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Nizar Varagus Tofana VII C The recent floods in Greater Jakarta (Jabodetabek) have caused damage to some 100

kilometres of roads in the region, according to an official. "The damage assessment included national highways, not provincial- and regency-level ones," Deputy Minister of Public Works Hermanto Dardak said after meeting with Vice President Boediono and some ministers at the vice presidential palace here on Friday. The floods have caused extensive damage in Jabotabek - in the form of potholes and cave-ins, among other things - that could endanger road users. Among the most damaged roads were those in Cilincing, Tanjung Priok, Jembatan Tiga, Daan Mogot, as well as the MT.Haryono and Yos Sudarso streets. Some streets in Bogor are cut off by landslide debris, the responsibility of the Public Works Ministry to repair the national highways, while the provincial ones would need to be fixed by the provincial administrations, with technical support from the central government.The damaged highways will need to be repaired by their respective operators. The ministry has estimated that the costs of repairing the damaged roads temporarily will reach Rp50 billion, while permanent repairs would cost the state approximately Rp90 billion. Previously, incessant rains that lashed Jakarta and its surrounding areas since January 17 triggered floods in most areas of the capital city and paralyzed daily life in the city, forcing thousands of residents to move to evacuation camps. The floods also disrupted public transportation in Jakarta, with floodwaters inundating roads and railway stations.

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