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Project Report On Marketing Strategies Of PARLE LTD.


Academic year 2009-2011

Roll No. 17

Collage : KSKV Kachchh University


Submitted to KSKV KACHH UNIVERSITY, B Jadeja) (Mayursinh

Index Sr. no. 1 2 Particulars Introduction General Information About the company Organization Structure of Mkt. dept. of P.P.L. History & development Marketing Mix Product Introduction Levels of A product Product Mix Brand Name Product life cycle packaging stage product positioning Product plan& Strategy Product analysis, Reserch & Innovation Product Related Strategies of P.P.L. Pricing Meaning & Defination Pricing Policy Pricing Methods Factors Influencing Pricing Decisions Pricing Objectives Place Meaning& Selecting Making Channels Channel Levels Channel Mat Decisions Motivating Channel Members Promotion Introduction P.P.L. & Promotion Mix Advertising Sales Promotion Trade Promotion Personnel Selling Publicity Packaging Ending With Future Plans Suggestions Conclusions Bibliography Page no.

Introduction Name & Location : shekhpir, bhuj Regional office : Branch Office : Sources of Finance : Name of the product : Parle G Krack- Jack Monaco (crishp, light) Cheese Monaco Cheeslings Jeffs Sixer Cream Biscuits Marie choice Hide & Seek Nimkin Biscuits Poppins (Fruity) Kismi (Elaichi Bar) Mango Bite Kismi Toffee Rol a cola Poppins (Fruity mint) Resemint Orange Candy May Fair (Caramal Fantses) Lux (The star Tiffee) Dairy Toffee (Rich Cream) Tangy Bool Fantoosh Kismi coffee

Parle Products Ltd. Village ler, behind

MUMBAI Delhi, Calcutta, Chennai.

Year of Establishment : 1928 Own Capital

Production Capacity : The company has achieved Progress in its Production Capacity quite quickly and steadily. The production achieved by the company can be illustrated by the fast that the production at the rate lactones per annum has now increased to the rate o got ones per day. Total turnover : 1100 crores.


About the Company


Out look of Biscuit Industry :

Biscuit which Constitute an important item of bakery industries have now become a common item of consumption among all classes of People with tea or coffee biscuits make a taste nutritious Snack. Biscuits have become more and more popular as a convenient food with the changes taking place in the economic life of the masses. The consumption of biscuits has seen increasing over the years and this envisages the scope for years and this envisages the scope for setting up of biscuit mixture units. People started manufacturing biscuits of their own taste by using baking ovens which very popular in the market now a days. To make it more convenient there is a need of biscuits mixture which will be ready mix just after adding water, and the dough will be ready for biscuit making. The Production of ready mix flour on commercial scale saves time & labour and is sometimes even check up. To the house wives.


Market of Biscuit Industry :

The consumption of biscuit has been increasing years over year. The finding of a survey indicates that biscuits are being consumed in the rural and semi urban arras which constitutes bulk of our population. Looking at such demand this ready mix can definitely be a popular item particularly in a rural & urban area.


Insight of Parle Industry :

In the year 1928, there was no any other food industry producing biscuits and other items of confectionaries. So the chauhan families the first who have launched or started their industries concerned with Biscuits and confectionaries. They felt the need or customers requiring the ready product as and when the consumers need or requirement, chauhan family have taken the instinctive step in the field of food industry of biscuits.

Parle products ltd. is managed by 7 chauhan families. It is a partnership firm. Parle products ltd. is contacting manufacturing units. The company is having total seven departments. In a factory at Mumbai products are manufactured through various processes in production department. The machines used by the factory are taken from India and they have also had to rely on foreign country. In the factory machines are working with fully automatic and 100% hygienic condition melody production in the factory is too fast that they produce 140 counts per minute. After completing the production the products are standardized through various methods. The company is also having quality control department. They quality of the product is checked if they are found best then any they are sent for packaging department.

Finished products are packed with colored butter paper pack. Then all the packets are packed in cartoon boxes. After packaging products are labeled. Then different fetch no. of the products are given to each and every products. After completion of packaging finished. Products are send from factory to depo. From that parle product ltd. Mumbai dept. have 3 more depos

working for the company in Gujarat. From this depos goods are delivered to distributors. In this company distributors are called as wholesales.

Wholesalers further delivered these goods to the field staff and it goes into market. In this unit there is ready stock is available for customers. All the wholesalers have their own agency in the agency of Parle product Hd. The work staff from 90 clock in the morning. Products are loaded from godown for sending the goods or products to retailers. At 9:30 am. First car starts. In the agency they have recruited salesman delvers and loaders etc. while delivering goods from the agency to retails shop jeeper. Salesman carries with them bill books, bags, sample kits, retail pack etc. In the trade, detailing the product. Sampling of product outlying the product bills, taking the cash, merchandising the display of the product and ultimately completing the sales with the best ability all the activities are performed by the salesman. By providing satisfactory services to there retail customers the company achieves re-orders from them. The company follows only cash business no credit is given to retail shopkeepers by wholesalers. The parle product ltd. has not increased the rate of price also the lucidity maintenance issue good that the company has achieved market share at their best level. The Parle is the leader in the market.

History & Development

The history is the past performance of the unit and stage at which has reached by progress is known as development.

In Parle product ltd. the chief promotion of the company Mr. Pithamber Chauhan has established the company in 1928 with the small scale production. The company is established by 7 chauhan families. In the initial period they first started confectionary manufacturing in a factory of 60 feet 40 feet with 12 workers and the production was 40 tone per annum. In value turnover was Rs. 50,000 per annum. In 1939 company started expansion with biscuits brands launched were Glucose and monoco. Gradually company has started producing other novel novelty introduction they are SPIN-H, ORLE, CHEESLINGS, JEFFS, SIXER, KRACK JACK, POPPINGS, KISMI, TOFFEES, MELOPY, TOFFEE, VOCACIL, COUGH DROPS, and many other product in the row. In the year 1981 company started another.

Contents Introduction Levels of a product Product mix Product life cycle stage Product Plan and strategy Product analysis, research & innovation Product related strategies of Parle product Ltd.

Introduction Any damn fool can put on a deal, but it takes genius faith and perseverance to create a brand. DAVID OGILAVY

A product is something that is made in a factory a brand is something that is bought by a customer. A product can be copied by a competitor. A brand is unique. A product can be quickly out-dated. A successful brand is timeless. STEPHEN KINO

A product is anything that can be offered to the market to satisfy a want or need.


Products that are marketed include physical goods, services, persons, places organization and ideas.

