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MINGGU : 2 TARIKH : 9.1.




KANDUNGAN Bidang : 1 : Nilai Berkaitan Dengan Perkembangan Diri Nilai : 1.1 : Kepercayaan kepada tuhan Kandungan : Kepercayaan pelbagai kaum di Malaysia a) Ketahui dan hormati amalan dan larangan agama pelbagai penganut. HP : Menghormati amalan dan larangan agama pelbagai penganut Aktiviti : 1. Guru meminta murid membaca petikan di dalam buku teks berkaitan dengan topik yang dibincangkan. 1. Guru dan murid mengadakan perbincangan tentang perlunya sikap tolak ansur dalam menghormati kepercayaan agama pelbagai kaum di Malaysia. Focus : Writing (60 minutes) Theme : World of Self, Family and I Topic : Things I Do Learning Standard : 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling : a) phrases b) simple sentences Standard Objectives : By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing. Specs. : 1. Show pictures of different parts of an elephant. 2. Ask questions orally. 3. Pupils spell the words. 4. Pupils label a picture. 5. Talk about the elephant. 6. Ask questions about the elephant. Unit 1 : What Do You Like? Theme : World of Personal Relationship Learning Outcomes : 1.1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the English Language. 2.1 Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. L1 : 1.1.1 : Listening : Listen to and repeat : (vii) initial blends (xi) word contractions

IMPAK / CATATAN Murid memahami kandungan pembelajaran yang diajarkan. Nilai murni : 1. Bertolak ansur 2. Sabar

8.20 9.20 ENGLISH 3 CERDAS

Assessment : Teaching Aids : Pictures of elephant Relflection : __ / 40 pupils able to do the tasks given. Improvement : The weak pupils will be given an additional tasks to improve their understanding.

11.20 12.20 ENGLISH 4 BESTARI

__ / 35 pupils able to do the tasks given. Improvement : The weak pupils will be given an additional tasks to improve their understanding.

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