom



;^6"yr#t{l{:wa#ryrXrrf fL

W{,il*eti (E WUZZIES;
rcEX 'Bort 8324)sides al atso on Ch 15 also on ORLEA 1174as AND H,

W f f i " ^o, kw'i,fn:l;#r'rtl;"d,#ti:a'r'3'f
NOT| l: AdditinrcI cott rol nwtbers are

Ett :On

andupnardsUNKNOTII 92045

ffiffiYwiii!ffiV'ri7,m"' '"63,"rti'", [E,T!?rif Wr"*a'#f

'ttxnatrW.ei#E';:tr";ffot?#ffi z,^ 6006^ thi telel^o+ #Y':lfrli"1Xw""^ #,Inz'i"'r#1f fr;ifrZ';"i;n1hit

ncerccails sEies: 9til10

ct00l ulll(NolvN

yffi{lt&'i"il{, tff"L'i!o', trE


,iY;**f:ffi;rn:'*;* 'lt;yi*,t%A#:ii/Wi"E'3i;rT!i
* ;ftff ^v#' Bzr't:,i t i i"x B"m,;, BROTHER.



T#!{ii*fi,#:!if^ttjr,"r, ^'it:
iiu[h ifrrryrtriffii;t,

W!"ffi#t!#{1:##,#, 'rfl;ti*ti*x:ff;,,,
W#r;#lrtrEffiiii:'iti-" Yffij.{,H#i"i'E:;ri''i:T;):f ,i}!.rt$',::, U1"p{fi{;,ir{,#,F'iS#rt'Y!}! 7P"' ffiif#"ilfr i,izl:rff wf #"* f "?fi iai


ry $,6itiii"ftf;

#tit::.1 trF*{;ftt#fi,##ffi ""r*Zttit:ti#t,'kl'!k2'1f

sne otio-on Ge 61.95 Lobel Tvpe A: 1a1.

Ft;{S*ti{effiw,t:"sr;: Wei,##!,##^y!ilfffir '#{tir#,Wu;"uibtifui; W,;#:tuxW:*:pxly: W'r T-"Wir##-#;ii*::r;{;" *i"W,*fr*t*

t efferson.

W#,t:#ii;fvn,^ "#*ss*Jrf7#fr*{x" wi#H,H!!"ffiif$ffi#'itr,

g|0ffi rjNl$nm\ $trl (nil(|lowN




*nlin-+"Ar*'nffifl'P' ti tt* iboue issues the twe

cor.rtesyof Nick Perk

ere's A Hatrdunitins (209441-8LIND TtM L lue Crossed The Seo(20943-5 w M E. Labil Labdl 28,13-5)-SAME. )-SA 'oth

sidesalso on Para 12717 NDtOE TACGART.and on as bv BLIM IOE DONNELL,

(A) Dvine Gantbler (417: lii lii i .'P' ;;" i i' ih"2:Bs: ffl0l9 6764-2)-REV. Itul. GATES; (B) lE.'Label TvoeB: Both as by'REV.M.M. 12618
The Snitches Blues

Time Baptism" Part .3)_REV, M.M. MILLER:

Prayins For The Pasnr 4l6i 67, 2)-SAME, Label Tyoe B: See . 2)-SAME. H< 92035 for detnils df'co-issucs.

LEE; A: 1269)-IERRY rcksYas Yas (CE-151644: |,TERHOGAN.Label Type desalso on Para 12786'ds E HANNAHand IACK U i, respectiuely. H)St. Louis Blues(GE1'71)_THE HARLEM TNO; (CE-15160A:1272 zzvVuzzv 1272) zzy (GE-L51604: zl TypeB: Both sides 12787 os bl/ MOORETON.

sf(pO UNKI\IOwN 9t021 UNINOWNT 930?2 UNIAYOW\I q3m3 @ I HaueCrossed The

',Zt;f:r ;" /;:';:i !f/!i!"'3 on Para 12838and ORSZ02Zas


'H"f ftffi i'tft &f/iffi,t':l/, Got To Meet Yow'God


6l )Snilinz Blues GE-15166': 1294) {-LIERRYLEE. Label Tvpe B: Both tsdes olso on Para 12797'os bv BOB ond |ACK O' DIAfrIONDS. |COLEMAN ', respectioely. (21184-1) StealAunv Blu,es I HOT SHOTS:( ) Sahv DoL -2)-SAME, Label Tvie Bi s also on Para 12719'as bv UNLPJC{_tF',^a-4_pt_E"ty fi69 as by BROADWAY PICKERS. NU'I'E: NOTE: Ui Oi both both the the Paranount Patanount and and
Broduav isstns the first tune title " is slmtni a"s Steal Au.ny,"

93024 ( )Wasn't Tlmt A Miehtv Dav? ( 1494: 422A)MISSISSIPH OUINTET: ( ) I Heard, tlrc Voice of Jesl:'i.Say (1495:@A).-SAME. Label' Type B: Boih sides also on Pua 128'tS and ORS 7070 us by BIDDLEVILLE QUINTETTE



on Para 12806'tis

CA0IT ( ) Plnine The Dozen (2116-I)-CHARLIE EATON: ( ) BucketOf BLad eI14-2)-SAhlE. Label Twe B: Both sidei also on Para12773as bvWILL EZELL. 930fE f ) Gfust WomanBlues (21158-2_)-BOB CMNE; ( )Weeping (21155-lNAtyIE. WillautWoman Label Type B: Both sides also on Para 12769as bv GEORGECARTER.

QU4RTETTE: l,lOT{: 2td sid,eissrred on Pamnount.

o^L uBILEE b,sp28 eA ly !.{pIE 4 I no.4 Take ot

: Boih sid.ei olso on Paru 12694 and

Soorrao I S/NGERS;

7;:*Y^ '0osfu

c|029 utilotomt glu|0 T]NKI\IoM{

'ffi##f ff,!jt{'hilY#f:#'
'ALLEN. La6el Twe A: (A) sile qlso on Ei nm andcs rdM as bvwlLLIE Ch15172 enEACtn* HIsoRCH.,'on atd i' a" I-uE CEoncu 0qLLEGLANS, oiCUi us "" W CnttttNGE^DANC!

g';Yz# fiXT, rE" a,t W 8 F WH' ttw#ff "fllifiaf#,o,strH*

550(F ud uP UNKI\OIVN

#iiffiffi^"iiilgi',rilu ';a'irl,:**:'"lfi,!iv!if-&frf,ftffiWg1#Jj,h{'W,?:#ii /,&f:ftzh a* E|n: iit;ffaar, ME*##.Y:i''ai;a1iiiSr;'

2. I essi G. Krcmer3. Ioltn \gndolph, Bob Graf, Bob Koester,Dan MahoneY, arw otluirs too tunerous to nertiton'

f #XEE9#!'nhitr;'fj,Ti:0"1,[,r, tofoiation' on Herutind'is' ;;;; ;;,;i

;;s';iii i;d label photosraphs.

lltRwlll l[Bt1!
on isses original T$lO
Exclusiue 78 R.P.M....By ControctwalAgreenent with tlp Arfisfs...

(the hston legendary session)

Fow O'ClrckBluesUola tvlyBhns Aun$-piarc acc. Hat LoW Bhnsninrc acc. Heruin92402-($2.m)

r series 53:iffi#H*ffi"'i Biffi be continued in the next-issue

JAMES_ SKIP (the Boston legendary session )

DnnhenSgee-gtr. rcc. Illirais Blues-gtr. rcc. Herwin9240342.m)

t...are "...' J inx,tattd'Porry his fhest uwk from this sessionl'-A.Wilsgt's "N' On Sic'FrnDoes N' Bay--1lerwin924W ($2.N)

illonogaphSon House Blues Unlimited.

BoyandSic'Em Dogsore the mostexciting blrrcstheLibw of Congresseuerrecorded"-

ffihlffie,Miss.-1e42) APallet On ttlaheMe The Pury Blues

Tlrc JhtxBhrcs-llerwin 92401 ($2.M)

bY recording only the and Brown since Willie THE Paramarnt)

The Flw-Willie Broum ShetlodPorryBlues_fun 4-( $2.ffi ) Hotne-Herwin9240

of Lihary are unisstld These recordings Congess Pressed vinyl 78'sIotggrren onpure

Jazz BillGivens{rigin Library.

Edition isa Limited This foraluos specially issred


TO: MONEY SEND RECORDS HERW IN P.0.Box306 York 11542 New Cove, Glen


Drectly across the strcet is a disappearins l i q u o r s t o r c : i t I i g h t s i n r e n s cn c o n s a i n i s h t . thcn vanishcs by iaylieht. There uscd tot* a lot more bror.rnsionesdown thc block towards Amsterdam Avenue, but they were clubbed down bv the huge metal rrrecking"balls. Thc seements werc broken into smaller sigmcnr" and haillcd by truck up to this dump in [he Bronx. Tday, the mi&lle of the 82nd Street blcrh betleen C,olumbusand Amsterdam Avenues is ari open rock field encloscd bl a chickcn wirc lencc, It is destincd for a new municipal proiect by city planners who Iive in thc count'rv'. olav gblf o.;rlgnday, and bring their briefcaies to' work in \lanhittan. Latc Saturdal moming thc liehts co on behind the cased windows of 100 W. A'2. ('lhe lishts 'l'uesday arc on cuery rright and all dav Siturdav and Sunday.)The cniranJe has a whitc Victonan eolunrnon-each side. You climb a step, ring thc bell, listen for thc sound of thc hcll aird treir nothing, I lorrcre'r,bv opening the heavy metal outcr door (ir opcns bv itsclf) you rvill enrer a s n r a l lh a l l w a v . ' S i x f e b t a h c a r lh n d t o t l r c r i s h r is a sccond door-locked-and covered with"fishcolored sheet metal, You knock and there is a sliqht inward give like rappingofl tlrc fentlerof a lt rv Chevv.

At 100 W'est 82ndStreeta 19thGnturv brownstone ajoins the Hotel Endicott at the southwest comer of Columbus Avenue. Here, on the first floor behinddoubledoorsand cased windows is the world's larsestcollectionof" 78 records(morethan+$,m0 of them). There's a Chinese laundry nert door,and it mayhave beenabandoned for the last five years. You can't be sure. \luch of NewYork Ciry''s ['pDerWesr S i d es p e n d s t i m c u a i t i n gf o r i t s l u c k ' i oc h a n s e like ttic young-old Puert-o Ricansin continenlal suits waiting"near the Chineselaundry. Just

), trrro out-of-town collectors (lookinf dwarestore clerft.s)stand over a lod'g hereis a shortase of chairs)-bent ddwn. downat what ap'pear to be long type with numbers sheets and obscu"re'symbols. "pop'X)s" collectors (Bine, Rus. Are A, Rirdi). They weareabardindbrown I tlraqnf:rge int6 a thic[ening background eordshelves,and they barely-slancduo. it was the 'loresteist: these'are Saturdav rt-of-towniazz collectors who with casual in for The Spectacular. New.York Life uearingchbckedwool lumberman shirts

Straight aheadand beyonda locked door. another room, calledthe 'r'aultt, contains wall to ceilins shelvesof t-herarestlabels in th" record"ott."?;nn (red or lieht blue with nauti&l fratemity: Aut6graph checkedborder),Back Patti (plurple with solden peacockthat has a monstrousibil ). Dectroleam Cennett(black with Old Enelish letterins). Merrit (purple or black with aeoniz-ed Greekdealthmasks). (black, purple, blue; eold easle holds th; Paramount world in.its TALONS); Champiori(gold letteringordige, small black, small ereenlabels). thrj ' I igh-tning I abel' Brunswick"7OCIseries'( li ghtning lp!"I'. ehtnins rods symbolizethat marvel of the 1920's: e"lectnc e'lectriEal rqcording), the war-like Sears-Roebuck labels ( Lbnqueror, Conqueior,\rpertone, Supertone, Challenge-heroic combatants Orallenge-heroic combatar pose with swoids and shields)fVocalion 1000 'series (non-glossy black and white). and iheunissuedtesls. Ii this roomis whai'therecord collecting rntrrgue couectrng intrigue ls is all about-the about-the musrc music has to be good; bevond beyondthat, that. lt it rs is the label and how lt it sood;beyond LooKS: the naive 192JJ's Cheltenham. Elroadwav. or 9r Gaudytypefaces and 30-yearold coiors that ridUa be too expensiveto color-niatchand print todav. ' No record in the roomis worth less tJrang15; many begin at 940. ln the main rnm, Jacob S. Sch.neider, a lawyer rr 40 years, for years, sits behinda large large desk next to'the to'thr caged window. He wearsa white shirt with shon tiq, suitcoatand h-at-Fre.on an empty record shelf behind him. With a ballpoint oen he writes new titles, label numbers,anil recoid conditions on legal-size stationery. On the desk, three piles of reiords are in precirious balance.

To the left, slelues, eisht feet hieh, face eachother and extend 25-feet. Thei are stacked with 78s in gree-q and tan sleeves. llidway througi one shelf, a narrow passageway opens into a large roornwith one lightbulb-at'th<jceiling. In here, tfie shelves and dark-"ness close in aroundyou like the walls of the F,cvptiancatacomb reconst'n-rction at the Metropolitan'llluseum of Art and dead end somewheren6ar the bathroom in the back.

Kent frqn Chialrso. ard Jacob S. Schneider(nnmnts befae negotiatians).

HihJi"H,L:tffin#ff 33,&"uotr*

To rrpviesoers, l\{r. Schneidermisfit look like the late Siilnev Geenstreet who wEnt on a 6Gday diet kifore steppins from the screenof The Maltese Falcon intb r6al life. hrt the resernblance is superficial. As you aoproach his desk you meeta pair of blue eves'itratfirst Russia iri 1904and p-erhaps reveal the humorin five decadesof New Yorli Life since then.

"I'ue been setting phonecalls for you all tell,yotg,, says.."Please dayi' Mr. Schneidei creditors rnt to call nte ot my place ol ousuwss. He was bom in Czarist Russia in 1904at nUin. an ancient Wendishcity west of the Pripet Marshes, located midwaybet-ween.the Bui Riuers and sdne 2il) miles south Vi;fii";A otlorm.t C'ermir Fast Prussia. Lublin was Polish-speakingand the victim of ioaili*atv countless Russian invasions and occupattonssince the 17th Centurv. It was linally rqgarllgdI and agqiri aft-er.World t"-p"tiita iGr World'War childhqS t{* ti.-O"" .i llr. Schneider'sea"rliest broughtlnto.Lublrn memorieswas of the Cossacks "Progrum" agarnstthe. to enforcethe Czar's "l uns standing tn fro-ntol population t lewish houie'when they were conirygdaun the street bw "-ni"-rre, o" narsbmrn with bloch milstachesond siani-bredswords-sloshing, hnching doumat . lwninp people. Suddenly'tley unre all.ctowrl' I lndd tp'and this Cossachuns^bringmg-hts swud dsin on w head whell n-a Grantu4otler tle sriatud re frq Vl?irdt pulled rne insicle frouse.and bolted the doir-" Often. vou will enter 100W. 82 in the midst of a re6Jning conversationabout phonograph. r""ord". Ih&e are the samekindbf pro'fessional' truisms vou might hear aroundtle racetracks ('alwavjbet on"theiockey, not the horse'), a ircxins arena (kill tJreboilv and watch the head die'),"or tle ldungeof a bill park ('he.fields like a fat mantryinA to catch a bus'). women seemout of place. The occasional female straggler or collectorrs wife is treated with the same s.that ce and overpolitenes ith ic def e-ren monol reserve lbr ctvrltan MarineMaster Sergeants review boards. Eicept for Nlr. Schneider.He ii"e-"" a philosophicalside of himself for the opposite sdx; he h'asthe ability-to view women records and the entrre mrddle vbisus ohonograph class dilernmi iri *hat might be described as 'all from the outside'. "ly'lonnv collectors eiue t$ tleir collections "Wives do rnt after tiey-ee t murQdil he says. innt to ihme their lusbards titith old rgguds. diuorce Wnentwtf of yotr legal cases inuolu-e "iits, iriu iwm theie things.". Nlr. Schneider himself admitsto severalnlarnages.

I,eft to rieht: rocksinser'The Incredible -Tfi'. ard Dutch Tlni JacobS. Sdlnetuler, discoeraplfur }tax Vreede.
'numbers men' who His clientelle are not all flip throushthe lists and spot the rarities by (Victor 232$ thru 234{X)'s, la6el num'bers Paramount12900thru 13156,Champion16200 thru 16800's). Many,in fact, are not even interestedin'earlv inusic or recordlabels-like Iowa, who writes lor Shirley *" tiav from Stoitz, " Ternolej records iust to hear little Shirley's voicb once again befue I die." The maiority are like the man who wrote madein 1924of Nora Bayes agkilg fgr a ie^cord 'T]re "l lwu6 seuencopies of it on Cohunbia back. in uqious conditions raqing fromN to V'. You can lnue tt in mint shnpefu $2 or scratclry for 50Q." youngcouples from Queens bright Sometimes. 'ItlE oI HISTORICarr4lgemen! buzz over to bui LP. "I don't "-n"ra*uu hitbn the orisinal 19Y 'Tly handle LPs," Mr. Schneidersays. Woolworth's." were AmonsNlr.Schneider'sregularcustomers the latiPaul llhitemanand-N Jolson (both seekins obscurerecordingsmadeby them beforg they bdame famous ). MrI Schneiderwas one oI the last to see lolson beforehis deathin 1950 i*hen lotsoh bousht four of his own recordings and fn tn.lgtZ LittlJWonder label). Grstomers visitors have includedthe Enelishiazz discograoherand oublisher, Brian Rust and the Fiench ialz critic,'HughesPanaissie. Each spgnte^ ^. '*.& t"."it"tti"ns throughiVtr'Schneidei's 450,(X)0 records.Oversels visiiors in 1967have been the Drtch discographer,Max Vreede,and the countryblues collector, Enslish cartoonist'and Frincis $nith.

ygq nry ruyut,tv wife Day. rne yeuf uw. ingi;'g fime Sorp Jnw Stamry srnflng playedthntrecord antl fucangewaeed,-ute wrote orpr cfrid orulouer, ouer."lte sud. Mr. Schneider ouer

Benrud KlaEko, tlrc cou*rY bluPg. collecta. helF pinpoint s(Irp oI urc blues rarities.

collggtor. If tle record is'ore-sidid, its diamercr at4 the ti"g, h"s olrqUer than ten inch,es, natnn rcone-you hnax you'ue got sonethinp.") But whenasked how blues or iaZz collectors" can,dispose.of,an occasionql iare operatic that ql] these'6prdtic collectqs' w". Lt-ie oiei 15,ffi0.pre-Wqld!!ar I oryatics gatherine&tst, attracting nnths."
u[BilL b'e might ue pj"lgd prsKeq up up canvassrng, c-u""sing, tur. Utr.'S"tri"ia"i Jcnnerder conrnented, "l fu'one tnuld frhe to knan where

ab $$0. Hoi da youreco7nize ai-de op,ratic? vwtwL9v: rL 5 tLil4)Le, says one oneoDerauc !!'.g 9imple,"-says "

16000series and Superior,choice groupson uectrobeam Gennertand He_rwin 25000series, --' and single rarities such as GeneAutrevon L-blumbia15000's or QRS. One source'of informatronstates that the highest values are on the few realllrare ogeraticsl such aiihe t"-:"Ftir" -centuryCaruso UarusoZonophones, Zononhoneswfiinh can o^r bringii h.i.o oo which :ceqtury ( much

^ i! Jihe lq atn 450,Affirecuds? Mr. Schneider himself has appeared 'and on TV and radio to,answerthis question, he has been the glbjecJ of articles in the Herald Tribune Sundav (bronet, Magazine, HiFi Review, Hi-Fi Cruide.' and Music Views. Often, TV. or radig produceis drop over to borrowhistonc tazz, olera. ot 'personality' records when thev need th'emfor shows. Boih ColumbiaRecordsand RCA Victon on reissue prosrarns. haveryhenthey embarked borrowedfrom Mr. Schneider's cbllEction. Mr. Schneider's most productive years rn alomun

Sp*d by the final d.i*d;;;fDh.xieland'. rnany pzz oollectorsweresellinc out (claimingthat 78 bootlegreissud had prorghtthe valuesdorvn-ard that tlev no longerneeded the originals to heart6e musrcr.

mrnt record stocks-if fyoir voir searchedsearched.


larled to make tlerr their minimumbids and had -to be reauctioned under pseuduryms,-

un{er pseudorr l?131?Yas 'Hamld Q Wer. pprls-su,clr ll.ank', 'Francis "r-iti"" Bickfo;at, the "t choice oiJ"IJ"" dna bluJsl 6G!" iazi "i,a EiSlford'), th.-

* tffi P' $ffi +ryj, Sli{ t"%"AH FrancisWolfe's fimousauctioniin th"'

Re c,,ud (

Tle Juz Reuiwl Gensatiut settled

The 19$'s divided 78 record.collectors-

By 19V.' -Jtii. i*r-n uin l C.n..ation.

the Re&rd Changeritself had goneout ol business. For the [ew, it was a buyer's mad<et.

hazardsof owning 450 thousand,records One of the " dtl abou mts. is theft. Tlere ttns sonetht'ng" It uns the mrne said. Schneider Mr. fellan," 'of iuiner ond lE wue this leuty.oaercmt' . He'd cone in ud ask euerybdy, ll tney uxmtea. of coffee and lE up-uld go out ort ormg contairers -aii ttte curtainers. lfe would nnke as ttmy as

iir;";ilt-;ii W "ottbb.It neuer.-dnured %*'wttil uns ii uns tfu lnte, of cottse.-wha|l'e d,td this-he'd eo fuck fuhind the slwluesa-ttd-grao Xi"* 7O1tW i"a to be mint) whenrnbodvuqs

'gi'ffi ,fJ|o{#"flY'i^ii" ,I':'W#::i#li,fi hiton w his ouercmt utd go 9u! lo-rcollee' \t ,

recnds." In 1954,during the shocking altermathof this maior theft andJor several monthsalter.that' Mr."Schneidercould be seen ap-s-otqmndedy the recuds...but the nental cng.ttsh""'

,;J',,;Ltr,';;f':,!li ffiY;taw,nlz,Y;:f
Irst{nhd tpgotirtios in tlp hck roct'

making whilethevwerb Htiieffi;i;t;;-tdt*k "Ultimately, rnst ol I recarcred heir farewells.

oreparedtot Z8 Qudflly' - .ln a.staternentspeciallv "wARNING-I've. hodcroo

iav's: ' M;:'S*r;;ru; recras f rT" ii,i ii-ird tane. Wfii,fri$r, lryrebY ;,gg

'itf'"r!"UJ::": ,$"'[kf NW'#'fi",!"w:7 wi',]t'ifl "#rtiT or i ioii'^''

iefornr-f' fricessity,

butI lishnents, bv,tle citv' eipiv" tot,.tahen d trenendausi;';;i;


records. 4S,Q(X) problem Another 1n.9wning prolesslonar-anq hasbeensttrage. Lrke many West Side, 6*ir""-i tenB-tlle* York's Upper andvrctrmo.l beena leadineopponent he has 'city planners'andSrcfiitects-of-theluture" noteworthy Esoeciallv ' havebeenthe t-ity's buildingihspectors. "In 1922 wlen l becwe a lqtryer, l -"que! . 66tt'Sieei. It hod-six to iiiiffice-at 128West ,n i-6" tte sieet flou- The first -tltee rooms rcfr, in front u6re nryoffice aN euenttnlly.the utere tfueerooms iamnedW to tle cetlmgwun recuds. A mawecanldtt'tge! tlro4h. U.M irrsoectueversut) it, he wouldhauecondenned tlu; buil.dine. " Euervtinean inspector I sqid,'-Shg's cane' 'the him' iold hnd I tdny.' rnt in la'dywtn- trusuttttrotely,lle ini'irin ttirberoons-wuhs'.' Unf to butrge ftoorsof the bqcktfueernm lqd ryC.un ol utsryctus id caveilatmunrds. If u cottpl'e at onetme-'-every' uere to cone in thoserooms tiirr{;*ld l-ue gonedaun into thecellu' " Bv 1954, abut tlte whale I lewd rumors t9 gkg ^t4w ',retehbrtt& being condewted

I t-o4 ?n'ry.recads 6'i;i;;tt; h,-; Center. 'ii lrckilyl fowtd ttn'lioe. iresctedfastar-td a $reet.-I hired o'uitdire "i LN wesiSsra neighiiii*tiiEn ".id "ix u ter"n bums-from.tle
ol nYy Tlw nnrled uMer t;he-dtec.trcn bdhd. suvin-lma (iicidently, quite a bwn hmse.qt, and ute cuted euerythingouer Qrttlput tI n the cell.u.



the fascinatin-g details of Indiana's ggeatesttrumpet player.. "

JONAH JONES leaned bach in thp soft chsir of his hbtel roPm ' and. said.) ..,while -we're on the subiect of trumqetPlaYelstYou,, att hnow. one of the best ol them out of this uerY^tQwn canTe hlww wlw I neqn'/' .Seetng,mY shahe of the.heqd, rye ' neeutipe

OF COURSE, the name was rnt new to me. For some tirne I had been aware of the tqll, slim trumDetplaver: I met him two or tlvee'veirs before at ScraPPer Blochweil's place, and he was then olavine-in a small comboat thc StaebDroorBor on *tuth lllinois Street,lndianaPodis,on the site of the old lvlutualBur' lesque Theatre. SYd(I hnew hin' bv his local nichnume) was whose Prowesswas a.manalwsys mentionedbY other ueteian I ndianqqoli s musici ans, but when the lihes, of Jonah hts Pralre, Jones uolunteered im\ressed- UP to thts-. I was -

his ught i ifri-t i,ia"' t ttw - about

a,.',,N f v alentine qi".,o Jo"fiiilb - Ravmandv alenttne'

possible imPtct-on !4e lgzz qf Indianao' oittsi-de Tideriity. 'iii'J."i-irinn* that he had made "d ii""it records-in.the Iate a-nd i 6zii;i' oiio in Richmond,. iii ii tqct the Shillet Dich on ZtL* i'ii, i cords rel eased himsetf i;;;' 'iii Th;;";;;i io"- svd *t-ein" awue of ZtiL{it6a bv ilte-recording r s I red ioowq"Y until-col,Iector him hod A;:;;;A lim LindsaY of the otd i;i;;t;i;"nP sides.

S I HIT the research il again to explore a bywary tlw largely unexflored world

s stern territ ory band Nlidwe the19il's atd 19il's. And thanwilling fo{s more the following is eralion,
of his career. 7: BAIMOND VALENTINE :ylf,bolf in .Nouember;1 908, "in

AFTER THEATBE closing, the young usher's musical appetite was futther stimul.ated by g.oinpqrross the street to the' doldenWest Cafe, where the pick of the local musicians and si4gers held forth. Franh Clay himself d.oubledat this spot, playing the leod in the srnall house band. Regulor fixtures at lhis second-floor sDot were pianist Je sse Crump,'blues singer Nina Reeves and, for a ti7ne, Nlontana Taylor, th,e bqrellnuse pianist wha wqs later to be based in Detroit. SYD DEVELOPED fast on his instrument and was soon sitting in at sessions with some of the ueteran musicians in town - men lihe pianist James Helms. hrnwn as 'Slick', and banioist Paul Ggo-rg; Both later' appeared with Syd on record in'tlrc Shillei Dick session for Gennett. The entire recorded output of this group, including acco m.p animents to Hat ti e $now, q.blues singer from lndtanopolts, was mcne tn one day. And for the unrh each man receiued $N. On Gennett Electrobeam labels the band was hrnwn as Syd Valentine and His Patent Leather Kids. The Shillet Dick snd His Frvine P ans appellation was a f iemEntof the Gennett minds in Richmand for the cheaper Championissues. ANOTITER PIANIST with wham Syd came into cantact was Fred Wisdom,wlw had his own sma.ll bqnd, the l\\errymshers. WhenWisdom,-Sydand others were offered a chance to ioin a show in California. they decided to try " oul their' Iimiied re outat ion- T he^t headed west, lwpin! to mqhe" the West Coqst imd=bock. Thev manogeda few gigs and got asfor as Kansqs City, where they met a young.alto saz ptayer namedEddie Barefield. His talent was such, that they uere on tlw uerge oi tahing him ulone. when his mather interuendd. Barefield was so impressed by Syd's playing at this tine that, he recqlled the irrcidbnt in a 1961 interuiew with Franh Driggs, in one of the last issues of JAZZ REVIEW masazine. He described V alen{ine..qs'tenific .t THE MUSICIAI\ISneuer got any further west. They straqpled bock to lndianmolis Sydr{ next uenture was ii Tene Haute uith the territory band of Paul Stewut. The history of this band at the time was

quite interesting. Just before 5yd's gniual tfte band featured the three Reeues brothers. Uerald on t_rombone, Bob on boss and the sensqtional Reubenon lrurnpet. Reuben Qeeues had jusi deportedfor Chicago and the bcindsled by Ershine Tate, Daue Peyton at the Regal, and finally ( later to the Nlissouri'ans becomeCqb Colloway's bqnd). Reeues nade a series of. records with Tate nus,ctcns . in these ewly yeors. rue collectors' iiehs rcb. but at the time, stutlingli neu) to his fellow muiicians. A FIIMOUSmemberof Paul Stewort's Wee Hoir Serenaders remained.,lnueuer, and was probably the first' btg-tine musician that Svd had come w aeainst. Tltis was .the .well-Ernum Qhic ogo c I ar ineti st J immy -PO' Bryanl, ueleran of nany w wwunt' recordings anf a]ready go .into dclip se. to Reeptne uhtcctgoan hqpy Stewut, qsleoder. waB obligated to prouide' O'_Bryant with a liottle of whi,shey each evening. Young Jyd uas rather twn-olussed by.this gesture. Bit his sprrrrs were giuen a shy-hiph I if t .when, afibr lte wing- V aIentine play. O'Bryuntexclaihed,'' sound just lihe ol' Tonini Ladnier!,

uaudville lheatre, the Washinpton on lndiona, long since demal-" islted- He wss-interested in brassinstruments and found an ideal mentor in the forinidable Ieder of the theatrb's house bmd, Frank Clay. Clay, who had beenassociated with the tlpatre since before World Wu l, was krnwn locally as the 'Block Souso'. He-was soueht Ster by many nationally hrnun leader s, but steodf astly rgfusedto leaue lndianapolis. Ciay preferred the secur'ity of his theatre job, and good boohines as lead cornet with with RbeinaldDuValle, i s' f ir st- s tr i ng lndianapol Neerobandleaderand futlder of profilqble hotel and club jitbs. lt was C-lay'sreputation as an outstanding teacher, that drew Syd to the howeuer, man. Lessons took place at one O'cloch each-Sunday at the N[asonicHaIl, iust beforethe Washingtonpit bandrehearsal. One could hwdlv imaeine a better teacher considerinEthe direction Svd'scarelerwas Io toke in of his later yeus. Command able tone, instriment, imDecc and. inlportan[IY,fast reoding uefe demandedof the Young pupil. THE WASHINGTON THEATRE wus a smqll but regulu linh in t old T.O.B.A. uaudville circuit: it played lwst to sorne of the greatest colored qcts in the nation. Singers, dancers, comedy tearns, blackface minstrels, le gitinate actors, tr i ck in s trumental i s t s and otlrcrs paruded across the stage occoinpanied by a small but lusty pit band, and this was by utgmented in rnany cases_ hev musicians who traueled with ed:hputiculu shaw.

theHoosier copilol. During n s euty teenshe tooha job as at lhe coloredmouiiz :usher and

THE ENGAGETIENT with Stewart lasted quite u while. und Svd enrolled and fini shed hi s education at aTerre Huute hish schaol while with the band. After

i s, ret urninl to I ndi anaPol he went-fromthe Wash' i,netonT'heatreout on .his iifsi show. He uas.hired 'to-acconvonY the slnw' Jig' stwring Foliiei', f ield 'coiic gtllie it4itchel-a.nd f eoturineclarinetist Wilton 'Crawlei. This exPerience tooh him as for edst as New Yorh.

oNE NIGHT in 1928, while Syd's band wqs playing in the old Rainbow Pahn Gardenson Indiana Auenue, I wauhee-based I eo.der, t he N4i Bernie Young, then mahing an at the lndianq aDDearnnce Roof. chanced to heu him playing. Young ashed Sy/. 'to ioie ouer ond sit in with his band. Syd eladly comPlied and was ashed if he unuld tihe to ioin the qnd return with it to wrs' consin. Syd agreed, but onlY if his buddy WheelerMloran could be tahen along too. THIS WASagreeable to ioung. Giuine the-helm of the band ouer to V.leue Eiotbms and HenrYW.oods, Svd and the trombontst en' where iiitnea for N4ilwwhee,. Young was enlugtng,ms band for unrk at Ihe w.tscon' sin Roof. ln the next lew veors B'ernie Young wqs to become as nuch of on oltroc'

tlw musici&ns humping to learn the new music as it came along. ,But where were periods of layoff when the lwger band-was not needed, and Syd began to mqhe his headquuters inChicago. flere, State Street was stil[ thB jszz capitol of the ttnrld, tlwueh shortlY to piue wuv'to Horlem. The Sauov Eallroom haused tuto band,s,sitnultgneouslY: it featwed Louis Armstrong with the CqroII Dicherson band at one end: the Clarence Blach band, siorring the mightY J iilU:oS*nn,- al t ernated the dance floor. -It : l"trtt was inta the Dicherso-nbancl inat Svd wss able to fit on iimn'oi"o"tons qn'd st other

Jabbo with. i{iit nn eie^eed. Shollner ttn -ebir Smith. Bob andthe " band) J:i;r;i,
et t on -trumP ,l n l l "t'Roll l,4or The'ereat iazz

d;;; ;;- wit" n"n,'wtnm he ;;;: 'iiidn-rllitit as' Little Mitch" a uiuid b' ii":"e;, ; ryai.ns tadaY'Neuer ^;;;rv to SYd he seen
biforn'o, since-hqd' so'rnuch worh for so nany nusicians' 'IN LATE 1928

ffi--sffiiffistr,h#?3' iiii "i tn" Indiana'

NOT LONGafterwardP,. diCiied that'hecould ri sh Svasbningup a bandof his own' w1\i'i7,"bssi stwcg of Ind' ionaoolis'Logan6rown, a st, wlw became saxophoni
nii-P"ie"t Leather Kids, ';;;-;i;;i; outfit, ttw stYte, of the daY. The Personnet w&s as follows:

beentn Indianwolis as he had' the LaEelilichigonueu fiil i* 6n"aJsehe unrked uiii'Roofs' on an exchonge the tW between aBreement ated tr;;i;: ; ;;"iiert s-whnoPer the tw dancePloces:

formed aifrrir*i i""osg,, h-9. a

E;";;; li{iili",*"n
in IndianaPolts-

ron ond

Trunpets: SYd Valent'ine' Lemv HardY; Tlombone: Wheeler Molatt; Alto Saxes: Logan Brown, Cleve Bott'oms ieior sex: HenrY troods; ii-"r,o: Fred sisdom;- Barrio: Clarence (Guq H'rdY; Tub* Bert sunmers' OF INTEBEST iS IhE ni s t, Whee I er Vo' qn' tr onrbo

MORB {lAR talent was to be found in this band. Ailieailv on trombone ttns the Ne i-Oi t ea";an P re ston J ach son 'Oi--sixes were Ed lltge, Bert Baitev qnd SYd's ad'mirer' Eddi6 Buefield, fresh out ol.

Svdwent back ta Indiancholis brieflv. Then, with ciltoistCleuitBottons, who the old Patent hodreorpsnized Leatherkids as the Brown Buildies, he taoh off lor in resPnse tQan Columbus son, e.Hender off er from Horoc wlw was reorgannrnga new s band,tfte band.Henderion' alW orce Collegian-s, ilber:f uP thoughoriginallY oi sildents fromOhio's W iueif orc"'College, hndrnw was to b onceagainSYd replrce an illuslrtous 'i{.rsician 'Ctii-" ( RexStewsil. Sotto*s, ProPerlY

's;;nzffi E:#tr\hr;.

Tte Soitinbst rini unrkingthe

ues with bandsltke Wisconsin Elie Rice's' and iiung'" b"'di"*" wasthe.sonol.leoder 't Ktce' he Rice, SYluester otlpi tiumPetmanin addition

z. (fqr ii"std ii,rdvounswas

outof llluncie, lndtana' Wheeler' uZb-oii n**;, as Do^c ie ias ta led the -sunset ol the

ousht i-nji i iiiild t*, whoSY tarer

z;, Tt'uil' !:in ';'iA:;;i;A *,!J:W,\ tIrc uranger;

,Otdtdan idfr;;:-i;, i_onposbd Arms.trong
ttiiin;.'fo, the Louis

one fr;;"i; ii N"* York, iif ttP swine ,;'"iio;;;:; uands

as V,lheeler Ugr*' . . in the Zia ii-rnutd oPerate Midwest.

'!n"t'l;:'fiW'rl1Ttlf *"

MUCH VALUABLE experience rcw followed for -ofrre Sid. Young's jobs were theTeit oround, and a iett iounded rePertoire kePt

saxnolnneclnir. Otlwr in this bandunre i"sili*i tenor' (Dail Good-on Cteo iii Stiiriil on al-toultlatt (Red)Hulan otd 6ernrce on tntnPet$t iSorort lvlorton i ;i'ui Stewut guitqist' arw Eiluester TwPin, bas.s son,Ptotto' Iioroce Hender
. RHIEAR.SING fhis band was lihe Inuing a regular day job' regdl.l-s-.SYdIn-fact, thby were bu-ilding a new band and' with MrnY.-of tlte men from the Louisutlle orea,. it was trulY a ttlid' band. The denunds iiiiern

te' Eirt".c:s i;;r; "; [,-i iltb

CAREER REACTIES NEW P E A I ' .B Y 1 9 2 9 . . .

il I ik {,:.i,.t j,,,iE ,, .'u", i/ j* +J :t=


.c o v) E

g}.sk'k' &g*}hf u?*frj;.-fH m, F'ff-effi.ffiY ffiR#$. s{#t&Ttsftf, t stf#{s!**,


RY NOW Syd urls reachina tlrc peak of his potpers'and buildins a"firrc iepitatioi tlvouslbw iazzdoit He recdlls tlnt in thc H'enderion band, the trurnpet nen utould alternate parts: Syd playid. first or second. hont.'uhile Rov'reinincd ihe " ride" or " g,ei-off" nnn'in third position, The first titunpiit wrt uc.s the melody leail: the seionl nnn ustnlly ,ook speciir.lty sdlos, often uith rute and siowl tones. In tliis band. they coulduear drn a first tnnDet nan,'. oarts uere su)itc'lwd for rdlief,

c s


'.l q)


i:il:: ir*
THE BANIYS R0UTll\lE lzs ro rehearse a slwut, accompany it out on thc road for a tour, afte; u6ich it would reswnc iis regular ptt iob, In the case of ' tle Hardys, il uswillv'uns thc Hounrd Theatre.' Durins Syd.'s tenure. such utell(briefly ) knawn musician's cs Sid Culitt and Trununy Yowz. fresh from the Wdshineton " band of piinist BditEer Co'lenan. oassed tfuowhihis band,. Also in tle 6ail uns a tri c k irombo ni s t. Svht es ter B ri s coe. utlo oby ed. posititns on the stase'and slnrild in croucltcd 'tuith a " Datent" J ack Teaeardeh on tlrc stutt, of dismarxlins his instfine-nt as le plaved. " The msical brains" of tle bond'unl the pianist-anarqer Coleridzb Daois, u:ho euew iuallv eot ar6wtd a u.Eitine the tltat the " bantrolayed in. Syd recalls ,le old, man" of tlui oitfit. basiist Leuen H. Hill. uln uns on the yotns'bloods of d steadyihs'infl.Etue tlrc band, dndClester Broun" a eifted euiniist uln died befoe iomiig to fromVos,hington deserued lcunc. It uns with the interestine ard inadeqwtely docutncnted. bond. led bv thE Hardv Bro3. tlni Svd uns to utork for th| next fan'yets. He niade intermitteni dewturesio i6in bis bands of thc day, such as Lucky Milliider, Earl Hines ond'Tinv Bmd,sln6. but it Ls a tribwe to Valentine'i ability ilai le could alu'ws find a berth utith the'Hardys uhencuer Eunnted., Duriru onc of Syd's lavoffs (self-itnposecl)' Horac"e Henlerion tooE tlie Hadvs and fronted th.em into the Washinlton Tleatfe in Indian"Swar Cane." The aoolis. olnyine tlze s'hout slmt ihs iuriiten bv the band's pianist, Coleridae Douis. aid staned siriser Geneua " WoshinEton and comics Pigmed." Marklnm ard " focks" J enhins. Syd's replacencn, at this time uns yo.ura J6nh Ioircs, barely Apo years out ofTome'in Louisuille, Ky.

vprs *.* lk ,i;tiii#,*ru*"..

HARDY BRffi. lnrdbil feahring nayrnqtd (Syd) Valentine.

demands on musicianship were euen ntore stringent lhan during Svd's Bernie Younl period: Liorace hod alreqdi ihown his talent for section urqnging, and it was to bring him recolnition almost equal to his oldei brother F letcher.

