LP 040913 Math

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Candidate: Irene Navarro Content Area: Angles (Acute, Right, Obtuse) Subject Matter: Math Lesson Content Description: Students will learn about angles and identify angles outside the classroom, showing that angles can be seen in everyday objects. They will then use their knowledge on angles to create a drawing including all angles (acute, right, and obtuse). Type of Lesson: Direct Instruction Instructional Strategies/Method of Delivery: Direct Instruction Content Standard: MEASUREMENT & GEOMETRY 2.2 Identify attributes of triangles (e.g., two equal sides for the isosceles triangle, three equal sides for the equilateral triangle, right angle for the right triangle). 2.3 Identify attributes of quadrilaterals (e.g., parallel sides for the parallelogram, right angles for the rectangle, equal sides and right angles for the square). ELD Standard: INTERMEDIATE COMPREHENSION Restate and execute multiple-step oral directions. Lesson Objective: All students will identify angles in everyday objects and create a drawing incorporating the three different types of angles. Date: 04/09/13[TUESDAY] Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Assessment: Formative: -Observations -Discussions Summative: -Worksheet -Drawing (incorporating angles into it) Lesson/Assessment Modifications: ELL: Special Needs ELL: partner work, visuals/realia (going outside to see angles) ADHD: seated at the front, materials manager, kinesthetic activity (going outside) Technology: Internet access (show You tube video), document camera, INTO Anticipatory Set/Orientation To engage students, instruct them we will be going outside on an angle scavenger hunt Next, tell class that they need to pay attention to the angle song, so they know what to look for outside Show You Tube video song on angles:

State technology that will be used: You Tube, Internet Access Re-state Content Standard and Objective in student friendly terminology: Must tie into Assessment We will learn about different types of angles and identify them in everyday objects. Outline adaptations for EL and special needs students -EL Student: paired with bilingual student -ADHD: seated at the front of the class

Modeling/Presentation -Briefly review angles in class before going outside by using kinesthetic movement (talk about the measurements and use arm movements to demonstrate angles) -Go outside together as a class Guided/Structured Practice -Give each student a piece of a paper (divided into three sections) to sketch

their angle observations they see outside -Give examples of the angles seen outside (ex: right angle on the basketball court) -Give class time to find their own angles outside -Go to side of classroom and go to playground for this activity Checking for Understanding/Formative Assessment -Have students identify angles -Go back inside the classroom -Discuss what students saw outside State technology that will be used (consistent in through): Outline adaptations for EL and special needs students (consistent in through): -EL: Partner work, realia (seeing angles in everyday objects) -ADHD: kinesthetic activity outside

Independent Practice/Summative Assessment/Closure -Give instructions for worksheet and the drawing activity (show examples of drawing activity from website-the link is below) -State that they will have to complete the worksheet first -On the back, students will create a drawing incorporating the different angles into it (emphasize that students will have to write the angle measurements for the things they draw) - Have students draw a scene using all the angles they saw in an everyday place (ex: playground, beach, school, basketball court, etc.) -Instruct that students must label the angles -Pass out white paper, coloring utensils, and protractors -Example:


State technology that will be used: -Document camera to display examples Outline adaptations for EL and special needs students

-ADHD: seated at the front of the class (away from window) -ELL: partner help

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