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Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

Official Publication of the Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy Sections of the American Physical Therapy Association

Hitting a Baseball: A Biomechanical Description

Christian M. Welch, BS '
Scott A. Banks, PhD
Frank F. Cook, MD3
Pete Draovitch, MS, PT, ATC, CSCS4

or as long as the game of A tremendous amount of time and energy has been dedicated to the development of
baseball has been played, conditioning programs, mechanics drills, and rehabilitation protocols for the throwing athlete. In
hitting has intrigued play- comparison, a significantly smaller amount has been spent on the needs of the hitting athlete. Before
ers, coaches, and research- these needs can be addressed, an understanding of mechanics and the demands placed on the body
ers alike. Advancing tech- during the swing must be developed. This study uses three-dimensional kinematic and kinetic data to
nology has facilitated the ability to define and quantify biomechanics during the baseball swing. The results show that a hitter starts the
capture the act of hitting and analyze swing with a weight shih toward the rear foot and the generation of trunk coil. As the hitter strides
the mechanics involved. In 1961, forward, force applied by the front foot equal to 123% of body weight promotes segment acceler-
Race (14), with the aid of a 16mm . hip segment rotates to a maximum speed of 714Ysec
ation around the axis of the t ~ n k The
movie camera and the swings of 17 followed by a maximum shoulder segment velocity of 937%~.The product of this kinetic link is a
minor league players, presented one maximum linear bat velocity of 31 dsec. By quantikng the hitting motion, a more educated
of the first effective qualitative and approach can be made in developing rehabilitation, strength, and conditioning programs for the
quantitative breakdowns of the over- hitting athlete.
all swing. The concepts of kinetic Key Words: biomechanics, baseball, batting
linking, angular measurement, bal-
ance, and judgment time were intro-
'President, Human Performance Technologies, Inc., 825 South U.S. Highway One, Suite 200, jupiter, FL
duced and supported with data. Technical Director, Orthopaedic Research Laboratory, Good Samaritan Medical Center, West Palm Beach, FL
In subsequent studies, the ability 'Co-Medical Director, Orthopaedic Research Laboratory, Good Samaritan Medical Center, West Palm
to transform standard film and video Beach, FL
into a three-dimensional representa- Consultant, Orthopa& Research Laboratory, Good Samaritan Medical Center, West Palm Beach, FL
tion of the captured hitting motion
not only increased the accuracy of
measurement, but introduced new
analysis parameters. Using this tech- been developed, we can move on to tested at an indoor biomechanics fa-
nology, Shapiro (17), in a study of investigate the intricacies of specific cility. In order to maintain uniformity
bat dynamics, described the bat's mechanical parameters and relate in the population used for this study,
movement during the swing using this information to a hitter's ability at only the right-handed subjects were
the three-dimensional components the plate. The goal of this study was considered. Of the 25 right-handed
of its motion, while DeRenne (4), to develop an understanding of base- hitters, only those who had at least
through a series of studies, developed line mechanics through quantitative 100 "at-bats" and a minimum batting
an elaborate method of assessing a biomechanical data and provide a average of .250 during the 1993 sea-
hitter's mechanical efficiency. preliminary synthesis of results for son were included. Each minor
The combination of biomechani- the application to training and reha- league player's batting statistics were
bilitation. combined for all clubs and organiza-
cal research and traditional baseball
knowledge has begun the process of tions played with during the 1993
research and investigation (1,6,7,12, season.
18.19). The missing component to Data included in this study, based
this point has been the ability to Testing Procedure on the defined criteria, were gener-
build a comprehensive understanding ated from seven subjects. The mean
of the body's natural coordination Thirty-nine (25 right-handed hit- batting average for the subjects was
and movement during the swing. ters and 14 left-handed hitters) male .293 ( t .OX) and the average num-
Once a baseline understanding has professional baseball players were ber of "at-bats" was 273 ( t 168). The

