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presentation rubric Grading Rubric: Pronunciation/Fluency: 5. Ideas are expressed fluently/ student speaks very clearly without hesitation.

Pronunciation and intonation sound natural. Student does not read presentation. 4. Speaks with some hesitation, but problems with pronunciation and intonation do not prevent communication. 3. Pronunciation issues slightly distract from understanding 2. The student hesitates frequently. Problems with pronunciation and intonation distort meaning and inhibit communication in some instances. Student reads presentation. 1. Frequent hesitations and extreme problems with pronunciation cause communication to break down. Content/Preparation (x2) 5. Complete. The speaker clearly conveys grammatical structure and provides additional details that are relevant. 4. Generally complete. The speaker conveys the grammatical structure, but does not provide adequate and relevant additional detail. 3. Somewhat incomplete. The structures are not completely clear. 2. Mostly incomplete. The grammatical structures are unclear. Much additional detail is lacking or irrelevant. 1. Incomplete. The processes are unclear. Details are nonexistent or random and irrelevant. Organization: 5. Information is presented in logical, interesting sequence which audience can easily follow. 4. Information is presented in logical sequence which audience can follow. 3. Information was presented clearly but a few minor points may be confusing 2. Audience may have difficulty following presentation because no clear argument is made. 1. Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information. Overall Presentation/Audience Engagement: 5. Presentation creatively engages interest of the audience 4. Presentation has some creative elements which engage the interest of the audience. 3. Ideas articulated clearly, though audience engagement is limited 2. Ideas are not articulated creatively 1. Ideas don't flow, not clear, does not engage audience Visual Aids: 5. Clear and easily understood/ integrated well into the presentation 4. Clear and easily understood/ not well integrated into presentation 3. Limited visual aids/props integrated 2. Few visual aids/some props used -but ineffectively 1. No audiovisual aids or props used Total ___________/30

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