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Bibliografie selectiv

Manovich, Lev

- The camera and the world, Continental Drift,

Munich-New York, 1998

Howett, Dicky

- Film still setting the video camera (TV

Tehnology, vol. 17, nr. 6, 1999 Iunie)

Fuzellier, tienne

- Dictionnaire des oeuvres et des thmes du

cinema mondial, Frana, Hachette, 1976 Editura Classique

Morley, Steven

- Studiu asupra cinema-ului digital

cu ocazia celei de-a 140-a conferine tehnice a SMPTE

Figgis, Mike

- The Language of New Media, MIT

Press, 2001

Blaga, Iulia

- Stpnul inelelor Fria inelelor;

Romnia Liber, 19 februarie 2002

Walter Benjamin,

- "A Small History of Photography", in One Way Street and Other Writings, trans. Edmund Jephcott & Kingsley Shorter,

London, Verso, 1985, pp. 240-257.

Malina, Roger

- "Digital Image - Digital Cinema: the work of

art in the age of post-mechanical reproduction", in, Leonardo, Digital Supplemental Issue,1990, pp. 33-38.

Poster, Mark

- The Second Media Age, Cambridge, Polity Press, 1995, pp. 13-16

Wombell, Paul

- Photovideo: Photography in the Age of the Computer, London, Rivers Oram, 1991

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