ROY BR0Uc*lT a rather battered instrument with him into the Hendersonband. which Horace loohed on with obuious distasLe. .For appearance's sake, Eldridge was shartly presented with q new instrument,,and the L9-year-old FINALLY, TTHE truftpeterfidgeted with th.e band was ready ond left horn as he sat up on the stqnd. Columbus for ihe road. Early The first time out, Roy in the schedule, there was a obediently sat beside the other boohing in Pittsburgh, and two, playing in section with Horace Henderson found a young the bright trumpet. .But, as the trurnpeter who gloddened his time drew neu for a solo break, heut - to the point where he he reoched down lihe a golfer for his fauorite putter dropped 'Sprat' ltlorton to to the old instrument. When mnke room for the newcotner: Roy Eldridee. Up to then, he stood upto play a hot Rov's experiencd ha.dbeen bu or tw, there, for all to Iw-eetvwith cwniuals, followed see, inclu.ding the leader, by"a short try as leoder of his wqs OId FqilhfuU Horsce g&ue w gracefully. own combo in his home town.


cast in thc ArmsEons. nold, were tlp uspiration and extsoention of Sectioi nates lilce Rewuld. lones. uilpse abilities lay in more ru.nlane greas and wi:cise timine, bu uito, ii*i leoeAAnlin u.,ithinihc brd. constraincd n da bo'ttle rarsically uith the bmsh vowtz lpm nun from Pittsbwgh. This auasrct the Sp-eedWebb bad of Hollt'utood fane: neuertheJess', il seems to lnui been the kreaiest one uder'that lead'er. T9 a-mon' jts 1lwrni comwred in intwct uith tle loter Lowtt Basie bord. Also abw 1930. Svd plaved secord trunpet uith Luckv Millindei' s' orisituI band, lars,blv nnde uo oT ex&oher BarnEs men. Ldter in ihe 1930's'a 3ubseqrcil Barnes band uns tlv oictim of a lplo'caust in a southern dance lwll in iazz lore, u.ns literally and. as is uellJnann bwited. w. Tle orieiwl Barnes band, uttder Millindei's ledersnip, lnd included the famous ChicaeoanGuv Kelli.'KeIIv uns fired' and this made 1le ooeiirw uJhich Valentirui uns to 'fill. includ.ed, as Syd recalls, This brdblso "Scooos " Carev on sax, the'nnnulw was Iater tb plav a iort in thi bop ntouement by recorrn;ndins. Charlie Parkei to EarI Hinis in 1943. tlrc Ha1dy.Bros. BACK ltND FORTtI/ron to other iobs traueled tfu itineront Valentine' seemingly wa4iliing to settle douml4ith one orpaniioiion for loie. One time, uhile he ums ilf in D..C., *g. Hardy. pro9..batp uent,olf ,on tour wttlDut hrm, and' ne lotllcd' a oana Lea bu Cob CaUouni's vounier brother, Elmer. fhis band plav4d thb Clib Prudhom, knatn later as thi Cotton CIub, One sidemanums troibonist Fred Norman, soon to joln the Syd recaLLs C-Iaude Hopleins band .as ?faf9e\' tlnt most of the ten Ln tnts oarn uere ploying at students ai Howard' Uniuersity, night to earn their tuition,

tle nid-1930's, Syd narried FINAIIY.;n a eirl from tlie Neu York area wM M. been a\anier in one of tlp shouts. ard thc Valer*ines settled. for sone iime in Brodklvru From this base Sid uns able to olnv sips- with nnnv of the N&t York greus.'This"p"eriod, at -th6 dipth of tle depression, uxts so ttncertain tlnt a r|couruiiu of the nrious iobs and conrectiotu held by tEc in*iciorrs utoiild be alnost impossible, He serued his next lora-term hitch in 1937, tuith which Brautshin ModeLs, Models, a sllow slwut wnlcn lrvtns Iroin, vine MrlktMillar's s ttrarnshan tookhim fot afield. and ino tle Texas area, In Austi Cuba Cubailustin, the'letere4 drwruncr dyyu4tner this hnil furd un; ullo,i the-oeteren r/ytfgnainsny of the old. McKirney's Cotton

career IXJRING THE LATE l!18(Is,Svd's took a decided d,io. 'ott He lnd left tlv- bie bands uorkins, in srnalleT combos behird. ard uns and leiser lowutn ou{its iisuch places as Mus' keson and Grard, Rapiils, Michiean' At tle onset ofVorklWar II atd bfter'twny lears' absence, to @nit lh decided to retwnio ltdiainbolis oossible ind,wtion, unntine to'go in from his 'oun lwmc area.- While -lrcre-,.lelenained top threod anong tle local musicians. Svd uas still a nwn of repure among fiwnpeters inbie bands uisitins. tfre Sunset Teiace-Ball' rooi'and the stas3|hous at th'e Lyric Theatre, utlrcre mgst of tfr suing,era bands-rwn gpe.apd, rte recalls oie memorable all-niefu battli'wilh Fats Waller's sizzlins Inm acel I ohrny " BLtps" Hamihon. Hdrnilton lnd conte buer to thi'Foiltutood. u.,hich rws tle later name for the old Golden We'st Cale. Syd doesn.'t say u'tho.came out on top, ba. it,.is sale to soy ttlnt.a,lot of good. rong out ouer Ind.rana AueHrc tluil nlqnt,

>, o a


ln >, a

For a tine, too, SYd twrked at the Cri,td Tenoc" f6r Earl Hines,- t'illing in for Clwrlie Allen, fiuntPet min. then out with a ba.d ltp. I7e al'so recarr.s a rather briel engagerrcnt al the LLub astorta urfre| thc futon o[ Tiny Bradshan' ln'Ei[ti^or"',

" The iemr-nen lan in such ereat demnnl today' taiei ofer." he savs with'resienation. Btttwhen he does ujrk. he c:an mate thelnrn dntn to coc' tail lounse smaothness, and some of the old sun{ger comes thr6ugh in spite'of thc^. . cunent pLan Lo lonn a urxte surround.Lnss,ITLS outfit would seem to be a little oul of char' act'er for this swine erd tnnnpter, but' mieht be a imart suitch,"neuertlrctess. His big' best problemunuld seqm to be t'indin6 the rieht'pianist and front line men to 40 q good irih oh this traditioruI form. Like Buck" Clontor. Pee Wee Ras.iel, Rex Steunrt an'd Vic'Dickenson, to name a few tlnt conte to mind, Svd beloni:s ,"iali "A to no onq style, musical -Iit'e[im.e rc bI( styles. i"f titoret bf uaried-fare has eiben Nm an ineplaceabte dacks.rouid and' fe4l lor all forms ol iazzt... ftat primitioe twe exettp uJLed' f rom-the s om.eut bv the Skillet Dick'sides to tha last'nouinA sit,iw form of the Horace Hend'eison and Speed Web|6ands,'and' ooer all, tle leatseni-ng influznce ol tlw kind of shou.tmsiq dennrded, ;f tle 11ardy Bros, band. of iln [i"d't*rnpercr s'gets 89iry9 ogain in a -be.rth Il -S.y!.' dl lii" qp" clwo","lndiatfrolis will be mrercal|n( o nit4n f Lcner tqxn. (.The aboue! the legeny'g'rypyd,,,, Valentrne oilgula,Lly appeared rn voL. vIIt No. 5ns of l,{ZZ NOTES)



photo corrtesy of Luurence Cohn& Franh Driggs


L-iharlie lordan madetoo many go<idrecor-dsg{td had too inuih eoins for him that he shouldae the victim of a fadeawav. In fune. 1930, Iordan ent6redt6e Brunswick Blake Gllendar Company recordins studios in Chicaso At led'pt and cut 6ght sides. 'ilteresting' -rnteresung asIive stanp-him lrve stafiD hrm as Reportedf; iv_e'. Reportedfy and' pmv'ocative'. 6howsiltanphis, Jordan fiom fternphis. from lordan Shows .Qffinitiei to this.' northof-th&Delta' stvle in his vgige and threefinger guitar plcKrng. His tens wice is lightalnpst conversatio.nal.Lacking the shockinevocal hvpnosrs (the inate rdllinenes's'of a iinser to proiect"entirely outside oI a Delta performer of h-imselD like SonHouseor Chailie Patton. his effectiveness @mes from inexact timins (that is exact), a oneness"ofguitar. and vorce, and an an-trclPatlng rhvthm ( abcentedoff'beats add delaved grace notes are onlv 'order oardof the storv ). All of out of di'sorder', thi6 ' harmonvfrorndisharnrony' occur on three sides: KeePIt Cleunon Vocalion 1511(re issuedon Oriein, OILS)' Just ASwonlul on Vocalion 1543.and Hunkie Tmkie Blues, Vocalion 1528.

Hunkie TVnkie Blues takes its place right along with.the other iwo: voiee and diritar burst from a suoressed intEnsiw and double' timel hold back, theri burst out -again and again. Honorable mention goes to Stack O' Blues. Melo& Ke.ep It ically, it resernbles Cleck, but is less positive, les s humorous,npfe-lntrpv-grted

Dolls Bill andunderkeved. Btuesis siniilarto a l,eadbelly Bhn sChildren's Blw oiece-Little Chil&en' oiece-Littb that's s been' Deen nothine else tnat else but but nomlng
recorded. lordan'

reach is touctrini,but doe'sn't of the top the effecfveness of unresolvdd threebecause rhythmicproblems. BisFotr Blrcs, T\tn Street Bluei otd Raidin' &uad round out lordan'sfirst session. Theie threefollow the familiar AABbluesform(exceptfor an

s pelformance

halfwayth..udt unusualbreakout Rnidin' fuuod\. By conpanson with Spooi/ul,'Kedp It C'lean, andHitnkieTwkie, they are lukewarm servinss.Althoush his Iordan'ssinsini is rernoteJ hardtoolav Iuilar in Sandard Tuninsboritiiues to be interesof to much tins (;nd superior in fater sessions). his"worft I knowthat quitea fewblues resard as' great' listeners by much lesser-recordinis singerssuchas Tamia Red disor rianvof the loraA6y, performancds by ernbodied Blind LerrbnJefferson. Raidin'fuud is another sonsthat waspossiblyadoDted b,vteadbellv falmosthote lor nire) in T.B. Bhns, Bluebird 8559,Iune 15, 19CI.(IIad Leod' belly ionelnnt mmryed to snuggle his butstandine collectionof mintJudotVocalions wst the hison?l stolidepfids at Angoln

Of the three, I prefer Jwt A Spoonful. Jordanprodtces the . s'ane swinlas a s-imitarbut earlier bY Charlie Paramount"recording Patton ( lthey Al!"played.ragtime'). Keep It'Cle& is, franklY, just as good. It's probablyJordan's favorite and most Posltrve meloaic therne. Ai an origlnal creation (and desPitethe Iact have that it maYsomehow al sinsins connnerci iti"iiiJi l"r'" ooo tune;f ihe 1940's Cleon is probHy his most rnr' portant c6ntribution to the Traditim.

q G


x X x.
N F,

It KeeP dtla Personalitvl,

of his Jqdan's rare secord versict umt fanns release. "Keep It Clean No. 2 " ras rccmded in ClricagP, Il,lilch, l$ll.

plooto cowtesy of Lauence


The discographicalbreakdown in Bhres& Goswl Records-1902 to1942 by Dixoh and Godrich shows that Jordanrecordedcopiously. Keepk Clean-No.2 ori Vocalion 16ll (March,1931)is a worthy neanreplicaof the orieinal. ahd Ywkin AdTellYofrDaddt (the other side) has stunning piano accornpaniment by Peelie Itheatstraw(usually a less-thansturmingperformer)-. Judst' s. ntr,s t promi s ing 'unheard'.perforniances miy be 'all-time on those Depressron loser' Victor 8300 sides (four). lronically, al-houeh lordan recordedsonp 53 sided under his ov*,n narne,the records that maydraw the most listeners and theimost raves ue six obscure 1932recordinss by the virtuallv unknovm unknownHi tl-enrv Brown. The' gnvrng driving Jrivins gear-teem-mesn, tw(> tuosear-teet6-mesh. guitqgacconpqriqEnt by ordan Jord ryttg-{?p.qqg"t ts ind &own bhi{rd horvir J broken, pleading rroice-and suddenlyyou' rd performinbes at the summrt (i.e.. Pattqr' s Dry WeIlBlues. lames' I'mb GInd, Haris' BuIIfrog B/ues-and'now, Hi Henrv Bown' s Skin lulan or Precbhs Bluesl. Our man Jordanis $ too-y4th his big 8utar, antrcrpahng,'lorce fggd-gr' and.generally moving tnmgs lrqn srde to srde.

Keeplt Cleot
I wetu to thc riuer I, couldn't get acnoss' I lwnDecl on yow mut 'Carise I tlu6uglfi'lte u.ns a lntse Nou. roll him oaer Givi him Co{ohr Lennn Sody Qnrt of icb cryant take soaD uA unter For to kdep it clcan Up she imped Doun she fell Her nu&h'flant ooen Lihe a maisel s6ell Nout roll him ooer Giue him Co-CoIy Lemon sodv Qrnrt of icb creant Tahe sfup and unter For to kebp i, clea{, Yow sister uns a teddy ' Your dady uns a bear Put a mu2zle on yonr nunntt 'CausesheMMluir Nout roll him wer Giue him Co4olnr Lemon sody Qwrt of icb creant Tahe sinp and unter For to hebp it clean If you urut to hear Tfot eleola nt lawh To*,e hik d,anm to"tlrc riuer Ard, unsh his yas, yas, yas Nou roII him ooer Gioe him Co,Colv Lenon sodv Otmrt of ic'e creanz Ta,ke sino ard unter For to hdep it clean

GPlerye senLTB to


'lrym"b:f-to toheauen Nout roll him wer Qiue hirn Co-Colv our co ttar Lenan sody ln'i":;'ti:ton Y
Notp roll him ouer Gioe hiin Co-Colv Lenon'sodv Quart of icb cream Take s6ap atd unter For to kebp it clean

Qnrt of icb crgan Lcuae soop and unter For a kebp it clearl



on the stwnp Yg!t'* Eo! p_W Like aD0-E

Rwt here d,octor Rw lwre fast See ulnt's tIE natter Vith his ya.s, yas, yas Nou roll him over Giue him Co-CoIv Lemon sod.r Oust of icle cream Tahe sino ard uater For to kebo it clean



Robert Shan: " AII them other boys I ran uith are dead nout. Blach Bov Shihe. Con nie Burks.Roadlwuse. Lazv Daddv. Booze and. stayiis ow in th6m ioirus kitled them off, And. t6e iuke box took their iobs. I djn't heard rbthing of Ady Boy'or Rob Cooper or any of theft. othdrs in years now' Las't one slill riound, Hou,ston uns Buster Pickens and,he sot slnt to death onWest Dallas Street-iVht in one of the old lnne outs uthcre we aII used to bb around-iusl tuo years as.o. Me, I'm still playine biano, but int for d liuine. l'm sellins.-s.rolcbries i n A us ti n, ma)ting"bar bec ue t'or"t fres e t'oI k s.,'"

Anywhere Postpaid $4.90

P.OB . or 7532 Houcton T ,crzs 77OO7

AI rnanac

/ l l

to label more one Yet the clutter up discograPhies...

forth with has come you've hmrd of, music hrtpossibly never actually heard...

lFEI=A-gi Ef -(!|.-tn-E! PI-r4|.I\f

I- GfOttEtE

not to mention
being a lotofgmd, tohear bawdy fun such romping stuff ('Put InThe Me 'Whores Alley' and 'The and ls Funky' fila Grinder' and 7 more) rapped out professors byone ofthe who toslrout used

played, by sung in a sig Shaw Robert LPdocument, nificant an with complete hokletbY 8'Page Mack Mcbrmick this detailing ExtraordinarY wtlich hdyoi music ragtime, liesbetween jazz,and early bx blues: starvation


. . "

78 PNESENTS Tlnef,,or:es:t 78s





The first issue alpErbeticallY stAfts_ with A to B,..givesnumberof copies ownedbY coflectors.

known(or estimted)

Garfield Nters Cottonfield Blues-Part 1/ -Part 2-Vocalion 14212(5 knoun copies ftom V- to N and oneDecca test of Part2)Qdr field Aken Dowh Roller Blues/!uinpin' and Slwwin' BluEs-Vocalion l,tBI E knoun copies. both E or betteilKd Bailey Missi ss ippi B ottom B lucs/ Hou.dy BluesLB runall E or Oeuer) suibk 7114 sutck /lI4 (5 hnoun ktwun copiei, better) coples, all, Willie ttillie Baker W Weoh-Minlled Sueet eoh-Minlle d Blue s/ /Sueet (one lsoum Petmia Blues-Gennett 6751 hnoumcow cor Pettnia N-lWillie Elaker Mana- Don't RushMe Blies /No No Blues-Gervrett 6766(one krnttm cow G]lVillie Baker Bad Luck Moan/Ain't It A' Good Thins?--Gernett6812(no hnoumcopies) CrookedVonnn Blues/Rai Bah l{illie Ba^Ker -Cernett 68,1b hn hnowncooies)Mtefdot Blill Barefoot' B iU' s Hardlick Blues/One - C_ More Ti r4b _o. \unbi a I 4561.(po; si bly an cop i es - one is V1)Wilev Bamer fti Gal Treats Md Mean/I f Yriu WaniA GoodW 6man-Gennett6261 (, lnqwn goplesl Wil.lie Bq{nes(.Wil-ey^s|rT irer) MvGal Tr'io* tr(eM (onb khouncoov.VJ)-Si 5121(aN 'knoutn copies,'V and E) l&tmn Coine Auav Blies/Rollin' Loe Tnalsruick (hpo knoun 7!41 (tuo 7141 known copiesi copiesi El ard.N) Bill and Slim Paoa's Gettii' Hot-Clwnpion 16015 (one knoiltn coov. V-)Se,taDpprBlackwell SorinetiiltcBlidi--Gbnnetf 7158(no krmpn ioojisl Scramer Blackwell SprinetinrcBlues -Clwnioion 15973 ftD knoun coiiesf$ctaV per blickwell Hard Time Blues/Bock Door Blues-Cltarnoion 16361(an E copv is krmtn *rntbl ipg Blues/ namD&n exi s t) $2rhppq. oDef f'fflcKwell Blaclwg! to exlst)>c 1o E cow hn L Sneakins, Bl s--Clnmnion 16370(an BIue Ddi somewhZre) somewhZre)l ion 16,152 Blues/Down (another (another E copv-all come from bne source) c Siramer Blti,ckwell Doum SouthBlu4s/ BacQDoor Blues-Suoerior2782(ro copies.lSc lDer Bl'ackwell RdmblineBlues/ Hdrd Tirne Bhtcs-Superior2827 (rc krwwn cooies) Almzo Bodrc (William Haris) kinsals Citv Blues/Eleitric Cluir Bluesy'428(one krwnm cow, E/ Isluwt irniio"e /S fitcas e FuII omanBlu'es ontanW Iirabev W )aramount 1470 (one lpnqm knqun copy copv 12970(one Of Blubs-Paramowt
Blui Dov Blues/SneakScranper Bld6kwell ine Bfues-Swerior 2765 (rc kimpn copies)

Bracev & The New Orleans'Blues/Pav Me No Mind i Bust-Up Bust-Up. li-ehi.Boys (one ltnown copy, L) Bracey dni 'Frorn YowDoor/ You Scolded Md and. 8904 fuin kwun I'lI Ouercome Somcd N-)N a onies-E E- a ",ra n d lV-.t wtiisissippi Bra,cevchenl "iiiii.Bdll/Siered. Gal-Okeh 8867 (rp kraun copies) Adam and Eue/Pock Up Radley urue.t Tonnnie I UtrtuE Doin arul Out-Champion 16308 (one known

16149 Blur Blues=Clnnpion Her Trunk lone &noult Her Trunk 'i6i". You're Vjl Tunmie Bradley When V to V1) copy, V
copy. V-'to Iul Tonmie Bradley Pleose D,ii''t Act Tfut Wav/Four Day Bhtes -Clwrypion 16339(one hmnn 6opv' El)Townie Eadlby qd-James Qole !!bbody'.s B usiness-I l- I, Pane Blues-lClwnpion 16696(no Do/Windota Ierunmcooies) Tqnmie Bralley and Jarps

ffd;#E&iht, {,#,}""":,f ?tlt*,"u,{f ."rt-f WhenYou're Doun dnd Out/ Fow Day Bhrys- Sipirioi2zia fi t rmt copies)E ttry hooks


\ \

N :i.

(John D, Fox) Tlr WoniedManBluesClumoion 15416(no known cooies on Champion) Bis BiU Broonblev How l'6u WantIt Doie/ Snlion Blues-Paraitount I30BzI(no copies) Flossie Brovm (ltilae Glover) Slnke ltDaddy/ I Ain't Ciuin' NobodyNone-Champion 15814' (one knapn copy, V lb lzll Flossie and lXrke Brorvn (Bvtd & Glover) Pis lrleat Mann/Gas Man Bluei-Clnmpion 15858"(one lmown copy, E-?)Hl Henry [hovm Nut Factory Blues/56in (one Man-Vocalion 1692 known c6pv, E- with imud. Iair crk.) Hi Henry Brown' Hospital Blues/Broum Skin Aneel (rn knann copies)Vocalion 1715Hi Heirv Brovm Tiniic Blues/ PreacherBlues-Vocalilon 1728Lottie Brown &A ce Jmes (Kinbrousfi & Holrnes) Losr Louer B I ues/ W dvunrd Giil B I ues-S unertonz 9286(one knowi cow, I/-,t Lottie ttown (Kimbroupfi) Rolliii Loe Blues/Coins Au,ay Blues--Stloertone 9367(threeknann c1pies,' V1, C and cracked) Richard'Babbit' Bmwn of The llly'stery of the Dmbar's ChiLd/Sinkins (tun knotm copies',both Titani6-Victor 35BzlO E or better)Willie hown lrland O'BIuesi (one knoun Future Blues-Paramount,13090 cooy. cracked):Clnrution 50023(four knoun F) cdp'iis. all 6r bette:r)Willie Brbwn Kickins I n' Mv SI eeo B I ues/WindcntB lues- Paramount(noknown copies)hmble Bee Slim 130y'9 RueeedRoadBluesHonevBee Blues/Roueh Paraito unt I 3I 32 (no Enoun"iicpi es ) Clrfi;rlie hnse 1 Got Good Tatersi Littte Gieen SIipoers-Clnrwion 16481ftn knowncopies)' Br.rse and Slnde Fishina In The Dark-Chan(no knann copiesl Buse and pion 16599 16654 S0enhen Tappin' That Thins,-Champion (6nZ knoun tbw, E-) Joltn Bvd Billy Goat I 2997 B lues/ OId.Tii\rook Bluc s- Paramount(three krwwn copies in the Vtto E range). (Additions to blu.essection: Hi Henry Broun -Vocalion 1728, one lotoun copy inE condition: Alonzo Boone-Supertoni 9428, a second. cooy in less tltan V conditionexists,) THE RAREST INSTRT]IIENTAL JAZTZA TO B: Alabara fiizzry Wrlg;zies (Frank Brnch ) Fuzzy Wuzzy-Chimoion 15366 lrc knoun copies'on Chimoion) ]{Iabann Fuzv Wuzzies' Fowt h A uenirc Siomo-C lnnoi on 1-5398 (one knoun copy. C,// Nabania Fuzzv Wuzzies 'Conso StomD--El;antD'ion 15415(no kn6un cooies on ClwwioilNaMma HaflIuiy Boys (Thianele Hampni Bpvs) ChickenSipper-Strut/Sueet Panotie--Si[uertone5]39 (one kitirun copy, E/ ) AJabarn Jw, Pirales (Tlianele Hanfonv Bovsl Carned Heat Blues-Bell []82 (no hrnun coiie's on Bell-)Dannv Altier & llls Orchesha I'k Sorw. SaI[y/Mv CaI Sal-Vocalion 1574O (tlwee ki6un cb,oiis)l-avie Austin & Her Blues

(tluee knoun copies ) Lavie Austin &Her 'Don't Blues Serenarl0fs Sluke It No More/ Ratnprt Street Blues-P aramountI 2300 ( es tinatid at moretlun fiue copies)l-ovie Austin & Her Blues Serefaders' To6 &aeet For WordsParantount 12313(threeknoun conies)LWtie Afsdin & Her Blues Serenaden{ Calion Stom/ ChicaeoMess Around-Parantaunt12380(four' krutum-copies) Lovie Austin & Her Bldds Serenadirs Merrylvlakers' Tutine/ln The Allev Blues (fiue knain copies)Parannunt 12391 Barrellbuse Five 1l's flobody's Business/ Scu{flin' BIues4RS 7057(tu'o knoun copies): Paiannunt 129212'(no knoumcopies) Slini Bartlett & His Orchestra (Sid Valentine) Asplnlt WaIk,'Rock and Graief-Superior 2692 (ni kruutn copies./Berlyn Baylor Orchesha Clnrinct Marmalad e/ RiuerboaiShuffl e-Gemett 6^4f7(one krwwn copy); Clnwion'15477 (mknowt): Clnnpinn 16422(,pe knoun iopy, E uith lnir crackjSuperior 28!7 (no knatn-copies)BiXEz His l0tytftm Jugglers Todd,Iin'B luesi Di ieioo rt 6 Iues-C e.nn ett 5654 ( fi ue knoun copi es )J itlff,tfv Bertrand's Washboiid Wizards I /; G6ins-H"""tin' /l f You Want To Be My SusarPaoa-VoZalion 1099(moretlnn t'iue copii:s eitinatddlJimrry Bertrard's Washbsard Wizards Easy Corc Easy Co Blucs/The bluesStamoede-tocalion 1100 (more tlnn {iue copies esiinuted)Jfunnv Eertrand's Washbord Wizards I sabella/ I Won't Giue You None-Vocalion 1280(nore tlnn fiue copies estinmtedlBirminghan Bluetette ?ack HomeBlues/Old Man Blues-Hentin 92019 (tlvee knotuncwies raneins fromE- to G)Blackbirds of Parafise B uiaho"nk B lues/ Ti s'hornineo Blues -Cenrwtt 6210 (four knoun cooies)Blaclbirds of Paradlse Mu&dv W'ater/ Suiar-Cennett 621I (tun knoutncopieslBlackbirds of Paradise Razor Edee/Siorniin' Fool-Black Patti 8053(rc knou'r coiie s ) Jirirny Blvthe's Washboard Band Bohunku i B lues/ ButrdyB u.rton' s I azz-P aramn unt 12368(nnre than fiue'copiesestimated)Jinmv Blythe and His Raeamfuffins Messin' Arouidi AdamsApple-Paraniunt 12396 (fiue lnann copies of 2nd mbiter of Messin' Around.'tuto krnrn cinies oTfirst rnster 6f Messin' Around)Blythe's Wabh-

bmrd Raeilruffits Ape Man/Your F'olks (tlvee krqun copies only) Pdramount 12428 Jitnmit Blythe's olvls wehry way'Paoa-loc-alioi iljs (mn lnoun'copies onlv)Jirtw Blvthe's Orvls Hot Stuff/Haub Mercy!-Vocalion 1136(tlwee knoun copies,IJinnv Blythe's Washboard Wizards Mv ' Bdby/Orientnl Mar*Vocalion II80 (three knoutn c_opie^s, ranglngJromA-@ mlzf Bobby's Revelers ( otrc krnun Too SuteetFo/Words-Siluertoie 3537copy./Bobby's Revelers Don't Slnke lt No MoreSitiertone 9551 (no krmtn copies)bdter (ich- :' . esha Camp Nelion Blues/Salty Doe4ennett 6375 (no krmtn'copiesl Fert_.yBradford's Jazz Fhools Lucj, Loiry/l Ain't Gonrn PIay No Second

CONSPICUOUS OMIS$Oi\S: Such borderline nzz rgritiep a;- Maynard Baird on Vocalion, un Bariellnuse Fiue QRS's aitd Parannwts. the Phil'Baxt", Viitoi-zA,0N's, and the Bucktoum'Fiue on Gennett. THE SCORE: In thc initial A to B listine. the Cenn-en funi fu labe Is (G ewrctt, C lnmpion, {iperior, .p lack r a,u,L ata t hc lf ennett-Dre s s ed.5 uDertone s. 5 i lo ertone s and Bells) led uith a iesourzd,ins'tonl of zl.6rarities30 for couttry blues and. 16 for instrwaital iazz. Thb bigeestbompany of the'era (Victor) ur.r.i also tlp copies iloun. Houeue, rywst s-pbctaculai loier'uithno "-' ' fwwe listings, ujlen releases on its-dewessioi4rooow 23250 tlvu 234O0 seies cotne to Expected to' remain a consistent,'also-ran' a No. 2 o6sition is Paranount uith its door-to4oor cantnisbd. 'rare in oty condition' 12900 thru 131A0's seri6s and the icy rEception orisitnlly siuen its ltot iazz from ' 12300 s' up. Firinine the" middle in bcith blitcs and. iazz sectiotu are tfu Vocalion 1000 series and Brunsutick 7000 series. Pred.ictions lmve Colunbia. No. 2 in sales bw lou.' in the uahrc diuision. fieht-' ins it out in tle cellar uith Okeh for last plaiel, OEeh, uith Victor, failed to impre'ss in thb ooenir\e round. In addition, Decca failed to deliuer the g,randsand slwing,it proinised by rot q@Iifylng Ln lle open ng rowd. and an early season esttr@te ha"s thein lwsitantly boutine otu f6r the renahder of tlrc contest.BLllES WIIIINER: Too nnn in the blues -section-u.qg Ind.iarnpolis blues'singer Scrapper Blnchpell. His only iomrrcrx ums a ierse " It's too early for predictions."JAZ TUNNER: Ouer in the iaLi sebtion, Chicaso-pi.anist linvnv Blythe, uhd fronted uarious sroiroi wder his rtme. M. the hishbst tallv, He is"reo6rted n lnue said.' " It's rw dccident 6[ course. I picked tlu comoaties I uns to record utitE uery carefilly..,before bui ns ow their renainirq recoid stobhs'ard, inrelpGini " my recotds in their orieh@l sleeues as part of a 40near inuestment proVram.,.l shauld aTso p6iu ow that at leost tlvee 6f rfu piarn solos4uets'unuld lnue nnde the iazz'seitton, bw for some obscure reason, u)ere relegated to a t'wuie piarn listing."

vicniilains iTni-iiu-iiiii i ii{iii",' "6ii;;-i""

(tlvee latoun cooies'): Hetiuin Eza Rrzzingtin's RlStic Broun lug Bhtcs--Gennett65

o o. -ts



unso Eteot btues lharlie patton

utist, one of the ueryltest. Ftrthermore. he is cerlainly one of my fauorites, so thnl it runt be tnderstod at the outset that I beu rn rnrsonal mnlice or {gdnin insofg as thi'legendrny' Mississippi Delta blues qrtist ii concemed. But it has become distressingly apryent that things haue gorn disttnQiytgly wtry, in both record collecling ?tll listening, in respect to the blues and seuerqldirectly relaled fields. Unfortunately, Clui lie Patton, the'dm l inp' of those to whom this utritinB is pointedli direcled, (it is rct ained atlisteners. aid collectors, who harc folloued S0ll]0sort of coherentmusical deuelopmenil,has becone a symbol, a rallying poini, perhaps euen an icon, winse reiord"iies thdV futieue herald the initiation, high-unler morh and -meaningful euentunl terminationof achieuement in the blues field. ln reCent smal/. but appcrently V00tS ganiied, deuoted lilt le' funds oi u.ell-cx "affecionndos," haue euolued in seueral sections of the cowtry, probablyconsistinp of yowger listerrcrs. Thpir priimv bent rutst instaices. i3 solelv lhnt uea which they designnte t'country' bhtes," euohingpsiudrt-romnnticuisiois of old brounshins with euitdrs"brohe and hunery ond oin't gol a dime." But fuyh! Mississifipi for Comrnny'scotaiop. DistressinB " in relation to the desired imnlge,isn't it?

o,,;!#r;;'"rff dn*inl,td'ff fdt'"6fF-o E:hilff ALLS, rzften he posed t:,hp RCAVictor

It must also be bowne in mind thnt their "definition" of cotntry blues generolly differs from both the ocad.emic one (whateuerthat may bd and whnteuer you and I mighl consiikr it to fu. (Btind LemanJefferson! You neon that Clty blue,ssinger!.".) They apry6 to eqtkte cnntty, prtmtttuenessond alrutst total archaicnesswith qualitv. truth and beoaty. Of cotrse, Lonnie-Johison /is Mississiopi John Hurt ftdllY anv less of a ballsd si'n*er than Jolunon?I, elbctric euitqs. Bip Biil Brunzy--except for his Fcnamoint r\cordinp " of "House Rent Stomp," ("if it's Parumowtt it's got to fu gd.'") crtd mostany Bluebird utist rnt sowdinggs roughas Toinmy\4cClenrm, wlnse occeplarrce is terunrs at fust. qe utificial. Sssrbns madewith electric euitors ue just out of it. Puentheticallv,l miiht odd lhat this position also applies to'th.ose-feruent "ol.d-timey milsic" qffebionadaswlw. iurch as their Chmlie Patton cousins. dismiss Nashuille, Hillbilly ond the uqious Cormtry andWestemstvles. As a rehttal to the inane rational.e in.respect to tle use of amplified instrunents mtglil one sqgest lle electric guitu rendering of srch "cowttry " or-" dDun-hane"

rtrsls as Big Je Williams md Lightnin' Hopkins, to nane buta few. A ntntherof yeos qoWillians stated(to the uriter): "&se I mplifv tw suitu sonetines: espcially'whbn f u,uk tlte snwller,'rnis ier it possible to be ]teud." ioints.N4akes A completely logicalmd practicalapprmrh!

slmrld go so fu as to rentionHmhwillims. Emest Tubb wtd.Btrh Otttens. As for the likis J-oanBaez, the Greenbiw Bays, the New Lost City Ramblersotd someof tie i'NewWeue," Daue Rw, lvluk Spelstra. etc.. utell. vou had iust btter fuset abod it: And Bob D,vlon. The Beatles ond nnw others, they reallv ilan'i exist md ue only the mirchil;ntions'ofsone pess agent's abrtiue attempts to Wrrytrate a hmx upn an rnsuspcting public. No sqlient reason is apwent for the obuiously stringent dichiionty ircisted uwn as.betuteen tle " Cllulie Paitonites' ,, felalvely nsrou) wea wtd all other masical troditio,ns,gticululy the white oiuidewsts." orps. Tle linits, otd subsequent we self-imposed, cmfinine qtd connletblv senseless. One'wouldthink that exbloration of the seuerql related traditions twuld euolue gln"eost natwally qs a re_sult of runical ctriousity, rl lor rn otlrcr reason. lt is one thine to dislihe. despise utd ablw uuious rutsical slyles. (these ue innliennbb-perogatiue s ), afte( hnvtng qafluaintonce ctchrcuecl sone sort ol D(,ssing, ryith tlery euen if srch be o{the'rnost fleetine sort. B-ut,to excoriate the sqre thing witlntn eventhe most cttrsw attewts at fatnilimization reehs of the lack of sensibility and direction.

It is more than.wderstod tlwt the tostes und desires of people ue seueral, nurchthe sane os tiei luiue different umts.and needs. These se tmiuersal truths. Wlwt lsratlar fuffling, thotgh, is the fact that tluse indiuidwls lwue ochieuedan illusuy, self4esignated status of inflwrrce in the prrcess of extolling tle uirtues of the cotmtry blues, (which certainly can stand upn its aun neritd, while, at tlrc sane tine, creating a suprficial awa of almost complete ad lnr i ty and hrnntledgeability abut themselues md a nrythical'tn" kingdorn as an adjwtct. One can rnt help but wonder in respect to such intricate lilarledge achieued wilhout ony attempt to sauu or wderstqnd in ony slnp u form, other directly related rutsical truditions. in toto. "No fdeling," "t@ cornj," (lile Homer and Jethro?) @1d that most heirnus of all t' With Jimmie transgressions,"tN commercinl! {Singing Rdgers, the Brahena.n," mochery and scrcasmcotre ecsy. The obui.ousis W-passed: the link, inter-relq.tionship ond intercho4e of white otd Negromusical traditians in the South. (Fu a fwtlei discussionof this point, consult J olm Cohen's excellent, directly prtinent, qticle " The Folk Nhtsic: Negro Interchnnge atdwhite," SinEOut, Joruoy 196il An indiuidwl such as Urrcl,eDaue lvlaconis relegated to tle stq.tusof s bdfoon utd "ui7o" ue fun md Kirk ltlcGlee? Hequen help the one wlw

Oneof the reasons, seeminqly contributory. to the nurow musicaldeueloinizntof this "Pattonites") Wticulo scltml (The wwus to be tleir inilial intrd,uctianto music. IJnlilb mow otherlistenersandcollectorsthey.(in most instorces),lnue rlrttwriuedat thecotmtrv blues throwh, std as a logical outgratnhof. iazz interests.(TInWh this is ceftainlyiot'*e gle aueruE of mtry! ) A fairlv nunal apwcrs, wouldbe iiiliu[ contactwith iazz of " troditional,""dixielant' sotnesort,gerrcrally or "classic," (Jelly Roll lilorton, Kin* Oliuer. Ddds, Bwh Jolnsm, LitWaters,Ttrh Jolamy lthnplry,_etd but fo1np means etduding " mdem," (lililes DauisandThelonious lvlonkalso nlay bhrcs)to bogie-woogie utd uuious relitteil piarc blues stylesandtlence to guitu blues. Tlen fromguitu blues Wh lo thb slaOine sotrces: religiottsrrunic, gison ondunr6 songs, tle uqious white traditbns includine "old-tiney" mountain. hilIbilly. etc. All of this apreus to haui:ben difectlv bv-oassed "Pattonites." Iw the Theresulthis tteen a short<utto a mrcical "straight-jochet." Ttw stmdudreacionis "He's white andhe iust can't sinp or olav lile e'sDode' cat." WeIlrww,whyftust onZda so? is this really a necessry requirerrcnt fu occeptorce? Of c6wseit isn'i! If is raher ridiculoilsto euen expectoneto singotd play eXaCtlV lihe arntter. SLbh concentrqtedly slduishimitationunuld, of certainty,result in the errusculation of creatiue effuts. TOa degree they,tle "Ch,qlie Pattonites," remind oneof the hsd-cue traditionbl-iazz "mouldy-figs" whowould,md still dd, goblemsof suchrnagnitude as: defuteendlessly reully in the at a uns Bix Beiderbecke puticulu tirc mddidheieallvtahe aturybu qn tnfnttolate ltiCIw-w to fu swe. breah?Rather

White countrv music is castnllydismissed

A, b extend this euen fwther, lntn you leqd the one about the collector wln unulil listen to and.c-ollect recqds of @tds wtder seuen pieces, which uere recorded in Chicaeo and New Orleqns dwingtheyeqs 192*30 0nlyl Soud ludicrow? Perhaps. bul a wallel exisls directly with the "Pattbnites." Srch on attitude bus'Iittte little differerrce from tlwt of total rejection of tle electric guitu md lo<thingupn the same as a completenmifestation of the Devil. And, tlwt all subsesuent recordirws od efforts constitute the "DeaASltrimn" fuilh anolo'dies to Rabert Jolarsm) of blue'srecordinls. Persannl prefererrceinay run to wnmplified instrunents but such a rcsition dres rot require a sumnwy distriissql of all recudings utilizing anplified instnnnents. Des Little Wqlterand his electric mouth-hup wle when listened to alongside Nmh Lbwis? Hudly! Suchcompleteand categoric dismissals, coupled with alatwdly dogmatic appraisals, giue rise to incredibly nurow and s tiff I ine mn ical attitudes.

4l*@ Rid4l", the GrandOle.Opry OndtheBtue (heater hagedies dOexist than odmiUing $t.Uqs. lo tle foct thnt HanhSnrru is capble of neaningful prformotces os is B.B. King. _ f n manyW?!Sa,e ue in need of xrch a deuoted,-alnuist fotwtical eleneit. But the entire masical nwtwation wacess need rnt fu so completely, wd resolUely bypssed in tle opration. Yes, Chulie Pattonites: There's a big nwsical world out tlere. fu.uq sorneof it, You migltt euen get to enjoy it! !

qo qo -ts

-c a I ts ..1 o a

Weare sorry that Bhtes & Gospel Records.19021942'is 0emporarily out of fint. A reuised edition (including coun0less additions, nnterial not in the first edition. and a numberof extra features ) is practically complete,and negotiationsare in progress for its publication. This much improvedrevision should be available before very long.-R.M.W.
Dixon and John God,rich,

There isn't anything degqdine u subrnissiue in one statillg that he (q she) is ennmowed of the rotqlvst, mostobscrre blrrcssingeron Slim's "Therb's A tite ore h;nd a;td lvlontana Bluebird OnYotr Windautsill" and Johnny Cash on the other. ls one ll?llY the completeantithesis of tte other? ,4rethey tfuly of diubrsepluities? There ue wovs to f ind out. Listenins, to srrch wtists asWiif Cqier, Hofut Smith and tlte Staple Sinpers would b one ury to gain tlp tools needed to 6riue at ualid md hn;wledseablerutsbal eualwtians md opiniors. For irrctarrce: there qre few better contemnoruv exawles of ,llississippi blues guits ttm ttnt of-Fathei RoebtrchStwleb--euen if he dres play an arinlif ied, solid'bdied-irntrunent. Wlw harc? "ttrned-on" nw eiei gei Yoi"r W the lihes of

lion, Miss. 39301 qION_F"i,RE BLUES JAZZ. Pachins,and ee dditiotnl.-All
, ititmers must rnail ne >x, so I can ship you fecorvs you utn I catb get bx6s.lc1e). Sug- . ffis-i you pa brck en- r eCord fii br vou send ard take Mvonnse of Special 4th Flrss Foe W sourd recor:dings, Will'somelout scnur.e up bot tor ouerse,'l' wvnerc. rlease

(17) UEMPHISMINNIE_ (37) MEMPHIS ]UG I'm T'alkins abow You No,2 BAND-Kansas Citv /Bunble B-eeNo.2-Vo 1556G/ Blws/Snte of Tetk. (_18)QHARL_IE McFA_DDEN- Blucs-Vic 21185V (38) IAMES VIGGINSElues/ lota Doun (B.ounder L_ost ourney Bhrcs-BB J 5325 (B[. Leroy Garnett. 'Piatn)-44 EBlues(&iss. (19) CLARENCEVILLIAMS thev 6ass:rim flike1/' QRCH-MountplnCity Bl.ues/ FAs6o p6und-:Panz'

Listen/ N-opo$r^$1ry2-QF^WZe^GQj.uins Ttpi Thins" (?1)

G 128ffi L-"ty_Mc!,]s4.4 95.e2-8_ (ufl4a\oNE_.w1rltn ., ijs.I_w.Fstsstppr_ Ei;;_F;;;ifr;iiif ' NEWBERN-RoII g. & Tutnble_/ S_HEIIS-gtop

/55) ALBERTA HUNTE'R-Chiroins Bls/ Sotneottc Elsd'-Pa.rb 12017V/ (red unx) (56) BARBECUEBOB -doire I]p Cow*i/ Miss.Loh LeiieElsCo 14316 V 6Z) MA MINEy_Dreon 'Eik;iL;;;ii;A;

oK88D7 c FEV,F.._v.M.q_gHEEIn B:Ilyol Qnle I;ornh (-4Q-B_ESSIE WlenHisStripes-Vic

hiclire ,"iolai'" '[ial ilt2'nqiilty_Honey

nryqo.bgies t'or q,cgept Et ts uwonuemence.

