Navigation To Report Painter

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Navigation to Report Painter

Navigation to creation of Groups

Adding accounts to report Groups

Library Selection

Give name to the report here

Formatting the report

Selection of Ledger - Column

For the rows, when you create a group the name of the group will not appear in the F4 selection criteria, we have to just type the name of the group and it will take the group created in GRR1

Selection of Record Type

Select Version 1, which is linked to ledger OF Standard SAP

Selection of Variable to ensure it will ask for FY and period at the time of execution of the program. These Variables can also be customized

Period Variables are Form and To , FY variable is single year

Variable creation in Configuration GS12

Variables starting with 0 are SAP created

To get line items details. To verify if this done correctly it will show an * in front of the description

If you try to execute without creating a group it will prompt for report group creation

This report can also be created in GR51

Error Message

Report Group creation GR51

Ensure the report group is attached by clicking on the reports tab

Error Fixed, Company code selection was not defined in General Data Selction

Report can be executed from GRR3 or better yet create a transaction code and put in the main menu as explained in the following slides

You can check the name of the program when you execute the report from GRR3

Navigation to create a transaction SE93

Copy the name of the program to attach it to the transaction code

To attach the transaction to a particular portion in the menu we need to go to Area Menus SE43

F000 is Fin. Acct Info System

After clicking on Change mode click on EXTEND

Then we hit on the Zfinance Enhancement ID which is specific to GE

DONE !!!

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