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February 10, 2013 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to recommend Jillian Trebtoske as a secondary English teacher.

I have known Jillian for about a year; I met her first as a student in a teaching methods course and then I served as her field instructor for the first semester of her internship year. In both settings, I was impressed by her organization and efficiency and by her competent and caring teaching style. Due to her years of experience in a day care, Jillian is already a solid ELA teacher in a middle school setting. As a field instructor for Michigan State University, I observed Jillian teach two-hour reading and writing blocks on several occasions when she was an intern at Owosso Middle School, a rural school setting in Shiawassee County in Michigan. Because she was both my student and my intern, I feel as if I know Jillian well. She is a meticulous planner: for my class and in the internship, her lessons were always well-organized and well-planned, with anticipatory sets that engaged the students from the start and transitions between activities that kept the energy in the classroom flowing. When I watched her teach, the students in her focus class seemed to enjoy being in her class; she maintained an orderly environment but she obviously knew each student well and cared about their learning. They looked to her as the teacher without questioning her authority or her command of the content. One of Jillians greatest strengths as a teacher is her dramatic flair that tends to keep students on the edge of their seats. She is a dynamo, moving around the room, gesturing, and involving students as she builds excitement and momentum. It can be mesmerizing to watch her teach; on one occasion, I was so caught up in her presentation that I didnt notice when the principal entered the room! She knows how to entertain as she educates, and she does it with the poise and maturity of a seasoned teacher in spite of her youth. Combine this with her solid lesson plans, excellent classroom management, and dedication to her students, and you have a very impressive novice teacher. In short, Jillian Trebtoske has a commanding teacher presence, communicates well with students, teaches engaging lessons, and connects well with students, especially in the middle school setting. She has poise and presence that are advanced and impressive in a new teacher. She tends to be her own worst critic, so she is constantly reflecting and working to improve her practice. I recommend her as a teacher without reservation. Please contact me at (810)240-7076 or if you have any questions or wish to hear more about this wonderful young woman. Sincerely,

Jackie Kerr Michigan State University

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