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Winter Sweater

Sizes 2 y Y o u c a n b u y t h e 1, 3 an d 4 y p a t t e r n s i n th e P i c k l e s S h o p . Yarn 2 strands of Pickles Baby Merino, Winter sky 4 balls for sizes 1 & 2 y, 6 balls for sizes 3 & 4 y. Needles U S 8 c i r c u l a r n e e d le s a n d d o u b l e p o i n te d n e e d le s Gauge 4 inches = 17 stitches

B o d y p i ec e Knit in the round using two strand of the Baby Merino. Cast on 92 stitches using the circular needles. K2, P2 for 1.6 inches. Knit until the body piece is 9.4 inches. Cast off for arms and neck like this: Cast off 2 stitches (youll cast off 2 more stitches when youve reached the end of the round, making the armhole 4 stitches altogether). K 15 stitches for the left front piece, cast off 12 stitches (for the neck), K 15 stitches for the right front piece, cast off 4 stitches for the arm whole, K 42 for the back piece, and cast off 2. Turn, and knit the back piece in stockinette. Row 1: Purl Row 2: K2tog, knit until 2 stitches remain, K2tog Keep on until the body piece is 15 inches. Cast off loosely. Start knitting one of the front pieces in stockinette. On the second row you knit like this: K2tog, knit until 2 stitches remain, K2tog. Keep on until the body piece is 15 inches. Cast off loosely. Knit the other front piece. Arms Knit in the round. Cast on 32 stitches. K2, P2 for 1.6 inches . Start knitting and increase one stitch on each side of the two stitches right under the arm when you have knitted 1.2 inches. Keep on increasing like this every 1.2 inches 6 times in total = 44 stitches. Knit until the arm is 10.2 inches. Cast off the 2 first and the 2 last stitches on the next round = 40 stitches. From here youll knit back and forth. Row 1: K2tog, purl until 2 stitches remain, K2tog Work in stockinette for another 2 rows. Cast off loosely. Knit another arm. Assemble loose ends and sew the shoulders together before you start knitting the neck.

Neck Pick up 74 stitches around the she sides and the back of the neck. Leave the opening at the bottom; you will later attach the neck to this edge. Knit a rib K2, P2 back and forth for 3.1 inches. Try to see if what you are knitting fits the opening at the bottom. Cast off loosely, and if you are a tight knitter, make sure the opening fits the kids head. Sew the to overlapping neck bits to the edge at the bottom of the neck.

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