Introduction Product :

Product is a thing possessing utility. If stands for goods & services. In a narrow sense, a product is a set of attributes assembled in identical benefits that satisfy their needs. According to Philip Kotler, Product is anything that can be of fered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption and that might satisfy a want or need. Products include more than just tangible goods. Broadly defined, products include physical objects, service, persons, places, organizations, ideas or mixer of these entries. Services are products that consist of activities, benefits or satisfaction that are offered for sale. Services are essentially intangible & dont result in the ownership of anything. Thus, product is an umbrella term covering goods, services. Places, persons & ideas. According to William Stanton. A Product is a set of tangible & intangible attributes, including packaging, color, price, quality & brand, puls the sellers services & reputation.

In essence, consumers are buying much more than a set of physical attributes. When they buy a product. They are baying want satisfaction in the form of the benefits they expect to receive from the product.

Product Mix : The most basic marketing mix pool is Product Mix. A product mix is a set of all products lines & items that a particular seller offers for sale. A Companys product mix has four important dimensions. i,e., Width, Length, Depth & Consistency.


It refers to the no, of different product lines the company carries.


It refers to the total no, of items the company carries.


It refers to the no, of versions offered of each products in the line.


It refers to how Closely related the various lines are in end use, production, requirement, distribution channels or in some others way.

The product mix of Vadilal Enterprises Ltd. includes the following points :

Product Variety Quality Features Brand Name Packaging Sizes Product Positioning New Product Development Strategy

Now, we shall discuss above points regarding Product Mix in different way & in separate chapter.

Levels of a Product:

In planning its market offering the marketer needs to think through five levels of the products. Each level adds more customer value and the five constitute a customer value hierarchy.

In Parle product ltd. the production manager keeps all the five level of the product. The most fundamental level that parle product ltd. keeps in mind is core benefit. Then the marketer turns core benefit into a think level, the marketer of parle product ltd. Prepares on expected product a set of normally expect. Also parle product ltd. prepares an augmented product that meets the customer desires. Also parle product ltd. stands for uses of all the augmentation and transportation that the product might ultimately under go in the future.

Parle product ltd. is concerned with the processing of best quality of energy biscuits for the customer. They are manufacturing confectionaries for children.

Product mix:

A product mix is the set of all products and items that a particular seller offers for sale to buyers. A companys product mix has a certain width, length, depth, and consistency. The width of product mix offers to how many different product lines the company carries. The length of product mix refers to total number of items in its product mix. The depth of product mix refers to the total number of items in its product mix. The depth of product mix refers to how variants are referred of each product in the line.

In Parle Product ltd. the length of the Product mix carries two different lines. That means the company concerned with manufacturing of biscuits and confectioneries.

The depth of Parle Product ltd. can be measured for the sizes, colours, models, price and quality of the Parle Products. Parle Product ltd. has a products in various Sizes which means the biscuits packets are available in 50gms., 75gms., 100gms., 150gms., 500gms., with various Prices and colours and colours and quality.

The biscuits market is divided into following segments: Glucose e.g. Parle G, Tiger, Gluco-Gold Kwality Gluyco, etc.

Low count stated e.g. Monaco, snax, topate. More and thin arrow work e.g. parle marie choice. Low count sweets e.g milk Bikkies, Nice, coconut. High count sweet. e.g. Brita, Zoological etc. High count Salted e.g. Sixer. Jeffs, Chakra Other cookies, cream cruckers, etc. Cream Variety.

Confectionary is broadly divided into: Hard Boied Confectionery e.g. orange candies, mango bite, poppins, etc. Toffee Modified Toffee, e.g. Kismi, Lux Dairy, Mayfair. Chocolates eg. Melody, cadburry Nestle etc. Low count sweets e.g. milk Bikkier, Nice, coconut. High count sweet e.g. Brita, Zoological etc. High count salted e.g. Sixer, Jeffs, chakra Other cookier, cream cruckers, etc. Cream variety Confectionary is broadly divided into Hard Boiled confectionery e.g. orange candies, mango bite, poppins, etc. Toffee Modified Toffee e.g. Kismi, Lux dairy, My fair Chocolates e.g. Melody, Cadburrys Nestle etc.

Brand Name

A brand is name, term, sign, symbol or Design or a combination of these intended to identity the products of services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors. Thus a brand identities the maker or seller of a product. In other words, a brand is sellers promise to deliver consistency a specific set of features, benefits & services to buyers. The best brand conveys a warranty of quality.

Most of the big companies are having their private brands. Private brand are often hard to establish & due costly to stock & Primate, private labels yield higher profit margins for the middlemen, they also give middlemen exclusive products that cannot be bought them competitors, resulting in greater store traffic & loyaly. The unit has adopted its own brand name known as vadilal because of the following reasons.

The unit has broad product lines. The unit is well established & having a good distribution system. The unit holds large shares of the market. The brand name has high consumer acceptance. The brand name also helps to assure consumers that they will get consistent quality when they re-order.

From the above discussion we can say that Vadilal is one step ahead-as always Now days, the company gets success to attract many customers by just the power of its name & strange image in the market. Today the brand name is counted much more than the features, Price & other things. The purchasing decisions made mostly from the brand name of the company and thats why Vadilal Ice-Creams are on the top & thus. We confidently say like.

Nothing can satisfy you like Vadilal.

Packaging Some marketers have called packaging a fifth p, allying with product, price, promotion & place However packaging is treated as an element of packaging consists of all the activities designing & producing the container or wrapper for a product. The container or wrapper is called the package physical product require packaging decisions to create such benefits as protection, economy convenience and promotion packaging also have various elements like size, shape, materials, colour, text & brand name.

Parle Product ltd is always very accurate in the matter of packaging the products & they care a lot & fined more importance to this activity at some point. Ice-cream are the frozen liquid items & requires the superior package & packaging activities because of the following purposes.

Packaging protects the product on its way to the consumer. The biscuits & chocolates of P.P.L. co. are transported to a very long distance & also it can prevent tampering with products in the warehouse or retail store.

Package goods generally are more convenient, cleaner and less susceptible to losses from evaporation, spilling & spoilage. Packaging also helps in identifying a product & thus, may prevent substitution of competitive products.

From the above Points, we can say that package can serve as a Silent Sales Person. Plastics wrapper & paper container, ultimately a package may become a products differential advantage, or at least a significant part of it. Thus, products might be differentiated by a feature of the package.

Product Positioning Positioning is an act of designing the companys offer & image so that the target market understands and appreciates. The product can enjoy a strong positions in the market when it fills the consumer needs there for, the companys positioning must be routed in an under standing of how the target market defines value & makes choices among vendors. Positioning them its competitors along with real dimensions in order to be the preferred company for creating market segment positioning aims to help customers to know the different between competition companies, so that, they can match themselves to the company that it can satisfy their needs best.

