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Name ____________________________________________ Bakita 2011-12

Everyday Heroes
Most people recognize the need to celebrate the everyday heroes our community has. Because our community if full of everyday heroes, you will help make a difference by researching and writing about people who stick their necks out to make a positive impact on our community and beyond. - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -

Research Requirements
1. Research a LOCAL charitable organization Interview a LOCAL hero that is associated with the organization. Hero must meet the definition of an everyday hero for this project: A. Someone close to home Bellbrook/Dayton B. Non-celebrity C. (For the purpose of this project) everyday heroes go above & beyond the requirements of their job to help someone or something in order to make a positive impact upon society - someone who sticks their neck out o Not someone whose job can be viewed as heroic (police officer, firefighter, military person) Examples: NO = Firefighter YES = Firefighter who, on his/her own time, volunteers for Meals on Wheels delivering food to shut-ins. 2. Research the organization/heros cause 3. Complete a multi-genre project on your hero & organization Choose 3-5 different genres with which to present your research. Some ideas are listed below, but you may add others. Poem Newspaper article Letter Journal entry Poster Invitation Birth certificate Card Game Map Role play Interview Devise an organized and relevant way to present your information. Creatively introduce the class to your hero. Be sure to explain what attributes and actions make your person a hero.

Multi-Genre Research Project Rubric

I used at least three sources to complete my research. I created at least three different genres as a result of my research. I explained why my person is considered a hero My research is organized, includes wellstructured sentences and strong word choice. My writing shows I have edited for spelling, capitalization and punctuation carefully.

4. Nominate your hero at (optional)

Name ____________________________________________ Bakita 2011-12 As a class brainstorm possible charitable organizations for our local everyday hero project. * * * * * * * * * * * *

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As a class, brainstorm possible sources of information that can be used to help you in writing about your hero Be as specific as possible. Dont forget to include reference books (ex: dictionary, etc). Remember your research will be on your local hero, the organization and cause he/she is connected to as well as the impact of his/her work. _________________________________ ______________________________ _________________________________ ______________________________ _________________________________ ______________________________ _________________________________ ______________________________ _________________________________ ______________________________ _________________________________ ______________________________ Next, go back and circle the sources that will provide the best information for YOUR research needs. 1. Check whichever option applies to you - I am working _______ alone or ______ with a partner (partners name: _______________________________________________) 2. Charitable organization I/we have chosen: __________________________________ 3. Cause/Concern: ______________________________________________________ 4. Hero I/we have chosen ________________________________________________

INITIAL next to each item upon completion: ___ I called an organization to find a hero ___ I contacted my hero and set up an interview for the following date: ______________ ___ I asked my hero or someone at the organization to send me brochures ___ I wrote interview questions 8-10 ___ I cited ALL of my sources on my Works Cited page ___ I used all the sources that I cited (if not, I deleted the ones I didnt use) ___ I have checked the rubric to make sure I have all of the requirements for my project

Name ____________________________________________ Bakita 2011-12 ___ I have turned in a copy for my teacher

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1. What are some of the research SKILLS that you learned throughout this unit that you can use again?

Self Evaluation

2. What RESOURCES were the most useful to you? Why?

3. What did you do well on this project?

4. What would you do differently next time?

5. How does the information in this unit relate to YOUR life?

6. What have you learned about sticking your neck out?

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