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1) Increase Download Speed of Torrent With Low Seeders

2) Repair Windows Xp Without Installing CD

If you have some bugs in your Windows Xp and want to repair it.Then Usually you need a Installing CD to Fix Them.But If you didn't have then try this. Repair Windows Xp Without Installing CD Click on START and then RUN. Type webfldrs.msi This will start the Follow the instructions. In next screen, A new Put check marks This will take few minutes process to repair your windows problems.

choose SELECT REINSTALL MODE. window will appear. on all the options and click OK.

When the process will complete, it will ask for RESTART your pc Just Restart your computer and you will be amazed that you have fixed the problems without having BOOTABLE or INSTALLATION CD.

3) How To Watch 3D Movies On Your PC by Using VLC Media Player

The world are now addicted 3-D movies. Every week, a new 3-D movie has been releasing and there is need to be surprised about it as the trend for 3-D films is rapidly increasing. Here i would like to tell you a simple trick to watch 3-D blu ray Half SBS films in ur pc using VLC Media Player. Step 1-Open VLC Media Player Step 2-Click Tools Step 3-Select Effects and Filters Step 4-Choose Video Effects Step 5-Then Vout/Overlay Step 6-Now u can see a box for 'Wall' Step 7-Click on that box and arrange rows-3 and columns-2 Step 8-Now vlc will appear in a multiple window Step 9-Choose any one of that window and watch it in full screen and get the 3-D effect..Enjoy!!

4) Firefox is one of the reasons which makes youtube streaming slow.. So we are gonna modify it to stream fast..
Actually firefox backsup contents and tabs in every 10 seconds.....Which makes youtube streaming slow...And irritating....It sucks in every 3 seconds and all... So lets start 1. Type about:config in the address bar it will give you warning but dont worry its safe and reverseable.. So continue... 2. Now search for browser.sessionstore.interval now double click on it...And change 10000 to 120000 now go to youtube and Streaming will become more smooth...Than before.. try to stream....


First You need to follow some few steps for do this .

1. In First step you need to download idm software and then install it in your pc . 2 3. Now and You now copy go any to torrent file link website address . .

4. Now paste link address in Upload box . 5. That's now It click guys on now go you free are button done . .

I hope you enjoyed this tricks

5) Trick to increase Internet speed

Step 1 : You Just Need To Download Step Step 3 : 2 Mark : Run Firefox Run After Speedyfox from here

Speedyfox Optimization

Step 4: If Firefox Running It Will Closed When You Click Speed Up My Firefox

6) ***New Free Torrent Leech Site (Awsome)***

*Go To And Create A Free A/c. *Than Click On Upload File -> Torrent Leech And Upload Ur Torrent File. *1 File Torrent Leech At 1 Time.So Make Multiple A/c.

*Torrent Leech Enjoy This Free Service.





7) Get Direct Download Links of Mediafire

Its so irritating to download a file from mediafire. So many ads and sometimes the download request's processing never ends. So 1) 2) i'm giving you a solution for this.

Go any of above site and then put your mediafire link there and click on 'get link'. You'll get your download link within seconds.

8)How to Resolve Program "Has Stopped Working"

The message must have often encountered if you are a true game downloader. Well the error message is very annoying, after you download the game in hopes the game can we play soon. Ehh error even when on the run with error message warning the program "Has Stopped Working". If you have this certain mind deh blanketed Amarah, head cenat cenut lips up and down while bending your face in like throwing crumpled paper comments on the article of the crime "Damn LOE, I CAPE2 DOWNLOAD UD instead GINI. PEGI GEH DIE" hehe Did you know that when most likely the actual error message appears because your PC has gone wrong? there may well cause problems in the software. could be due to registry

errors, virus, or a driver problem. So to overcome these problems, try the following tips: Step fix: 1) Press Windows + Pause break, or if you are still confused, Control Panel> System and Security> System. it will appear as shown below

2) GO TO "advance system setting"

3) Once open click select "Performance" click "setting"

4) Then check "Turn on Deep all program and service except" residence add a crash program. then click open.

5) Is complete, well now try to re-test the program that had an error Has Stopped Working. Additionally, if it still crashes also add the this way: 1) All non-enabled AV 2) In compatibility mode to mutually to not crash (how, right-click the program properties - compatibilty)

To change to a win win vista sp2 sp3 live check "run this program in compatibitly mode for:" If we are using windows7 usually compatibiltynya mode. if ya win XP sp3 Vista SP2 can also win xp sp2. in addition If all of the above still did not work, aka still crashes as well. Uninstall the program crashes before then please check the health of your PC from virus attacks. New install the program again.

9) Solutions Can not FULL SCREEN GAME Currently Playing in Windows 7

For those of you who have problems with Windows 7 that can not be full screen while playing the game, hopefully this article can help resolve the issue. Usually the problem can not be full screen when playing games on pc pc common in OS Windows 7 with NVIDIA based VGA Geforce and Ati Radeon. If your pc using either of these two types of VGA over and you're having problems can not be full screen when playing pc games are, should not be used to panic because you are not the only person experiencing this problem. So to fix this, the following tips you can apply to your computer / notebook pc games you can play with full screen view: A) Solutions for VGA-based NVIDIA GeForce On some Windows 7 drivers for VGA Nvidia bug exists in setting the complaint "Flat Panel Scaling" her. Which can lead to several problems such as blank screen, and applications that can not be full screen. To fix this simply do the following steps:

Right click your Click the Nvidia control Then select Advance - Navigate the Display tab select "Change flat panel scaling"

desktop panel settings

Select Close


Do Nvidia

not control

scale panel

B) Solutions for VGA-based ATI Radeon ATI VGA, 4:3 Fullscreen apps on wide monitor A. Open Catalyst Control Center 2. From the drop down menu above, click on "Desktop & Displays" 3. Below, there will be a list that can be used monitor the monitor. on the active monitor of choice, click the black triangle, and select "Configure ...". If it does not appear, you are wrong ngeklik triangles. 4. After that will come "Notebook Panel Properties". Select the tab "Attributes". 5. In the "scaling Option", select the "Full Screen" or "Maintain Aspect Ratio", do the "Center". 6. If "scaling Option" can not be selected alias gray, fox its first desktop resolution to a lower resolution LCD. Then try again to change the "scaling Option" her. 7. Once changed, return to the desktop resolution setting which is usually used. 8. Try the test with applications that only have the option fullscreen 4:3 display ratio. applications will be full strecth!

10) Overcoming File (dll and ocx) Lost or Not Found

Overcoming File (dll and ocx) Lost or Not - of course you've ever experienced in installan when opening programs or computer games, sometimes pop up informing you missing dll files, ocx file missing or file can not found. like for example this message: "error could not find dll file". Such notices usually appear due to the missing dll file, missing or deleted. How can that be DONE? There are many things that cause the loss of dll and ocx file on the computer. One of them is a false alarm of the antivirus is installed, so consider dll file as a threat and should be deleted. Yes but do not worry, nothing is impossible in the computer world, here I provide the easiest solution to this problem: A. open sites etc files: 2. typing the file name. dll you are looking for in the search box 3. select the file. etc who want to download and select free download 4. extract the downloaded file's been to the C: \ WINDOWS \ system32, how: click start >> run >> regsvr32 name.dll (or name.ocx). 5. Click OK and Done After the step above step you have to follow it correctly, try to open a program or game that was installed, install that problem dll files missing and his friends will no longer appear.

11) Creating 3D Window Effect

You can create a nice 3D effect for your windows Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Colors Make sure ButtonHilight=128 255 255 the following 128 setting Start Regedit Panel \

are there: 128ButtonShadow=255

12) Enabling Windows GodMode

Microsoft Windows Vista (32-bit version) introduced a new hidden feature called GodMode that allows you to view and adjust all settings within Windows. To create a shortcut to the GodMode in Windows Vista (32-bit) or any version of Windows 7 follow the below steps. Anywhere on your computer create a new folder. After the folder has been created, copy the below text, rename that folder, and paste the text as the file name. GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} Once the above steps have been completed a new shortcut entitled GodMode will be visible.


You can get access to all open public webcams through Google. There are many tricks by which one may get accessed to all the webcams running currently at a particular position and at particular time. However the Google Webcam trick seems to be one the easiest. Here are a simple few steps by which one may do the same. Step 1: Log on Step 2: Type inurl:/view.shtmlas a query Step 3: You may also try using intitle:Live View / AXIS | inurl:view/view.shtml^ as a query. Step 4: This would redirect you to a page with the home pages of these urls. Step 5: The above query reveals the IP network webcams that have been indexed by Google. You can easily get access and locate those unprotected IP network cameras used that are released or leaked to the public internet insecure cameras by using

Google. The world today has millions and millions of webcams and still more are popping out each minute. It is true to be said as the big business for every business. Even ordinary home owners these days have switched to the application of webcams in their houses. So, if you are using a webcam, encrypt the signal and protect yourself..

14) How to Deal with Laptop Over Heating

A laptop is an extensive investment that requires a great care from your side so that it keeps on running for years. Many laptops (almost 90%) face the problem of overheating. This overheating can cause the laptop to show abnormal behaviour thereby causing the internal machinery to fail. Today we will be discussing the techniques and methods that are available today so that your laptop runs smoothly for many years to come. laptop over heating 1.)Compressed Air: While working with laptop in dusty condition then there are chances that the dust gets deposited on the circulating and cooling vents thereby choking them altogether. This can cause the fan to get over worked as the head will not be dissipated as efficiently. Thus the fan will work at dangerously high temperatures. So in order to avoid this situation buy a can of compressed air from a nearby computer store and it will cost you only some dollars. Take this can and spray it on the vents of your laptop. This will remove all the dust and keep your laptop cool.

2.) Power Settings: When we work on the laptop that is on the charging then we set the mode as High Performance. This setting will consume the most power and will cause your laptop to overheat. A simple remedy to this problem is to set the laptop in the balanced or power saver mode. This will ensure that your laptop consumes only that amount of power that is required by it. Thus a large amount of heat is saved from generating by avoiding the large speeds of the processor. When the laptop is used for playing games then you should set the mode of your laptop to High Performance.