JOSPT Volume 22 Number 5 November 1995


seven subjects' level of play ranged

from minor league to major league.
At the time of testing, six subjects
were playing in the minor leagues
and one subject was playing in the
major leagues. The average weight
was 844 N ( 2 2 4 N) and the average
height was 1.83 m (2.06 m).
Preceding data collection, a sys-
tem of 23 reflective markers was
placed on the hitter, bat, and ball.
Markers applied directly to the skin
were held securely in place with soft
foam adhesive biofeedback pads
(Davicon, Billerica, MA). "Stick"
markers, pelvis markers, and wrist
markers were held in place using
Neoprene wraps and VelcroTM.
Marker placement (Figure 1) includ-
ed: I) right and left shoulder placed
at the acromioclavicular joint,
2) neck placed at C7 of the spine,
3) right and left elbow placed at the
FIGURE 1. Marker placement for subject, bat, and ball.
lateral epicondyle, 4) right and left
wrist placed dorsally between the ul-
nar and radial styloid process, 5) sa- above the hands and at the top of simultaneously captured by six cam-
crum marker placed at L5 of the the barrel end of the bat. eras at a rate of 200 frames per sec-
spine, 6) right and left anterior supe- After the subject had warmed up ond (Motion Analysis Corporation,
rior illiac spine, 7) right and left and the reflective markers had been Santa Rosa, CA). The information
thigh using a "stick" marker to define securely applied, he was instructed to collected by each of the six cameras
the frontal plane, 8) right and left hit a number of baseballs off of a was then mathematically processed
knee placed at the joint line, 9) right standard batting tee. The tee was and the three-dimensional movement
placed in the hitting area so that the of each marker was calculated using
designated batter's box was com- Expert Vision digitizing software (Mo-
prised of two force plates. The force tion Analysis Corporation, Santa
Once a baseline plates were arranged side by side so Rosa, CA). In addition, the three-
that the subject could comfortably dimensional ground reaction forces
understanding has place each foot on an individual were measured for each foot at a rate
been developed, we force plate. The tee was adjusted to of 1000 samples per second using two
the subject's preferred position and sixchannel force plates (Advanced
can move on to height to hit a line drive "up the Mechanical Technology, Inc., New-
middle," based on both verbal com- ton, MA). Both the motion and the
investigate the munication with the subject and ground reaction force collection sys-
intricacies of specific warm-up performance. The subject tems were electronically synchronized
was then asked to hit a ball marked to begin collection simultaneously.
mechanical parameters. with reflective tape for data collec- The parameters chosen to por-
tion. The three best line drive hits tray the motion of the baseball swing
were used for data in this study. Cri- were consequently based on the bio-
and left shank using a "stick" marker teria for determining the three best mechanical data. Kinematics and ki-
to define the frontal plane, 10) right line drive hits included verbal com- netics were calculated using the
and left ankle placed at the lateral munication with the subject, contact, threedimensional information gener-
malleoli, 11) right and left forefoot flight of the ball, and accuracy of ated during a test. The relative move-
placed on top of the shoe, 12) reflec- data collection. ment of the reflective markers within
tive tape on the ball, and 13) reflec- During data collection, the move- the global reference frame and
tive tape around the bat handle just ment of the reflective markers was body/joint reference frames defined

Volume 22 Number 5 November 1995 JOSPT



(B) (C)
FIGURE 2. Batter orientation and movement. A) Global reference frame. B) Stride parameters. C)Segmental rotation around axis of the trunk (AOT).