The P.P.L. holds a better & strong market share in the market of Ice-cream vadilal ice-cream stands at the top position of market with its image in P.P.L. is accepted in all over India

Teenclgers (appr. 30%) Childrens (appr. 45%) Middle age & Old age People (appr. 25%)

Product Life Cycle Stage

From the time the produce idea is been during its development and up to the time it is launched in the market, a product goes through the various phases of its development. Its life begins with its market introduction, next it goes through a period during which its market grown rapidly. Ultimately it resides marketing, maturity after which its market declines and finally the product dies.

The product life cycle may move through five stages Introductory, pioneering as development stage. Growth or the market acceptance stage. Market Maturity stage The Saturation stage The Decline stage

In Parle Product Ltd. the product of the unit has reached at growth stage. In this stage, the product is produced in significant quantity and put in the market without delay. Here in this unit also the Parle Product Ltd. is having ready stock working with them. As the company Parle Product Ltd. has reached as its growth stage there are large number of competitors entered in the product. Parle Product Ltd. is having a number of distribution outlets and thats why the products of Parle are fixed at economic rate.

Product Plan Strategy

First of all Parle Ltd. concentrate on the need of consumers and then produces to satisfy those needs of the consumers.

Product planning is defined as the process of deciding in advance every factor related to product. Each company has their own product planning and strategy.

Parle Product Ltd. while dealing their product plan and strategy keeps in mind the following points:

Market SIZE Consumer NEED Competition CLUTTERS

After going through the above factors plans are made for the production and distribution of products, but the main aim remains to meet with consumers needs and demands to know the consumer needs market research is carried out, through small market research team.

Product Analysis Research & Innovation

Product analysis is the process of evaluating the product and finding its positive and negative points. Product Analysis refers to the finding out of pros and cons of any products of the company. The product of the company is compared with similar products of other companies and then the product it evaluated on the basis of results obtained.

Product Analysis is done through Research work. The market and Consumer Research shows the position of the Product and also indicate whether any modification or change is to be made in the product.

The Parle Product Ltd. have their own Marketing Research Department. If the company wants to launch any new product then they first of all make segmentation of cities. If the questionnaires are prepared and people are interviewed about which type of product they need. Feed back from the customers are collected and they are scrutinized on the basis of data collected from the people. Top Level Executives takes action on that. The Manager of Marketing Research Department and Manager of Production Department both get concerned with each other and then the finalization of the product is mad. As the product gets finalized, they are launched in selected cities for test marketing and get the response about whether the product is going to accept or not. They are test marketing and getting feedback for six months. If they feel that the product is fitted according to Customer demand. Then the products are produced for while market. Other wise changes are made das and when required.

Product Related Strategies of P.P.L. Today the issues of branding, packaging, product warranty and product servicing are especially sensitive are as than ever before.

Merchandising The work merchandising means goods for sales and merchandising is a comprehensive concept which embraces all concepts undertaken at the retail to promote sales.

Parle Product Ltd. also uses various types of display material which reinforces the impression and effects. They are using strummers, posters, backup sheets, yard stickers, boxes, self stickers, wall paintings stands and dispenser.

Branding Perhaps the most distinctive skill of Professional Marketing is their ability to create, maintain, protect and enhance brands. Branding is the art and curbstone of Marketing. The American Marketing Institution defines Brand as:

A Brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or design or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller of group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors.

As Parle Company gives importance to both brand name and quality. They believe that brand and quality are the two sides of the same coin. For maintaining brand it is necessary that the quality of the product should be best.



Parle - G It is one of the oldest brands of the company which was

introduced in 1939. It is crisp, sweet and has got unique taste. It is a brand leader especially in west and north zone which are strong Glucose market. There are lots of limitations of this products, lot of consumption is through children.


Monaco Roll Monaco Rolls are available in delicious round shaped, salty

biscuits. Very light, very crisp, eaten plain or with toppings and never sold loose.


Krack Jack Krack Jack of Parle Product Ltd. is about 24 years old product.

It is sweet and salty in taste.


Cream Biscuits Cream biscuits of Parle Product Ltd. are available in four

flavors Orange, Pineapple, Chocolates and Elaichi. With very crisp and creamy biscuits, each biscuit includes seven grams cream which is available at very economical Price.

5. (a)

Dump Varieties i.e. High Count Salted Biscuits Cheeslings : Cheeselings are only type of its kind and unique cheese biscuits which are very light, thin and fluffy.



Sixer is the brand name which means six sided salted biscuits.



Jeffs are of small shaped Jerra biscuits.



Orange Candies: Orange candies are of the oldest brand of Parle Product Ltd. It is of oval shaped orange flavored candy which is very popular among children.


Mango Bite: Mango Bite is mango flavored bid size candy. Roll A Cola Candy:



Poppins: It is one of the oldest and very successful brands available in roll form in various fruity flavors.


Peppermints & Rosemings: Pepper and rose flavored menthol candy in tablet form.


Kismis Toffees Mayfair Toffees Lux Toffees Dairy Toffees Melody Toffees Melody Regular Melody Variants Kismi Toffee Bar

Melody Production in Parle Product Ltd. is too fast that the machines are working with fully automatic and 100% hygienic capacity. The Product of Melody per minute is 140 count.


A trade mark have been defined as any sign, mark, symbol, work on words which indicated the origin or ownership of a product as distinguished from its quality and which others have not the equal right to employ for the same purpose. Trademark or brand may be registerable or nonregisterable.

As we have already seen that Parle Product Ltd. has choose various trade marks or brand for their products of biscuits and confectionery products.


Slogans and sentences are used to win sales and increase business when used intelligently. Someone has said If you win a luck phrase you win future success. Good slogans are never wear out, they are as good today as they were yesterday and will remain so far coming hundred years.

The following are some slogans which are used by Parle Product Ltd. have coded in increasing sales by converting prospects into steady customers.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Crispy Jerra Biscuits Crispy Salty Munchies Cheesier ! Munchies

Jeffs Sixer Cheeslings Jeffs Cheeslings

Jeera Ka Jabardast Jalwa Curcure Namkin Ka Karara Maja Khile Khile ! Cheese Bhare ! Swad Bhare !

Cheeslings 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Thoda Mitha Thoda Namkin Tiagling Fresh Extra Strong Mint Cola Ka Gola Jeene Ki Raah Yahi Hai Sahi Swad Bhare Shakti Bhare Melody Khao Khud Jaan Jao Mast Mast Falon Ka Naya Maja The Big Toffee Bar Krack Jack Parle Extra Rol A Cola Parle G Parle G Melody Poppins Kismi Toffee


Pricing Policy

Skimming Price Policy:

This strategy involves setting a very high price, so that in the initial stage cream of demand may be skimmed and enormous profits made for an indefinite period or the price may be covered later in order to tap other segments of the market.

Penetration Price Policy:

In this strategy a low price is set to reach the market immediately.

Parle products has adopted penetration price policy for their items of biscuits and confectionery, because in consumer products there are many competitors prevailing in the market. So it is not possible to set a very high price in the initial period. Considering their competitors policy parle has adopted penetration price policy.

