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Reduce, Reuse Reduce and Reuse Recycle

Several ways to reduce your trash are to buy used goods, which are cheaper and not any worse than new. You can also use less packaging material when packing or buying. Buy things that have a more than one time use or if you buy things buy disposable and recyclable items. You can also borrow items from family or friends to not fill landfill.

Earth Day
In 1960, Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin felt that it was time to improve the environment. On April 22 Earth day was established to raise the attention of the public to the problem of worldwide pollution. Earth day was announced in Seattle, Washington. In 1990, nearly 200 million people, and over 140 countries celebrated earth day. Today it is celebrated by almost 1 billion people which is about 1/6 of the world.

Ways to recycle are to make a compost bin for your food waste. Paper towels are also paper waste so they can be composted too. Most neighborhoods have e recycling trucks that come by so you can put your cardboard and paper waste to a good use. Most plastics can be recycled too

Making A Healthy
By William

How Can You Help?

Whether youre at school, at work, at home, or out doing any thing else, you can help the environment. Donating old goods or using things donated to you can help save space in landfill. Try to recycle old batteries, use food waste in your garden, or make an art project with your junk and help save our world.

A Fun Project to do With Your Family

A 1-2-3 Wooden Box 5 Pounds of Dirt Food and Compost Waste 1000 Worms
Works Cited "A Brighter Shade of Green." Recycling Stats. N.p., 2012. Web. 08 Apr. 2013. <>. "Earth Day." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 08 Apr. 2013. <>. "Gardner Disposal Service." Gardner Disposal Service Providing Waste Services for Johnson County Kansas and Other Surrounding Areas - RECYCLE. N.p., 2013. Web. 08 Apr. 2013. <>. No Littering Sign in Vector. Digital image. Shutterstock. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2013. <>. "Recycling Basics." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, 28 Dec. 2012. Web. 08 Apr. 2013. <>. "Welcome to an Engaged Community." Plant City, FL. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Apr. 2013. < NID=65>. a/plant_trees.html

Cool Facts Take the dirt and put it in the box Average people make 4.5 Add the food waste pounds of garbage a day and 1.5 Slowly add worms and mix with hands tons a year. Add In water every day and at the end of 2004 55 billion cans were two weeks put in you home garden thrown away. If a ton of paper was saved, that amount equals 17 trees, 3.5 cubed yards of trash, and just less than 700 gallons of water.

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