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Intranet is an interconnected netwrks, usually one tht uses tcp/ip protocol set and doesnt extend beyond the

organization tht created it. Business Applications for an Intranet Organizations everywhere are attempting to implement new, more efficient information technology solutions to common business needs. One of the key enabling technologies is an intranet: web-based applications running on the LAN to collect and display company information. This is one of the most versatile, cost-effective ways to support many business needs. Here are some examples of business applications that can be supported by an intranet (in conjunction with other server-side software such as a database): Information Management:

Strategic Decision Support Enterprise resource management On-Line Analytical Protocol (OLAP) for data analysis Financial data reporting system Time & leave system Procurement and supply system Travel system Employee skills management, teaming Balanced Scorecard data collection and reporting Knowledge management, metadata development Y2K status database Performance-based promotion decision support


Promotional presentations (multimedia) Customer support Customer surveys


Distributed development teamwork (detachments, partners) Process control Project scheduling and task tracking Calendars for people and meeting rooms

Process monitoring and data collection Productivity monitoring Activity-Based Costing Business Process Improvement support Signature authentication, approvals and tracking

Communications enhancement:

Secure communications Security testing and monitoring Registration form Internet telephone Video and teleconferencing Anonymous channel ("rumor mill") Threaded discussions Chat server Push technology Groupware, e.g. NetMeeting Web email

Document Management:

News CAD viewer & server File servers Forms server Document management, library Research support using Intelligent Agents and profiles Search tools Server statistics & reports


Online training Online testing and certification Colla borative training

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