Pricing method

The price, the company charges will be somewhere between one that is too low to produce a profit and one that is to high to produce any demand product costs set a floor to the price. Consumer perceptions of products value set the ceiling. The company must consider competitors price & other external & internal factors to find the best price between these two extremes. Companies set prices by selecting a general pricing approach that includes one or more of three sets of factors such as : The cost based approach like cost based approach like cost-plus pricing, break-even analysis and target profit planning : The buyer based approach like perceived value pricing: The competition based approach like going rate & sealed bid pricing.

The Vadilal Enterprises Ltd. has much longer product line. So, it would be difficult for all products. Therefore, the prices are fixed according to the materials consumed & adding relatively services.

Generally, pecking method adopted by the unit is the cost plus pricing. This pricing method is considered the best approach to pricing. It is based on the sellers cost of production plus additional margin of profit. There are a few items in determining the sale price i.e. Cost of producing / acquiring goods Cost of operating / selling expenses Interest, Depreciation etc. Expected profit margin

The cost plus pricing method is a very common practice particularly in retail trade. because of the following reasons:

Sellers can determine cost much more easily. Where all the firms in the industry use this pricing method. their prices tend to be similar. Price competition is therefore minimized. Many people feel the cost plus pricing is fairer to both buyers & sellers, As sellers do not take advantage of buyers when the latters demand becomes acute, the sellers earn a fair return on their investment.

Therefore, the prices fixed by the P.P.L. are in such a manner that they include cost or production, adding relatively services & profit margin & also the prices are affordable by all classes of people. Therefore, we can see that the pricing method adopted by the unit is perfectly suitable. Pricing Methods

Companies revolve the pricing issue by selecting a pricing method. The pricing method then leads to a specific price. As there are many pricing methods which are as under: Mark up Pricing Target Return Pricing Perceived Value Pricing Going Rate Pricing Sealed Bid Pricing

Parle Products Limited has adopted sealed bid pricing method for the fixation of prices of biscuits and confectionery. Competition oriented pricing is common where firms submit sealed bid for jobs. The Parle products fixes the prices taking into account prices of competitors rather than rigid relation to the firms supply or demand. Parle wants to win the contract and winning normally requires submitting a lower price than competitors. At the same time the unit has not set its price below cost.

There is no government regulation in fixation of price of products P.P.L., government only advises on the quality of the products.

There is no any type of discount and allowances provided to dealers and customers. The products are not sold on credit basis and there is only such cash system prevailing in P.P.L.

During my field training in market, I came to know that there is no credit benefit provided to retailers, stockiest or customers, because they are the market leader and without providing credit facility also their products are in great demand by the retailers and customers. Also if they fix some high price, then also, the loyal customers of the P.P.L. will not get diverted toward others products because 90% of the customers believes in good quality rather than only on price. Only 10% of customers may have a chance of diversification towards other brands.

Factors Affecting Pricing Policy The price fixed by the sellers own sentiment may not necessarily be accepted in the market. Historically, prices were set up by buyers & sellers negotiating with each other. Seller would ask for higher price than they expected to receive & buyers world offer less than they except to pay. Through bargaining. They world arrive at an acceptable price.

Today, most sellers set one price for all buyers. Yet, many companies do not handle pricing well. There are number of factors which affect the pricing policy of the company. If the entrepreneur would not give much importance these factors, he may not be able to survive in the consumers markets. The factors affecting the pricing policy can be broadly deviled into two categories. Internal factors which include the companys marketing objectives, marketing mix strategy, costs & organization etc.

External factors which include the nature of the market & demand, competition and other environmental elements.

So far as P.P.L. is concerned, the factors which affect the pricing policy can be summarized as under:

Internal factors Cost of Production

At the time of marketing the pricing. The manager has to attempt to optimize the cost. Cost optimization means setting of reasonable prices which provide equitable return on capital at the same tome suit the consumers purchasing power.

Distribution cost

P.P.L. are transported to a very distance, naturally the distribution cost would be high. Again, the costs on middlemen clue generally high because the profit given to the would also be included in to them would also be included in the cost.

Normal Profit Margin

The main objective of any company is to earn maximum profit. Here, also the margin of profit is taken into account while fixing the prices. But the prices are changed at the cost of society.

Product Perishablility

While fixing the prices, the decision makers should not underestimate the perishable quality of the products. The unit also gives much stress on this factor & fixes prices accordingly.

External factors:

Demand of the Product

The decision makers of the unit are always in trying to study the nature & magnitude of demand & according the level of demand, the unit fixes prices. Socio Economic Environment

Rise in the level of income or in the standard of living may affect the pricing policy. The decision makers may prefer to increase the price, where there is a high standard of living & vice versa.

Government Regulations

The decision makers of the unit are always keep in the mind the regulations introduced by the Government. This factor requires more care & precaution.

Competitors price in the Market

This is the most important factor in determination of prices. The main competitors of the Vadilal are Amul, Hawmore & Walls. The decision makers, here also give full attention to these competitors while fixing prices.

Thus, above all factors are taken into account while fixing prices for the products. Ultimately, consumer perceptions of price and value determine whether the company has set the right price, if the price is higher than the sum of the perceived values, consumer will not buy the product.

Factors Influencing Pricing Decisions

Pricing decisions are influenced by numerous factors. Pricing policies should be consistent with pricing objectives and pricing strategy should be in conformity with pricing objectives and pricing policies. Also pricing decisions require the knowledge of the companys over all marketing environment. In P.P.L. while fixing the price structure following points is considered:

Invoice Amount Local Sales Tax Secondary Freight Wholesalers Margin Cost to Retailers

In Parle Product Limited, company fixes the price of various brands of biscuits and confectioneries. Accordingly to the price of competitors like Britania, Bakemans, Windsor, Nutrine, Nestle, Candy-Cake, Simco products are available from the ranges of Rs. 2, Rs. 4, Rs. 5.45, Rs. 6, Rs. 11.50, Rs. 18.50. The profit covered by pare-G products is very less, but by the effort of P.P.L.; they have not allowed their competitors to enter in the market. The future of Parle-G is very bright.

Objectives of Pricing

Every marketing activity including pricing should be directed toward a goal. Thus, management should decide on its pricing objective. Before determining the price itself. The pricing objective selects must be compatible with the overall goals set by the company & the goals for its marketing programme.

A company also might use price to attain other more specific objectives it can set prices low to prevent competition from entering the market or set prices at competitions levels to stabilize the loyalty & support of resellers or to avoid government intervention price can be reduced temporarily to crate excitement for a product or to draw more customers into a retail store. One product may be priced to help the sales of other products in the companys line. Thus, pricing may play an important role in helping to accomplish the companys objectives at many levels.

A company can peruse any of the six major objectives by its pricing which are as follows.