3.) Surface:

While we are working the laptop then it can be quite comfortable when we place it on the pillow or blanket. But the fact is these surfaces choke the vents of your laptop thereby causing it to overheat. The soft nature of the surface will not allow the heat to escape and thus will be reflected back into the internal machinery. The best surface on which you should keep your laptop is the flat one such as a table. If you want to keep it on some soft surface then you should keep it on some hard cover book or similar surface. This will allow proper flow of air and heat to escape out of the system properly. 4. )Powering Off Your Laptop: When you see that you might not be working on your laptop then you must switch it off rather than keeping it on the standby. We would not suggest you hibernate option as it will take a toll on your RAM. Powering off your laptop will keep it cool and doesnt eat away the battery. It is as simple as that. 5.) Cooling Pad: You can invest some money on your laptop then you can consider using a cooling pad for your laptop. For about $25 you can get a cooling pad for your laptop and believe me it is every worth of the penny you spend on it

15) 7 ways to increase Torrent Speed

The use of Bit Torrent is an efficient way to transfer files of just about any size quickly and efficiently. How this works is by breaking the huge files into smaller pieces and is from one or many of the different sources. This is one of the best ways to transfer bulky files quickly even when you are using a low bandwidth connection. There are many more things that you can do with Bit Torrent, but here we are going to discuss how to make this work much faster. increase torrent speed Here are some essential tips for the same, Start with your ISP: All ISP has a preset maximum upload and download speed, and you cannot make your torrent work beyond this speed. All you can do is to use the best use of this upload and download speed even when the signal is weak. You can check the maximum speed that you can achieve by conducting a broadband speed test and compare with the DSLReports that comes with your uTorrent.

Opt-In for healthy seeds and peers: A peer is any computer participating in downloading and uploading of torrent files along with that of yours. A seeder is one who has a complete copy of the file that is being shared across a torrent network. A leecher is the person who has joined the network recently and do not have most of the file that you or the peer has. This leecher becomes the seeder when they download the entire file and is able to share it across the network. For getting high torrent speed, you need to increase the number of seeders to increase the chance of healthier and reception of higher speeds. Get through the firewall: Many times, you will find the administrator or the firewall in your web browser is set to block and receive torrent files. The first thing that you need to do is to get appropriate permissions for downloading torrent files, and add this to your firewall, which will enhance the speed at which you can download torrent files. If the internet is through a router, then you have to set the torrent file to cross the barrier of the security of the router also. Go to a different port: The default port for BitTorrent protocol is always between the numbers 6881-6999. This is because BitTorrent sharing will involve high bandwidth usage. However, this is possible that you can configure a different port for your torrent client and this has been best advised to set this number to somewhere around 10000. Limit your upload rate: A peer to peer network is sharing alike on the same or similar platform and therefore you should be able to set your clients upload speed rate to a maximum amount, which will usually be about 80 percent of your maximum upload speed that is being offered by your ISP. Keep this speed, as high as possible, but you have to play your cards well as the upload speed affects your download speed as well. Use your common sense:

If you understand the concept of how Bit Torrent works, then your common sense will automatically tell you that this is possible to view the individual files being downloaded and disable the ones that you are not in need off, which will help you to speed up the process of downloading the files using Bit Torrent. Bandwidth and connections: This is possible to set the maximum number of connections, maximum number of peers connected per torrent and number of slots per torrent so that you can decide on which numbers gives the maximum efficiency from your Bit Torrent files.

16) 4 Ways to Get Faster Boot Up Times

A faster boot up seems to be an elusive goal more than a reality. However, you can decrease the time it takes to start up your computer in Windows by minutes in some cases. With just a few tweaks, you can get your boot up time down to 30 seconds and not 20 minutes. This article will give some quick and easy tips for faster boot up times. Step 1: Hard Disk Check Up Over time, your hard drives gets degraded both physically and digitally. Its important to monitor your drives health. An error or damaged sector can throw software loading into an infinite loop causing long load times. To check your drive health: 1. Click Start 2. Choose Computer 3. Right Click your Hard Drive 4. Choose Properties 5. Click Check Drives Health. After, the check up gives you repair options or a clean bill of health. 6. Restart to get a faster boot up. Step 2: Eliminate Startup Delay To get faster boot up speeds, you can cut the boot delay to 0. The delay is in place to allow your startup processes some breathing room during loading. Your default delay is 30 seconds. So, you can eliminate it for faster boot up times. 1. Open your Start menu.

2. Click Run 3. In the command screen, type msconfig 4. In the system configuration utility, click either BOOT tab. 5. In the boot menu, change the default setting for the Time Out from 30 to 5 seconds. Step 3: Organize your Hard Drive If you are looking for something in a messy room, naturally, its going to take you longer to find something. This is a good metaphor for a hard drive. Over time, filing system gets disorganized. Periodically, you need to reorganize this filing system on your hard drive. Luckily, Windows has a good utility called Defrag that will put your system in order. 1.Open the Start Menu 2. Click on My Computer 3. Right Click your C: drive or your hard drive image. 4. Scroll down to the Click Properties 5. In the Properties Menus, Open the Tools menu. 6. Choose Defragment. 7. In the Disk Deframenter menu. Click on Defragment Step 4: Remove Excess Startup Programs Most programs you add to your computer will opt to load when you startup your computer. Eventually you will rack up a load of programs that kill faster boot times. You need to reduce the startup programs. You can easily disable unnecessary startup programs. Here is how: 1. Open your Start menu. 2. Click Run 3. Type msconfig, click Enter 4. In the system configuration utility,click either services or startup tab. 5. Uncheck all programs that your are no longer want to run in the background. 6. Click OK

17) How to Make Facebook Safe

Is Face book safe? Yes, if you use the new Facebook privacy controls. Facebook makes a perfect vehicle to network with your friends. You can share personal information with people you trust. However, without the necessary Facebook privacy controls, all private data will be accessible. Someone can simply find your Facebook account by Googling your name. Luckily, Facebook privacy controls has introduced settings to give you more control of what information is accessible. You may think simply solely giving your information out to trusted friends will be enough to in sure that private information is safe. However, this is a mistake. Your Facebook profile is logged in search engines thus making it available to millions. Even your updates are public information. Facebook privacy controls are a grand step in the right direction. This article hope to help you keep your Facebook details private. How to Make Facebook Safe: Step 1: Use Control Sharing 1. Click the Account menu located in the top right. 2. Click View Settings 3. Customize access by setting access controls 4. Select level of privacy options in the drop down menus 5. Save settings You will have levels of access from everyone, friends only, friends of friends and anyone in your network. You may opt to use a more custom setting. However, friends only is the most secure setting is the friends only option. To return to the first menu click Back to Privacy in the top left. Step 2: Protect your Album One of the most sensitive items to share is photos. To protect your photos from public viewing. Follow the instructions below 1. In the privacy settings window, click custom 2. Choose Customize settings. 3. Choose Edit album privacy 4. Select the privacy option to control who has access to your photos Step 3: Bury Your Contact Information

Your contact information can be easily found on Facebook as well as search engines. All someone has to do is enter your name in a search engine to find you and your Facebook page. You can stop this by using the public search option. 1. Under Contact Information, select the option for drop down menus to only me 2. Go back to Privacy, Click Back to Privacy 3. Click Edit your settings, under Applications and website, un-check pubic search Remember to treat your personal data as a precious commodity. Your information can be mined and sold to the high bidder or simply stolen and exploited by spammers. Using the Facebook privacy controls, should give you a whole new level of security.

18) How To Enable Right Click on Websites

Many times we come across several websites where the right click has been disabled. This is done mainly to avoid any copying of text or images from the webpages of the website. Now follow the following steps in order to enable right click on various right click disabled websites. The disabling of the right click is done mainly by the means of JavaScript and thus it will also depend on the browser that you might be using. Here we will tell you how to disable it on Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. Mozilla Firefox a. Download the RightToClick add-on from the link given below and install it. b. On installation a golden arrow will appear on the top right corner. When any right click disabled site appears then click on the mouse pointer to generate various options for the right click. c. You can access and tweak with the advanced options by clicking on the mouse icon or by going to Tools and then clicking on the RightToClick. enable right click Internet Explorer

To enable right clicks on the site, no special plugins are required for it but you should follow these steps in order to enable it. a. Click on Toolsand then select Internet Options b. Select the Securitytab and click on the Custom Level c. Scroll down to Scripting Action d. Finally Disablethe Active Scriptingoption e. Click ok. internet explorer right click disable security settings Google Chrome Follow these steps to enable right click. a. Click on the Wrench Iconmenu on the top right hand side of the browser window and select the Optionfrom it. google chrome settings b. Click on the UndertheHoodtab and click on the Content Settingsand select the JavaScript. under the hood content settings c. Disable the java script and open the website After you have visited the site, revert back the changes that you have made in your respective web browsers because many sites use JavaScript to add various effects.

19) How to Test the Working of your Antivirus

Most of us always think about the best antivirus for our pc. But sometimes the antivirus might not be working well or correctly. Sometimes you wan to check the working of your antivirus but the question is how to check whether the antivirus is working correctly or not. Today I am going to tell you about a small test which can be used by users to test the working of your antivrus software. The test is called as EICAR test which can be used to test any antivirus and was developed by European Institute of Computer Antivirus Research (EICAR). So now you dont need a computer virus to test the working of your antivirus you can simple do so by following the steps given below.eicar test

1. First of all open a notepad and copy the following code into the notepad and save it as anything.txt. X5O!P%@AP[4PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TESTFILE!$H+H* 2. Rename the file from New Text Document.TXT to 3. Now run the antivirus scan on this file. If the antivirus is working correctly then it should give a warning or alert and delete the file immediately. If no such warning or alert message is displayed then you either need to re-install your antivirus or change the antivirus. Important thing to note here is that most of the antivirus will display a warning message in step 1 itself and will remove the file.

20) Some Useful Tips To Maintain a Virus Free Computer

Are you fed up with the number of viruses infecting your computer? Then here in this interesting post you will find me telling you about how the various worms, viruses and spywares find their way into your precious computer. Most of the time, they are harmful probably aiming to steal your personal information. In this case, we are more concerned about those that could cause your computer to hang up. Follow these six easy to do tip that can free your computer from viruses. virus free 1. E-mails: This is the most of the common way through which spywares, worms, Trojans and viruses find their easy way into your computer. When you have your own private emails, increase the privacy settings and never ever open unsolicited and unknown emails, as they may be the source of the much awaiting harms that can damage your whole computer. To avoid this harming your computer, use very good antispam software. Never click links in e-mails if you are not sure what are they. 2. USB thumb or pen drives: This is another and most common source that could affect your computer in a

number of ways. The best option to avoid this from happening is by performing a virus scan before copying any data onto your computer and another small tip is not to double click the pen drive for opening. Use right click to open or explore the files in the drive before opening is the best alternative. 3. Use of MS Outlook: It is not known that MS Outlook could be a source and the best way to spread and hack into your computer, unless you have a real time antivirus programs running. Alternatives to MS Outlook will include the use Windows Mail (which can even identify spam emails from known sources), Pegasus of thunderbird, or web based programs like hotmail or Yahoo. 4. Internet or World Wide Web: Even a basic computer user knows that internet is the best way to spread viruses like pandemic and are the main sources of malicious programs like viruses, worms, Trojans, etc., which can range up to 80 percent of the worldwide transfer during surfing of the web. By following some of the best surfing habits this danger could be waded off, which will include by not clicking the pop-up windows or by using pop-up blockers. 5. Search Engines: Most of us surf the web using mostly with the help of search engines, and one of the best ways either to prevent from visiting malicious website from being listed in your search or to point them out when listed, is by installing some powerful scanners like AVG Link scanner, which is a free ware. Even Mozilla says if a site will harm your computer or not. 6. Use a good antivirus:

If you are looking for one solution that can do most of the jobs mentioned so far, it is also good for preventing from someone else stealing your personal information like online identity, credit card information, password stealing and many other such activities. So always use a powerful antivirus.