?97.7?.9.-._. O:BRY-AN!|IMMY 'Si'ep:pi"g Q2) i Bl*' 6ytC-qs/s

(1) REY. t.M. GATES-|otwh & rle Vlale/Rich Man... OKA78 G to G/ (il (2)THE THE IELLY WHIPPERS '4oose 4rOOSe BlwsBlrcs4oose Grease/SOB C G hare-L of 2 Hewin 92018

'c"i,a-GitlBn},To!.he HEIRTVHTTTTER u!) c"i"7t"S'ii"iin"7E"to" -Rait.Crat, v;;As:,fl;; lilri V Biu/H.w.. ^ E,ii:tri*i7dlfrb v Fox c-hqsq-!-ic-2p87Q,p l^i;. Pq -----.---..-^-^. GA 'e4j TtiuZtTitEctniiRoLAND 'oLef'o MaNToRSH VALIER 'A ELDERS oifroi4iJrmt,,
tOW[ntj{_Siii"-fLii,i _--Early lhis lulorning/

efrrci'iii,E'ffif8!ftls"s.twtptil.-^.^ ^ tf[r'g;l^F"*y;:X?t
I!eye6^R.e1y Laity-Kotneo:(ix'a?iiW iaiL,lpo,"""t 5257 G(Atabartbanel- rcri ipJzbivA"tffiNcs Inuse) iith R;;. F.,*-.-M;C;"($),fAMPARED-c,o:nnZiiii;i"hi;oariiii r.eedEtues/ t htnss A9o^9,, Oi Mor"iniTi"i;n<-'- no*" ConirsMl_wsy:-Yp_1637 v' Eii6 E''"" &4 zuNDWLLIE ,, f65j ilA MrNEy_teatl^oHNSQN-lesus [[ake^!Jn ,';; il;;;;i'BTi"ii.. Dyjng Bed./fuow HisBtobd sT"niili"Etii;:F;" -'y-? -Co742z6V V D2s2V l?t!'o^!,,. -& ^ 12252 " (-4s.).MEltpFlS (-4s.).MEltpFlS ArNryrE ArNryrE LEMIN ?ei'nfuuo LEMIN ?ei'nfuuo po'tnFFERS6u--T'il,ii",, KAls$sloE2cant KAls$s loE2cantpo'tnFFERS6u--T'il,ii",, I.tTo To You-I/Port You-I/Port 2-Vo b"";;;"'E;ti'M;;;f' 2-Vo b"";;;"'E;ti'M;;;f' 46) 46) ed,,ii ed,,ii "p*ifi"261s77'" "p*ifi"261s77'" Ml-L'iit"bt"Ml-L'iit"bt"""" (rimftdce) 1523 1523 G(rim ftdce) ad BENNY ad BENNY MoTEN-on i_asI.ifrA_eo*-ct*,y MoTEN-on i_asI.ifrA_eo*-ct*,y
Hap I Feet/6 or 7 Tinrcs

IACK- _ V"; Itifr'b'*"-" soV-\ott^& lloqte/Groc- (sq LERoy CARR_Hotd'-Ro4eo .'i6l^-Fii"p;";i'i;;, 5285 G (Alabinna Bltrcs) it;;bitr5;:i,;5fin C

fu"t,;'i";E;L;iM;-li;i"if| tiyli"Tr""dJiiia_


bnv B lues / B anty Rooster Blu6:s-Para 12792 F/

hmtn cooies)

WALLACE-Dead, ;/Haue you Euer 4K849e g

7043 V-

*itwlav Blw s/ Left Alone Blues-Vic 21349G to G/ (7) CLARENCEWILLIAMS -Wloop It Up/l'm Not VMyihe-CO Ie7 G (8) ELDERS ELDERSMclruorsh& EDWARDS-TIE 1927 Flood/ Flood WhotKind o{ Man OK 8647


(iiib2n"w'rsow_ eB)DADNELsoN_'goiesgtolp/c^LTFFofuD'Fiir,iii'ei;/iliia'Vi,,*" [o"iggfngprcl.lIloRD,{iir,iii'eliiiriia'Vi,*" ,iiitiifiZ6ET,L;'in"a

1253I G

MfE;4,;4bo,";1^t"ui,'RLi;4K_86it-B_C_ -_-(29 TVO P.qOR BOIS'r[i".i.' a.ittiiiiO:f4'" e I,ooft At lty-Bab1/Sltting Oi-f.i-6lr6t/oi[d:' Rorn[sb?s c f iii, ai"i-*t p'""t nnn ,ATERS izaj' a ,nfnniib"_i;ul"-* 'iiiiiZi7Ei,",4:uio1iu""" HER 'iiiiiZi7Ei,",4:uio1iu""" BAND-,'eebie "A";;,t:e;74i;i'v"""" "A";;,t:e;74i;i'v"""" Evi-rATLbit uith Evi-rATLbit /iit uith 't.'foitii,ii''ni;"";St;L" 't.'foitii,ii''ni;"";St;L" "rniit"Tfriitcfft; "rniit"Tfriitcfft; Fi;;: Fi;;: O-Kbi6i'E' O-Kbi6i'E'

Snnp4Y B't62V(13) TEDLEVIS-T|n

The Dirt Road,Blues/ ItWonlt Be Lons-Panj F- (Ist side-l dis. 12854 inte&nl 1" lair crk, inditdible:2nd side-3 iliss) (111FF'ANKSTOKES_ 'B eifuhe B lues/ Dountoun Blues-Vic 21272q (12) CLARENCEWILL. IAMS WSHBD S-Take Yow B lack Bouom/ Cushion F oot

E-/v/ vo 111s (IO) PATTON CHARLEY '-Doutn

(9) FURRYLEWIS-IellvRoll/ Mr, Furry' s Blu.e sJ


nii,7,' hi,E"::ii,Ziiiot E-7L,;;;i;,-' ii:,;;fti es) BEALE 1TREET

SHEIKS_Stoeet Marm/

flAyESTBtueGuiter b;;;;.h;,;,di;:i;" ltayy._v1c.!Q!eQ!_--, liizb'rZ-" 47)'ELZADIE R0BIN,- 'EATE{'_\tii t.t. iaal"oEecou frin rc $oN-{9,c9.,wilt^Ezett)r(nDtrutl DLucs/ Eanel-_ pure
Tlnt Relision/l Ipuse.Mar>Para 1.2417, i6iT;"8|L;E;"jz;*

mffii**.Y ":iiffiw^.:':::: .,^ -ci'tZiioyi"*.-*. W[ifi'E": ?:!* B_AND_tu Ef"';'trA*ln:a:L rjiinii nemry_seek- L4e).prAEyAsUpo4.RD ,i,e aunBtsJyou (iCj
riiii,i")ip{iT,,Ei"a iT|r1ffi/r,,,,rr_
Ei,;iiiii:"t;"t"81:;;" :'P;,;-i%li'E rizj'Ftoliiifuu srur'FL|:F;;ii"'iZ:' pi,i izdda-C FiJii"n


r'r t(tts. txrsses:rlm t@$e) My Heart_para --(&) lDtr^Qox_Lady In liid6-c*-" Latty. Blws/Moa.niits TaViTEc LEG How_


Roo[Bhtes/Milenbere twi-Co,l39 G (14) MEMPHIS]UG BAND-Stins,y Wotmn Blues/Swt Eiilrnwrs BIs -Vic 20552G (15) BLIND LETNN IEFFERSON-RisinsHieh Vaer/Tedd.v Bear-Pari G/ 12,137 (IO SONNYGREER_ Sawd.av Nizlu Fuction/ Beg,p4ul Blfus-Vo 3012G

MessKatieMess/sneer'Lj.Art{ijjlci:fr";f;Ti watkerBts-OKB<ISZ G (34) Lours ART,BTRzNG v'-i'biiL"i-o{'iizs "--V' fti;-i;Ier" -Pearut Vendor/You,re i-sZi-"bl{irtUctnvDriuinsMecrazv4K -a;-Nq;i;;i;;i" VdRfi:i'ii-niiiji" 41478v/jjs) TEXAS ALEXE;;;;i:tfr;t"'lipa:" AMER-Frisco Btues/ fSiJ$fifiii tA:ci<fb1Y 'f7 workox E-t;;"7-K;;A"Ci:i: 8658 G him flake) iti-*"J-i-i-6-&.1-1""' G6) NErt/IRLEANS 'U; 6al-ndSlsifls:u4nwAMERERS-perdid.o 'E-'u";El""-e;-i,itiii ;T;;{i;/E';i street Bts/Gatenoutlv-

i7'ari"in'i;;L"c;""ut llX;;r;{1lf/_J;*r, rcs) MACqN ED/ e4-nEvcfiiil!"l TAMPAloE-worning t_sti "C-nii7n^Sii'Ziiti-iiiii*

Bls/Wfineins Ttni Tunp4K 8676v (70)"PEG LEC HW' ELL-Fo' DavBls/ Na,,PrisonBlues-Co 14177 V (a 'fap irnrtd' tam crks') (71) BARBECUE BoB -CoIdwaueBIs/Bee" sin' For Love-Co 74383v(72) BLIM LEtunN

bEiii srREEr F.or Me-Cs E 14141 3"fib-r#'::R;"L;;,-o; (.ta+_ctap!,e _..____ rjiii'hT"liZ"lii'i (tu).a.-EssIE sUrH-'D;;A;;'ii;:i;;;'"' riiit HqdDriltins PaflMoney 1i796'V'ft;fr:;-

e;-6e' V:

v- t"t[f"IflfffrJi{^"r

HouseBls-Para 12373V-


(.1-s) I,ON,ES, VAGGIF
I Lous acc.)-Ana{oody 'Here Want io.'/You MaY E (dig, Go-Co 121O63

(7) 'GLtEDITH WILSON_ EuenWithYou/Mv HandvMon Ain't Haid.Y -Vic',38624 N (good,



: -f ll If { i'!,!;,Fi,"'
(7O X'IEMPHIS TUG 'BA'ND-Iw BandWoltz/ Riu&Wahz-Vic Miss. (,tity 2 &%'inch Q8537 ranr cf ,t.l /75) STOVEPIPE
Sati s fie"d-H erutin 92003 Il

orice s wid for these 'r ec or ds' in t h.e. Jo lloui ng minimtrn c ond,Ltrotts : CHARLEY PATTONPara 1304O, 12972, 130W,

ference /Pretty Praiie 40572 N FLouer4K -

Lone s ome t outneY/ t az-4

2, 1 3oz "litt' lftli {t -, ara

1311I-v 13096 SON HOUSE-Para



Mou.tEVo I2l1 V' (above is the rarest of aII lirwtv Noone records)



AND IAZZ. Packivgand

lnffinf'ffirtnMe Don't Rush lllhma.

'{![i#^MFi!^tiznr'";t 'riiin8tfrborrv/ARDI
EIitNi No Bls-Gnt6766G
IABOWtLLtli,Ms-(Fara 13086, FMNK BUNCH-CrI olm'18!r5r ffffi|r:T 'lnndin' A Rock/ ul\nf, on Heauenln MY Vien13051Y

5-. lf,oiLlfrEtrous-E ' d H bt Louin' / Mara -StaYe

orr,a-r"," t'iffnrt?nit\ro*
-Para 12399E TAYLOR_ I ASPER E Para 12zl09

?:r-ft;nff4,f''Khssie lones-Pary 1/ 'iYtr':rr!-Tfi',,*,'ftf iE-YRHv'LtrXi:ro* Para 12376L -,8x':I'*'E?a:,r',

- I enaDl,ane b Ls/ Lttu' Hearted Wormn BIsVo 03416 N' I8) LOVIE AUSTIN_ Din't Sln*e lt No More/ Rarnoart Street BlsPax;12300 E

'f-t{i"*uriiffil"yBILL TIIMBDIN ?f 4102 DawnshircIh'


Paflm. Ohio 44134 ONLY FORTRADE (1) FMNK BUNCH & HISFUZZYWUZZIES_ bFuzzvWuzzv-Gnt6278 2) llM FOSTER(San 'C|Uitus
)--l ail HottseBls/ 7ou;ro I'adv BlsCh 15320lI- (rough start

*' nl ,'tt:nful E'ff { tr:' {,-*", ff!,8!"2,8*!,If

ilf ,?tbil:i"r^r* 'TE'AM-Lower MYDYine

nH,ead/Oh Lord,' Reirrc Eer Me-QRS 7015E (nm

ifi\i?irtrFfffrt!eNr '-Red. Hot Mama/Drunh j:fi'f,i;a}fi"L ? (Louis acc.lf oor lTouse 'B
Is /T huders torm tt LsCo 1&50 E


When more direct methods proue fruitLess, as is often the case within'the DeIn tlrcatrd of operationsWardlou,tdiscards his usuhl blitzkrei6 tactics and. rctre,ats to co-ntemplate Lne lyrrcs and musrcal style of lus missing quarry. The mort: obs'cure the singgf 1ly m6re important the rutances proulaed. oy n's record.s.


ENT|TY is Bo Weauil lachson. ultose bottleneck brauunz. yOU CAN'T KEEP NO BROWN, has femind,ed somc. Son House included, of House's unrlc: in particuLar, thc pie'ce he rmt calls 'LEVEE CAMP'MOAN and first recorded as LOW DOV/N, DIRTY DOG (credited 'Williq tp Wilson of Greeranod'). Some melodic strair* Jackson 6es on that record also seem loosely related to Patton's WHEN YOURWAy GETS DARK. Moreouer, I ackson's' pick-uo' touards the latter part of YOU'CAN'T KEEP NO BROWN recalls Patton's mamentun-Eathcri ns attack. Thc lwic s Jackson efipLoys aie nearly il.entital with thase bf Delta artists'like Patton. WiIIig Brati, .WiIIiam Harris, Kid Baihy, and Garfield Akers. Thoueh lackson's SOME SCREAM HICH yELLOW bears a certain ltarmonic and rhytlvnic resemblnnce to Son Hotne's DRY SPELL, his suitar dieresses ina tnanner not senerally assodiated uith the ' p4!sa1!ng,'l ' .und.ullating' ,.' plpitating't epLlepu,CA L[y-IaCft-turnnterLng Ue Ltl Sutar pickir. Heicb, it may be infened tFnt Bo Weauil. if hat actlnlltr iuhurally depriued, leirned or deuiloped a p/e' tiig beat' nusical style. ln {act. Jacksorf s syntax (" 1'm'crazy abotn mv Janc. tdll the utorld. I do") indicatds a boclatnrd,ness far ereate| tlnn that of a Clnrley Pationiand is ratlwr sieeestiue'of Henry Thonas or Eli Fr-alner. Orui obuioiusly arclnic uocal technique of lackson's is, lwpeter, duplicated by Patton: tlnt of delibeiatbly distortins. the prouttciition o{ a utbd. The first uirse of YOU CAN'T


Wlen l-uns -liuin' at Lula, I uns lioin' at ease Lord tlrc drauslx conrc and caught us-and it, porched up alt the trees,

Actwlly, Wardlow lnd knoun all alonsilnt LuIa. of all other ineffabli dots on the Delta mao. ua{tlte most losical olace to76ok for P atton's bl;e s-sihsins wife. distinguished the Patt6n uerse:

Soon this Blues all Thinhin' Words tlnt

momin' nama arowtd mr bed about the' kind, my rnrna sLaid..

On SCREAM]N, AND HOLLENN, THE BLUES, Patton bauls: Lord, lnue tnercy On my uicked iLoul... Patton ftton spoke spoke cleafl1 cleaily bw bw s-ang sa in a strcinsely safifed fasfuon (nnkiryg ii (nakiryg il no rui s"urprise sltrpriseilnt ilnt only only Klatzko-'s report, Klatzko's report. are are still still iecalled reca by his lornrcr aspociates ); it tlould

Patton's itinerary uould ttrn any blues researcher'uho tried to foltou it into a motorize d cocltroachl) House euen s&specrs tlnt theirooer 4qmes uthich abbwtd in Pattoi's' blues, rislt d.atn to ELDER GREEN. were fak1d. Apwrently for other D ela' re sidentl' of P aticin' s era. Iwueuer, such relerences imoliizd a cosnwpolitan asiect tlat Pa:tton. who trauelled as far from Lul,a as Jackson. Mer i.d!an, _t/agno'li a, and, GuIfpor t qith Son Hotbe, liked to play upon. Conuersely, tle more nobile'bliles practition6rs of thc 1930's nay Tnue found, it dxpedieru b enddicate any lQcal or " hick" stamp from thbir lvrics.


Patton mentinvs so nutny towns tlnt Son House doubts tle ai.tlenticity ' of Patton's self-styled trauels.


SON IIOUSE states tlwt

4yo ofhis uersei, according ttt

;h; ; ";; ;kt;i;

i ural ofblue s s irwifs. ltal f-su.nllout certaii twrds artblw otlbrs bv bwc lirg tren uw.crur:E themLogetner t ogether. uith s utrn su.oseqtEru ubsequ ones, r ttczr ones, ttczrWto6 nakes a trauesty trauesty Wto6 nakes
of plwnetic iranscription: one could only gu,es s,at u.'hicfr uords are finhily ' apocopated by tle wo.'singgrsi A"n etxpL,od.ed.\.ouer-stwtll Led ut eu ol a JACttSOnUne trugn, red: T hinkin' BO U T tlek i-l nd : WORDSTHATny nnma hfu slaid, Accordine to the uaryins lerpth of a giuen lind, or its sy[Labic brEak-' down, I ac ks on erwhisi z es different uords by a suddei change in'6uer+Il

tetwenng a,n ,:P*ry an accurote occurat'dtfanscf trans.cripiion of a Pation sons ore seneric. Both BoWeauiFand Bo WeauiFand, Patton Fattot besides t using tle wused or " brokbn" uocal pfuasiw plvaiing,iohich ihich is twial typial of oJ tle tle.most nost

-i;f,i ;,;hi ;; ;r''

oohnte or Pi-tclu PY dtaniw ottt ard luttittg o"thers ot'l Lihtin-"d,as abnotlv. tochson also imPrts a

t" adiry ei;f"fii;,iA,rd rlisPrmiryg De

his'unrk tlat niElrt 6dlnutt! ., described by bhps qrit'ers (uerc uwy the as able to wdPlvase toYce )

consider Patton o dAJI gool or else, incomprelens ible., B oth .uteux o Dsc w e Pafioh's nethd b1 att-rt'bu'tn9a svstetrututic oocaf, tecLmiquc to extran' causes' socioasyclp ZLi "ra iu"tioe

Heu thc rollin' mill 5i" iia bwnt doun last nigfu I can't, get tlut Brown iln this tann ndaYuith a uerse useil bY Pouon in IIOON CAINC WN:

Jn'2fr+!"";:'].lirt:'t*T"7, ';{!"**f{,ayYixtbAt\!.::tr Oh well trhere were You nan babY, Pattoh. or iPos he an *!*f,.'6#o'o' Clarksd'ale mill bulnt dotun( "' '/, li-nx."-"nv doutn Sw{lower with nry, uns nistt;narc * " ; ;' !f*t iFotrFl1f' fll'* all fulla frouns.' Face the tle egSs: droP to innigrr:; secord uerse
Hitich CHIJPMYPOI!(; . blachmatr"' SADDLEUP nvYeYe kpw slrc had-a nqu qn-lafiIer' 'i;:[;,*; I on tte (Sw ) Flouter"'
Both wint out th-c ittpoftance of tleir mill iobs to local women'

OVERCO{\lCERlfuPirhI ackson' s congeak a mis' . "ii{iitnr""boas [i;; ; f, ; ;i;";i ;- hii. p tudi o P tn t osmPh

iTiil ZflJiiy-ib"fiig with his..sgnss, ;h;';"b;i;

neither rwme raised any -locaL eyeo-rous-

'ii j"k;,t;t, ffi r!f,J "#ri,:i i ffi ,hsrv,

n) o c k s Ia [1]e,{, x :Eii:"*-,t!g3
ttw w;;At;; 6!t- asselnbted.
A h h4ugh Kid,B,oiley',s,notic-eably ' snnoth uocatrdelrDery t 9[' Qrigin !D' nlm Jr9n:.rtw 5 ) would seem to retnou.e c lenc lvt lvoated, s Ia ck' I ate d, tLgtu' scrotwred Dela obyss tlnt has .cqPtured the fixed gaze ol ottt reuered.crltlcs, lbue ineuocably..ob s c ured a lnmetoun reference' The'first ln-lJ of.the giue'. anny line ls sung q.5 ttlDugh Lt u?re run uord.s ; henc e th'e-oll'imgortan4 p-tyase is 6lurred''My oun It'olEi ,it"orrle.r) approxinxttion oJ hts uerse r's: Wav doutn in MississiPPi WLtcreI uns bred' attd' born Reared at Swflaner Be mv rntiue tnme.

",#,0. q"uhf,l#;noYt;t;tr U i,: #i' oiv iL""ntwles"o uoicetlwt is

iht'l"pl:'ii{";;; iiii,siittr|;li;fr:6f

CfoseuP of Bo{Veavil Jachson shorvs an older, frail nnn' THUS, TIIE NIAGE{ Patnn

GirI I'm going,-tP tlv co'ntrY' Won't be uerY long


in Glerdoru' a been

himself as a peasant1artbsPltuwr utlas e' lived.'bxtstenlialt sm lor ce s ';;"";;;;",";; his oral histotY 9J the uettz to oe rhl! as ttnt of tle Dela 'so'cial circifixiin lorces him to tear

jf".//ffir:ni[. ,,iH.9\rH,E
ln the i;;; hithert6denied hint'

existcintbFoian9itir,,' .onc e Pwoeyea- . . ^ on the sleeue rcles ol a fotton re'sste

;i:{}y;sii'l"rA"#"#i1{:#'!i:"0, tlf*,o'*, ::#sT :eB[ * wtz X: ';';E;" stut t,"s been

(i il On HAMMER(sic ) B-LUES, this tmin llos lgft, uelt -tt tntv oe nau) S.wuv-r"" 'iLi"

'#wi,::fy;::#'li-iTJ:w:,'#!#:wf#;f Aif*:tw;'lin'fi'i':A&Y, :#;:ftffi?his"o

iurrentlv in coin orwng.the.nore blues o6rderers, is, aslde lr,o,mDe',r!g,

)'. all arottt-d i"i 7,:ini.'V!,nt:,!nl;:",;,H^f;i;^ 'tii;"E;

i6n). Tle.racialoieut'. poeuc

irc-,'tiquto"P.ClurleYPatton' ,,i'i'fuv"#,i::"f i";'"7'?ia,2\i,1"fi bnizlt'ltff"f iiu"nrcn fr :tfiuit'ltlfl "#ffi "iifti zl:,":!"t"il6"rii::"8*?"',"[::\tfo' YELLOW: s e hc'nui ot ght mi it* i) i" i""kii

Deln ";;;;A' fu;""il ;-d" tle satne


Got up this momin' Bluei all arotud' ttry bed

,ailev unsdeod.

q, " Is this sontc new 'ihichwe're to be grateful?" st do apav with such o[d as the , sucn t en.erson utEs as le sense enough to keep unrm, tw clothes is"so thin."

Clnnee ca$: On tfu T.P. leauin' FortWorth. Texas: Goin' throwh Dallos...Grand, S'aline...' Mineola, Tyler, and Lonsuieu: Marslv[I, Little Sandy, Bis Sdndy. Texarkana, and doublis bdck to Tort Worth. Such a route uould take Tlnnms directly into tle SlneveDoft arca. SHANTY BLUES. a fraLmented sketch of an implie[ pe"rsonalbrush with the'lan, bbginsi A-t Delhi and at Eudora (and ) the trouble sot rolLin' dswn... Trouble in Hwtis. Ow into Marion.l. At Doyline lyin' doun Mv head to the unll... When I get up ('ateen) Monroe Lord I'-oe got to go,..

Oni TIIE WIOLE. the casual atd euen a.ulsnrd, if tnt obscure rnture of marry placi-references i-ndicatci tlc fait tlut tiey can often be of absoluiely rn lelpin locaiing it singer. Tlle sntd of residency proclained by an AVALAIU BLUES' constituzs tfr,e most atwical of references. Thoueh NWSVEEK magazine could Mmily conclude ' .,.whom did thcv find in Aualon Qrd.fug cous bui frlississipp.i Jotn Hwt?', it coul.d rpt luue irur.en: 'whom did they hear futd hustled in the Arkansas Delta bu Blind. Lennn Jefferson?' tluugh the latter sang: I say a peg-lee u,oman She'cai'tlwilly set our doush I left one in Lakiport lost nipht And I'm sellin' jblly roll In similnr fashion, Buddv Boy Huy kins tells ihe listbrer uthere'he llas been, brt rwt fromuLhence h.e iame. Ha.akins prefaced his firs t P aranwunt re cbrds " first Paramount record with: Lisfen -people, tlese are rw bltns: I bruns ' em all tle uny frok Birminslnm.s His 1929 Parairiwt, A Mq announces: " I contc aII thc unys fro,mtacksor4 Mississippi." Oi the ott er,std,e ol ila,t record, he uses tne chorus: I'm gonnn srntch i.t, grab it, Anyltxry I can set tt I'rh go:nrn ta*E it fuck to deor IsoI' .( I+ ) Tlnugh the Delta town of Isola uns probably amone.tlE plncbs uthere Haukins played'u.'ith C6arley P aton (ulos e uoice appears on A MG ). before both twned itb in Richrnond,. Hiu,kins is a stylisiic friend only'of Memphis or Affiansas Denornefs. *(t) Notil,e hout otl'nr old-foshioned, singers conform to Hatpkins' adiectioal boo-sterism,'suchas Patnn ('I'm sonna moue dear old Alabann'). Bo Weauil tackson ('Tlrc red-lnt timnns, doun in deat old Alabom'). and ||illie Neubern ('When I left MempEis, Teruressee, on my uny baik to dbar old Marked Tree').


rr|Aff BUTLERS 6rrt Vmrlion record is ro good l\ rou'lt sonder wherc hc'e bmn all this time He v ireils from down ('rrolinr *r1 rhere they krow lio$ lo sinf sDiriturl muric. Sam ploys a mran ruitlr in his orn wry thrt crn't be bst. On the othcr side "HEAVEN lS M)' \'lEl4"" rnhe plrys tnd sin3r othcr grert 6piriturl. IIeer this record todry!
q L t) .t llo! Dd You Fil' td'I., r rhi B..unld G.r. W.,"nr ., ;,, ' . ji' . ,.., i by. A.tbt Co,n 15 ll.r'.n P , . ,' , . r t o r r h . P g t o r ; , . . , , ," , , r , \ ' . r . ' , x J.t.'.on l\.:'l coun t Blu.. S.mon ,rt I@r. I Ca J X. ud Hs Cona!..rtlon loll 7 lol! t5. t05t ; ic tq! ;i(

rwrthem Louisiorn and, southem Arkansas. a twtion tlnt is re-en{orced by other ieferences he seems td make on son*s like BOB McKINNEY ('nnkd trouble in Delhi'), WHEN THE TMIN COMES ALONC ('I'Il ncet vou inWilnnt'). and. COTTONFIELD BLUES (' 6s swe as the train leaues outta tlnt Morabay yard'! eoin' ' throueh Terrv Toun'). Sinte Raktime Texai' onlv'mentiorrc tlot state in the most edneral and Erandiose contexts ('I kot the Texa\ blues'), it nny be sdfely said tlnt he uns only a Texan ih the satne sense that J.F.K. uos a Berlincr. As tle only sineer who nuy actwlly conlorm io tle legeidary '. exis ttintial' approac h bfigrnr.: rng conststeft Ld,ea.rhync. and mdter ptterns, Tlnrnai inieriects a ouirkish elemcnt (euen in his ballads ) tlnt uould not be fourd in the blues of a Clwrley Pattbn. who is said to faue compossl his'Iyrics o!? Wpgn I,n ryspiig, Thomas, . descrlDes N,s IoD os a newer ol cross-ries NOODHOUSE BLUES ). as uell as the fact that he lwd rc't' seen lnmc for 16 years by the timc hc recbrded.'

IT CAN BE SEEN TTIAT THOI'IAS uns fotniliar uith both

z .\


J. I

C.t.. &d Hr Conar.r.tion gh Bsd.r




f[l'ocnliun Xccor0s
-.r-., g'.O.ry


Howkins' second,session. he steals th.e 'nwmlish' fetish of Ed BeIl, utlw nnde his oun deblt later tlat morxh, On MEAN CONDUCTOR. B ell obligingly states :


Texas ) Thomas ii sute(v ihe Teast likely to be traced by toiday's resedrc ltcrs. A s the'reportbd obi ect of an ituensive but luckless Te*an tiuest, it uould seem that Thomas' tareer, i[ rwt lile, ended bet'ore those ol today's su:iuing Tercs singers Iiggary.' The as s wnplion, hane uer, t6t he uns a ratibe Texan runs contrary to both his musical style and his'Iyrics. On RUN MOLLIE RUN. ip t'act, hc s&ggests a rnrthern Loiisl,aruronStn: I went doun to Haynesuille I did not so to stay Just got iltere in the sood old timc To wEar them ball anl clynru.. $l.n ,.p"w dann to Boissier City She did, not go to stny.., Arcther hint is prooided, bv an aprmrantly oointle s s'detour T fuhas tb.kes on MILROADIN' SOME, uLhich pwports only to describe a trip from DaIIas !.o Chicago by uny o! Olilalnma, Kansas, dnd tr4iss6un:

I iust unnrn blind, it A's far as Hanilton Wfuin she blouLs ' fore to cross it I'm gonna ease it'dann. Prouided tlnt he does not use a contractiue form of anatler tou.,n. this referenlceplabes BeIl close'to ers at z'.doubLe,'B ary [oot B ill,^who puDl.Lclzesnls resrd,encern arreenr bille, Alabama on SOUABBLIN' BLUES. BeII's FNSCO WHISTLE takes him into rwrthem Alabana. u aclpowledged in his spo!6n aside, "Whap it itll I set thiS Trinily train." In the c6u.rseof his rdsearch into blues styles, CayleWardknt p er c eptiu e Iy' not ed iltat B(n KE R WHITE, on'his NE|| FNSCO TMIN, uses tlte peculior warblins. uocal qtyle typical of Bill and Bell.(I*) Since B'ooker ins oigirn-l-ly a r es id ent o f nort heastdrn Mlbs rss rppr. the trauel's of BiII/BelI nnv Inud' taken them ihn tlnt area. such deductions are INFRA DIC utith blues uriters wha see blues

Septer$er, 1926: Wasthls the first recading by a Mississippi Delta blues singer?


as monomorphic in clnracter. mny of Wardlmt' s ileoretical coii ec twes such as the onc uthich held ilmt Skip Janes played in Texas durine t le'.1920' s,' lni e. uhimate Iy s EnrZ d with the lacts,(2*)

wlto recorded, at ihe ihe same sarc sessionn as ns did il.i, ecorded at session

AIIOIIIER' FOLYMORPHO{JSLY PERVEBSE'stylist is TomD icks ckson, on.

pLayea oy as pl,iye! qt by uMzrtey Clry4py Joraut, uho, a acco accorlordan, lxho. dtng diig to tb Big'toe Wilftams, ca:me t'r6n Helern.

iiflucnc6il by pre-blues danci rhvthms, I/is sozgs c6inin ffis ci:inin insredients o(the He Herrnndo sihool of bluc\. blu.e\. Lilee otfrer otfie_rsinet otfr,er sinper: singers within th.e Meniphis sphere of influeru influencZ.' hc Ims a Texas tinse' to his'work, On three of three of his his four blires. Dickson Dickson repeats repet four blires. part of'the part of'the KEEP KEEP IT IT CLEAN CLEAN themb. themb.

(HELENA BLUES Hurt and^Mo-och ard, Mooch(HELENA Iohn H4rt BLLIES) Riclnrdson. Dickson's cottabile suitar style sueg,ests style swsests tlnt tlnt he hc deuelooed deueloped 6r 6r uns unt

disrubtion of a sinier's usinl mr In sihgine, " Wome"n in Cairo. ilil tr eat,f,oikind ond,suseet," .Hewy

Perlaps the most subtle chrc tlnt a singei is usine the rnne of a lonc. townbresenLs it-s.el[ in the form of a

Furtlrcrmore, the uay in uthich Dickson nses his puit1r-his use of octaue clnrdin{ of . full. lnrnnnic ac companimeru,, of ,gtliiar breaks, ann ol fentluely elaDotate Lntroducti6ns ond c6das-resembles Skip lames' conceDtion of euitarplairq,. Skip, who' Iiued in"Weotn. Arhqryios dwing the eayly 1920's,' uouJd"seem to lnue.uthile 1nt copyspecific nates, enwlnted, stnpers Iike Dickson and Buddv Bov"Haukirrc in these respects. OnDEATH BELL BLUES, a Dickson piece tlnt uses tlre ostinato of Blind Lbnnn's BAD a town not far fromWeorn or Heleia is meaionid:' The unman I'm lwin' Done mistreoted me 'Fore I leaae Ulm I'm sonm Meet your friend again," SONG and tlrc context of an ind,iuidtml uerse, as utell as ihe style of a particular performer, prouidE ano'tler prop for tleiorbid scribe, An antetvta 'as'sinsitioe ai Dean's is. uhile certainly no prereouis ite.' helofti in determiidrw ihe lobal flciuor 6f Blind loe Reynolds' NEHI BLUES' Iyrics. On tlbt record. Reyrwlds. u.tlnrn Goyle Wardl,outreporti lni been missitw from his old Loutsiarn Deln lnunts 'for 23 years, sings: Wish Lake Prooidence sheriff'd. ntoke these Women let their dresses douLn Told tlnt Wilman soul: 'Doggone ulnt you learnin' in touLn!'



Herry Thonas in 1927. Cezanne-influenced representation by unknovmartist is shikingly authentic.

lN FACT, uitlput some A PRION stvlistic htnch. lpmetoun re ferenc es u[ll alunvs eo'undetected bi the listencr, Thi adoarcru allusion'of Geeshie Wiley's to tTb soaheastem Mississippi totpi of Meadoille. for example. in LASTKIND WORDS BLUES: Wlwt vou do. n rne babv. It neier seti. outta Medil I'm leakin' out secrets Half-across the deep blu.e sea. remains inaudible unless one also hears lnr Texas-like trenolo g.uitar rurls which resemble Sarmrw lfiIl's. and uhich influerced south Mississippi euitarists li6e Isai.ah Nettles, Such'' Iinks, whirl.e-gonuoluing,.are i.n rn uay HilI' [or efanele, sings in a ruttuter unlch truf,kesnrm a - soul ot'-Willie Reed; uho sings: l1o^the1' " Said nry'baby doum in Seguin, poor eirl is oh nv inind." ThouEh obiiously from nearW San Antonio, 6r some othEr oart of Te*.as. Reed. one of tlv sreat'est bi.t leasrlrwticed Texai blue"srnen, plays uith a uigorous backbeat otherbiie found- onliin -thq -bl7es of a Deha perfoimer like Carfield Akers.

blues sin*er ole ntore importait tlnn are generdlly sultpose-d, Critic.s often attrbwe secondary ol trunQed-uD mcanirEs to certain bersei uhiih u.tereoily inclulgd to cleuerly conv plete a rhyme. Most singers are so scrupulguq abow maintdining a temiirnl rlryminp sound, in a uerse tlnt they iill {o to any lengths of mis-irorwuriciation io do so: ( as, for'example, droppins tle s' i n ' b l u e s ' t ' o n m t c h ' td o ' o r ' l n o ' , Wlrcreas a Chailev Patton seems to draat out a firuil rhymine uord until lw is iniohereni or olu of breath, he int:ariably esablishes its firu| sound bg[oie dropping Clryle1 g_ihgs it, !, p_/.re11 'bed' in'HIGH WATER II as though it u.tere 'brend,' in the uerse: The uater it uas risin'. Got up to rny bed he is not'clenchins his tlvoat' ('The art of sins.inE lies in the auoidanc-e bf ri{djiy altdthe adop tion of the opei thr6a'-WmSlnkeSpeare), .bw attenpting to apprgximate th.e sowd itf his resoLutng rnyne: I^tlwuglx.l uould.take a .trip lord Out oi the Pea Vine train.


A ran DeIn cry' in the suise of Bis loe Williams, iulw coul{neuer ideri tfiy his HilI pieces on thc playback. Tlien it deueloped that a nbre+oos ubtle Britis h'c olle ctor lnd induced this' pogt-hypnptic sugges tion' of honesi toe''s'. Tun yedTs aeo. rumows u:hich lrcld'tld Hin md Sam CoLlins uere 'iust lilce each other' uere stafted by a friend of to ' rnake th.ings'intbrestin{.' T hcir superficial similinritv r.s. lnneuer, mhinly positioned on'thc falsetto uoices'drd, the diuorced base and treblc lines of both men. Those uho ooerlookedilrc urnlterably diJlerent.pic king style s and uitca[ bropeiies ( Hill's uoice is thinier ard less tutored tlnn Collins') of the ttuo ttnned speculation [nt6 carnrd by decid-

*(1) On tlnt record, Napoleon Hairiston adds.'That siues me ihe blues to so fozck-'tolta B-enar' uthicl4 accordiig to Booker. uas his hone-ta)ru *(2) Oie can lear ulnt may lnue been uesti*es of tlut trip, such'as the lum withiuhich James bnds his lines on CyPRESS GROVE. a Ia little Hat Iones.

Rddy Boy Hawkhs was a friend of Patton's, but his style and lyrics place him nrth of the Delta and within the llrtansas-ll{emptris sphere.

distinctiue blues Ithin tlvee months (tine tD zcord as King Solomon) Art rot blv lnue caised to lub hin as " Plastic

Thomas-Iike nuzntal If rcthins else, the fact tlnt HiIl is able" to form b[ lines uith subordiiate clauses unuld place him c,Ioser to singers like'Blind. !oe Rercolds, EE Framcr, Liltle Hat Joies and !efferson tlnn to Mississipp,i singeis u.tla use more sustarned nates and lence laxet words per line. Taken tosether. Tlanarc and Hill represdnt an'extrernely wr sophisiicaed school of blues s iizs.ine. In wrticular.' H ill' s cai-oloisy rcininds one'of Robert Pete Wtiams': 'thouih he oronbunces ' suitcase' as it uere 'suitkey' '1Dlfs' 'uthy' ds . The ; olf-beai clrcrd broeres siofts of Thonus are hikhli eoocuioe'of tlwse of OscalV6ods. said n' lnue biei a Shreueport musicianHill, uirtwlly w ttrc Mis sis sippigits canvass ed by Cayle Wdidlat, u.tould also seem to lnue been fiorn tle Slteueoort area, This c6niecttne uould'neuer Iuue lad any 6asis in fact uere it not for GOM DEAD TRAIN. PAIIL OL ES retrmrhs for tlnt record in MEANING OF IHE BLUES neatly assume tlnt Hill is not an entbrtainer bu, an anow ymaus trantp utlose' disablemerX bf nind or body' mieht force him tb chisel traiiri.des"anhthere he could. The fact tlnt srhh a conception simbly dimifies HilI's peisonal apbdal CI* I to an audience bf rounderS'ind.iiat6s a' sone dead' ciitical approach. TlnnltS to his o bses s iob'' uill-to- s tereotwe' (uhich passes for a'loue'61 the blues' in Britkn). the author can Itard,ly trglscripe a clallenging couniry bhrcs lyric.

Lord.l'mfionm. Lord,l'mppntw ty ty n leai:e legi;.e lrcre lere today Southem fns. a nuian old firenun, And tlat And tlat train train is is iust iust tiutt tfuit uny. tnn

Lord I'm soin' to Minden:

...1 decide.d l'd go down to Fryebwg rout, Atut uute rI @sL, COnrcS. (l rechon rechon tlrc tlrc llttrnis lllirnis lliernan firemn
ano enqlneer

' !,lere-s so nnny p69ple, Hatte Aone douti d dav ,!nd thar And tfrat last t\at fast train train N6rth^and Nbrth 4nd and Sowhern, Jas^t Trauels in Bernice and Clny. I -reJlected, properly emplnsized ratler ttait. auoid,ed HiIl' 3 afoie-nrcntioned pe c uliari ti es of proninc iaion: Minden' u4l.sqid as -if ii-began utith a'w', uthile ' Fryebitrg' u.6s broken into'an disiointed worils. But in attewting to transcribe Hill's ly1ic.s, I only ! lnppily practice tle art 6f tlv possible." I am'content to igrcri the historical imoort of this-discouery, And tle oircsticin is rct 'Who is Kine Solomoi HiIl?,. but 'Who am I?'. and uhcn I olay mi HiIt 4qcords, I ain Kins Solorionlltl[. Yet, rn one think-s of me as Solomon, u.rit h s uch... tendemes s.., my tlw lamaaca Sauings qccount at thc lannica Sauinss Y account Bbnh |n pro.test to their reactiondry portrait bf'Banio Billy'. uncoi Billy'. an uncomfortable itereotype, A's I elowered bt at Bi Billy' lly' s sriwi[ns., uoole"y-leadea tDoole"t-twaded sriw;tns. uLoolel-leaded uisaee', uisagei -'"rc"' 'I tfrought:1'WhenBanj.o tfrousht:""WlenBanio WlenBanj.o Billy Bt Bi sang, tte.sang sdng, hc.sang,-to to keep keep lrom going .' from golng llLsane, lust ttusane, as I Dtotest nls Dortrc lust as DtOteSt hls Dortrat,t. and listbn and listbn to Solnmon HiIl to Solnmon HiIl tri tri keeo keeo goins PSYCHO." ron golng from f, Reality in Mind.en is kaleidoscooic. Louisiaia seemed cold to mc. WhLre did I first get slapped doum?

u)ould,. too! )



Ed Bell in 1927...

Tlpwh Hill's rhyilm is. trte ilwt Cotliru'. noticeaen eablyMississipoish.hii failwe nolay nclodi lexcbot oh TELL MEBABY ), ioinecti himuith sineers lihe Ramblin' Tlpnas and, pEil Lenon lefferson. ln fact, he betmys to sreater'wopirwuity' Tlwiasilan to'atty oiher'si neer. Tlonasrct only t6es somedf tle sorne Dassrtttts'asHiII (both' oattencdafter J effersod. but bnulatcstfre bottlbneck'6reakof tlv GONE DEAD TMIN on his' oUnNEWWAY OF LIVIN', HilI, in twn. adopts tlv enant Tlwrnas' self-st;yled'wstwe as the 'the nan toh6.cth'titay ip one plpge long' ontha, recor{, tust ai Tlwnws buffoonishlycalls atteruion to his niiuiue s6cial inase in BACK GNAWIN' BLUES f Thcv caII ne '--bg-cl14iter'; I A-Ma Sack-biter."), soHill flawus dn absud uieut of lnircblf in acceptine a ticket dseft's il,aim tlni he"can't be tihen seriotslv:

a fiel.d. trin to Minden and Fr"yebure" aid, oaliiine my ideas aboui Kina" Solornon's rEality; tle reality of 6ttr out tines (" Kins Solonon EST: au fond, King Solorfrn C' est moi..'." ), His replv: " Am lrcaded for Mind,en. One loo{ ai t b likes of a bouttder such as your, bnd ute'd both be tarred dnd,

lnilt fromMaldei. Ma-ss.. doffed his Klnhi Creen

Nout some of thcse people laue sonc down todn / And this fast train Northem ord Souttem Traoellin' ligl* and clean. Qliueogic-ally s-pea-hig,_it migfu be said tlnt'a'\isht' bhrcs unrid, natwally iatch a'cleanY tminblues sins.eru)oulil' ittst as a'cle6n' Took for a'liefu' uormn. Yet. uthile Oliuir's reders lmue been oderins under tle rods for lnbo lore. Hill,'as shdtn by a'clian' tratscriition'of the some l;yrics, Ius been steelthily iaking

Jacques fucbe,utln

foi-48 intense hortrs to 'u,rite tlw aboue article. His sttdv. teuatioelv e nt itle d C ourt ry B lu6 s : A Trawu.tuteid Niefurnare, lus beZn cuishort by an extended tow of [uty and a susoiciou{ ediiorial snf f ,' Shortlv before leauiiu for thri V iennrnes e Ce'ntral H i ehlands, Mr. Rmch is reported to ltaue said: "Napalm is like Mr. Clech."

B0II| " JOI(ES"are of the sort one unuld nornnlly eLpect 1*') lpm objectifieQ uiIIasA i.iLiots.( OI nor6 tankible simificance is tfie fact tlai Hill. ih discardine his'alr.estinsfalietto on the fi/st takes of WIIffiPEE ard BENDED KNEE,'singsin an intornted.,

*(1 ) Tlmtqh both Tlnnns ard lefferson-are joke.sters, Hill is not, os seen Dy hls ptostratton before tlw ,' got4e Qedd taily', 'u:n attiatd,e\phich is totally d,ifferent from Lenon's d.eil.'gone giined.abcowrt of clead plgtBat nvna'.

The Petlect


Listing Numerical Godrich byJohn
in ot 101. commenced Theseries fntroduction until0335,.which. ud continued i"t" "i 19%
is fie last traceablenumberin the senes -and *""'ot SuUivreliased in or around JFly.tg15' Therb was a Perfect 100 issue, but thts had no connection with the Race series, and was a dance record releasedabout three years belore Perfect 101.


we listedin A qtd, A& B sides-ail isstrcs B siile orderas fu as is bnum. wlwre crditb-T?rzseue shoum Comooser knatin, either fromoctrnl copiesor comgry files. but this infomwtionis fu fron conplete 'ma I 1aanimal dnta tnuld be utelcorned. to tle'Record Reseuch' amindebted of the IN to 140 Pertectissrrcfor mony of the matrix confusercreditsmd seueral runnbers. uare sonvtintesenployedsrd PseudonVms will fu illentified in the mainwlteretley occw' bd tlveeoccilrso oftenthnt to sauerepetition tlwv will b identified lere. Tom Pineuood Be"ssie Jackson-LrcilleBoean; -l oshWhite : fuinu futnpson-Bi e Bill. informationrewted from Takessnwir ue fr-om octtnl conies. Takesto be fowd on issues101 to BI ub false, md slnuld be igwred. They ue tnt shatmin this listine. Ref easedatesare slnum Eneoth the catalogrc md.ue estirmtedfromcalaloguestry rusnber qd ad.uertiserrcnts plenents in ttDstcases,ul'l 'also fromcud file dnta for ukich I un indebted Chnnra's covl,tif Helene to Ddnlvlalonv's Colwtbia cud file oi a pqt of this series.mttstalso go to t\ert wtryatt Achtwwledeetents fu tlw lmi of this docwrent,utd also for tle etclost of murycalaloge supplenents,
I am extremelv eratelul to all the kind people form ol ho have suppfie-d suoofie-dtaker numbersin the fonnof who sdditionsto rcBlues md Gosoel Records1902additions 1942, andeamestly.reguestYourcontinued "*oltation in conipletinethis numericallisting you can tocan tothat you ilata that mis'sins ilata bv iendins iendins anv anv mis'sing bv
l0l 106735MA,MIEHARNS-You G:et Md (Mike lackson) (7/26) 106736 MAMIE HARRIS-WhaI's illiams-C.Williams) T E ftatter Nout? rS.W NOTE: This is RoboHenderson. MARY STAFFORD-_AiN'IGOt -Niboav IO2 106749 In Tlrc Moming To Gritd Mv Coffee " (Soen'ler 'td6zfi Willius)' MARYSTAFFORD-Tahe Yow Finger Off lt (AmbroseBrYan)

7fl 1J* lfl, * l0l.appearins-$ -il fQ'sqries,

Perfect 101 to 140 conespondto the Pathe

Wen, Gese6nt,Waun iirhr C.drich,'P,Rockland U.K. Swansea.

"*y{ Vq-d*? "*: is4o. thi"pgili,' t' a halt for a while' "il;';;;;":tlv;;"
pil.r-rhlu pil""tbtv frgsumauy
urv way w4y to rv $9 yay lll uuillc some wasttue was duein due, Uii'was uii tnls

,I: Tq Sf of ihe Pathe g:njing l"l"J *,h* C-ameo andPlaza Path", th" ;;;;i f;iilffi
cdi'nmnly refened to armng discographers anc collectors.

