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Ex.No: Date: Aim:


To write a problem statement for the book bank management system. Problems in book bank: 1. Filling the form manually to register in book bank Have to fill the form manually, in order to register in the book bank. It may have any mistake if we register manually. 2. Due date to submit the book: To know the due date when to return the book in a book bank is difficult to know manually. It can be done by checking each and every persons details of books. 3. Reserve the book manually is a problem: In order to reserve the book manually is problematic. There is a big work to reserve the books by the candidates. They must not know the books availability to reserve the books. 4. Fine Money calculation for the books taken by the candidate: The fine money calculation may not be accurate when we calculate manually. The fine money may comes in case of books delay due date or in case of lost of books.

5. To check books availability manually: To check books availability manually is not easy. It can be done by checking the books each and every shelf. It may be done wrong by checking the books availability manually. 6. To know the persons who took the book is difficult: In order to find the candidates who took the books manually is difficult. It takes a lot of time and it may not be accurately to know if any of the details missed manually. 7. Maintaining books details and candidates details: Maintaining all the details of books and along with the candidate details manually is difficult. In some cases, to retrieve the details of books or candidates is not easy. 8. To know how many number of books each person took: Manually, it is difficult to know the number of books which is taken by each candidate. Manually it may go wring if we missed any calculation or details maintenance. 9. In order to renew the books once again in the book bank: Manually, it is difficult to know the renew times and the renew date. Candidates can renew the books number of times and use it. This may become a problem for the demand of books in the book bank. Result: Thus the problem statement for book bank management system is written.

Ex. No.: Date: Aim:


To write software requirement specification for book bank management system. Software Requirement Specification: 1. Introduction: 1.1 Purpose: The main objective of this document is to illustrate the requirements of the project Book Bank Management System. The document gives the detailed description of both functional and non functional requirements proposed by the client. The document is developed after a number of consultants with the client and considering the complete requirements specifications of the given project. The final product of the team will be meeting the requirements if this document. 1.2 Project Scope: This system allows the book bank staff to maintain book records. With the help of this system, the staffs should be in a position to tell about the availability of books, books provided. Moreover this system reports about the actions held in book bank. This system makes the work easier. 1.3 Overview: This system overall provides an easy solution to the staffs in book bank to keep track of members, stock of books and statistics.

2. General Description: 2.1 Product Description: This book bank management system replaces the traditional, manual book bank management by which lot of paper work will be reduced. This system will provide a search functionality to facilitate the resources. This search will be based on various categories viz book name or the ISBN. Also advanced search features are provided in order to search various categories. These staff should have a computer to view the details of the members. These staff should able to see the number of books that the particular person has taken from the book bank, details of the book, returned or taken. This is the primary feature. Another feature is that the book bank staff is able to edit the details. There should be a person to look after longtime pending of books. E-mail should be sent to members those who failed to return the book for long time. 2.2 Product Features: There are two different users who will be using this product: Book bank staff who will be acting as administrator The features that are available to the staff are: Can view the different categories of books available in the book bank. Can view the list of books available in each category. Can take the book returned from students. Add books and their information of the books to the database.

Edit the information of the existing books in the database. Can check the report of the issued book. Can access all the accounts of the students `. The features that are available to the members are: Can view the list of books available in each category Can view the different categories of books available in the book bank. Can own a ID by registering in the book bank system Can view the books issued to him/her. Can put a request for new book. Can view the history of books issued to him previously. Can search for particular book. 2.3 Design and implementation constraints: The product is developed using VB. The backend data base for this SQL server. The product is accomplished with login facility so that specific function is available to specific member of book bank. 2.4 User Documentation: The product includes user manual. The user manual will include product overview, complete configuration of the used software (such as SQL server), technical details, backup procedure and contact information which will include Email address. The database will be created in Microsoft SQL.

3. Functional Requirements: This action gives the list of functional requirements which are applicable to the book bank management system.

3.1 Description: Proposed Database is intended to store, retrieve, update and manipulate information related to university which includes Books availability Student details My account The administrator can login and when the administrator logs into the book bank system, the system will check for validity of login. If the login and the password are valid, the response to this action is the administrator will be able to modify, view, add, delete and all other functions that can be performed on the database. 3.2 Technical Issues: The system should be implemented using VB. 4. Interface Requirements: This section describes how the software interfaces with the other software products or users for input or output. 4.1 User Interfaces:

Describes how this product interfaces with the user. GUI: Describes the graphical user interface if present. This section should include a set of screen dumps or mockups to illustrate user interface features.

