Business Development Process

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Date: 4/9/2013

Departmental Processes & Procedures Business Development Department Process Purpose & Rationale
The Purpose of this Document is to define the Processes and Procedures for the Business Development Department of our Organization. The Business Development Department is expected to be having the total Business and Functional Knowledge of the Module that is covering the specific Business Area, which they are handling. In the Policy, Practice, Law, Procedure, Regulatory, Controlling Authority and Supportive Agencies Perspective Information and Knowledge is expected to be there with this Team. This Knowledge is shared, used and given to the Customers to Procure the Business and the Internal Teams to Develop the Product for the Business. The same knowledge is to be shared, used and given to the Functional and Techno-Functional Teams to Design the good Products that should take care off the defined Business Areas. This Team Members are expected to have the Knowledge of the Automated Systems or Products that are developed for their Business Area. They are expected to have an in-depth knowledge of these Automated Systems or Products for its Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats and Opportunities in their Business Area to Use. This Team is expected to be ready with the Product Previews, Product Road shows and Product Presentations on the Current Products of the Company.

This Team is having the Scope of Interactions with the Functional Team, Customer Relationship Management Team or Client Engagement Team, Information System Audit Team and Technofunctional Team for their Day to Day Operations. They will have a Support from the General Administration, Human Resource and Accounts Department for their Jobs.

Roles & Responsibilities

Sl. No. 1 Responsibility Business Development Manager Activity 1. Business Analysis for the Business Area 2. Business Requirement Analysis for the Business Area 3. Converting the Customer Requirements in to Business Requirements 4. Preparing the Vision and Scope Document for the Business Area. 5. Preparing the Customer Requirements Specifications. 6. Preparing the Policies for the Department 7. Preparing the Strategies for the Department 8. Preparing the Guidelines for the Team Members 9. Guiding the Team Managers for the Different Products Management. 10. Preparing the Product Previews and Product Presentations for the Page: 1

Date: 4/9/2013

Departmental Processes & Procedures

Business Area 11. Conducting the Product Road Shows for the Products. 12. Business Feasibility Study of the Requirements needs to be done. 13. Business Impact Analysis on Products to incorporate new Changes or Requirements needs to be done. 14. Assessing the Financial Implications and Impacts on the Products for its Markets after incorporating the New Changes. 15. Assessing the Features of the Product for its Cost & Benefit Analysis & Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis for the Product with the Existing, New and Proposed Features. 16. Team Assessment, Appraisal and Management needs to be done. 17. Knowledge sharing with the Team Members and other Intractable Departments needs to be done 18. Preparing the Product Proposals for the Business Community 19. Presenting the Product Presentations to the Prospective Clients. 20. Providing the Inputs for the Proof of Concept Center, Product Prototypes and Product Requirements 21. Maintaining the Product & Customer Trace-ability Matrix 1. Business Analysis for the Business Area 2. Business Requirement Analysis for the Business Area 3. Converting the Customer Requirements in to Business Requirements 4. Preparing the Vision and Scope Document for the Sub Business Area. 5. Preparing the Customer Requirements Specifications. 6. Guiding the Team Leads for the Different Products Management. 7. Preparing the Product Previews and Product Presentations for the Business Area 8. Business Feasibility Study of the Requirements needs to be done. 9. Business Impact Analysis on Products to incorporate new Changes or Requirements needs to be done. 10. Team Assessment, Appraisal and Management needs to be done. 11. Knowledge sharing with the Team Members and other Intractable Departments needs to be done 12. Preparing the Product Proposals for the Business Community 13. Supporting the Business Development Manager in Implementing the Team Policies, Strategies and Guidelines. 14. Presenting the Product Presentations to the Prospective Clients. 15. Providing the Inputs for the Proof of Concept Center, Product Prototypes and Product Requirements 16. Maintaining the Product & Customer Trace-ability Matrix Managing the Team Members to provide the Required Output to the Other Departments. 17. Assessing the Features of the Product for its Cost & Benefit Analysis & Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Page: 2