general kinematics, including dis- positive Y was defined as pointing to

placement and velocity for both lin- the left.
ear and angular measurements. The
application of force by each foot to The three-dimensional
Ground Reaction Forces
the ground relative to the coordi- position of the center
nates of the global reference frame Ground reaction forces repre-
defined kinetics. sented the interaction of the body of mass for each
with the ground (10). The three-
dimensional force applied to the individual segment was
CALCULATION ground by both feet was measured summed to produce
during each swing. Each individual
Global Reference Frame component of applied force (X, Y, Z) the position of the
in the global reference frame (Figure
The global reference frame was 2A) was expressed as a value in N for
whole body
defined as the three-dimensional co- the left and right foot. The resultant center of mass
ordinate system in which the relative magnitude of force for each foot was
movement of the body was measured expressed as a value in N as well as a in global coordinates.
(Figure 2A). Each of the three axes percentage of body weight.
were perpendicular to each other
and defined three planes of move- Center of Pressure/Center of Mass the position of the center of pressure
ment. For this study, the positive X by the magnitude of the downward
axis was the most crucial because it The relative movement of the force for each individual force plate
was used as a reference for the seg- center of pressure between the two (each foot). The two weighted posi-
ment rotation and stride parameters. feet and the body's calculated center tions were then averaged to produce
It was defined as the direction from of mass in the global X direction was the center of pressure between the
home plate to the pitching rubber measured as an indication of dy- two feet in global coordinates. The
and parallel to the surface of the bat- namic balance and forward momen- center of mass was calculated using
ter's box. When looking in the posi- tum (3,4,15). The position of the segment center of mass and segment
tive X direction, positive Z was de- center of pressure between the two body weight percentage measure-
fined as pointing superiorly and feet was calculated by first weighting ments presented by Contini (3). The

JOSPT Volume 22 Number 5 November 1995

- --- - - - -- S..---.--..--..---
?. - -- . -. .- --

three-dimensional position of the der and the arms were defined as a The third was ball contact. It was de-
center of mass for each individual vector from mid-shoulders to mid- fined as the instant the bat made
segment was calculated, weighted by wrists. Their interaction was the rota- contact with the ball, beginning the
its percentage of body mass, and tion around a common axis. This axis follow-through.
summed to produce the position of was defined as the axis of the trunk
the whole body center of mass in from mid-hips to mid-shoulders and RESULTS
global coordinates. the rotation was measured with re-
spect to the global X axis. Before the parameters were cal-
Stride The orientation of the trunk axis culated, all threedimensional data
was also measured. It was defined as were smoothed using a fourth-order,
As the hitter strode forward and the angle formed between the vector zero phase shift, low pass Butterworth
the front foot made contact with the representing the trunk and the global filter with a cut-off frequency of 13.3
ground, the length and direction of Z axis in the median plane (+ = Hz. The individual data included for
the stride as well as the position of flexion, - = extension) and the each of the seven subjects were gen-
the left (front) foot were defined frontal plane (+ = right, - = left) erated as the average of their three
(Figure 2B). Stride length was the of the body. line drive swings. Mean kinematic
distance between the right and left and kinetic data 5 standard deviation
toe at foot down. It was expressed as Bat Movement for the seven subjects are presented
a value in cm and as a percentage of in Tables 1-4.
the width of the hips from right hip The movement of the bat can be
center to left hip center. The direc- described by bat lag (2,4,11) and the BIOMECHANICAL DESCRIPTION
tion of the stride was the angle linear velocity of the end of the bat
formed between the vector from (9,17). For this paper, bat lag was The swing was initiated with a
right to left toe and the global X axis defined as the absolute angle formed weight shift toward the right (back)
(+ = closed, - = open). The posi- between the vector representing the leg. At approximately the same time,
tion of the left foot was the angle bat from the handle to the barrel the upper body rotated in a clockwise
formed between the vector from left and the vector from mid-shoulders to direction (Figure 2C) around the
ankle to left forefoot and the global mid-wrists. When the bat was fully axis of the trunk, initiated by the
X axis (+ = closed, - = open). extended away from the arms and arms and shoulders, and followed
Both were expressed in degrees. both the vector representing the bat closely by the hips. This began the
and the vector representing the arms coiling process.
were in line, the corresponding bat
lag angle was 180". The linear veloc- Foot OffIStride
Flexion and extension of the left ity at the barrel end of the bat was
and right knee as well as the left and defined by the first derivative of each Immediately following the initia-
right elbow (8) were defined as the of the component displacements in tion of coiling, the left (front) leg
absolute angle formed between the the global reference frame (Figure was lifted and the left foot broke con-
proximal and distal segments com- 2A) and the resultant magnitude. tact with the ground (foot off), in-
prising the joint. Full anatomical ex- creasing the total force applied by
tension of the joint corresponded to Batting Events the right (back) foot to a value of
0" while full anatomical flexion of 102% of body weight. Part of the to-
the joint corresponded to 180". For the purpose of describing a tal force applied by each foot was
hitter's natural coordination and shear force acting parallel to the
Segment Rotation movement, three key events were ground in the global X and Y direc-
chosen as both landmarks for refer- tions. Ground reaction to the shear
A hitter's ability to utilize a ki- ence and for the identification of key force promoted the linear and rota-
netic link to generate bat speed de- mechanical transitions. The first was tional movement of the hitter. At
pended heavily on the interaction of foot off. It was defined as the instant foot off, the right foot applied 146 N
three body segments (4.1 1,13). The the left (front) foot broke contact of shear force in the negative X di-
segments were the hips, shoulders, with the ground and began the rection and 26 N in the positive Y
and the arms (Figure 2C). The hips stride. The second was foot down. It direction. The right knee was flexed
were defined as a vector from the was defined as the instant the left at 32" and the center of pressure had
right hip to the left hip. The shoul- foot made full contact with the moved in the negative X direction
ders were defined as a vector from ground, ending the stride and begin- toward the right foot to a point 20
the right shoulder to the left shoul- ning closed chain energy transfer. cm behind the center of mass. The