21) Create Your Own windows Run Commands

This post will help you in creating your own customized Run command that you can use to initiate a variety of programs. The Run is a special in built utility that allows you to interact with the system through the command line. There are several in built commands to initiate a variety of programs like calc for Calculator, cmd for Command Prompt. So lets start out and create our own command. We will take an example in which we would create a run command to launch Google Chrome web browser. When you type in gcin the run command the New Google Chrome window should open. a. Create a shortcut of Chrome on the desktop and rename it as gc. b. Then copy this shortcut into your Windows directory c. Thats it! Simply run the Run utility and type in gc and hit enter to see the customized run command results

22) Make 2 Free Calls Everyday Anywhere in The World

Now you can Make 2 Free Calls Per Day Anywhere in The World. Yes you read it correct! 2 Free calls per day anywhere in the world. You can do this by using EvaPhone. EvaPhone provides Internet telephone calls for free. They let you make PC-to-phone free international calls. All you need is a computer to start making free VoIP calls using Internet to phone. Free Call Worldwide You Can Use these Free calls to call any number around the world but for just 1minute. Although Time duration is just 1 minute per call but I guess its good opportunity for people who want to call others by some international numbers and play a prank on their friends. Share your views about it. Also share about any pranks you plan to play with your friends using it.


http: //

23) Convert Your Firefox Web Browser into a undetectable Keylogger

How to convert your Mozilla Firefox into an undetectable keylogger. This keylogger will be used to store all the usernames and passwords that will be entered by the user. convert firefox into a keylogger The keylogger will work on the basis of a script that disables the Firefox browser to ask the user to save his password whenever he logins to a website. Thereby, allowing the Firefox to store his username and password combination automatically without prompting the user. Just follow these steps to convert your firefox into a keylogger : 1. First and foremost, download the here. script from

2. If you are a Windows user, then navigate to C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/Components and if you are using MAC, then navigate to Applications -> Right Click Firefox -> Show Package Contents -> Contents/MacOS/Components 3. In the downloaded rar file, you will find a script named as nsLoginManagerPrompter.js, simply extract and then copy and paste the file in the folder that is applicable to you. 4. Your Firefox keylogger is now ready and whenever anyone enters his username

and password on any site, his details would be saved automatically which can be easily retrieved using Fire Password viewer.

24) 5 Great Registry Hacks

5 great registry hacks which will help you improve your system features and performance. registry hacks:1. Security: USB Drives are one of the major tool through which data transfer takes place. In order to protect your data from getting stolen from you computer with the help of a USB drive you can make the USB drives read only. Go to HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlStorageDevicePolicies and create a new DWORD value WriteProtect and set its value to 1. This will enable you to read from USB drives, but you wont be able to copy data to it. 2. Sorting Files: Quite often you want the files to appear according to their names in explorer. In order to restore the ASCII file ordering, perform the following hack : Go to HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentversionPoliciesExplorer and create a new DWORD value called as NoStrCmpLogical and set its value to 1. 3. Speeding Up Menu loading time: In order to make your menus load faster, perform the following tweak. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER Control PanelDesktop and right click

MenuShowDelay and click Modify. Change the string value to some nearby 100 value. 4. Reducing Folder Accessibility Time: To speed up the access to any folder that is pinned to start menu, perform the following hack Go to HKCRFoldershellexContextMenuHandlers and right click ContextMenuHandlers and click New|Key. Type (blank space and no quotation marks) and press Enter. Select any folder and right click on it to select Pin to Start Menu while holding Shift key. 5. Multiple Logins in Messenger: By default you are allowed only a single login at a time on Live Windows Messenger. You can override this by Go to HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsLiveMessenger and create a new DWORD value Multiple Instances and its values as 1

25) How to Abort The Shutdown Operation in Windows

How To Abort the Shutdown Operation In Windows In some cases, the shut down or a restart button of the computer is pressed mistakenly. In such cases, this operation can be easily aborted. Here are the steps: Step1. Press the right button of the mouse on the clean area of the desktop and then choose shortcut under New Step 2: Write shutdown -a under type the location of the item and click next. Step3: Now give the shortcut name of your choice and click on finish. Step 4: With this the abort operation icon is ready. Now whenever, you click on the shutdown or restart button, then immediately press this icon and the operation is aborted.

26) Make Windows Genuine only using notepad!!!!

1. Copy and Paste the following code in the Notepad.






[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents] "OOBETimer"=hex:ff,d5,71,d6,8b ,6a,8d,6f,d5,33, 93,f d

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"LicenseInfo"=hex:9e,bf,09,d0, 3a,76,a5,27,bb,f 2,da ,88,58,ce,58,e9,05,6b,0b,82,\ c3,74,ab,42,0d,fb,ee,c3,ea,57, 0a,0a,ce,0d,b8,27,4a,46,53,f3, 2. Save the file with the .reg d0,9d,67,a5,3d,6e,42 ,0d,60,c0,1a,70,24,46,16,\ 17 extension.

3. If you run the file means it will ask you the confirmation to add the value to your Registry.

4. 5. Reboot

Press your

Yes. System.

6. Start Downloading from Microsoft Site.

27) Use system restore when you cannot boot your system:
If your system has failed to the point where you cannot access the Windows GUI either through booting normally or through safe mode, youmay still have the chance to use the System Restore feature if you have it enabled, by running it form the command prompt. To do this: Restart your computer and press F8 after the POST screen to bring up the Windows XP boot menu. Choose 'boot in safe mode with commandprompt.' If your system gets to the command prompt successfully, type '%systemroot %\system32\restore \rstrui.exe' and then press enter. Follow theonscreen instructions to restore your computer to a previous saved point.

28) Change your windows font...

-first -den -den right go to scroll clcik the on your desktop tab to and the ,go to select part properties advanced icon

appearnce down

-you can change your windows font there...

30) lock any folder without using any software.

You can lock any folder without using any software. Follow these steps. 1.Suppose you have a folder named abcd in D:\abcd.

2.In the same drive next to the folder create a new notepad file with the exact statement ren 3.Now abcd save abcd.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} this text file as loc.bat

4.Create another notepad file and type ren 5.Save abcd.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} this as abcd key.bat

6.Now there are two batch files . Double click loc.bat and yourfolder will change into Control Panel and its contents cannot be viewed . 7.To open the folder double click key.bat and you get back your original folder . 8?For more safety keep the key.bat in another location .

Only for unlocking copy paste to the original location and double click .

31) Top 10 free PC programs everyone should have

There are millions of free and open source projects available, many of them better than any commercially available product. Below is a short listing of what we think is the best out there, broken down into ten categories. antivirus and malware protection

Most PC users realize that they need protection on their computer or may have an installed antivirus program from their computer manufacturer. What most don't realize is that there are free programs that are just as good and in some cases better than the commercial products. Below are our recommendations antivirus Malware Backup program: and Spyware Avast! protection: or AVG Malwarebytes solutions

There are dozens of free and commercially available backup programs for computers. Unfortunately many of those backups are stored locally, meaning if your house were to catch fire, get robbed, or if you lost your backup discs all your data would be lost. This is why when dealing with important data we suggest users use online backup services. Online backup solution: Mozy or Dropbox

Browsers Although Microsoft Internet Explorer comes pre-installed on Windows computers. There are several excellent free alternatives that everyone should try. These free alternatives can often be faster, have more options, and in many cases be more secure than Internet Explorer. Internet Compression Browser: Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome utility

When downloading files on the Internet you'll eventually encounter a .zip, .rar, or other compressed file. Dealing with these files can be easy with our below free file compression utility. File Disc compression ripper and utility: creation 7-Zip utility

Creating an audio or data CD/DVD, ripping the data from an audio CD, or creating a CD from a .ISO file can also be done freely using our below free recommendation. CD E-mail E-mail is yet another service that can be done freely. Most users today use online email burner utility: CDBurnerXP

solutions like the one listed below. However, for those still using an e-mail client such as Microsoft Outlook we strongly suggest one or both of the below suggestions. E-mail Online FTP, SFTP, client: e-mail: and SSH Mozilla Thunderbird Gmail Utility

Users who maintain their own web page or need to upload or download files to or from a server will have to use an FTP utility or a SSH client. There are many commercial programs capable of doing this but our below free recommendations beats them all. FTP SSH Image editor, paint client: client: program, and picture Filezilla Putty organizer

There are many great free solutions for editing, creating, and organizing your images on your computer. Many of the programs capable of doing these tasks can be several hundred dollars, but all of the below programs are completely free. Image Paint Picture Multimedia There are dozens of different multimedia programs with different capabilities and limitations. Below are our top free multimedia programs for watching video files and recording audio. Audio Video Office editing and and DVD creating tool: Player: Audacity VLC Suite organizer: editor: program: Google GIMP Picasa

An Office suite such as Microsoft Office is often one of the most expensive programs that a user can install on their computer. Why install these expensive programs when there are free solutions that are just as good. Office suite: OpenOffice

Notepad and Source code editor: Notepad++


Now, this tip will be very helpful for those who frequently install windows xp operating system. Normally OS installation takes around 40 minutes to complete, but through this trick you can now save 10-15 minutes. This simple tricks goes this way. 1. Boot through Windows XP CD.

2. After all the files are completely loaded, you get the option to select the partition. Select c. 3. Now Format the partition, whether it is normal or quick with NTFS or FAT 4. Once the formatting is completed, All the setup files required for installation are copied. Restart your system by pressing Enter. Now, here begins the Simple trick to save 10-15 minutes.