Rec"or& t(ecorcF American the'Arnencan b."ott* the ororro oflabel-s o o become ;ilaGft ;;; Imre was wds rtprrr rmre groupwas grouP the SruuP the as u-Ie as ARCas ARC or AKU ins brDoration. or lns LorDoratlonr
Anvhow. whatever the actual reason may have beeri, the'series apparently restarted agarn earlv in 1931as far as one can ludge lmm.avauno trace ca{l be , abld record supplernents,but'Ihere are.a lgY $ner 141to.146. found of issue-sgaDs rn ule rrsullg fi'ti;iasiils

ol these ever tmy ol. not any or not Whether nd 159. 159.Whether I54 and possible qn't be lt r but bllt-it but be sure. sure'^ onmrred one one can't is possrue aooeared ls tfr6y did' for lS8tumed uP loJ the hrst trrneto

t< 151 51to namelv i. point, uus ilL tt ut lrururt rrs

rgW*Pi"'[:,eJoE;:"Y!"' ,t'itrlff |f Willi.anrs)


onlYlast Ybar!

i,fi{!"Y'Yl!',!:,\Wdh!'lllW#i' igf,[tr8{{f,'^YW#r;*t"*o'""

recororn8s r-lr (rx-u Ds.rrsot l[L hiinin hr[bruy i" lnclude J"a" t':f, 1!ip-"^l'1$,1"":fS :,*: I are to policy' lor they

decided,to it was.appaFngy At Perfect16O


short-lived F,usyr very slloft-rrYe(l was a a very rt it was

u ':l"lo1H\,WY EH f,W llEl'Pi,Y utr {'iioi{ft ii !Jrii,Inrur'l 1,, Tii"i i CrZ"piil, SncahingBlucs (Brow*Franlcie)
iTZZER1:E rit'e" e lun Tiae Papa(To 'u"*i Md') (Iach:ion) 'q one TimeMoma

be found only on 160 and 164 to l6E'

At PertectfrO anOprefix wasintroduced, until the last issueat andthiscontinued 0335.

courtesyof Berrnrd Klntzko

cotutesy ol Berrand Klntzkc,

100ru! TROY HARMONISTS-GreaI Scott \98 (Trov-Valler) 1_0663s-F I VEUUS|CAL BLACKBIRDS_rBth

\bee, Strut (Bernie Moten)

( Kazal-Uermiker)

Blues (Sid.ney Easton)

l?_ tolsls RO.SA, HENDERSoN-Stouup Pap 27 -H oc h-S ) 1.p? tpp C4/ Arc \Os A HENDE RS0N

109_106220 MANDYLE E-Romd,ers Blues (lvl.Tepson) (JQ/20 PA771 MANDy LEE-Wadering papa Blues (M.Tepson)

ROBINSON acc by The An -107311-NETTIE Wildcats-l'ueGot TheRightMan NowlSiiney

Easton) 107312 NETTIE ROBINSON acc bv Tle WiIdggts;l Neyer Loved But OneVomin's Son ( Luhte I olurson)

ll0 I,Mee2 ryQr 4Na HEAVY-Louisiaru Dreat{.d.axn (

l$z? 1, ( r on7 n,goy)

-MenphisRas AVY ttpr, AND HE



lll_10704! MARGARET CARTER-I Want A.Pleruy GreaseIn My Frying Pan (Budiy Clvistiiil (l / 27) 1Q7042 MARGARETC ARTER-Come Get Me Papa Before I Faint (Buddy Clviitian) -S ome ZAI 2E 4, I AC KSON rhins, s Gonrn +l? napDen ro rou lACKSON-I'm Mad Because I ZADEE 'l'urned My Baby Down

Man(Hout 14'!0?317(Io $\D!E GREEN-A\Iey My Ashes) Trent) 1073 18SADIE GRE EN-Don't W eor YourW el.
comeOw ( Hendersoo-Easton) Like W LAIJ& SMITH-|| You Can't Get It I.lapt Ip Done (l'll Get Somebody EIs; (4, Booker) (6/27) LAUM SMITH-I'mGonru Kill Mysell (M.tackson) s B een Louing W,YAUD| MI LLS-Somebody' My Babv (M.lackson) IIAADE U]LLS-I'oe'Got The Ioogie Blues (E.Darcll) W 10748 UNCLE CHARLEY NCHARDSSoreBunion Blues (SpencerWilliams) I0vM9 UNCLE CHARLEY RICHARDS-I'm GonrwMoanMy Blues Auny (Riclmnl Yotes) lZE SlS QUANDER-Muna Is Waitin' For You (7/27) SISQUANDER-M|re's Just As Gooil ' As Yours l?g 107545 ROSAHENDERSON-B|ac| Smhe Moan (L,tefferson) (8/ 27) 107546ROSAHENDERSON-F ortute Teller B lues (Grainger ) ln 107543SISQUANDER-Blnck Srake Blues (t,Johnsoil 107544SISQAANDER-SouldAnd Bod.v (T, Johnson) Ell KITTy WATERS-BacVWater B.Snith) KITTY VATERS-RoughHouse (S:,William;) Uvrc7sn DEACON MOSE-TLe Dowwwcl path Is Crou.ded(Mike I ackson) (2/.?7 N MOS E -C limbins Up Z i on' s )-! 07581DEACO Hill (Haynod-Dtryree) IB BLIND BOBBY BAKER & HISGUITAR_ MaconGeorsia Cut Out

F,I |Yn.t t$r"#Ik',:&Et!!ckrrain

REV.l.M. GATES-|KroutI Got Ul.Iqz1|l neuElon (-)
1p7q8-? REI/. l.M. GATES-T\e Dyins Motter Atd Her Child L) 116 '107090REV. I.M. GATES-Baptize Me N.709LREV. I-M. GATES-You Belong To Tlnt Fweral Train (-) ll7 107092 REV..l..M.GATES-I'mGoins To HeaoenAnylwt (-) !.11. GATES-Tranping To 107091.REV. Make Heaoen My Hone (-) Lt& 107044BWDY CHNSTIAN'S |AZZ -T he Skwk (B udd,y N PPERS C lvistist ) 107043BIDDY CHNSTIAN'S IAZZ RIPPERS-Souh Ranwrt Street Blues ( Christian-Fuller) ll9 107303 ROf,AHENDERSON-GiI Goin' (Davis4raineer) (4/ 27) 107 -Some Day A HENDE RSON 30{ ROS You'll ComeBack To Me (Westfiel^d) lm nBB LAUM SMITHacc by ThcWildBad, cats-l'mGoin' To HaueSeoenYears Luck (Worde-Razaf) 107314LAUM SMITH acc by The WildcatsVhen A'Ganr Holler (Folhs'Say Sign O' Rain (Sidney Eoston)

t #,t ts IN E E Rs &!'r t?lo^!t!,!f" l /li t E

ll3..s1sg2 TflE OLD TLMEtIJBrLEE S/NGERS - --When The Saints Cone MarchinpIn il

Jaolnglt AII for You NOTE: It is nnrouted tlnt this is Bobby Leecan. ard tlnt composer credits confirm this.'but I lnue so fu beenwnble to substantiatb this, For You (10/27) ROSAHENDERSON--CayCatin' Dddy

p0flpy BAKER & HrS GtlrTAR_r'm EL|ND

1 107789ROSAHENDERSON-You Can't l2l UNCLE CHARLEY NCHARDS-Leuee Blues Haue It Unless I Giue It To You (A.Razaf ) UNCLE CHARLEY NCHARDS-Vownrd. Rcixrer ( t2/ 27) 1077e0ROSAHENDERSON-Dyii' Blues CmyShuter' s Blw s (Grainger)

Iffi,107618 DINE TAZZERS WASHBOARD BAND -My Ol.d. Dddy's Got A Bmrd NantVay To Loue ' (M.'lackson) BAND1076]7 DINE ]AZZERS WASHBOARD Menphis Stnhe (H.Clifford) KITTY WATERS-MeanOldBed Bug Ln rc78-35 Blues (I.Vood) (U ZB KI T TY VAT ERS-Loud And Wrong ) -107836 (T.Delancy) lS 107791 ROSAHENDEkSON-Police Blues (Del.anev) '107792frOSA Let YourLeft HENDERSON-NeueI Had. IhoutWlut Yow Risht Hand's Doin' (Delaney) IB9 10?619.2DIXIE ] AZZEBS WASHBOARD BAND-Kansos Ciw Shuffle (Moten) BAND 107620.2DIXIE ]TZZERS WASHBOARD -Blach Cat Boncs (Leecuu-Cooksey) .. lQ 108670 8490d GMNT &WILSON acc WlnopeeMakers-MatraDidn't Do lt And Papa Didntt Do It (Grant-Wilson) 6/29) 10876i (3532-8) OZIE WAREacc Whoopee Makeis-Hit Me In Tle NoseBIrcs (Horold GrAy) 141 to 1{6 arc rntaced I47 9594.1 FAMOUSHOKUMBOYSSaturdayNieht Rub (7/30?]95{6.2 FAMOUS HOKUMBOYS_ Black Cat Rag L8 9598-2FAMOUS HOKUMBOYS-Tlat's Thc Wav SheLikes It (7/30?l eses-L FAMOUS HOKUMBOYSEogle Riding Papa lQ 9582-2GEORGIATOM-Pis Meat Blues 95Bl-2 GEORGIATOM-Six ShdoterBlues HOKUMBOYS_ Ifl 9585-1.2FAMOUS Sornebod.v''s Been Usine Tlnt Thine 9s96-2 FAMOUS HOKUIIIBOYS-Pdoa's Getting Hot 151 to 154 arc ulraced HOKUMBOYS_ I55 9597-1,2FAMOUS Nancv Janc (7/sl) 9610-2FAI0US HOKUMBOYSt),, Tl@t Thins

BOYS-Pis FAMOUS HOKUM lfi e587-2

Meat Stw 9588-2 FALOUS HOKUM BOYS-Cuitar Rag

Can't Be SAMMYSAL{PSON-I L6I 9599-2


DoDo sAnPsoN-skaodte


$on llouse One Intotaislnr*lsrt


Yeah and u.telnd, been doum to lackson, Miss. and, done some recordins.s and ue done come back {rom tacksoiand. so, Clwrley, he unke up and inissed a ten dollnr bill and he said. thbtwillie eot it. He laid it on WiIIie and, they hafa little trouble obout ilnt Holtt rueh tmuble ? Me and him neuer did haue rnne. Hws much trouble did they lnve? Thev didn't do rwthin' but ars-ue. and all tlwt kindn stuff. They didn't do" rn' fiehtin'. lust ars.uc aii4 tric{ one arwthdr"and. all *nt kiidn stuff. Did he ever fitd his nurey? No no neocii foutd it. Willie else kot it, But didn't lnue it.-somefudy 'sure he ca'lled us"if Willie eot it, he iust nude bu'Willie didn't set it, ulo eotit, but he put it onWillie,''cause they slept in in the Same room tlnt nisht Wherbabuts was ttat? That utas anither lil' old funnv olace uhere he died at Where Willie'dietl rit? No. Chorlev Patton. Yeah tlnt uras up from ...uh,..remembdr ne tellin' vou abotil Chbrlev Patton' s motlrcr. dawluer..'. Chirn Lou?...' Lou Yealu Clnrlev Pdtton's dawlter.'.Chitw and her mnthlr...rnmed. Millie. Well, tlnt unsn't too far from their horne, another lil' old

couhtri olnce.Ttp;t wis in Boiles. ridtt? Yeah B6iles. out fromBoiles, southeast of Boiles. Abut how far? like n me.,l'd sav'bout three, I'd sav...lo'ok four tlnt m a nain rmd r...? 'No, it's off tle nain road. A stat rmd? Yeoh, it uiis a state road.Yas it dirt or paved? No. you see the lllirnis Centml.., Rtttts tlnrfuAh tlnre? And,eoes all the unv tfuoush to Vicksburpand.aiound tlnt-a4&i. there's a little cw"off that comesarowtd from Jachsonand,then coiies into the main roaZ, Was this town risht m the railrmd line. Son? Yeoci, thislil' old toun uns on thislil' old cwoff, you knout.thev call a IiI' cutoff. It uiSi't on the|naii lllirnis Central. I se6, but was it a stm at all lor hains? Tlains stop tlrte? Oh leah. veah. yeah. can't call the nante of tlat lil' olil'tfun bilher-'bu it wasn't too far from Bodles.Was Charley verv carcful'with hi:s mmev? Did he lme moiey lots of times? No. ri, he d,idn't lose lE uns tieht monci too reeuJar.'cause'nnni uith'nanev. Oh l*l was? Woo.'brother. vEah. He'd. drink a lot, bw thing ab6ut i.t, h6"d

S(hI HOTJSE: IbcerDer, 1966.


anDther u)cty. you knDw. LonE to hln^ sDent ,t and buy ut6at'he unnted-he'd holil tislit to tlnt rnoneyi He unuldn't euen sioe Bert6 rn money much..,the one he lnd, for dn old lad,t tlot timc.,,the one in Chicdgo...nout she'd,idn't get his noney too mucT He unuldn't euen buy food lnlf the'time'cantse she's the cook. and' he' d uciit on her to corne from the u.kite Tolk' s kitchen and brins him his'food. Tlnt's fhe uny he ate out the whitd folk's kitchen. He didn't spend anythins mLch. Clnrley sure uns clwicy ums nnhing eood. Me ord-hiru that's uhere ue went to plaliis tosether. Nou.'I'd set nid and he'd sei wiid.i.l'tr soenil mind. bw\e inuldn't

a'bowttuit, Wdshe mkins 6lof',? Uh huh Ee

spen[hii. Let's sdy. vou wantedto borrow sixne money ftorn him,-wonld he ever lend yan nutey? Yes...sonethins like a couple of dollars
or sonething. He unulfn't so ouer ilnt.' Too mach. No; Ee's close uithhoncv. Tlw's thc rcason hiin and, his brother couldn't set alone so well,..Son Patton. No. tlwt's the fai.h he dd of him,'cause he's so ilose tpith mbney. He did.i't tucutt to buy thines he really need, ali@ys tr"yins to work oi somebody else.!.you k:nou...'so tfrcviust could,n't set horsei for tlnf accowl. Wlnt kiril

of thinps wonld lrc'eet nrt of otlrer neoole nout Beriln. see.sE'd feed besideStood? WeIE

hirn all the titne, so uthen we'd be'doutri there..'. tohen he'd go to see his dausfuer. u;ell MiIIie. sh.e had, andtler nan then for"a fukband. Clitt Toy? Cliff Toy-rnan. yoi hit it isht on tlc nose. Thbt uns'his iamc...:C7iff Tov. suie uns. Yeah. but Cliff. see Cliff unsit t iehlous of him- vou hnout. he'd tiiirt hin iui;i like hc'unuld trui or shircbodv else he didn'tknout. And lE lnoued Clarlev usbd. to be his old ladv's old nan. see. He hwuid tha and krmred'tlat uns hii dawlxer. but vet and still, he d.idn't act like he ui.s ied.lous'... iust make himuelcone and eoerythiiu...treat him iust as nice...ulole lotta euvs inn't-do tlat. See, if they knout tlnt she-u,|ed to be yow unman, your i]awliter, see, he don't unnt yoi around too rnuch. Bit, Cliff. he did.n't care. y6u knou.t. he treated him iuii'like a brother.-Hon' oftef did

Ctarlev so down tlrcre? WeII. he didn't s.o too resular:, il. rct too reeultr. Well. do you" srbune he lad anv*snecial reasm fa eoins doffi tlpre? Well, ihe 6nliest reason nonl.-.uLei ue uns to*ether, ne and him and Willie, and. ue come to his lnuse,..him and.Bertln's...first, Theu we leaue frorn his lpuse and eo tb lackson to rruike the rec6rds. tlrcn we come 6ack and ue plnyed around the coutry on the Saturday niEht klls, a little better {nn a week, ond. ihen utd eet reaAy to leaoe there. Thenwe come baclt to Eoiles. tlo come back to Lake Canren. and ue utould coinc tlwt far uith us," and then he'd say, " Let's stoo b"/ Cliff Tov's . and then we'd' stop up the:re lihe tfrat alnd spend a little titne, But that's as far as he unuld come u'ith us. ' and then. he'd s.o back to uhere he liued. 'cause lb didnl liue too far {rom them. 5w ue'd keep on to.,. I see.' H6 lived nbar ' t[rcrc? Yeah, he liued near there.lltrereabouts, IAal's uhat I can't call the do yqr kmw? ...the nane of this lil' old place now that unsn't too far from there.Vllten diil Charlev mve

could.n't use it tntil like this time of year (December) and then euerythins...the tree leauei And.thines died, iust like the ireesis nou. Well. it died an"d fnt 'runs t,he sao baclt doun and then tley'd cut the stuff. They realli make sood tea, So them'the kindn neeilles y6u play ihe record with, Thev didn't call it alumi,in, bw it's iust the same think. They called it sornethina di{fereht then, rnt alumiia. I cdn't coII it right-no;i. What would you say rms the

name of this corpanv that vou recorded Icrjl WelI,no rnord t6n the nian'srnnte.,.H.C.
Speirs...Speirs P horn srap h C ompany. T hat' s the uhy they \ad it...Speirs Phorniraph Company... Yeah, ii uns Ill North FarishStrbet in IacEson.

Did yur ever see any of th6e records out on sale. q anv -aSreirs PhonoenDtt Commny recods? VelI. I lnd, c6uple of them-rwielf, You briuettta gorplg? Yeah.Wtrcr(alnuts did'ygu bW t|iern?

therc. ib you know? About when ilid he start to liuin' there,it livinitmwd thde? Clnrley started

gry-special relson fc nwing {6qn ther.e?,

utasn't too lorw. because uhen we went dotan to been doutn there too lone. So, lackson. lv hiln't after ux'nade the record.s for H.C.Speirs, uZ conw bbck lpne. It uns iust ab6ut a littte better tlnn a toeek before Bertlui serds us a telelram tlnt he'd tn*en rlie mawsund, died. ad hnottted by tlnt, hc couldn't a bedn lioin' there too lons.Dill he have

olace. otrril see. tlat wai after he went to Lrrla? Yeah.tlnt's rieht.Alntt lrorplone was he livine dowri there in"this tovm?WeIl,le1's see. It

abow' 28.',,' ale en' 28 atd,' 29. s omeuher e alonz in the neiehborhood of that. I 'couse canl be exact uthen he slarted lioing, there, him and Bertla left from up there toLula, tlnt's uhere he pot hcr 6t.'and lbft and uent doun to this

y(xr have anv idea if Toy's could be alive of Pelt, iln't's whatI can'l beposit-ive Still? 'couse ti41, Patton's dardtter, Chim Lott? Agth-at

Well, Ln a uny, -because, see, hls brother ata tney u.Esn't too 'calf lar lrom thal. I hey rlj{ts lzulng outr on a WII tlen, Dockerv's Pltnntion. olnce ,lcv l,lillie. s6e unsn't lioihs. too far from there either, see. WeIl nout, so he'utas dout in his n-eishilorhbod, 'bou him atd. Willie Broum. thei near srowed' w toeether doun there 6n D6cksry's' TM.t's tlp re\son thev M been plavine ioeetlwr a aood. uthile, vou s ee. T hev uns otd dc qfoinfanc es, alnd so he' s tlnt'-s ulzy ?ettins in his'neis,hborhooil, see, and 'Cause his bfother ?-iiifr.. nnied bdck doum ihere, ard,'then thev lived doun there, ard Millie liued, d she's iloum llrere. Woula.i itt"l'", Chirn Lou.'the

you know, bw they call it sornethine else (tt tlat tine. Yeal4, tl-ot'-s the uny Wlnt ute ca! it nka, it 4ns alwlira. thev uns. Thev dif,n't last too lons, so tlwt's thc reoson he'went ow of'business, Yeah. th&'d play, but tley 'cause'euet.y tikc unuldn't lasi too lons. vou plav 6ne dan. navbe tfuee. foii davs, or sonbthine, artd thiev'd gd itll..ilryarirc,'chd the"j inul.dn't lnldlip, see, dnd tlwt's uhy he lnd to so out of business,What sonts 'last one...let's see did -yan b-w from hfuil? T[e aid Clnrley andWillie, ux nadn one tosether and ux uh...ue call,ld it...l Had,'A Dream Last Nieht Troubled Me...but it lauas Chistian, We nade it ai a sons. And tte uere playins like tlnt we uns sanctifieil. see.'cause hb uhraZd sone sanctified sonss. AnA me and,Clnrley ardWillie. rart a oneb{' us.-uasn't sanctified. brrt'ue's makins oui likc it. voi knou. to nmkb thi record, Clwrlevl, le snrted tlu.t lsines a little )..,tlnt's the uny ute s6iw it. So on 'reco"rd,. oeoole' didn't knout ro better, TlEv fiewed ue's iliee'sanctified s!a.vs.We u.asn't na'tutis but oI' uhiskey drinhers dtd blrcs players. Sql. did vqt ever iee tlnt rcord ffi Sale? No,I neuer -see'd tnbody else uith rurry a one, No, sure did.n't. Ba I nnilef, him a letter atd tuld him to serd me a counle of thetu ktt other people, I teDer say sant iobof,v else'uith one. llo* niuch tinp ifter

iecinds you sot ftom him. were tlpy the aliminun ones c the rEeutar black ones?Noi tley uns alwnina,

Jent d,own there to lackson and, sot then lron htrL Bw nap other people. didn't sed no othei folks lnue 'cause thern vbu |ee. they didn't last IonL. And, he uent of bi,siness'utit{it. Yeah. it didi't Last tno Ions. 'cau'se you hafta use them sa'ssafrax needles, ard, peo\le d.idn'i utantio be u.nnied withilnt stuff.Tlrc

it' xbeen a long tine sihce l'ue Qeen-doun -there. I don't how I 6ouldn't sav uhether they still liuin' or uhether thev ded. lltat was tlre age of

vou mcan? Oh. Chitw Lou, sl:r-unsn't tlat ott.. . sav she uns afout 2,0, sopething coi:i...|'d tiitt'liii like tlnt. She unsn't huch more old,eltlon tlnt. tb. No, no, she unsn'tlJonied, Was slp nalried? Tlat's the reason I uent to liking her. )he unsn't you? like she She act muried. How'd she like did. Yeoh, kl I had so nany back up there around. bock "nd, pl.aces,I 6oukln't'bdlg'em L"i"-Ciioi utith me, bw I'd tblk.trash^and;make.l's so cruzy , 'bout'em atd euerything. 6yl' I unsn't crazy enoug,n 'em to uant to bnng them bac!' -capse tu,d about .I too nanv up thcre uniting for rne. Who,t &bollt Lou? China for C.lnrlei. -y;"h,-6; did he knorv vdu went knotoed it, yeah., Ile ta-l.k-in ryy faoor.atd eoertthins to her. I itnuldn't tell her I'uhwed to tell ler I unnted to get ryarrLed to I'er bii"& her'b"k, or rithing,-'cause I lnd loo.tany a[ready.,Eugn,tlte tmx, we hadn't got nwnled yet, out sonp one I sot I t&s iunpihs. tle broornstick uith lter just the -satne. Ve diiln'i eel married' wttil 1934, Euie, bu!-.beJorc thcn I didn- t unnt to s,et nntried ,oo t@st.-t@s- miried EvieJ C'trCrlev stitt amunilwhenvou '32, and nwnied Eut'e No. seC. Clnrlev he died in --. !

vou.went i';'i4.nstiwefo iGt saving abqrttly-hen dovm to Jacksm to ntake reconF. tlow llrrqn tfunedid vtrr sperd down in J-acl6m trl that txip?-l'Il-say aboutaro d"yf . Y" uerc tlere abow
tuo davs ond thenue cone oaclt to t-ilrrley s... -

l-r"". Aborfr how nnny records did fn^i"7-piiioi;" it uns. did.ydr rg$e down there? Tlvee' I tl9i.n$ "qlwostrick" .
...ttvee. t nev u)cls on o sontcthing like wlnt he Ind,...called it, uns nwde outtn alwniruan , 'co,use vou olay tlem nfih a sassatlvch uooden needle? Yeah, thbv ca-lled -them ;;.dt;!C:[ii6 sassafrack. We u'sed to Rather tlnt stull qn4 nakeYi:la!4 Sassafrax. t"iGii-ti. "ood t"o. Siilsafrass? Tlnt's ufut"ute called it. We'd go out, but vou

Yeah.I mailed to H.C. Soeirsto rush me a cow. It unsn't too lons.then, Clnrley died. I don'i knout uhetltcr lE eot afw of the recoils or not. Bertln neuer did sriv. Did C'harle.y knqr how to read and Unite? No,'he couJd.n'trebd ard wilte. Him andWillie Brout, rnry a one, they could,n't read, and, utrite. fu. yql were the only otie? 1 uns tlrc only one. Nary'a one of tlrcm couldi't red a.nd urite.Vlhfut were sdrrc of tlt6 otber titles tlnt von did down there?...tlnt yqr Charley or willie or the ttnee of von did" besides that sone -f I Had A Dream rast Nidrt Tnodled llle"? eoh. I can't thinh of none-it's a lot of little foolish sonss,,,Clurlev. he'd try to nmltea recoid,out df anvthine.-vouknout.''cause h6'd looe to cloun,.." Yeah'fubyt' ftmitates Pattoil,..and. a lottn kinda fitnnv stuff lihe t)lnt. We'd let hiin do oll that wrt. Olt, hO mide dbnp blues down there? Oh yeah,'yeal4 he nade blues, ard so, tlnt songu.,os the one'they iuned us to plnl like ute ueie sanctifilgd. I renrcmber thbt one, bw all tfot other foolish stuff. I don't hrout ulnt all Clnrlie mmeil. He'd rnrne [fti record anythine.,,you hwut, to a)ny uith it. Vllnl about Vut. did-vou rnlre anV recods dorvn tlpre? Yeali. ui playid tosetler.-No. I nrean iust you yquself? No.'not ' iust -No, No, he didn't Wnryself. Wltat abouf Willie? eitfulr. We's iust tpith Clnrley see,'and'letClnrley do all the led.iie ard sinsinl tlie sonss,and,we'd itht conanent alonEuith hiri. He'd tak; all ilem old'foolish songsard thi-nss..,soileof thetnuould sound alliisht ...s-ome of thefr lnd a mednineto thern,.sonrcdidn-t. Tlmt's tfre unv he olwed. I{6'd iust say o;nythins.the first thins he 6oull think of..." Heh babi" ftminTbs ?qt!gn)'-Au sho".,.anl all ilnt old kind of funny stuff. Well Son. I was wmderins if you ever Sdid 6nv-' Olins 0o him about it-fiaf he-used to clovm so nucfi-von or Willie? Oh veah, ue often da tlnt and tell hii too. Sav " Cltarlei. voi outtit stoo so much tlnt ol'' foolishircssin' arbuid." (imintei Pattontr"OhMai all I unu to do is set Daid for it. Wlnt's the so differenie?" I'd say "Yeah,"bu'it jrht sowtd,s

yur Lecqiled did you get the copy of.thc Did-Ctarlev - lnve anv a ras he dead bv tfiat tirc? No.he d,iiln'tlnue none.but Clnrlqv. he lnd,n'tdied. ilren.So, he heardtfu rccords?-



the it," Patton-"Whot's and a lot of iunh to "OK ilutt's your little nnn?" ['d say erence. him? unson'."He didn't mind if you criticized n, me and himue played tosetlrcr before rdvillie did. Me dnd'Charldv did. AL LuIa. s tle first place that n e and him iust plny|d '. Bu.t'the6thzr, the firit time that

'. hisrame, it's beens-olone.,Xou mean Art yeah,.WelI,.he's on hlt "4y tlvough bly? Ye.ah,
e. and these lour boys thnt mode the prcce about seen four anl 20 elders on th,eir knee's...that uas

Mosely. Tlnt's the fow sws, and. they nn(?), u=nd in sinsirw. They didn't fuiueni irusic. Thev eo6d 6ine theirsbzi Were'they relatives at all of rother? No,they unsn'i..,iust ordirnry friend.s. ev ws famous tuith him. So uell. this eiv. he

o:ola"yins. the know, the pidce what they uns ,,bldvin-e Inst'nisht (Louise lohnsoi on Paramotni).'. 'LoirisE. So ue"picked her up.Ylbere did you pick her up at...ihat this nnn?...Youknout .tfr? Wepicked'her hinnolYou rpan Joe Kirbv's? Kirbv,..loe Kirbv. pickedher up there, Sheins playinA foy.[iny A,'rmstrong, We did vtu happed ardwe sot her io comca/rh us,Novtiho=w to nic[ler u;l?. .W.ho lold yott?. Willie^Broun, See, he

unted, Llnrley to cotnc Dacft and recotd sotne ann Clnrlev told htm about me, Me and him uns playine tosethbr. So he told Charlev theu he unrged mi to'cone wiih hin in the next recordinss, And so, he left $100. pay Whieler wneeler f Ford and lood, of cisare ttes and. Tlnttuns uns lor for ctgarettes lood, and Ny 'cause he'lnd he'lnd the carl carl And h.e hc uent uent :tle so'nrcthihe.'cause so'nrcthihg, alittle after lit then'fore we So. it ums abut three days Ahd this Grafton. Ahd wliat uns uns ructyto to Grafton. tfris eirl on'out uLay tout on'our eirl wliat

Texa5?Itou called his rnme, M laib-ll? Yeah... He wapgou.ig throudl fo fexap... Yeah, and so he

Tlnt's the'uny that uns,V[haLwas' the bize of the hotel? On. it ilms uLn srories. Wefud the upstairs. How lar rias it fron tlp stttdio? Qh-,-ab-qit...l'll say it unsn't quite a mile. Sittin' on a IiI' ol' riuer run by thcre. It lbd beenan old time factory of somekind.

her before Clnrley did, Charley, then he sot in uith her for his'eirlfriend.'And after ue" left Mempfii , len4essee, bn ow ini to Grafton, ie stopped anothbr little place iust nortt of Membhis. and uxibowht some liquoi. And \vl and hini. u.tedll diinkin'...excdpt Wheeler'Ford, he didn't drink rnne, And so they geis r,n a argunrcntlwr and Clnrlev in the car' 56 sle sets out-of the front seat ard bome in the back tuhdre I uos,' Tlnt's 'u.,hen it went to lnppen. and I a snortin' ' She' d take one. kept on iidiniz alons,i Charlev, h^e's nnd. cotwnence to He's sitiinp'in the froit' Ride alone..'.I"l really kinda leaninz oue"r nlkind trash to her, I iav So like vdu eal." Arufue take another bik stnlLoi. whei we"eot to Grafton, Charlev didn-t knout tlnt I M done"nnde her,'sei. So thiy lnue a little hotel tlere in Grafton. ihere the recdrders stay at. And ue's all oui geiting thc grips gnd' euery,thing, the nan cotne ouer uhat attend, to the place qMI_grolng robms. So I Zomeeuerbodv their kevs to th.e different "the nni done been un. and'thcv'se ielline me E6w "tuhere did he I said ihe keys." us all iElre ond si:uen keyi' and s,o Loujse he ain't giue me'no so.'causZ "l "No ii:u "Y"" he did." f sav "Oh, he didn't." Sav sot oh, that's it then.'rui and vour kev." I sav Clnrlev take i;i;i;t'; the'unv ii fiappenbd.flow did it prettv sood aftei he it at Ont tinrc? WelI, hb'took 'cause he krioiled slb found out ulnt heopeied. ihoushraith hiru'iee. So he didn't seem like he s,ot nnd me oi nothins. Me and. her staved tose ther in our little room- So Cffirley and WiIIie ahd thii other boy,.. Wheeler F(rd? Lemon. Lemon tefferson. Like in this'room. Clnrlev in the next one,'Willie in the next one. Then me the street. street. had the that's facins. and,L6uise. and L6uise. ute ue had the one one tlat's facins. the

Well.who'Rnew her first? vouhave anv i(b6? Enouted Wlrich of tlp two? VeII, I thinhVillie Broum

htnued her. I dldn't. lle knowed her. Jo t@t's the cause but it's suoposed to haoe been Charlev Patton's s.irlfriend.

old Buick.Did y'all have yorr inshnbnts with you? Yealu yeah, we lnd all them arjli zs.What kind of rruitar diil Willie play? I1e played a Stella. and I lwl a Stella. Clwrlev hbd a StbllL.Clarley lbd a fetty fancy euitar. ilidn't be? Yeah. yedh. his'n uns a little more fancy tlnn me and Wi[lie's. ffirat was francy alonlft it?'Well, you take the heod-snll. the neck of it, ums nade a'Iittle differenl. you kruni-,. It lnd. littfe fancycoils in it and IiEe tlwi.'Tlnt's thc onliest thin! thai's different about it. Where did he qet,htp gur-tar, do ygu knoril? No, no, I
don t know exactly uhere lE got Lt, to be exnct, Bw ue ordered ours, Me andWillie. u.teordered oars. lVhere did .you uder them fron? (hdered them from Chicas,d Where did you set the idea to order them? ?v lookin' in,.lwe tbed b eet these ,..catalo&s, utlnt iue call it at tlnt time, ca.ialogs. . Atn LooftLng tn the catal,oetnen.,.we saw them.n the in the catalos,. Thev hav6 rcords in those

Bw they got it and you krwu. nnde a out of it. Bw it isdd to be sdrne kind itf old time factorv.Wlwt kind of car did you come ub in? Yeah. it uhs an

cataloes? l*eah.TIg,t wasn't Sears Roebuck. or anythine like that? Wait a it uns;'t Searsaid. Roebuck, Montgornery Watd'l That's lt. I kneutit wasn't Searsaril, Roebuck. Monteomert Ward. They didn't cost machat tlnt timc.Vllat fias WilIie
he had then, because me and him, we hadi't started to playins. toeether. But I doi't krout uiwt kind hc had before'tEn. fuv mdt uurld a $ella d' hcrn ItffiscllriY $Ad? Ofr, mine cost eleuen dollnrs and so didWillie's, Back at that time. But eee, I bet you couldn't get one nax for tlat. I ain'isdw one kvself in a longiime. Ain't'seed a Stella t'or a long tinic.

he,sgttlrg thine Fq4 Moptgqmerv PpJ.ip+.bpfore WA,m'lweIL nou, I don't knou uhat kinda suitar



I 0[|ilnl

Box863 California fJerkeley,

! OUT IN SEPTEMBER OJL-I1*RUGGED PIANO; featuring-Blythe Brown, Henry"Brown, Burton,Henry & Burton, N'elson,'Cripple RomeoN'elson.'Cripple Romeo ClcrenceLofton, Je'sse James,Btytip & Clcnh, "Fats" Fr:ih'Melrose. M Hudson& Buddy BLtrton, and others-$4.98 OJL_I6_HAGUUU PIANO: featuting--C.lor' & errceJon'es,-L|Lythe ence Jones,-Blythe Fry4l N\elrose, Clark, Qlark, FronhN4elrose, SidneyWillians. Snilh & yuine, BlindLe.roy Will Ezell, Heru Gcanett, Dtterson'. ond others-$4.98


GayleDeanWudlow. 1967, Reserued. Rights

s is s fppr.'The J achson,iVlis Eill, skiruv elderly nnn sat on a shaight ctnir under a rmgnolia tree in hi:s fmnt yard. He leanedback and said: Aes, I'rn Le deI I J ohnson...and Tonuny Johnson ux$ nry brother." Seconds later, I beganasking Ledell lohnson. of.the b:rother one of dountrvblubs' most famous Tonnny[ohnson's sinsers.aboud life"andmusic. "lom" he tms fow yeus yotrnger thmt me. I uns bqn in igZ. so Tom nalsthaue been born'in 1896. (Other sources list lohnson's birthdateas


"Now, Tom, he tpas tle seuenthchild out of 13. First there uns Peuly, thenVbla, George,Jim" Idn, t edell fuyself ), qnd then Tom-" Tommylohnson's father was a slaie. Ledell remernbers that "Daddy uns born a Stratton in Atlunta,-Geosia, and he uns sold to a familyTnCopiqhCow.rty, Mississippi. where we utereall bom. He'uis sold to sone Johnsons-sotlnt's ltow nE got ottr nfnes." The father, Idell lohnson (Stratton). marriedMarv Dla Wilson, who was also 6 native of Gpiah County. Ledell's fathei died in 1924in Gystal Springs. Conceming Tommy'searly childhood,L"edell rdnarked,' "I leuned Tommyhaut to play the guitu first. I leamed myself from untching nry wrcle play. I leuned Tonurwthe 'guiiu long fufue heian utay from lwme." WhenI asked Ldell when Tommylohnson ran awav from his fath6r's farm near Gvstal Springs,he said, 'lormrry just wnen he urts up awl ran cg.Nw 12 years old u);th this older woinan. "Tom, he had,been working Lwfield Redrmnn doum for N4r. at Terry, and because he uns so gd a worher, lth. Redtnann gaue him a harse and bqgy to cury home. W brother gwe the horse and btqgy to ow nnther, and it wasn't tuo upehs Iqtgr tlgt Tom t4 and left with this older wornn to go ip in the Delta. "She come wtd got Tomnry uhere she liued, fromTerry, 'and they iinh off and went up near RollinxFork. Shecould haue wssel fu his grandmother. She hsd a datqhter herself qs old as Tom u-ns."


T OIfiIfiY.o

*,ARDL',, GAYLE o By

Rev. I-edell Johnson-Tuurry Johnson's older hother.



Ledell thinks that the real reason the wornanstole Tonrny lohnson away from homewis that Tomrn'v could play the zuitar well enoueh to inaliennnlv. and she wou"ld set the tnoti6v. He remembers that the uom'an'snamewas Moore. When I asked Ledell what year this was. he replied that it was 1914. ttris is confusing: Ledell declares that Tommy Iohnsonwas only 12 whenhe Ieft home.Yet, Ledell, who also places the date as 19[4, said,'"Tomtry, he ru"rsedf u ne af.terI got nwried in Nouember,1912, and that was beforehe ran wny."ln I9l4 Tommylohnson would have been l8l
I o

In Decernber of 1918 (Ledell rernernbers that the war in Europe had beenover one month) Ledell left Drewand retumedto Crystal Tommry Johnson staved up in the Drewarealor a ldngerperiodof time, thei cdmeback to Crvstal Springs. Then he weritto sbuth-Mississippi and

Whowas tllaggie CamPbell?

When Mascle's father Tommvstaved up in the camelmkiti for her, Tom Rollins Fork'areaittd in th" and Ledell liid her. so that Delta lor abouttwo years. Then. he retumedto the she could not be located. was only 14 at that l\.4"ggt" Iohnson's farm iust west of Terrv. which is L small town ume and a very attractlve young woman. closL'to Crystal Springs.Ile then retum6dto th'e Delta for a short while. livins at In the fq.ll of 1916,Ledell Bovle, which is in Sunllower lohnson and his wife Mary' Coirntv. lnd Tommvlohnsonand his wife Massiel all movedto the ln 1916.Tommvcameback Tom San?er plantation at Drew, to Terry aeain and married anothersmall Delta cotton (Gmpbell Mascie'Hwell ) town in SunflowerCounty. frofr-Terrv. [,edell arid Tom ,,stole,' lfiaesieaway from "While u)e u)ere uP there' her father an"if took hbr to Cry- Tom started plaving music stal SorinsswhereTommy withWill (Willid) Broun and Mlggre in Ledell''s Dich Banhs." said Ledell. house.

"Tomttty. he pltyed more thart I did tliiwh,'bui I tlols playine a lot in thase iuhe houses q fu putbs in ihose dsys." WhenI askedLedell if he ever heardof anyonenamed Patton, playine broundDrew, he said.'"TIwl ew nnmed in tlwre Chmlei Putton-ctirne at tirwis qnd we played togetIter. I sut Towrw otd Putton olav toeethermoiv times. We'uUEot toget\lr and played lor lrhes or lor cnnces aruI Wties." Deepin thought, he continued. "I di.dn't see him much,'butdll three of them suvs (Patton. Bqnks, and Eiqtil rmre'sinqing thot song about'Hitch up nuy wny ad saddle W ryy grey mare,I'm gown luw ttty fubv od in tlrc world soiewhere'." that Ledell rernembers Brown and Patton were about the samease, althoughPatton was mavbe-alittle ol"der. 'Will, he uns rnnnied to Josie Broum..." 's lust then,Ledell wife, Marv.added."Youhrww bth of thei played the suitw. Josie, thnt's Will's wife, was from Crystal Sgings." I asked Marv if Will childand"She losie had'anv sid, "No, not ren. as fu as I renemfur."

Ledell saw Tornmy at various times in thsrpxt few years in different. placbs. Sometimes thetwo brothers, along with a vounserbrother.Maier. uDtowr ih Crvstd blave"a Sptinss in the mid 1920's iri froirtof Thaxton's drug store. other blues singers of that period. had 6untless wohen. that Ledell rernembers Tonrnv had so manvwives that Ledell could liardlv count or keep up with them. "Tonatty he neuer Iwpt rn u.mun uery lug. He lwd one for a while and then just up wd.left her when he hud a rwtbn. He stayed on tle nmte all tlui thre, mouingfrom one town to utotlw." l4henI asked him more about the famed Masne Campbell' Ledell liehitly and said, lau-ghed "YZs, I re"ra;ter tvbggie. Her and Tommyfought aII tle tine. Thev wanld mahe up md thei start right.birck fightin ad argwnS,agam. "One night up there in the Deltu where thev umreliuinp. Tom od Vlaeeiegol'in a tud fiehr with snautall ouer tle ercund, knee deep. She itqrted hitting Timmy with rnts and puts, and finallv bit hini on the eu. Tomw, he got up a nnuin' and run rieht out the front dmr-in his wderuseu into the snan with her risht behindhim clnsing him- Both of then utere buefmted. A few minties

a .K

Rev. I-edell Johnsor-'75 years old.

,, I luhed oter there tley uryreqnlktng in am fuch to the alreodynnde up." :olmson had so manv es that it took Le& quitea few minutes their names. ninernber "IIe lnd this wormnt Arfusos-I don't her nme-fq . Tlen there was unwyt rurilEd wtd thenVlla i aunwn rungd

E a a n fX

I askedLedell if the last song Tommysang that nig6't at thei parti mieht have beenBis' Rood Blues. He said, "I'dan't bnw wlnt it uns. but Ie swe t@h,ilnr'last trip daun the Bie Rud by hinself tlnt iight." This year, Ledell lohnson has tumed 75. How would you describe him?-As a gertlernan wlro lives a Chrisdan life, is still active, preaches nilren the opportunity lrises, and has a kebh menr

wlnl thinkuns

: and wowm

losther mird, t,
abtt Rasie?"

Rev. Johnsm holds Victor record nnde by his younger hother,Tomy.

"I renembr tlwt none, tI ibr't renenibr lqprcd to lw. '"Ian futaut, Tomonce Mneto gotuithhin
Neh'asha, to

sonerecords with didback wkll neuer hiniw mhis recuds. lbthinnnhe thenbv lfuwlf . (L"edell I ohn-son refened to Gafton. often
as Omaha.) "Tomtny,he said

TMIv stowdnnkine tufrils fuL'iruse he sold sonrcl4 il t/f,slnid for hinta mhe aw records. TWboy umrtd*t*
rwL cqated

stf,tpdihnk so bod and

b,nhe ullhisriehrs,

lun. shre nolish.moonshhb,Sr,l;-arrythina tlwf hodalcoholin it."

Torrnv lohnson uould dnavs snind a lot of tinre talkiirg Gfore he sot around to phyigg songs. [.&ell. recausone numwlng -s rftcident when Tonrnv "busteil rq" Sutg wqs lor lust that reason. "Tomq/, le uns sittirydo.mat this stre, Etd, this fuhite mnmre almg and askedhinto play sure

piecefo hirn Tan, le just sat therefq a few mirunes md hept sayingyes; bd le neuerunuld sta.t tle sotr&.Nter aultib tle nwt toldTomto giue him the gaitu ord he unuld 'Dlayit himself. "VVell, Tomlwndd hintlre Erito srd tald hin to go ohead-'l wutrwhm you'. '"tlVell, le nnde tlwt whitemottrud,ondhe iust took tle Euitu mtd hit Ton rieht-ontlre headwith it ud hept tryiw to hil hinwiih it tsrtil Tomgd up md rancu)cw fromhim. Bustediiat euito all to pieces. "fu thereu)euEre, with rn guitu, andun unre stppsed_to plpy a wttt datmtlere in $tlh'Jachson- Wehd to go bnaa a guitv fromsoneoneto nlan 'the ryty tl,nt niiltt.t' Tonrnylohnsonhad little' reisiecl' for musical instruments. Ledell recalls "...u.nsn't rnthin) fu him to beok or teu rry a $50or $60euitu u)hen he gotnad aI a wonnn." lThen I askedLedell if he knewhowTornmv he told methat' died, "Tomues nqt dnr a nvydat4hter's llouse,

EIla Lee Hompton. nlay" ine fq a wti. Bben drh*irW ctl nieht md, wlen Ie finisled this Inst sow otd the wtv broheup-,nryil@ghter uenl hto tle kitclnn. *Sle lcud ffimeone grceF qn on!|rycouch,
m8 @Adyulg.