Volume 22 Number 5 November 1995 JOSPT

Foot Off Foot Down Ball Contad
Parameter - - -
Right Foot
Total force (N)
Percent of body weight
X component (N)
Y component (N)
Z component (N)

Left Foot
Total force (N) 1007 472 709 270
Percent of body weight 123 63 84 32
X component (N) 292 167 153 146
Y component (N) -280 125 28 65
- Z component (N) -91 7 429 -672 270
SD = Standard dwi~tion.
TABLE 1. Force applied by each foot at key points in swing.

- the same time, continued in a clock- plied by the right foot had decreased
Parameter X SD
wise rotation around the axis of the to 58% of body weight. As a part of
HMRV ("lsec) 714 76
SMRV ("Isec) 937 102 trunk, increasing the coil of the u p the total force applied by the right
AMRV (O/sec) 1160 96 per body against the movement of foot, 80 N of shear force were a p
BLMRV ("Isec) 1588 162 the hips and shoulders. plied in the negative X direction and
BMLV (rnfsec) 31 2 184 N of shear force were applied in
SD = Standard &viation. Foot Contact the positive Y direction. At that point,
HMRV = Hip segment maximum rotational velocity. the center of pressure had made a
SMRV = Shoulder segment maximum rotational A. the left forefoot made contact drastic shift forward in the X direc-
AMRV = Arm segment maximum rotational velocity.
with the ground, the length and di- tion to a point 20 cm ahead of the
BLMRV = Bat lag maximum rotational velocity. rection of the stride were defined. center of mass.
BMl V = Bat maximum linear velocity. The mean stride length was a dis- With the weight shift forward and
TABLE 2. Maximum segment rotational velocities tance of 85 cm or 380% of hip width. the shear force applied in the X and
and bar linear velocity. The direction of the stride was 12" Y direction by both the left and right
(closed) and the position of the foot foot, segments were now accelerated
as it began to make contact with the to maximum velocities a.the body
arms, which led the clockwise rota-
ground was 67" (closed) (Figure 2B). coordinated an effort to produce bat
tion, had rotated to 150" at foot off,
It was with left foot contact that the speed. The left leg extended at the
while the shoulders had rotated to
hitting action became a closed chain knee, pushing the left hip backward,
30". followed by the hips at 18". This
energy transfer. The arms which had while the right leg pushed the right
rotation occurred around an axis of
increased the coil of the upper body hip forward, creating a counterclock-
the trunk that was fairly upright. The
by continuing in a clockwise rotation wise acceleration of the hips around
trunk was flexed forward 21" and lat-
around the axis of the trunk reached the axis of the trunk. The rotational
erally left 6".
a maximum position of 185" and be- velocity of the hips increased until it
As the stride continued toward
foot down, the hips rotated to a max- gan a counterclockwise rotation. reached a maximum of 714"/sec,
imum position of 28", 0.350 seconds Weight was shifted forward as the 0.075 seconds prior to ball contact.
prior to ball contact. At that instant, heel of the left foot made contact The shoulders and arms, following
the hips began to rotate in a counter- with the ground (foot down). The the lead of the hips, accelerated to a
clockwise direction. The shoulders, left foot was in a position of 61" maximum rotational velocity of 937"/
however, continued in a clockwise (closed) and was applying a total sec and 1160°/sec, respectively, 0.065
direction, increasing the coil of the force equal to 123% of body weight seconds prior to ball contact.
trunk until they reached a maximum to the ground. As a part of the total As a result of the body's coordi-
rotation of 52", 0.265 seconds prior force applied by the left foot, 292 N nation, the bat also moved around
to ball contact. At that instant, they of shear force were applied in the the axis of the trunk, increasing in
changed direction and followed the positive X direction and 280 N of both angular velocity and linear ve-
lead of the hips in a counterclockwise shear force were applied in the nega- locity. The two main components of
rotation toward the ball. The arms, at tive Y direction. The total force a p linear movement were anterior or

