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Octorara Administration Office

228 HIGHLAND ROAD, SUITE 1, ATGLEN, PA 19310-1603 Phone: (610) 593-8238 Fax: (610) 593-6425 Thomas L. Newcome II, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools

To: From: Date: Re:

Board Directors Tom Newcome April 8, 2013 Budget Reduction Considerations

As you requested I have put together a list of options to reduce spending. Each item has been brought forth previously in other budget discussions. Some items have been addressed in part, if not fully, in previous budget discussions. This list is not in priority order. Each idea has been rejected in some manner in the past for good reason but you may now feel that an item could be reduced/eliminated because our times require such. I have not drilled the numbers down but rather have provided estimates. If you direct me to work up more exact numbers I will do as directed. I did not want to spend too much time moving beyond the estimates until you request such measures be taken. We know from experience that there will be advocates on both sides of the items listed. Some of the items bring out strong emotional connections for varying segments of the community. I will gladly speak to the pros and cons for any item on this list. I will provide more detailed information as requested. One should not add up the numbers down the page and come to a conclusion that there is a total savings available based on this addition. Several of the items present options and only one is applicable and if chosen might eliminate another option. 1. Bussing Considerations: Eliminate Bussing Double Bus Run (eliminate bus) 2. Do Not Replace Retirees or Resignations Teachers Instructional Assistants 3. Reduce Number of Instructional Assistants 4. Kindergarten Restructuring: Eliminate Kindergarten Reduce Kindergarten to Half Day 5. Reduce Hours of Instructional Assistants Approximately $600,000 Approximately $100,000 Approximately $80,000 ( hr) Approximately $80,000 each Approximately $12,000 each Approximately $60,000 Approximately $2,500,000 Approximately $60,000

6. Reduce Building Budgets: 10% Reduction 20% Reduction 7. Non-athletic Supplemental Contracts 8. Athletics (Transfer From General Fund) 9. Eliminate Summer Literacy Camp 10. Eliminate Summer Kindergarten Outreach 11. Eliminate Website 12. Eliminate Automated Calling System 13. Eliminate Use of Colored Paper 14. Reduce Use of Paper 15. Energy Savings: Eliminate Classroom Appliances Close Buildings @ 5:00 p.m. Approximately $6,000 Approximately $6,000 Approximately $60,000 Approximately $120,000 Approximately $175,000 Approximately $230,000 Approximately $35,000 Approximately $10,000 Approximately $5,000 Approximately $2,500 Approximately $2,000 Approximately $3,500

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