5. After rebooting, you get a screen where it takes 40 minutes to complete or finalize the OS installation. 6. Now, Press SHIFT + F10 Key -> This opens command prompt. 7. Enter Taskmgr at the command prompt window. This will open Task Manager. 8. Click the Process Tab, here we find a process called Setup.exe -> Right Click on Setup.exe ->Set Priority -> Select High or Above Normal. Initially it will be Normal. Thats it, no more work to do. Relax your self and see how fast the installation process completes

33) How To Hide Facebook Status Update From Certain People

Certain People,While Using general privacy settings in Facebook during your STATUS UPDATE, you can select whether everyone, just friends and friends offriends can see your status updates. However,there is a facebook trick to narrow those optionsdown even further.The New facebook trick is below: You can select specific friend lists to see yourstatus update (relevant for work, special interestgroups, etc.) or even individual people by name,which is useful for anyone organizing a surpriseparty.To take advantage of this new trick you have toperform the following steps: 1.Click The PADLOCK icon just below your WhatsOn Your Mind box on your WALL. 2.After this a drop down Menu should appear. 3.Select CUSOMIZE will bring up more optionsuch as :Make this video to and Hide From.

34) PC Trick To Increase The PC RAMAnd Speed

Some time your computer is not works effectively with good speed because of lot of installation on the Ram thats makes your computer slow. Now iam going to give you a new PC trick with the help of which you can increase your RAM as well as Your PC speed.This new PC tricks has following steps: 1). First of all for this PC trick so to Start anyapplication, say Microsoft Word. Open some large documents. 2). Press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to open Windows Task Manager and click Processes tab and sort the list in descending order on Mem Usage . You will notice that WINWORD.EXE will be somewhere at the top, using multiple MBs of memory. 3). Now switch to Word and simply minimize it. (Dont use the Minimize All Windows option of the task bar). 4). Now go back to the Windows Task Manager and see where WINWORD.EXE is listed. Most probably you will not find it at the top. You will typically have to scroll to the bottom of the list to find Word. Now check out the amount of RAM it is using. Surprised? The memory utilization has reduced by a huge amount.

5). Minimize each application that you are currently not working on by clicking on the Minimize button & you can increase the amount of available RAM by a substantial margin. Depending upon the number and type of applications you use together, the difference can be as much as 50 percent of extra RAM. In any multitasking system, minimizing an application means that it wont be utilized by the user right now. Therefore, the OS automatically makes the application use virtual memory & keeps bare minimum amounts of the code in physical RAM. This New PC trick will make your PC more fast and reliable while working on it.So take benefit of these tricks collection


This is an amazing trick to amaze your friends.By using this trick you can make your computer to speak whatever you type. This trick is working on all microsoft operating system and does not require any programming skills.You have to follow just simple steps and your own Text to Voice software will be ready. 1.Open Notepad and copy and paste the following code into it Code : speechtext=inputbox("Enter a text to speak","TEXT TO SPEECH-[Rockingheart]") set objspeech=createobject("SAPI.spVoice") objspeech.speak speechtext 2.Now save the notepad file with the name speak.vbs at your desktop. 3.Now double click on speak.vbs type in the box whatever you want your computer to speak for you.

36) How To Repair Detectable But Corrupt USB Drive

Have you suddenly encountered with the problem that when you plug in your USB drive, the Removable media shows up but when you try to open it, it returns with the message Please insert a disk in to drive H: If yes then you have been on right tutorial page. By applying this simple method you'll have 80 % chance to get back your USB drive hardware. This works only in the above error condition. If the windows doesn't detect your USB drive, then there is probably flaw in the USB media. Please keep in mind that, you'll have to lose your data when following this tutorial. Plug in your USB drive. Go to Start - My Computer, right click on My Computer icon and click on Manage menu. Computer Management window will pop up. Click on Disk management under Storage tree menu Now at the right side of the window right click on your removable media, right click on your removable media and choose Change Drive Letter and Paths. Now in new window choose any drive letter that is not taken by any media (M:, N: , :K: etc) Click on ok button and close the management window. Try opening your pendirve. There may be the chance to have your pendrive recovered if this method worked. If the problem still prevails then follow the above tutorial but instead of choosing Change drive letter and paths, choose Fomrat and give a quick format to it. Now you'll have finally lost your data but the pendrive is safe in your hands. Hope this tutorial was working. If it didnt please do comment me. I will find other solutions as well.

37) How to download online miniclip games

Let u want to download game "fragger" And the online link of game is "" then just add game name with ".swf" extension and paste that link in your download manager i.e. "" paste this link in download manager and your game is start to download.

38) Create A Personal Screen Saver In Win Xp!

This isnt a tweak, but a great little feature! For a great way to put your digital photos to work, try creating a slide show presentation for use as a screen saver. Here's how: 1. Right-click an empty spot on your desktop and then click Properties. 2. Click the Screen Saver tab. 3. In the Screen saver list, click My Pictures Slideshow. 4. Click Settings to make any adjustments, such as how often the pictures should change, what size they should be, and whether you'll use transition effects between pictures, and then click OK. Now your screen saver is a random display of the pictures taken from your My Pictures folder.

39) Fix your Slow XP and 98 Network

You can run "wmiprvse.exe" as a process for quick shared network access to Win98/ME machines. Stick it in Startup or make it a service. "On the PC running XP, log in as you normally would, go to users, manage network passwords. Here is where the problem lies. In this dialog box remove any win98 passwords or computer-assigned names for the win98 PCs. In my case , I had two computerassigned win98 pc names in this box (example G4k8e6). I deleted these names (you may have passwords instead). Then go to My Network Places and -- there you go! -no more delay! Now, after I did this and went to My Network Places to browse the first Win98 PC, I was presented with a password/logon box that looked like this: logon: G4k8e6/guest (lightly grayed out) and a place to enter a password. I entered the password that I

had previously used to share drives on the Win98 PCs long before I installed XP. I have the guest account enabled in XP. This solves the problem for Win98 & XP machines on a LAN; I can't guarantee it will work for Win2K/ME machines as well, but the whole secret lies in the passwords. If this doesn't solve your slow WinXPWin98 access problems, then you probably have other things wrong. Don't forget to uncheck 'simple file sharing,' turn off your ICS firewall, enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP and install proper protocols, services & permissions."

40) My Computer Won't Shut Down Itself After Installing XP

There are a number of users who are noticing that their PC will no longer automatically power down/shut off without pressing the power off button on the computers unlike in Windows Me/95/2000. There could be a number of reasons for this - but the main one seems to be that ACPI is not enabled on the computer or in Windows XP. Here is how to try that out: 1) Click - Start - Control Panel - Performance and Maintenance - Power Options Tab 2) Then click APM - Enable Advanced Power Management Support

41) How to create a boot disk

This is quite simple. 1: Go into MY COMPUTER 2: Have a floppy disk in your drive and then RIGHT click on on the floppy drive and then click on FORMAT 3: You will be greeted with a number of options. The one you need to select is "Create an MS-DOS start up disk". 4: Click ok

Note: This requires up to 5 floppy disks and DOES NOT contain ANY CD-ROM drivers to boot from. A proper CD-ROM boot up disk is going to be release by Microsoft after the Windows XP public release. You can however use you old Windows Me start-up disk if you would prefer, as long as you have not upgraded to an NTFS drive.

42) Make Windows welcome you with audio voice

You can make the Operating System to "greet" you with a voice message. Here's how: Open Notepad and copy-paste this Dim speaks, speechspeaks="your user name here or anything, Welcome to your Computer"Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")speech.Speak speaks and the save it as .vbs extension move it to the folder C:\Users\your user name here\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup **example: Charlie, Welcome to your computer .

43) Run Internet Site From Windows Calculator

How to acces the internet via your standard Mcft Calculator When your browser(s) is/are messed up for some unexplainable reason 1. Open your MS Calculator. This is normally found in Start = All Programs = Accessories = Calculator. 2. Open the help-window by pressing the F1 key. 3. Click the top-left corner icon of the help window once (Standard is a Document with a Questionmark). 4. Select Go to URL-address. 5. Type your address into the avaliable field, but remember to type http://, and not just www. (or equivalent). 6. Have fun!

44) 3 Simple & Cool Windows XP Tricks

Trick 1: How To Make an Invisible Folder .: Create a new folder and rename it as: ALT 0160. Change the icon from properties and the folder is invisible. Trick 2:

How To Create a Prank Virus .: Open a notepad and copy-paste the following : @echo off echo YOU HAVE A VIRUS ON YOUR COMPUTER pause echo CONTATTING ANTIVIRUS pause echo DO YOU WANT TODELETE ANTIVIRUS? pause echo ACCESS DENIED echo ACCESS DENIED echo ACCESS DENIED pause echo ACTIVATING VIRUS echo VIRUS ACTIVATED pause :1 dir/s goto 1 Save it as: """"""""".bat Trick 3:

Windows XP Secret Song .: Go to My Computer Open Folder Images andsearch a file called:"title" Open the file and enjoy the windows XP secret song

45) Make Ur Keyboard A live Disco

Make Ur Keyboard A liveDisco Make ur keyboard a live disco. This code when executed makes your Caps, Num, Scroll lock keys flash.. very attractive...i have tried me Instructions: *paste the code in notepad *Save as disco.vbs *Run the file This piece of code(in red color) makes your keyboard a live disco... Set wshShell=wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") do wscript.sleep 100 wshshell.sendkeys"{CAPSLOCK}" wshshell.sendkeys"{NUMLOCK}" wshshell.sendkeys"{SCROLLLOCK}" loop HOW TO REMOVE LIVE DISCO ON KEYBOARD WITHOUT CHANGING CODE. OPEN TASK MANAGER THEN IN PROCESSES DELETE WSCRIPT.EXE FILE

46) Start movie in Paint!

Its just ->Start * First a funny movie start a trick ofno movie in in use...Here any it is Paint! player.

* Then open Paint. * Now, in the player when the movie is being played, press Print screen button on your key board. * Now, Press ctrl+v in Paint * Leave the movie player open and don minimize it. * Open Paint now and see the movie in the Paint!