JOSPT Volume 22 Number 5 November 1995

Foot Off Foot Down Ball Contact
- - -
Hip rotation ("1
Shoulder rotation (")
Arm rotation ("1
Bat lag ('1
Right knee flexiodextension ("1
Left knee flexionlextension ("1
Right elbow flexionlextension ("1
Left elbow flexiodextension (")
Trunk flexiodextension ("1
Trunk lateral flexion ("1
Cop-Com (crn)
SD = Standard deviation.
Cop-Com = The relative differencein positionof the center of pressurebetween the two feet and the calculated whole body center of mass in the global X direction I(-) center
of pressure behind center of mass, (+I center of pressure ahead of center of mass/.
TABLE 3. Position of body parameters at key points in swing.

Parameter x SD Ball Contact scriptions by Shaffer et al (16). Gar-

hammer (5), and DeRenne (4).
Stride length (crn) 85 12
Stride as percent of hip width 380 75 At ball contact, the body had
Stride direction (") 12 3 used both coordination and position
Lead foot position ("1 61 11 to generate bat speed and direction. DISCUSSION
SO = Standard deviation. The linear speed of the bat had de- To begin the process of building
TABLE 4. Stride parameters. celerated slightly to 29 m/sec, but an understanding of mechanics and
the most significant component of the demands placed on the body dur-
that speed was directed in the posi- ing the swing, it is essential to have a
tive X direction toward the ball. The base understanding. The intent of
left leg was acting as a block, flexed this paper is to provide the first step
away from the body in the negative Y 15" at the knee and applying a total through a quantitative biomechanical
direction and downward in the nega- force to the ground equal to 84% of description of hitting a baseball. The
tive Z direction. The anterior move- body weight. The right leg was now description presented is not only fun-
ment of the bat away from the body acting in a support capacity, flexed damental to the knowledge of the
increased to a velocity of 19 m/sec at 45" at the knee and applying a total mechanics of hitting, but also for the
0.040 seconds before ball contact. At force of 16% of body weight to the approach to analyzing a hitter's per-
the same time, the downward move- ground. The trunk had moved formance at the plate. A subject-posi-
ment of the bat increased to a maxi- through a significant range of motion tioned batting tee was used in this
mum velocity of 16 m/sec. The linear in an effort to assist in bat position study to try to eliminate the variables
motion of the bat then became domi- and become an extension of the of recognition, reaction, and adjust-
nated by an increase in the positive X front leg's block. It had moved ment to a pitched baseball. The re-
direction toward the ball, while the Y through a range of 30" backward to a sulting data, summarized in Tables
and Z components of linear velocity 1-4, provide a very useful guide for
position of 9" of trunk extension. It
decreased in magnitude (Figure 4). understanding the general principles
had also moved through a range of
Nearing the point of impact, the of both the mechanics and the physi-
26" right to a position of 20" of right
hitter utilized the last bit of angular ology involved in hitting a baseball.
speed and kinetic link as the speed lateral flexion. The results also provide a foundation
of bat lag or uncocking reached its After ball contact, the body acted for not only studying the individual
maximum value of 1588"/sec at 0.020 to slow itself and the bat through ec- parameters more thoroughly, but
seconds before ball contact (Table 2, centric contraction and the diffusion studying variations within and be-
Figure 3). The bat was then driven to of energy through the larger muscle tween individual hitters.
its maximum linear velocity of 31 groups (5). This study focused on the Much like a golfer, the hitter
m/sec in unison with the right arm swing from foot off to ball contact; generates bat speed using a kinetic
maximum extension velocity of 9487 however, insight into the follow- link (11.13). A kinetic link can be
sec, both occurring 0.015 seconds through portion and the deceleration briefly summarized as large base seg-
before ball contact. of segments can be gained using de- ments "passing" momentum to