To survive in the market Maximum current profit Maximum current revenue Maximum market skimming Product quality leadership

The pricing policy of the P.P.L. is formulated keeping in mind that majority of its customers belong to all classes of people therefore the pricing policy is formulated in such a way that it can be affordable by all classes of people & is not burden on their income. The main aim of the company while setting price objective is to maximize sales growth & current revenue by keeping the cost as low as possible into increasing both sales & market share. The speciality of pricing objectives of Vadilal Enterprises Ltd. is

to grow its market share through decreasing the prices of Ice-creams set during the time of festivals.

Pricing Objectives

Pricing objectives are overall goals that describe the rate of prices in an organisations long range plans. The most important objectives of the company is to have maximum profits.

There are mane objectives in pricing such as:

To achieve target return of investment. To stabilize prices. To maintain or improve a target share of market. To meet or prevent competition. Maximum profits. Survival.

As Parle products is a limited company and thats why the main objective of fixing price is to achieve maximum profits from the products like biscuits and confectioneries items but by providing best quality at economic rate. Thats why the product of parle-G has covered 70% of market share and the company is market leader. He secondary objective of P.P.L. wants to survive by competition as there are many competitors with the products like Britania, Bakemans, Windsor in Biscuit items and Nutrine, Nestle, Candy Cake, Simco in confectionery. Also P.P.L. wants to survive by providing best quality of product with economical rate. The P.P.L. wants to survive by providing best quality of product with economical rate. The P.P.L. has not increased the rate of price as other companies are doing. Retail margin earned by the unit 10% in biscuits and 15% to 55% margin in confectioneries.


Managing & Selecting Marketing Channels

It is a path traced in the direct or indirect, transfer of title to a product as it moves from a producer to ultimate customers or industrial users. We can define the distribution channels as movement of goods and services between the point of production and point of consumption through organization that perform a variety of marketing activities. The route of the channel include both manufacturer and the consumer and intermediaries who are linked in the channel system by one or more of the marketing flows like transfer of title or ownership, physical movement of goods of merchandise, flow of money through payment of prices or so or transmission of marketing information. A distribution system has two sub divisions

Channels of Distribution Physical Distribution

Physical distribution looks after physical handling of the goods and assures maximum customer service. It aims at offering delivery of right goods at the right time and place to customers. These activities include packaging, warehousing, transportation, and inventory control and customer service.

In P.P.L. for delivery of biscuits or confectionery products, they are having truck facilities. They are using many transportation companies for carrying goods from factory to wholesalers or from factory to depo.

Distribution Channels

Physical Distribution

Channel Distribution

Transportation Warehouse

Wholesaler Retailers Agents Brokers Job Workers

Marketing channels are sets of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for the use or consumption.

Philip Kotler

Channel Levels

Each intermediary that performs work in bringing the product and its title closer to the final buyer constitutes a channel limit.

A zero level channel also called a direct marketing channel consists of a manufacturer selling directly to final customer. The one level channel contains one selling intermediary such as a retailer. The two level channel contains the intermediaries which is the most widely used channel where manufacturers have direct dealings with wholesalers who in turn sell to retailers and they in turn to consumers.

The three level channels contains agent, middleman, wholesaler and retailer and then ultimate consumer which is after used by relatively small manufacturer with a limited product line who sell to widely dispersed market.

The Parle industry uses the following channel of distribution:


Agent Middleman




Parle industry is concerned with food items. There are as many numbers of buyers and ultimate consumer so it is not possible for direct selling of buyers and ultimate consumers. So it is not possible for direct selling of product to them. From the factory of Parle goods are sent in depo. The P.P.L. is having two depos in Gujarat. From depo goods are delivered to distributors. P.P.L. calls their distributors as wholesalers. Wholesalers further delivers goods to the trade. In the unit P.P.L. follows ready stack working system. In the trade. In the unit P.P.L. follows ready stack working system. In the agency ready stacks are available for providing and leaders whole delivering agency have recruited salesman, drivers and leaders whole delivering goods from agency to retail shopkeepers. Salesman carry with them bill books, sample kits, retail pack. In the trade various activities are performed by salesman like

detailing the product, supplying of products, cutting the product and ultimately closing the sales with the best ability. By providing satisfactory service P.P.L. achieves reorders from retailer or retailers gain of business from ultimate customers. Here service means providing best quality at cheaper rate and at proper time and place.

Channel Management Deceasing

After a company has choose a channel alternative, individual intermediaries must be selected, motivated and evaluated. Also channel management must be modified over time.

Selecting Channel Members and Providing Training

Producers vary in their ability to attract qualified intermediaries within the chosen channel. Also they have to work hard to get qualified intermediaries.

In P.P.L. the management recruits their channel members not on the basis of qualification and experience but they make marketing survey. They are getting applications from the applicants. On the basis of the applications received they evaluated the applicant and the final selection is made. Newly appointed wholesalers are generally given three days training by dealers. Also the training is provided by model wholesalers who have got the thorough knowledge of policy and procedures updated by P.P.L. and paperwork concerned with that job. New wholesalers are provided with one and half days on the job training in the one and half days electrician training. For arrangement of this training programme company is producing three star hotels, single A.C. room with breakfast, launch and dinner and other facilities. P.P.L. wholesalers are selected to population for e.g. cities like Rajkot they have wholesalers.

In Ahmedabad they have ten wholesalers. In Baroda they have five wholesalers. In Surat they have eight wholesalers. In Kachchh they have six wholesalers. In Talukas company does their business by separating the market customers.

Motivating Channel Members

Intermediaries must be continuously motivated to do their best job. This motivation is supplemented by training, supervision and encouragement. Intermediaries can aim for a relationship based co-operation, partnership or distribution programmes. Internally producers are using positive motivators such as high margin, special deals, premiums, co-operative advertising allowances, display allowances and sales contacts.

P.P.L. has also adopted positive view for motivation. They are providing their wholesalers 3.85% rate of margin plus they are giving 0.5% commission to them, as on incentive for extra efforts made by them. Overall wholesalers are getting 4.3% of margin for their services provided to the company. P.P.L. Company is also improving their wholesalers. The distributors turnover ratio is nill in parle. All the company is very much cooperative to the distributors. They believe in providing special deals to their wholesalers and are heading sales contest in Navratri and Satam-antham festival. P.P.L. provides stimulates approach towards their wholesalers. That is why P.P.L. calls their distributors as PARLE PARIWA and not Parle Products Limited.

Also once in a year P.P.L. organizes one self improved programme for all the wholesalers as well as for field staff. In that self improvement programme, they are not doing any business yet. The whole concentration is given on improving themselves. During this period they are doing YOGA and DHYAN also. The trainers are playing healthy physical games. Thus all the training programmers are for wholesalers as for sales managers.