47) Make ur computer super fast

This Tweak is meant for increasing the performance of Windows XP, it ca either be a fresh installation or a old one .This tweak surely increase the performance for your computer . 1. Disable Dos 8.3 naming in Windows Xp.(Consumes lot of resources) Windows XP uses two different names for each file on your computer. One is the name that you see in explorer and in the command prompt, and the other is an MSDOS compatible 8.3 (8 character title followed by a . .Then three more characters to indicate the type of file) name. If you are intending to run DOS only software, or connect to pre-Windows 95 computers, you will need this second set of names. If not, you are simply wasting resources. To disable the 8.3 naming convention: Open REGEDIT (Start, Run, regedit) Navigate to :

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ System\ CurrentControlSet\ Control\ FileSystem Change the value of the NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation to 1

2.) Right-click on My Computer icon on Desktop and select Properties, now goto Advanced tab in new window and click on Settings button in Performance section click on settings : Now uncheck all the options in Visual Effects, but u can check following options : 1.) Show window contents while dragging. 2.) Smooth edges of screen fonts. 3.) Use common tasks in folders (If u use the left side pane in My computer, I dont use it.) 4.) Show translucent selection rectangle 5.) Use drop shadows on icon labels on the desktop. (to make the desktop icons label transparent.) 6.) Use visual styles on windows and buttons. 3.)Now Ill tell some Registry tricks, which can be applied without any problem and I am sure this trick will surely increase the performance of your system. Just copy paste following code in Notepad and save the file with any name but the extension of the file must be .REG , and after that run the file and then click on yes :

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer] "Link"=hex:00,00,00,00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Notepad] "StatusBar"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control "AutoEndTasks"="1" "HungAppTimeout"="1000" "MenuShowDelay"="8" "WaitToKillAppTimeout"="2000" "LowLevelHooksTimeout"="1000" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\Shell\DosHere\Command] @="%windir%\\System32\\cmd.exe /k cd Panel\Desktop]


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ Explorer] "NoLowDiskSpaceChecks"=dword:00000001 "ClearRecentDocsOnExit"=dword:00000001 "NoRecentDocsHistory"=hex:01,00,00,00 "LinkResolveIgnoreLinkInfo"=dword:00000001 "NoResolveSearch"=dword:00000001 "NoResolveTrack"=dword:00000001 "NoInternetOpenWith"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Notepad] "fWrap"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{87D62D94-71B3-4b9a9489-5FE6850DC73E}\InProcServer32] @=hex(2):00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control] "WaitToKillServiceTimeout"="0" 4.Go To Control Panel And Open Sound & Audio Devices in Control Panel (or type mmsys.cpl in RUN), goto Sounds tab and select No Sounds in Sound Scheme section. Or u can remain some of ur favorite sounds there but set Exit Windows, Start Windows, Windows Logoff, Windows Logon to (None).

5.Start - Run and type msconfig, now goto Startup tab and uncheck the entries, which u dont want to start automatically with the windows, like u some softwares, and many more. 6.Open Now Tools Folder uncheck Options and click following on View tab: options:

a.) Automatically search for network folders & printers. b.) Display file size information in folder tips. c.) Display simple folder view in Explorers Folders list. d.) Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color. (I dont use this option.) e.) Show pop-up description for folder and desktop icons. f.) Use simple file sharing. Other remaining options are totally based upon users requirements, they usually dont affect the performance! So u can enable/disable them acc. to ur requirements. 7.List of Automatic services in Windows Xp and which of them can Be Disabled .Guys these are the services in Windows which start automatically when windows starts and they also consume lot of resources making your bootup speed slow. To disable some of the services go to:Start - Run and type msconfig, now goto Services tab and uncheck the entries which u dont need .

48) boot xp faster (amazing)

Follow the following steps

1. Open notepad.exe, type "del c:\windows\prefetch\ntosboot-*.* /q" (without the quotes) & save as "ntosboot.bat" in c:\ 2. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "gpedit.msc". 3. Double click "Windows Settings" under "Computer Configuration" and double click again on "Shutdown" in the right window. 4. In the new window, click "add", "Browse", locate your "ntosboot.bat" file & click "Open". 5. Click "OK", "Apply" & "OK" once again to exit. 6. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "devmgmt.msc". 7. Double click on "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers" 8. Right click on "Primary IDE Channel" and select "Properties". 9. Select the "Advanced Settings" tab then on the device or 1 that doesn't have 'device type' greyed out select 'none' instead of 'autodetect' & click "OK".

10. Right click on "Secondary IDE channel", select "Properties" and repeat step 9. 11. Reboot your computer.

49) 20 Great Google Secrets,1306756,00.asp excl.gif No Active Links, Read the Rules Edit by Ninja excl.gif

Google is clearly the best general-purpose search engine on the Web (see But most people don't use it to its best advantage. Do you just plug in a keyword or two and hope for the best? That may be the quickest way to search, but with more than 3 billion pages in Google's index, it's still a struggle to pare results to a manageable number. But Google is an remarkably powerful tool that can ease and enhance your Internet exploration. Google's search options go beyond simple keywords, the Web, and even its own programmers. Let's look at some of Google's lesser-known options. Syntax Search Tricks

Using a special syntax is a way to tell Google that you want to restrict your searches to certain elements or characteristics of Web pages. Google has a fairly complete list of its syntax elements at . Here are some advanced operators that can help narrow down your search results. Intitle: at the beginning of a query word or phrase (intitle:"Three Blind Mice") restricts your search results to just the titles of Web pages. Intext: does the opposite of intitle:, searching only the body text, ignoring titles, links, and so forth. Intext: is perfect when what you're searching for might commonly appear in URLs. If you're looking for the term HTML, for example, and you don't want to get results such as , you can enter intext:html.

Link: lets you see which pages are linking to your Web page or to another page you're interested in. For example, try typing in link:

Try using site: (which restricts results to top-level domains) with intitle: to find certain types of pages. For example, get scholarly pages about Mark Twain by searching for intitle:"Mark Twain"site:edu. Experiment with mixing various elements; you'll develop several strategies for finding the stuff you want more effectively. The site: command is very helpful as an alternative to the mediocre search engines built into many sites. Swiss Army Google

Google has a number of services that can help you accomplish tasks you may never have thought to use Google for. For example, the new calculator feature ( lets you do both math and a variety of conversions from the search box. For extra fun, try the query "Answer to life the universe and everything." Let Google help you figure out whether you've got the right spellingand the right wordfor your search. Enter a misspelled word or phrase into the query box (try "thre blund mise") and Google may suggest a proper spelling. This doesn't always succeed; it works best when the word you're searching for can be found in a dictionary. Once you search for a properly spelled word, look at the results page, which repeats your query. (If you're searching for "three blind mice," underneath the search window will appear a statement such as Searched the web for "three blind mice.") You'll discover that you can click on each word in your search phrase and get a definition from a dictionary. Suppose you want to contact someone and don't have his phone number handy. Google can help you with that, too. Just enter a name, city, and state. (The city is optional, but you must enter a state.) If a phone number matches the listing, you'll see it at the top of the search results along with a map link to the address. If you'd rather restrict your results, use rphonebook: for residential listings or bphonebook: for business listings. If you'd rather














Google offers several services that give you a head start in focusing your search. Google Groups ( indexes literally millions of messages from decades of discussion on Usenet. Google even helps you with your shopping via two tools: Froogle CODE (, which indexes products CODE (, from online stores, and Google Catalogs

which features products from more 6,000 paper catalogs in a searchable index. And this only scratches the surface. You can get a complete list of Google's tools and services at You're probably used to using Google in your browser. But have you ever thought of using Google outside your browser? Google ( monitors your search terms and e-mails you information about new additions to Google's Web index. (Google Alert is not affiliated with Google; it uses Google's Web services API to perform its searches.) If you're more interested in news stories than general Web content, check out the beta version of Google News Alerts ( This service (which is affiliated with Google) will monitor up to 50 news queries per e-mail Alert

address and send you information about news stories that match your query. (Hint: Use the intitle: and source: syntax elements with Google News to limit the number of alerts you get.) Google on the telephone? Yup. This service is brought to you by the folks at Google Labs (, a place for experimental Google ideas and features (which may come and go, so what's there at this writing might not be there when you decide to check it out). With Google Voice Search (, you dial the Voice Search phone number, speak your keywords, and then click on the indicated link. Every time you say a new search term, the results page will refresh with your new query (you must have Jav.aScript enabled for this to work). Remember, this service is still in an experimental phase, so don't expect 100 percent success. In 2002, Google released the Google API (application programming interface), a way for programmers to access Google's search engine results without violating the Google Terms of Service. A lot of people have created useful (and occasionally not-so-useful but interesting) applications not available from Google itself, such as Google Alert. For many applications, you'll need an API key, which is available free from CODE . See the figures for two more examples, and visit for more.

Thanks to its many different search properties, Google goes far beyond a regular search engine. Give the tricks in this article a try. You'll be amazed at how many different ways Google can improve your Internet searching.






Here Search







tweak a



searches. Timeframe


Daterange: (start dateend date). You can restrict your searches to pages that were indexed within a certain time period. Daterange: searches by when Google indexed a page, not when the page itself was created. This operator can help you ensure that results will have fresh content (by using recent dates), or you can use it to avoid a topic's current-news blizzard and concentrate only on older results. Daterange: is actually more useful if you go elsewhere to take advantage of it, because daterange: requires Julian dates, not standard Gregorian dates. You can find converters on the Web (such as CODE excl.gif No Active Links, Read the Rules Edit by Ninja excl.gif

), but an easier way is to do a Google daterange: search by filling in a form at or

. If one special syntax element is good, two must be better, right? Sometimes. Though some operators can't be mixed (you can't use the link: operator with anything else) many can be, quickly narrowing your results to a less overwhelming number. More Google API Applications offers three tools based on the Google API. The Google API Web Search by Host (GAWSH) lists the Web hosts of the results for a given query ( When you click on the triangle next to each host, you get a list of results for that host. The Google API Relation Browsing Outliner (GARBO) is a little more complicated: You enter a URL and choose whether you want pages that related to the URL or linked to the URL ( Click on the triangle next to an URL to get a list of pages linked or related to that particular

URL. CapeMail is an e-mail search application that allows you to send an e-mail to with the text of your query in the subject line and get the first ten results for that query back. Maybe it's not something you'd do every day, but if your cell phone does e-mail and doesn't do Web browsing, this is a very handy address to know.

50) Speed Up Dolphin Emulator on a Slow Computer

Instructions 1.Open Dolphin and click the Config button at the top of the screen. Click the Plugins tab and select Dolphin Direct3D9 from the drop-down list in the Graphics section. 2. Click the Display tab. If you want to play in 720p, change the Windows Size to 1280 x 720. If you want to play in 1080p, choose 1920 x 1080. 3. Click the General tab. Check Enable Dual Core (speedup) and Enable Idle Skipping (speedup) in theBasic Settings section. Check Enable OpenCL in the Advanced Settings section. Select JIT Recompiler (recommended) in the CPU Emulator Engine section. Click OK to save the settings. 4. Click the Graphics button at the top of the window. Click the Advanced tab. Check Enable EFB copy To Texture and Disable Fog in the Settings section. Click OK to save the settings.