"Tun le was alreadv emfuhndbefqe he died. He &otk so mtrch of that $lo that it ate his' ircides w. Onepint of tlut stdf nahesa eallon of whislisy. Ttwt'i what hilled him"drinkirw tlnt hittdof stuff." Solois a paint remover that hasa high alcohol

Today, l,edell lohnson sits in ihe shade"under the trees at his home at 15Z) Barrett &reet in lackson. He rerninisces a$but events that took place a half-century or nxrre ago{row frasile menprieslhat rlay G lnped clean by a caoricious flow of timeihat drifts down the unending tlig Road of life. fulitq's Note: Thcinfor-

lact tbt- Ledell Joluson used tun dtllerent tnnes nde it Qlfficutt po trgck him doun. Ile uns lound in time tn be interuiebed for tle first isste of 78 Qwrter1y,

nation tlmt Tonarry Iohison, s older brotler uos'still liuing in tacksgry ilfdss., aras


ilrr D$&'t lJrr:lcr*r+lll !. iti,i,r,J 1rirr'rr, (.,.t r,,l{x

11., i.

! '



with (,r,,r

'fasl,.r.u,., J:rin That Band i,, / .l'i.rl/,\ut 8t :llattii F..r.riicr,: 1 .,,. Jonah in the Belly of the \trihal* l{':.'. 1..\l'. l\!, i ,, li'#i i/r* "!rrr'p* fic:. .ir. lt . .il, r,, JT}NEs ANT} COLLINS ASTORIA rt0l" r- l{; I I lsr'rra xtru!
fluet }itrrrnl Tomtny J*hnwn

flrq !;rt l\,lrrrtrrr lllur., lilr11ld.rod lllrr" llyt l:1ye llls.,. i utrrcd [{rat lllor.. t'rNrl lJrrrrk .,i ".1 ,:r*' Slaggre { arrrli*ll llNrr-



x RN


J{INES AND JON[S--Comt,cii;r n,

{ lir:ctr, rnd { atear l _i r e r * a o d { . u * r s r l. J i 4

ffiVif*ffiJHft?Fd inorc


sen{78 to 1Plerye

78 Qtnrterty, Yolum One, No. 2:


(sdrter Anniaersary Issue)


Rrmt &

ItF trvltc youto @nflru" rtadinglsfue [b. 2 of drr m*!y roh.rnc

copyrfShro $@\tgg4 7tt ercrfy,bc-

Letters of uaise overwhelm 7S-QuarOerly otnces in Booklyn!



snw. Don Kdnt. Berititd Kt4tzk6. ]oln llacKenzie. PeteKaufnnn, Nick Perls,Idcqrcs Rochi.Bob Groom. Dwrcai Schiedt. IacobS. Schncider. RobertTrauis. Henit Vestirle. Fmncis SnitL Gayle Wardlout. PeteWeldins,Bert Vhyatt.

' Ejrct,o"#:,2n Godrich,Doue Jyd-

rence Coln. Fmnk

'78'-You obuiously hmte _Deq t-le mostcreativeuuitywis otd layoutnen in the busirless.And you qe leagues fg otrg fwky rnauld Wora yow closest comretitortlwqh whetlerft's Storyvilleor $glphGiwbLrgIcan't ia.yfo swe. Yowcontribtiorswe excellantutd unll-infuned to a nan, tlwughN4r. Rrclp's wolixity seeis to ilrcrease in direct wowrtion to tle cnditv o-ftle -lyrics'lp errcowters.Stil7, ' the ercellent ercellent resewchmd fiomthb from

l?Pgtx^{y!.^Ygay,!:IP"t"!! right apstosy of lh. CoIn,'781 ur.ols

qnleqtainuqfrorncwer to'couer. mtertainirq to couer. Tle Ioblrewoihrctims aloneslnuld piue yggyniehrnwes rrcst nns t rdqs redder s.f nigltrywe s uETl utell fyeey into tle coning Ciason-Richard Sottsunod, &iitor. BLUEGRASS LJNLINfITED

Vaher de Block, Zes.ersdreef. 118, BrtssclwtBelgium CANADA: Cda Publication^s P.O. Bu 87. Station t. Toronn 6. Ontaio, Carda. 78 QUARTERLY is published by 78 Publishiw Cokwnv. " 39 RemseiSneh. Brooklvn N.Y.

Deu Sirs-Yow nwgazine which prryts to @uerthe blws utd iazz field, couersneither. It dres c6uer tlv field of wetentiousness wetty thoroWhli liaoeuer. lt confirmsionethingwhichl'ue ahtnyssuspected: aspirmts to tle businessof musical popganda nahe fud, out-of-tune rcises with typtuiters. Tlw lnue rn busilpss d,ipirineto tlg nusic busircss. A unrdio you ineptguitu imitatus, fwnblingpiun pwhs, otd hsmanicawoslwuls:leqn ot lnnest trade-1.Y.fruires, Paxton, Maine

Volurp (lrc, No.2

o' t8ffit#',lp -nefus ConFrUrlJl

Corpnsored bv Ocigin lan Uliary


reserued.. All pilnted nnterial is coiywis,fued to protect each'atilor atd carmot be reoroduced eitler in ilnle or wt uitlww the auiln/s consent.

Sris-As a recipient of yow nniling piece eniitled NO SD( OUTRAGE"..ln fact you may be dyine or seriously ill, I unilld lihc y:ouYowderstuA bw disappinted I am- You, fu exmnple, coul.drnt hrnw tlnt I haue ben lwspitslized with spinnl neningitis (since the aee of eight). Youenjoy the *neftts of sod lealth...but I to lnue nry face rubfud dun't IiI?e' in it. Reswnsible dults don't' really need.the caltous, sopllanwic 'lwnfr of a cleap'mryazirw parr derer hour wice of s1.50 or $1.65 or whirteuerisn't cheap thous.h-it's exvensiue). This is the ;aior reason why I lnve rnt reswnded with w check of S1.5rJ u $1.65. Hounuer, I will agree to sepuste nN wrsonal lumiliqtioh from the iield of iozz otd : blues-sub iect to these cand.itiorrc 0) You serd st once a cow of yow first issue with tle undeh standing tlnt I con Qcceqt or reject it. (2) You will rct bill ne until ,voureceiue rw decisbn on whethbr to heep the magazine. You mny wish to tahe the opportwity of .saluqeinesolneof ilw damngedone w yow orocnweond sqluaging yottr oun cottscience. Tlw decision is yorrs to mohe. Jim Colaczek, Upper Darby, Pa. Deu Sirs-As an ex-stdf nember (1941of The RecordChanger. 1957 ), I resent yow-winting PtrDuted letters with sbh sl@nsos r'I'tnh out a tlvee-ybu shbscriY lnuen't hesd tion in 1957...and wwthinl" snd, a.sain,in a wfauorqble |rch tmfauoro stw, srrch fe6tr.restw, 'digs "tlte demise of Th" as "tle diesas RJcord Chanssl" and"tle fail' uitions to neet their its m^dtions"to_meet,their we we of its

Gentlemen-As a subscrifur to votr "nngazine" I am awlled W ihe irrcredanb hch of edtorial diec' tion std, proofreoding,on the first issue. For yotn infonntion' I csme tn with thii interesting tallY: ' 28 misspelines,15 mistales in ptnrcturii.on, 1 3 typeqaphicql enos, 5 lines of tvpe rnissplqcecl'orttl 14 historicAl and otlwr inaccwacvs. Consideringthe elabuate tifr1tt: prod.rcioiyou ue fustering here, you at least o-Whtto giue to s,iuea cwsorY glonce at whnts' pri:ntedizside-Amold Blair, Hac' kensac,New Jersey Deu Sirs-I unuld lihe to direct this letter to You ond Yotr swe to reders: Whyso rrurch mnical rnncntities ? ( i.e., Chulie Patton, King Solomon Hilt. Tomnu Jiimson, Chmlq Jordbt, etC., etc.) Whotu wln is ttv sowcb of Yotq -statistical iifqrmtion oni&e blues ud idzz 7gs? Wbosis Yow woof- . @t utustnl render? He is iloing "I-Paul Digglio' iob ( uell4ane! Des Moins.Iowa

bi.ds."After all, I miniiarm will last iloubtif 78 Ouarterlv L6' out tfui yeu, Iet alone.a yeu sDan utd tun nalor uxts -Frank Richardson, [.os Altos, C,alifomia.

Sir-Yow Chnlie Patton olntosraphilepictine a leut orsonwfih STP,crrcdile, utd efusinA cvclobsis extrerelY B.F.-Badforru old boY,tlnt' s theonlv unrd iu it-Iohn HarSims,Fsq., llarrow, rington Enfland. Sirs-As a Procticing Deon psychiutristI f!nd.Yow tlugozine faicirwtingwtd extremelY . bizwre. Mostof Yowreaders, if it uere pointedout to thern" i:outdimnbdiatelyswt tle inr pliedsexwlitv df sirchuiswl as recud lnbls kircw obiects duh)-Elane Petersen, la; and, Kansas. M.D..Moline,

l L

Iww in thefoct ttiat I ruew g!9 glotles. I da rnt find

fwaty. I do not wiih to

Erlitq-People wha fuess sry ! &_esg ftnny. They

'Paul Hillarv. " San Califomia.

Boys-l thinkyow nnAazineis yguy o.K. I lihe tle piotos tn. I lwn sorrctrotfile uiderstandirutle lrg urds uq tle snmll tyw. Bit, altWs keepus gtessine. I esoecially _likayow feawe m hesident (l'm sr,re Lydm B. Johnson le's tlc oneyou uare tuitine abott). Wlntnuld hauegesseld tlnt Ie is Wt Wly a le@inecollecW of T8 s Ai'l'exas bhrcssingersas uell? t qree, t_E ts a greatAnericonmd ts swe doinga firc iob for his



lrrcludedin this LP is a fuqttifut regqdtrctiutof a 1930 Pqorcnnt catalogue a.tpplement with nlwtoqq4q ofBlind Lemon Jefferson, Clyulie Patton, Elzadie liibinsoh. B.litd-Blahe,George Honah, od' NorfolkJubilee{ttntet This aptge suppl.enent nntains over40 Pswuml recuds eiuin{ record


Wlkr'6tt%/d9ffi.'r postage piicand lqtcn-tncludes

EECORIF, 266b Vineville Avenue, llhcm, Ceorgia 31204,U.S.A.

xrng. sourHEmr PnEsnvhTtoN

:::.;Li;; "_ROBERT {4ELTON, NeutYorkTimes

" Be lzona-Y az oo llo,s Plnn' tled.a reissttc serles un'cn promises to riwl iJ na.t,

" Mus icallY ard hig tori.collY tlrcse oreTiw ol the Jnest I P< of thb, bhns eoer

INC. YAZOORECORDS 390fust 8th Street NewYork, NewYork10A09

"#e,%rffafi|f*"'ldzz MonthIY
".../us reallY nken the,,

:tr6tr{ffi6rt,%f,f{ Worl.d

MIS$S$PPI BLUES, 192?-1941,L-1001-

!"!""i'f":rtfu ft!"ft.'fl *^ ff ff!,, J :::oi; i!,:: f *';zi lvlottie Delaney, tohn

Bvrd. Bobb"vCrart,5on

THE BLUES OF ATABAMA.1927-193r, L-IOffi- FEATUR]NC: CIiffordGibs on. Edunrd on, I ay'Bird'Colermn, Thiimns Rec6rdsInc.. 390 East 8th St.. New Yort, N.Y. 10009

Wr,k!'#n:,n!E'ifr""r. Bare footBill-$4. 95-Yaz@

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Yorrr' ffilrts#'New

Inc., 390



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ING: HenrY Swqa4&. Hi. Henrv , Henrv TotiLns-end, Brodn, CIqrIeY-J ordnn, t ed'' dv DarbY. tim Jacltson' Joe

-$6;',#Tffi#ffi'ffi: N.Y.rooG


Bot Htwkins, HenrY I honns, Blilnd Lenotl IeIfelson, Lrttt'e

ij!n, :,i: #: n:ni,i't,Sl'; !i:,!"r:

I$HSJ[,T#PffiE* lohn Hwt, 7EifjnNC, Miss. W hite, ll'btri9W ashinston *!: ?ikX,iul"*"'fr"fr/sf 'rzill rw |lf"';;, f:: "\r,ft mner, B Ii@' Mi" "i! s iip i' Iti
C lwrley P attog, 5 ot1.House*

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'rTdtZ.-Fr0f-C ffi8"'fi."8J"81#H.Frrtt And snptih Hout eTia'\t. n-rnt"r3 Bltn-s,
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::;", il:!l'!w;"1:r'"rf"'"#ft '{Wffi#ttiffi-EaSt Bih st.' NewYorfi' N.Y.1flt09




Written fromreseuched infonnation secwedat Alofuinfl, lvlontgomery, tvluch 1967.

Phoa cowtesy of Cayle Wardlout

ByGayreDeanwardrow Of


woman baid, wtd see lwnes Bell, if you ttnnt to tzrnwabut old funds. He tpos one of tle orieinal members of that frnd you're talking about." Thirty minuteslater, I was knrickingon the dircr of Bell's homel Bell cameto the door and invited me in. He was mediunrsized. brownskinned, and he looked like a fashionable bartender at a country club. I hopedthat I had found my sorirceof information. I went straighr to rhe poinr. 'flVereyou familiu with the Bloch Biids of Puadise, q bald that played here in Montgomery' in ihe 1920's and moderecords for tle " Gervwtt RecordCompony? '.'Fgmiliul Of cowse," said Bell. "l uns orp o'the the orieinnl members of butd. But tfutse uxre 6td days, uny on bach there." Alter morequestions, answers,statdments. Bell got on the phoneand called anotheroriginal member of the band. Tom lverv. who lived about four bl<icksawav. ' He asked lvery if we could comeover and talk to him about the band. So, armedwith an Orisin lazzl.ibrary reissueof The Black Birds of Paradise recordinss( By Waysof Jazz4.JL-9 ),- we itarted for lvery's house.

,|ITC,AI4ERY, ALAA' The old dolored "Go

(located at n"earbv eegee, Alabama)i Montgonrery to sed<

Montgomery. cor ahde sradu:ates IromTuskeegee

1925,whena colored musicians

The BlackBi adisebecame a

Hounrd, trombone alist: furuel But

Oricinallv. there "mernbais eisht in tl TEevwere:Willie' drums; Jwres Bell,

luory Johndon, utba,

Borders, Small,Ha Bell had all attended
eeAee and had playd thd school banil af thr college.

alto and sopranosr Philmore "Sharly" trumDet:Tom luem. lleliin Snrcl/, oiano: Boyd saxophohe (te

Bloch Birds"of

The first nameof t new band was "The Black Birds." "This strch a comrtanntng.t, said lvery, "Thnt un d ilgd to_cltmge it to tlu

Bell added."I dan't rememberwha cune that mne, or wha ue tooh it."

it, but un all lihed i{.

The contract was rnade possible by a Mr. Swett. ' the manag6r of a local music sto-rewherethe grouo bought and servi rts rnstrurnents. contacted Gennett exec* utives in Birmingham, and Both.lvery and Bell seerned the cqrpany sent one ol somewhat aloof for the first lts talent s@uts to neqfew minutesof our conversation. otiate a ontract with Perhaps thev unndered abr.liut Howard. this airthor'3interestin a dance band 40 years in the past. All eight nrembers of the bandwere required to However, after listenins sign the contract. This to various cuts of the ban"d was to prevent the band on the Origin reissue.Ivery from reiordins with other launchedf-ull force into the interested coffipaniesfor answersI had sought. a certain length of time.

tall and slender, .l_very, *i$ ul air -ofleadership and a flair for creative bonversation, was morelike the-stereotype of a university profes.sor thbn a former musrclan.

Copyright 1%8 W GayleWudlow. All rightsreserued.

\\UDDYWATER, an old
song rearranged by the band, waJthe [irst"sonc recorded at the session.

Onenromins in lulv telt fbr 0.7 ,4, grou"p, Birmingham DlITIlngnaITt and _spent ano sDent an an entireday t recordihgat the cornDanv s studios-locate<i conpany's studios-located South. AvenueSoutl Avenue at 1820'Third 1820'Third "We npre all tichled to death," Iverv said of the trip. "We didn't euenthinh anything about the amountof maney inuolued,just that ue unre hauing a chance to record." Bell rernembers that "that componyuns to hne wid us royalties, bul ue neuerdid get anyThev said ue had to sell so rintry records in srch a priod of time, m.d ue could recordagain." Rust's Jazz Directory 1897-1931, showssix sides as being recordedat the first session]probablyon July
second song of the session, was named after a roush colored neighborhood in lvlontgomery, near where the band olten olaved (when it played at-Washington Pirk, a local Negro recreational area).

Witl-rin three weeks, the band was back in Binninghbm, recordingthree rnoremas(ers for the (bnnett Company. Strangely enough. lv'erv'can't remeriber the tilp. However, an employee of the local music'storeownedbv Swett does remember the bind makingtwo or three trips to Bir;ingham, since he helped to arrangetravel expenses. Rust shows three titles for the secondsession of August 10,L927. Two o[ tlle masters,WhenJenny Does Tlnt Lob Doun Durce andlndiuwlhtd (taken from sheet music), were never released. The third title. Slornpin' Fool. anotherwiid instn* mental. was released on Black Patti 8053 with Razor fulge on the reverse side. Neither Ivery nor Bell can recall havins seen the Black Patti issue. This particular record was never-located bv a collector. and is c6nsidered to be one of the unfourd masterpieces oI jazz.

T?SI{OMINC,O BLUES uns a uersionof on old blues tlnt the fund reuranged and improuised to suit its nembership. SIJGARwas taken from sheet music that the band had boughtatone oI the local mtisic stores. SHIM.ME-SHA.WABBLE anotler instrumental,was taken from a dance by the samenamethat was bor ular in the 192)'s. RAZOR EDGE, the last number in the session, was anotherinstrunrental that was releasedon the Gennett-produced affiliate label. Black Patti.



oss zsted b d,


li x



c*'s s:E







Evidently,the unreleased issued titles were-not of eitherP{r sales, because 'lmproper'mustcal or cualitv for what Cennetttras deekingfromthe bandin issues. irs RaCe LookineclosclY,onc can twt-r sec that dlc band-did ThcY typesof.numbers. wereclthcr rnstrumental
rrtth iI iazz or dgnsg rnu51u 'rn'hite background.'[he titles with ihe white dancc scem to"be backgroun-d the o"nesfhrurett refu.ed to issue. Whenthe band rctumed frornthe recordinqtrips, rt went to a pnot0grapnv shop on Dexter \vcnuc rn downtownMontgomcq, mtJ had two publicfty shots made: one, a stfll with tlre band's membcrs posed around their instruments; thc othcr, ut action sltol similiu to those macleb1' Lhicagtr photo{raphcrs.
r . t l . 1 t ' t . t .h l u t d s t l t t h l l l L . l l \ .

I v c n , t h c p t r b il ei t i trI th.' ,rrin,l".itncnrbcr bard, crcctetl a littlc sig'n "fixc'Lusiue that said " ('|erurctt llet,'ortLing i\ sts and sct it on the fltxrr to bc inclutlcd in urc of thc photographs. \ P l r l r r t ' tltrt, l l r t ' t c e r . r r r l i t t g t tlte .li,l littlc to cnlttr.:u Itlack Ilirds of l'alatlise's ccrttritl l'cputationin the 'lhc baritl Alabuna area. alrcady had that part oi tltc statc conlplctclr'-in its gnp. Its only conrpctitionin the Nlontsomcr!'area \\'erc thc Originat ;{abeuna l)orrri r r o c s ,a u ' h i t c t l a n e . ' h a n d , a colored bmtl tiat lrcn runtl hr thc ragucly remcmhcr. '[riangle IlamlonY namc o[ the Boys. This band also recorded for Gennett' The lJlack Birds consistently outdrew both bands, and each week, for a number o[ ycars, the band appeared on Saturday nights at' t-he white countrv club near


ntt PU St ilr


\ \ t
! t

tn h

c ,1

t I

a sry!l Springs, Harragut

resort area on the outsklrts of town,

Tom lvery labove) nnre than 40 years ago...

\ >,
o o q R


of the Black lJirds' wasbasedon sheet thatthe bandhad in local music Theother songs de up by the v'arious of iheband.

Notice their closeness to the Frank Bunch sound (also on Gennett)-a Birminehamband.someof whose iremberswere also originally from TuskeegeeInstitu"te. This soundis almost identical in arrangements and ideas. Thus, it m"ust be assumedthat the Negromusicians of AlabamawEre developing their own individual style and sound,iust as were the NewOrleansinusicians who'hadbeendeveloping jazz in that area for a numbei of years. Both Ivery and Bell recalled hearinsold6r musiciansin their area wtrile they were still youngsters. The styles and appro.'ache.s played by these older musicians were srmilar to those used by the Black Binls in their 1927-recordings.

hnd a bushel of " Iverysaid."We triedio introdure

-f, tt

new that the people

;is the method by BugohDnw suchsongs-aswritten.&ll played fionBugahaftn and ,riwo, nd alto sax on eryandBell both aereed Hilward was the belt they ever encounuos on extratrombonist. He played with his feet as his s. He played the slide his feet td slww off . utosiust a natwally members of the rck Biids had listened recordin gs by j qzzbaridsbefore thev r recordingas a uhit, ttell telt felt that andBell Iveryand lvery
had little effect on

Alabama'p legendary iar,z band?lThowere they?Glayle Wardlow uncovers survivine membrs of oneof the sreatestiazz bandsto conb out of the lleep South...


styles. JuIY. 1927. Birmineham.AIa. Itrluddy Watbrwas me of the nnst-porular sonss of the la0e 1920s, and thls is probably the best version of it.

This Alabamaiazz stYle mav have evolveil-[rom street bandsor college bands thal had "iJit[..t beena Part of.the.Negro school educatronln Alabama's larger towns' One summer, -tle Fess Wft"iJv S*a of Birmingham' with tlie Bunch brothers as mernbers, Pqd a vtslt to Washingtonfark rn , Itiontsom"iv' The two bands .trpaEedin a marathon l' i""; rrd bsttle " session that lasted lor hours' that Ivery remembers it was'a close contgsJ' but that in all truthlulness' made aPPlause audience a the slisht favorite. l'"ur rn bothgot Pfid' qntl the sameQtttDunt, , ,, counted, what uns that amused' Iverv said,

(It mightbe i
onw to speculate Howudbecqte a

of the Frwh Pgrkin'1 u Negro a local local Negro Pzz ml Pzz

in that city. This grorl

Zffi':a7,Hi:trdi,; and u"wsiecuded in

Indiatn in 1931. Houtud uns the linh in secwmf a tct contract with Germelt uws with the bandat time.)

By the deePentngda of the DePressron, th Black Biids of Paradir

hJ ai.Uuttd"'

bers who stayed ln became Part ol a new the Blacl Diamonds-

the leadershiPof Bell' This bandis 1 somein the Montgomery to have been a betterunl than the outfit that r tt it. UnfortunatelY'

asa tgprPry area'


tn tS30, the ban . anangeda tour ol the middfe west,-begrnnlng in Texas. lhrs tour. causedthe first break'uP in band membershtP'

ir"a u-"-tt*"" to'record'

"rtiJ:?il"fi9i""il of Paradise are dece

i*;;;i"hnson, andBoYd. $nall'

hehad 'raiJdrtJuP, since ffi;Jv iobis a Po"t'l hadfull-;;i;: b$;;." wtro iiti"'iou", alsodidnotwish
the trtP' to mal<e was the Actually, Horruard. of.the band .iit*66t

lverv did not wantto

]:.'-ltrtll: i"[?#flj, active in music tn Nortn

was I Oarolina. Borders. heard from a small town in Califomia. Bell has onlY recentlY redred from the musrc.,. business,but he ts stttt "" anPloYedas a g1s91. topnotbh brict<.

bY i,fr.i*"J" hi. living iesiof ilii"i"H"""' The. jobs' iil;i;'i;h;a ruil-time

The band,under. Howard'sleadershtP'

tp: ryP ii5;;id"" atirielio neighbothood'

Avenuein a,Iashronaore retired lvery has no-w frornt6e U.S. Covemment

"' ]ts"' ii iB [uil,';"'i;:* did who bttt"rs ilii -a

triP retumed to ;"i;-C Montgomery' HowardstaYedin Ornaha and PlaYedwth otner 6'"iJ" ih ttt"t area' He IiG"qu"ntlY formed a band oI his own'

i,::$ff,11,::"ri;ilX,"im Thurman Avenue'

Ivery sumnred i-t.Pll uP "We uere in theie words. a orettY eood ltttle lune bmd. bven if I lwue to saY so wself ."



tr D 2h H

h H g


An Obituary

wtrich state ofaffairs, fray's strange for brings singer acclaim therural blues qualities in he hever ethereal ht earhy gives him then tended tocultivate, and prevffted pub the brushoff, a commercial Stuckey before lic recognition dreHenry Referring to hisdeath onMarch 9, 1966. gushy reviews and that the compliments Skip have him since hisrdiscovery, beset cur't liw off remarked:'ryou James once
air prddings. Hervykrcws tlnt, tm; he's tn snwt fu these slbhs utn talk you racfut again."At intosttdying the natsic

plantation inSartartia, Criswell's Mr. disWardlow Gryle wtrere Mississippi, Stuckey Henry in 1965, covered him early athe shrugged offand hth lau$ed protege, concert ofhisformer success "I corplay commentingt matterof-factly
just lihe him." to one wlro Henry Snrchey,according "beahtifrrl, deep saw hiin plav. had a voice. bui was so uslv I couldn't bear o waich him lone.""Althoueh it is difficult to asses ti'e worth of-a bluesrnan u,fiosemusic was never madePublic, Stuckev's reoutationwas such that H.C. Soiers.' when'irterviewed bv Wardlow, him fiun the l9Z)'s. still rimernbered Even at that. none of his discoverer's overtures to-record ccnpanies produced n encouragrngresponse. "Han old is this sirwq? In his " sdretary peevishly sixties? an Electra "Well, we c-an't spec' wantedto know. ulate on everv kid tlrat conres aloni with a tape r6corder; we backed onE kid once and'he never found a single blues sineer. Senda taDe." Since ur6rdeot aroilnd drat the Lih"ty gf. Cqngr.esl'. unctuousimoressariopaid onliin cokes' blues sinseis have also been inwilling 'sending to soeculite on the promise of prernise tlat even a a tabd. on the 'has-been' counirv blues artist merits closer scrutinv thlrn anv woul&be blues 'intemreter'. the follovlins data in recards to Stirckev has beEn cqnpiled b/Gayle Wardlowand myself. Hern Strchev. bom in the 18fl)'s, saw his first sditil in 1904. A Year later. he tmkirp that instrunerit. Between tg07 and 1909, the voung SkiP Iarnes wanderedinto a Rlntoria lrjkef,ouse to watch Stuckey and an older musician. Rich Giffith (also deceased)' accomoariva fiddler who was playing DnorfunSnee. Thouehthat tiile is still part gf Jarire-s'repetolre, Stuckey had cfrnDletelv lorqotten rt some J) years tatei. Upon his" retum fmm the war in

Rocle. Copyright1X;8 W Jacques Nl rights reserved.

cluding a version oI Slidin' Delta ( ,They'd ' Itaue ireal deep, sad sowtd euen when the.yupre rappd u'), and then quit playing-auitar for a yeario " study" w'hat-he-hail Seenand ldmed. From that point on James's music-such as his earlv composition,All Nieht l,ong-started comins from "within", thorish somesonss. like I Lnhed Doun Tlp Rood, still rEtiin an older, possibly local, touch. The school of blues-playins develooed by f ames on his Paramiruritr&ordinss cou-ldbe desimated 'Bentanid', for"Skip. now falsely billed as a'Deltu"bluesm#. adhered to-no distinct reeimal stvle: e.s.' Delta. OnlyJames. and Hind Joe'Reynolds, amongme blues srngers who count. were so mutically isolatd. Both nrenwere amons the most eclectic of blues sinEers. ltrlhereas" someblues singers like Tonrn"vlohnson (wfroseCml Bfuckllue, apiebi in Soanish tuning, was leamed bv Skipl aopeared in nearb-y Flora during the eailv 1920's. the music played bv S[<-ip and Htinrv Stuci<ev never spr6ado[t of Bentonia. Within Bentonia, fbth l.amesand Stq"k"y set out to destroy all iheir competitiur. These two men performed whenever Skip happened to 6e in town. ("1 neuer got into utything u arwnloce tm deep or lone; tlwt's why I rebhanthey call ne Ship.'') Both pickLd their Stelld suitars with three finiers and plaved in -crossnote' tuning. lhen the'fir'st country blues records carnle out. thev " sfudied"'some of Blind Lernon leffeison's pieces. as well as those of lateiartists (tike Kins Solornon Hill), but only for the purpose oIY' playine them futter." Today, Sldp will relu'ctantli ' per[oryr-qfew sqch acquiied pieces, like Jach O'Diurnnds. _ ln neighboring toums lihe Puotwntas, James was not adverse,Stuckeyrecalled. to.singinghis blues on Saturday nieht and gorng " W the rmd" to preachon5rndav. married il-qllher "We treated man stayAdhomeat nighti ow aiLes in nv kind of Vnt,." said Stuckey. Both readily adkno*teasid"dheir excessive drinking: "l uhs trvinp to'b a '_nwt', so quite ninrally-According I uns a-hnhitwl " to Iames, {utthud, James said. was an expert and wiley crapdhooter: )lqckey '_'I ryuer would ;bin a gane wifh Hervy when he slnt-tlnse craps with strangers.,, [n his own nght, Stuckeywas an entreDreneur who would, rather thari hire himsell 6ut to hous. parties (at which food and admissionprices madeup the musician's fee). rake in the entire p-rofit from his own parties in Sartartia "He'd do most otythine to-get otd of unrk. Herrv afunys lihbd to tab-it easy-you'd aluais find him out lumting u fisiinE somewheie." Stuckey, in tum, uihenasked if S<ip wo*ed ab a youngster.replied. "Hid rnother swe did. Hah! " The persdnal atritude of each rediscovered mah towards the other was totally.patronizing, and sorneuihat consprratorialin matters pertainine to music and other Bentonians.Skip, when ieferrine to pElstlocal violence dir&ted aeainst hi;F self, would validate his remarksby saying:

Skip Jarrcs, pupil of Henry Shrckey and Bentonia's nnst fanpus nmeenv. today's greatest eqfitry' iq probablv Druespenoflrpr...

1917, Stuckeytausfit larneshow to olav gultErr. itar. The lhe style euitar. dtvle he 5e rs ii sard have'sh6 dtyle i6 said to have have'shirwn I Skip was built aroundragtime pieces ("The (" Theold, like liki Sc/ty fulty Dog Doe. olil version") version") and r Stqck O' Lee. all playd olaved in the key of the kev of of his house qt at;dght, night,-when, nvhen, ilnbetnownst ilntetnown pair r plaved in to the f ames familv, the parr James nearby-barrelhouses. nearbv-barrelhouses. nearby-barrelhorrses. Stu&ev.' nfio ftuckey, towerbdover his youns Darder. served as a general bodiguaril bt such times. As nmy as q dozen mtsicinns worked around the Bentonia area duin durins that period (ftuckey himself had a broiher, Shuke, who "pldyed better tlwtHenm did."'l n I'd follul them lihe t!* prn( pipr, aJI ouer ioun,"*ip. reports. reuned sqne local pleces, rnJzunes
prtatrng JKID out C.H;, ffi"ffi was 'ff '#",i#"sk# ;i u. qr(ru, JtucKey

Soon.Suckev was advisine larnes to so up North.'wheremusicaf 6pportmgreater. To lames-this rneant itie"s seerned city like Chicago livine in a'rdwobated' ''wiped off the nnp'. raihicfihe felt ihould b Nevertheless lames. who disliked his iob residencvin Sartartia, suddenlvleft wrth his wifein the earlv 1950's. Yet, tiring of the travellinE requiredof a musician, he then abandonedhisbriel comebackaltogether. Stuckev in tum went up to Omahamd found worf ai a band guitari'st. They never met agarn. At the time of his discoverv bv Wardlow, ftuckev was livins in a baneir, shack with his wife. dau-sfiter.and grandchild. (" 1 irruehe his lick ntust hdse strrck tot4h in tle Nr:th-") Blandlv, Stuckey indicated that his Delta banelhorise operalion had &naha career. netted him morenpney thanlis'tense' Desoite a plantation strike in Leland which took place at the time of one interview' Stuckey remainedchar' acte.i"ti"altv' relaxed. His affable qnd ieiirved derfieanor$ggestd that of a Ddia rather than a Yifro County resident. In discussins his erstwhile friend' the older man diiLr't seernto believe in or Skip's uansformptionfrom comprehend hiitt fmlish" days on the lthitehead. .uhile oiuntuii*. Iust tie same,Stucke-y, lackins larn6s' arnbitionto travel,-record' a"a ta[d up the ministry,-nevertheless exhibited the same detachmentIrom hrs iut *dins" and contonporaries wh-ich "an madeSkip. b,vhis own description' dd fellai." hqd Puffins on a cigar, Stuckey, rarhq keot up fiith lanres' career throughthe T&iiuind (*ipts cousin in YaZoo),i' I'd liie to neet hin again.-I "AGd. uns ui in the Deln in tln fifties wd -Aqct sonelidy pwing 227il in a lnuse. Whm q plwnsraqh t 6nlv fowd I-r";{ir;tid.: "umtldtl't plg recod.t' Iames, vvlrc ln Bentmin-aeain fq 810a min4$4".nilt iust before receivrngnews ol btuc{ey. q ileath, been discusslng an eventual vlslt to Sartartra to see mm. (Anv reliable wrson wln rnuld fu willitg io dsstst Gavle Wudlaa in his efforts to , , recod. other, still'liuirg discouertes-stnun cofiact him-at bx 7525' Nbridiilr, Miss'l

"Herrv Sttrcb could tell you about it-" Stuckev. on the other hand, would only snickei at Wardlow's then'relayed accounts. Even when lames madethe Bentonia "..n.- rdsoective sidelines often sundered the pair. Howevbr, Stuckey was q!l-q to confirm'the fact that Skip's Clerry fuIl was comoosed at his Gafton session. Hq yas many of Sklp's -cornpositions, Gf,it;,ith Gioie nd Deuil Got lvlv Wonwn, iit "Znreis a piecijhe said had been once knownlocally ai Devil's Dreun- He rernernbered )ttp's


the 1920's.-Ol Spcial. old sons") fiom "A tt)owut died wtule..sutgRider. fre said: ltttle ing tfnt song." llhile Stug.key.knew ol J<rP-s Prano about the developrnent stvle. he sometirips backedup hts prano' plhyiirg on guitar.

Cratt Juw ndCatJish("in

aspelzgni,l'.9aid ll ll"1 c9tas.fu t'"' *t'551 "ivG' ,Tffh'J,#6;i;;'Pd"", $igf,

appreciated. *iik" Jar.", personally backfrom. came ln 1935, -lames Ig*qS u+d
haooened to oass bv a party at wluch StucKey

"f e r-rerta ta ( I ne ssrpfi-Qef Mi.s-si rn the the Mrssrsslppl "" lq b"n"ihoeu barrelhouse f

Dul_tng the.1930's,Stgc\ey.r1n.a,,,,,

w# playing.' $thgygh Skio had. for the most part,.quit playing blues gipcp h1s recording up with Stuckeythat. . bessio:n,hlet-earned nisht. Earlier that sarneday' Stuckey sard' sdin.onehad recordedhim. No recordoI a that Si"&"y ""p"ion exists.. Jamegrernanbered
partrcultu i;iG

an$t]rat' [G "*"-i*"1*nie1t'ry9s " go"i*ql "nnhe a sllotr" or ;"hJ io yi"tt"d having not il ilff; !o

ur4r pant,arne$.tfr1 Dur malllLalrrcu patty,b,it hG; panyt house

he tactta< int*a" oti Sucke-y's performance, threw a party i"iiu *ui-t"a *tit'oth6r Bentonians. l"-iii" tt.n.i before playing in public. Iames soon went on to Alabamabut' itl thd late 1940's, retumed to tsentonlpwtth.

f":?.3!T;;, lrun$#Je.n:$."ft:"#3uffi
Stu6kev.threw parties every r.nday nlgnt at which flie two entertained, while J ames' ^coustn' Lincoln (Buddv) Polk of Yazno, ran a cale rn Bentoriia which featurpd both men' ,Another , cousinof Stuckey's, Burd Slater'.alsoprayeo "na p.*d*.ja someof thei.r songs'. i;"tF

s?".iTi'"*::1,i1.,i ;trxi'ffi iS:l*Jerifi and lames also accepted[vrtatlons. lrom

frien?s to play for nearby Delta partlel' unce' Stuckev reborinted, both men saw ttd. Eauey thougn me plavini in a Delta' by Jkrp' incideilt is not remernbered

Kansas City


F ,

sotne notes
ffist recuil collectorsuowtd fiie-unrld like the musicthat came iiorn X"tt""" CitY in the 19-20 -s' ;30;", -a eueninto the 1940's' f- nbit collectors,it is the tarnitiarnanpsof Mote&Lee, Trent, i"i""-St-", AlPhonse the fii'friuia"6 thit cqpture imasination.SeveralYears
and blues, the narne-rnost the -seldqn frequentli nentioned bY Jtt=Iii*tit was-q-rewe hear-V'linstut Holne s.

Holmes was the onll'. real Drqnoter the Kansas LitYNeero musicians ever t.t?d'+d thipart he PlaYedin thrs role oui"'uli cdlectot" in his debt'

of the tvlitn"f t i" Jtt rts, some

abovemusicians would never well knou'n' He was [;;"-bd aggressivein booking nane battles, @ncerts' recordrng. dates. Wherethere was musrc to be Promotedand nnneY to be made,Holmeswas tlEre'

6iia" i" io*, anar$

1968 W Dow JYdstruP Copyright AII rightsreserued. &MerittMnsicComparry'

,#y#I"tfffif:;{!, GtY Kansas il;;;J;";'in

of a master at one tlnrc' Dressed t-J record neler "i i*"t one-got beyondthe first Pressrng'


Two of the three known religious Meritt recordshe produced seernthe easiest to lind: vet. the biesest seller on Merilt wis ??fl}i.y Lena Kinr brough, singing s6lo on one side, City Of The Ded, then ioined bv her hrother, Sylvester Kimhoufuh, on the othei side in one oltheir popular numbers, CahbaeeHedBliles. "Lena" is actuallv Lottie Kimbroush. WhyHolmes chose to label Irer as'"Lerw" is rrrrlt known. He knew her and her familv well, and she was under contract to him at the time. (llhile nrarried to William Beaman, Lottie also used his last name for records.) To pronnte \Ieritt 2201, Holmes had plrotosraDhstaken of the sroupi:hat riade the record.- He-save the ohotos away to cusionrers who bousht the iecord. and he had thern" tacked to indls around the 18th Street bars and dance joints.

These Kansas Citv rccodinrs by "Idra" Kimhoueilr on Winstm Holmei' oqm labCl. llleri6. are achrallv (ad her hpther' Svlvester Kimbv rnttie Kimbmud lioridi: @lus arc blacf,, pld, ad-wbfte. I-ater Itrterift issues wer lrrple, gpld, and n'hite.



( t


o >'


a \



t-: &

-tr h


The dav the photos were made, l.oltie wis eick. However, her sister, Estella, was eorts veniently in Holnres' store to stand irrfor the picture taking. Winston llolnps himself alsoacted as a stand-in for the pictures,- since Sinp.nHoe, who blaved clarinet qt the session, ilid'not show uD. Because the "actioo" photb shown here has been kmwit for many years, and since Holnres is shown playins the clarinet, this photo inai hive led to the belief that Holnes was a musician. Brt, he did not olay any instrument, includinls iritai. for which he has also"tii:en given credit. One nieht. tlree years arc, a ladv plion6d me. (Severaf monthsbefore.I had knocked on her door. askins for old records, nnrsical aitifaets, and other related items.) She that she had finally announced 'stuff' she had told found the me about, and that I could come over to look at it anY time I wanted. This provbd to be a trernendousfind. Anpne manY th6 other items, she producEd secondphoto sho-wn...and "off" tbke! She had beenpresent at the photograph-tikinesession, hadbeenierv closeLo the Kansas Citvblues scene.ind had owneditems of interest to anyone concemedwith the important communitvof obscureblues people in'the area. Sheled me 'to Estella Kimbrough,who was then alive. and Estella confirmed every detail of the session. She provided the proofs of both is well as a coPY bhotoeraDhs lileritt 2201. bf the"re'cord. Estella was not a singer or musician. as had been the rest of the Kimbrouehfamily, but she had a clear nreinrv of ihe daYs when" those hids'were mahing records ond singing in tauems." Holmesas She. too, remembers beins a iirst class promoterwho would do anythins tb get his musical interestJbefdre the public.

:f' a I

o o a p

a R



>. o o

, = *.
rJ o

There is no evidencethat Holmespronroted any other Meritt rebordas activelv as he did ml, and he protecied himself by puttin! the principals who madeit undercontract. Both Lottie Kimbroushand Paul Banks (who died in darlv 1967) were si'med by Holmes,'andthe faded simatuies of the people who witn-essed the signfng ieads like an index of the iirpoiant blues and iazz musicians in KansasCity in the 1920's. "8" was not Photograph to used irohote this record. Holmeshimself was an avid photographyfan. He was often a camerawith him seen curyrng to dances. rdcordingsessions, etc.. and had he no[ been so "off" take inteiested, the picture not might 'preservedTor have been our benefit 40 vears Iater.

on this grat 1928

-The country blues Pioneers rediscovered this Year and the contemPorarvblues scene in & Europe' the U.S., England' -Fhscinaun g bio graphies of Charlie Patton, Willie Bmvm' and other Mississippi blues singers hom flochery's Plantation. -The very la0est discograptricat aOOitionsard corrections to-fnu"= & GosPelRecordsbY its coauthor, John Godrich' As a iazz collector.,ue You , onlv eeiting Pwt ol the Ptct,we.! aooul Shouldn'tYouhnow.more

chnnge lq-lped thnt i#-iit'iii ialnns) s ?,Ei etand' qkiii it7 iiti iaetime
UNgctz rttz, or'-t-,-ES premier ttttt fill in thase You Lirvtiieo,fretPt "-;ui"p i"ot'onihe mttsicthat '

llt\ll Iltat*-P

owaY iii i i,ia"sbtd"n andCaLl leans'first i i,'[riitn N" * Or in thelatebands ,Letirn-bt*" '1'3d6:;;-the thntreathed music bY steP ,":ti,titt U.S. irominence 'Jii qf Gotden tn iiii Aee
Jii, in the192Q's-that httttg & bluesdwing ifis rhvthm s- tne 40' iias q,d. itL-i",ii i g; ctric e le s todnY' fuhird ;tt;;'ix-n A ,oU andtle^exciting , ItIe whi s/Detroit/ Chtcagosown'

couer' W manth ,^tiiirca manth ;;; ;;'th" wtim;{eabluesPic' ifr-e."ti;i att here-the fast' , newson r9d$couereq brea.hinA bl.rnsstngers' andcoitenPorary s discogtoPhY i# ;i;;;;: btue the . 'iii iw t1n's ttuou4hhed lY,researc ul caref s, 1960' itibtu't, a inalth gf newinfor' ials' ut* ing.edi tor frli o"-,' i ue anddi scemtng i nformitt 'rni ioid i " utn*s"' reasonablY Pricedtoo ! ! ot{LY $1.?0FoR slx ISSUES

ELUES E: tl U hl l* I f'.{ l"1*

38a Sachville Road, Bexhitlonea'


Sussex' England

78 PNESENTS TlneB,ar:est7Ss
Otce qain,78 QJARTERLY exanines the scratcrhyshellacs. A numberof well-informed readers took vigorous exception to the "known oobies" portrived in the first issue. (ki fact, i numberof readers took vigonus exc@tim to the entire " these rarities.) frogromt' anilulllerafins However, the series will continue. despite npanincful advice hom'frierd.s " and-thedemearingtone of thosearxnyfixxrs notes lyou kmw wlrc you ' are out there). chaiacterized brv psychotic 19,{I s Palmer Penmlarshio in'sr.- ink and sr bluelined tablet paper. ln nwty mses tlrc "mly hnanm cW" tvfired rut to be the only copy known to the conrpilerout of s6me'' fqrr or eight or lS existing copies.

