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Digital Storytelling Storyboard Shari Wickline EDT-7820 1. Title Slide 2.

Dont Fear Me, I Am Only A Googler By Shari Wickline EDT-7820 3. Slide 2 Continued tears added

Hello my name is Googly Googler, and I spend much of my time trying to convince others that technology is not to be feared, but revered. 4. Slide 2 continued tissue added to hand

My primary purpose in life is to provide those around me with the resources they need to effectively work, design and collaborate. But no matter how much of a happy Googler I try to be, so many fear me. 5.

I try to stay understanding and not let it affect the speed at which I work, but sometimes it is hard.


Being stuck somewhere between technology devices and clouds makes being heard difficult. These days especially with all the teachers and students I could be friends with I seem even lonelier. 7. Slide 6 continued To get over the fear, it may help to understand why what I, and others like me do, is worth the time for us to get acquainted.

This is why I have decided to open a new document and get my voice out there for all to hear. I am Googly the Happy Googler, and I am tired of being feared. 8. Slide 6 continued with a google docs widget in hand I will start by telling you that there are multiple reasons for learning how to use Google Applications. Using Google Applications provides a free way for you to create documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and so much more. 10. Slide 6 continued with flash drive added to hand Those silly issues of forgetting to save all that work, being left on your home computers; or losing those itty bitty flash drive thingys I hear so much about.

9. Slide 6 continued with party hat added We could have fun all-day long, and I could help with what I have heard is a common issue for students and teachers alike.

11. Happy face slide (refer to sl. 6) Dont act like you do not know what I am talking about. I have heard you once or twice voicing frustration over a document you just lost or forgot. 13. Paper added to hand

12. Slide 6 continued balloons added Well if you become friends with me, everything can be accessed from anywhere at any time. I would also automatically save your work as it is being completed. Just because I am fun like that. 14.

You would also not have to fear sending or receiving items. If you joined me and my friends your documents would open in other programs with ease, so no more receiving those annoying, unreadable papers.


If that was not enough, then heres another important reason. You and your students need to learn various project collaboration methods via technology. From what I have been seeing from where I float, this is already becoming a crucial skill for your students to have mastered by graduation. 16.

I have noticed that this is a skill you really need to master as well, because how can you teach something of which you are afraid? 17. Slide 16 continued with a graduation hat added They have told me that the number of university classes offered online or as blended learning is rapidly increasing. In order for them to successfully complete these types of courses, they need to have knowledge and experiences utilizing current technology, such as...well, me. 19. Sad face slide You may feel that your students use devices so much that they know it all. But I am here to say that this is not really the case. Remember, I can see it all from where I float and your students are technology savvy, but they are NOT technology literate.

Some of my older student friends and their teachers dont seem to mind me very much. This may be because they have decided they like what my friends and I can do to make their work and communication easier. 18. Sad face slide I know that you may still fear me, but skills of working with technology like me now need to be developed during the K-12 years.

20. Sad face slide This is a big problem, especially for those that fear me. As your future progresses and technology like me becomes more intertwined into society, those choosing not to have authentic experiences that build to higher levels of understanding will begin to fall behind.

21. Sad face slide


Add tear drops

I did not want to be the bearer of bad news, but this is just the way technology seems to be falling upon us. It is where I live and what surrounds you every minute of every day. 23. Happy face slide

If you accept me, and bring me into your life we could turn your fear into bravery. I could also stop being sad all day, and go back to being my giggly, googling-self. 24.

Now that I have opened up about why you should no longer fear me, maybe you could try one of my applications. If you do, you will be on the road to providing your students with the 21st Century Skills they will need to succeed in the classroom of the future. My friends Technology and Information Literacy have become important skills for you and your students to master, and I am just the application to be your guide.

So, let me leave you thinking of how you can turn your fear around so you can give those around you the tools for success. Remember, you cannot effectively do this if you yourself are not properly prepared to effectually utilize a variety of new technologies.


26. Credit screen

So start today and leave your comfort zone to bring new experiences and skills to yourself and your students. Thank you for being there for me. I hope I get to return the favor sometime. Until then, happy Googling.

Credits Opening cloud image Found on Google images and has been labeled for commercial use. Site that contains image has labeled it for public use showpic.dml?album=6701342&picture=102226012 All other images were designed by Shari Wickline Music by longzijun labeled for non-commercial free use

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