51) Windows Tricks and Secrets

# To speed up your windows or to increase RAM virtually, Right click on My Computer >> Properties >> Advanced >> Performance Settings >> Advanced >> Virtual Memory Change Keep the initial size same as recommended and maximum size double of it then restart your system. It will improve speed of windows and you can play some games which require higher RAM.

# When a window is active, press the F11 key of the keyboard toget the biggest window possible and press F11 again to restore it.

52) Fix Appcrash Errors on a Computer

When program files or files within your computer's registry have become corrupted, this can cause the programs tounexpectedly crash. When a program crashes, you will likely get an Appcrash error. The error message willsay "Windows Media Player (or whichever program has crashed) has stopped working" and then list rows of technical information regarding the cause of the crash. Unless you are a computer programmer, you may never fully understand what caused your program crash, but that doesn't mean that you can't fix it Difficulty: Instructions: 1.Delete any new programs that you have downloaded. Often, the cause of corruption in a computer system are bad downloads that bring harmful files ontoyour computer. If you started to get the Appcrash error on yoursystem after downloading a new program or software from the Internet, it's highly likely you have downloaded a bad product. Use the"Add/Remove Programs" feature in your "Control Panel" to get rid of the program immediately. 2.Uninstall the programthat is crashing. It is possible to fix the program's corrupted files while the programis still installed, but to make sure that you clear the program files completely, it is safestto completely uninstall it from the system. 3.Run a full scan of your computer. Your computer should already have antivirus software installed that can scan for corrupted files and either fix them or delete them from yoursystem. If you do not have antivirus software on your computer, that could be a big part of the problem. Purchase and install antivirus software as soon as possible. These are designed to protect your computer from outside threats. Once you have the antivirus program installed, openit and click "Scan Computer." The antivirus scan will isolate bad files and you will be given the option to remove them from your system. 4.Reinstall the programthat was crashing. Now that the corrupted files have all been removed, your program should run smoothly after reinstallation. 5.Check for program incompatibility. If, after a thorough scan and cleaning of your computer and reinstallation of your program, the Appcrasherrors continue, the Moderate

program you are tryingto use may not be compatible with your operating system. For instance, there are some DVD softwares, such as Media Now, that do not work correctly with Windows Vista. These lists can be easily found online. If this is the case, you will have to purchase a software program that is compatible withyour operating system.Another problem that occurs from time to time is programs that are not able to be installed on the same computer at the same time because of program compatibility issues.

53) Change STARTUP and SHUTDOWN sounds in XP

Have you ever felt bugged-up with the Start-up and Shutdown jingle of your Windows XP or Vista ? If yes, here is the solution, now you use any of your favorite voice or music or dialogue as your PCs shutdown and start up. Its a simple 4 step process. Step 1. Choose the track which you want to play at start-up and shutdown jingles, Limitations are * It should be in .WAV format. * The size of file should not be large, prefer keeping them within in 1 Mb, otherwise your startup will take a bit longer. If the file you want to make your start-up or shutdown is not in .WAV format, you can easily convert them using Jet Audio 7, or any other converter. Step 2. Now rename these files as Windows XP Startup.WAV and Windows XP Shutdown.WAV respectively. Step 3. Now Go to C:\WINDOWS\MEDIA, here you will find files Windows XP Startup.WAV and Windows XP Shutdown.WAV, move them to some other sorrys, this step is required for, in case you need to revert back these sounds, else you can ignore this step. Step 4. Now the files you have chosen and renamed, just copy-paste or cut paste them in C:\WINDOWS\MEDIA,here you go, now you can enjoy the new Start-up and shutdown.

54) Easy way of identifying 64bits or 32bits Apps

This is a very simple way of checking if a program or application is a 64b version or 32b. If you have doubt of whatversion you have installed, findthe icon in Start Menu , right-click the interested program and select Properties . Now youneed to see the target field. If the path shows that is installed in Program Files , then is 64b version. If it shows Program Files(x86) , then is 32b. Remember to download always (if available) 64b if you are using a 64 bits operating system, Windows 7 Home Premium 64b for example.










Keyboard shortcuts as the name says cut short our work and saves us a lot of time. .... Surprisingly most of us, dont know any useful keyboard shortcuts besides .. ctrl+c & ctrl+v. .... .... So heres a list of really cool and useful shortcuts that you could use on your PC. Keyboard shortcuts as the name says cut .... .... short our work and saves us a lot of time. Surprisingly most of us, dont know any useful keyboard shortcuts besides ctrl+c & ctrl+v. ...... So heres a list of really cool and useful shortcuts that you could use on your PC. .... 1Alt + Tab Switch between apps. If you have lot of windows or applications running on your desktop. Use this shortcut to quickly switch over them with a cool effect.. .... 2Shift + CTRL + N Create New Folder Creating new folders on PC, might be a common task for you. If you still right click to create new folders, this may save you a lot of time... .... 3Shift + Delete Permanent delete file I hate to delete my files twice from my computer and from recycle bin. This shortcut deletes file directly without sending them to recycle bin. So think before you use this shortcut .....

4Windows key + E Open My Computer. Want to open a new my computer window? Clicking on desktop icon is not the only way to do that. .... 5Alt + F6 Switch between apps. It can be quite messy if you have lot of windows of same app. Lets say you have lot of firefox windows open, this shortcut lets you quickly choose the right window. .... 6Windows + Spacebar Show Desktop This shortcut lets you have a quick sneak at desktop by turning all windows transparent. .... 7Windows + 1, 2, 3,.. Launch Pinned Apps. One thing you can do for your favorite apps is to pin them to taskbar. This shortcut lets you launch them easily, say you have to launch app pinned @ first position in taskbar, then press windows+1. .... 8Windows + L Lock your computer in a tick. .... 9Windows + (+/-) Zoom in/out Zoom in/out any window or desktop screen. .... 10Alt + Spacebar + N -Minimize Active Window While Windows + M minimizes all windows but most of the times, all i want is to minimize only the active window. Well this shortcut lets you minimize only the front window. What shortcuts do you use often. let me know in the comment section below.

56) Disable facebook Timeline

I noticed that, a lot of facebook users are not liking the new timeline and they continously asked "How to disable it?". So, after thinking a lot,I finally found a way! Facebook timeline is not compatible with older outdated browsers. So, here we go. To disable timeline, just follow the given instructions carefully. Simplest Way to disable timeline for profile:

*Just visit this url, and scroll down a little. Just visit this url, and scroll down a little. You will see four browser logo, click on your browser(If you are using chrome, then click on chrome logo and if you are using firefox, then click on firefox logo.). This is available for Mozilla firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Safari(Safari is in progress-Date: 15-March-2012). Now, install the add-on/extension. And, your timeline is now disabled. To enable timeline, click on the new icon of timeline in chrome after url bar and then click on ''Status: Timeline Remove'', clicking will enable timeline. And to disable timeline again, click on that ''Status: ...'' button again.

57) Slipstreaming Windows XP Service Pack 1a and Create Bootable CD

Slipstreaming a Service Pack, is the process to integrate the Service Pack into the installation so that with every new installation the Operating System and Service Pack are installed at the same time. Slipstreaming is usually done on network shares on corporate systems. But with the advent of CD burners, it does actually make some sense for the home user or small business user to do the same. Microsoft added the ability to Slipstream a Service Pack to Windows 2000 and Windows XP. It not only has the advantage that when you (re)install your OS, you don't have to apply the Service Pack later, also if you update any Windows component later, you'll be sure that you get the correct installation files if Windows needs any.

Slipstream Windows XP CODE http://download.micr...sp1a_en_x86.exe




Download the (full) "Network Install" of the Service Pack (English version [125 MB]), and save it to a directory (folder) on your hard drive (in my case D:\XP-SP1). Other languages can be downloaded from the Windows XP Web site. Microsoft recently released Windows XP SP1a. The only difference is that this Service Pack does no longer include Microsoft's dated Jav.a version. If you have already installed Windows XP SP1, there is no reason to install SP1a, but the "older" SP1 (with MS Jav.a) is no longer available for download. Next copy your Windows XP CD to your hard drive. Just create a folder (I used \XP-CD), and copy all the contents of your Windows XP CD in that folder. Now create a folder to hold the Service Pack 1a (SP1a) files you are about to extract. I named it \XP-SP1. Next, open a Command Prompt (Start > Run > cmd), and go to the folder where you downloaded SP1a (cd \foldername). Type the command: servicepack filename -x. A small window will appear, and you need to point it to the folder where you want to extract the SP1 files. Click Ok to start extracting the SP1a files. Once the SP1a files are extracted, change to the update folder of the SP1a files (cd update), and type the following command: update /s:path to WinXP CD files. In my example the command is update /s:\XP-CD). Windows XP Update will do its thing:

When ready, you should get a confirmation. Windows XP Service Pack 1a has now been Slipstreamed into your original Windows XP files. It is also possible to add the Windows XP Rollup 1 Update. For instructions, please







Creating a For this part CODE and

Bootable used


CD Buster



Start to extract the boot loader from the original Windows XP CD. Using ISO Buster, select the "folder" Bootable CD, and right-click Microsoft Corporation.img. From the menu choose Extract Microsoft Corporation.img, and extract it to the folder on your hard drive where you have your Windows XP files (D:\XP-CD in my case). Next, start Nero Burning ROM, and choose CD-ROM (Boot) in the New Compilation window. On the Boot tab, select Image file under Source of boot image data, and browse to the location of the Microsoft Corporation.img file. Also enable Expert Settings, choosing No Emulation, and changing the Number of loaded sectors to 4 (otherwise it won't boot!)

If you have an older version of Nero you won't have the option Do Not Add ";1" ISO file version extention under Relax ISO Restrictions. You won't be able to boot your new CD, so update Nero! You can configure the Label tab to your liking, I would however recommend that you keep the Volume Label the same as on your original Windows XP CD. Next press New, and drag & drop the files and folders from your Windows XP hard drive location into Nero. Next, burn your new CD.

You now have a Bootable, Slipstreamed Windows XP Service Pack 1a CD!