* -H, Goering (Rominten Forest, 19zM )

Tlnetr'ar:est 78s
"lltee hunm instances, In otber :-- t, ----l ^^ - ^-r-1.,-r'o^.' rmlear to rmleash cat+ a catalyst ggtgdas acted coDbs" copies" a nuclear holocaLrst: and qlpse qeekp F-na f}mzins1tons upon the unrdentrlred body of the fi'apless'comPiler.


lurv ol JinmvBlYthes, ;.h;;&;lJ C,arfiald LovieAustiri's' -Akersr.and. Wittwn wishiw to redirect tle blane. the writer-acknowledges that his aicociate in this lepturg (nanelgss' of course) was at the tme rnvolved rn. . ""oat"t6 research proiect. That much of his statistical noih later be fradulentin both this and that other ppiect-Recovery he was working on i""*t"t


of U',9. ?l-r* E;;*;i; [guar kales of NewWuld Ghte fromThe

This grosssituationis being ol conby-a vigorous.note recouped

be takeninto account' Hmingl should


THE RAAEST BLUESCOTJNTBY c-D LlsIlNG: Je Cblicott F@e TheeW eIl Blw s/Tlaw lirg l/lam Blws&utrswich 7117 kstinnled less tlwt 10 copies)Burv Carter Midnielt Swciril Blues4t Wan'tfu 7Xi6 (oru knotm Law4qizwro cooi: estiinted less tlun 5) (lndcfu eille Un Bm/*Uine ario-Streus flnt Stuff-Suwrior 2798bstinated bss tlni 5, tiut mtsicallv pcrirlBie Boy Cleveliud Quill Blues/Goin'

'*" u'""f f*ilf",*,m:o*$ilfi "knann coqies-' phrase

Ow swcial thanks so to Kenneth Hansen.Henry Henriklen, Jim Lindsay, Bob Mantler. Henry Vestine, Max Vreede, Gavle Wardlowand manyo^the1s for their responseto this featur-e.-Gayle Wardlowseni some 15 photos of Supen tones on the littlekno'i'n 2000 series. Henrv Henriksenmailed a detailed list of mtsibilities and omissionsto the A-B kction. These include blues sinset" Bvrd & Glover on Gn4et!7040, Cf"?u But'"tonon Gennett7319,:Chamand oion 16125.16216,and 16756, BoY&^ SunnY Fir"rnount'13003, Pals on Gennett6106, and the lollowtng i azz bands: En'a Btzzington's Rustrc 6894, BabY h.velers on C,ennett 6198' Johnny AristocratsBandGennetJ (bnneJt6E5Ll' Burris & His Orchestra & His Goldenf;heasant Walt"Anderson Uo,ratut" Gennett 6342, t}re Blythe.'s 15,(I)0senes' BIue Bovs on Champion 6061; plus Clesi's'fueoleans Crennett Brown Gennettand the the Sammv Blythe l"n"nJuw'Blvthe '"iae's & Burton and & tlark lscleautA to appear in the comins Huest I'nrn l6sl. Omittedt.t thi" feature,.bu,.. rn the thlrd mfine their appearance will be a i""""""t 78 QTIARTERLY iistins and estimatesof the rarest piano78s.

(estimoted less thnn10) JanpsCole -4lnmpion I Loue lvlyWy / (Brod.ley) 16308 bstinwtedless tlnn il Jares The Only FriendYou @le lvlistreated (BusterJ ohns on)-Clnw ion Had^/ bstirnatedless than5; onew1C718 confimedcopv) walter Cob ltlarru KedoYotr Yeslla'ut Clean/EuerYbodyGotbnebdy-Cermett 7318 bsiirnatedless thbn5); Chotnpion 16104 bstinnted lessthan5) JLYbird Colennntvli7Loe Blues/Uellv 62Zi kst' RolI Anderson)-Gewtett innted lesstlnn 5; 2 knouncoPies)

Ifl'arest Z8s

Jaybird Coleran Man Ttouble Bhes/ Tlwh Brcted--SuitcaseFuIl Of Holes -4ennett 6245(estimatedless than 5) JaybirdColeman Ah'mSich And Tired Of Tellin' You,4,lo N4ore Gorl Water-4enrwn 6n6 (estimnted less tlwt 5) Jaybird Colennn Coffee GrinderBlrrcs,4,4an Ttouble B htesColumbia145i]4(estimatedless than 15) SamCollins Yellaa Dog Bhtes/ Louing Lady Blues-Cemett 6146; Bloch Patti 8026(both estinwted less than 10) SamCollins ?/re Jail HouseBlues/Riuerside Blues -4enrett 6167 bstimpted less than 15); BlcrchPqtti 8025(estimated less than 5 ): Herwin 92043kstimated less than 5) SamCollins Deuil In The Lion's Den/(JeIIy RoII Ander son)-Cermett 6181 (estirrutedless than5) SamCollins Dcnk Cloudl Blues/Porh ChopBhtes-Ge-nnett 6%0 (est-

irnated less than 5 ) SarnCollins I WqntTo Be Like Jesus lnMIy Hewt/Leod tt4e All The WayGennett6D1 (estimatedless than J)Sam Collins lrlidnighlSpcial BI tp s 4)o That Thine-Ge'ruwt t 6307(estinnted less than 5) Sam Collins HesitationBlues4t W on't Be Long-lJemen 6n9 (estimnted less thnn 5; one hnou.ncogy) Sam Collins The Jail House Bltes/ Pork Chop Blues-$uyrtone 9DI (estimatedless tlwn 5) Teddy Ihrby t!y_Lwna Blues/Lutdy Luadl WoniedBlups-Paramamt 1%28 (-estimated less tlwn 10) Teddy Darby Lose You'N4ind BluesNhat Am I To -Poramawtt 12907(estimated Do? Iess than 5; probably jazz instrumenlal acc. and belonp,s in Iisting) Teddy llarbi Deceiuing Blues/Built Rieht On The Groind -Vk'Ior 23311 bstimoted less 5: 2 Knran copies) Blind Willie Davis I Bel'iete I'll Go Bcrch flome/ Tiust In Gd And Do RightPuamonnt1D79 kstimated less 5) Itfattie llelaney DoumThe B ig RNd. B hres/T al lolntchie Riuer Blues (estirwttedless than 5) Slim Duckett and Pig Norwood Sister [,4oryWcxeThree Lengths U ChninNou GottaStond Judge-


s t

o t

nent For Yowself4heh 8971 bstirrutd less tlwt 5; rn hann copies)Slimtlrekett andPig N&wood I Want To GoWhere JesusIs/WhenThe fu,ints Go kst' lvlschiw In4heh 88P9 irmted less tlwn 5 copies) Willie lhtres fuieet P-opluBuff 45 Blue s/(? )-Chanpion167 (estinwted less tlnn 5, THE JAZZ INSTRUNMNTAL BANEST C-D LISTING:Celifomi:r Poe pies Wlnt A W onderfulTine/ Inu--Stnset tsrruttbered kstirruted less thut 5) ttoagl andHis Pals One Carmichael Nieht In Havsu"/Stu DustGeruett631 1 bstinated less kstthms): Clnwion 154X) inwtedless tlun 5) Carmichael's lhrchOf TIE Hd' Collesians g-Gernett twrs/vllalkin' The Do 6474bstinnted less thnn10); less fustimared Charnbn 16453 ttnn 5) The Celtar PniYsWailing e StomYVocaIion Blues/Bur eI Hous bstirruted less thnn 15) 1503 Kings Su,eel bnannionRhvthm Hattud Tlnnas ) A u iio Broutn/ kstimated less Clitipion 16387 l-ooPers thnn5) TlreChicago

lesstlwt 15) fustimated Okeh8342 Btddv Ctni:stian'sJazz RiPPers Snli nsnwt StreetBlues/T'he Sfunk-Peifect118kstitmted less tlnn 10): Parhe7518kstirmted less thon5) iunie Cobb'sllonntown BandEast Cmst Ttot/ChicagoBwz -Puanawt 12382 kstinwted less tlwn 10) J.c. cobb andlli:s Ghnins of CornEndworceStompNeqning 1il)4 kstirruted AndBlues-Vocalion lessthon zil t.c. Cobbandllis That JellY ot Can Shnhe Ghains ocalion 1263 RolI/Don' t Cry, Honev-V bstirruted less than25) ,1.c.colt ShoP andllis Gains of wn Smohe Drap/B oot Tlnt ThiW-V ocal ion 1269 kstinated less tlrm%) andllis Universi8 JesseCohen Dizzy Cmters/ Skyrockets of Wi:sconsin u anowt 1%42 Postage Stomp-P bstirmted less tlw 5) JesseCohen andttis Universi$ of Wiscmsin Beef Skvrockets lt's A Sin/ bstirmAd less 12641 Puamotmt Higl, tlun 5) Coohie'sGinEersnaDs Fever/HereConesThe Hot Tanale Mlqn4hah 8369kstinnted less tlwrt lvlessin' 15) Cookie'sGingersnaDs less Arotnd4heh 8fr0 @stirmted' Loue tltan 15) cookie's Gingprsnaps Fotad You For N\e4heh 4ffi75 (estinntedlesstlnn 10) Wallie andHis bfi GdStuff/ Conl0er Hollvwd Shuf f Ie4 emett 6369 less tlwn 5) Wiltgt @stirmted Big Time CrawlevandHis Orchesha fuues Her*rcetest Womon/She Siiles For Nle-Victor23D2 kst-irratedlessthnn10) WiltonCrawlev Rhvftn Kings andThe Washboard Niw CrualevBlues/l'nHer PaP' 23344 She'sllv kstimaiedlessthnnI0) chas' Btiter breath's Jazz'0+tt|p;niacs s/CrazYqutu4heh 8477 e ii"i BIue 25) Creole bsiirnatedlesstfuYt .Ias; Btttd Tach'EmDoun-Victor rnJ ui:i"rrtnred (rw bwn coPies) Jack Danfqd andIIis Ben Flanklin StomP/On Alnbama Hotel Orchestra d Un'rutnbere The Alamo-PRCSF

/,Thr CIorinda ee BIi nd lrlice-P erf ect 14910 kstimntedlesstlwt 15);Pathe lesstlnn 5) Ttl,e. 367D bstimated Stomp/ Wild NIan cfriciso Stornpers 297 St omnn otr Stuff-'Chnnaion 16 (esti'mated less than5) TheChicago stonP/(state st'ommrsRichmond ion 16350 s |-C hnmP Sff e; t RambLer kstirrutedlessthnn5) TheChocStuff/When otatebu,oie" Thnt's Mlv I Tale MvSwu To Tea-Vocalion 1617 ksiirnaled less tlnn 15) Tbe . Loue/ Loueless brro"ot te Dandies OneNlqe Time-Vocalion 1610 (estinntedless thnn15) -Btddv^. BItEs/ Christian'sCreoleFive Sunsel (estimated less TexasNluleStomP in*, lO I -Ot*h 8311nndy Clristian's creole Five Sr4cnHouseStomY



a a

Rest)-Clwrcion166M lessthsr S)j Stwrior %10 less thott5) Voltaire lle ton)- Aut e ine Blues/ ftvlor bstinwtedless tlnn 10)
Blnsicians Don't Give It Fwnble-Vocalion 1515

less thm 5) Jack lhvies' s Sich CPLichs/(Robinsoils

tlwn 15) llarry Dial's iarcl LiheWlntI Lihe Like It/lt ltlttstBe Loue-Vrcalion bstinntedless tlnn 15) llarrv WhenWBabyStarts Bhrsiciurs heTlnt Thiry /Po{son-Voc; kstinnted less thut 15)
inated less tlw 5) The Dixie SerenadercSt. Louis BluesChtKin g-4 lnmp ion 16365, Suwrior %71 (both estirruted Ieis tlnn 5) Dixieland Thmpers 9653 kstimated less There'lI ComeA Day/rtrleuy Orchand His ) Paul Davis WayBlues-Pua 12525bstBlack Attd Tan FantasyL)nder' imitted less thut,I5) Dixieland The Harlem lvloon-{ltnnpion Thumpers Ori,ental L\on/fuk Dixie less tlnn 5) kstinnted That Thing-Pua 12594 kstiPoplwStreetBlues/(TheRag mnted less tlnn 10) Dodds ard gr ed o aph Un-number rsI Aut /(Dixon md Pafian Oh Dodd,y stedlessthan5) The Dixie Cltamey )-P w amowt I 2471 Time turcWhenIt'sSleepy (estirnatedless thqt 10) Dodds ay From Stay'W buth./Riuer, ard ParhamLoueless Loue/l9th bstimated Street Blues-P rrlhamnion 16341 u wttowt 12483 ior 2748ksttlmS); (estinated less tlwn 15) Jolnny Dodds' Black Bottom Stompers Weuy Blues/New Orleans Stow -V ialion 1 5632b stirmted less tlw /5) Jottnny Dodds Hot SixAotumy Dodds Ttio Goober Doncefl nd.i eo Stonp-V ic tu 23396bstirnated l,essthat l0) Down Hore Seremders Mean Doe BIues/ Cootie StompChnnpion 15399bstimirted less tlnn 5). COMINGIN TTIE IIEXT ISST]E: THE RAREST PTAIIO, A IO E! COIIIINGS{XX{_'TIIE RAREST JUG IIIID STRING BAIIITS; TIIE RAREST BLI]ETI WITH JAAZ ACCOMPIINIMH\TT. Digs and His Ochesha B/ach Rhmsodv/Niehtnwe9497b;timaled less than Diggs e 'an'ue and Hls Orchesha Gone/St. JamesInfir-

TTIEMISSIS$PPI B[,T'S NO. 3: TMNSITION,1926-193? ;OJI-17 : FEATURIN G-HAMbNC W illie NewMn-B.oll & Tumble Blues,Drearw-svd dW ormnBhrcs : Rafuft Jolns6n-I' m A Stqdy Rallingllan, SunetHoneCiicaeo: JohnnyTempl e4 i s Bmt W histlb! Blind-Joe Amoslk O Blues: S!,ipJanes4lqny BalI; Bofilequil Jachson-YouCait KeepNo Broum; Big Joe W illiams-StepfatlwrBluesi 49Hi eluny Blues : Miisrssrpu JohnHtnt-Stack 0 Lee Blues: Mississrppi Bracn-Y ou kolded ltle & Droue'lvle FromYor"r Dnr; f Il Overcone bnedav; lfuy BitlerDoeBhrcs: Hosietvlae tvlad lvloore -fthml GirI Elues;furtha lce (with Chulie PattoilAhhd Reoder Blues-$ 4.98-4R[GNN JIUZZ LIBRARY,P.O. BOXE63, BERI(ELET,CALIF. 9470I c{)tnrNcs00ft...LET'S GOBIDINMJL-18''

ORIGIN JAZZ LIBRARY P.O. Box863 Berheley, Calif. 94701

From the back cover of OJI-15...

Risteo !Eis*n,

*r:r* ilavenpor e t-:ra

ORIGINJAZZ IlBRARYlokes pleasure in awnuttcing tlte release of tup exciting picnw LP rei sstte s. OJL-I 5, RUGCED and PIANO CLASSICS, OJL_16. RAGGEDPIANO CLASSICS.These LPs include suchleeendarvarcl cnlii,s os Blylhc unreissued & Burton.Bltthe & Clorh, lhe Franh \lilrost' Richmond, Jim Clarh, lnd. session, Smith & Irt'iiw, SidnevWil' liams,Llen,ef)uerson,arul nun\', lnon!'tnre.


tt tI'tti ts21rys.0ll-li... (.1'trk, jrr

sa.,r8- Orisin Jazz I ibrarY, P.O. Box 863, BerlieleY, Calif. 94?01

1 . \ ( . ; S A l u n t e . : , . li n t nr v t on^ I I.a c e I -',.[ C^r i ppl e C lurc,n l J r ( r u n .I J l a c k l l u l n t ( n n I t t I I t \ , l)lvthi & Burton, llhthe.\ (.1nrA' Cou Cat f)urcrtPort, \'tmnt Ilrtru n, R n n , e o. \ r / s o n , J a n r r s l di g , r 1 r n . s . / e s s e . / u m e s . F ' r u n Al l e l r o s , -

RAGGED PTANO CI-ltSSlCS 1923 i 43, OJI-16...1-' t"A T I Rlndent urx!, 51nith ING: arutlrai'ne.Blind Lert,7Onmclt, Blvthe & Burton,BIYtht ,t (-larA. Ildrue Duerson,l"ruhA.llelrnse, Alonzrl-\ Rol'Cooper, Yn9cY,, Leorpeil. Trenrr, Vill IizcLl, I ones I illilnts, Clarelg-e Sitlnbv -fi 4. q8 -oriCin JaTz llwary' P.O. Box 863. BerkeleY, CaUf. 94701

Mississippi John Hurt, 1963VolunreI of the orieinal " FolkPiedmontRecordines "--,4 ualon sons and Blues
B l u d s . R i c h l a n d V o r n e nR l u e s , S u i k e ' D r i u e r B l u e s , S a l t YD o e , C,nc I I ookins. f, 1xs5, .SPanlsh F u n d a n p .C d s e v l o n e i , L o u t s Collire',"Canb' Man B lues, MY
LnchanstnP lland, Joe Iurner

-C of,s a ii iii biui,' t i ia ! ane

Jazz BLues-Y4.9q0nsin Ubrarv. P.O. Box 863, BerKeley,Calif.94?ol Mississippi John Hurt, 1964, Volume2 of the oricinal Piedmontgscordines "$brIarried Blues"- LazvBlues,

P.O. Box363" Berkeley,Calif. 94701

ther Alone. Slidine-Deln, NobodY Cares fqr"ltle,-Cou:Hooking Blwi No, 2.'Talkin' Case), Veepin+ and V'ailine, Vorried Bluei, Oh M a r vD o n ' l l o u V e e n , I B e e n Crtin' Since l ou Been Cone84;.qB -Drisin Jazz. LlbrarY,





| I I I

"TIIE CHICAGOSTRING BAI\ID". June. 1966. I Left 0oridt: Cad Martin. violin: John l9rencher. ' I Young',nrudolin; John ke lrnnqrica-; Jolrlpy I uranderson, gultaf. I

I tms lytrn in Virginia-Big Stae Gap, Virginia-in 1906. Wetuerea Luge fanily; I had three brothers md rurterous sisters...yeah, about eight or nme. My father uns o stone-rason but lrc uns a god narciciantoo. Played uiolin md euitqr. He plwed a uiolin all the tim6. mostly plavbd at wties uound theri:: Iw'd iet out with tlp fellows md plav. Thev used to call him "F idd.lii' \4arlin." He reuer did nahe qnv recqds:'unv bock tlen tlere umsn't qny'recoiding. lvlybother uns a musiciantm. He uns s u,izsd: played violin, all string {nstrunentsnaned Rolmd lvlqtin. He utas six yess older tlwn rrc. He uxts tttydddy's f irst wife's son. He was born in Srrr.tqtbwe. Sli,uth Cuolina; tlnt's where w dadiy uns originally froru The uny I got to play-fellottts unuld coie 6v cnutploy the guitu; that's mostlv ulnt they would PlaY boch there then. The only things you would see Luts the Plectrum funio, the fiddle and tLteguitar... anri v'oucould see a nandolin rccas' iontilly. Btd tlnt's all. WhereI uns, it .tvs a cool'mining region; fell6ws unuld cone tlrowh there 'with a suitu-minine men--std they'd stopoier at ow housewtd I'd uatch them plav. I ruasjust a little boY, md I'leunt to pich up a Piece d tun. I uns raised up in Krnxuille, a big city. I had'beenbrn in Big StoneGap bd ue left there whenl tms 12 veus old qnd cane to Knacui[le qnd from then on I call thnt nw hame. Thnt's whereI really-Ieunt to play. A lot of fellows hod shaund me haut to play. ke. my brother Roland had a strine-band,and that's wlwre I mostly lewit to play becange, after"he found tlizt I couldhit a iate or trn on tle guitu, then he aslrcd w father to let him teach me lnwio'play, so my dnddy jrct twnt ne oier-to him- Artd I didn't 'cause I unsn't unnt to leun. no guitu! But I aboilt studytng 'cause he was couldn't whw him, bieger than I'uns, so he nnde me cone hone after schaol and sit daun md study. Then he got on the train-tlnt tms in Knmuille, Tenn.-eot on tle train md uent to Asheuille and browht bock a guitu nYy size. They hda12Etrtnegilnor; tlwt uns too big fq nry lwtds. ke, I'd come|nne after scluil. I'd sit dotn otd woctice tlg euitu. Wasn't tun wbeks befde I uns plavine in tle bmd. Bfues? flwt u^ s-imple! PluYine

"f the more inleres.ting, Oy yEt least known,countryblues musicianto recordin th'emi&1930s nas Carl Ma4ip,.anaccomplished sinser, mandolinist,violinist, guitarist, andstrine-bassist,on all of wh-ich he performswith equal instrumen"ts oroficiency. Besinninewith a s-ession Ior Victor's Bluibird Seriesin Chicago on Oct. n. 1934,at which two titles werecut. t'YouCanGoYottWaY" and "Kid ManBlues," Martinparticipated from.fanuary in six additionalsessions' of the followins year throushmiil'Apri[ for Ok!h. Vocalioi, Bluebird, of 19.16. Decca and Champion. Amongthese were as the such memorable berformancei "Crow ww "GoodMorning, Judge," Jaie" (n extrernelypopular and much piece), anit ihe fine topical recorded "Let's HaueaNew Deal" sons (reiSsued on Blues Classics 14, the onlv one of Martin's 12 selections curientlv availableon LP). In additof ion. he barticipatedin a number recordingdate'sled by suc[Chi-c.qgo 6"".a Ufir"" performeisas Big Bill Ehoonzv.TarirpaRed. and Bumble Bee Sli; (A'rnbsEaston), and backed uo his close friends and long-time olavins DartnersHowardAm-strong t"Ibuie'Bluie") and Ted Boganoh iheir March, 1934,Bluebirdrecordings. Tltof gh the,help o{ singer-guitari-stMartin mundolinist lohnnv Young] bo"th in i ln on.l Floqan *".te forrnd eailv in rn 1966 1966 lyoo eaily. early found lound w"ere were Bogan Bosan and C{rd ChicasS. where thev have lived since 1932-*The interview with Carl that t932. totio*" was condlcted -uJty home in Chicagoon May 31, 196b.

in that string fund in two uteeks. They fuul akLss fiddle, had mandoI in, uiol ins...had al I instrument s, so L leunerl to play different ones W being rround.lhem and, I gess, h'fuing musically inclined. I'd pick up euerythingI could see. \ior, hp had fotn pieces in his stringband: guitrr, uiolin, nnn&tlin and 6uss. Rolanrl,'hrplaved thc t,iolin most all the tinb, but he coukl all thase others too. lle pla"ved O!u"," that old music-yctukrnu, cointry nwsic. He played euery kind of old you ctruld think brealailnn number of, plrryed aw of them. And he uuls blind tcn. I neuer seen a mon beat him playing the uiolin, and I'ue seen sotnertiolin players! And when it atne to lhat old hinrl of mtnic! They unuldn't let him get on tn kinrl of contest,ru>sirI They'd let him play but they wouldn-'t let him be in the conteit. I neuer sua atyone to beat himplaying. I rutter could tnderstqnd him. to seue nrylife, but he leunt to plW. ' l'le coild eubn mahe a sound in his heqd-hurwninelihe-thnt'd be just lihe o uiolin. It'd be making music just lihe it uns a string instrwnent, lile a uiolin; you could euen record it. I don't hrnw how he did il and I neuer sut anybody else in w life who could do it. It tnuld be iust lihe you were playing o uiolin, playing the melody in your head iust lihe a uiolin. Neuer bew what it tms. He u,vs a nattral mtsician. Played for both white qnd colored, qnd he traueled all ouer. raent all tfuough Virginia and W est Virgi.nia,Kentrclty, and all down SouthThe striw bandunrhed euery dny. Tltey tuent out euery dav in the upih: Bach there then they'd pich up fl. % or 30 dallars euery dny. Jist So out and play, stmd on thb corrwrl, on vocant lots--all dif ferent places-play all day. Ploryfor;tedicilte shows'. That uns ris,ht uoundWorldWor I. 1918or so.-Weplayed on sideualhs, streets. in stores. onywlrcre, Fellows unuld go on uacaltionund I'd go right with tlbm wd play rutsic for lheml they'd dmce. Be gone with them for a weeh or two. Played euerywhereall throWh the mining-ueqof Kentrcky; euerywhere they krnund ne, nen unuld see ne playrng... l- played bass fiddle too. I recall orce a lellan gaue me len dollus. said. "You're the best bass fiddle olaver I ever heard." I played whenl ilayedwhateueril uni, euits, bass'ftdate. t played! Tlen I utent to playiig the'uiolin.

- (Drring the 192)'s, Carl continued thrspattem of travelingand performinp. and by the late 'Z)s hat form'ed a [our]' pieee unit with his friend lloward Anr> ljke him, playedviolin, strong.who, manclolrn, gurtar and bass, and with variousothermusicians.)' _First record I euer nnde, I nwle in lerutlssee, inKrnxuille. it uns cailed The Vine Street Ras. It urn me and Houxvd" abut fow-A us there, recorded IGoxrille CountyStomp ond The Vine Street Rag. The'fellais beat tn out of lhe recoril, though;tlwt's whnt disen! cowaged ne from lots of recordins. fucause-il uns Brtnswtich-thev beat us oul-a fellata cqlled Brann. The record tus swposed to be urder nw nane but lp piut his nane on it. He told ne his namewas Brann. This uns fufore'32,'uny bachbefue then. Wenwde the record and tlwt ieltqt, he told ne, le said, "Now in a month you'11hear from me." Whenthe recrxd cameout, I heurd it on the uends. but nty namerDasn'ton it.

0 a) q) >\

tFg ffi"FI:r*s3,fii'ilE1i'T"g 15,


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I R '! G a


lewnt to play so utell. 'cailse I practiced all hinds oi music. Tlen whenl cane to Chicago, I go in the Polish neishbrhad. eo in the lrish neighborhiocf, ] eo iitlle Germot neighborhnd, go in the ltalian neishbuhoad; I lwd to leun to play all their musics. I go doumto Lyon & uealy' s b Chicaeomtsic store) wtd piih up the runic md come bsch and sit ilaiun wtd leqm it. I leunt reqd ru6ic md I cqn eet il off the sheet. WayI got to record there, a fellow called lr/lelrosehewd me, .came to ne. Bwnble Bee Slin and Ihem uns recordinBwith him boch tlere then-Bil BiTl ord cll tlgm fellows-and in got togethermd ute uns practicin4,, releqrsing togetler, wtd so lllelrose hewd me, so lrc got me to go doun to recqd. Fellow caUed-WiUiwts.I went doumto hin md recuded too. I msde some recuds with Bwnble Bee SIim, but I forpet wlwt thev tws rnu>Eutnble and Bi'eBill. and I nnde *e\ttn somewithfanmRed. I cqn't remember wlnt'I plwed in tlnse dovs. I iust plavbd'withhim (Tanpa Aeal+is ruimbitrs-btl I don't renember what they uns, but I plaryed with hin, tlnugh, It uns ubut fiue or six yeus ago t4or I gne up -rmtsig,nqlbe euen longer than ttwt. Ve, l played rusic for a liuiW; I lihe to play. Now uhen I was in the Arnry, I kbpt the rnarale up; I practiced md utent uouttd there playing. "Don't let Thev told tw serqeqnt, Maiin comsaror.ridhere when we're havins contests. He wins all the first orizes." Now that nnndnlin I hnue, the Arnrygwe ne that. And I hpd a Gibson guitw, a fellow bowhl md gaue me. I hept the moraleup uhei I ums in the ,4rw.

That mnt lwue beenarowtd'28, sonewlere in qowd there. lt4eand Hottmd md Rolutd and qrcther fellat>it unsn't Ted (Bogan); I don't fulieue I hd nn. up on him then--recordedthose runrfurs in the St. Janes Hotel in Krcxuille. Bnnswich lwd tleir outfit tlere, tlwy had cone tbous.h there. Tlev tuote us letters; tf tDehad any talent, music md lihe tlnt, tley utere going to Put the studio up in the hotel qrld for us to cone tp ihere. Weuent up there and ute nnde the pieces. Tley krnw when tlw record's rieht. They had unx: they nnl?e it oi tle wu.. When thei od'that urfi cautv tlen he said, "Y;d'[ hear fromme in a rbnth." He neuer did. write fuck and so I did "Well. thev beat us said to ntvself. out of the record." I heail that record but I had to wv to heu it, on the uendor. Tlwi diserrcowagedne right tlen, you hrnw, from mohingrecords. I cane to Chicaeoin'32. lt uns fort of tE ccfine.Ane boY's in 'Oetroit he's rww, Hotoud ,Armstrong; a bad manon the uiolin, I'm telling vou. qbad nnn...can play onything on ilp'uiolin. Me ond Ted strch together. The otter kry, William Ballinger, he's olavinB bass violin in a band-some bi14er band tcnh him utvY from.w. ,, He ums somelhingtoo; he @uld reallY pich thnt fuss uiolin. Weolcved onvthing, PoPulu songs, qtythine- tttev called-for. W e played foi cluictes-. for all occosions. When vou plav music for ww liuing You 'olav'wiat the people wffit; that's the 'uni I alunvs irieil to figte for nryself. Anythine they ttnnt-if it nhs ;,eUt iss, darrce's,breahdouns, itwrches. dvinine they sent for me lo comewAbny.-fnal's wlry I


o o a) -c

4, 1935:.This Chicago, $eptember Deccfi,inks in excite-rpd with spme of the best blues Perfonm-ncesot Ete-Ifua-r-lD0sm-such labels as Faramnmt and Genne$...

evening. I was treated to several hours ol their mandolin-zuitarrenditions o{ such ballads as "Red Sails in the Starcet" before they would deisn to pcrformblues. Apparentlv theifelt inrpelled to convin'ceme bf their musical sophistication; certainly they kept delerrinsmy requestfoi blues ad thoughtley couldn't believe that I wouldbe interested'insuch music. Finallv. lhugh, J got.Cafl to sing and.pldi "Crow Jqne",' from there on i[ was easy, and they performed blues for the'rest of the evening. Prior to leavingChicago in Iuneof [966. I recordedCarl twi-ce. Ai the first sessionhe accompanied himself on mandolinand gritar, with tlre supDort of IohnnvYoung.who altemated in'plar ins iheseinstrurn'ents with him. Thht day-Mav 31. 1966-Grl performed: " Crou ane Blttes.t"' Corinni." J Tlouble on yow Hands," "Yotr State StreetPimp" (a piece BumbleBee Slim had recordedas "Rwtninq Bod Luch Bhrcs"), "Mistreatin' Bfttes," "Eueryday I Haue the Blues," "GrattediggerBltes," "Lize "John Henry," "Franhie Jlne," ond Johnny," a tentative "Good lllorning, version of Judge," and a fragmentary "G6in' Bor:h Hornb-" At the secondsession we attempted to recreatethe soundof a string band and, in fact, we christeneil the group we assembled"The Chicaso Strin:gBand." In addition to Car[ who plaved mandolin.violin and zuitar. ive used lohnny Youns. zuita"r and' mandolini lohn t,ee Ganterson. suitar: harmonica. AII and lohn Wrencher, took-tums with the vocal chores, and the instrunrentalcombinationswere manyand varied. Carl's vocal "Deceiuin' contlibutions included Blues," "Trouble on Yow Hands." "Hooilm Blttes," "Railroqd' and Blues," and his driving nuandolin and sensitiveviolin playini enlivened the vocal and instrumeital performances by the others.
(EDI?'OR'S NATE: Carl Martin's first record probablyaDpeared wder tfris pseudonyrn-" T EA?VFjSSEE CHOCOLA TE DROPS"-TitIes listed in the Dixon Blues Blues & Gospel Gospel book book are are aaw_^ c,f/. c, , n
probably featwins Carl Martin. Roland Armstrond. Clur trilartin.'aitd ahd. Hounlid Hounid Armstrone. C)w tln thanks 'fied to Daue, Freeman. u.tho who first firs identified tlw record.)

t, o


F, ts o\ ga

I alunys lihed mwic and wouldn't do onything but play music, but it Inked like there wasn't any demand for it. Tlte syndicote tmh ouer the vendars,juheboxes, things lihe tlwt-tlwt's u lot of disencowaqenent to musicians. You hnaw. you c-an't play here. I used to playin thealers before they put in loudspeahers, talkies, ond a lot of places I used to play whereyou're bwred out rnw. Ygu go in a1d the fellow tells you, "Don't need music. we got music." Well, okqy, there's a ueil.dor tlwrebut look at the musiciansthnt's unlking the streets md tlwy can't get ih Tlnt diserrcowqged me, too, awlnle lot. 'Curse I could lnue fuen pluyine 'still, masic rie,ht uowtd here 6ut you cai't fisht tlg swilicqtei mdl hrcw it. ke wlnt I'm talhing abut? MTERWORD.'Thouehhe had not perlormed professionilly for more than a half-doz6nyears whei I met him early in 1966,Carl was in splendid vocal and instrumentalshapb. This was due to the lact that he'and Ted Bogan,still fast friends, were in the hab-itof aettins toserher from time to tinrefor dn eve:nin['s rmsic making, at which times they wouldplay 'lt and sing for t-heirown enioyment. was at sucha sessionat Carl-'sSouthSide apartment that I first met the pair one

o >. o o a

Recorded April. 193d, ecorded in in Knoxutlle, Knoxutlle. c. April, 193d, issuedon isstnd on Vocalion Vocalion 1517 1517and and 5472. 5472.and. aru

Ktnx uow[y ^rcx County J[omD/ Stomo/Vine v Ine JIreeI Street ufQg Dras".



Typical Fse of RECORI) FINDER ten days before auction closing-1r'.s u e11rthumh,! ,uE.s ;,,fmo.uth-11tte Ing , i tAlLtIe: UPdl Inr Jltrk"
"... " 7.oros the of a thousaul ,inl1 naju 'uure , of lF au' tiois ii the U.S. t.rtnt bonu: on oc c as iorutl frts c i nat i ng on iazz' or blue.s history, S ub s i ri pt iori Rale.s.' t ; ; l ' . 0 0 f o r J J ' i s s u c . s / { . . S .. \ (laruula); $ 1.00 ( oters eos). \oLt: nat, Rt:cor,l F i n d e r , , l ; l 2 , l lP i . c o B L u l . , S r r n t u IloricrL, ( nLil. ltt).1.05

Ilave vou seen the \I,il' ('OD.'l?...lrtxn,taybird ( oltman tlt (httto ('{)l{'nlan ( . a r i r r r l u " i : r L ' r r l j, t t : : :
( t)l ( t\: It tlll lt1 fi{iIrI:l/?a'

t,,r !s rrii,ilrholrs: , Ias. r,

/1t:-'. .Jk LaiL. l)lilt'\, n(\l(tlI

l lu ILiLlt :!,tn'lrtrrl.. rnr! irt.;titurit,)1, t)! it\ Qrl , [('.\ )'\ ilu t,it.str'trtr* | \t)tl| liir'rrtrcfr r'.i I rrrtr,/piu,tttgrLtltit.iL ( ) l t , t t t \ l lL!' a r I ( ' l l l ! f,\.s//\'i ,ut,,i r,i,tt ", r't,, . t , t l:, t, .('.rl) t,'r /-' t.rru, i r/.\. )-



. \ r . t , t . , , t. 1 , I t t r , ' 1 1 , , t ' - ( ) t t l , r r r t t , (.ttrut,lit

x ) - l t . K . ) . . 1 r l t l r , , . s(s. ., i l u i ) u l , i Lttt t i l n . s , I ' . ( ) . l l r t r 8 ' ' ,

secorul kr non? 0s (r l(r:z s rt I l,t hc nurguz irre -p uhl i s |.te (xt': LtLng rn I orturtLt)n ()n .\ (a1 ( )rleanst arul prescnl Toss Neu Orlerins i.s s[tLL ' grcuts, the crertt iuzz cenier o{ tht' ktrlJ. a\ tnu'll ,li.'coier ln reutlirw'l'fu Secctrul Line -' l t . se i r ut I i r t y , t r t i e I c . , , r . p h ' , l o s , r , 4 1 .1 \i lor iozz r''ll1 i1,'rs... Ilu- dt, you'receiu.e it'? 7 ha. ,'nl) uu) yt'u HPI Il I.\ l.llln thc'\cu. (hltrn' l,tzz Clitl'. ,4ctit,e membership is $/0. ,4ppLy to the Nat,'Orleurus lh2z'Cluh, 2417 (.)ctotia St., N rtt., ()rlertns, Lu. 701 I 5

S'fORl'\'!LLF.. Eneland' s inspirrd new,jarz bi-nnnthly

l)ct tlnk' u lt ttfUl lL lt[t :tUltllr't il)

I()6(t u:ith its rl.isccrning urtict'es on trotlitiorutl iazz arul exr:iting p 'rlntos rrl 11n,,yruohl. I n.lurl,'' ttt'crutlt pltiit,'.' ,'l c,'!,'cu, l't)rt'.' rCI Onl t t'ntlllttl..., rt t It tt \, ttU(' t i n n ' , l , tb a l n u m t ' r i ' a l \ . S u l " c r i l tion rutt:s: $2.80 for 6 l.sstrs ( {,t.5.. A mc ri can R e pr e s e nkrtneBoh kunm,.il ljrt.i,'a 1r , .,St,tt, n l s l a r u ! , \ " u \ o r L ' l r t 3 r t 2r ; S u l , ' r r i ; " tions in other counLries, conr(rc1 Snryuilla, 2t1 I rsu icA llnul,,'r, l nglnnrl Dugenlna

Typical page of VJM ten days aft,er auetim closing... BLIIES WORLD. Ensland's exciting new blues bi-nPnthlv
tnen core cramps, musea, .su'eal, Wlrc. ds e,ompctint bi.dd ei s ' a m i t r e . < u l ts ' o I m r e 78 auctiorrc, The only imior international source bf rare 68 78 auctions. Includes'LP & tnpe sales t/atrctions, C ontntre falsciruttinearticles on early 're c ord c ofrwnie s, detail ed' Iabel nmiicals. Subscription rates: 85.50 t'or 12 iisu,es ( L I . S . ) ;3 6 / - ( U . K . & o u e r s e a s ) . Address: Vintage Iazz trlart, 1 H i l l c r . s t C u d . n s . I t o ll i " H|II, London N.V'.2.' , Engbnd

6nnr. J ntertedurticulate aPf> a ns d blu s ca crrts , * r 1 , t o 6 / u r s s i n" ic le of histon. Pro.-ides I i t e r n i l q u l i t l . P a c A e dw i t h n u e u l r h o ' [i n f o r m t i o n o n t d a Y ' s blues rei iuil and on the Colden .1rc of (.ountn B1rs. Six-issur sLb".'riptinn: 7 t shill i ngs (ouer' .."o.,: l2 - lCreat Britttin). 4 J d r e s . s ;l l l u e , V o r k ! , 2 2 , M a r c r Cres.e nt, Knul.s {ord, C hts hire, Englnni


'\Ulutt u;ere,some of tlu, difl'ert,nr:es lpttrieen jcnz of my time cnd the uny it is played kxlol'? There i.s o uosl differcnt'e in tlu, rh1'thm rauJ tlu' stt'Le of i n.s t k tn." sti,J Rcuhen "lrt lic.'re*. t h t . s ct l t t \ s , a n u s i t i t r t t plut'r,ci instrumrntolLy nutslly, urul he lt/cl'r,d lrun Ihe hetrt, rnrl frtr the pLre lot,tt ol' mttsi<. Htxr ofter futur uus cbt,rlad lo ;clr scsslolts ln nutsiciturs u,ln unukl plul' ftr ruihing tr It'rtlwrilit's, llhil' l]u' rttrtsi,'itur* c'lnriktltk', it is of uxlal' urL: irufu,ed m()reor lass rf tt trtnmarc'iril prr4xnili,rnt. "Srxncr u lott'r ut alL npl aitlu'r at jan sessions, tlu,alres, lutl sprtts, I Imttu reslututrn.ts, or lxtlLruxtrn"s. Kine Oliuar, I'ouis /.umclr(fi], J(iut.' riv l-)rrirls,ITrttlii,'Kcplrtr,! tuul nll l i u ' , , l l ' u ' rg t ' a l s o f l f r r i f { l ' . . l / t r , r * aLl oru' ltig famiLy. Of antrx', I ulxt Ancur l,-es.sWilliam.s. I ntruk' rr<'rtrd' iruls :ltlt )ellt'futll\lrtrlott. I kn"u' . l i t l ' l n ,S m i l h , A l c x - l o , ' h s , n ,/ . , Y i , r u|iLLiams,fk.'t I'ips Page. I could gcttn rutning them for hours." Iieubcn Rceves rvas lxrm Octobcr 25. 1905. and this makes him 62 vears old. But. if you wcre to zucss his age,you'd--aYhc rTas ncarcr ro +S. lla is a bank zuard with thc Chemical Ilank Ncw York Trust Lbmpany in New York CitY, and the mere sieht of him scares arvay all rvouldbe burglars and holdup men. He had two other brothers: Gcrald Reeves who also was a finc nrusician and plaved trombonc with Louis Annstrons it the old Sunsct Cale in Chicago and uith F-rskine Tate in the old Vendome in Chicaso. This brotier is deceased. ilis othei brother, Robcrt, \\as not a nrusician and is now retired' Roh'rt is the oldest mcmber of the Reeves family. He is still livins at the old ltomcstcad in Lvansville. lidiana, wherc Reuben was rrom.

_ Reubenis the youngestof the three. He went to school in Evansville at Rederick DouglasHieh School. HL started his mudical cireer here, playing the trumpet,and bv his senror vear. became ihe assisthnt bandmasier. Beforethis, his only eonnectionwith the music world beganwhenhis mother insisted that he pliy the piano. Mrs. Reeves,an accomplished pianist, gave piano lessoirsto her son, but somehow or other Reubendid not become attached to the piano. As he explainedit to me, wherihe eot to high school he wantedto pliy the trumpet because it was loird'andit appeialed to him. Paul Baldwin, the school bandmaster,gave instructionto pupils who wereinterestedin music. Clne' dav. Baldwin placed a battered t*.pei in Reuben'S hands,and Reuben, linowing nothing at all about trumpet. iust starteilto plav. Initiallv. sorie u.rv 'weird' soirnds ernereed.' These graduallytumed intda semblance of his latei style-a hot, eleeantstyle that was to'characterize hfs plavine in Gricago throughthe 1920'3aird 30's. played in the high school . Reuben bandat concerts, paradesand other clvrc entertarnments. (all sratis ) tfut surprisingly, Reuben's" ambiiion was to become a dentist. However. after he.graduated -fromhigh schooi and duringone of his iazz sessrons with the high school bbnd, another land from texinston, Kentuckv (Bill S.nith& His Orchestra)heardhiin. $nith becameinterested in Reuben. 'something' recognized in his olaving, and askedhim ifJre would'lik'e to tour with the $nith band during the summer. Reuben eamed$.fi) a nisht as a tnxnpetplayer for $nith's"band. and that S.00 was a considerable sum, becauseit was 1923-the era of The Free Lunch and The Cood $cent Cigar. In February 1924,Reubencame east to New York City to enter derp tistry school, but he ireverdid. He startedtaking on engagernents in differentnighl spotsl Oneof them was $nall'6 Paradise. _ If any of you rewJers remember Snnll's Puudise in 1924(orisinally called the SugarCane)l it ttns locoted at 135th Street aid Fifth Auerute. Later on, Small's Porudise mauedto its present lrcation at 135th Stree:totd kuenth Auente, and is now called Small's

Pwadise Restmnant. It uns the hottest night spot in New Yuk; tday, il ts a Ime restawant whererutsiciuts still congregate. Here, Reubenacted as a substitute. replacing musicians in various bands' from time to time. After nnre than 40 years, he doesn't remernber the namesof the bands. He does recall that Count Basie was the piano player on several occasions. Reriben cbn-' tinuedplaying at $nall's and orher locatioirs lorlbout six months. In fanuary, 1925,he went to Chicaso. tsy that time, he had acquireda' reputatron. His first iob in Chicaso was ar a little cafe on State StrEetcalled the Oriental Gfe. And this is where &skine Tate first heardhim olav. Tate went up to Reubenand iskit' him if he wouldbe interestedin joining the Tate band.

let us stop. The iam sessionswith Louis md wseli must haue lasted an how od q hnlf at a tinle." It Jas at the Resal that Reuben formedhis own gro"up: Reuben Reevesand HisRivbr Boys. The personnelof that famousband included his brother Gerald on tronr-. bone, Damell Howard,clarinet, Clrner Simeon, clarinet and alto, and Jasper Taylor on drums. "There was a fellow by the rwne of Mayo Williams worhing with Vocalion at that titne, wha tws loohing for ta.lent, md he hewd nry bond playinCat the Regal. He asked ne wlether I would be interested in nnhing recordings. We uare neuer told qctwlly what records cane out4t)e twe irct qshed to atterd otd rnalw the recordings. From the list of recuds tlnt did cone oul, I must stute tlwt un nnde nany, manY nare which the Comwny euidently didn't issw. \4ostof the recqdinEs urere mode in the Ftrnittne Mut in Chicogo wltere the Brtmswichand Vrcql ion studios were located." Reubenhad his band for aooroximatelythree vears. then i6ined Cab Callowav's Bandat ihe old Cotton CXub'inHarlem in 1931. Bv 1933he had reorganizedhis River Boys band in Chicago, and someof dheband's performances on the Vodalion 20(X)series. appeared fie reorsanizedRiver Boys held tosetherTorabout three y6ars, after wh"ich,in 1936, Reubenled a band




{tr?F#'f ,?BiLS"'{gifJfr t'if, t'8fi betqe Reubenioined the brn..'