Volume 22 Number 5 November 1995 JOSFT


the center of mass. This, combined

with the application of shear force by
the right foot (rear) in the global
negative X direction, drives the hitter
in a linear fashion toward the ball.
As the hitter's stride foot makes
contact with the ground, the linear
component and the rotational com-
FIGURE 3. Sequence of events occurring in a baseball swing in relation to ball contact Events: I) foot off, ponent begin to interact with each
2) maximum hip rotation, 3) maximum shoulder rotation, 4) maximum arm rotation, 5) foot down, 6) maximum hip other. The interaction of the two
rotational velocity, 7) maximum shoulder and arm rotational velocity, 8) maximum Y and Z components of bat movements determine how the ki-
linear velocity, 91 bat lag maximum rotational velocity, 10)maximum bat linear velocity and maximum right elbow netic link will be utilized. At foot
extension velocity, 1 1 ) maximum X component ofbat linear velocity, 12)ball contact, and 131 maximum lefi elbow
extension velocity.
down, the center of pressure has now
moved ahead of the center of mass
(Table 3). The application of shear
smaller adjacent segments. The basic important factors to consider during forces by the left and right foot (Ta-
principle is that a system of segments the stride are the amount of clock- ble 1) produce a force couple at the
moving at a certain velocity has mo- wise rotation by each segment and hip segment, facilitating its counter-
mentum. When a large base segment the sequence of the initial movement clockwise acceleration around the
decelerates, the velocity of the re- of each segment in the counterclock- axis of the trunk. At this point in the
maining system increases as it as- wise (intended) direction. As shown swing, the hitter can mechanically
sumes the momentum lost by the in the results (Figure 3), it is impor- emphasize either the rotational or
base segment. In the particular in- tant that the hip segment starts coun- linear component. If the rotational
stance of hitting mechanics, the seg- terclockwise rotation before the component is emphasized, the center
ments are interrelated via the muscu- shoulder segment, which, in turn, of pressure aligns itself with the cen-
loskeletal system. This system can should start before the arm segment.
potentially accelerate and decelerate This sequence allows the kinetic link
the segments through the application system to begin to incorporate the
of muscular force, therefore, adding musculature of the trunk and upper
Proper timing facilitates
a second component to the kinetic extremity through preload. Excessive successively higher
link. Optimizing both the mechanical clockwise rotation of individual seg-
and physiological components creates ments or all of the segments may rotational velocities.
the "motivation" for a majority of the contribute to a reduction of muscular
mechanics incorporated during the efficiency as well as produce a disrup
hitting motion. Consequently, a large tion in the sequencing of segments. ter of mass between both feet. This
part of a hitter's mechanical perfor- In turn, the disruption of the se- allows significant shear force to be
mance is derived from maximizing quence of each segment's initial rota- applied by each foot and increases
the kinetic link parameters. tion in the counterclockwise (intend- the force couple applied to the hip
A hitter starts the swing with the ed) direction interrupts the hitter's segment. If the linear component is
clockwise rotation (right-handed hit- ability to fully incorporate the trunk emphasized, then the center of pres-
ter) of the arm, shoulder, and hip and upper extremity musculature. sure stays in a forward position at the
segments, while shifting weight to- The linear component is the for- lead foot and the center of mass
ward the rear foot. This action can ward movement (global positive X moves to align itself over the lead
be considered the act of loading or direction) of the body. By shifting leg. In this case, the only significant
coiling. The hitter moves segments weight to the rear foot, the hitter has shear application is produced by the
opposite of both the intended rota- moved the center of pressure behind lead foot, reducing the force couple
tional (counterclockwise for right- the position of the center of mass applied to the hip segment for accel-
handed hitter) and linear (forward in (global X direction). Data in Table 3 eration. The results of this study
the global positive X) direction be- show that the center of mass can be demonstrate that the emphasis of
fore accelerating into ball contact. 20 cm ahead of the center of pres rotational and linear movements var-
This action defines two components sure. This moves the body out of an ies between hitters as shown by high
of motion: rotational and linear. equilibrium state where the center of standard deviations in shear force
The rotational component in- pressure and center of mass are application (Table 1) and center of
volves the movement of segments aligned (15). causing the body to mass/center of pressure relative
around the axis of the trunk. The "motivate" toward the direction of movement (Table 3).

