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ADJECTIVE VS ADVERB Adj modifies (explain) noun or pronoun Adverb modifies verb, adjective, (other)adverb

Alcohol withdrawal is particularly dangerous Barbiturates are rarely prescribed by doctors in Britain

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Heroin is (extremely) addictive. Septicaemia (occasional) occurs in heroin addicts as a consequence of lack of sterility. Paranoid delusions may result from (excessive) use of cocaine. It is (easy) to overdose on diamorphine. Group therapy has been used (successful) in the treatment of some alcoholics. It is (usual) necessary to admit a (new) diagnosed case to hospital. A florid withdrawal syndrome requires (adequate) sedation to avoid (potential) injury. 8. Although (common) self-limiting, delirium tremens requires (careful) treatment.

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