"Ershine Tate hnd Said Reuben. the best bmd. i euer played with. He uns a mnster,and the Woplg used to stond for hours applruding. Nter eqch rendition there uns a fiue to ten minute wait for the '(mDlu.use to sto\. PeoPIecane thiowh stdnts, snow and hnil to lecn Tate's Achestra." was to &skine Tate's Orchestra his first bis start as sive Reuben One example i full-time professional.was musical of this professionalism to silent movies. It accompbniment was h6re that Reubenleamed a specr ial skill of the era-the ability toplay and synchronize classicll music to silent film. ReubenReevesplayed trumpet in tJreTate band frir three years, had not ybt ioined lnuis Armstrone Tate (it was aftlr Reuberileft that l,ouis becamea member). Reubenthen went to the Regal Theiitre with Dave Peyton, who was a Dianoplayer anil musical conducior. The'Reeal Theatre was located at 47thStrdet and South Parkway in Chicago. WhenReuben was playing there, Louis Annst-rong and his'bana were featuredat tie SavovBallroomnext door. Louis "amd into the Reeal lor one week and he ioined Re[ben tor a jazz session(see photo). "I Said Reuben, httew King Oliuer rersorwllv and lE ltns at tle toP. Yet. rn one could euen cone close to Louis on the trwtryt. At tle thrc he ioined me at the Reeal fu the iam sessions,the audibrrceunul.dit


q \

o x



s 8

Alvis, an old Ellingtonman,was the bassist, and tlarryDal, the drummer, was the leader. Thev piaved first in The Rendczvous on MicDougal in the Villase and then at $nall's Para dise in llarlern. That was between 1949and 1955. In the meantime.Reubenhad becomea member of the Chemical Bank of New Yorft.Trust Company in 1952and is still employed thbre. He has manyfond recofiections; he still loves rirusic,but he says that the life o[ a musicianis too muchfor him at his "lender age" of 61. lle says that iazzis excitine and exhiliratins, bul the hind of j&z he likes to olav and the hind of olaces he likes to irtai, at are only [or'a youngerman. Chicaeo. ttby 22. l9Z9: Reuben's first ereat recordine session also feahres lhmell Ho-ward.Omer Simem and Jasper Taylor... llhen asked what he thousht of said. 1960's rock and roll. Reubdir "I hnow tlnt someroch and rollers Iaughall the uny to the funk and rmhe mare nonq in one yeu than the oldtime mnician madedr.ring his lifetime."

with C.onnie'sHot Chocolate Show. the road edition for the seasonof 1936. Then, he joined a group headed bv Dick Waril.a drummer. andthev played 'spots, mostly in New York hot big tidre restaurantsand r6sorts.Cab Cal_loway's original pianist, EarresPrinc6, was ln Ward'sband. Anotherfamiliar name was Thomton Avery, the sax player. Afterwards, Reubenbeganworkins for the most famouse-nrployer of"alt (Uncle Sam). tle wa'sin the Armydurine the entire war and saw considerabfe serviceoverseas.Near the end of WorldWarII. he was in charseof the 299th Army Gound Band of the SeventhDivision, Forc"es and thev plaved for all the bovs overseds.'Hi: continuedto leid that aggregationuntil after DDay. Somefamousnameswere members of that band. They include trumDeters lack Wilson and Otis Williams, as well as Rudolph fohn'son, [he son of Fess Williams. After the Warand his honorable discharge from the Army, Rarben didn't find work quickly as a musician. He workedin the inst riffice for a few months. However,he soon ioined Harrv Dial and His Bluesicians. Hiltrin lefferson, an old Calloway man, and Hayeis was pliying saxophone
o o

o s o F a

Stolze Anction: lbte: soecial

(21)WINGY MANONE: 'Lei's Spill The Beans/About A Ouartbr To Ninc-Vo n34N(2f) McKNNEY'S COTTON PICKERS:Chcn,r/Sonc Sueet Dav-Vi 21730N COTTON Q3) McKINNEY'S PICKERS:SaveIt. Pretty Mana/l Fowd. A Neu B6by -vi 38061N e4) TOMMYMcCLENNAN; Brown Skin Girl/Baby,

$I.ffi per recqd. Conseruatiue gredinA, satis faction guaran teed. All redords shipped oia Parcel Post in the U.S,'Overseas percels u:ill be d,orfile-boxed for ex,tra pro te c tion. ^ 50 g_packing chseb in the U.5., $1.00 per double box for ouerseos iimers. (1) ALABAMA MSCALS: Nancy lare/The Dirty Dozen's Cous'ins-Me 70163 E1-

WILLIAITT E. SIOI.ZF P.O. Box 71 New Wmdstoch,N.Y.l3lZz AUCTION-Mininun bid is

2) ALABAMA WASHBOARD WhoStole TIE STOMPERS: Lock/Rockin' Cluir-tr/o 1587 E+ (3) HENRYALLEN: Roamin'/ Patrol WaeonBlues-Vi 23n6 E (4) PE FtY p RADlQ RD;, Luc y Lons/Ain't GonrwPlay No N Secdnd Fiddle-Vo 15165 (5) LEROY CAR.R:Blues She GaueMe/You Can't RunMv Bzsiness No More-Vo 02681N rc) ROB COOPER:WestDallas Drae/Black GaI (loe Pullem) _BB fu59 E+ (7) IDA COX: Fortism/Tree T6o Tall Paw-P'ara 12690E+ (BI ROSETTA CMWFORD: 'Tired Of Fattenin' Froes/ Double'Cross in' Papa1De 7584N rc) IOHNNY DODDS:ComeOn Ahd Stomo/AfterYou'ueConeBr 3568N(10) C@T GMNT & KID WILSON:ComeOn Coot/Haue Yotr Chill-Para 12317E1 (11) EARL HINES: Chicaeo t hyt lu/. Eueryboly L oues-My Babv-Vi 3W42 l'1' (12) IIM JACI6ON: Conta StartMe A Graueyard/l'mA Bad Bad Man-Vd 1164E+ (13) IESSETAMES: Soutlern QaseyI ones/LoncsonteDay BIrci-De 7213N(14 BLIND LEMONIEFFER. SON : P ncwrcnia B lues/ Tlwt Craulin' Babv B lues - Para N12880 (15) BLIND WILLIE TOHN. SON:Treat A StraneerRis,lx/ Go With Me-Co 14597N ( ]6 ) ] OHNSON'S : ] AZZERS Skiddle De Scout/CanI Cet It Now-Co 14247N (17) Black CURTISTONES: 'C,rbsv BIucs/ Alley Bourd Bl'rei-Vo 04249E (18) LUKE JORDAN:Pick 'Pobr Robin Clean/ Traueline Coon-Vi 20957 E+ /19)"LITTLE CHOCALATE DANDIES:6orTTimes/ Tlnt's HoutI Feel TodavoK 8728 N/20)CNPPLE CLARENCE LO'FTON: Tore Yow Plnvluuse Doutn/BroutnSkinGirls-Me 61166El/E-

(28) MISSOURIANS: Market Sfi eet Storw/ Mis sottri Moanvi 38067E (2e)BENNY MARTON:Tlw :Gold, Disser' s Sorw/Toilor Made-Co-2924E{ (30) TELLY ROLL MORTON: That'lI NeuerDo/Fickle Fay Creep-Vi 23019N (31)SCOTTIENESBITT: And Blue/DeeoDeeo Tr6ubled ' In Thc Ground-887155'El (32)IIMMIE NOONE:It's Tieht Like Tlmt/Let's Sap A WiId.Oat-Vo 1238N(33) KNG OLIVER: Wlat Youwant Me To Do/Too Late -vi s80m N/El


shiwed uia Parcel Post. fld pcking clnrge phs postage. (1) AMOS:MuddvWater 'Blues/Mean Bad Bhrcs

You CanDepend'On MeVo 1679E-' (15) ORA ALEXANDER: 'Sieetest Dad.dv In Tarn/ Men SureAre DeceiuirwCo 14626N (16)OM ALEXANDER: 'I Gaue Yow Louin' Euerv Dav/UeIy Man BluesCo'14664N (17) CHESTER ALLEN AND CAMPBELL:Booze Di nhi ns Daddy/ Railroad BIues-BB 6224 N MRE TESTSBELOW: (18) COWCOW DAVEN. 'PORT AND IVA SMITH: Tlnt' Tlrc Kird Of Girl I'm Lookine For (Cnt' 7231 )/ (reuersZ:I ack Walhrup: The MoonIs Yellou)Cennett test E1 (19)DEEP NVER PLAN. TA'TIONSINCERS: t oslun Fit De Battle Of tericlw/ Truin's A Comiir'(Ch16378) Gennetttest El EO) ALBERTA IONES ACC. BY CORKYWILLIAMS BLACKBIRDS:Slnke A Little Bit (Gnt 6439)/(wv idewified suteetband)Gernett test El

BB 5852E1

Islnnd.Blues (Vi 38041; rnx. 4BB5 1-2 )-Victor test N(37) TINY PARHAM:Doin' The lue-tue (Vi 23027: mx. 6293 1-2 )-Victor test N(38) TINY PARHAM:Rock Bottom (Vi 22842; mx. 629 32-2, uniss ued take) Victor test N(39) TINY PARHAM:Doun (mx.62933-1, Yonder UNISSUED TITLE and unlisted take!)-Victor test NU0)TINY PARHAM:BIue lvloon Blucs (Vi 23027: mx. 62934-1)- Victor test' N(41) TINY PARHAItI: Squeeze UEI) Me ( mx.62935- 1. UN ISS TITLE!)-Victor test N(42) TINY PARHAM: Back To The Iunzle (V'i, nx. ISSU ED TIT LE 62936_]. UTU and unliStedtoke!) -Victor Ntest U3) TINY PARHAM: Nout Thirt I'ue Found You (Vi mx.62951-1)22778, Victor test N(U) TINY PARHAM: Naa Thbt I'ue Found You (Vi 22778,mx.62951-2,uru issueiltoke)-Victor test N(45)TINY PARHAM: My Dreams /Vi 23432:mx.62952-1, unissuedtake)-Victoqtest N(46) TINY PARHAlll: ltly (Vi 23,132: Dreams mx.62952-2 )-Victor test N(47) TINY PARHAM: After AII I'ue DoneFor You(Vi 23432: rnx. 62953-2)l'ictor test N(48) TINY PARHAM: After AII I'ue DoneFor You(Vi 234'32:nx. 62953-I) un. issuedtake-Victor test N' BMCEY: &9) ISHMAN Blues Brdtn Mama, (Vi : mx. 452159-1, ' 21691 uniss ued iake)-V i ctor test N(ffi) ISHMAN BMCEY: Blues Leauin' Tou-tn (Vi 385@: mx. zk5459-1, 'unissued iake)-Victor test N' (51)ISHMAN BMCEY: FoLr Dav Blues(Vi 38560: -1, unissuednke ) tnx.45461 -Victor test N. (52) MISSESIPPI IOHN HURT:Bie Les Blues ( rnx.40Uf4- Ai Uni s sued) (Oheh)test N' Columbia (11)DESSA FOSTER & HOWLINGSMITH: Me 12117 G1 (12) GEORGIACOTTON PICKERS:Co 14577E(aboue:rc ng.) I 13)LAURT HENTON_ oK B8e7NBr 71zM G (7) BO CARTER: Bannaruz (14) LAUM HENTON: In Your Fruit Basket/ EEJ Co 14388 PussyCat Blues- Vo03091 (15) ALEC ]OHNSON: (8) BLIND NORNS:The (taty B hrcs/ Swdou,,nB luesCo 14416N(16)BOBBIELEECAN'S De 7290 E] NEED-MORE BAND: O) TEXASALEXANDER: 'Lboee vi 20660 vMoan/Section Camo (17) NICHOLSON'S Gane4K 8494 E-/V/ (ius): Ch16137 G PLAYERS (10)"LOh"NIE IOHNSON: ( ]8) SETHNCHARD: Louland Moan/Tired of Lit'Co G 14325 ins AIone4K 8677E:/V (19) BERTHA ROSS: (11) SONNY SCOTT:Try Cnt 6227G4 Me ManBlues/Black Ponv (20) TEXAS TOMMY: Blues-Vo 02586E1 Br 7044E ( 1 2 )A L E C ] O H N S O N : (21 POORBOYS: TV/O ) Sund.oun B I ues/ Miss Meal Pe 180E Cramo-Co 14445El/E (22) PEETIE WHEAT. (13)BARBEC(]E BOG: STMW: Vo 1722V Barbecue B lues/ Clou.dy (23) CHARLIEKYLE: E-toV1 SkvBIues-Co 14205 vi 38625v (14) 'P CHARLIE MCFADDEN: eoplePeople/Groceries On l4v Shell-De 7317E (15)KOKOT'IO ARNOLD: FRANCIS $IITII Blues/ Model T Woman Tfumne0sFarm MuIe Laid Down & DiedBodle Sheet Gteen De 7198El Hailsham.Sussex (16) BUDD| MOSS: Mv ENGLAND Babv Won'tPav Me No TMDE-The follapine Mind/Stop Haieine - - Around.records are aiaihble lor Me 70170' El (17) CLARENCEWIL. trade, but only [or blie.s tterns ol eqwDdlent ran.ty. LIAMS: SIow Riuer/Zulu I'm not'brdoared to tadd Wail-Br 3580E-/VI ( qne good iiem t'or un PPI SHEIKS : 18) MISSISil 'Stop L e s s e ro n e s . & Listen Blues(scr' hinghat T Dri uins, T irc;ud. / ) oK BB07v/E-(1) BOWEAVIL IACK. ( 19) LITTLE SONIAE: 'Tuf{ SON: Para12390 E+ Luck B lues/ Dies,in' (2) CHARLIE SPAND: E MiPotatos-Vo 04.707 Para 13047 N(ZO)OSCARWOODS: LONC (3) ED BELL: Co14595N WoIfBlws/Don SeIl Ittt,l LUt\t\I LONNIE LONNII t LULLtvIAt\ COLEMAN: : U) t Doi't Giue It AwoyCo 1444O Co 1444O N De 7219E (5) ROBERT WILKNS:
State of Tennessee Blues/ Kansas'City Blunsv i 2 1 1 8 5E (6) BO CARTER: Ramrod Daddy/.4as In My Pants-

(s) MEMPHTS tbC SeUn,

PORTA IVA SMITH: Alabamrny Mistreated (Gnt 7231 )/ ( unidentified tt hillbillv hnd )-Cenne testEJ TOM: GEORGIA Q2) Bu It's Hard/Leuee GeeBoind Blues (Ch 16682)test E1 Gernett Eil CARIVIICHAEL'S MarchOf COLLEGIANS: TheHoodlwns(Gnt 6474)/ CARMCHAEL HOAGY ANDHISPALS: Waltz (mx, 13184 and Swreme uiss ucd! ) -GennEtt test E NEWORLEANS 04 'RHYTHtul I(/NGS: Tin Roof O'HARE: Blues/HUSK test E1 San-Gennctt %)ALEXANDER BROTLouis BLucs tlERS.'Sr. nti fied )/ ( unide '(Ch 16499 hillbillv )-C:ennett te'st EI AND IOH. 06)STEELE 'NS1N: Selline That Stuff ( inid eruifie:{ Ch 16395 )/( 'hillbillv tE )-Cennett te-s ALABAMAI]ilI AND N7) 'GEORGE (Buddy Burton & MarcusNormanl: Cross ing BealeStreet(Cnt6X)5)/ ( unid.erui fied hi LLb|IIY )'Gennett. iest El


IIENRY VESTINE 815 Hartzell Sheet Facific Palisades California 90272 F O R T R A D EO R AUCTION-l orefer

vi 21741 E+ rc)DE FORD BAILEY: vi 38014 E4 (7) NOAH LEWIS/DE LEVIS/D FORD BAILEY: NVi 23336 (L-inch

trades for good, obscure country blics. Rights reserued,to relect any or all bids.

DON KENT 324 West96th Street ADt.5D NewYork. N.Y.10025 AUCTION-Trodes set

preference. Condition 'swiranteed. P leas e spec ify "78" auction.


Poor Boy B lues/ lilistreated BIues-Co 14491N(2)GEORCIA BROWNS: Decatw Street Bl /Tampa Strut-Vo 1740E+ (3) MEMPHIS ]UG BAND: doun/ Mary MemphisShake Ann-OK 8958N@ MEMPHIS ]UC BAND: GdtorW obble / Mv Busizess


(5)BUSTER & IACK: vi 2s2s7 v-

Vi 21198 (enlars,ed cetxer hole) E

48850-1, uniss ) Vicnr dst NBIue BS)TINY PARHAM: 'Islizrd Bhtcs (Vi 38041;mx.


4BB5I, unissucd take)Victor test N-


nc rnp) (8) VOL STEVENS: vi 21356N(9)MARTIN AND RCBERIS.'Br 7007N (10) PAPA EGGSHELL: Br 7095N(]1 ) GENE CAMPBELL: Br 7184N(12) FURRYLEWIS: Vo 1134 E(13) ]ED DAVENPORT: Vo 144ON(14)BLACK BOTTOM lvlcPHAIL: Vo 1690N (15) BUKKA WHITE: Vo 03711E/E(16)MEMPHIS ]UG BAND: Vo 03182N (17)]IM FOSTER (Collins): Ch 15301 E(18) TAyLOR& ANDERSON: Ch50016N (|e) BUSTERTOHNSON/ McCLUM: Vrs ffi57 N (20)V/ELBYTOAMEY: Gnt 6(N5 V 01 ) WALTERBEASLEY: oK 8540 N (22)SYLVESTERWEAVER: oK 8109E

(14) HELEN HARRIS ACC. SKILLET DICK & HIS FRYII\f PANS:Ch l5BBl V1 (15) KING SOLOMON HILL: Crcnnn 3325 E (16) BLINDV/ILUE ]OHN. 'SON: Co 14582E(17) ROBERT TOHNSON: t'ourpre.uar Lanirnted,
lL-Lncn. one-slded.

Colunbia tests in EJ (18) FURRYLEWIS: vi'2164 E1 (19) GUY LUMPKIN& EDIDIE MAPP/EDDIE MAPP: QRS7078N-


(^22QLp !A!,_SMo.ttF
(23 (23) ) CHARLIEPATTON: Vo'( E02931 (24) )FF' FM NKSTOKES: vi 21672 Vi 21672 E to E4 (2s) (25) wAL FAMILY: 'T WALTER
hbt's My Rabbit/Slaher (pia-iwr_unshfurd, Ben (piaiw, unshfurc SHOP4: VO1045 E/V1

V o 1447 Vo i E1

( Franc i s Smith-c ontinuc d) VANTED: In addition to na.ny countn/ bhes. I unni the follanins'items in reasorable condiiion. Too prices paid. BERNfCE EDWARDS-Para 12653, 126n, D766, 12741;

t ohnson" Scrapper B lqc kaell, Tonanie-Bmdtey, Ed Fax Hud,son, l arnes' Bat Robins on. Robinsorl s Knishts of Re'st. Georeia TornPoor Jdb, Bur-se & SM.e, Will Slla.d,e. Picaniww Iw Band.. Mosby &Sykei. Stat e' Ste et' Ramble rs', T he Chicaso Stonwers, Tfte DixieSerenaders, atd nwny nvne.


RUDYFOSTER-Paia 1298i ; CHARLIE TAYLOR: Pam 12967: FREDDIE BROWN+ Parai29lo: loE DEANVo l5zt4.AISO URGENTLY WANTED: h Rioerside 10-inc
LP Hociel Tlnnns/Mu,tt Carey Riu. RLP 1042.

PE1E WHELAI\I 39 Rensen Sheet hooklvn. N.Y.11201 F O RT R A D EO N L Y : (1) AKERS: 'I GARFIELD AndSlouin' untpin'
Blubs-Decca Test

E.L. KEHOE 5r3 S.W.lotl st. Ft. Laudedale Florida &f315 FOR SALE-.'NO
odd 78's,,.iazz, blues,..intbrested in selling as a group foi tlte right DrLCe,

ADVERTISING RATES (black & white onlv): Onc.sixthwLi (2% by S%'inZlcs) -$6.4O: One-third wee (2% by l0/z indhes)--510.00: One-lalf wee ft% by SViiches ) -$17100: Tuo thirds ws.e (5 b.t D/z inchZs)-$30: Full wse (8% bv' 10/z inc\es )-$37



Becauseof it. mdaees for 78 urblishine co. ivhich do not fit in the standard nnil box shonld be nniled to Pete Whelan. c/o Technical Renroductions Com.,4fi Sefie Driie. Parurus, N.J. fi652...

MAIL THEFT TaipleY4owner of theChartey OFPACKAGES[4axeV pfuito

Pattdn ieprduction atong witi
tlte uiginal Puamaunt stpplenent) for omiuing the credit line on the ttn Patton ph.otosin the first isstrc. Nick Perlszecfunical spqce limitations on the 2nd issue safutoged Part 2 of the bn Hotce lnteruiew Qo appeq-in.theSrd issud. HOCh0rphose ocid rebuttal JaCqUeS to ciiticisns of his "TheWords" featwe uns,deleted.

Don Kent-aecause tle neclwticql foldidbinding rquirements of the 8-wge form system necessitated the withdrattnl of his featwe on Kansas Joe \hcCoyat the wry last mirwte fuaw eclqdulpd fq the 3rd isstrc). f fanClS5lllllh-becouse earlier sryce committments on the 2nd isstrc caused his feahne on recorded blues to fu rnstwned to tlre Srd isstrc.

ALK bout
-A Column OomrcntandDiscussion

hb Groom:

"78 tlv first edition of apbeared an wtdrly" tlere"Thc :icle irxitled Words". itten bv (utder the psetdoh"'lacqtres rof ) Roclle", In rruionwith' otloer featwes in b same nwgazinc,.it discusan tnteresttnt toplc: ,n 6f.infor infon case se tle tlp g,ledluig s.le:aniisof

on theAacksduril ol fromthe lviics to their

.'In thc co:wse of it. r, "Rocle" maEes'a nter of controversial and. nncathte re rmrks des eruing. a reolv. Desoite the scornthc heads-of ichld pour_s'on r resiarchers (noably tlw"Rdcle''s" sh ouiety) nanscriitions and tle coru ions hc dmus from them ole hing but. infallible.

"Mdss 'S lssrppi unllou.ter'. iz /us clase I BotiomBhres". bw in this "Roche's" can offer rn alierrwtiue. Bailey swei'stion tlat the Geors.i nCircle ' thdiPatton mentions in Routtd The Moonl'uns a reference to Kid Bailev is an iruerestink one ard nmv uellbe conect. The iliectiue 'liitle' does rot occrr in thi tterse in question in the recording I lnue heard. I amrafrg ilnEed by Roche's reference n ulnt.le te'ms thc "Frozen Lenon" theort. While the reoorted details of le{f6rson's death h6oe neuer been iubs'mntiated' it does rwt seem so uilikelY to me tlnt Blind Lemon suffered a hcart attack atd died froni'exposwe alone Roclre in a frozen Chiiaso ste'et. "Maltese misdwtes Blind Lemorls Cat'Bhrcs" ard destroys tlw irnnact of tlw lntrowini line u:hich uibidl,l ihscribes the c6ndition I ef fe/son must laue often fowd hihisell in, prPic.ularly inihe . nnnevles i beriod' irnncdintely before Wlul Blinda reciordini session ','l got n sings is Lemonociwlly sttt / drunh to heeD u.ltffn oecaa6e mty'clotles ii soihin". This nust l,it,e been real ercugh-fg let'ferson euen if it misfu seeln lihe laiinsY n Roche. bclp cqrhdes from exaninins, the lyrics of sone of Henry Thonds's recoids tlui it is nore probbLe tlza.t Tltonns carne from the Louisiarn/Sowh Arkatsas ared tlnn from Texas as is This premise seems senerally tlpwfu. "n be bosed oithe nentfon of seueral sones toutns in this area in Tlnrmi's "Slzontv Blucs". Delhi in NE L:ouis' ( in 'inna on thi road from Morvoe, Louisiara to Vicksbwe. Mississippi atd tnt far from the Mjiidssippi Nber, ard Etdora anv nore inSE Arlmnsas).'6ut' is this "l'm g,oin' like sisnificant tlni'lincs back'to Menohis, Tewessee" ii "Bull Doze Bluis"?

(as "Bootlessels Blucs"'). IoLn Henry Haniri[ (as "Gonrn'Keeo My Skillet Good and,Greasy" ). Mfssiisippi John Hurt hs "Pby Day" ). otd time uhite country sirwei llicle Daue Macon(as "f u6 Got"MySkiIIet Cood_and,-Gr.easy" ) end nnrfi oth.ers. ln "Run Mollie Run". Tlwms new tions Bossier City, now a subwb of Slveueport, Louiiinm ( conectly identified by Rochc) aid, Hwts'ville. Tet(n; (whi6h for s6me rea-son Rochc ide nt ifies as Haynesoille. Louisiatw and tfrcn fits it fnto his hypothesis). Huntsuille is mentioned titice and references to a ball atd clnin. etc. confirm tlat,-Thornas it refening to the'Hwztsville iail. Tlzc ture rc in {act "Hunts'uille Bourd". Henty Tl'nnns lad tlrc nickrane of 'Ra[time Texas' and I thit* this is d fair" indication of his origins,' incorre ctly trans cribira Kiw SoTonon Hill'3 "The GoneVeatTrain" in "Blues Fell This Mornins", Nou) tlnt Kins. Solonan H.ilI l:p,s6een i.dentifie-d as loe Holrnes and some detai[s of his life are hrmtu it is poss i ble' to exolnin s one re fer enc es in his sows. Olioer is criticized far tnt reaUzfng tl@t HiU uns connecied with Louisfrrw. flfu's is lwrdly fair and. I susoect. sinnly rellecti' Roihe's u'ishio shbrb ii the'elory' oJ yeuealil_rg_the_ _tne s tory .of King' Solornon Hill. Howeuer. illen ore carnes to exannine the lyrics of "The Gone Dead Tmin" fuihich I lnd, tanscribed Iow before Roclre's article aaoiared. ' alo"ne iith the otlpr tlvee a&tilable Hill-sides). it is ouite euidew tlnt sqme oJ tfe supp6sed plac.e references gluen 6y Rochb' qre-quite irmgircry. C ons i d 6rlng \o c-he' _c-o n enpiw ui rernark abolt " the uill-to-s tbreotvoe (uthich wsses for a bve af tle blilcs in Briuiinf' hil outn d.istoitiors of blucs lyrics are rather pu,Vling. fily ou)n uerszon ot tne secofa statnza 'follouts: "Lord I once uns a hobo, I cawht so nnny freis.hts Bw-fd-ecided I'd go ilaan for a t'amwtth ar-d take it as it c'ontcs (l reckon tlwt nrcan old firernan and ensirrcer uould, to)" Snansely"ot odds utith ilc references to Frie\urs and lllirnis in Kocle's transbripti6n bw essentially conect I feel Rmln's renart dut a'nanv-toosubtle British collector' ind.uced loe Willians to say le uns Kine Solomon HiIl is rnresense. Tlrc sw-s.estion sprune " orisiully from a conuersoii"on betunbn Witlinms'dnd. Bob Koester wlw later stnted "Jazz Report". I it as a certain fact in lnue neuer belieued this or tlrc'identification uith Sam CoIIins, which Roche sivs a,us created'ta nalce thing.s inierestiw'. a ooin less iilea id an unorincioled oie to nw uav of thinlciw. I ian't firasite tlat niany be6ple uere" fooled; I ndr41 gaug tlrc'siqgi s tion ser1.ousconsldemtlon cutnsf tfut HilI is able hlp's to form blws lines with stbordirute chiuses lurdlv nkes intn acconnt tlnt tfuee of his fixtt recooered recordinas deriue blnoit uerbtim from eulierrecordirrys. Aut\rzfug arwthcr uritels article in this-fasFion is not sonething, I lihe iloine brt in this case I felt tlut Roc[e's dogratic asseriiotts nceded clullepging andtle record sening sfratghL

Roclp criticires Paul Olioer for

'lui says it. WEre arwther writer misltt'uenture a tleory uith the wioso tlat his interrietation "Rbche" allans hisht be urong, rc-nangin for.Znor in his ol,Ieged ; emmirctionbf his trunscriptions Fond the corrclisions lrc derioes f i figp tlwn sh4pq -tlnt he is aftei :'all iust as fallible os awone elsb. He birates Paul Oliuer for t ircqrectly lranscribine KinE. Solonon niU' s " T lnt ConeDead ' Tmin" and nnkes a htdicrous "oDseseetEralization abou the iive will to stereotwe" disnlayed by British ri:Searchers. If ihis nirmrk weret t so itunuld be amuins. corsiderine " " tle c ircuns tnnc es."Whv Rochi sluukl thi* ilnt a reiearcher's rmtionolitv slpuld laoe any beariw oh his perceptiuenbss or lack of it is beyonsiny compre"Roclrc" hensi6n. lf anvihiie. it is plo disphys it uifi-to-stereotype w conDenrciul.y truslEarlf,g a line in a Heru'i Tlzo1rus -reZording so os to fit it'into his theorY, "Rochc's" articlb seems text of in o.rderat tl,l,s poiw os the pro.'s ard con's of ll,l/stnrious tlrcort'es ncri.t discns'sion. Pattonand BoWeauil tackson seem reasotable enouel\ althoueh he could lnue newioned ilnt-Patton unuld lwdlv lnue lnd, to fake his "Elder Gre6n" piece, os'ituns "Rocle" alredv in conwbn use. misotites tle linc from"Hatruner Blubs"hohich slntM reallv lave "Hamnock Bh.tes" bw tle titled ) Rqtc reference is correct. I unuld' ilisagrei tlut Ki.d Bail.eY sings

e cfaer esrirnticn

,f lf"

His initial corngt^s on Chulie

ts i'


iaogros RovMAR?IN AND



KID WI LLI AI/LS-B irminglwm Jail 9714 ROYMAR?IN ANDKTD WlLLllrlrtlS-A[w I Sleepln Yotr Bam Tonightlttister? iSEt) 1]61 9611-2FAMOUS HOKIMI BOYS-You Con't GetErnWh Of Tllat Stdf HOKUM BOYS 961%1FAII/DIIS -Rollin'N\ill rcz 96m-I GEp1RGIAlu/'l|[TheDtrck'sYosYos Yas 9645-IGEORGIATAI-You Got lVIe ln This lvless

GWRGIATWF 163 9579-3 Blues lvlyTetcas SAMMN 96N.T,-2 SAIVfuTY -Bat LeSBaby 164 9750 PATT PATTERSo/N ANDHIS CH/i'/'[PIA{REP RIDERS-Tha Old Chisholn lYail AND 9738PATT PA?:TERSON HISCTIANIPIOI{ REP RTDEBS TheCat's Whiskers 166 9894GWRGERILUY(TlE YodellinsRwtlq )-The Railrrud Bwn 98n GFnRGERILEY (TlE Ydelling Rustler)-The GraveBy The Whlsperine Pira rc6 IN82 PECK'SNLALE To ARTWTE--GoingDoum QU The VaIIev 10085 PFfrK'SM\ALE WARTETIE-Oh,l Wunt To fue Him

Th,e Perfiect


L67 19861ARTHUR CORNWALL -Wlnt A NnDWLLI AtilCLEARY FriendWe Hwe In Jesu.s NNq ARNilJRCORNWN,L -P ass AND WI LLI AI4CLEARY It On (NOTE:Fa issues 16?0o170 the first digit of the rahix ntnter is talse andshouldbe disrcgnded.) 168 19758PATT PATTE,RffiN ANDLOISDEXTtsR-TIECatboy's Louefung 1N51 PT{N PAT?EBSI\I AND HISC?IAMPION REP RIDERS TidwUo AndDounThe Old Brassilagon r6e 11M48-2GEORUATA'I ANDHAIINAH\MY-Tqrible OwrationBfues (7/3il 110041-1 FANWIS HOKU\4 BOY S-ComeOn ltftona r70 110046.2 GF0RUAIu/|t ANDHAI\4VAH llAY-WInt' s Tlwt I $neU 110033.T,.2 SAT/IIN SAMPSOIV ANDHANNAH llAY-Cowt House Blues


$eries 2
Listing Numerical Godrich WJohn


)N-Barrel House Ras FAMOUSHOKUNI On ln

That Bread

In A Line 10655JOEEyANSGeorgia Rose r83 10661-2ART'.tlUR NicCLAIN-My BabvGot AYo-Yo 10653-2 JOEEyANSMill Nhon Blues

r8ztM49 THEMO POOR BOYS-Tuo White Horses

179 10045-2 BILL WILLTAMS ANDSAlVlil4Y SAMPSN-No God Buddy -1 SA[ltttlYSAMPSON9621 Tadple Bhns I8O 1ffi59.1 T'IIE TNOPNR QQY$-Il,t, Sittins On Top Of The World (6/3il 10652-1 JOEE)/ANS -Tahe ALooh At Tlnt Baby r8r 1M50-3 T'.flETWO POOR BOYS-lol'tngenry Blws (5/31) 1ffi51-2JOqEI/ANS -New Hrmtsville Jail

r8410665-2 JOEEI/ANS -Shoohlt This Nlornine Blues 10654-IJOEWANS-Doun In Blach Bottom r85 10656 JOEg|N{SEarly bnte N[omine BhEs T0657ARTHURIVI'CLNN_ CrewnAndSugar Bfues 186 10053-2 SAlVtMy SAMPffiN-MeonestKindABfues Iffi 54 SANTI,'TY SAMPSON_ I Got Tlw Bhps For W BaW rn 1m55-1GFDRGIA lVpt -Don't lvleon To lilistreatYou 95AO-1 SAI'IMN SAMPSONGrandmn's Fann 188 10633THE COT?ON PICKERS-Steal Aunv To Jesus 10534THE COT'TON PICKERS-Listen To TheInmbs

189 10523.2 THE FAMOUS GARLAND ] UBILEE SI/VGERS -HoId The Wind 10524-1 TIIE FAI\[0I/S GARLAND]UBILEE SINGERS 4h Rochs Don't YouFall Onltle (NOTE:Thesetitles areby Bryant'sJubileeQurtette.)

I qD m -E

IXi C3936.4RIil|TPARI BAND STREE?WASHBOARD -Fortv And Tiehl (Melrose ) C39g7.ARNIPART STREET WA$IBO [R-D B N']D-Pissly Wiggly(Cobb) (NOIE: This is The Beale SheetWashboard Bard, ard tahenfrqn Voc 14(B.)

(5/3il 11619-IALAB^4A RASCALS-Ruhus Juice Sutffle (NOTE:These are tlp Menphis Nighthawks.) 02tr, T16N.1 ALABATARAS CAL|-Endtrorce Stomn 11625-3 BLACKDIAMOND TWINS-Bloch hd Tackle (NOIE: The B side is by Brdily Bwton andEd Hdsm.) ozoT11611-2 BIGBILL--Ilow YouWant It Done? BIG BILL ANDHISJUG 11624.2 BUS?ERS-r\4 &O Blues 02w 11689 JOtrlUAWHlTE A/VD HISGUITAR-BodDepression Blues ANDHIS 11659 JOffiITJAWHITE GU I T AR*IIowlin4 W olf Blues ozw 11688.1 JO*IUAWHITENnD HISGUITAR-ThingsAbut Coming Wav N4v ANDHIS 11695:1 JOffIUAWHITE Suseet, GUI?AR--So b Srcet OZIO C2611-AHN.FPINTJAXON -Fan It HN,F PINTJAXON_ C2503-A HowCanI GetIt? (NOTE:This is FlankieJaxon, andtalienfromVoc 1257.)



JACKSON IN C6947.ABESSTE -Bloch AnselBlues (Smith) _ A B-ESSIE J ACKsp/N C6848Tlicks Ain'tWdking No More(Bogan) (N0fE: This is Lucille Bogan, ard takenfrornBr 7f86.) BESSIE JACK. I8 C5562.A Dnnh Bhrcs Uunes) SON-S/oppv C5563.A. Bi'Sfl E J ACKnN_ Alley Boogie (Bogsn) (N0TE: This is Lucille @an, ard taftenfromR 7210.)
Big ano


I9O 10517.3 THE FAXNUS AND ] UBILEE SINGERS GARL -This'IYain (-) (8/31) 10519-1 TrlE FAMOUS GARL AND JUBILEE SINGERS -l Wont To Be Reqdy( -) I9I 10562 EYANSAND McCLAIN-So*trrv Deu JOEWAN-S4hYou 10654 bnOf AGw rsz 1ffi35-2 FAMOUS BOY S- Ain' t Going HOKUNI Tlere No More (10/t1) 100ffi-1FAMous HOKIM BOY S-Pi e-tu t ing Strut IIN IO8N.2 SAL"IYDOGSAM -SlowlilunaSlow 10897-1SN,W DOGSAIVINewfulty Dog (NOTE:Thls is Sam Collirs.) RB'/. JORDAN rs 10855-1 ATION ANDCONGRF,C JOIVES -Blqck Cat HasCrossed Yow Path JONES RW. JORDAN 10857.3 -H eI I ON F'GATI ANDCONGR AndWlntIt Is (N0fE: This is Rev.Emmitt Dickinson.) fn w477W LULU WUweless Inue Blues LI rLltIS-C B/32) W476WLULU Wb GoingTo l-ewe LIANIS-You're Jim! TheOldHome (NOTE:This is Lulu Jackson, ard takenftqn Voc 1193.The E nunters are controls.)

SAMPSON I99 IM42.I SAIVII\4Y -Police Station Blues sAMMvSAMPSON10043-1 TheyCan't Do Tlnt FRANKBRA,$ 9584-2 Oz0[.' 5l,l ELL-lvlowtain Gir I Blues 9583.1FRANKBRASSI4/ELL -The Westem Blues SAMPSAlvlil4v ozor 10052-1 StreetWomut SON-Stste LLI ANIS_ 10044.1 BILL WI [/Ir CondrctorMqn o20z9740-2SN.W NG Cmst StomP FOUR-West 9741-3SALTYNG FO{JR -Ballin' TheJach (NOIE: Theseare listed as tlp RedDevils in 0heFerfect files.) 020310841-2 SN-W mG Blues SAM-Sisnifying 10842.2SN.W DOGSAM -I'm Still SittingOn TopOf The World (NOIE: This is Sam Collins.) 02u 10512-I T',tlEFN/p{JS .IUBILEESINGEBS . GARLAND -Euery Time I Feel The Spirit T'IIE FNralS u/32i 10514-2 ]UBILEE SINGERS GARLAND --Shirw OnMe (NOTE:Tlpse titles are by Byarl's Jnbileeqnrtett.) AI,ABAIIARAS. O?[l T1612.1 Grind CALS-Georgia

from the collection of Berrnrd' Klatzko


Fare \A/ell: Thee

"Willie Brottm," said lames McKunc "i'sn't nuih." back in L9S7, McKrure had heard Manheim's coPY and gave of a llillie BrownPararmunt this ooinion of &own to Pete Whelan who hid never heardWillie performat all. McKunewas the onlv authoritYon blues ai thai time and'so Whelan ;;t* and. a few years later, McClosky,used Mckune with questions about to DumD to avoid the pitfall blu'esSinsersin order"bad" recorils. of spenditg npney on ln faimess to Ianres(who rightlY resardedPatton is the greatest, hearing &"ownonlv once) his fiist inrpressionof Willie as i weak6rsinaer in the Patton vein was really a quic[ and accurate iudpnent. The facf that &own stands b" i siant asainst nrostotler blues in 1957as singe?s,wasi'tas apparent
lt ls today.

unll,es lwtl Egun nowlmg In wtson. The trail tms Vold. It had begunin 1930at the Pcramotnt fwniture foctort' (subuntrortors to the Wisconsin Wis. Ctwiri in wintry Port Washington, Thirty eight ye'orslater, the trail nwde c sfuip right-trrn eqst to New Yorh. Ilv Aoril. 1967.BamevNlcCloskY, th. inoit voracious recoid collectoi of his time, madea hunied exit fromhis overworked'57Chevyand descended on the 'innocent' streetsof Qucens, New York. He was wearinga sheepskin-lined, senuinecowhidejacketahd a black fut"t. an attire which would have made him aooearouitc at homewith the ts"iu,li'" and russed mountaincliffs of the Pvrenees. b"ti[rather absurdamongst buildings tlre high rise apartment of Queens. llc trembledsliehtlY with anticone of t-he ioation as hc appr:oached bluildinss.Thii'mission was important. had died and tlamey Philio lVlanheirn *u* fr"t" to scavengcthe remainso[ an allegedprize collection of rare jazz and blues rbcords. Actuallv. the contents of this ollection were virtually unknown. . because\lanheim was unapproachable were out to bv other collectors r'r'ho ilke unfair trades. llhat attracted Bamev, a fierce country blues Wt'llte cornpetitor,was tie magtcnanre Broilm.

$o*eyt qrg,not iu oii, timber.

lhe importanceof all this is that \{cCloskv had somevagueProspects BrownPararmunt of findins findin'sthe Willie &own-Pararmunt armnsManheim N6nheim'seffects. Whatadded arnone spice'to the situation was that NlcKung didntt re.ember which Parannunt Manheim 6id. P"tunrountreleasedonly two Willie hown records. A half dozencopies of Future BIuesA4 & O Bftzes (on iie 50023reissue) are in the Chanrpion so we know kown's hands'ofcollectors: t30's. Two cra*ed musicof the early and unplavableParanpunts (both l1'utwe/ tvl& Ol wbreduq out of MississiPPi in 1963and shackd. first bv-Wardlow then. Dave Evins in 1967. But Paramount

L3ffi9 Kichine In MYSleePBlues/ Blues is still an illusive and Window desireableitem. was afraid of germsand wore lVlanheim had said.-He wouldn't sloves,McKune 3hak. hands witl you unless he had gloveson. Bamev suspectedthat the chances of the Willie &own Paramountstill beins there wereminiscule' Didn't relative tell Bameythat Manhieim's Manheim died about a year agri? "Whnt record collection? " She said. "I lwuen't seenPhilip in 15 yews. He died alorw-Pennile ss." This information was gleanedafter Barneyhad nradeover [5telephone to calls lnrost of them embarrasSing) listed in the New variousManheims books. This desparate York telephone searchbeeanwhen a letter fromVcClosky to Ntanheiilwas retumed bv the Post Office stampedDECEASED. McCloskv before. had never written to Nlanheim Beins unable to establish anY workablerelation with Manheini's only contactable relative, Barney went dirhouse, ectlv to Manheim'sapartment Arms.-to talk to the The'Wentworth suoerintendent.In the lobby, Bamey diicovered the porter moppingthe floor. "lvlaybeyou can help me," he said. Bamev showedthe porter the retumed his enveloDetb establish'lI Manhe'im buy lesitimacy as ari interrogatot otT records md I hnaw Mr. \\anheim had ne anice collection. Could you tell " wlnt hqpened to his records? and The oorter out down his nroP "Wel/, searchid for the right q,s1ds.

ttrra, tilre, you'll hne ta tqlk to tle Srqer," he said. "I tried the *ner. He isn't Inne. Don't ttnw, I uin't maketroublesee? No tiouble. I'monly interested inbuyine the records. Are there ury records left?" "nosl "Well," said the porter, of tle records uas disposed of W tIrc fitperJ' "Did he sell then or tlvow tlwm ouf?" Barneyasked. "Well. vou'Il lwtn to talh to the -the porter said. "Call tlw Super. Suwr," He comes ii at fiue. The plnne. The building is in the plnne boh." Bamey left, found the telephone number6f The ll'entworthArms in the Queensbook, and called at 5:30. 'fhe $rper's wife answeredthe phone. Slrespoke with a pungentIrish bro-gue. "I uns at yotr lnuse today. Did the prter tell you?" '\es.t' "Are there ory records left?" "'Ihere are a few in tlrc basenent. It doesn't pay to cone out here for tlem" b few, hrid[y any." "WelI, l-etnE comeoyfi,onlury. I'll take w ch@tces,ohnry? S[rereluctantly asred to let Bamey comeback the nbxt-day, Sunday. On Sundayit had tumed.bittercold. It was to becomethe last cold daYin Aoril. Tftis, Bamey thousht, is iI. Only q'few records left.'The clwnces ue remote. I'm doiirg it for the WiIIie Brann. The Super's nanrcwas Keamev. McCloskvrang the bell. Keamey'came to the door. il" *u. in his 60'sl about five feet. ten inches, with brieht blue eves and a ruddv complexion.-They sfnok hands. Hb hadbie hmtds,B5;meY thought, lihe Jack Dempsey. "I'mKewneyr" he said. After"\ftanheim a few minutesMr. Keamey uns a fine gentlenm. besan, H;had class. AYale graduate,you hrnw. He died ttn yeus ago. I don't htww wlnt hapwneil to hiial the end,. He cane frornd fine funily mdhd plenty of muttcy. But at the end, You Wnu;, he uns cutira tmrks of wt ottl of thb building ond ielling them-" Could haue sold his records, tm, Bamey thought.

o lo o t) o ' 0

Julv. 1Sl0: ure of the two Pannomts Willie Fown. Ihe other rec-dddlhv "Widow Btues/Kiching Baranult. In ttfivSleeb Blues ", still hasn't been fqrf, by collectrs...