4.1.1 Description: The user interface must be customized by the administrator. 4.1.2 Criticality: This issue is essential to the overall system. All the modules provided with the software must fit into the GUI and accomplish to the standard defined. 4.1.3 Technical issues: In order to satisfy these requirements the design should be simple and the entire different interface should follow a standard template. 4.1.4 Risks: To reduce the circumstances under which this requirements might not able to be satisfied, all the designers must have been developed websites previously and they must be aware of html restriction and uses browser implementation before starting the designing. In order to reduce the design team will be trained in basic html development and macromedia fireworks. This tool will be used instead of Photoshop. 4.1.5 Dependencies and other requirements:

All user interfaces should be able to interact with the user management module and a part of the interface must be dedicated to the login/login module. 4.2 Hard Interfaces: A computer for users and another computer to hold all the details of books, members, etc. 4.3 Software interfaces: Database : SQL server VB

Application :

5. Other Non functional Requirements: 5.1 Performance Requirements: This system should work concurrently in multiple processors between the working hours in book bank. The system should support at least 10 users. 5.2 Safety Requirements: The database may get crashed at any certain time due to virus or operating system failure. Therefore, it is required to take the database backup. 5.3 Security Requirements: The book provider staff must be provided with a password to log on to the system. Only he/she can be able to modify the data, delete, append, etc. All other users other than office staff only have the rights to retrieve the information about database.

5.4 Availability: The system should be available during working hours. 5.5 Maintainability: There should be a facility to add or delete or update members and books.

5.6 Reusability: The same system will be used in every period of time. 6. Design Constraints: The system should be designed within 6 months

Result: Thus the SRS for book bank management system has been written. Ex. No.: Date: Aim: To identify the use case for book bank management system. Identification of usecases: (Rough) Registration Login Check books availability Reserve books Issue books Generating fine money Update database Borrow books IDENTIFYING USECASE AND ACTORS

Return books Logout Fair usecase: Registration Login Check books availability Reserve books Issue books Return books Generating fine money Log out

Identification of actors: Student administrator Use case diagram:


log in

check books availability


reserve book


issue book

return book

generating fine money

log out

Result: Thus the use case is identified. Ex. No.: Date: Aim: To write the use case scenario. Usecase Scenario: 1. Registration: USECASE SCENARIO

It is used to register personal details of the students in order to login and logout. Flow of Events: Basic flow: 1. Enter the name of the student, register number, sex, dept., address. 2. Click submit button to register in the book bank. 3. Click clear button to reset the registration. 4. Registered details are sent to the server for verification. 5. After verification, the server shows that the registration is done successfully. We can login into the book bank. Alternative flow: (A1) 1. Enter the registration number. 2. If we entered incorrect register number, it shows that the register number is incorrect. 3. It shows re-enter the register number.

Alternative flow: (A2) 1. Enter the register number. 2. If we enter the register number correctly, we can enter into the homepage of the book bank successfully.

Pre-condition: We have to fulfill all the details before registration. Post-condition: We can enter into the homepage of the book bank. 2. Login: It is used for authentication or identification of student. The student can login only after registration. Flow of Events: Basic flow: 1. Enter the login ID and password. 2. Click OK. 3. Verifying the login ID and password with the server. 4. The login ID and password is correct. 5. Enters into the homepage of book bank. Alternative flow: (A1) 1. Enter the login ID and password. 2. Click OK 3. Verifying the login ID and password with the server. 4. The login ID is incorrect.

5. It shows error page. Alternative flow: (A2) 1. Enter the login ID and password. 2. Click OK. 3. Verifying the login ID and password with the server. 4. The password is correct. 5. It will enter to the homepage. Pre-condition: Registered user can only login Post-condition: Enters into the homepage. 3. Checks books availability: It checks whether the book is available or not. Flow of events: Basic flow: 1. Enter the book name. 2. Server checks whether the book is available or not. 3. If entered book is not available, server shows that Results not found. 4. If entered book is available, it shows the result of the book.