Evaluating Channel Member

In this company of P.P.L. they periodically evaluated intermediaries performance on the basis of sales quota attainment. Average inventory levels, customer delivery time, accordingly treatment of damaged and last goods. In P.P.L. distributors are visiting market regularly. They visit the out-let one by one to distribute the product. If any problem arises they try their best to overcome the problem. If retailers have any claim or broken goods with them they have to replace it and provide replacement stock.

Intensity & Eaten of distribution

After deciding the channel of distribution, the manufacturer has to decide how many middlemen should be in the demand that is the intensity of distribution to be used at the wholesaling levels in the channels has to be decide. They are intensive distribution, exclusive distribution and selective distribution.

Extensive Distribution

This strategy is used by producers of convenience goods and common raw materials. The purpose is to saturate the market as such as possible with their product. The strategy is mostly used when the product is inexpensive and frequently purchased. The market is competitive. The unit of purchase is usually small along with their price and consumers wanted to their near areas and retailers enjoy high stock turnover on small industry. The burden of advertising lies on the manufacturer.

Norms Followed By The Agency Of The P.P.L.

Active person the firm should visit the trade at least two hours daily in different routes. He should contact priority outlets once in a month and on every Saturdays in semi-wholesale market to book the order and to know market trends. All available products to be given all semi-wholesale outlets.

All the routs to be covered weakly with rate size of 45 outlests in ready stock. If possible the market should be feeded in GRI and GRQ. For every 450 outlets there should be one unit. Range selling should be more than and fine. Stock registers to be maintained daily. Give respect to all people coming across.




P.P.L. and Promotion Mix









Push Strategy and Pull Strategy: A push strategy involves manufactures marketing activities primarily sales force and trade promotion directed at channel intermediaries. The good is to induce intermediaries to order and carry the product and promote it to the end users. It is more useful under when there is low brand loyalty in a category and brand choice is made in a store. Product is an impulse item.

A pull strategy involves marketing activities, advertising and consumers promotion directed at end users. The goal is to induce the end users to ask intermediaries for the product and thus induce intermediaries to order the product and manufacturer. It is appropriate when there is high brand loyalty and high involvement the category.



Retailers & Wholesalers


Producer Marketing Activities (personal Selling, Promotion and other)

Retailer marketing activities (personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, etc.)




Retailer & Wholesaler



Products marketing Activities (Advertising, sales promotion)


This is the fourth pillar of marketing programme. It refers to the activities to the promotion of the product, service or idea. It consists of all activities crimed at persuading and motivating customers to buy the product. The various element of promotion mix are :


Advertising consist of all the activities involving in presenting product information to customers. The product message is communicated through media like newspaper, radio, television, etc. and is paid for the seller.

Personal Selling

Personal selling is the face to face communication between a seller and buyer. Sale contacts are made with the customers by company sales representatives. These representatives assists and persuades a prospective buyer to buy a product in face to face situation.

Sales Promotion

It is the method of increasing the sales through displays, demonstrations, contests, etc. Sales promotion activities aim to supporting personal selling and advertising efforts.


It refers to the mention of a company brand or product in trade journals, newspapers, radio, etc. which is not paid for. It is relatively a minor from of promotion because the manufacturer has no control over what the mention usually. A favourable report by the news media on the company product often will more weight then a paid advertising message.

Promotion mix aims at stimulating market demand for products. It refers to the activities designed by the manufacturer to influence buyer behavior through communication. BRINK AND KELLY have defined promotion as The coordination of all seller initiated efforts to set up channel of information and persuasion to facilitate the sale or a product service or the acceptance of an idea.

P.P.L. & Promotion Mix

It is true that to make the product known and acceptable some kind of promotion tool must be adopted so that company can communicate to the consumers. Advertising and promotion of products it must for every company if they want to make their position in this competitive and dynamic market.

In P.P.L. the manager of marketing believes that it is must for every product to be advertised by any method or media in this competitive world where other company concerned with the same products are in large number. It is necessary to inform about the product to the prospects because advertising and other promotions helps in crating brand patronage in market.

So, P.P.L. also promotes its products through:

Advertising Sales Promotion Publicity

Personal Selling

The P.P.L. spends on advertising according to various brands of biscuits and confectionaries. Advertising budget is fixed in the year and according to requirement of advertising budget is set for every brand in the product. P.P.L. spends 65% on advertising budget on the total turnover achieved by the company as companys turnover of the last years 700 crores. The amount spent by the company on advertising budget comes to Rs. 455 crores.

Advertising Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor.

Philip Kotler

It is paid communication because the advertising has to pay for the space or time in which his advertisement appears. The sponsor wants to persuade and induce the readers, viewers or listeners to take some action. Advertising appears in any recognized media as newspapers, magazines, radio, cinema, television, etc.

The field of advertising management is made up of a system of interacting organizations and institutions all of which play a role in the advertising process. At the care of this system are advertisers. The organizations that support advertising. Advertisers are private and public sector. Organisation that use more media to accomplish an organizational objective. It is the decision to invest resources in prevailing time or space in such mass media as television, radio, newspapers or magazines that basically distinguishes advertisers from non advertisers.

Government Advertiser

Advertising Agency



Research Suppliers

Markets and Consumer Behaviour

Advertising Department and Advertising Agency:

Advertising department is managed by the advertising manager of the company. Company has to recruit the advertising manager and has to pay fixed salary whether he works or not.

Parle Products Limited has their separate advertising department. It consists of 8 to 10 staff people and key person assistant. Company pays fixed salary to the staff of advertising department.

Advertising agency employees specialists who generally can perform advertising tasks better than a companies own staff. Agencies also bring an outside point of view to solving a companys problems along with years of experience from working with different clients and situations. And because the firm can dismiss its agency, an agency works hard to do a good job.

Also P.P.L. has employed specialists who handles the advertising tasks. They also have reverent marketing agencies. In P.P.L. advertising agency is having four departments: Av Creative, which develops ads and produces ads. Media, which selects media and place ads. Research, which handles the agencies business activities.

In this P.P.L. each account is superviewed by an account executive and people in each department are usually assigned to work in one or more account. Ad agencies are paid through commission and some fees.

Advertising Objectives of P.P.L.

The long term objective of advertising are broad and general and concern the contribution advertising should make to the achievement of overall company objectives.

The Parle Products Limited has the following advertising objectives. The main object is to remind the customer about the availability of the product. The other secondary objectives are:

To do the entire selling job. To build brand Preference. To remind users to buy the product. To provide rationalization To combat competitors advertising like Britania. Increasing sales volume there by reducing unit production cost. Thats why the parle is providing products at quite economic rate with just quality.

Stabilise the companys business Secure leadership or domination Protect company from the consequences of revolutionary competitors tactics. Promoters intelligent buying by saying JEENE KE RAH YAHE HAI SAHI PARLE-G. Gains goodwill on stores buying power.