Business Development Team Manager

Date: 4/9/2013

Departmental Processes & Procedures

Analysis for the Product with the Existing, New and Proposed Features. 18. Conducting the Product Road Shows for the Products. 1. Business Analysis for the Business Area 2. Business Requirement Analysis for the Business Area 3. Converting the Customer Requirements in to Business Requirements 4. Preparing the Vision and Scope Document for the Sub Business Area. 5. Preparing the Customer Requirements Specifications. 6. Preparing the Product Previews and Product Presentations for the Business Area. 7. Business Feasibility Study of the Requirements needs to be done. 8. Business Impact Analysis on Products to incorporate new Changes or Requirements needs to be done. 9. Supporting the Team Manager to give Inputs and Deliverables in that Sub Business Area with the Help of the Team Members 10. Maintaining the Vision and Scope Documents with the Updates. 11. Presenting the Product Presentations to the Prospective Clients. 12. Providing the Inputs for the Proof of Concept Center, Product Prototypes and Product Requirements 13. Conducting the Trainings to the Team Members, Other Teams and New Joiner on the Functionality. 14. Participating in the Product Road Shows. 15. Assessing the Features of the Product for its Cost & Benefit Analysis & Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis for the Product with the Existing, New and Proposed Features. 1. Business Analysis for the Business Area 2. Business Requirement Analysis for the Business Area 3. Converting the Customer Requirements in to Business Requirements 4. Preparing the Vision and Scope Document for the Sub Business Area 5. Business Feasibility Study of the Requirements needs to be done. 6. Business Impact Analysis on Products to incorporate new Changes or Requirements needs to be done. 7. Support the Team Lead in all Activities 8. Learning Functionality 9. Sharing the Knowledge. 10. Presenting the Product Presentations to the Prospective Clients. 11. Providing the Inputs for the Proof of Concept Center, Product Prototypes and Product Requirements. 12. Conducting the Trainings to the Team Members, Other Teams and New Joiner on the Functionality. 1. Business Analysis for the Business Area Page: 3

Business Development Team Lead

Business Development Senior Executive


Date: 4/9/2013

Departmental Processes & Procedures

Development Executive 2. Business Requirement Analysis for the Business Area 3. Converting the Customer Requirements in to Business Requirements 4. Preparing the Vision and Scope Document for the Sub Business Area 5. Business Feasibility Study of the Requirements needs to be done. 6. Business Impact Analysis on Products to incorporate new Changes or Requirements needs to be done 7. Supporting the Seniors 8. Learning the Functionality 9. Sharing the Knowledge

Title: Business Development Department Businesses, Customer Requirements, Business Feasibility and Business Impact Analysis Activity Objective: To Analyze the Potential Businesses for its Feasibility and Impact on the Companies Business Area for the Automation Process that should take care off the Past, Current and Future Requirements of the Customers. This may be New, Enhancements and Modifications kind of Changes in the System. Total Team is Responsible for the Business Functional Analysis & Business Functional Design All the New Requirements, Business Needs, Enhancement Requirements, Improvement related Requirements and Future Business Requirements will be Studied as per the Business Trends and Market Trends to Analyze the Business for the Feasibility of the Changes and to decide the Vision and Scope of the Product for its Automation. All the Potential Requirements will be collected and the Potential Product Features Matrix will be verified to find out that these new Changes to the Business for its nature and type that are of minor, medium or major changes. These Requirements are expecting the New Features in the System, Enhancements in the Current System, Improvements in the Current System or the Faults in the Current System. After the Identification of the Nature and Type of the Changes the Feasibility of these Changes will be Analyzed and the relevant Impact Analysis Documents, Feasibility Study Documents, Customer Requirements Specifications Document will be prepared to incorporate these Changes in the Current System. Then to Convert the Business Requirements in to Systems Design Requirements.

Responsibility: Criteria:


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Preparing the Functional Specifications Documents with the Current and Proposed Changes to the System. All these Inputs will be given to the Business Development Teams or the Client Engagement Teams or Customer Relationship Management Teams to get the Concurrence on the Client Requirements for its Understanding. These entire relevant Documents will be given to the Functional and Techno-Functional Teams for their Further Analysis for its Development as a New Feature or a New Functionality in the Current System. The same Document will be shared with the Information Systems Audit Team for the Review and to provide the Security Level Inputs to the System. The Final Security Inputs will be shared with the Techno-Functional Team to incorporate the same in the Product. Prepare the Presentations based on the Functional Specifications and Train the Potential Teams on the Feature after its Development as an Automated System. Maintain the Product Features and Customer Deliverables related Traceability Matrix. Capacity Planning for the Clients need to be done along with the Customer Relationship Management Team, Operations Team, Data Base Administration Team and Systems Administration Teams Based on Volumes. Conduct the Internal User Acceptance Testing, as a part of the Product Steering Committee before presenting the Product to the Customer for the External User Acceptance Testing, to certify the Product for its Acceptance. Reports: Vision and Scope Specifications Document, Product Features Trace-ability Matrix, Customer Requirements Specifications, Impact Analysis Documents and Feasibility Study Documents