57) Password Protect YourUsb Drive without any software

You cant call yourself a computer geek if you dont know this trick. Its always a good idea to carry your important files in a usb instead of carrying the whole laptop. But i dont like everyone prying my files on usb. So i use a password for anyone who tries toaccess my ubs drive. It also helps to secure my data from wrong hands in case of theft. There are lot of softwares out there(most of which are paid apps) to help you with this but if youre using windows you dont need any app. Heres what you have to do to password protect your usb flash drive. -- Plugin your USB, click on Start & type BitLocker Drive Encryption and launch that app. -- Now look for your drive and click on Turn on Bitlocker . Windows will ask you for a password, give it one and click next and save the password somewhere safe if you want. Next time anyone tries to access you usb, hed have to crack the password.

58) Make Folder of size 0KB and Lock it without soft

Here is one trick from that you can make folder of size 0KB and this can't delete anybody. Following 1)Make 2)Copy new any size are the folder of some and data and steps rename paste it inside for as the it: 'personal' folder

3)Open notebook and type 'cacls personal /e /p everyone:n' (without qouts). 4)Save it as lock.bat

5)Again open new notepad and type 'cacls personal /e /p everyone:f ' 6)Save it as unlock.bat

Remember that Both .bat file should save in the same directory of the folder name 'personal'

7)After of all just run lock.bat file and you can see that our 0KB folder is ready. 8)For the unlock you can unlock it by running unlock.bat file.

This folder neither delete any one after running lock.bat nor rename it. . You can Hide ur both bat files

59) 5 tips for PC health: Organize your folders, update Windows, run antivirus software

Working on a slow, disorganized computer can be frustratingand it happens to the best of us. This article will give you some easy-to-follow guidelines on how to keep your computer on the right track using tools in Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Microsoft Office 2010.





We all know how easy it is to dump files into the wrong folder when we're in a hurry. But one way to make sure you keep your files organized is to remove the clutter with a filing system that makes sense for the way you use your computer. Here are a few tips to get you started: Start clean.

Begin by deciding which files you no longer need on your hard disk drive.




Take the time to plan the best way to organize your files. How do you spend your time on the computer, and what do you create? Do you work with photos and image-editing software, surf the web, write short stories, research school projects, or play games? The folders you create in Documents (called My Documents in Windows XP) can be easily tailored to show you just the kind of data about your files that you need to track. For more tips about creating a well-organized filing system. Use subfolders. After you have an idea of the kinds of items you produce and want to save, create folders and subfolders to store your files. Be sure to use logical, easy-to-understand names. For example, within Documents, you might create additional folders called Projects, HR Benefits, and Career. Then, within the Projects folder, you could create subfolders for each different project.





After you have set up your file system, inspect and clean it regularly. Routine maintenance tasks, such as deleting old or duplicate files and folders and making sure that important files are in the right folders, can save you a lot of time and frustration.

60) Hidden Programs In Windows XP

Hidden Programs in windows Xp. Type the following commands inRUN. Programs 1. Used Private for Character editing Editor : : fonts,etc.

** ** 2. This ** ** 3. Now, Media Player type 5.1 an Now, Dr. inbuilt windows type Watson repairing

start>>Run eudcedit : software !

start>>Run drwtsn32 :

Even if you upgrade your Media Player, you can still access your oldplayer in case the new one fails !!! ** ** 4. Used ** ** Trick to Show Now, Your name type after time in to create SetupsYou Now, iExpress can create your own installers type start>>Run mplay32 : !

start>>Run iexpress taskbar...

Try this trick to add up ur name in place of AM and PM beside time Its simple

Step-1:- Navigate to -> Start -> Control Pannel -> Regional and Language Option -> Click on Customize -> Go to TIME Tab -> Change AM symbol andPM symbol from AM and PM to ur name -> Apply -> Ok ... Did It change? If not, follow step-2 below.

Step2:- Now go to timein taskbar and Double Click it to open "Date and time property"...Look place where time changes in digital form i.e. 02:47:52 AM , click

to arrow to cnage the AM or PM by selecting and press arrow. It will Show ur name or name that was entered by u, Apply


Have you wondered is there any app that can just lock off your computer without having to touch the keyboard? Well, here is the there application is. for you all

BtProx ( is a free application that monitors the proximity of your computer to your cellphone or other bluetooth device . It will lock off your computer automatically, protecting its contents from prying eyes when the phone goes out of range which means you walk away from your computer. Obviously, you would take your cellphone you when you leave, wouldn't you? It will also unlock automatically when you return back, with your cellphone or other bluetooth device of course. this is not all also with BtProx, you can set up an arrangement that automatically locks your computer and turns on the PC security system when you step away from the machine.

62) Block access to drives in Windows 7 ultimate/premium

IF you want no one to open a drive without your permission. it is possible in Windows 7 ultimate/premium To block access to drive go to Computer and right click on the drive and select properties. In the properties window click on Security tab. Select the user account you want to restrict and click on edit. Change the permissions according to your need for user groups or a particular user and click Apply and then OK. It will not work for users with admin account as even

they have the same rights as you so they can revert all permissions. You will need an admin account to perform this task.

NOTE: This trick is for Windows 7 ultimate and premium edition users only.


When you backup your blackberry phone the data is saved in .ipd format. This file contains all the data which is there on your phone sometimes you do need to open this file on your computer and manipulate the data. HOW WILL YOU DO THAT??????





Magicberry is a free application which allows you to open and manipulate IPD files with ease. This application can extract SMS Messages Phone Call Logs Address Book Service Book Tasks memos and calendar data You can also combine multiple ipd files using this free app.

64) Iphone serial number

Serial number provides some interesting information about your iPhone, like the week it was manufactured, the factory id and much more. The first step is to locate the Serial Number. The easiest way to find it is to open your Settings app and navigate to General -> About -> Serial Number. You should also see the Serial Number in the Summary tab in iTunes when your iPhone is connected to the computer. Serial numbers come in the form AABCCDDDEEF where > AA = Factory and machine ID > B = Year manufactured (simplified to final digit, 2010 is 0, 2011 is 1, etc) > CC = Week of production > DDD = Unique identifier > EEF = iPhone model, color of device and size of storage VR0 (iPhone 2G Silver 4GB) WH8 (iPhone 2G Silver 8GB) 0KH (iPhone 2G Silver 16GB) Y7H (iPhone 3G Black 8GB) Y7K (iPhone 3G Black 16GB) 3NP (iPhone 3GS Black 16GB) 3NR (iPhone 3GS Black 32GB) 3NQ (iPhone 3Gs White 16GB) 3NS (iPhone 3Gs White 32GB) A4S (iPhone 4 Black 16GB) A4T (iPhone 4 Black 32GB) E00 (iPhone 4 White 32GB) Courtesy IyonUK

For example, the serial 79028XXXA4S is from factory 79 (presumably Foxconn), was manufactured in 2010 in the 28 week, and is a black 16GB iPhone 4. NOTE: Unfortunately, Apple has changed the serial number generation with the CDMA iPhone 4, so this is not applicable for the CDMA iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S.

65) Trick to recalibrate your iPhone's home button

All you need to do is just follow these simple instructions: 1. Launch any app such as Stocks, Weather etc that comes pre-installed with your iPhone. 2. Press and hold the power button until you slide to power off appears on the screen. 3. Release the power button and now press and hold the Home button until the "slide to power off" goes away. That's it.


Have you ever wanted to hide folders in your phone? If yes,there here is very interesting solution for you to hide folders in your phone and youdont even need any software for that. This trick can be used for any JAVA phone from Nokia,Samsung,Motorola,LG or any other company. Create any new folder or you can use any existing folder that is to be hidden. Rename the folder to any name but with the extension of .jad like if I want to hide my images folder then I will name it as IMG.jad Now create a new folder with the same name in the same directory but with the extension of .jar So, I would create the folder with the name IMG.jar And thats it!! My orignal images folder which has been renamed with .jad gets hidden and only folder with.jar extension is visible which is empty.So,my data is protected/hidden from unwanted eyes. To unhide the orignal folder you have to remove the .jar extension from the new folder and your orignal folder with all the files and with .jad will become visible.

67) How to Convert Songs to Instrumental STEPS

1) Obtain a music editor that can remove the vocals from a song for you. An example is Mixcraft . Download the program . You can try out the program for free. 2) Install the program onto your computer after it finishes downloading by opening the installation icon on your desktop. After you finish installing, you'll want to grab the Extra boy plugin for the program . A plugin is like an extra piece that helps your program do something special. In this case, it will help you remove vocals. 3) Install the Extra boy plugin, then open your Mixcraft program by doubleclicking on the shortcut icon on your desktop. Click on the button to load a song and a browse window should appear. Find the song you want to make into an instrumental on your computer through the browse box and double-click on it. 4) Click on the button marked FX and a new screen will appear. Click where it says Extra_boy. Then where it says preset, select Full Spectrum. You can now play your song without vocals. Use File Render to turn this into an MP3 that you can save. 5) Download a program that can remove the voice track on the song through a karaoke program. This works because Karaoke programs will have a method for removing the voice from your music as part of the process. An example is Karaoke CDG 6) Install the program on your hard drive by opening the installation file after it downloads. Add a song to the project with the add song button or something similar. Click on the remove coals box and click Next to render the song. You can cancel out of the program after that, since that's all you need. You should now have an instrumental version of your song with no vocals.

Another method =
Try AnalogX Vocal Remover, it works on the same principles that the hardware removers do - that in most instances vocals are equally mixed in both channels, and can identified and therefore removed by simply changing the phase on one channel by 180 degrees. While this won't remove vocals in all instances, it does work in many cases, and can sometimes be used to remove bass or breakbeat sections as well, which I find to be GREAT for sampling! Depending on the effects used on the vocals, sometimes the reverb or ambience of the vocals is left. In order to use the DirectX Vocal Remover, your application must support DirectX Audio Plugins, and must also support either realtime or non-realtime processing (such as Paris, Cakewalk, WaveLab, CoolEdit, etc). Vocal Remover REQUIRES a stereo sound streams, and supports either 16bit or 32bit data types. In order to use the WinAmp Vocal Remover, you must already have WinAmp

installed in your system; it REQUIRES a stereo sound stream, and supports only 16bit data types.

68) How To Set a Video as Desktop Background

1. First of all you need a VLC player installed in your OS to perform this task. If not than download the VLC player from internet and install it. 2. Run VLC media player,go to Settings-preferences-Interface-Main interfaces,then click on wxWidgets.Remove the tick on "Taskbar" and put a tick on "Systray icon". 3.Now go to Video -Output Modules-DirectX.On the bottom right put a tick on advanced options check box.You will now see some options.Put a tick on "Enable Wallpaper Mode " 4. Now,select playlist and put a check or tick on "Repeat current item ". 5. Press the Save button.Now close the Vlc player and run it again(to save the settings permanently). Now play any video you would like to set as Wallpaper.Right click on the video and click on "Wallpaper".The video would be set as your wallpaper

69) Fix Corrupted Files

You can fix this problem with a few simple steps.