Alternative flow: 1. Enter the book name. 2. Server checks whether the book is available or not. 3. Entered book is available. 4. Enters into the homepage. Pre-condition: The registered student can only check the availability of books. Post-condition: Shows whether the entered book is available or not. 4. Reserve the book: The students can reserve the book which they want to use by reservation through system. Flow of events: Basic flow: 1. Enter the book name. It sends to the server. 2. Server shows the number of books and the due date of that particular book if available. 3. So that we can able to reserve that book previously. Alternative flow: (A1)

1. Enter the book name. 2. If there is no book, it shows no results found. Alternative flow: (A2) 1. Enter the book name. 2. If books available in the book bank, we can reserve it for our own purpose. Pre-condition: The registered student can only reserve the book. Post-condition: Reserved book result is shown. 5. Issue the book: Books can be issued by the administrators with a specified due date. Flow of events: Basic flow: 1. Enter the book name which the students required. 2. The books are issued by the administrator with the due date. 3. Only certain number of books can be issued for each student. Alternative flow: (A1) 1. Enter the book name.

2. Already if a student took certain number of books, then the administrator will not issue further books to that particular student. Pre-condition: Only for the registered students the administrator can issue the books. Post-condition: After issue the books, update the database. 6. Return the book: The students can return the book to the administrator when they are not in need. Flow of events: Basic flow: 1. Students can return the books back to the administrator. 2. The returned books can be automatically deleted from that particular students record. Pre-condition: Only the issued books can be returned. Post-condition: After returning the books, the returned books get automatically deleted from the record. 7. Generating fine:

The fine money can be generated from the students by the administrators in the case of any damage or late submission of the books, etc.

Flow of events: Basic flow: 1. Enter the register number to login. 2. Shows the generated fine money for the student. 3. The generated fine money collected from the students by the administrator. Alternative flow: (A1) 1. Enter the register number. 2. If there is no fine money, it shows zero. Pre-condition: Registered students only can view the fine money generation. Post-condition: If there is no fine money then log it out. 8. Logout: The logout is to come out of the book n=bank home page after all necessary things.

Flow of events: Basic flow: 1. Close all the tabs. 2. Log out from the homepage.

Pre-condition: Close all the tabs. Logged in students can logout. Post-condition: Students get logged out from the homepage.

Result: Thus the usecase is explained. Ex. No.: Date: Aim: To draw the sequence diagram. Sequence Diagram: Registration: Basic flow: SEQUENCE DIAGRAM

student : student 1: enter the student details



2: send to server to verify 3: check with server 4: registration successfull

Alternative flow (A1):

student : student



1: enter student details 2: send to server to verify 3: check with server 4: incorrect details

5: re-enter the details

Alternative flow (A2):

student : student 1: enter student details



2: send to server to verify 3: checks with server 4: verified successfully

5: enter into next hme page


Basic flow:

student : student



1: enter login ID & password 2: sends to server to verify

3: checks id & pswrd 4: enter into next home page

Alternative flow: (A1)

student : student



1: enter id & password 2: send to server to verify

3: checks with server

4: verified & show next hme page

Alternative flow: (A2)

student : student 1: enter login id & pswrd



2: send to server to verify

3: checks id & psswrd 4: shows incorrect id

5: re-enter the id & pswrd

Checks books availability: Basic Flow:

Student : student 1: enter book name



2: send to the server 3: checks with server 4: show books availability

5: can reserve or issue

Alternative flow: (A1)

student : student



1: enter the book name 2: send to server to verify

3: checks with server

4: show books avail

5: reserve or issue

Alternative flow (A2):

Student : student 1: enter book name



2: send to server

3: check with server

4: shows no books fouind

5: log out

Reserve book: Basic flow:

student : student 1: enter the book name



2: send to server 3: server checks 4: server shows no. of books & due date

5: reserve the book 6: show reservetion successfull

Alternative flow: (A1)

student : student 1: enter the book name



2: send to server

3: checks the book name

4: server shows no books found

5: log out

Alternative flow (A2):

student : student 1: enter book name



2: send to sever

3: checks the book name

4: shows no. of books & due date

5: reserve the book

6: reservetion successfull

Issue book: Basic flow:

student : student 1: enter register no.



: admin

2: send reg no. to server 3: checks the reg no 4: shows the no. of books issued 5: issue the book

6: stores in database

Alternative flow:

student : student 1: enter the register no.



: admin

2: send to server

3: check the reg no. with server

4: show the no. of books issued 5: cannot issue if more than 4 books

6: log out

Return Book: Basic flow:

student : student 1: return books to admin

: admin


2: enter in the screen 3: automatically delete from db

Generate fine money: Basic flow:

student : student 1: enter register numb



2: send to server 3: checks reg no. with server 4: shows generated fine

Alternative flow:

Student : student 1: enter reg no.