Deciding On Advertising Budget by P.P.L.

After determining the advertising objectives Parle Products Limited established advertising budget for each product. P.P.L. fixes the amount for the whole advertising budget and according to satellite and brand of the product company spends on it. As there are various brands of biscuits and confectioneries accordingly. Considering the following five factors P.P.L. sets the budget:

Stage in the product life cycle

For Monaco Cheesling Company receives large advertising budgets to build awareness and to gain customer trial.

Market share and consumer share

In glucose biscuits P.P.L. has earned 70% of market share. So far high market share brands less advertising budget is prepared.

Competitive and clutter

In a market, in P.P.L. they have large number of competitors like Britatnia, Windsor, Baikmans, so it requires high advertising spending so that the brand of biscuits can be heard above the noise in the market.

P.P.L. spends 65% of the amount of total turnover Rs. 700 crores which amount to Rs. 455 crores of advertising expenses.

How P.P.L. chooses advertising message

The advertiser of P.P.L. conducts market analysis and research to determine that which appeal is most likely to succeed with the target audience. As P.P.L. is concerned with food products preparing biscuits and confectioneries they execute the message which stands for rational positioning.

The objective of the advertising made by P.P.L. is convenience biscuit users that now they can buy a canned biscuit thats as good as home made.

Parle Products Limited hence found a style tone words for executing the message.

Slice of the product Parle has prepared advertising for the product of PARLE G showing the whole family which expresses satisfaction with a biscuits of PARLE G.


P.P.L. uses these memorable and attention getting words:




Media selected by P.P.L.

There are major media types used by the company. The media planner of advertising department of P.P.L. selects the media considering the reach, frequency and impact of the customers. As the biscuits and confectionary items are mostly consumed by children. And also, company is a market leader, they gives advertisement in television because the television is the media which gives message of the product to people living in urban or rural area. In rural area people mostly rely

on T.V. and radio. So considering the factor in mind they gives ads in T.V. the serials like Shaktiman and Captain Vyom are also sponsored by the Parle Products Limited.

Sales Promotion

Sales promotion consists of a diverse collection of incentive tools mostly short form, designed to stimulate quicken etc. greater purchase of particular products by consumer or the trade.

Sales promotion tools used by P.P.L. includes Coupons, Lucky draw schemes, Prizes, Warranties, point of purchase displays and demonstrations. In the school up to five years of children they are given coupon. P.P.L. gives coupons also to their retailers up to amount of purchase of Rs. 500. They are given gift coupon free of cost. Retailers are having facility of lucky draw scheme in that they have 51 prizes for chances of wining. P.P.L. also considers the interest of wholesalers, keeping this view in mind, they hold contest for wholesalers in Navratry and Satam-Atham festival. Parle Products Limited also offers sport purchase scheme and trade load offers (T.L.O.) for that the retailers got benefits. The company is also having display and demonstration facility. Generally, this facility is provided to Cinema Canteen, in Hotel, etc.

On Orange Candy P.P.L. spends 6% amount of total production mix budget and 1% on biscuits. They do not provide more than 1% on sales promotion in mass stock yearly. When, I asked to the manager that if they do not provide any kind of sales promotion then what will happen. He answered me that brand of the product of Parle are so advertised that if they do not spend a little on sales promotion the also the sales will remain same.

At the same time, when P.P.L. is offering trade load scheme then the loyal customers of the other companies are also attracted toward the Parle Product they getting the additional sales and visibility. P.P.L. arranges sales promotion programme for maximum of two months in a year.

Situation of sales promotion clutter as compared to advertising clutter of P.P.L.

As against the Parle products; Britania is doing much more advertising, because they are means. Britania is having premium products with them they have high M.R.P. product and low awareness product. As against this Parle is having low M.R.P. products with highest awareness.

In sales promotion also Britania is giving higher sales promotion than Parle.

Type of part of purchase material used by the Parle Products Limited

Point of purchase displays and demonstrations takes place at the point of purchase or sale. Parle product uses various materials. For display of product they give their retailers streamers, posters, danglers, backup sheets, yard stickers and dispensaries. Generals for less pricing products it is possible for P.P.L. to give advertisement. On T.V. but generally these types of products are advertised through stickers.

How sales promotion acts as tool of demand creation

Promotion is described as persuasive communication where message transmitted describes product features in terms of consumer wants and desires. Sales promotion develops better understanding of consumer needs and desires and problem. The overall purpose of sales promotion is to influence buyer behavior and alter the shape and location of consumer demand curve in favor of the product. All promotion efforts are directed to alter the demand curve or buyer behavior.

Trade Promotion

ADEX inc. is promoted by professionals having vast experience in the field of advertising, mass promotion and marketing. The basic principle during this organization is to create avenues for business unique manner possible to derive maximum benefits from each rupee spent on such promotion drives.

The original promotion, micro scan graphic process is one of the leading organization in the field of advertising and pre press services in SURASHTRA turned to offering the best microscan has always bucked the trend and offered successfully, unique ways of print media promotion.

This form in the field of exhibition will add one more feather to the cap of ingenious promotional measures offered by microscan.

Opportunities PARLE PRODUTS LIMITED has got opportunity for exhibition for the international standards in exhibiting the goods. In Rajkot the opportunity is given to P.P.L. for taking part in Festive 98 which is being organized during the pre-festival days of Christmas and the New Year. The exhibition provides to P.P.L. products show case for their goods to reach the most potential to P.P.L. products show case for their goods to reach the most potential market. Festivex98 is one of the largest exhibitions organized in Gujarat and its the only one of its kind organized in Surashtra region. Given the timing and organizing of the fare will definitely prove to be Philip Kotlers choice.

The Region of Saurashtra and Kutch

Saurashtra and Kutch has been one of the most prosperous regions of Gujarat having vast natural resources backed by a strong consumer community. This region has always been one of the focus points in any business houses marketing strategy. The agrarian company of the region has nourished a thrilling business community and vast upper middle class population. Moreover the high literacy level and the spread of information and knowledge amongst the popular presents the right segment to be approached.

Rajkot has always enjoyed the distinction of being economic capital of this region. Almost all the centers of this region by and large depend on Rajkot for supply on information and goods. In a true sense for this region Rajkot is the window to the world and for the world.

Infrastructure Facilities Provided to P.P.L.

Ergonomically designed stall lay-outs for maximum exposure and smooth movements. Security with C.C.T.V. and Walkie Talkie and insurance cover. Multiple signboards and guide maps for visitor convenience. Well planned placement of ceiling fans for better air circulation. A comprehensive communication center offering facilities like local phone, fax, email, internet, courier, speed post and secretarial services. Special business development lounge for free use by participants. Travel and accompulation assistance dusk for the participants and the outstatation visitors. Negotiated special rates in leading hotels for the participants. Special octroi passing facility for hassle force movement of exhibition goods. Bank Conuter. General medication facility for immediate attention and relief in case of exigency.