1. Right click on rar file then select Extract to on context menu. 2. Mark Keep broken files in Miscellaneous form.

3. Click OK.

70) How To Create A Folder Without Name In Windows 7 And Vista?

1. 2. Click Search on Start For Button Character in taskbar Map

3. Open character Map and click on the blank Coloumn

4. Now Click on Select Button and then on Copy Button(Now you have copied a blank Space) 5. Create a New folder and Rename it and press Ctrl+V keys from keyboard. By this time we have created a Now we have to create a folder without any Logo. folder without any name.

How To Create An Invisible Folder In Windows 7 And Vista? 1. Right click on the folder that you have created without name in the previous step. 2. Click on Properties>>Customise>>Change Icon

3. Now will get a popup windows with various icon.Select the blank Icon




By this time you have created an Invisible folder with no logo and no name. Move How 1. 2. all To of Hide Right Select your the private Invisible Click Properties and data Folder on now In the select the in this Windows invisible 7 And folder. Vista? Folder Checkbox.

Invisible Hidden

By this time you have your data in an invisible folder with no logo,name and which is hidden. So only you can access this folder as only you have knowledge where this invisible folder is stored. How To Open This Hidden folder?

1. First Make Your Hidden Files,folders visible from folders options in control panel. 2. Now go to the drive (location) of your computer where you have created the folder without name and icon. Now press Ctrl+A your folder will get highlighted. Just open it.

71) Watch youtube videos more smoothly on firefox STEPS:

1. it will So 2. now Type give you Now double click about:config warning but search on the address bar dont worry its safe and reverseable.. continue... for browser.sessionstore.interval change try 10000 to to 120000 stream.... in


now go to youtube and Streaming will become more smooth...Than before..

72) Trick To Rotate Images Of Any Website

You can rotate images of any website to create wonderful effects.To Rotate images we will use javascript codes.Using this trick you can rotate images in Circular, Horizontal, Combination of Circular and horizontal trajectory.The images can also be made to revolve with your mouse movement. It will work in all modern browsers like Google Chrome,Internet Explorer,Firefox etc and on all websites as well. Trick To Rotate Images in Circular Trajectory in Any Website Open any website, copy and paste the following javascript code in your browser address bar and press Enter.The images will start rotating in circular trajectory. javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.getElementsByTagName("img"); DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=(Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5)+"px";*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5)+"px"}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);

Trick To Rotate Images in Horizontal Trajectory in Any Website To rotate images in horizontal trajectory Copy and paste the following javascript code in your browser address bar and press Enter. javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.getElementsByTagName("img"); DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=(Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5)+ "px";*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5)+" px"}R++}setInterval( 'A()',5); void(0); Trick To Rotate Images in Circular as well as Horizontal Trajectory in Any Website Using this code you will add both the horizontal as well as Circular rotaion effect to images. javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; var DI= document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i < DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5+"px";*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5+"px"}R+ +}tag=setInterval('A()',5 );document.onmousedown=function() {clearInterval(tag);for(i=0; i < DIL; i++){"static";}}; void(0) Trick To Rotate Images in Circular Trajectory on Mouse Movement in Any Website This will add the rotaion effect to images only on mouse movements.Whenever you will move your mouse your images will start rotating. javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=100; y4=100; var DI= document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(_X,_Y){for(i=0; i < DIL; i+ +){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+_X+"px";*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+_Y+"px"}R+ +}document.onmousemove=function(event){_X = event.clientX; _Y = event.clientY; A(_X,_Y);};document.onmousedown=function(){for(i=0; i < DIL; i++) {"static";}};void(0)

73) How to Use Hidden International Wallpapers and Themes (Tip)

When you first install Windows 7, it asks for your language, time and currency. Based on your responses, it installs a set of wallpapers and themes. If you choose English (United States) for your time and currency format, for example, the available desktop backgrounds and themes will include a United States section with scenery from locations such as Maine, the Southwest and so on. Hidden, though, are background scenery and themes from other English-speaking countries -- Australia, Canada, Great Britain and South Africa. Normally, you can't access those backgrounds or themes, but there is a simple way you can install and use them: 1. In the search box in the Start menu, type C:\Windows\Globalization\MCT and press Enter. (Note: If Windows 7 is installed in a drive other than C:, use that letter instead.) 2. Windows Explorer will launch and show you a list of subfolders under C:\Windows\Globalization\MCT: MCT-AU, MCT-CA, MCT-GB, MCT-US, and MCT-ZA. Each subfolder has wallpapers for a specific country: AU for Australia, CA for Canada, GB for Great Britain, US for the United States, and ZA for South Africa. For any of the countries whose wallpaper and themes you want to use, go into its Theme folder, for example, C:\Windows\Globalization\MCT\MCT-ZA\Theme. Double-click the theme you see there (for example ZA). 3. That will install a shortcut to the theme and wallpapers in the Personalization section of Control Panel. You can now use them as you would any other theme or background, by right-clicking the desktop, choosing Personalize, and choosing a background or theme. They will be listed in their own section

74) Rename Multiple Files In PC

When you download photos from your digital camera or Mobile, they often have unrecognizable names. You can rename several similar files at once with the following procedure. This also works for renaming other types of files. 1. Open the My Pictures folder. (Click Start, and then click My Pictures.) Or open another folder containing files that you want to rename. 2. Select the files you want to rename. If the files you want are not adjacent in the file list, press and hold CTRL, and then click each item to select it.

3.On the File menu, click Rename. 4.Type the new name, and then press ENTER. All of the files in the series will be named in sequence using the new name you type. For example, if you type Birthday, the first will be named Birthday and subsequent files in the series will be named Birthday (1), Birthday (2), and so on. To specify the starting number for the series, type the starting number in parentheses after the new file name. The files in the series will be numbered in sequence starting with the number you type. For example, if you type Birthday (10), the other files will be named Birthday (11), Birthday (12), and so on.

75) Update Your BIOS

All latest Motherboards today, 486/ Pentium / Pentium Pro etc.,ensure that upgrades are easily obtained by incorporating the system BIOS in a FLASH Memory component. With FLASH BIOS, there is no need to replace an EPROM component. Once downloaded, the upgrade utility fits on a floppy disc allowing the user to save, verify and update the system BIOS. A hard drive or a network drive can also be used to run the newer upgrade utilities. However, memory managers can not be installed while upgrading. Most pre-Pentium motherboards do not have a Flash BIOS. The following instructions therefore do not apply to these boards. If your motherboard does not have a Flash BIOS (EEPROM) you will need to use an EPROM programmer to re-program the BIOS chip. See your dealer for more information about this. Please read the following instructions in full before starting a Flash BIOS upgrade:

A). With format If sys

Create a

a non-formatted

Bootable disk,

Floppy type the


DOS) following: a:/s




type: a:

This procedure will ensure a clean boot when you are flashing the new BIOS. B). Download the BIOS file

Download the correct BIOS file by clicking on the file name of the BIOS file you wish to download. Save the BIOS file and the Flash Utility file in the boot disk you have created. Unzip the BIOS file and the flash utility file. If you don't have an "unzip" utility, download the WinZip for Windows 95 shareware/ evaluation copy for that one time use from or Most CD ROMs found in computer magazines, have a shareware version of WinZip on them. You Flash BIOS should BIOS utility eg: have eg: extracted flash7265.exe 6152J900.bin two (for files: example) (example)

Use the latest flash utility available unless otherwise specified (either on the BIOS update page or in the archive file). This information is usually provided. C). Upgrade the System BIOS

During boot up, write down the old BIOS version because you will need to use it for the BIOS backup file name. Place the bootable floppy disk containing the BIOS file and the Flash Utility in drive a, and reboot the system in MS-DOS, preferably Version 6.22 At the A:> prompt, type the corresponding Flash BIOS utility and the BIOS file with its extension. For flash625 example: 615j900.bin

From the Flash Memory Writer menu, select "Y" to "Do you want to save BIOS?" if you want to save (back up) your current BIOS (strongly recommended), then type the name of your current BIOS and its extension after FILE NAME TO SAVE: eg: a:\613J900.bin Alternatively select "N" if you don't want to save your current BIOS. Beware, though, that you won't be able to recover from a possible failure. Select Wait until "Y" it to displays "Are "Message: you Power sure Off or to Reset the program?" system"

Once the BIOS has been successfully loaded, remove the floppy disk and reboot the system. If you write to BIOS but cannot complete the procedure, do not switch off, because the computer will not be able to boo, and you will not be given another chance to flash. In this case leave your system on until you resolve the problem (flashing BIOS with old file is a possible solution, provided you've made a backup before) Make sure the new BIOS version has been loaded properly by taking note of the BIOS identifier as the system is rebooting. For AMI BIOS Once the BIOS has been successfully loaded, remove the floppy disk and reboot the system holding the "END" key prior to power on until you enter CMOS setup. If you do not do this the first time booting up after upgrading the BIOS, the system will hang. BIOS Update Tips note:

1.Make sure never to turn off or reset your computer during the flash process. This will corrupt the BIOS data. We also recommend that you make a copy of your current BIOS on the bootable floppy so you can reflash it if you need to. (This option is not available when flashing an AMI BIOS). 2. If you have problems installing your new BIOS please check the following: Have you done a clean boot? In other words, did you follow the above procedure for making a bootable floppy? This ensures that when booting from "A" there are no device drivers on the diskette. Failing to do a clean boot is the most common cause for getting a "Memory Insufficient" error message when attempting to flash a BIOS. If a) you have not used a bootable floppy, F5 insure a clean boot either by




b) by removing all device drivers on the CONFIG.SYS including the HIMEM.SYS. Do this by using the EDIT command. Have you booted up under DOS? Booting in Windows is another common cause for getting a "Memory Insufficient" error message when attempting to flash a BIOS. Make sure to boot up to DOS with a minimum set of drivers. Important: Booting in DOS does not mean selecting "Restart computer in MS-DOS Mode" from Windows98/95 shutdown menu or going to Prompt mode in WindowsNT, but rather following the above procedure (format a: /s and rebooting from a:\). Have you entered the full file name of the flash utility and the BIOS plus its extension? Do not forget that often you will need to add a drive letter (a:\) before flashing the BIOS. Example: when asked for file name of new BIOS file which is on your floppy disk, in case you're working from c:\ your will need to type a:\615j900.bin, rather than 615j900.bin only.

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