JOSFT Volume 22 Number 5 November 1995

and, consequently, the momentum
left generated by the base segment.
Although these data are a prelim-
X COMPONENT inary step needed to lay the ground
work for more indepth study, they
(m/s> certainly serve as pertinent informa-
tion for the clinician, whether that be
right the physician, therapist, trainer, or
coach. The information in this paper
provides a fundamental understand-
ing of hitting biomechanics, which
posterior can serve as the basis for a structured
and informed approach to the reha-
Y COMPONENT bilitation and training of the hitting

anterior SUMMARY
The purpose of this study was to
provide a foundation for the biome-
chanical study of hitting and the pre-
liminary synthesis of data for applica-
Z COMPONENT tion to the rehabilitation and training
of the hitting athlete. This goal is
(m/4 achieved by presenting a biomechani-
cal description of hitting a baseball
down using the mean kinematic and kinetic
data of seven professional baseball play-
ers in a controlled environment The
emphasis of the data presented is the
portrayal of the body's natural motion
and coordination.
Additional studies are being con-
LINEAR VELOCITY ducted and will focus specifically on:
(m/s> 1) the relationship between the rota-
tional and linear components of
weight transfer, 2) the specific inter-
-1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 action of segments involved in the
Time (s) kinetic link, and 3) the acceleration
and power with which the bat moves
FIGURE 4. Component and resultant linear velocities of the bat during a ~ypicalbaseball swing. Vertical axis is into contact with the ball. Each of
velocity (dsecj and horizontalaxis is time (seconds). Time of 0.0 represents ball contact. the additional studies will concen-
trate on a specific area of biomechan-
ics introduced in this study. This will
Regardless of individual mechan- most efficient acceleration of each allow the concepts and principles
ics, the hip segment is accelerated successive segment, culminating with involved to be fully investigated. The
around the axis of the trunk to a the bat. Proper timing facilitates suc- combination of all these studies will
maximum velocity. This increases the cessively higher rotational velocities provide a comprehensive understand-
velocity of the entire system moving (Table 2). which, in turn, produce ing of the biomechanics and coordi-
in the intended direction. The hip bat speed and power. Conversely, if a nation involved during the baseball
segment is then decelerated, as the smaller adjacent segment reaches a swing. In addition, they will provide a
shoulder segment is accelerated, uti- maximum velocity before the preced- stepping stone for the total under-
lizing the kinetic link principle (4,11, ing base segment, then it has lost the standing of a hitter's performance at
13). Again, timing is essential for the ability to make full use of the speed the plate. JOSPT

Volume 22 a Number 5 November 1995 JOSPT

. . .. , . .. . . . .. .. . -. .. *.-- - -. .. .--.---.---..,- ..--..- .. -.- ". . - . - . . ...

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 5. Garhammer J: A kinesiological analysis action time to the speed of a sohball.

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JOSPT Volume 22 Number 5 November 1995

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