Personal Selling

Selling means the transfer of ownership of goods on service to a buyer in exchange for money. Salesmanship is the process of persuading a person to buy goods or services. The act of salesmanship consists of one human mind. Different authors have defined it in various ways. Salesmanship is the art of teaching, or helping others to buy. Another says it is the persuasive leadership that influences people to buy goods and services.

In Parle Product Limited, Personal Selling plays an important role in the promotion mix. Persons go door to door for selling biscuits and confectionery items. Sales persons are recruited and selected from the local place. The remuneration to them is also decided on the local basis.


Publicity means sponsoring various efforts to publicize specific products. Many companies are turning to marketing public relation to directly support corporate. One product promotion is securing additional space as opposed to paid space in Print and broadcast media to promoted or type a product, place or person.

Though P.P.L. is having mass advertising for biscuits and confectionery items, they are more publishing their products for that they are sponsoring serials like Shaktimaan and Captain Vyom free of charge.

P.P.L. is also providing services in blood donation camp, children development activities and welfare activities. They are also helding tradefair. All these activities are performed by P.P.L.


The Indian Institute of Packaging has defined packaging as The embracing function of package, selection, manufacture, filling and handling. Packaging obvisously is related to labeling and branding because the label often appears on the package and the brand is typically on the label.

As far as packaging is concerned PARLE PRODUCTS LIMITED is self reliant and self sufficient in printing wrappers for biscuits and confectionery products like PARLE G is identified by yellow and white stoaps, baby parle pantagone and red PARLE-G biscuits are packed in white colored butter pack.

Details of Pack Sizes and Cartoon Packs PARLE G Pack Sizes 50 gms. 75 gms. 100 gms. 100 gms. 100 gms. 150 gms. LOOSE 300 gms. 300 gms. 48 poly bags = 18 pkts 30 poly gags = 30 pkts 14.4 kgs 15.0 kgs Cartoon Pack 24 pkts 12 poly bags = 288 pkts. 24 pkts 6 poly bags = 144 pkts 24 pkts 9 poly bags = 96 pkts 10 pkts 6 poly bags = 100 pkts 24 pkts 6 poly bags = 144 pkts 12 pkts poly bags = 108 pkts Box W.T. 14.4 kgs 10.8 kgs 9.6 kgs 10.0 kgs 14.4 kgs 16.2 kgs


Monaco Rolls

75 gms. Pack 60 pkts. In a box weigh 4.5 kgs 150 gms. ATC pack 72 pkts I a box weight 10.8 kgs. Other variants available are zeera and cheese in 75 gms. Packing

Krack Jack

100 gms. Pack 5 pkts. In a poly bag and 24 poly bags in a box.


3.1 gms. Loose in Tine pack

100 gms. Pouch Pack 30 Pouches in box.


5.0 gms. Loose in the pack 100 gms. Pouch Pack 30 Pouches in box.


4.5 gms. loose in the pack 100 gms. Pouch Pack 30 Pouches in a box.


Orange Candies Mango-Bite Role A Cola

300 counts per Kg. And 18 kgs. In a GB. 500 gms. Pack 36 poly bags in a GB. 200 counts per Kg. And 18 kgs. in a GB. 125 counts per 500 gms. pack poly bags in GB. 250 counts per kg. Pack of taran.

Role A Coal Roll

25 gms. Roll (10 tablets) 50 rolls in a poly bag. 28 poly bags in a box WT. 25 kgs.

Peppermint & Rosemint 24 sticks in a cartoon 48 cms in a box weigh 13.824 kgs.

Melody Regular

Available in single twist wrapper 140 counts in a kg. And 18 kgs. in a CBB

Melody Variants

70 counts per pack and 36 packs in a CBB


Lable consists of verbal information that accomplishes the product. A label identifies who made? What are its ingredients? How it should be used? Date of manufacturing and expiry, the price to becharge, brand name, net quantity of contents. Labels are part of the painted materials on the point of purchase advertising.

In P.P.L. the label of the product contains information like ingredients use in various biscuits and confectioneries. Information about the date of production, location of factory that is Mumbai. Various ingredient shown in the package are as under:



wheat flour, edible vegetable oils, skimmed milk powder, salt, leaving agents, flavours and dough conditioners.

Kismi Dairy, Lux

& Mafair

Sugar, liquid glucose, edible vegetable oil, skimmed milk powder, salt, edible starch, permitted emulsifier and flavors and contained additional flavors.


Sugar, liquid, cocoa, solids, edible vegetable oils, skimmed milk powder, edible starch, salt, permit tent emulsifier and flavors.

Melody Coffee

Sugar, liquid glucose, edible vegetable oils, edible starch, milk solids, coffee, cheery, mixture, permitted emulsifier.

Melody Coal

Sugar, liquid glucose, edible vegetable oils, skimmed milk powder, edible starch, salt, permitted emulsifier and favors.

Kismi Toffee

Sugar, liquid glucose, edible vegetable oil, skimmed milk powder, beaten, coffee and chicory mixture, edible starch, permitted emulsifier, colours and flavors.

Poppins and Roal A Cola

Sugar, liquid oil, edible starch, and permittd flavors and colours and contains added flavors.


Future Plant

As Parle Products Limited is concerned with manufacturing of biscuits and confectioneries, the company is thinking about widening the length of the product line. While asking to the field manager about the future plans of Parle Products Limited, he replied that the company has a widen scope in the same product category. As all the products of the company are winners. The company has achieved MONDE SELECTION AWARD in food industries.


P.P.L. is a large scale unit having very wide market in India and other foreign countries like Geneva, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, London, Lisbon, Athens the Barcelona. It is the firs company who has started manufacturing biscuits and confectioneries.

Parle should start the selling of its products not only in the above mentioned countries, but also all over the world.

Right now, the company is producing many brands of biscuits like Parle G, Cream biscuits, KrackJack, Monaco, but in future it should go for such type of products which suits above and over the all companys product connected with production of biscuits and confectioners.

All the advertising campaign of the company is limited to television and wall painting, etc. The company should start advertising through other media which suits the product. No doubt the company is also giving sales promotion once in a year, but the company should adopt new and modern technique of attracting kids for biscuits conducting competitions, quiz, etc. and gifting like participated with parle products.


Parle Products Limited has reached its zenith in the world of food items preparing biscuits and confectioneries. It has always adapted a futuristic approach i.e. anticipated the companys need in the year to come.

Parle Products Limited always keeps in mind the needs of consumers and thats why they have launched recently cream biscuits, considering the requirement of modern consumers. In P.P.L. from factory to the ultimate consumers all the people are working co operatively. In the factory, employee relations are harmonious.

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