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NAME :.. AGE: 18-25, 26-35, 36-60, 60+ GENDER: MALE FEMALE..

1) Are you user of internet? (if not then come to question no.12)

(a) yes (b) no

2) Since how long you are using internet? a) less than a month b) 1 to 6 months c) 6 to 12 months d) More than a year

3) Frequency of visiting your bank branch per month? a) less than 1 b) 1 to 3 times c) 3 to 8 times d) 8 to 12 times e) Over 12 times

The main reason that you typically visit your bank branch?

To make deposits To get advice for investment options To inquire about a balance To withdraw a cash Others

5) The e-banking facilities provided by your bank? a) ATM b) Online banking c) Telephone banking d) Mobile banking e) SMS banking

6) What is the name of bank you have an internet bank account with? ....

7) What are the most important reason you open and an intenet bank account ? a) Connivance b) Safe and service .. c) Low service charges d) Online shopping.

7) What banking services do you use which your internet bank offers? a) Seeking product and rate information b) Calculate loan payment information c) Download loan application

d) Check balance online e) Online bill payment

8) What was the single most important reason that you chose this particular as your internet bank? a) I have a traditional bank account with same bank b) The brand name of the bank c) The excellent services offered by this bank d ) others For non internet users

9) The main reason that you have not opened an internet bank account yet? a) Never heared of internet banking b) Concerned about security c) Not available through your bank d) Others

10) For your choice of an internet bank, please indicate how much each of the factors, one important for you? a) Better rate and lower service charges b) Bank familiarity c) Bank location d) Security of transactions

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