2: send to server to verify reg no.

3: check reg no. with server

4: shows no fine money, if not

Logout: Basic flow:

student : student 1: close all tabs


2: all tabs are closed

3: click log out 4: logged out from home page

Result: Thus the sequence diagram is drawn. Ex. No.: Date: Aim: To draw the collaboration diagram. Collaboration Diagram: Registration: Basic flow: COLLABORATION DIAGRAM

3: check with server

2: send to server to verify screen 4: registration successfull server

1: enter the student details

Student : student

Alternative flow (A1):

1: enter student details 5: re-enter the details screen

Student : student 4: incorrect details 3: check with server 2: send to server to verify


Alternative flow (A2):

1: enter student details 5: enter into next hme page screen

Student : student 4: verified successfully 3: checks with server 2: send to server to verify



Basic flow:
1: enter login ID & password screen

Student : student 4: enter into next home page 3: checks id & pswrd 2: sends to server to verify


Alternative flow (A1):

1: enter id & password screen

Student : student 4: verified & show next hme page 3: checks with server 2: send to server to verify


Alternative flow (A2):

1: enter login id & pswrd 5: re-enter the id & pswrd screen

Student : student 4: shows incorrect id 3: checks id & psswrd 2: send to server to verify


Check books availability: Basic flow:

1: enter book name 5: can reserve or issue screen

Student : student 4: show books availability 2: send the server 3: checks with to server


Alternative flow (A1):

1: enter the book name 5: reserve or issue screen

Student : student 4: show books avail 3: checks with server 2: send to server to verify


Alternative flow (A2):

1: enter book name 5: log out screen

Student : student 4: shows no books fouind 3: check with server 2: send to server


Reserve Book:

Basic flow:
6: show reservetion successfull 1: enter the book name 5: reserve the book screen

Student : student

4: server shows no. of books & due date 3: server checks 2: send to server


Alternative flow (A1):

1: enter the book name 5: log out screen

Student : student 4: server shows no books found 3: checks the book name 2: send to server


Alternative flow (A2):

6: reservetion successfull

1: enter book name 5: reserve the book screen

Student : student 4: shows no. of books & due date 3: checks the book name 2: send to sever


Issue book:

Basic flow:

6: stores in database

1: enter register no. screen 5: issue the book : admin

Student : student

4: shows the no. of books issued 3: checks the reg no 2: send reg no. to server server

Alternative flow (A1):

1: enter 6: the log register out no. screen 5: cannot issue if more than 4 books : admin 4: show the no. of books issued 3: check the reg no. with server 2: send to server

Student : student


Generating fine money: Basic flow:

1: enter register numb screen

Student : student

4: shows generated fine

2: send to server

3: checks reg no. with server


Alternative flow:

1: enter reg no. screen

Student : student 4: shows no fine money, if not 3: check reg no. with server 2: send to server to verify reg no.


Logout: Basic flow:

2: all tabs are closed 4: logged out from home page

1: close all tabs 3: click log out screen

Student : student

Result: Thus the collaboration diagram is drawn. Ex. No.: Date: Aim: To draw the class diagram. Class diagram:
student name : string dept : string user id : string password : string book name : string author name : string registration() login() check books availability() reserve book()


1..* 1

administrator register no : integer due date : integer issue() return book() generating fine money() update database()

Documentation: The class diagram of book bank consists of class name, attributes and operations. Here we are using two classes in the book bank management. In the class student, the attributes we are using is name, dept, user id, password, book name, author name. The operations we are using is Registration: It is a function used to register the student details through system. Login: It is a function used to login into the book bank home page. Check books availability: It is a function used to check books availability in the book bank. Reserve book: It is used to reserve the book

In the class administration, the attributes we are using is register number, due date. The operation we are using is Issue book: It is used to issue the books by the administrator. Return book: It is used to return the book by the administrator. Generate fine money: It is used to generate fine money for the students to pay. Update database: It is a function used to update database. Result: Thus the class diagram for book bank is created and drawn. Ex. No.: Date: Aim: To draw the statechart diagram. Statechart diagram: STATECHART DIAGRAM

registration entry/ fill the application form in the system do/ press submit button to register exit/ registration successfull

login entry/ enter user name & password do/ pres submit button exit/ logged into home page

student entry/ enter book name & author name do/ press submit button exit/ reserve the book, check books availability

administrator do/ issue the book exit/ issued with due date

return do/ return book if no fine money event Undefined/ automatically delete from database exit/ returned books

Documentation In the state chart diagram, the states we are using is registration, login, issue book, return books. In the state registration, fill the form and submit it. In the state login, by entering the user name and password, the student can login into the system.