"Heue rn ided. Fqct is, you hnow, he died there not here," Kearney said. "What cqasedhis death? How old uns he?" "He uns ubout 52. Don't hrnw whnt he died of. Whatdo you die of at 52?" "He uns acting strange." Keamev said. "He hept to himseTf , you hrnd. He didn't lihe to bother with people becausethey alunvs wanted ionbthinp fromhim- He didn't go for tlwt. Ftarni tlnugh, he ums aluays tahing young ngn w to his awtment. you hnant. Espcially sorie youtq fellows iust out of gison." McClosky and Keamey took the elevator do'wnto the basenrent. They walked over to a huge cardboardboi, the type used for shippine cannedsmds and rirbasuring three bv fo=ur by thrde feet hiefi. Books madriup the'bulk of its conlents. But strewn'over the top and to one side were78 r.p.m. records. Bamey beeanprobing. He examined the first-disk'. "Relaxiil' At The Toro", Muglgsy Spanieron Bluebird, new but cracltid.'Good white iazz oI the'30's, but not rare. Next, "Roch Of Ages", F.W. McGe on Victor Er'and still in of the late one Diece. ToDpreacher 'Z)'b who madesomeof the best religious records. This was not arnng them. Next, "Jonoh In The Belly Of The Whale", new and whole. The last one. third of the record contains someof the nrostexhilirating religious music ever thousand copies waxed. Solda hundre-d in its day. "Vicfts bwg BIues-No. 2", Next. on Bluebird Little hother iVtontsomery Litile Brother record, Fl-. The secondbes"t "Vichsbwg-No. 3"only by L,xceeded ond one of the f iipst country-blues,with (a rare combination). piarn occomp. "Slccherlee", Furry Lewis, Next, Brunswick E. the country b[ues classic, tle reissue pressed from the original Vocalionmaster. Bamey fishedJormore. Therewere severalClaienceWilliams Okehs in G condition. Nothing more. NO WTLLIEBROWN. God, Bamev thousht. the sheletul to all the other remnins. "Wliat haplpened " records, Ulr. Keuney? "*me uEre throtm out, you hnow. in his other But he must hme hnd some " a.W tment in Manhattan. " Another aportment ? " asked Barney, '$hat's the address?" surprised. Beyold his four titles m Paiamumt (two haven't beenheard). this is Willie horYn's qrl.v other recor dine. Recoded at l-ake Canrnrant. Miss.. 1941 ized llenrin label. Bamey handedthe Super91.50 'for his trouble' and the recbrds. Did it pay ' to track down Manheim's Manhattan address? Deadover two years and all probablvconfisin Manhattan DroDertv Barhey's greeanaa batbd by the..Ci.ty. measurible limits. Not quite insane, in fact, perhapscompletelv sane, he knew the time. It was time to bid Willie Brown FARE THEE WELL. EPILAGUE: Pararnount 13099still hasn't been recoveredbv a known collector at this writine. But, as luck would have it, a compl6telyunknown Willie &own performbnce was discovered in the archiveisof the Library.Of Congress. It was well oncealed, slnce r[ was listed in the catalogueas a SonHouse recordinsoI "Vlahe\4e A Pallet On The Floor". Recorded at Lake Cormorant. Miss.. 1941.

Blues: ableon Orisin.OJL-\.1\4ississippi

and quailable on Herwin 92404.

auailBluesA issue Future &0 Blues-re Floor-isstrcd Make Me APallet 0nThe

;,f iEiii;il iiil"tlrii idvTtirt-

Notes on Brian
Rustts 18g7-tg7l

ile secoruiedition (i.e.,the W*n non-Bluesversion) of this fine worft was published early in 1963,I sot down to'work on ch'eckinsall m-vfiles against it. The notes res'ultins'from tfiis were sent to &ian Rust f5r his inspection and comments.These were then inserted into conunents three carboncopies of the notes and these were circllated to various collectors in the USA, the UK and continent. The last the European copv seemsto have disappeared for'&er. but the other tw6's iournies producedfurther material. All of this has now been collated into the mass of notes which follow. This material arises from the satheringtosether of data on records il,hich hive Either been seen andlor heardbv me or have been reliablv reportedto me by scores of collectors w6o are discoer6phicallv inclined. So manypeopfeHave (aird still are) been inv6lve'dthat it would be well nish impossible to namethem all. Yther'thanimplicate anyone,should ,*t there be anv erroneousdlta herein, I will list rio namesbut here offer mv tharfis to all who have conttibuted in the hope that they will recognize their owri paiticulariterns as mey appear. Additional md.erial has been gained fmm various record magazine artrcles whosewnters are. opinion, reliable. Thus, it may well bb that some of these notes are not "newsl' to everyone. However,if thev do nothins inore than serve the Pldnse of getilng everytlrlnginto one Dlace. tnen someqood wlll @me lrom all the effort'l The nnteriql is condensedas much as possible. I have tried to make it

. : i ' re i !-: :.'q1 FF t.

*.t dfadcE-qul

- _<@-PrF4r.4S

ip thecircwr

headrnrs ln artrst headings a4ist ii fotCtype boldtyDe arid and pibudonyms in capital l6tfers. Tune

litles ai: in guotris; but, as much as possible, I hdve referredto titles by matrix number for easeof loeation.' Fwtler data is solicited" but please note: (l) indicate yow sowce (the actual record, oompanyfiles, ac.); restrict such inforruition to arlists conloined within tle alpltnbtieal limits of these rntes sb fu publisled (l-would rather you add to my notes on. sav. Fred Rich than hive us botf ddiicate each other's data) Dependits on circumstanbes, further ma:teriall,r/ill be published in 78 Quuterly in due coufse. Write to me at : [0, Fore Street. Taunton, Somerset,England.

40 AtISTtN-{onect tutv title on Pzmrowfi 12359 is "Don't Fuget YouDo The To liless-Arouhd.When md tal?e 1 also issued. Charleston", Hazeldoubles cEllE AUSTIN-MonA I-TOVIE on cunet on LA-ffi8-4. Blues'I AUST|N-I0005-2 is " TtauelinE n95-2 rnt on Cenhry fr12; il98-2 Siluertone cat. number is 2552: amerd\ note, only Silvertone3572us THE HOTDocs-others as BOBBY'S RWELERS:2219'I also Siluertone 3552;rmtrix of "Too Sweet For Words" is 2222-I; Awust,1926:Pamassie savsctt is rnt Lodnierutd tlwt tbn is-orobablv alsoon Ki.dOrv: 2622-1 uocalistcrediton %21-1/ & SA?YRS; 2624-2 shouldbe-2 (rnt -1). 42 add pserdonym BACKBEACHPIRATESon XX lnful for StateStreetRamblers,

fi(z astitcu noeurY's NyMPHS




o .o o R


wherekutm , of altemntetakes shanm W rw tn. witlnut tuhe,'tlvn issueno. wiilnd:label md with tqhein ( )-:7668, 4795GB) Apx bat rc. whnanil blain (plainl; 7712,7022 take|; 7669,3697 (4 ); 7752,4831 on VF 1053 blain); 7809 (rnt 1049 ); 4s 7936,4910GB| 471 GA), (4), 9267 GA),3811 GB);7997,4909 471(plain), !/96 (4 ); 7969-A, B Gemett label saysfeafinesLillian Robbins so sheplaystle slide-whistle Wesunnbly o nwsical-suo; 7993,4935 GA), 531GB), taheA also issued, 7I% GA);7994 4933 GN;8092-A,Bqlso GB),9280 Lillian Robbins GB), featwed,,1975 3868 GAand-B);8033phin tahealso isstred, 4795 ; 8058, blnin), 2117GA) (pbiil; 459 GA),3798 GAI;8059,31n plain, A featwesa xylophone,9369 8060 (plain),striheod Westpofl GA),9797 3IA0 h Jre furuElsside):A 8101-A strihe out Westryt 3A72 oruiadd to 81n-A; 81N taheA also isswd andaddAWx 451; all sune; 8141 to&e 8110 ttnhrnum also Westprt W70as PAVILION PLAYERS; 8252theGermett Special is lnblled Fraternity; 8343qdd talw A on Strlrr9n2; 8344addplq.intq]?e on Stqr 9392;8365-A add-3 as'urcal credit; 8404 atso'Awx also Apx 388;45 8464-A unend 421;8405 urcal creditto -3; 8465, GA), 418 5232 (plain), 3976blain) also on Gusdsnwn (tahewhnaun) os NEW 1389 JERSEY plain also issued, DANCE ORCH;8466 5232G8), 413GA),9438 hlain); 8484, plain talw 5243blain), 94X7 GB); 8594 also issued,fr77 fuIain); 8648/8649-A anendGemett5324to 5334;8686plain tahealso issued. oddEW 4012 kilain) ASUPAIV\AT NOVELW ORCH; "Hula (16? ), 1924,striheout Jonumy this L,ou'l odd session--5720-A "Mindin' llly Business" Gewtett "Hula 5364, Stur 9512-g/21plain Lout' Gewwtt????,Stir-r 9512(nu wluwm) "If You'll Come Back" Gennett wld unknatun) 5354: hx "Lezy" Gennett tal?e A 5407;8824 also issued,anendStwr 9439to plaintalw also issrnd, 9539(-A);8825 anendStur 9439to 9539ftlain) ; re-utrite next session anending dateto tilav. 1924(rnt c. Awil)-3*72 olain "()h Baby" Gennet't 5452,Reiinglon 50M3as REMINGTON ORCH"Aiental LoueDANCE 8973-A Dreams"Gennett ??? ?, Stur 9551hnt 9550 ), Operaplwne " Gennett -8gI 4 plain "Neuer Abaih 9551 ????,Stqr 9551 hnt 9550),Owraphone 9551: odd this session-eslv Jme. 1924 "Wait'il -8906nlain You*ie lvl^y Gal" -8w7:A "If I GemeitS4TI,Star 9s6o Can't Get.The OneI Want"Genrett 5471,Stur 9560-8908plain "l,llaytine" Gernett5463, Stqrr9564;fromwrhaln " se$sion-( wthniltn nml "lvlaltdalay Gemett 546&add-perlws fromsare session us 9052-"Go Emmaline"/ "Ltrcille" plain Genrwtt 5532:9547 tahealso issued. 3075 6lain aitd -A): cI -9608 plain 6td -B rilso isstrcd, 3094 blafn, -A and -B);9638plaiit

:$ 0

a ie)

also issued, 3086(plain antl -A) : 9610 also ChamnionI50N as Sfl'EN' CtlAtfPlONS; 9699-Aalso English Vocalion X-9901os RIVERSIDEDANCE tsAND:9701-A is labeLled?RAYIS -CARLTONORCHon Gennettqnd therefoe tw- rnt be aBailey's Luchy kuen side (also on Chnmnion15U)6as

(ThatPersonal title is "Desdemona FriendOf trlirr-)": 9715olso Chnmpion 97 15 as'ffiVEN CHAIIIPIONS; 15031 to X-9797 Vocalion X-9796 omend ; is as SEVEN 15040 9776 Chamnion 9816-,\alsoChnwion CHA]VIPIONS; December as SEyEN/ CI'A\{PIONS; I50SS (24?). 19%. amend rnte - Aco G15955 DANCE ORCH onlyds RIO'GRNIDE -UGn8 as OHIONOVELW BAND, onlv cs NEWJERSEY Gumdsmon 1892 os SANFRANDANCE ORCH-1816 CI%O DAIICEBAND;Februuy(1?), rnte-Coliseum amend 1912 1926. DAI'ICE ORCH only'asMARYLAND -1894as MAYFIELD DANCE ORCH, bthGusdsmanas SANFRANCISCO as OHIO BAND.Aco G16008 DANCE NOVELTY BAILEY BA,ND.BUSTER Aiob 142as BILLY 671112bu,-also WARD, Clarinet blo, NoueltyAcc. BAJRI!-HuoId Tqft 49 MAYNARD pIWsbuitone sox. 50 SMITH BALLEW -109773-8 hns q uocalW a femnle; also Pulonhone 409771-A R620.Ariel 24541 as ARIEL DANCE ORCLL 4038n-Aalso Ariel4636as ARIEL DANCE ORCH,sr150874-3 also Regal Gn9C2as DEIJZADANCE BANA 404512-C alsoPulophone A3C93, 4045134also Parlophone Bln. 52 addBARBARY profu.bly ORCHESTRACOAST Huwd (clt/alto), Bob Bery(tbn),Cliff Ratull "Russ" (clt/len), M.R. Slnler Coudey (prn), blt/alt/buidir ), Phil Thompson (bjo), whrnwm (bbs), Lewis Chrrch Peacock (dms),N. Y., c. late, 7924,170031"-l Beers "Wafush Blues" Colurirbia 72-P,170032-2 "*m" Columbia72-P: BARBARY COAST A OF DARTMOU TH- persowrel ORCHESTR whnoum, N.y.C. prhaps 1928, 170258-2

23full TEDn4ARSrt ALL'SORCH ); 97

"Canzone AmmosaNenetist Loue Song)" '"Vleuy Bhrcs" Columbia 94-P, 170259-7 cdlumbiag4-P. B,ARHARBORS:OCrcry oP.CH-add9115 "WhenNIySWU Walhs DoumThe Street" (Westchester Donce Orch, q.u. luter in lhese rntes). 53 WALTER BARI{ES-{-%60 "l'4y Kindn Loue (Orn Way full title is " To Puodise) Decemfur(24?), 1928,odd C-n04 "Beur Koo Jrrck" rejected, C-3941there is a rwn-ua:ql uersion of this on Germon Brunswick (tmlm.oun cat rn). BARRELHOUSEFM-Ed Allen is urcalist (rnt Williams),327 title on QRSis "Nobdy's Business (How I Loue Thnt ", 330also VJR 21, on the PuaN4an) ru>untissues this bqnd is titled BARRELFIOL/SE FIVE (i.e., ttuee wyds ). BARRELHOUSE PETE-llris is ctctuallyArt Gillham" see Record Resewch 19 fcr a full discography. BAYLOR ORCH_in 54 RFJRLYN oddition to the re-write in tlrc lndex the.followins should fu rnted: instrunentation is cnt, tbn, clt, pno, gtr, dmsand,ChampionI54TT is as VICKSBT]RG ?EN. BAY STATE BROADCASTERS-39/2 is tale C on Van Dvhe and Godson and tle latter is os BAY STI\TE SYNCOPA?OBS as trcll as the Radiex. 55 BtX BEIDERBECKE-I?I4I rnt on IIRS 23 (this is aWoluerinessidd, 57 kptember 8, 1930,re. pianist Franh Siewrelli clairns to haue madethis sess ion. cEORcE BELSHAW-tohes ue both A, rwn-uocal tahes uere also nnde and may hare been issued on GermonBr-ut':swick. 6? BEN BERNTE - b19804 recordedJuly 19, 19%, Mend \/luch 15 to \luch 1'1, i9n, and na, IL21$74 slnuld be,E-21865,mx &22308 should be substituted fu U22310 qnd date is April 8, E-24473 recorded Septenber fr, E-25130Nouember 10, E-28418'urcal trio is labelled "Ben Bernie's Sped Boys" on 3896md this is also Dwphore D4033 as THE MANIIA??AN SERENADERS. E-28811shauld be F-28881, 63 Dich' StabilejoinedBemie onltlay 11, I9D, so should not b in this personnel and he said thnt Paul Weisanuns rnt in the band when he ioined. E-nm| date nnre lihely Decem\er, 1929,and rartunum ua:qlist is fuldy Thomas.E-n338 uocalist is ScroppyLambertas is thnt on bH557 fu which a lihelier date is \4qch, l9D. 64 HARRY BIDGOODAND SqM iNCNN -4-155-E also Gtwdsman 2032 qs ,MT AND LF.SLIE YOUNC. BIG ACES_R365 is also as BIG CLIOCOLATE DANDIES. 65 add BIBITINGHAMRED JACKE-TS_ pseudonymon Buddy f or Vagabonds, q.u. 67 BLACK I[MINOES-sides onGennett 5347 ho.uewhrnnn alto qdded to instrunentation. 8670 tqhe A also issued. BLACK finernS--odd 20822-2 "&ne A These Dorys" Bu;y 1218ad 1347 recorded c. August, 1928,ad (wl<ruun rm) "Just AStueetheut" Bury 1218. 68 EUBIE BLAI{'B-12344 Bun 1448as

ORCH'1N5.1 & FIIS MARTTN JOHN also Bury1460 I/IARTIN/ & HIS as JOHN as DICK ROBERTVusity 8045 ORCH. Vusity 5056 as DICK SON & HISORCH, & HISORCH.68 RLIND ROBER?SON PERCY-lhlsis labelledBLINDPERCY a1d mxsaren138-2 ANDHISBLINDBNVD (c. October, ) "CcnI RiuerBhrcs" 1927 Bltes" Street ondnI80-2 "Forrteenth (c. Nouember. 69 BOBORB{JD Bn ). tliLlJD-thelritWrial"LouableAndStueet" ! history ophicaL discogr a complic'ated ha.s ue by a uersions if rnt oll isstted \ na issue knoum fum Lonin bandthaugh is liuely bearshis name.Theperformonce diuidedinto durcemusicu'ith onecLtryus Lany Abbott) so/osbl clorinel(probqbly (TomDorsey).\lx is ffi21 md tro-mbone 6483 n, nn. Botmer Aueust recorded as ?' Ariole Reeal8831 as CINIPII{WJYS,' o:1UNIVERSIryBOYS' ondJeuel5685 1668 '\DERS,Imperiol 2172 Ooiina !386as ROt llls TEXANS" BLUE A,ND as BLIDDY as BUDDY 1058 uld Romeo Cameo9%6 p'tplos arup ms)RCH, Perfect15213 wtd HOTEL os BEN FRAIYKLIN PatncYOSZ of matrix,and a umietv ORCH-u'ith DANCE BLYTHE-/75U 70 JINII\IY controlnumbers. 2 alsoissted, I75I tahe2 also issued iolze JAll{ES *rd Pora ornt 12i07 is labellerl 24fr tahe1 also Sl,VnE o.sls (?1) 12304, tuneis andm Siluertone-this issued 12:!/0 labelled"PuntpTille", Pqramatnt ;i or .lltltttg ALyfUp andaddtheditto is as 12368 muk for 1026,Puamount (i.e.' no BAND BLYflHESWATIBOARD pyttgns .tirr yt and2542 title is,"Buddy I ufi tntsnas .lazz" (i.e., na arystrophe instrwrentctil,, a uocalQ511-ILteing -- -BLYTHE is as JINfri4IE Poiirr*t 12376 and ftnt JimmY ANDIllS RAGI'IUFFINS Centwy and2503'1 rnt Roeamuffinsl no. is:l1n (nat3ffi9), 7.2-^-. catalo"elo as BLYTHEANDBURTON. Ci,iiit qSOZ Jumes ledger It"rin m. 1931 , in Gennptt Ctarhis listedas ChorlieClarh. B'Ottis qs 1258 EMIANBAITID-MelroPole BA\D. CHARLES DAN'CE BOHEI4IAN

BOOTGR--Oriole 347 as Booher's Dixie Gennett6375 is listed in Jazz Band. "Old Time Orch Play" which le.dger as "Cotntry And nwi irulicate that these ue jozz We'stern" rather thnn or blues performances.?3 PTRRY BRADFORD14n/1430 11283issue also on Brooduay label, Febr wy, 1924, irrcludesOtto BROADLlardwicke(alt). 16 BROADWAY tohe Aalso issued, CASTERS-2357 Perfect 15126and Pathe 36945beu rnx uith higher tahes a different 108640-1,2 uersion of this ttne, 77 3128also Romeo 619 mdl,4ay, 1928,seera abetter date fcr this session,all theseue probably fum Lanin4irected bandsas nay be the MELODY Brunswichs. BROADWAY "Two MAKERS-{dd Pwetone 11284 Time Dan" (Aipinal IndianaFiue)/ 'NiId Popa" Origtnnt Geugia Fiue) SYNCOPATORS both o.u. 78 BROADWAY -10464 also Aco G15163 as OHIO DAI'ICE BAND. 79 HARVEYBROOKS'QUALITY F0lJ&-Leon Herrifcxd and Henry "Tincan" AIIen. add BROWN & TERRY'S !Pt, tbn, clt, wthnown JAZZfILAFO.YS prn, bbs,dms,c. Jwe 1921,79n'A '"Dorktown StruttersBall" OK 8006, "Tlte Hesitatin' Blues" OK 8006, 7982-A"fuxophane Bhrcs" OK 7983-A " 8017, " All By l,4yself (mx unhrnwn)' OK 8014, "Arv'n-In (na wlttnwnl indiana" OK 1921,70185-8 801 4-c. September "Yelpins HoundBlues" OK 8018,70188-8 "Doum Bv The Old Swimnin' Hole" OK 8017, " Hagu's Blues" OK 80!8, 70190-8 Atmt (na unkrwun) "Jtanp SteodyBlues" OK 8021.. 80 II{ERRITTBRUNIES-6/3/61t on Aulograph 6lJ arcording lo an Autographsleeue, 8l title, if rl exisls, probablyfulongs to arutther this Much 2, 1q26,sessionmd reputedlyuns Odeon03301and 60233' issued on German " ForeuerWith You". CLIFF BRYAN--o/soa pseu&tnym f cr The Trauelers, q.u. .82 BUFFALODI,$IS- wthrnwn u(ral l sI t s tlarc lct .Arlen.6619take 2 olso issu:d, Bonner1775 is lahe 2 and also hns mx 5381-2in its unx ! Louers 1178(tohe2) 6648alsoNationnlNlusic a.sI|AS?ER \IELODY MAKERS,6649-3also

byCharles LaMoore
ln,a domoin uhere rigLLt.s a r e .J u z z " ) ,d n o l ) e r L L n rL u L t t o n l e x t s t s J o r ( ; o n u n e r C L,a c.ntreprPneur.\ lo cnlet lhP b[ue\

reissue field u.ith littLe apporent knai,Ledce or interest'Lrt blues (i.e., ihe |nphtzard s e r i e . so n l l i s t o r i c a l R e c o r d s ) , T h e r e f o r e ,u . h e n o n o t h e r { . 5 . rerssue com[nny r;ottcson the s c a n t , t h i . s ' i ni i . s e L ifs n o t , , ' t ,i . l i r r 4 .l l t t I t .tl r q - t h i . ' c o i l \ [ 4 r n \
D P H I i l s h \ r . t \ \ L r t n N 1 1 y .l t < : t ut nilttl,li cuunlr) Llucs 'in ,r t rad i t ion e s ttt h Li.sfu.d by ()r t sJ n Jazz [,il,rrrt), the results url of tujor ink:rest to blrcs collectors. 7'ht,y issLpd their first fite "Be[zom" recrnls undcr the Iabel, "\'a:oo" then t;lutngcd their rnme tr, for the next fne reissres, .4s kt 'the first firi (l]elzona): fAe l/ississippi lllLns (L-1001) i.s o colIect'iin of DeLn blrcs uhich not. only preients futher sides bt ,t c li nint lerl xed' yreats C lutrlt c' I'r il ton, .\urr llou,", rtrvl Rubert loltn','n, hut sr'n!liyhl.s Dclt't suitur st"lc, h.y.'iclt as Lluttic Itiloner airl thc 'I\nuilL. t onlrc-puncIcd HuIkrr ,[uet on || illi,tn llanis' inms;i,,nttl I m L(:dL'In t&n

Aper 9525os YANKEESIX ORCI/,bothIlsitn rssrn,scs LONDONSKIE J -PlCC,1DI LLI -l MZ. CIIIUK BIII,LOCK-9ffi7 also Perfet't12591. Rt'gol 4955, takes, ') Romeo1%6 from unhnown 9;il 1 tahe olso issued,also Romeo 1266 Itoht, :JI , l()759-2 also Bonrer 32252,Canndian [)omirut 510q,1. 10770also Banner 32252. I.'RANK IIIINCH{lhdmnion 15398os NEV OIiLi'A\S S?'RI]??ERS.83 WILUAME "BUDDY " Bt.TRTON-see also tsluesLt, Gospel Re(rrds page 100. 84 EZRA BUzzINGToN -<uill III|ZZING?'OA/'S RUBEBAND,cr. "BroumJug Blues"/ Iult, Ie)i. l2299.A 'l'o "lJru h That DearOld Form" l2!qt)-.\ Gennett'I)124. In odditionto the re-wite in tfu'lndex, rutk: thnt Chawion 15581 is as I/IS R{-/BE BA,ND. JOSIISI\IPKI\.SA,ND

(L-1002) offars obicure yet (rutskrntlinp piifctrnunces oi each track, Tlu: fttc:tt . f u t t . l / r : n r p A l . ss t 1 ' 1 c lurs rmtre rcigtime in lt tirin I/lsil.ssharc bt' ippi stylc ii denrnstratetl '['ore1. ,is ()corse' Trn l)ickiich .\nn, unJ, ',[.pv1:.t,, l'l(npht: .llinnt,. ' l l : r ' l o u t t u i ' , 1o t t \ ( t n c , ' { t h ' I ' e ' t rer,trAcrl t l{ort.s l',t [:ur{ Lrtt i.,, l"runk Sto[i:s, cnl RohcTt ll ilkins. .Srprlse of this alhunt: tlie great .4|[en Sluir-lLis rough, rough zLticc (lxtclx,l. L) op(n C htttk'niL;A g,uLarr) futs l.hc uul.hi,ri,v llutl r:ontt's lrorn u lrt of lit'irLgttru| good rt lrt.'/.'rit ( l rL I t 11InE.

Belzona's\lemohis LP

,trt (',ttr,t

i't,t..\rkrntn. lr t i .rtuis irttrr (' tttut

I t ' t ' t . . . , t r . t ) t ,t l l , l : . r ' , t ,t , l t , I, l ; , , rs 'u rs t lu uc lL uu rt ur r ei \ 'lg ik .st. ,. At s e l c c t t ' r l 7 r ' r r r . s ir.sLittb Ilut J trn.s, rt .:upcrl' Iins, rpi' A, r ,tlt" [,tt re'l tl^u k , : y , ' 1 | , i l i l l i , R e e , l , u i t l t l t ' t n 1 c ,1 r a u . . ' s , ' a i c o [ r h r t h r r , ,l ] l i r u ! L a n i n I e[["rsort, in'his ,nl1 ra"urd' J etumllc nl'rnurttr\ ntytime, 5anm1 llilL'.s t o[utile ri"nor Laiked b\ p,uitur diet, 'tntl Kiny S,'lomorr llill pTaytnx his hard, bru"r1-ue knife suitar. Surbri.v of this albumi Buildi Bov Hcntkins-his throaty toice and.{uitai are so close. .t,heyb6th sound as rl lle) uere rn open G tmrnB.

records ofthe and 20's r wrr.lBLrY 30's" coLLover out- ECTT0NS I have 450,000 of20's & 30's -95% of otprint records records, radio Army/ & practical ly everything Narry shows ofthe fl's recorded byanyMnd or & 30's. I have 20.000 - in fact,anything singer & 10,000 16" recorded classicals of importance sEND transcriptions. and l9S. between 1900 ME YOUR WANTLISTS

jazz, blues & personaland hillbilly ityforblues

! JacobS. Schneider, NOW Avenue, 413Ans0edarn NewYorli, N.Y. 10024

Willie lfiiTell 1L-lN5), featues llleTell as a young man in his misi"al prime. tle was neuerlo recaptue Ll lgaln, After this album, th.eie can be-rn doubt ol McTell as a rnajor l2-string guitar s t yI L s t .

The f ifth BelzonaLP, Btind


ln the first issue lohn MacKenzie listed and described the known Herwins in the 91)00 and 9.3000 series (pressed and labeled by either C'ennett oi Paramount)and the obscure'popular' llerwin 550fi) series. Wealso reld'the hisrory of Herwin-its beginnings as the ArtophoneCorporatioiin l{18 underthe Schieleffothers throughits merger with the St. Louis Music Co=mpany and the Layer Brothersin 1925as a'mail order corirpany to its demisein 1930.Here, theri, is'the initial listing of the little. known'hillbilly' HerwinT$00 series (pressed and libeled by C'ennett,Paramount,and a third, unknown conpany): 75500SERIES: HILLBILLY AND SACRED RECORT}S
lllountain Blues 75fr1 (.4) Blue Rids.e (775:612Q-VERNON DALHART: (B) Tlrc Li shtenins ( si c) Express (2I 76-i)-4U Y PHILLIPS: Label Tvoe ? (97024) 75501 (A) The Liehtnins,Express -VERNON DALI{ART:78) BIue Ridee BLues Mountain 0703A)-SAME:Labil Type A-l: Both sidesalso on Ge 3129and Sflu 3129;(A) side also on Ch 15017, Chls 165,and Chle 320; (B) side also on ChlE 164 arut ChLg314. 75502(A) The Deathof Flovd CoIIins 08s4A).-VERNON DALHART; (B) The 'Dream of the MinersChild (9853A)-SAIvlE: Label TvpeA-I: Both sidesalso on Ge (AI side also on ChIs 160, Chls 3197: (B) side 315,'Ch[e318,ond Ch 150"48; also on Chlg,505.
75503 (A) ln the Bos.s.ase Coach Ahead

Wreckof the Old Southern (96i7)SAlrlE: Label TypeA-I: (A)side also on Ce 5675,Ge 3079,Chle 162. Ch /5/55. & ChIs 3l I : (B) side also oit Ch 1512i. Chls fbl, and Chle 320. NOTE l: Latir presisrngs of Ce 55BBand Ge 3019nav ilse ma{ter9617,rathertlnn thc mastbr tlnt had orieiwlly beenused. nannely 914a. Nu.9749 b4arsthe sliehtlv altered title, "The Wrech ofihe'Southern AId '97". NOTE 2: "The Wreck of the ( tld Souh.ern'97 " u,ns asain renide in 1928uith MasterGEX 12544. Thus. pressinssof Ch 15121 madeafter J LIv 13, 1928,c6ntainthc later master.It' may slso be that oressinss of ChIe 161 ond Chle 320 nade afterihis'date"contain the-htir ntflster: 75504 (A) Little CId Loe Cabin in thc Lane (12[0il-DAVID hllLLER: (B) I Vish I WasA SineleCirI As.ain (9669)-V ERNONDALH ART: La"be I TypeA-1: (A) side also onCe 3062, ahil on Chle 331as by KENNETH "and BARTON, on Sili.,ztol9 as by (or FERGUSONI: (B) IOIIN FERGUS side also on Ce 3107and Ch 15035. 75505(A) SospiriE Baci (9376A) -???: (B) The'Prisoner's Sone ()147) -V ERNON DALHART: Label'Type A-1: (A) also on Ge 5678als'by I. SUONATORI AMBULANTE:(B)'side also on Ge 3030. Silu 3030.Chls 319. Ch 15073, Ge 5588,ann ChIs 163.

(e36sA UILHART )-V ERNON '97 : B ) The

75512 (A) The Churchin the Wild tlqed-7pQ9 b)-ROD EHEA VE R & QUARIETTE; (B) ltlother's PiLyers tiaue f ollaned,IIe (7890a)'-HOMER RODEHEAVER: LabelTioe A-I! (A) side also on Ge 4916'And Silu 4p1f as bv RODEHEAVERAND CNTERI^ON QUARTETTE; (B) side also on Ge qnS and Situ qgiS.


?55I3_UNKNOWN 755ff(A) The Little Rosawod (96 755r4-LINKNOIIN Cas ket I 6 )-V ERNANDALHART: (B) The NeutRiuer Train (9615)-SAlt4E: 75515-tNKNOilN Label TvoeA-l: Both sidesalso on Ge 3084'bnd Silu 30M: (A) side also 75516 U) Behind,Those GrayValls on Ch 20323, Chle 164, and,Chle 322: (B) side also on Chlg 165and C-hIg DALHART: (B) The 321. (eBe7B)-VERNON Letter Edeedln Black 9898Ai-SAME: Label TyFeA-l: Both sides also on 755U(A) lesse lames(9717A)-YERGe 3222;'(A)side also onSiht 3856. NONDALHART: (B)Iu,st Tell Them (9716)-SAME:Label qtlQChl6 flZ; (82 side also on Chlg Tlnt You Sau tv{e 160, and Ch.ls319. TyoeA-1: Both dlso on Ge 3143 aitd Silu 4OI2:(A) sidealso on ChIe 503: 75517U) ,L ,nOno*o Soldiers Graue (B) slde also'o)nCh 20323, Chlg 16Y, (eBe6I-VERNONDALHART: (B) Life and Chle 310. of TomWason0947)-SAME: L;bel TypeA-1: (A) side also on Ge 3258. (778:6080)Waters ZSSWf)l Drantsy Situ 3856,Chle 323. Chle 157.a.nd.' ( sic)-tOH N PAOLUKI : FRAN K F ERFuI Ch 15073;(Bfsidq also 6n G,i 3238, (B ) St. Louis Blues i22z: 5qs-2 )-CHIC: SiIu 3856,and ChIe 505. AGODE LUXE ORCHESTRA: Label Type C: (A) side also onSiIu 6070as bi'FEREM AND PAOLUK (or (X111) 75518(A) TheGreat Titanic P4OULHI): (B) side also on Para -VERNON DALHART: B) Tlb Shi; 2!!!1,.q@_o1_S-ilu 3526 as by THE (X (X1124)-SAME: Tlnt lnt Nguer Neuer Neuer Returned Returned Returned ft1i2A)-SAME 1i2A)-SAME, f !lnt RED HOTTERS. Label Label I^abg!.lype Typel;!.: Tvpe A-l: Both^sides A-l: Both sides Both also on also on (A) side also Ce SiIu 33l f itnd 3828: (B) St. Louis 75509 (A) UNKNOWN: on Chle ChIe 156, and ChIe Chle 315. 316 318: Blues (9647),-FERER'A AND PAAL(B) side also on Ch 15/21.ChIs"155.' 155. ' UN: Label Type ???:(B) side on (B)'side"uns_.' and Chlg C.hlg NOTE: (B)'side"uns 317.^NOTE: C e. 3 1 0 1 . remade in 1928 utith masier no. GEX 755W (A) In the Heart of Hunii (9394.)-???; (B) SiLuer Sdndsof V'aikiki (93954)-???:Label Type ???i Both sidesalso on Ge 5699'dnd Ce 3024as & M.L. ROMANO. w w.P. PATTERSON 7551O_UNKNOYfN
pressinas of Ch I5I2l 1278A, 12784. Thus, pressjngs I5I2I 15121 mnde after ]uli 13. 1f28.'utere nwde usinp ustng usins tms this Latrer latdr master. mister. Whether wnether or rnl n a.ddiiiotnl- pres sings of the other records ofihis tuie mbde after July 13, 1928,-also canied this Tater master is still subject to proot'.

755llU) Motherand Home(9473A1VERNONDALHART; (B) Thc Runatuay 75520-ITNKNOWN Train (9474A )+SAME: Label Type A-l': Both sides also on Ce 3051anifSilu 4oI8: (B) side also on Ch 15017,Chle IN TTM NEXT ISSUE: Hentrin " also on Chls 163.' 311:'(A)'side 755fi) Series-Part 3 !
[,abel Type: A-1


n() onc e\cr saw llip loc sct foot outsidc tjrc store iri'all thc v.'ars 'Ihe rve knov him.) Greek Si:a Caotain could somctimes be obsen'ed trfiinc a bath in a smalI bathtub adioiriing the store. At this linp I rvas associated with a liquor storc, and llic l0e had a stairdingordcr with rne"to brirtg a half sallon of Gallo muscatel to the rccord'storecven Saturdat aftcmoon, *hich supplcrncrrtcd thc harnburgt'rs brought'ih br thc Geck S'a Calirain. Wc'all arrired frrm r a r i o u s p a r t so [ t h c c i t y , l i r n \ l c K u n e (iritz and came irr'from Brooklvn.'S<r'l Lou Levy dcscended fr<lmthe Bronx. Ron l,ubin arrived later in the afternoon driving the truck of the photographic company he rlorkcd [or, often frcsh from a Saturdav aftt'moon ncdding, and I came fronrihe liquor store with a half sallon of muscatel. We Wed obout lhn slore, plalcd r e c o r d ' sd , i s c u s s c da r a r i c t y ' o f ' subiects. and took carc to avoid stcppingon lloriznntal Abc, rrhile IJis loe"dozcd intcmrittantly at lris larcd desk in thc hack o[ thc' storc. In iecalling scraps o[ conrcrsution fnrnrthosc'days.'I crut readilt scc how much inf6mration has been the field of uncoveredsince then in 'lbday, our particular intcrest. collbctors knou'a srcat deal atnut the blucs mcn thcv adnrire.rancing from the rrarticulai tlpc of hcari ailmcnt that fcllcd Charlev I'atton to the brand namc o[ thc guitar plaved by a favored artis[. In those

A r:ecorlection
oi BigJoe'sooo
.,\ l'eu ,-eurson ei.ther sictc of 19.5() rrrarkthc prinre of rny record errllr'ctin. t'rrr:cr, ant.lit rras during t l t r r tt i r r r c ,a l x r r r t l t c r e a r 1 0 1 ) , t h a t I .Jr('11 r r1 t u r r l l l u r s u r i tS a t u r d a y r l t L ' n r ( f ( ) nrs i t ' l l i r . r , / r r ' ' st c c t t d s t , r e . []lues collcct,rr ilenrr Renardx'orkecl lirr lliq .loc orr Satutlur altenrootts Jt tl)atI rilte . a : i u l i l l t c n l a t l \c t o lri- tu:k ,tf eatlrloginq lacob i'lrneitlcr'. r..,rrd.. tiri othcr days of thc *cek. With Ilcnry as grsiible catiLllst. it lx'cunc the'habit oI othcr'blucs collcctors in the arcalanrcs \lcKunc. Ilon l,ubin and iirrr.'li-t,r drop in on flie loe's on Sitrrrtlar aftcriro..-rn. a habit that rc uo la r irtiy r r c r s i : t r ' ds i t l r u n r a r y i r r'g O uz ic tc c [,rru rrurr,lrc orf r r r o n t h s . \\ils auglTlcntcdby a number of o t l r e r a l l i e i . r n a d o io f B i g . l o c ' s i n c l u d i r r si r l G r i t z - a t f i e l t i r r t e ( ) u t r ' \ e e l l c n t r e i s s u c so n Duttirrg t'reol." l ahcl-antl psychology student l.ou l.crr (not as ar id a record collcctoi as the rest of us, but r r r r d o u l r t a bp l rr t t t i n gt h e a f t c m o o n s to sood rr-i'ihrougfi thc double i slrmcntof discussing iazz aceorrrpl rnattcrs and pttssihly cngagng ln an,rn-rl.-spbt psychological'fi eld s t u d v) . 'l'h,' pl'u-r' ttas uswlly u'cll un, licd tlro:c Saturtlavaftemoons, antong'thecroud lurd Dronrinertt ,r.r.l a couplcof Rig loe's cronies. ()nc o[ th"tit ,var oftcri found lying on the l1oor, and it was necessary to step over hirn in order to get frrvl one batch of records to-another^ Hc rvas knoxn sinrplv as llorizontal Abc. Ioe's other pal, kno$n to us a as thrl ( ireek Sea Captain, r.r'as crtzzled old man uho occasionallY brousht Bis loc a hamburgerfrom thc s"treetEe'low. (lb mylnouledge

The Gheek Sea Captain was he put out to sea once Coooften?

iurridst the usual Saturday croud discoursing noisill on viriou.s topics\ \vcrc two \'ounq t.ecnagers thc rccord hlns, scarehtngLhnruqh thc to all intr'nts utd appearenccs 0rrlr prospcctirc crirtornersin tlle placc. loe suddcnlr .lnfr,rntcd thcm, hnd dcrirandedlo knrrrr ufiat thev ivantcd. loe's appcarenccat such nron)cnt:',raslonriidablc,and cltouqlt to .lwc iurv sensible persons (as thcsc two youngstersprorcd to hc) into fculul rctrcat froirrthc st()re. hou,r:ttt'r, sonre basis I LL,as, for :rn occlsiorral tlisplal oI suspiciorr oir loc's pan. ,\ cerlaln amountol rccirrd pillcragc \\as taLin.gplacc. .\ntl orr'onc Saiurdav altr'moon \\c d c c i t l c r lt o n K ) \ e l l i ! l o e ' s h u g c t l c s k [nrrrr thc hack oI th.J it.rrc to thefront of tlie store,directly bv thc cntrimcc dotlr, as a lncasure to prcvcnt a contirruationo[ the pilferagc. \\'ith the dcsk thus locatcd, ii uas irrurossiblcfor anvone to conte iurd go rriilxrut rrassittgdrrcctlv in front of lli{ loc.' lfut r.licoccasional thelis .oritinuctl. I''or rto*, instcad of tl,rzirrqin thc hack o[ thc strrrc. .loc tn the sat at'llis tlcsk slunrbcrtng a. lront ol thc store, of thc chanqc qrcat c\tcrtt thc 1turpo.,e; F-()rs(mt( r('(Iso/? thc rrenn\ 's cash rc'gister rrI l0e c(nnpi.rrtilr(jr)t sas' o[ten lillctl'to or erflo,r'ine. 'lhe pennies rvould spill overlnto tlrc tjthcr txrmpartmentsrvhich at all. s c a r c e l vh c ' l d ' a n t ' c o i n s 'lhus. niakirrsa sale sometimcs crcated probl'cms, in that it rlas difficult'to make the corrcct arnount of change. Prec:isel1'at three O'clcrh cach Saturday altemoon a man named [Job apocarcii at Bie loe's with a suitcase full of dirtvbooks. These receivcd our propcr attention, some were nurchasbdif thc action was dcenr6dsraDhic enough, whereas Bob uas mildly'chastisedif the depictions did irot achieve the eprc ploportions onc, ri ght ful ly expccted ol sucn matertal. If stme of lhp abore gtragrapls sccm to be pokine fun at Big.loe's, in closing I'would like to properly halance ihe picture by stating that I will alwavi remembbr loe as one of the nicelt zuvs I havE known' llis store is riow closed, and the buildins is about to be demolished to makd way for new construction. Tl'rc lazz Record Center (the actual namdof Big loe's store), with its "Euerything From notable mot"td Bwh To N4onh," a dingy and -. . unprepossessing store" fl ight ol starrs on a sleazy blocK, ls recalled by me with-fond appreciation' 'l'here

dals rle knew none of this. I rcitcnrber one Saturday aftemoon, rrhertsDecttlationcenicrcclon l''urry l , e r r i s , ' I i n r \ l c h u n c P t r t t i n gf o r t h tlre appircntl) r alid assunrptttrtt t'Furrl' lg'11 1s ttns ltrrtbottlv a tlrat hairt uut." \nd Ilcnry Rcrlard,who sar ore'd'fanciful uont6nrplat ion, urrndcrcdat lcngth howllrs. Gockett cooketi-the dinner when pipe Darid ['rockctt took the stov^e off to thc rccording srudio. Uur knitr*lcdg" of particulars was linrited' Biu .loe toleroted thpse fulwdo1' of lcrru x n galher ings amicabiv. \f ith t-rnccxccption that I remcmber. Onc aftcmoi,tn' Ilig or Joc, without .any.preamble lpparetrt ntotiration, suddcnly picked ub'Sol Grit, and heared him down tfre flisht of stairs lcading to the strcct." loe then retumed to his nap, and no ixnlanation of this forceful tlisplav of irritation was erer forth.omins. As I say, this was an excepiional occirrencc, as Joe was seneially pleased to have us Sather . ihere. Occasional ly though, potentlal custonlersarousedJoe's susptcton or displeasure' Illustratrve ol thts was an occufrence on an altemoon

not just a classic performanc...


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