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68 Vero Beach 32963 l Janua|y 3!, Z0!

Your Vero Beach NewsweekIy
Muny yeurs ugo, when we IIved In
Germuny, one oI our IuvorIIe wuys
Io spend u weekend wus Io drIve
down InIo SwIIzerIund. Among Ihe
specIuI pIuces IhuI we vIsIIed wus Ihe
PuIuce, u grunde dume oI u hoIeI over
IookIng beuuIIIuI Luke Lucerne und
Ihe snow-covered AIps beyond.
Who knew IhuI one oI Ihe uppren
IIces In Ihe hoIeI kIIchen, IeurnIng
Ihe InIrIcucIes oI SwIss und Irench
cuIsIne, wus Huns BurrI, who decudes
IuIer wIIh wIIe MurgureI wouId open
un uIIrucIIve OId Lurope resIuurunI In
Vero Beuch.
WhIIe Lucerne Is u bII Iur Io go Ihese
duys, beuchsIde resIdenIs need onIy
muke IheIr wuy Io Ihe quuInI SemI-
noIe CourIyurd In downIown Vero
Io en|oy Ihe cIussIc Irench SwIss oI- Io en|oy Ihe cIussIc Irench SwIss oI Io en|oy Ihe cIussIc Irench SwIss oI
IerIngs und OId WorId churm oI Ihe
MeIody Inn.
We huve dIned oIIen uI Ihe MeIody
Inn over Ihe yeurs, buI heId oII revIsII-
Ing II Ior mosI oI Junuury, hopIng Ior u
crIsp evenIng IhuI wouId be |usI rIghI
Ior Ihe cheese Iondue u cIussIc mIx
oI gruyere und emmenIuIer cheese
IhuI cun be hud eIIher us un enIree or
un uppeIIzer Io be en|oyed by Iwo or
Ihree dIners.
LusI week, we guve up hope oI uny-
IhIng even resembIIng wInIer (whuI
u Junuury!) und sIopped by on whuI
Iurned ouI Io be u very busy Wednes-
duy evenIng (bookIng uheud durIng
seuson Is cIeurIy u good Ideu).
Ior sIurIers, I opIed Ior Ihe chunI-
reIIe IousI ($11), my husbund decIded
Io Iorego hIs Iong-IIme IuvorIIe, Ihe
escurgoIs bourguIgnon, und Iry Ihe
soup u I'oIgnon gruIInee ($7.75), und
our compunIon chose u cIus-
sIc Cuesur suIud ($6.75).
The chunIreIIe mushrooms In u
chumpugne suuce uIop meIbu IousI
were wonderIuI (Ihe suuces ure |usI
greuI here), buI my husbund`s choIce
Iurned ouI Io be Ihe evenIng`s sur-
prIse. BeuIIy good Irench onIon soup
Is noI eusy Io IInd. II oIIen Is Ioo suIIy,
or Ihe cheese IhIck und gIoppy. AI Ihe
MeIody Inn, u bIend oI SwIss gruyere
und Iour oIher cheeses meIIed per-
IecIIy over IousIed crouIons IIouIed
uIop u rIch broIh crummed wIIh soII,
sweeI onIons. Hunds down, Ihe besI
In Iown.
Ior enIrees, I ordered Ihe veuI wIIh
chunIreIIes (hey, Ihese wonderIuI wIId
mushrooms Irom Ihe PucIIIc NorIh-
wesI ure onIy uvuIIubIe u Iew monIhs
u yeur), my husbund chose Ihe veuI
medIey ($30), und our compunIon
pIcked Ihe beeI IenderIoIn sIrogunoII
My veuI meduIIIons were pun-suu-
Ieed In buIIer, Iopped wIIh chunIreIIes
IIumbed wIIh cognuc In u chumpugne
suuce ($32). LuscIous. Our compun-
Ion`s sIrogunoII consIsIed oI beeI IIps
pun-seured wIIh mushrooms, onIons,
peppers, red wIne, IIne herbs, creum,
und demI-gIuze. Very IusIy.
My husbund, however, hud Ihe besI
oI uII worIds. HIs medIey uIIowed hIm
Io sumpIe Iour MeIody Inn veuI spe-
cIuIIIes: Ihe veuI wIIh moreIs (sImIIur
Io my enIree buI wIIh dIIIerenI wIId
mushrooms), Ihe veuI ZurIch -- IIneIy
sIIced veuI In u whIIe wIne, creum und
mushroom suuce, Ihe WIenerschnII-
zeI u cuIIeI IIghIIy breudcrumbed
und pun-IrIed, und Ihe SwIss bruI-
wursI. ImpossIbIe, he suId, Io sIngIe
ouI one us u IuvorIIe.
AII enIrees come wIIh u choIce oI
vegeIubIes whIch IncIude rosII poIu-
Ioes (deIecIubIe crIspy poIuIo shreds),
spuIzII (Ihe AIpIne versIon oI pusIu or
gnocchI), red cubbuge, und coId beeIs
prepured In u vInuIgreIIe. Never, ever,
puss up Ihe beeIs here.
Ior desserI, we shured un uppIe
crIsp (very good) und u sensuIIonuI
key IIme pIe mude wIIh IruII Irom
CheI MurgureI`s very own key IIme
The desserI menu uIso oIIers u vurI-
eIy oI enIIcIng chocoIuIe conIecIIons.
II you munuge Io resIsI Ihese, you sIIII
wIII geI your chocoIuIe IIx, us Ihe MeI-
ody Inn besIows IruIIIes on Ihe IudIes
Io euse IheIr depurIure.
DInner Ior Iwo wIIh u modesI boI-
IIe oI wIne Is IIkeIy Io run $120 be-
Iore Iux und IIp. You cun reduce IhIs
IoIuI (or sumpIe u beIIer wIne) on u
Tuesduy, whIch Is uIwuys huII prIce
wIne nIghI.
The perIecIIy execuIed suuces ure
Ihe sIurs uI Ihe MeIody Inn. WIIh u
wuII sIuII IhuI uIms Io pIeuse, Ihe MeI-
ody Inn Is u greuI dInIng choIce und
II we ever huve u coId snup IhIs wInIer,
we wIII be buck Ior Ihe Iondue.
I weIcome your commenIs, und en-
couruge you Io send Ieedbuck Io me uI
TIc rcIcucr I: u bcucI:Idc rc:Idcn!
uIo dInc: unonymou:Iy u! rc:!uurun!:
u! !Ic cxcn:c oj Vcro BcucI 32963.
18O9 19Lh Pace,
Vero Beach, FL
(112) 11O-2O11
Dhher: Tuesday Lhrough SaLurday,
b pn Lo 9 pn
Beverages: Beer ahd whe bar
Me|aj laa: 1|e |as|es a| Sw||zer|aa |a \era
Beef tenderIoIn stroganoff wIth satzII.
VeaI wIth chantreIIes and mashed otatoes.
nI In
Iy nIo hos cI IIumbed wIIh c I ch
VeaI medIey wIth satzII

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