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David Wilock Event Horizon documentary Notes for book.

Apotheosis-human beings becoming like gods How aliens are presented to us is not how they look. They are look like humans. Diff forms of the human family. Black and green super beings. Government produced fake images of beings to hide their true identity as huemans. Diff forms of hueman beings. They can teleport, levitate and create things out of thin air. Addition to the book* The Ethiopic council witnessed everything and did not want to intrude on the growth and development of the planet Earth. The Earth was in a cycle of ignorance and needed to evolve and mature. All religions speak of angels and supreme beings. Hueman are the aliens. The golden age is coming of 2012. The great pyramid of Khufu is the most complex one. Use to be covered in white limestone casing stones it once looked like a pure marble sculpture. It appeared as a mirror when the sun shined on it. Significant years 2012. 2030 2057 and 2084. Correlate stories along with these dates for the book. *change your book to a more positive feel. The whiteman knew that his time was in the dawn of the new age of 2012 and he had already planned to silence the growth and enlightenment of the people of the earth. He has to fight for his survival. 2012-2084. 72 years for the earth to move one degree of the procession of the equinoxes. 25, 920 year cycle that presents the end of the age. 2012 to 2084 is a 72 year transitional process. The pyramid of the sun in mexico and in kemet have the same distance. Both built as pyramids and had similar calendars. The calendar in kemet was more complex and it was built around the great pyramid. Both flag 2012 as a important year or time frame. Lost city found near cuba. Pyramids, sphinxs, roads and buildings. Pyramids found were at least 10,000 years old. All planets are changing the same way earth is. Every 26 million years life on earth spontaneously changes and upgrades from one type of creation to another. Ancient sites harnessing energy, Menhirs- standing stones gives off enrgy on the planet from the core of the earth. Dolmens-cellars. They are in france, Scotland and England. Energy centers. Huge rock like structures. Huge rock on top. Three sides. Barrows- mounds. Found in England and in America. They also have entrances seemingly at the back of them. Inside are round rooms full of energy and some are longer than others. Henges are all love the earth including Stonehenge. Ley-lines are straight lines. Ancient sites built on the same lines. Built on energy lines. Ley lines are alignments

and patterns of powerful, invisible energy earth energy. These lines connect together temples, holy sites, churches, megaliths, circles, burial sites and monuments. All built on some of the same lines, Hyper dimensional Grid effects. Vile vortices. It was discovered that all disappearances and strange happenings were centered around 12 locations. These 12 locations are equally distant from each other. If the dots are connected they form a Icosahedron. Ivan Sandersons Vile vortice picture* If the vortices are in the water then the water is seen as circular whirl winds if you will and the fish around these areas in the water are electric. If you vibrate liquid with pure sound frequency such as a white key on a piano, you get geometric shape of the Icosahedron. Geometry is vibration as a crystal. 4000 sites fit on the planetary energy grid. The whole world seemed to know of this energy. Planetary grid system called UVG120 Krebs houses-veins of water running underneath houses criss crossing each other creating negative energy and damaging effects on your health. Cancer related. Scrambles your energy field. Effects your cellular structure/magnetic field. D Russian Pyramid Research; Built a 144 ft pyramid out of fiberglass and pvc pipe. They found that it increases the productivity of wells and highly substantial healing results. diseases and poisons, disease were also cut down. Strong electric activity generated at the apex of the pyramids. Store negative chemicals in the pyramids and it changes the make up the liquid into something positive. Up to 400% productivity of the seed growth. 400% bigger. Supercharged seeds. Earth quakes didnt happen as much around these pyramids. Bad weather and earthquakes are a result of the earth being upset. The earth is a living being. Humans create a disharmony with earth. Dr. Tszyan Kanchzhen; DNA transformation by a wave. Chinese scientist. Change DNA through a microwave.Energetically Rewriting DNA in all things.

Dr. Peter Gariaeve-Astonishing DNA Wave Transformation. He took eggs laid by a frog and zapped them with a laser light that had gone through eggs laid through a salamander. And the frog had salamander babies. The laser changed the DNA of the frog. Complete transformation from one generation to another. All you need is

the wave information that rewrites the DNA. DNA is like a jigsaw puzzle with more than one solution. All creatures change every 26 million years. Including the fall of the dinosaurs. All creatures on earth spontaneously changes in even intervals of time. Another cycle is 62 million years this goes way back to the original single cell organisms. Creatures evolved from one form to another. Human evolution is dramatically speeding up. professor John Hawks work shows that evolution is moving 100 times faster in the last 5000 years. Last 40,000 years have been a time of supercharged evolutionary change We are more genetically different from people of 5000 years ago than they were from the Neanderthals. Every one is IQs is increasing 3 points per decade. Hueman beings are becoming more intelligent average IQ is 100. People are more psychic (Sidereal Day). 400% increase in ESP ability with Galactic alignment. Happens 13 hrs 30 minutes local sidereal time 1p.m.

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