Title: Business Development Department Preparing the Policies, Strategies, Service Level Agreements between Teams and Guidelines Activity Objective: Responsibility: Criteria: To Prepare the Policies, Strategies, Service Level Agreements Between Teams and Guidelines for the Department. Head Of the Team will be Responsible for this Activity As and when there is Change in Organizational Policy, Strategy or Service Level Agreements between Teams, accordingly the Policies, Strategies, Service Level Agreements Between Teams and Guidelines for the Teams

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will be Changed and to be shared with the Other Teams. Procedure: As per the Company Policy and Strategy, the Team Policy, Strategy, Service Level Agreements between Teams and Guidelines need to be defined. Then the Defined Policies, Strategies, Service Level Agreements between Teams and Guidelines need to be Reviewed and Approved by the Top Management. Approved Policies, Strategies, Service Level Agreements between Teams and Guidelines need to be shared with the Other Teams for their Concurrence. The Final Documents need to be placed in the Central Document Repository. Policies Document, Strategies Document, SLA Documents, Guidelines Documents.


Title: Business Development Department Assessment, Appraisal, Monitoring and Training Activity Objective: Responsibility: Criteria: To Assess, Appraise, Monitor and Train the Team Members. Head Of the Team, Product Leads and Team Leads will be Responsible for this Activity Assessing the Team Members for their fitment for the Current and Future Roles. Appraising the Team Members for their fitment for Future Roles. Monitoring the Team Members on Current Roles Duties and Responsibilities. Training the Team Members on the Newer Technologies and Newer Products to use in Current and Future Environment. Daily Activities of the Team Members will be monitored for the Task accomplishment for the Projects. This can be Daily or once in a Day monitoring activity. Team Members Assessment will be done once in Six Months to Identify the Training, Development and Appraisal needs of the Team Member. Team Members Appraisal will be done on Quarterly basis and Promotions to the next level will be done once in a Year. Training will be organized for the Newly Joined Team Members soon after joining the Team. Existing Team Member will be trained on Newer Technologies and Newer Modules once in a Quarter based on the Future needs of the Organization. Training Manuals, Assessment Reports, Appraisal Forms, Task Monitoring Sheets and Performance Analysis Reports. Page: 6



Date: 4/9/2013

Departmental Processes & Procedures

Service Level Agreements

Service Level Agreements with the Product Steering Committee: Product Vision & Scope Specifications, Functional Specifications, Product Features Trace-ability Matrix, Customer Requirements Specifications, Impact Analysis Documents and Feasibility Study Documents will be provided to the Product Steering Committee for its Review and Approval. Product Steering Committee will provide the Review and Approvals for the Minor Changes in the System by taking 1 to 3 Days Time. Product Vision & Scope Specifications, Functional Specifications, Product Features Trace-ability Matrix, Customer Requirements Specifications, Impact Analysis Documents and Feasibility Study Documents will be provided to the Product Steering Committee for its Review and Approval. Product Steering Committee will provide the Review and Approvals for the Medium Level Changes in the System by taking 6 to 12 Days Time. Product Vision & Scope Specifications, Functional Specifications, Product Features Trace-ability Matrix, Customer Requirements Specifications, Impact Analysis Documents and Feasibility Study Documents will be provided to the Product Steering Committee for its Review and Approval. Product Steering Committee will provide the Review and Approvals for the Complex Changes and New Systems by taking 15 to 21 Days Time Internal User Acceptance Testing for the Product need to be completed along with the Product Steering Committee Team by taking 1 Days time for the Minor Changes. Internal User Acceptance Testing for the Product need to be completed along with the Product Steering Committee Team by taking 3 Days time for the Medium Changes. Internal User Acceptance Testing for the Product need to be completed along with the Product Steering Committee Team by taking 6 Days time for the Major Changes. Service Level Agreements with the Functional and Techno-Functional Teams: Inputs for the Functional Specifications, Product Features Trace-ability Matrix, Customer Requirements Specifications, Impact Analysis Documents and Feasibility Study Documents are expected to give to the Functional and Techno-Functional Team within 1 Days time for the Minor Changes related Details. Inputs to the Functional and Techno-Functional Teams on the Requirements can be given by the Business Development Team after getting the Clarifications from the Clients for the Minor Changes by taking 1 Days Time. Inputs for the Functional Specifications, Product Features Trace-ability Matrix, Customer Requirements Specifications, Impact Analysis Documents and Feasibility Study Documents are expected to give to the Functional and Techno-Functional Team within 3 Days time for the Medium Level Changes related Details.

