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It's simple, secure, and you can contribute for free.

World Community Grid is an IBM sponsored

philanthropic initiative, started in November 2004.

A non profit organization that creates the world's largest public computing grid for running

research projects that benefit humanity.

Innovation that matters for the company and the world.


Any to any linkage of people, process, and systems Social media and the internet used to collaborate

Globally integrated resource pools accessible

Event capture and filtering for timely response Sensor solutions deliver new insights for action


Systems that automatically adjust to your business

Deep discovery/search collaboration with clients/partners Work automated for and changed by LOB leaders Best practices for aligning IT to business needs


Using existing grid computing technology to address critical humanitarian issues

Grid It

technology is simple and safe to use. a large system with massive


computational power that far surpasses the power of a supercomputer.


more than 590,000 members,2+ million

registered computers and 600,000+ years of run time and growing, World Community Grid is enabling research to be completed faster than ever before.

To volunteer, individuals register and download a small

software program from

The individual computer asks the server for and receives work, which is then processed when the computer has

idle capacity.

When the software program finishes the computation, it sends the work back to the server and receives new work.

The more computers that assist in processing work, the

quicker research is completed.


individual computer -- not the server --

always initiates contact, further securing your computer.


are limited and unsolicited

communications are not accepted. The files

are encrypted.

work through a firewall and uses

public-private key authentication.

Active Research There are 10 ongoing research


No to Schistosoma GO Fight Against Malaria Drug Search for Leishmaniasis Computing for Clean Water The Clean Energy Project - Phase 2 Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy - Phase 2 Help Fight Childhood Cancer Help Conquer Cancer Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 FightAIDS@Home


No to Schistosoma Feb2012


of the project is to identify the potential drugs that can be used for the treatment. Significance
It is a tropical disease caused by parasitic worms that are transmitted by freshwater snails. The disease kills 200,000 people each year and affects over 207 million people.


they use a program called VINA to carry out the virtual chemistry experiments that could help in identifying the potential drugs that can be used.

GO Fight Against Malaria Nov 2011

Mission of the project is to develop new drugs that cure drug resistant forms of malaria. Significance

Malaria is one of the three deadliest infectious diseases on earth and is caused by parasites that infect both humans and animals.. Over 3 billion people are at risk of being infected with malaria..

Approach They work on disabling the target molecules in the malarial parasite and the priority will be given to targets and candidate compounds which could attack the multi-drugresistant mutant "superbug" strains of the malaria parasite.


Search for Leishmaniasis Aug 2011 Mission of the project is to identify potential molecules for treatments of Leishmaniasis. Significance
It is one of the most neglected tropical disease More than 2 million are being infected with this disease.


they use a program called VINA to carry out the virtual chemistry experiments that could help in identifying the potential drugs that can be used for treatment.


for Clean Water Aug 2010 Mission of the project is to provide deeper insight on the efficient flow of water through a novel class of filter materials. This is future development low-cost/efficient water filters.
Significance Lack of access to clean water Diseases transmitted through unsafe water, in particular diarrhea.

dynamics calculations - where the motions of individual water molecules through the nanotubes are simulated - in order to get a deeper understanding of the mechanism of water flow in the nanotubes.

- They use large-scale molecular


Clean Energy Project - Phase 2 June2010 Mission of the project is to find new materials for the next generation of solar cells and later, energy storage devices. Significance

The fossil fuel based economy of the present must give way to the renewable energy based economy of the future.


Phase 1 - performed molecular mechanics calculations: Phase 2 is performing electronic structure calculations:


Cure Muscular Dystrophy - Phase 2 May 2009 The most common form of muscular dystrophy is Duchenne dystrophy 200 genes that cause neuromuscular disease are now known. Most neuromuscular diseases are due to genetic modifications In order to cure this they started the project called World Community Grid and the Decrypthon Molecular Docking Project.


Fight Childhood Cancer Mar2009 Mission of the project is to find drugs that can disable three particular proteins associated with neuroblastoma, one of the most frequently occurring solid tumors in children. Significance

Neuroblastoma is the most common tumors occurs in early childhood and it is the most common cause of death in children with solid cancer tumors.

performing virtual chemistry experiments to disable three particular proteins involved with neuroblastoma,that could make the disease much more curable by conventional methods such as chemotherapy.


Conquer Cancer Nov 2007 Mission of the project is to improve the results of protein X-ray crystallography that could help in treatment of cancer. Significance
Inorder to understand cancer and its treatment novel therapeutic approaches capable of targeting metastatic disease is to be discovered and able to diagnose. Improving X-ray crystallography will enable researchers to determine the structure of many cancer-related proteins faster.


Proteome Folding - Phase 2 - June

2006 The two main objectives of the project are to:

Obtain higher resolution structures for specific human proteins and pathogen proteins and Further explore the limits of protein structure prediction by further developing Rosetta software structure prediction. The goal of the first phase was to understand protein function. The goal of the second phase is to increase the resolution of the predictions for a select subset of human proteins.

World Community Grid has enabled my lab Scripps to engage in research projects that we would not have attempted in the absence of this powerful public computing grid. It's allowed us to complete complex work in six months that would have taken five years. - Professor Arthur Olson, Scripps Research Institute


Nov 2005

More than 60 million people have been infected with HIV since the epidemic began two decades ago. In 2001, AIDS had claimed an estimated 3 million lives. The average life expectancy in sub-Saharan Africa is currently 47 years. Without AIDS, it would have been 62 years. HIV is a "sloppy copier", in other words, it makes mistakes every time it replicates. By using a version of AutoDock software they can examine millions of candidate drug designs at the same time, and look at how they fare against known drugresistant mutants of HIV.

Completed Research 11 Computing for Sustainable Water. Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together - Phase 2. Influenza Antiviral Drug Search. The Clean Energy Project. Nutritious Rice for the World. AfricanClimate@Home. Discovering Dengue Drugs Together. Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy. Genome Comparison. Help Defeat Cancer. Human Proteome Folding.


wcg_boinc_6.10.58_windows_intelx86 to run the installer, and follow the


prompts that appear.

Click Run - Note: Please notice the Publisher is University of California, Berkeley. Click Next and Select "I accept the terms in the license agreement" and click "Next". Select the options and click "Next. Click Install and click Finish once the installation is completed.


the installation is complete, the BOINC

log in you in to World

Manager will run automatically, and should automatically Community Grid.







appears, just enter your Member Name and Password, and click "Next.







Community Grid.


Community Grid's success depends upon a massive volunteer force collectively contributing their unused computer time to accelerate research on humanitarian issues. Their partners are companies, universities and associations who are actively encouraging their employees, students, and members to join this vital effort. Now we also can be the partners and be part of the WCG.


Community Grid plans to run 7-10 projects a year. Universities, public and not-for-profit organizations can submit Request for Proposals. World Community Grid chooses projects based upon specific criteria, taking into consideration those that will most benefit through grid technology. IBM helps prepare the research for World Community Grid, including designing, testing and deploying software application.

We all do contribute our unused computer time for the noble cause

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