After login students can reserve books, check books availability the book name and author name. Administrator can issue return book and return book only if no fine money.

Result: Thus the statechart diagram is drawn. Ex. No.: Date: Aim: To draw the activity diagram ACTIVITY DIAGRAM

Activity Diagram:

login entry/ enter user name & password event Undefined/ press submit button exit/ logged into home page

reservation entry/ enter name,address, dept event Undefined/ press submit button exit/ registration successfull





check books availability reserve book entry/ enter book name event Undefined/ press submit button exit/ reserve book entry/ enter book name event Undefined/ press submit button exit/ shows books availability

issue event Undefined/ issue the book exit/ issue with due date

result exit/ no books found

not available


return book do/ return book if no fine money event Undefined/ automatically delete from database exit/ returned books

log out


We can start the activity diagram by registration and login. In login, if the username and password is correct, then the student and administrator can enter into the homepage of the book bank. If it is not correct then re enter the username and password. Student can reserve and check books availability. If the book is not available, then the screen will display Results not available. If the book is available, the administrator can issue and return the books. Then the Students and administrator can logout.

Result: The activity diagram is drawn. Ex. No.: COMPONENT DIAGRAM

Date: Aim: To draw the component diagram. Component diagram:

Book Bank


Administ rator

registrat ion.obj


check availability.obj

reserve book.obj



generating fine money.obj

update database.obj


The main component is Book bank. The sub component of book bank is Student and Administrator. The files available in Student component are registration.obj, login.obj, check availability.obj, reserve book.obj. The files available in Administrator component are issue.obj, return.obj, generating fine money.obj, update database.obj.

Result: The component diagram is drawn. Ex. No.: DEPLOYMENT DIAGRAM

Date: Aim: To draw the deployment diagram. Deployment diagram:

book bank


wan book bank at avadi

book bank at adyar

Documentation: The book bank at Adyar and book bank at Avadi are connected to the book bank server. The server can view the details of Adyar branch and Avadi branch like books availability, member details, etc. Deployment diagrams represents that the server of book bank is connected through wan to the many branches of book bank. It is represented by 3 dimentional box. Result: The deployment diagram is drawn. Ex. No.: CODE GENERATION

Date: Aim: To write the code to implement the project. Coding: Class student { Public: String name; String dept; String user id; String password; String author name; Public: Void registration() { } Void login() { } Void check book availability() { } Void reserve book()

{ } };

Class administrator { Public: Int registerno; Int due date; Public: Void issue() { } Void return book() { } Void generating fine money() { } Void update database()

{ } };

Result: Thus the code is generated to implement the project.

Conclusion: In the book bank project, use case diagrams, use case scenario, sequence diagrams, collaboration diagrams, class diagram, state chart diagram, activity diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram are used and drawn. The use cases are set of scenario to guide together set by students. the scenario is the sequence of steps describing and interaction between a student and the administrator. It is the kind of interaction diagram in which an object is shown as a box at the top of the dash vertical line. The vertical line is called object life time. The life time represent the objects life. In a collaboration diagram objects are shown as icons as on. A collaboration diagram arrow indicates the message send within the given usecase. The sequence is indicated by numbering the message The class diagram consists of attributes and the operations. The attributes used in the class are used to do the operations. The state diagram is a diagram used to describe the behavior of the system. The state diagrams require that the system described is composed of a finite number of states. Events involved in the state chart diagram are registration, login, issue, return book, reserve. An activity diagram is variation are special case of state machine in which the state or activity representing the performance of operation and transition are triggered by completion of operation. The activity is shown as rounded box containing the name of operation.

The component diagram shows how the physical components of a system are organized. Component diagrams helps to model the physical aspect of an object oriented software system. The component diagram is represented by figure dependency and it is a graph of design of figure dependency. The deployment diagram in the unified modeling language serves to model the physical deployment of artifacts on deployment targets. Deployment diagrams represents that the server of book bank is connected through wan to the many branches of book bank. It is represented by 3 dimensional box. The deployment diagram shows 1. Deployment of software elements to the physical architecture and 2. Communication between physical elements.

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