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TYPE OF LIGHTING: SPECIFIC LIGHTING INDIRECT LIGHTING ACCENT LIGHTING GENERAL LIGHTINGLUMINOUS INTENSITY - the luminous flux emitted per unit solid angle by a light source, expressed In candelas CANDLEPOWER - luminous intensity expressed in candelas CANDLE -a unit of luminous intensity used prior to 1948 equal to the luminous intensity of a wax candle of a standard specifications CANDELA - the basic SI unit of luminous intensity equal to the luminous intensity of a source that emits monochromatic radiation LUMINOUS FLUX - the rate of flow of flow visible light per unit time expressed in lumens LUMEN - the SI unit of luminous flux equal to the light emitted in a solid angle of one steradian by a uniform point source having an intensity of one candela LUX - the SI unit of illumination equal to one lumen per square meter FOOT- CANDLE - a unit of illumination on a surface that is everywhere one foot from a uniform point source of one candela and equal to one lumen incident per square foot LUMINANCE - the quantitative measure of brightness of a light source or an illuminated surface equal to the luminous intensity per unit protected area of the source or surface viewed from a given direction LAMBERT - a unit of luminance or brightness equal to 0.32 candela per square centimeter FOOT LAMBERT - a unit luminance or brightness equal to 0.32 candela per square foot BRIGHTNESS - lighting that provides illumination to special object like sculptures - type of lighting where 90- 100% of light output is directed to ceiling or upper walls - lighting used primarily to draw attention to particular points of interest

- the sensation by which an observer is able to distinguish between differences in luminance

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