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Inputs to the Functional and Techno-Functional Teams on the Requirements can be given by the Business Development Team after getting the Clarifications from the Clients for the Medium Level Changes by taking 1 to 3 Days Time. Inputs for the Functional Specifications, Product Features Trace-ability Matrix, Customer Requirements Specifications, Impact Analysis Documents and Feasibility Study Documents are expected to give to the Functional and Techno-Functional Team within 12 Days time for the Major Changes or New Development related Details. Inputs to the Functional and Techno-Functional Teams on the Requirements can be given by the Business Development Team after getting the Clarifications from the Clients for the Major Changes or New Development related Details by taking 3 to 12 Days of Time. Service Level Agreements with the Information Security Audit Teams: Inputs for the Vision & Scope Documents, Functional Specifications, Product Features Trace-ability Matrix, Customer Requirements Specifications, Impact Analysis Documents and Feasibility Study Documents are expected from Security Audit & Information Technology Audit Team within 1 Days time for the Minor Changes related Details. Inputs for the Vision & Scope Documents, Functional Specifications, Product Features Trace-ability Matrix, Customer Requirements Specifications, Impact Analysis Documents and Feasibility Study Documents are expected from the Security Audit & Information Technology Audit Team within 3 Days time for the Medium Level Changes related Details. Inputs for the Vision & Scope Documents, Functional Specifications, Product Features Trace-ability Matrix, Customer Requirements Specifications, Impact Analysis Documents and Feasibility Study Documents are expected from the Security Audit & Information Technology Audit Team within 12 Days time for the Major Changes or New Development related Details. Service Level Agreements with the Systems Administration Teams: Inputs for the Systems Capacity Planning need to be provided to the Systems Administration Teams by taking 1 Days time for the Minor Changes. Inputs for the Systems Capacity Planning need to be provided to the Systems Administration Teams by taking 3 Days time for the Medium Level Changes. Inputs for the Systems Capacity Planning need to be provided to the Systems Administration Teams by taking 12 Days time for the Major Changes. Service Level Agreements with the Database Administration Teams: Inputs for the Database Capacity Planning need to be provided to the Database Administration Teams by taking 1 Days time for the Minor Changes. Inputs for the Database Capacity Planning need to be provided to the Database Administration Teams by taking 3 Days time for the Medium Level Changes.

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Inputs for the Database Capacity Planning need to be provided to the Database Administration Teams by taking 12 Days time for the Major Changes. Service Level Agreements with the Implementation Teams: Inputs for the Customer Site and its Implementation Planning need to be provided to the Implementation Teams by taking 1 Days time for the Minor Changes. Inputs for the Customer Site and its Implementation Planning need to be provided to the Implementation Teams by taking 3 Days time for the Medium Level Changes. Inputs for the Customer Site and its Implementation Planning need to be provided to the Implementation Teams by taking 12 Days time for the Major Changes. Service Level Agreements with the Technical Writers Teams: Vision and Scope or Product Presentation Documents for the Formatting and Standardizing the Documents need to be provided to the Technical Writers Team by expecting 3 Days time for the Minor Changes. Vision and Scope or Product Presentation Documents for the Formatting and Standardizing the Documents need to be provided to the Technical Writers Team by expecting 6 Days time for the Medium Changes. Vision and Scope or Product Presentation Documents for the Formatting and Standardizing the Documents need to be provided to the Technical Writers Team by expecting 21 Days time for the Major Changes. Service Level Agreements with in the Team: Team Member need to be monitored on Daily Basis. New Team Member need to be trained within the 15 Days of Joining. Existing Team Member need to be trained on Need to Do Need to Know basis on Newer Technologies and Newer Products. Team Members need to be assessed on Half Yearly Basis. Team Members need to be appraised on Quarterly Basis. Team Members need to be promoted on Annual Basis or Biannual basis based on their Performance Appraisal Reports.

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